ORýACURIOUS MYSTIERY EXP ".INEID. 9.0HÂPTE£ XXX.-(ýoônt'd> ii.o 'An 11%4t &*hali part joui the guents be- c0! beigfree once- more, i enougli PA té' iV0- 'ist, -Mrm.Boni. j o make thiù the h arie,- 9ppi ut Christ- fc-ad Cecil, with the clildren,I mkas Ihave è'rer known-to 8,7 flo- whe helped'to light the tye.; then thi g geftrng rMd of thée other MIne. Lechertier, la4en wygh xe'cloud. I sounetizn.e wonde r whaiý ci the mont " 4 4aisboui$ oes~ r "iW dbave.bOlw o! z01e il 1 had atst4ir ther;, ýcam&e,%n abLupt kzýoek, tyu i~e oeii4dins *ih tbiey 'toit:mreobl o1 'fom tli1'il> yourh içp> have been gilaiijiy sr fi, saen id, Mfuii»g. Swanhiild riu $o 'open theo door,& nd " t i in seffe waysdreadfui t6 *0 take his ,but &Bd oat fxvm se boeW mucb depnds, on <Wte a Rler e se flthing,','id Fit"- ,4bwgt ifoireheLI!a8 uiüuuually free f1,m And penhaps, oouid bha v. seen wriflkleu M -ho .entered and shook into Ceil's heart, hie w9o21di have bande 1ýfîl Sigrld, 'and he* owe been moi' than_ ever iznpressed with- and i ed quite giaciougiy U shO thil, ides. Ifintouoed hizn te the ether guests. Before long thiey rejt,d.the reet. r Th« h.,Waked r.otind the Christ-' cf the party, ai hn i stand- mas-tre - wlth an ait ofsastisfaction,, ing round--the trot, theysuiig'"Gla- Énd even 'sto.oped 1-orward andldelig Jul," and an English carol, mnéiiled îjý. after which the presents were dis- dio ir'hosaid, oontenfechy,-* yô tributed, amid muoh 'laughter and keoP uP,tbe, aid custom,'e, 1 ym quite a Babel cf talk. 'ne whoie 'gI.ad oi it-I'm glad -of it. It'.;yearu entertainment. -liad been-,given for' OW a properiy dressed a few shillings,. but it was probably heavene 1 t makes me leti lilce a ci the season, for ailueemed ful of byagauiniII'm giad you don't,1ol- réal enjoyment; and alwere ready Io* âwith the..multitude, but.keep to e'<> Lance'. outspkon verdict ô the good eld Yule ceremonjes. that Chriatmaa-trees linuiodel In the . ni-ntime Cecil WAH pour- lo4gings were muvh niceçr than a.ny- lng -out 'teaý and cofféesini the - it where else. ehien, wht, for greater coonveni- "B*ut it i8n't fair that the mode) enoe, -the ble had been placed. iedgings ehouild have both Christ- etgidbs owdmet, omas-evç and Qhrietmas-day," eaid Iay.epand not visitor,d' she Mrs. fBoniface, "so you will coin. aaýid, lau«hingly, te Frithiof. IIIdowvn te Rôwan Tre ouoe. thi. .v- told ber ohé must be in, the o ereînand ta'wt'u for a few room te ts.k to evory one after the daya, wi o- nestingt e - English-fashieon,- for you and Sweana-n eesin hegn hild wiIl be t<oc busy fetching--and erai entreaty, and undeed, now that carring.aIl was cleared up, Frithie! looked âmar glad Vo havé a chance ci for.ward very much to stayn g once eaYing One word alone to you,", more in -the household which had said Frithicf. »- "Àre you. sure that grown se homiezlke Vo hini. It wae Mns. Boniface dote fot object t<, arranged-thatthey ehoula 'go down- this new plan as8Vothe partner- to Brixton lterin theguest m it, ahip ily ~~and when higes adIt ahip? she je delighted about i,"1 Sigrid began & little sadiy Vo make said Cecil. "And she wilî tell you the necessary - preparations. She no wlen - sho hae you; to herself- I wa e ager Vo- go, à nd à t omietWnig arn glad-e-o very glad, that ye*ur« told her that nover again under the trouble is, over et Iast, adev-ery- same circumetancea would the littie thig lere u.".. household .b. uhcler hier cars. 'I can' hardly -believe it yet," Iwiii take in the trets to ti. eaÃŽd Fnithiof. "inm afraid cof wak- H81li-fielde8," ghe eaid: "etiei. li- îng and flnding. that ail tixis je a dren- will be 'piea.eed withb it. And dream. Yet .it feele rial, while I Fnit.hiof, don't you Vhink th.st ho- talk to you,'for you were the oniy - ore we leave~ you lied botter juat /Outsider who beJie -ve? in me a n a and thaznk Mr. Osmond for hie (,theered me up last summer., I help, and for heving been so kind shail neveà forget your trus to < Swanhild î Ho will like Vo know me.0 that al la cleared up." Herý eyèia unk beneath hie frank- Frithiof agreed, and set off -for leo o!graitue.. 8. w. br-Guilford Square. The nlight waqs rlook afraide she edhry froesty, sand the etare s ione eut hri f, s to, e hdoulheraingbright and cdean.: Ho walked brisk- herewhianoh surghed pitoer fao i y tirough the streeta, net. exact- &lie' turned away and busied -herso1f '17 ldng the Propc fheitr withtii.tea. et whch dd ~ view wit~h the. clergyman, yet anxi- waithte e-ot hch>g nta oua te gat it over, and reeily grate- want e iiifui for what had been dont by him. ."You bave forgotten Signer Do- Cais Osmond recoived hum 80 nati,1' ehe said, recovening ber kndyethtfie-n T'am ensh ed et once, and ho told him, juet 1ïmuet write to hii, " said how the flve-pound note had a!- Frithiof. 'II more and more won- fecto-d his Iife, andi h<w na1llwI' dee bow-h. ould possible have had sueh b slgit lnto, Vhe truti. Hem. -ocines Mr., Bonifece and Itoy." He turne! Vo the parler, whilo -Ceci) frein Vie. background watched Vie greetinge witi smre cuniosity. In honon o! Hlerr Siverteen, and te please Fnithiof, hoti Sigrid and- Swaaihiid wome thein Herdanger peasant drese, snd Cocil tieugit aie ad nover esen Sigrid look pret- tien <rtien n6waishehiooi banda with ' ey, -welconiing hlm with al Vhs cbarm o! menuer, wlth ail the vivîcity which wais chairacteniatic of ber: '-"Tee for Mr. Boniface, end M tee for-lRoy," a.nnounced Swnnhftd, dancing, in. -"Lance, yen cen baud the Viecrumpets, eaid mind yen dcu't drc'p them ail." :- Si. pioneere4 him eaely -hrough. tbe- 'Itti.. crowd, aud FnVtiol ne- Vurnied Vo Cecl. Tbey had e com- fortabble littIe tete-e-tete over Vis i" dans te think now," -le oaid, lo! the actuel sameunt of Vie debto, fr'at-lest tiée is a. certainty that iý ime I cen- pay theu. " "IwgloWd I amt"1'said Ceci. 'It wlLbs a greet relis'f te ou>." "$Yen, iV wili ho lUes gettîng nid o! a hau'ntlng dernon," said Fnith- been satie.facitorily expueuned. 1"Such ..o0incideuces are very strange," said Charl.s Osumond; "lb,: iV lu notet ii.frst time Vint I have cerne acrose heomething e! that sont. Indeed, I know e! a case vony sirnllar te y<>ure." "If Lady rnmieux is stili with yeeaid Fnithiof, fiuoiing e lit- Vie, "perie-pe you wili teilf er Vint- ail eest oreight, and'tieni ber fer ha.ving released Swenid !nom ber promise." "She le etill here," saict Charles Osmond, "and I will centainly teill bher. I thin k wbeu aie gave thei meney te your'gister aie yieided te e kind impulse,' net et ail realiz- iug how fooà lisi and uselesa suci e plan wae. After ail, thougi ais bas live-d tiougi se muci, she le atill in soee weys e mers child." He looked ettVhs N-orwegian, won- dcnung whît lay boneeti Viat baud- somo face, with ite Grecian oUftline sud nortienn coloring. As if ln ane'wen tte sthougit, Frit-.hie!' raioed Iie f renie blus eyco, and met the searching gaze o! bis ceînpanion. "XVill not. Lord Remiaux remein- ber lier yojithl",ho snid. "'Do yen net thiink there ie a-t ]east a hope Vint ho wiii fergive ber?" Thon ùCiarles Osmond feit -a! strange giadneso et -is heart, and' over is face tiere came a look o! indescnibabie content. For - the word, reveale! te hi M« the noble na- ture of!tVie man before hlm; he knew tint not oe in a Vhotusand wouid bave se speken under the cir-' cumetances. -The interest he had -eIt i this man, wi.ose story- hnd accideutally becoine kuewn to him. 4ohenged te actuel love. "I am net witiout e otreng hope ti4t thes»e tWo Wiu eh atuned,'t ho repiied. "But as yet I do net ikiew onougl i 9! Ler4 Hernieux Vtu l1 'aura. IV wPu1d probebly .1nv9lys Vie sacrifice of bis pub.li h!. I do oVino wbother bh lve ilequal suha sacrifice, or wbetbor ho. has estVengt1;- and courage. enoug6 to à ffend Vie world, an whther 1Q In Vie ieast undenstanda the iaw-ct>f "i- you- eould oiiy get te o cw. hizm,yp said Fnithiof. ta III quite hope te di o ,an tt beloe.Ion ," onid Chenles Osmond. 'II tuinl, Ic&n-_geV -et him through1 a mutuel 'frlend-too member !or and," in $il. pinic: Éiche'l oin. "sfr Fnithief, in that moment ho realized that his. ea.niy passion -was hndeeddead. lts fi-erce fire lied uttez1y bunied eut; Vhs earypi b.e hed fôtugbt 'se long wase at an' ed,' ail thet wae now boft wae. a chivaîrouse regard -for thej woman 'who had ma~de hlm- sufer so fear- euiiy, e seifish desirs fer hon futunie safety. a Hs strodo t.oward ber with eut- stretched hand. IV 'was Vhs firet time he had. actualiy'Veuchsd ber since 'they hed parted- long ago- on ths steamer Balholm, but ho dld net thiuk -o! thettVhs pust % hiéh had lingared with'iim wither. i lika Vhs raiment e! a Viking whose buri- ed ship in suddeni3r cxpoeed Vo Vie air. "I have just been elling Mn. Os. mond," he seid, "tint, t6hst V your.noe to teSwanblld, a f;luEi mygeory hme heen expiained; he will tell -ybuVier, dotails. " "And you forgive me?'" falterod Blanche. I"Ys, with ail my heent," b. said. For a moment hon sorewfui eyes *ooked into hie; oie knsw then that h. had entlreuy fnsed hirn.sclf from hie cid devotien te honr, fcethey znet hon gaze frankiy,' fearlessi and in heirbluë--deptlWthere wes nothing but kindà ly forgivenees.-, "Thenk ycqu," she. 'ïiêide,'once moe takhng hi. baud. "Good- bye." "Good-bye, " h. nepiied. She-turned eway sand wsnt ap- staire witiout e netlher word. And. Vhu'e, on hs Cbhstmas-eve, Vhe twe whose lives had 'been se stnangely woven togetier, parted, neyer Vo meet egain iii Vie doer lgit of some other world had ne- vealed te Vhem Vhs fuli meanung of their early love. (To be oontlnued.) The Wrong One. A yeung man had bren celiing1 now and tien on a young lady, wien, one nigbt as ho sat in the parier waiting for her 'te corne down, ber inother entered Vie recin in*tead, and eeked hlm in a very grave, uternway whst his inten- tions were. H., turned very red, and was about te etemmer eems inoohenent reply, wisn suddenflyj Vhs youug -lady celied d.own f rei the head -o! Vhe' stairs "Mamma, memma, Viat is nettVhseue 1" go Long Às ItIfimn't Work. "'Your hu.sband ie very fend cf "Yss, if ho- cen geV it in any otien way Vian with Vie,-enow shovel." t. tithe CLEANEST, 5IMPLEST, sud BDUT HOME DYE, on* con buy..Whry ou dont even have tQ knowwhat KFND of Cloib your Géodeor*f0mde ot--So Mistakesa ave Imiposuible. Send'ýfor Fee Color C2rd, Stot>' Hooklet. and Bookkî glvlng reaules of Direlni *ver othecolora. The. J0HNSON.RICHRJDSOq< C0.. umitad. Montzea. Canada. la ln a c!=s bi, tsolf-the contezt ru.rnng, the rnost eubstantlalgb:iýi, the most aatWzactory wasber. cmu Invented. S Onty washer worked wtth a-ank lundi. ut aide as weil as top lever-and the only on@ arbore the- wbol. top OPenaUP. ikiag Oyetei Sweet Sandwiches. Danuty sandw iches eesily- preper- sd for afterneeu tee bhave eweet fil- linge. 'Brewn, white or rye bread, with cruets removed aud olioed very thin, rnay be use!, or Vie mixtures Are nice ou unleavened wnfers on buttened crackers. A pleeoing v-a- niety le te spread cnlsp biittcred tost witi Vie filling8 instead of maiing lu sandwich form. A stiffly wiipped cream umakes e goed base for ma.ny fillinirs. Sweoten witi cenfectioners' eugar and astir 'lnchopped dates and ground Englioli -waluuts; agaiq f resily grted coconnut cmr grateýd sweet ci-ocdlate and melted martih- mal]bows. Hot marsh-rnallow f, dge le oespcciebly nicesandwich ûlii ng, especielly wien uoed ou thin slices o! "!coffe. cake." A nice orange fd.4ing le mae frein a syrup e! sugan and' watex, the grated inde e! oranges and Vie strsaned ule. Thieoken 'wth n lit- Vie çQ>nntarch. - Cool sud spre thlokly on, the. breeci. Cherry butter, mixe! with fineliy eboppod pecans, ake an appetiz- ing sandwich.. Nnts are mie wîth sny jarm or pxi.serves, and espoiai- lv good,-WiVi sploed fruits or maras- china cheris,,or bananas marin-, nted lin runi. Cakes. - Buttemilk Okes.-One quart o! batrik, eue level Vesapoonful o! mit, tçt gflour to make a thini Ibutter su ëd. ù4tesaps1uofe! lç- 'cinnamon, and 'o nG Ã"flnce *as siVn but ho' M. Btora s-ý.i :nutmeg.-.Bake m a very 814 l1r c oeve.-»e,.'n. o!ha ut fkveb oura &ud wté~ stantly, siV wii hujum 6511. The"Brdrik C ~i 1-~ Coffee Spice Uake.-Threo table- 1~io' i ie, n r t Jç4M Berekw for over in hot spons uttronehai 'u'paug~,wat, Aterhià unfortunete ex~- one-haif cupmoas, one-half cup inenoe at Vhe War Office, during- ooi cffe, n~ gg eu-hll rtfrwhiclah. he .te face the etorm, spoon séoda, thre-qepers teaà pwon Which aro se, et th.e onciuson o! cinnamnlon., ens-baliu eà spon cio1 ,Vb-&thAfeaj 'r ad a4te onpebg.if saapo ausice, n-! eur the blame net oniy for hie own' eupcunant, Vo cpe leu, es- iistakee but. aise for those o! othere hall cup raisins. Cream the butter,^ e-hm ole e otoh. add augar graduaiiy, thon the'eg apcneëeceay citV weil beaten and molasses. x _~for Ixiia. H.fe ileamere- fler wth pics ad sdaandaddplacid post, but only held it !rom f ruit. Adil te mixture alternately 1903-1905, when bis jperty , was with coffce. Bake in a long pan turnod eut cf office. a&nd freet with coffos or hrown 'u- Thý;1firot 1-viis166int-Midieèten wes gar iclng. fb7 Alan 'Bnixlick ,-h wb as lerd Chan- Layer. Cake.-Rub one cup ofbu-cellor 01 Ireland, and the family Ver te a cream -with twe cups of ~-.-- sugan, add the. beeten .yoike o! four p~. ..-. egis, one cup of niilk, the -whi'pped tel whites c ef ii gp, thre upe fie r , thnee teaspoons h aking pcwder, Iijj ;!!$t.1. -one cup of milk. Bake in thre. ay :t>;.t.4ii ers., Foi chccolate fresting or fil- ling boil one cup sugar and4t thîrdr of a cup cf water without'stirring JijI',i.w until it threads, pour on the beeten white of an egg, beat ste.adiiy, ad- ~~jj.~.. ~ . ding Vwo, heaping tablea&poon.s cf IJI1~ graed chocolats, twe tableepeeons- cream, a half teaspoon. butter, and ateaepoon vnia hen Vhs m*x 1ii1 ture la lukewarm use as filling or, icing Ipr cake. Wik:ii1 H1ousehold Ilints. b. einve. Ti~bacon should h. Oô cd 0thin tint it is aiment trinsparent. The. etrained ilquor et. Vhs oystersý should be adjled.Vo- t6e bafttr, and %i'the sagoning jsionidongrit of sait anýCayenne: jpepper. The hatten is lighter'-when- made--wM ithou net batton melted, but-the. où ehouId be purs and free from any panticulan aste. Neyer use oil if iV le in the ieast, rancid; it wil nuin the flevor et the kromsskie< Tii. best proportiops for "a ligbt. batter ans Vwo table- L poonfuls o! oil wanmed lu a quar- 1ter o! a,.'pint of watez, beeten into, La quarter di, a'pound of Vhe finest wheat foeur, adding Vhs yollc of an egg. When &il is weil beaten whip up the white of Vhs egg te a stiif froti and mix iV Vhroughiy but lightly with the batter. Make this bai-ter just befoire it ha needed for frylng.- -Another eyeter savory, which ie quick snd easy, je te beat together iil frothy thnce egge, witb six table- spoonfu-Is o! thick'cneamn. Add a libenel emount of sea.soning. Place in email china namekins or ornai1 severy. cupe à native cyster, cover a littis cheppod tarragon and set in Vhs aven, for Vw-oi er;,three min- utes. Stand Vhs china -caes in a in filllsd with hot water befere put- ing theint6ntoVhs oven. .A rather more elabonate savory may be made as follows, and sibuid h. - senved in -ernaîl cases made .si- tien with butter, -egged, crumbed and fied, or batter fnied in Vhs shape of cases with a soiid daricie- ahaped 4up;witi a long handîs. Make tihe better jike ait crdinary paeicako' butter, but -almoet ~ouble as tik' 'and add two eggs teach thneo ounces of ,fi.(ur Vo the \rdin- a.ry cup, season well and add e lt- Vie nutmeg or macs, if epice ie up.. proved cf. The butter cases are very easily made. For as many cases as are required roll some piecos cf- freeh butter inte halls, using oe and one- hlii ounces o! butter for oaci case. Egg and cnumb with veny fine bread crumbe 'tires timon. Pros esac case lightly on Vhe hourd Ve flatten it alightly, and on Vhs top mark e round with e emali plain cutter for ths iid. Fry e good golden brown in hot fat, drain the cases, remove Vhe fide witi a sharp knife, and peur awa-v al the butter from tic inside (this buttp cen ho used again fer1 cooking). Keop Vhs cases bot tilb tiey ane filled. Pound equai quan-« tities o!foolced roast beof and geme, and çne-thind tie quantity of butter; seasen wel], and add e little gnound nutxneg on mace and a squeeze of lemen juice. -Peso tir-ough e sieve, adding oe or two spoonfule cf good, strong and well- fiavoreci stock. Bicat up and haîf-fil Vhe cases witi this mixture, which should be about the consistency of!- thick sauce. Heat the cysters in their1 streined liquor, e glass cf white wine and a few drops cf lennen juice. Seaten weul, add ene-fourth pint -of thick cream te each dezen of oystors and fil up Vie cases with hils mnixture. The Savln uamuo Ceounal-"'Mr. .Jâid directly; sud- catogorfaÀ plain quotions.- Wit. teiniy, sir 1" <,weu, M in thro& ene.'lim'",* wio is'knew-n i té i us Mre. Jenkin-s? 'J>'T se unider-yourpotecVici "'Do 'you supportL ber Y "Have yen -ever. been. her M"1' ieve net."$ wae a sensation a&mont "That le aIl, -Mr. Jenki posing*, -Counsel-"Stop ment, Mn,. Jenkina 1, le ini question yeur mothe 'es.Y. 1 1 - 01 Eacl- Side Dy Side Take "St. L.«wrence" Granulated- ln one sugar inlhe other. acoop-and any other -i -l III ~i ft point by point, and yen will ses that Ab.olutely Absoluitely Deat cP~Z~~i~ r.Pure Is oesof-the cholcest augets ever mefied-wlth a standard of purity tint fsupenaaua boast. Try it in your home. analyaia shows, "St. Lawrence Granulated,, to be,e "9-9q1100 to 1 Pure Caue Ougar with no imnpurities whatever" - "Mà fost every -denier selle St I<awrence, Sugar.", RB- LAWRENCE SUGAUR EFNERIES ilNIETED.. MONTRE^ I. i 6-5 &M s' 4 it 18- fre CON CR ETE watering-troughs feeding-fl oors he1p tq kee-p live-stock healthy. H ORSES and.cattle watered from a concreté trough iare les l ikcty te contmact disease. Concret. tsa anitary, naily cleaned - dosnet rùt or leaie Once built, 'a concret. watciing- trough w'ili'l a at f o re ve r. Yeu need n'eyer waste tirne "patching it np.' Like al concrete lmprovernents, its firat ceat je its fluai, ceet. and your MANY diseases of hoga are directlY due to Mfceding frorn the fllthy, uuwbobegome u of the barn-yard. This mauner of feeding i lo wasteful,* because the grain is tmampled inte ti.- greund, in ucha coodion that net even n hog wh cat it. Concrets feeding-floors, withcoacret. i1iI. trough3. are dJean, anmtay. Tlhu>r ep heu la better hcalti and mave leed. WATERING-TROUGHS and feeding.floors arc oily. two cf spores o! vatua1ble, every..dy imprevements tint tuay bc zmade of cencrete. AJI arc 1-dcscribed in 011f l60-pagCe inustrated book, -WHAT THE FARMER CAN DO WITH CONCRETE~ -tflto any, imet upon ralusat. Ià bock lieuabwn thousanda of Cana" ufrieahow te uaks theIr ferma mors profibti lu aInkiuç ori4, yen do mot place yotinelf under tic- aighteat- eubf~tont bu cenen, r te do anything 4ie for uo. Slînply ask for, the book,bylte L er peatd It -wil b. mailed at once. - dlres, publii7 Mainager Canad Cernent Comà pany Llmît.d j~4~ BM~ Loch at "St. Law- rance" Sugar --ý tc perfect -crystala - its pure, white spanke- it even grain. Test 'n~I _ mmow ýL- -; . , 1 èwý Boiling water poured ever apples will 'loosen their ekins sud mekeý perng an easy mett4r. % If oileleth be occasioneliy rubbed witi a mnixture-of beeswex asud tur- pentine Çt will,,lest mucb longer. Very oid furnitunéii l much im- preved if wesied with lime water and e coat cf cili irniediately ap- piied. The Vtie te seat 'a urkey (says an autlionity), given cnisp, cold wca- tien,-is ten deys or a fortnight !mom Vie date cf killng. People who live long anc ueually emeil saten. 'Gourmandese V tax the liver by excessive- eatung that that organ soon weens eut. .When poaciing sgge e few Ilnope of vinegen edded Vo the weter maies them set pnoperly, and keepe the white f rom spreading. If people woûid b. happy thsy eiould neyer livecen credt. The ment sconomical way o live je Vo pay -as yon go. IV e alis e sbeet way, beceuse you.tien escape the possibility cf Vie diegrace, slavery and dreadful M'isery of being hn debt. Wien boiiing ne-w milk, Vo pro- vent a skin fnom forring on tic top as iV coode, add twe tebiespoon- fuIs cf cold rnilk te oever1 lt when et' behlng point sud atir f5r a min- ute. The 8oLcasUed eakun will tien b. rs-nbeenbed, ael Vie miii will net ho Bo impoverished. Belon. Veking nenesous medicine, suci as cod-liven oil,,or enythung wiVh a strong aste, chew a smal pioe ofleon-peel, and Vhe dis- m 1 -IL r -2 1