the, good work that had MY Iy been put iuto it. lie hi oollection wiiatever, of hav .tlie- work hfm-selfi, - and ro beliève hiseni4thel',when ai Vothtured te tel iiim the tý 'In Anther Cage - A woman- artist of my- acqu h-a4 been1 commissiioned ta *portrait- o!, herself for on -patrons, but the .e*ultýw' appéinting that she -vas C -the verge ci- despafr. -O she left her-beti, put Ã"'fi her gown, and, taking a - siri ber, went ta lier studio, w worked with -feverish baste hourw,- 'Her *lueband. -i ber, in< ,Jlir in th-e stu4io, but1 w as afraid'lo vêk. her. -The. fol-1 la wing -morning . the vomian vas considenrbly a$tÃ"nished Wé find iier task c-ompleted with a skili -wili - e had ney'er attaiuied before., 8h. had, as-s&he said i'heu 1er husiiand- t-aid ber th. truth, pated fan bel- ter l in en sieep than ýa.wake. rAmost-' more- remarkabie - is an-i ô ther oe.e'vhich v-as brought- ta, nuy notice lhat year. An sùithçr had been requesteod to vnte -an article eni a 'very difficuit subjeot. RIe tnied4 -again - und-again, and eac lime- vithi Suob h an estlti Ithat h. flung1 his mauuscripýt on thefire-. At, hast lis vas oblîged te ooufneÃŽs le the adi- tor iaI -the tasjk wï-beyond hlm; A -, lew' daym buter h. -was anzbd te receiv. a notelÉ- !the li editar tiiankdng hhlt, in' most comPlinien-ý - t.ary~ ternis, for thc very article le ha, been unaible 5'o write. 1atur--1 - aUy, -lue thoufrht.the editor vas, pul. ing - hie~l leg. Butn-o sOcli thing- Oni going to the office the mysteniaus a4îicW, ais pred-uced, inu hie evu --han-dwriting, and,- as. h. confessed, it"'*'-a jite the le*f.piec.a ,of vark -4-b ,'le eo h&ie. -R'h. id- noe ne _olection 'whatever cf having vnit- ten il; and thçre!l-4 doubt tlèt, h-e muset -Q 'nl have wnlttený- i, bt psted il ln-his sieep. -Nt long ago I had a patie-nt le .whom suolia, eiit a&s'thW wovid- have s..rned coommonplà ,e4.- Ne. Was a Cie-ver -Composer, aud lie told me that 'for yeans meut - fhi.'woik iad' béén doune-in is sleep ; se muol se thaI h. rareiy éver lried- b Wank during his yak- ing licûns. Iifonning afler monnixg le -sai d, h. openeçi -hie ',,yes taes'0, -b-n the~ table, by lhis hedside, pagesa of! munie vhichi-lie- iiad coà mposèd -durlng the. niglit, and not a note o!f- *lich le remembcred writing. Ifl eý vmýishd to ceampobes a sang h. wouid 'i~tudy lie wvends carefully, rnit them- ho teipory ju-sI before ne- tiring; and almost invan-iably th. finished composition vas Iliero t gr-énet hlm ,vh~ le avoke. This ïba~n vas-highly.peuerotic., abuormai in zmany waya, and 31 vas net aI al s wpnsd ien ut ilajthils brain gaveý vay altogethher. -thens are many quit. îane; pnosaîe, ppople vie have this n-ous gîft o! uneenscious brain Tiiere- lu (I fauey le is sîil a -iicar in îleW Midlands who frequenlly -nue in lthe middle- niglit and siildewn la write a n.'- 1Wen. hi', ,werk vas fin- he wouldpRut ou is-vestients, t,,, s-chair, and.;de-iver has y', wi aprpriate,ÃŽntona- Md gesture, juil as if h. ee onld n-t reeis "maiiu- obviohé; for1 once, v, k pages vere put but/ohIs ta«,O mmatsciiS hie germuon, vord 'or -tlhe -Mé-_--ud ils, ai-, memony vas se poon lihat bly nead, ils sermons ini you in pîctQiai ana Gra8naiO roini euch as onie iais not.ýee eamed of;- eavery chiid will b..,taùgliI geogro.- 'puy, naIu-ru-l iatory, èmand botany by t.cree-n pictu-ree_ ratiier -'"in by1 hpeksI;.actors slnd mitgens be,,r.- jbrIed for ul-i ime; th. pz'agrese o! dy. great engineering féal lie re-l oorded £accurately ;, i short, 1h'., le4ture vi .made o!f- necoded "It-vîl not venture te @&y à i >ealIl forý h. of o! saniind;- but mari le -gýeig-; ýre and- mono subjee- tir.. sud hua - inven.tivefacuitis lean-aeetber thà t-way. - ' ffi RmHuberl von, -erlomer conai- ers liaI ilh th '.e .public' reste thé question viietheér tii ie~ ua grakphli6&. eau b. ia cmueo! lth, greateWtpow4rs for goobd 90'7fa pià ced in lie h&n4e o! isu. Mm "Before -lèà I ou- ittanis fi ide- velopment,>' -hé. cancluides, "the stnog pejuie.still existlng aDning mîddleolass peope muet be --SKIN BAS 2,000,00 PORES.- Soete Other Remlarhgble -Fi~t Abou thîe -Body. The -ski-n octeis amore7han iwo million opeingsa, .viiol are tle, ouîlléta e! &n-equah numben o! svea.t Slua&. The humems.u kel-etmoiÃŽ si.ts o! more lIat tvo. hundred dWu lin-ctboues. - An ,amount o! blood equal ho île vbéle, quantily of! the body Pa";o linon-gI 1h leurt once every Min- - ute. Tiie full csapacity e!ofîle litugW is about t29O cubic iluches, Abo-t two-iirds acf a'pin.t o! air la iniaIcdÃŽ laiid-exlaled at hc' reu-thi ordi- nfry, respiration.- There- are,4aid eti be more than five hundred separate. mu-sles iii bhe dy, witl an equai n uxube!fn'o!mnres and bedra Tii. veigîtothé Ve an là fn<mm eiglit -te twelve oùuces. Il b".h 1009000' limes iu lwelty-!our heurs. Eaoh perspirato;ry duel la so-ne- four-hl o!'an Ãmchinlu eugt.h, the ag- gregate'o! lthe viole -being thts, about nine mile-. ~Te- averaýe man taiesý fivz and a hlai peunde o! !ov-d ddrink eaeh du-y, vhich amqunts t-oue-arly oe ton of solid and liqtuid uourishmen au-.numally. - A man breatiies eighteem timesein a minuite-, or feont 35 ho 400 enlic feet o! air cvery day o! his existence. Our Musical Ear. Thc wll-iraincd eu-r cf.a muai- clan can distinguisii notes differing ouly'one-hund-redtli paia! a toue front one unothen. 2ost p-ole;eau- not penceive A* differe'nce- ot, one- lent-h o! a te, u nd a rew~ can sec*arcehyteil one toue frein anotier. The eaue o! thiscunlo"ua din§pà rity resides- lu 4igiht <,i 46feren-s thîe structure o! thie cocilea,.a valider- ful piecesof appuratus lu lie imuer-! nust' part ofthV.e -r. Il la a 11111e biody, shapéd ike a su'ail shell, sud, believcd ho liethIepars o! the. hear- iùg. ;ýppa.rsitus v wital r4icoguis.s, me&-'!msun..lub- stiect'Ukr'it- lan-o, amI even hma adapiper, .«tù e 's n t I i tu r e o f r ' o u n d s Thlait 'uia apparatus is se-t- 1ute'shah -'al- thie,-familiés Of the- earth b. Ilessed-A Promise re- peated te Abram- in Geu; 18. 18,1 and again te ,Jaccbi Gen;. 28. 14. The7 siinpiest interpretation- 8 -that, al knatioeia shall b. bleidthrough. th. - ev#ýl1ticn given -to -tslrael1 a. promniseluifiled >in' the,- later ex-ý tension of the, religionUs 'idenlag of Abram and his degcéndanta 1te th~e Gentilee. Tho, He-bréw,,hdW'ever, perinits -of another - enderixog and -iterpretati>n, accç>iding te 'Which, the. sensé of -: the yei-b translate d ,11eblesseki' bec6mes - reflelxive', '(bless themseivesY" The render'ng- wold- then becoiùé "Al flamilieg of- the- earth shah biéss tein selve-. by.- C ..'> that ib, in blessing th selve they wiiluse thy name as Wa typêéo! supreme bless0dness and wizh for th'Srnsélves the'-blessingsa recognized to, b, the special pos-ý session 6f thy des<kenints. *A6-1 cordiiegte the firat intevpretation Isra.1 i. te becôme -L1i6 organ- or éhanunei tiirUgh which .great bleO-s-ý inga- are te be 'conununbicated ulti-. mùately te the... vend; aecording 1o#' tii. second, t.he, great biesisinge whicU jehoah vil bestovupon Israél illiii~ttract the, attention»of other nation~s and awaken in thehiA Ionging te 1pa.rticipate In these flabgs- In eithèr caise th. pro- -mise reniains iis the. vider seuse of the terni a Messiapic Promise.-- 14L Lot-Son o! Haran sùd nephew- ,of- Abram. - The 'story of hfà lhf. 'Il ha fundun his;ad the tyvo character, a strong oontrast- te Ab 'min ,that ho ivas sQIfthi, _vak, and v4ridly-, tloicihiréla.tiviEly, .in comarbson ithUûheathen pbh bers hèaî ti1li acOotUiéed righte os"Is£ personalcliaracter being auffiien tyfr. froui reproach te xender .im in ithe siglit o! God worthy o! specil.deliveranoe. H. stn'lu 'the Bible ýnarrative -as a 1'eo men whÃ"tliink to6«cu siel f woridly ad4vantage -and present e.ase. - .Haran-Thel -name- both ô!6f "aeity and ýof, adistrict, n he'oWhèt ern. part' ai Mésopotaila- on 'a tri- butary of the, Euplitâtée., A lon'g range of moundes tihi nia. s the site o! -the;anceent> city. 0n theý isiope of one of theÉe-'motxndý îhée is & ,modern -village o! unialliut, and near by -theý -ruins'of avey -anoient- castie or fortreks. Tihé city ai Haran is mention:ld iu some of- ths A&syrian i-nsriptiôhs rec'ent- iy-ý brutnet ta: liglit. On' one o! these -Sargon,, king af Assyria, boaîs that * h. spread out is sha- dow over the city a! 'Haran, and as A soidier of Anu and IYrà goi wrote ils- lait." Sennà cherib aiea men- tions Ra-au as - having been de- strayed by his.predecessora. Thç_ city of Haran -stili flourished under tlie - Bomans..., and its * inhabitaîts weere amiong th4 hast ta give uptle Châldaean language and the wor- slip of Chaldanean deities. 1 5. Ail 11e-jr suhsiance-'Con8ist- ig ptnucipally qf caille, Shee-p, and heorà es ;- clothing, silver, .sud gold aud iousehm6ld possessions,, The seuls thtat:tiey hadl goîlen- Inciluding- childnu, servante uand slaves. A it-lbter Abramiis ssîd- to have:hud 318 trairied - servants (Gen, 14., 14). Il vas, hherefare, quit-e-a cornay or tnibe- which hil- grated estward-under t-h. leader- ship e! Abrain. Causan-The- name "COanasu> l »dcnived f rou a ruaI- meani>n-g'e o down, and sifies "ohu."T vas -at first, apphiéd o14y te c.oist region - "re:tiuç -,haler a.1ld and>ialy iiCaime ho bé applieki ti t wholecountry, iuéisichiég.thé mouintainous districts as - v à -h asle lowlaùdÃ. - ' - .- Shecheuu--A l"caitv, and Iaçr, b ru-n lhr- in t-i.f unt "Wa-oa- thc. Saine. - palieut,'lf mine.1' a!f tle ait t-be udi ,wÃ"' eatil airy, M-1, a1 the' Port iIacL'erseon--I>avà on patiol, nasa- "e-When the details of the bus of Ih brave littho Party 'reftnally brought basc to civiiizatioii bythe. - relief force, they tYouubined te. form a story - o! calin, determined,1 sýé1f-forgetfuI diMiiharge of 'duty- and devotion to omrade- ehip, whiçh- thrilled and- ennobed aiI whec- read it. Theý Pathetic record ioept. by the intrepid 'inspeptor during hi. laist days o! altérnýate hope and despair -can nover- b. forl-' gotten. I't'"-sl a& page isure da! aaplace! in the. yet-te-be-- wnittèn com plèe.hiâtory of a force.w*Ichlias aobly donç bts parti in - ph-olding Biil utc m as play oe -Fa"ithfui ta t.he, cAmarmdenie displà We by- thfose com- po'sinÊ thé iil'-fated *patroi, tii, .miemberra -of the éfo&d- tmined upon the. erection of -a bale em 1te 'their blî coirades. -l'me- tbok -ther fom of albo !u~ morial tablet, meuntèd- on a manile slab; the wholèe bng -pl*aced on the - ail o! the. headquarterB chu-poi ait Rein Saktchewân. The tormal nveiiug ceremoniès -wene peifr!ored 'atrthe % JMiining se rvioe on-,, December -29th' by' Lieut.- ýG v'. Brown of!> Sasikatchewân, Commissioner A, -B. Perry bIefly rferring te "theý-event- whieh tii tablet ouluemon- afÀKd,-as one of t-tl e à dest sud most tregin luthe an- uals"Ofthe, !orce,, The"-tablë-t, which là s Ã2Y44 iwhsin -ris., bears a&s 11 chef decaratb~~~~~~u tiôplice,-'oto-ane s- feia throughout tii. Ncsthwest. Il la the work o! a Taranto eculptor, Mr. A. T. Clark; and la bnscrbbed -as l-ishown' Wu e et eni, th. son -o! Hamor, tue Invite, prince,ç4!the . land, (Gen-., 18l, 1. Tii. former: suggestion, hovevér, -seei île:more Probable. of IYk ! oreh-The">rofèrenca- pearste eAo a satred tree, the "Honnhi,".le w ord usei regulaîly' o! 'ue atiioitative dire ctiongin by îlhe,-pniesls. Tii. word'-ttanslà e,- -éd '4oà k",'is -rendeted buin themer- -gin of! the -Revised Version Terïe- bîntl. The lree,-*ieicblone re- 'se-mblingthie Oak, ih stili cominon<I In Palealine-, as laises-lihe eMc- pro- per. 8-. Beth-el--Tle ancient Lus, iu- Iiuiaîely conn ected vith tle hus- tory ef tle patniarchs.' To b. iden- tifle-d vith the. modern Beitin, about teIvire nlesrth -dl Jerusalem. Ai-Tii:. namne means ,heât."" Tii- location o! Moreli -as a little - more. Vian 'two -mile-s southeast O! Beti-el, on the roud belveen thli lat-ter place, aud the Jordan valley.i Apparenlly >a city of importance atI Vie- lime of- tii. Couquest cf PaIes-1 fine by tie ,Rebnews (compare'o q. Joirýeyed-By- easy stages,' as icuslomary lu Palestine. _ Tii.1 Word lin theoriginal me-ani:literal- - ly ta pluck up,, liaI is, ta mo-the te-ut or caMp. - Towhrd .-lb. ý,South-iteraliy', tle Negel, the 1naine -given- ýto e sautue-n tract-c.if - Judah, a resînlet- cd district iying - betweeu the. hili country about Hebron- and the wil- demnees of the -Si-aitle peuinsula. ANTI-TYPEUS VACCINE. Won-dertuI BeSnItî- of-ýExpeniiments or' a, Parls Phiýt9lcan. Professor- Chaule-messe, o! Paria, * ho , daims hto-have duscovere-an- 'afiityphus'.vaccine, lu v a lecture bé'for. -the ' Acatdèmy _o!-'Scientista- quolcd freali proofs ýte show'thie. eèfficiency. ,o! .vaccination by bymph fornud !rom thîe- typlildbailli and-, ste-nilized by È"-tng. Suoli vu-c- nati-èn vas authoris-ed abt heir cvii option, o! sailons- lu the. avy and liarbor vo-rIte-sns u April, 1912. The lie-c c -ti.'uuvy médical service ra neo"d i eiht o!, eight monhe'w<ik. Tii. maiol!iîy- o! Vils naval population o! 67,845 wiiich ne- flmed vaccination - bad 642 cas.ô o ytiodfever .-nd 118css o!-as tic fever, or. neanrly -eue: 'ýýpen- aunt. On te tfier- iid,, ,3 ,17--viio, s-nb- -iteçi te vaccination sudW11o wor-ked ahougeidethie-unvaccinaited *6ues and lived Uiider île isamêoSn', ditcis -led at-a single case- eofty- pl 04 Zer: e a eu-sae o!- gaé- tri Lver s-moug hle- -numbèr, a80d- he- io-cove'redf '-- e!f Mjr:usél&l at he-W"sigo w~ngr£6 last,_Seplember- bu sà ayiiig IhaI tlb- aiaappearance o! typhoid lu the -Ainenican navy had givn haies thlat tle pre8eet.century vili Icivilisation, M the lGSt-t Ulrysu-w Smallpox conque5red by méedical Science. WEAPONS FOI PARIIS foi CE. Shield Agaluat Fortllied 1Crimnalsi and Gan Grenades# Iu thein struggles agaîùst Iii. ne- -doubtable, .Bonnoft - aud- G4ruièr -gangs,-. partieulanly ln tle fmn singe o! Bonnet aI - Cai0y-le'-Roi,ý -the, -Pis(France>Poli'ce vwêe -!orced:-to--depenid- n-pn- improvimeç slnra*w. -During ti. 'lust veks,- liowever, incessant. eJipèrMunnt laï -een prooeedng with &. tiew: to se- weapou . forehr -emergenhiesin; thIe ftlui-. have been- variatic o f c!,anormnal typeo o!crne-to-oimnbut- aI Iii. lat examiinaîoi hehd by îhe- apeciah-oommissioners-, a- newinv-eq-, lion vwas- submiùtt.d by an eèn8ineer, -M. Maliiol, Il consiste o! the. famîhliar chrome- steel cuiras., vith t-h, dife-rance lh'ia i is meuanted -on, tv-a wiieels. TIns a gendarme aI- lackiug well-fontified criminale W'111 bç able la pusii tie shie-d'lduf ront cf, hi as he udrances ûYe e main completehy covered. An e-en--more intere-sting d.!,n-. sive-offenaive am, wvieligave tie best, fesultsa aI the-tils held ne- centhyý in Paris is île "hand eu-- non," vi eliprjecîs grenades Nlth a change- of oompne-ssed gas. The fumes vilI nender the. cniminal. un- coueious. They are capable o! p euieîrat-iug doors sud even thin party walls of brick. This plece ci "1peêket siege artillry"-' veiglis burely 22 pounda, and cani be band- led withoul difficulty by a single mu-n. As, yet ne de-Iailed description o! thie weapon la forhhcoming. Ac- cardin'g tatiie Journal des l}ebata ili latalîahed t, hoe -epolicem'au's night sie. Wiea h. ha talcen aim frein behind tle movable- slield al -laha lias to de te disehaýrge qn asphyxiatistg grenade is ta, press tle palm o! huie-igît iandiightly upon -a percussion spring. nci a de- grniption leares conside-nabîe scope foT. imagination. W. are, h1eve-e, assuréd liaIthIe testa o! tle '4hand cannon" prove-d eiuenly saltisfc- toyunder caver, sund-liai much isl expectcd - f rom lite !ontiicaming -open-air tests. Day o! Street Car Goue. Thedaýy eofie th e-i t-arin Ép.1 land isen. è: T4e de-mu-nefor ru-l- lea cnamd-moaromn b isl eproad6n p-troases Sa mn erces c! nany- - tr ay-cai-itout railG n-mi~culv subur-be. Si. tciyprovincialmrel tovus 41% -arra"ging -for lie luire. b-rancohe duction-,o! railles. edri -<ro-ton oiot-nsai 'omnibuffl.. Tie sciiemes' nov b.- theaiý fore Pan.iamnulsuggest tiu-t ili Naunal oiiiry iee-Icar la doome.adpoced -thi e ralesà car andthé ieeo o-uoni- 1ly seie;Cci bn-s are-Vobe- tii. ne-iches o!the !u-upno tu-re~ ' -- - a-t- the> --The -man wvio4A as a ~~m ar-è~fcty hpeea1 wth l.1tn,g #ing vife'.-:Few wi e, epeor to1 rèabon<u-uid tIern. la l6o'do.ubt *lià - ever th&t ny -vife. s not -4ne ofle1 few. . - - Thuimg wheai'e Ilýiihie valu o!,f stnya.tegy. il- 1- i re-er a.îu T 1ne ver reason, , J-meveiepr« Wheu mwy_ ý wife -staà rt ~-agging, Ige with her at on.e: That'tà iièê1the 'Wi4 71 .ont'o o!er-i. sl, -so 10 sileak, whbcli is part-ýcf- the. b-tle. Âlways on-the-moye.- Another good dodge bs-te give he-r mone~nAi ngging wives -canlieý bouitof vhimney.- -For bu stance, v-lien I ýcorne hoîe 1-eaii' generally te-il by -t,1..lookcii- ier ey-e thaI, myvifeite-nde 'te u'agme wal the, 'eVenbng. I hei say "h the wayiy. dear,. I eee Mri. J6nce lias got a new hat!' Would'îye like ta buy oune- for yourelf', my de-ar 1" Il alvays -vonka. The neggijg is forgotten, île 'meaii laburnied through, and, eut she gea -te ,buy 1thene-w ýhat. Lt-rmeans thaitspend that evi>ning ýand 1h9 next Ilire. or, fourii - perfect peacee, for ne, woý ma-n. osa bny ,bat-in one-venlng.' Befor. 1Ieva1sm, iarried T oiipiy j.oggod lo ng,- *t-~no thoughrt for thb' môrr,6 -Nv w. ml arpoui- sibe - position, earning- plealy di mflney,- an&c my future aeatirèd. 1 have simjply been heupcked bta it, - Tm -u faci, for, the. mân without -ambton- -I - cu-not recdrmmend'- better 'ieî a a ngger. 'If hèa Ibm ou. Many of our sneceful men, if they *Ould an'iy ,cnf eà é. i, výYouidi ackidwiedge- vene ýOné vay, i-n vihafrie-nd cf-mine ing ,hnpeckod vas' - c ge-loliii occupation, -H. w ~-la'.k-clerk4 originà lly. -- T-- £Ã"nto~nowsoxis- t c- cmbi8idTti hbebng lien- .pecked -every, *eveniixg:of -uslibfet madle. hà ü - oe e-the.- niebl-miser- able.enIever-;'knew.'A hôn-' peck~d broterufferer advised hlm te change lig - bus*ines. -AHe dîd se, ud became a commercial tiav'eiier.- Tiôose Golden ]Rnles.- PracticaIiy thei. wËle o! lii. veek hé is' travelling, -and tlb. oly chance lis, vife lias of- naggbng humý i. o6n -Saiturday apdL-Bunday. A matler cf f act, s- ,hap raclically ce.a'd ho heu-peck .-hi-r,'. chiefly le- cae/Ã"h.mises rhim se-, much dur - ing t.he week that she spends lier lime -pieasing hulm .during lthe short time ,that- h. -lsataIhome. - !-cur.ery henpecked mnin cannôt- beeome a eobiiÃerciaira- velierÃŽ, -but 'h. enlwyskeup a away frOm hk>uue-bAý,u un olio. nIa- ne 'o n hIe wif-Ãœid bimablf le-sa- henipe-eked in, tii. longà But if hie ant cag hie accu- pation, lh. must remembéir 1h.é, gold- en rules-don't - argue, 'don't, try, reasôn,, don't prote-st. . Thi. main whiýo dees -dé8sérves b't be u-nhs.ppy 'and henpýeck. - bei.ieved to liold courtsa o! jueliita ;net--2 cut ptiniFhment ho offendens. -nurnbers a.-,if they \oidgive great' dignity-y âèo9Cti 1071 nîte -t-Teia.îi bxéel. -For -the says thia,-oni the wicIe kt '_ ~ ouraging.-- Radium, 1however, should nerér be u'scd t9 take the, Possible. Rodent- uhen s, are -of! u11 ferme the,.,nuest nig-aixt o!f- the di-seae.-Thosc, mesS a<me-nabie- b, the ýaction - o! radium axe,- onai1 ulcens on ithe hé n, vh, i a1most in- varlably -yiebd tlaoeeeaue > 01 oee te hhree leursn ' durstaon.. FIllE DOOlI SIUTS SELF*' Thiîs Type of D oor Prefýerre - fr- Tii. construètion of af. mdcot dadine.yvy but for tbeAo ta bec! at tih ine 'of fire-, As e 1yeo aýpl.anI cannt a4way" b. 'dà eledédI- upon to close the. doons ith.t-ina.,be - beft open during tlie oper n&l,,.I the ',plant, because o! pasilec-or oSier nea.sous,-fire doors ali-auld, b. citer a..!-coeiigor automîà tic' ;-A sel!-closiug deer b. onevIieW é6oees.. by iteecl! as soon as a, p h»o ls tasdhlrougl., This 4oor i. nonr- inally -always -closed -anda1, nver shoubd be alloved to bé :biocked' oýpenh. Tiie- aeitou10,lic -type,-ig 2ýejl open by meani e! a veýght or catIch, vlioli las conneedcl ithite a seules O!- fusible inka. 1-à sse O! fin. lie sOlder -on one or more- of the. fuI i-na- melts frein te lie-at, 1releas e Veeight orcatéc" and 1he do-er closes uutomaticafly.- Thîs'ty-pe-o! do-or should b lite' ,ed'*.e-neven lt 1- -, fôr--thb door to be ke-pI openu ait times, bïsâ othenvise, the,. se-f-ôloealng. door lià -Preferable. Why Do Trains -DtoyI The -extreTMa weight and spà e4« èf mnoderu, raïliwà y -trai-ns la a tri- .4eighing 400 tons meving -at-a 'velo. -,kity o!fseýenty-five mile s an leur-, - Many people are amaze-d at-lie deý-, stnuel n ffected by raiýiy lrainé-.- viien tiiey stnike an aobject at- restl- 4W0 tx>ns pro-clled at sevonye miles. or oà ia nrycur-- ilykwice,,az gréat.,as1%thé.t cf a 5,000- pouni'd s'hot fired f nom a loQ4to - Armstrong gun. No wonder 'th"4 such - a train, <ppoves.;& terribl,. de- structive Projectile. - Mire. Lansiug-"Oùn Aid Societyr ts gou eg";,churci sociall'at- lusl had oeut we- ee-k. ~Mrs. Laugià ýg-l.'I kuov It - .. n - -oa C --eie s_ý' - we,' en v- 0-wrà r F £8858 ~--~ *#la' uCatie, Grain, Choue eP"uu aSs hiom»-ana AU Y Bread 5s. Toronto, Feb. lZManitoba orte, N.1. uortheru, 96C,- No 0. 3. felwheat, 65 12c Ontario Whaat-No. 2, 95e ta lots outaido, cangins dowu 10 grades. - Ontario Osto--No. -Z white, cana'--- nain1à -7ota 38e ou * .Tente. Maà nitaba Oats-No. i 0. W. track, bay porta;No. à -0. W, Crn-Ameriçau No., 3, all-r peasNO S.*t 0 a *t5, Buekwliest-No. 2. 52o 63 5ke. Ryeo.2, 6à W 65c. Roiled -Oata-Per bag - o! t'U.22 1-2; Der barrel, $4.70, 'whoIe isor tu Montreal- ,- - ariey-{ood -nealting harle, -track -Toronta;shorts, %ZZ; Mautitoba 'Youi--ï?ist Da-eu jute ýbaa; aaonà d atenta. 34 gustrong bakera', $ l a ten g, ten cents m« Ontario Mour-Windsor we er ent patenta,.la 0.uoted ýGauntry Produme Egse-.CoId atorage, _- ILta jOiA3; fzrosh, 2e tW- 230; aIrlOt Oss-'Pwins new, -14 34e > largo, new, at 141lZn; old .Lie t 15 1-2o;'I-aige, 15é. 1 utter-C-jroamery priulb, do, eolids, 2ke te 30bi- dairy rd; -lnferior (bakers')., 22eot Honay-Buckwhoat 9o ponxfd Se -in barrelsIa; tratuee e 12 1,2e -a pound in 60-panaI eOpoussi tint; lu- in -pand honey. ,No. 1. 4260 'Ver dos.1la per -dozsan;No. Z 2;40 perd Poultry-lvi chickena, who Ik3e pr pouzd; ,fowil, 10eta 111 t14c; Livs turkeys, ae t live qzoLations-exceptagi-dre at 200 te Lie. Beiane-PÃrmoa,$150, -andci$2.1 picked. 'Potataca--Ontario potatoesA crlots, 75o;. New. Brune-icks ont o! store; 8We in car lots. Spsiah nioaa-Per ase, e2 Provisions.- 8moked and Dry Salted Mie Smoked. 14 3-4ae 0Iohmn t17 1-2e; beavy, 15 1-e r.a 16e; bacon, 181i-20eta 190.;1lo19 CI toua -and cases, 141-2a ta 141 ~4 (plain), t1114Ç; backe (peanmeal G,ýen meao-Out af picle, Pork-Shortý-eUt, $25 tae$25 --mas oprk, $2150 ta $22.- LarcL-Tsrcr 3-e u - - Ualsd Hay- and -#Strau Baled bar, No. 1, 81 t0j$13; ta $10; N, *t.o *9; baleà cet - Montreal Markets. Xontreal, Pol 1-Gr-4 Iyellow, 62e.- Oà ts-Canadian »-e 2 411-2a e ta4i6; do., Canadt~ i- f.3, 40 1-2. tea 46e; do.,etr 42e t - 41 1-2o;'do. -No. 2ïlcu1 -do., No., 3 local wbite 370; local white. 36ce. Bar1eyý-antt 5&3e ta 54c; do., maltlng, 76o w4 fwheat-.No. ý2, 55e t a 57e. -Flour onds, $4.90, do., gtrong bakeq' winter patent@, cbaioes, $5.25;do Troilera, $4.85 ta $4.90j dag a truig in bags, 82M2- tae82.30. iRolîni De-rrele, $4M0; -do.; tnwbagiï- of 91 U11m2 ýBran-0W. 8horts-4$22. -47 mouiLe. $W30tae*M. IL. pr tan, car lotis, *13.50,ta, $14. jiS'we#serns, 13e; 'do., fitaos 121-2e ta 12-46. Butter--Cbaici 260 M; do.j, aeenda 24e -c2l Ynià - 34o, tae3Me;do., meletel. - do . I 1stock Me- ta Lie; do. N. Uoe t te. Potatoos--Per bag, )UnfledStatos Markiets 3ItturLapolls, Fais. -Wbhea' 014;J'.90 ï-êe. Septumbe taeIu34c; No. -Z2aorthorn, 54 34e COorh-No. 3 78110w, 44 1-20 e-ta45 Xe. 4 white. a11-4e ta 311-2e. _U %à ta. 57 1-2é. Bran, 10.5Q. -lPIe unehangel. Duluth,'Petb. î-l~eat-No #î754e; No. i uortheru, 871-8e;2 844; Jnly, 99- e 901-Be aak US aùDd. - - Live Stock Markets. Mn. E. L. Sm prlion o! The çtFhemor'hage quirtiy i:~-..i t ~eekly. TORONTO