Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1913, p. 1

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ithefr lamu tand Optielan I - Whiby. r~~~a Pi'fsiu Car&a INO. E. FAREWELLe Li. Barristert County Crown-Attorney and *County Solicit.or. Ojmc* soU:b wing court Housep Wbiîby. A.e.eCHRISTIAN *.rlstero solleter, NOWa7 publie, Etc. ',-Go Brock St., Opp. Studard Bank. Moaey- w Loan. 140oy w Loan on easy fera»s. Office imnmedlatély south Royal Hotel, Whitby, Oit. lbarrstOri, Etc. Moneyt Loan. Issuer of Marrsagelicenses Offic - Sniith'a 'Block-ýWhitby, Ont. DENT.&L W. AU»X, bemdt, 0 , Duam $vmbu, Whoflbyfe do he.. N. .. JAS. DrislOP m te L. W*abk. Vhi U mMd dates apply, t eifH or .EbWi. WH. H, AW LICENSED AIJCTEONBER. -AND VALIATOR.- AiU kinde of s.!.. promply.id. tes, Arrangement. e .bs umis fér @&lu, ai the GwSte..offc. Wl and Iudpendmmi puonee. * WIIFTBY, ONT. CONTRACTOIRS J. -HOWILL MZMES Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. Plans dravi and cutimates turaished. Repaire,. Alterations and jobbiug. Opposite« Stephenson,* 8oX467 WUIIToY Phone 149 Marrri ag Làe s. Corsez: drugstores Whlthy witueuen eu quirsd. InsrsSuccoss ~ ytaking a praetical goure inont .1 BKéW'$ SCIAOOLSToront.o.by attendance or by Mail, sud by o doinigqulokly r.pa esaru a Milary. = f Young Poi1d his overy year. Why no: Ye1 Fra@ .esta ogu. explains. ýWrie»5r it. 4ddress W.U.Shaw, * Vel ou ge SI., Yrno MOiNUMENTS ,îiII.pPI&l8 aUMtorli OPt lu SMOI a vii ParYOUom e mu at eu work 2~ ~~é am mpifryoirul. bwUS$lie sàm 1*1 b-agestu, vo de am OMPî7Ihus, maquemly va ea a" de All.v th. qumis o amimaiei, Wpa u , v Mh Pm WMvii gesaleir - ~OhVasiag from us. Office and Works oslut. Uiaud*WdBank, Whitby, Ont. j'; "Id h Vilire For Tum filuse vlrlng, -power imiringg istues sud ,supplies, alio iner sd transformers. -, 1y« vu u*deaU-us at e«r speb.e.-U Iutv Inaatiu lu. t '~c or future Councila -to, fillow, .~Therî',have rbocii imes -many iu UtIle~orgyon -tIi part ôf'the Council ud ~v conlldcd thit business ini que, weekbût m,,sebond session ïwas iied, and têfuir iVCe.4y. -put in'ý The-re is no justifiable excusé' foi -thé wastin g:of timnn, the, part, of -the. Couaciflors. It- is, truc--t membera givemuchtime to' their local mýunicipal.- itie& ree of chargcý î&u4 for, this they 'deseryti tbIaI", but 'that doca flot, warrant the spending of two weeks in doiag work or the County, u*dr sal. ary, which could b. doùe La-, one -week. , A £ew yearas ago Mr. M. L. Parrish, as, Warden, endeavordWt hurr-y along the business of >--the êssion M- order- to save - ime,, but hMs efforts met w'ith discourage-- ment. Every reasonable lime. s'hould be allowed for 'the_ trnsactiôn '.of Countty business- in a cap- able manuer, but iL is of rare occurrence that ail the -bysines , coming beforeithe Council could flot be transacted casily in fi ve days, or if ài*wee ec essary the Council could meet on, Monday as weli as ôn Tuesday. he Council of 1913 had 11111e real business before them at the ûrst session,ý and it Wqulld have been inexcusable b pýrolong the session into a second week. If the Council succee4s in getting bbe abulments of lie Dundas itreet sublway made parallel witi tic road, and retain the 32-foot widlb, they will have p.erformed a usefûl service. We cannot agree witb mnembers of Council wio-contend for a 60-foot sui»- waY., We 1elieve that a 32-foot p4ssage would ac- commnodate ten limes as muci travel 'as vil ever vant ta pass througi Ibis subway.'If Lt la con-: tended tiat lie future tra.ffile on tis ram requires liat it, sioutd be. 66 feet *Ide, tic subways on Queen and King streets, Toronto, la like. p:ý ?or- tLoe , would xrequire 10 be many -limes as vidè as they are. A 32-»ooî-aubivay would be large enough 'in a citY of 1O,004)in1ab.Ltantip, and Ibis -spot-.Ls i-aclically. open coi4try--and -lt la quite improb. able' that- il wlll ever be anything else. We f sncy mbe CoiayÇmmission wili give scant attention ta, such atry 'castles as somec people woutd. try tb buld, ',but tiey will -tee tie utility o! iaving the -subiy~S parallel with tie road, that tic vlev from eilier- side may not be obscured. If aur deputa- tion returns with this latter request granlcd, we May rst well satisfied. Neither can wc agree Ihat Whitby sho'uld at pre- -.sent tiresi hersel! into 'a !renzy over lie-proposed adial railway !rom Toronto 10 Port Pcrry. Even sould t corne via tie ciain o! villages along the sixti concession, it would have t0 be sbown that -a branci uine f rom Brooklîn tq Whitby would pay for its construction. If the other road is ever con- -structed-and as yet il la but in the minds o! a few -l-11tien be lime 10 demonstrate that Wiitby is practîeally. in- the zone t0 be served. Truc, Whitby cou-d have- no objection, ta suci a line, - indeed, it would be welcomet-but we f ail to sec what good arguments could be advanced to sup- port the deviation 10 Whitby, in view of lie fact that we shail already , have a better and faster route ta Toronto. If the line should be run to Ux- bridge, and that ig the original proposition, then good-bye tb a line &long th. 6th concession. Some mêmberis o!f1the County Council appear ta have a very "ihin skin." Warden Fallowdown and tie Reeve o! Cannington, Mr. T.A. Wilson, were quite incensed over the publication in Ibis papes last week o!f111e paragraph showing 110w much îiey received froni tie County last year tirougi being members of thc Council. In addition ta their ses- sional attendance they were otbliged ta spei.4 con- siderable -tine inspecting roàds and bridges. For this scrvice uicy wtre paid $4 p~er day ;d m-ile*age -the sanie as if in attendance ar - Lb' ses!ý,une of Council. Because- wc thougit it would bc inteci~t- irf 10 our readers to know just waiat sumius thos;e wbo had given tie most service had drawn, ive publisbed the item-a piece o! information every ane who can read. could glean for himscîf from the auditors report. This, in tie eyes of tie gentleuîtii namned above, wam - greviaus offence on aur part. The idea of.letting, the people know iow much maney tiey gai -from tie County-when lie like information bad'not ýýen published about any of their immediate, predecessors-tiis was, in Lie Warden's words, "gooirnaîl, that if -bbe Caunty printîn& was donc in type as smaîl, il- could not be read."1 We are quite willing ta grant ta tic War'- den or anyonc cIsc thc privilege o! holding uis own -pinlôn, and - o! cxpressing ilt, but wc are rmeni con* . wnd asked the. Reevc of -Wh tby tjwn te rmove in Council that the-editor be'heard regard- ing thec County prin ting.cntact. .Ths s as . 'loue, * ýandwhen tic -real'pupoe f the -reqtiesv bcame' *apparent-which was flot ta ask about 't c print SIung, but to "IjawI. about the paragraph'pubulished, DMr. -Bateman., uaturnlly feltf hurt ait imallncss *of>t.he tic whioh- had been wdrked oçff on ýhlm. 70 give, an,,excuse-,'for, the -editor's apperne neý 1questionabout the County prin ting ýcontract was asked, a-question'quite uâheccsay, as.tc cn 1tract hnd already been awarded. * Lit wtil be interesting to ratepayers o! thc. County to have tbis little bit oi light'thrown. upoân the actions of ticir representatlves at. County LCoûncil, and lhe electors will judge for themsolves, Lif their representatives are o! the calibre they ex- ipectcd wihen elccting them to thaît important posi- ne editor inlixnated te -the Warden -and Council that in "1awardlng hlm- the. printing -contreact they had net bougit bis editorial freedom of expres- Sion." Suït to RecoVer on Contract foi Buiudng Silos. A Verdict for- the plaintif 'Was_9 il inthrce ýases by His Honor Judg- McGillvray in chambers on Monday, wbere the daim wus for part -of con- tract prie for building cement sil". - S. P. Lapp, o! Toronto, formerly of Pickethng, oued Wm. Morrison, C. J. &epicnson d .jams White, of Pickering; township, for $50, 875.68 and $48.50, respectively, balance. due on a contracîtat build a silo for each of tie defendants. The siloR were bulft in 1910. Tie evidence ini tie three cases was much alike, and the- case o! Wmn. Morrison was firsî t.aken up. - Morrison, with a neLghbor, Wirn.. White; drove to tie home o! Mr. Lapp, wherc tiey put up their horse sud Ihen, walked across to the home o! Mr. Bayer, a near neigibor, 10 sec a sus, tiat Mr. Lapp had bult. Af Ler vlewing it the party reîurned 10 Lapp's wheretbey had dinner. Mr. Morrison bld Lapp bc wanted a bigger silo than tic one scen-he says *14 feet. Lapp swore he bld Morrison tiat be couldn't exbend his molds, and be could only- give him a silo tbe lize o! Boyer's. Morrison swore that Lapp sald his silo was 12 feet. Lapp, said Mis silo, outide measurement at lie top-32 -feet higi- wus 12 feet. Morrison thougLl. e was la gel a blo 12 feet inside meansurement. Tic cbntract was given la Lapp ta erect a çiLtý 32* feet higi, witi roof. Lapp ta ûnd lhe cement, Morrison bo haulthticcemcnî from car-and taup ly lie gravel, bands, etc. Tie price was $150, $100 wben work was compleîcd and 850 wieu silo had been tesled. Tic $100 was paid, but the defendant *declined to pay tic balance, thougi tic silo proved 10I be sat- isfactory, except as 10 size. Each of lie tiree defendanîs took tic same at- titude, that as biey did: nol gel a 12-fl. silo they would flot pay lie balance, Expert evidence was put in to tic effcct that tiý size of a silo was underslood to be inside measure- ment. Several cement conlractors-D. M. Jaclcsou, ln -reasingtheigo!,lesls bmak- tcc-A tiat if any damage were allowed, it could omilY be tic value of lie difference in size of silos-tie il foot are& being about one-fifti smaller than lie 12 foot area. -- Mas Honor held liaI ticheuse, o! tic silos- prac- tîcally amounted ta an acceptance of the contracî, and that tie loss to tie defen dants -was - flot more than one-fifth of lie total contract price, ihe assessed at $30, and. 81 for etness fees -attendlng a formoe -hcaring, wbicb waa adjounn.d UPP "PUthe mm of prlonod îý iutozeWrifSe Al' -t opçnin of , the eVn ne m on -S o et aryT re asur er p e su . eyMl01 U' r o"$= inI --he- SAW& hreoe 2 chos ropee u - CouWâ th&d4,,ba gàthered to aos.. m,-ae chfsiprane n It&I pauy lm ~~t~c lb.Assoolalio,adof-these 21 re Timotih: W&Y'. It vaIMbýe opinion f 'mnembersPorW.. Thmr.are- 290 teachers snd et< of , b. Councîl -theià aasmbled7 that af o inoer-these a.chools, and 2,7M, pu.- imarket 32 bol uibWay', if th. abutaient. voec Pila. $499.98 wOs.otttbutcd te mis- puaIWalif ihtcrond,wold s ionàduuingtheyear bythe o - would b. roePtsby ltheasu619fr1a , RIDU Mv.Anss ojeo.e ~ t'. ~ urotes, amiounted to$53.49, 0111of- With al l1ievupon lauàiic<Iout. îito-a ' jwhioh vas talken8i1.34eîoas a .dvca r f is hcry ta i. Thm >- wII" added . t khé dlrches service, vaysbold . ~h. ullwidh o- ii.~ the undy chooIle130 during 6-e rond ý-46 foot. la bis, iionettIic u îý Oa. tur@, ho saw a'tremé&du traffloov'or "I FJWfOT arc .. POIourgI "bi soad, a doubleAliseof atreet c ar hrTanu ore trâcks,,the enirodistance bet f ,Thcfeere for tlie current year ve . Ailki.< Oshawa aud Witby builIt p SIôbg th,- Proied s du lloW. Wcrry, edrIn Kingston road, and,.-big Ci"leS vbere1 icPrident-F . Pate, Oshav. r the tovns nov stand, ai. stophenson Ve-rdnt-Ppate,(&w. *and the Mayor versncnt ge . n Vice-lres.-ER. IE. ýII ,Brook-« OT T wýith Mr. Amie,'butuvrlnm ru of Councie rvngnay X o'ra.-i s.argýret -Sloop, Good-ce Éujaojctd ow mucly i limthePore Whitby. sujetobecedtg__o c Tvo instructive addosefle i sot-£g ocu.db n.mmo,~ progreen. for the Jiiig. )Mr. &W. K leII goth sbicct 4isose<i cf bY Russel, Seczetryof tie y.-M.C,Â.0Os- l sl £ ~ ~ ~ ~~~,p rslto bdi5 My and tovn soliolor thelb. Railly(Coutiutvd on page 4)WH' tbe mietsbvay tbWeycouid. Auzbiotrcommunicaliots apprissd tie Counci of the tact ths a deputation gxt o taa1osroin the municipalitie. interuw ied ,as THIE w"il upolb. go90vesn lmât tb askfor àasubsidy for the propoged radia rail. vay trouaTorootoe esalard 10 Mark. . TN hamý and i tien..by uoep route to Wr.Aun. tvord endiug a rer. in tbis -proposition ïvonderfut poswt1tIl.- 5 fîK itiei o Whitby in the- future, 14oce AM 0f the. otier Counci1àors agrood oi 0 AN D hlma, ami the town yl wait awbil o t xelbu "se wh&t ài. leY to maerialize.Op' d c A Communication tronm A.E. Christ. «pDanmu S iau, solicitor, apprised the Couui liai- Dr. P. Warren- clainied the- ap. TQR-ONTO tPéifttment of Kedical Officer of Health,W H IT B ni-." and suggesting aud injunction ho pro-W H lT àen . Board of Heati as bonstitu. x , .Melas, Manager1. ted from aoting. Mids. as referred to * Dowanaavmm Buookljn (C. A. McCoelJ, ,the Applications Commiittemt he MOr.aéaa (J.-P.(s. Manager). Pik!ýd Town Solicitor. -ti Aby-law -confirmlng an agreemieni vith ovuors'o!f asm landa in thhlovn: au to auuesnunt vas Put througb. TeTown Property Commit-t.ee.e E SY _E S c3ommended in a report ahe paymcult Of 1h...accouas: John MeoCari, vork ...... 4.10 J.- -IoIntyre, goods, ... 11.80 00 E.LR Blow, oa!...........7.50 D. Wilson........5.00 Nicholson & Scidon ...... ... 2.25 W. B. Pringle. supplies.......2.10 It is easy to make Marmalade B. IR. Blow, coal............ 28.489 your a C. A- Goodfelovw............595 yu bitter oranges a Lawlers'. Fim Brigade, usuel grant ... 800.00 On motion the Clerk-vas auked bo WE LOAN A LI prPepr a sîatement shing who vas-1S Q MeO&d ia Halth Offioer 'for 1h. past with each purchase' and marmalade i Mist'es Yearff, and vhat salary and te pfént oftbepati e ho receIve. epa sa andprftbe asi . Mr* Stephenson asked to withdraw eil rne 5 h4s notice of motidff re the publish. eilOrn s2C ing of lte abssmnent son. He- hadGap Fri sE corne to 1h. conclusion liati t - vouldp Fui b. botter to vait until *gler oldi~ rnlîdSgr - assesumnent. tenx Gauae ua T1c Piré-sud Light ConunitIe vers autuorlzed bO rec4eiv tenders for the waterlng of streetu for the.comin soasôn. Mn Tic R1eeting adjourned at il o'clock if &Tu.LA w: Sny hooI Convention The. convention bcId 'Iaot Pridy bt- ernoon sund. êveningiilb.thePrabyler- Man church, Brooklin, va. one of the asât suocMsufl gatheringa cf tie kWn, held. lu recent yearo. U?1'allendance, ooneidering thc condition of lic weatber, vas very large and the Pro- gram vas of abIdgi character.- vaà large sud Si. pregranx vas of a TIi. Prueient, Mr. S. - J. Co.vteg of Oshawa, premided. - Rev. W. M. IHalg, cf Columbus, tob 4 charge 0fthe openuig cueeoies. Altesr t.eccretry bmd road i ,te minutes o!fIlt- yeas. convcatlon, vilol We. - vry -funl an&- exeellonhy propareqd, lbthe dem"t gave a evl.w 01 Uhi. vork don. by the oflicLd vWs àm i sg -sang a soleoyery sveetly. Miss Sleep, the> Secrtarv, vie vas the. officiai- visitor tolt.eltum0ton ,por4 D fntul hnuafashionà,bat à gmtheriug together ýof *he . nme ut- tS ,durms, thcéooVentiem Tht. 9108M44d gr«àeat -ilupcM the delcgt% a@-ys -no l.n-o*nuf-ng and kl «U5i5UOtoS0 t udsmj. Bev. G. A. Mou«,ot bibae swhat-tie Pimeaidant tmed u"iu- upfrd" êu.on "luo s4's loss Iab"ul u uwii ud~ ittie mille for your bau i nt ep. MON" NT viocooroWanud b d.Baue$-" %.à aL r~4 '-j Ai. n. Manager), Nevossels. 's sud Poet Pets5. EAnSY e when you buy. rnaking becomes ca P«do:. lbs $i.00 LER WHITBYJ ONT- Phone 47. Prompt_ delivery 66 GOO-D HFAL<TM" Chemical ClIet for Homes, Schools, Banks and -Summer Cottages. Price--No. 29 J8O The above price includes vent -pipe n -glo of chemical. See, the ï,Good Haîi befonec you buy. SCORNER HARMAWRE s,

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