Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 8

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The. dramna gliven in fI laton Friday evenlnvgjl Auspioes aof'the.Adult Bi BrooIdiu Methodit oh» patronluëd. The rooipts aver $40. lirs, Normxan White in hoaàpital where »he unda ,@ration on M<onday. lBeri hope that sh. may.bave The. anual convetkg'n bath Soool AssocIationa of Otbawa and Wbutýby. - ships oi Whitby and Bail 1»h.beld inu' the.-Presbyter Brookilu on Friday, Ji 1913, Theý people nf bro parod ta ju.ake tlig.onvi owns ohurý t*wn.lin !,will the' huroh lo nue. FORT IN THE HOME' Cali and See the "GOOIJ HEALTH 'J,. SANJIlTA R Y CLO S ET S Without water works;- plumbing or sewagef A per-> fectly sanitaÈy cl -ose't ehat may be placed, iii any dw7eIin g-iri thecbiathroom,. bcdroom or. cellar- is one of thie> greatest, Convenjences of the jîresent tiiixe-" Price No. 2y w $ISeOO ýPrice No, 39, -- 150 Above prices include vent 'pipes, one gai. otchemicaIa, and ifita ili Do Your Hiess Lay? If Not, V'.Iy Not- N ow is the time Eggs pay. WC -sell I "'Royal Purpie" - i PultrySp!co & Oyster Shel ---The Great Egg pr, duers- AI'cior-the stbcklRoyal Purpie eouhpel fie, Gall eure, Sýweat,,,Liniment, Lice kl 1er, Oluinfectant (Shép Dlp), Worm Powders,. --=ry hem and boWconvinced- Urih Jones,. Phone Indepbenden-130Bell onn«tlon Mn. J. H. DOM m'. of, buckwhea The. price aif-w nr lire. ents 4et year. ý Mfr. sud XMnmý lay "d tu lie wi.ùtét',' Mr. John Kén anley Tueeday( n auhis rotuur Mfr. -Albiert 81 T..aI thé nsa radusays "InOtta Thé apple sud rémoved tam Il 'Thi e ster B: cernent silo the Te -plan fai wil extend* over 1when a!!lb telar will bé reaioved. We undenntan4j dldttage will ha e<r e #011 O and "saY Uties, Visitod frit"uds be. orsSali by al dal e.-39. <> -Frank' and Mns.. Oiéobrd, o! ,lbeî woewhsr.r ave lbeen viIitu riuilaIi Samn. Pick uwere reoeuit Lana.Wilkinhusot o Wm). Ken'. 1rsd I us $Po.eakm a ew r 011 h tha>ýin, enjoyed ta AsibuMra. - 10Pl7.- oorasd liro. Le.,of Broughi on -mibe ron itise ,with 'W. - . Jolies on -Sali home. for -: 4'huit. day. eit;e- 4$ ,uzsder tha Tii.services ai thieIM-t. Zion cliti twerm éonducted, Sutday eoeuliug i4âh rturned from Mjr.ý GooI- WestofaiAsbbura. lad. -W. 'J. étî aud .'R. -ifallett, aif aoadisg a of ahay b>', vlted ý,aî W. F4 Wson si Toronto. -~ -dy rî r xesbiug Co. ar Mei. Dt Up hein 'seauo's.work- oboppi CO-,y Ca.,iiPPed a uawing waod sud claver'Iisreshhiag ât Monday inom .-thbm-Mark Litn t n teda gaing ta, fbridge ta wark in'.1h. furnituire wc ire, fence uil h. twa 1forthé wint.er menthe. - o Pet 'Pod doaren tissu John 1Binkett shipped -a csrload -hoga frein Dagmnar' oueday Ibis W y. ans3tone, ai thi e > 0y Wer sud jas.. lortopue iitedl aI 1fr. T. C. Os' sold a hanse Ibis week. Richard Day, had the miaforlune managers -am buylug seriouily cul hie foot aone day wl ta carry' he'm thraugb cbapping Wood, which necessitatecl- putting lu of mveial stîtches. np diroppedl a bag of Fred Holdéni's 'waod saleoan Sat on. hlm way ta harbor day vma quite s succeme, g 1dp rn Baillé ona h-ad talion beîug roeali.zed,, about twenty ne - êbeiug -dispamed ai. JrY representer] tiseG. Tii. revival meetings Ihat bave I te meeting of1 al lite beld at Mt. Zion for the past th awa Isotý week., weeks will bu contiuued on Tues 1mIapie tliées have been and Tsursda>* eveniug ai tii. vms1 se Tincctuabe Propeéty. MWho us hie Young n that ros. iuteud building a Friday niglit p1erd awl comiuîg seasous. . mle prfered ta n ldu hi ýr building îhe&Anyium a uleigli load ? Reaious are unkuei a perîod of live years, but no doiubt him actions are juÏhili rin hi)uscs .and bains Balam îow -sporte a barbon,m keeps ou band a ýsupply ai thei. lat f that the Canieron styles ai bai culs u d shavés. ave eletniL. liglit, fr trust ho will hé we pýatrnud. eustom -Feed- (rLinding every day. Ail work done promptly. I BR~OOXLI~~, ONT. Stock and Poul -'r kaser we Wfin .04 baley free. for the askl uptpgld, one of carge0fzt. cr page bocks, witla insert, m- *commonA-dmasesof stock mnd poultry. T" oiahw t. feed mi un de of hemy and ligiat herses, coits mmd -' Pr ' e e Mares, t aiàS oewsemve mnd ft igstem !; ise, how tc keep mnd feed pcuultryp »o bthathey Wfin lay as NOW Io tue dînete.nuseloyal Purpie 8oc At 50 a costof on-IVtwo.Uird of cet Per day au t Wi WS.ASutmMay 2aMfloii. Srbou oke, nsg .. .1 oe lncrsselt 25 per cent. la valus. It erdnely cure o U -AlEkmcs t4Lnon n . .lsm i.C.,Lao. aaa Coilý,ort Skln Diseausud Debifuymetom rua.dow - Dear Sira-Do you wsnt a manu ta repiusent rour Royal Des, Sr.-Il have used your Specifie for ons yesr. a animaita tapliumpnua sd vigar. Itwvini ner".a u rfl Pto Ssi is district. 1ap gonOtroan aevit tisree to ilvepouadd per ccwvepr day &ud a tW ttilk ricier. lbd YOUr Stock Specife-sot it front Mr. J. Corbeti. of Brovus- a ys iernttir visicis viii oite ae. Sum idf Roya Puple u nt a««k ood Thee vl>-MY cava, visle uîn ug ad- uielargeut average.sud Roya Pupie1, nta toc bcd 'ner, 511r UW l a téted fve Pointe ocm avers e se c. et .z--MISGOGNCAIUD lu manufacture. and welmport trou Upo sedi. hera. to1 MISS .,oci. ssp CAMcan gla barks, etc.. sud grind tbsm n eu ur ovu Tbr oe ýpiaur u epsen'gyenl di best condition povdsr ever Put- milta om NORMAN G. CHARLTON. >uigga agfu er hr a eus pdsl wratcia gurang. k10youisbln abol l mal uri, Oouugrehm bSp awpifio îrated (ora. rsh oing Uirough sery stable lu Canada, -visicis sbasaa A abesoo lvele of.one dl5, d'i ora ul nt urc cf innoyance ta horoemen. Our LayaI ul talepon evlld î_! oce-fr 1ffl urvuur.Cure viliabsolutel>'cure tis.coushinlatour days, - healis. aud li. solutely hanblQý tmn t'ase. ais-vukebeakO.pe" -iu;bymai SOc y. »utlgum - calves as large arordinar>' calve-set cen veeku. You cmn de.- viiimake yaur heu. sla aduer su, nveliUsu user, sud ye a te.Or Prtn y al ic *velop slx plgs ready for markctgnlu» icone metis, hla timae .p5bClll52hn70 dy,Or S5J0pMu rniràUk than you eau pomibi>'do vichout k. ai. a cmse.o iy 81. 280 ea. Iealai ou l au usulis s1 *dlai saviug yau a usontl's-aork sud foo<d. * 30dy.h eeupugy ri anehlse mouitins oe upéldOr W a r a. c re rteamli Ue ordluary d mes %,their - A 50e.package viilaiut a-iorue70 days..A 51.80p r plumaeb Pt n eepe ùi riecniin - air-tUght tia;-conaiaksng four times as much aasiblgatsu kepaelen li pIm codiIo. Il cureail "uorfaopen-,ommson insuor besug, WIU abu.. wlll lait îaaiual'280 days.Pr&obru <y~ iie> r psdcr cicsol e> e au If youi-have neyer used t, 1Ir>' It ate PtoolrsateuID MayW.A.jil. fg C.,Lada, anda dry Sw ux a cschein a yfiew Hon. Ma * ete esla haaacln ouhvfee Mx. rs. SOwx.: Byollo lun i o h o.Aa have on your place, and eatch resu. "Ïf it doe t oduce W &Dear iradi o.-T sLnd ,Cet'taad au.ed 8.0lii.G uedirections. 1 InSd your Royal lu satifacton.we-wli efun Vou moey. t aur "Royal Purple- Pouitry Speciic, sud gisere la n-'it ur wlvt - ..tcesa n aketise scsba e saisacio. s il refnd>'iT oedo. tOnt.,os equi..l it. t vante<i yours .agaiu and 1your agent dId nat eclry~i about four or live days."Plice . Toldo.Ont. Jl>'1. sie bae a>'.so a ave use anagier brand, and can aou vstl W. A. Jeakins Mia. Ca.. Laudna, Canada. - 'vul Dot Worths c" hone o iybnsiyd otr fbuc --Gentlemen.-I have of a packagaye IL lshave beea5ittoemusa9vrsvedoseR*aeirn w.tLminu *. Royal Purpi-Stock Seifc ed ite< oeîco 1 hve ntused you Roty ue' Rya FrpeiwatLiim accordins ta directions. She ained six pound < HALSRIofDO. vI!reuslasnesl svr> hrtdne roh . ay usint part ai a Packige. Tise rut o HRE IHRDO.nsvlmee ' -eysotdn.M. onM ay heid. reduce.I in uilk vhile ths. one~- Sdamnau lu Landau.mye. »W. bave aiâa 1 coasider it has ne equal.boa.ostaltesngclsdav T. G. Ebon«Y. ai kida oftroai ithdae baie u -The W. A. Jeu"M . u.L'on ot Gintlenau,-Aflmr experimenting vidi a aCreuisu>'stock food»., asabout con- -vlnced tisse Usere *»a very ' ittie virtue lua «uYof lt, but ourldeaicr lnslsted on un e ;lluPeyiurple Stock Specifie. sayiug leva" ulléteet-Iroma ail odier.. 1 have dluesuebd a reat lot ofl. u 1 keep train tan ta tveuty houses sud about the smre et csttWs This- 8 -"t, la MYoplnlon, la certalnly la a clame by itielIusa cin4iW ..aad stise but 1 have everued. - - GEORGE MAPES. -Cea r Ceek. Ont.. Sept. 19, 1912. W. XA4ssko Uifg. Ceè., Londau, (lis. J aseSsedigome Ibave ever bad luns>' sgabm sMW su meVer T«I it4-t i.r l oppc4 until 1unI Poa Voura trul', 1M. E. MOULTON. STC ND, POULTRY SPI A secod tousMr. Rieha-ifuasfollov i -Port Coibbore- Onit., Aug. 24. 1910. W.. Jenklas Mf. Ca. ,LendonCanada. Dear Si".-Plèsse Sud encoed express order for 83.00, for - hib phmai enme tvotosf our .ti,.JaPurps.. Pouty - C. IIC1IARDSoN. à tld lton(romUe1r. Richardson ai foilows- Port Coiborse, Ont.. Au&g. jj.190 W. A. Jen las .Ce.. Landau. Canada.m 4eRoyal PurpbU Loohilber Thsis la eutlrely diffenet trou sny lNe 'ECIFICS killer on tiacinirket' n Zlu o er f or o uadserstawle = fdàWU tbla lice MISryo himli sto sad for oue of aur booklets. as we'glve 7.11 a fuhislst f It th sr. 1t -0l enllrelv externalnate liceios lavis or asumusa vils mot more tisaansneor teo ppilaiens. @ta=otisn le. Pnice 25e.; b>' mail, 306-. lylPurple lisiaf tt(ShopMg) lu ais lis va gve _you tise lirges£value fon tise .00 51 n> dalican o tsemnarket A tUn coullntun1 te ixuenulmessue lcat you oui>' 50.Alo put ul cmJa - Royal PurpIe loup Curs SpeOc 110. lxj nf ae c reut breeder. ci White Rmcto.teSt a The W. A. -jeulisaMia. Ce., Landau, iCanadapc u . 1bae a ed ouy îktem y e.bans sruted a raioup o havii ereidouiebss 1 P te,-e ueninatias mm v.Auothe taeltty1ur tie la 1t à boaS 4ý talla Yeu &al ut IL 25e pe t lii30e. b>' mal. EapeStock Specille train Mr. Vogu er.Wbaa estab e IS'A u upoe smot cnffaIse It te bt eaditmufor âr tc : tel notbe ftbut loyal Purpl. Worm ?Nwh tlvs brssva hveevr tls. tuil baitapa>'doub e amoue>. 1 la ùd.i eu fsock 8p.cIoo, v* gamstuYMe. o pr resalsbY usMg thse ordlmary ood ino'mon yoar f"* s mach mu god bay, ne mmd bisa. an »0mm .eil*tI, tisasY"ouc esIhY-ob.btà Usimw amofthse mmy pa"ume bcd.ntise 2rk- 'a tpéeth -Of I laa.al v çeU for Miou. e aOf P&W fr thse- Mme.-Tskmow emctl Wha ooebaco rayf* rdc.cm ., m ROM ýe sttises. fooda -prperly.eu Whe W@.>Vernitue. im ouyoa mlimd fi -tisat veW*mmufactare oethmg but PoiUmé. UUatureod goode. Our boolile gr.67e«30 rommesdatons fer -oaiferme lmasfro..peple mg" ors CamaLda. -Wisie va glve you abov e s amiees f eu u*ho baf usd lt ."Ir bes-rsMimdMa m15foe yate. ok am esm viho bas evuued Samy limeve miaufacture.26 - . Royal, Purple Supplies aad Béoakîcs may b.c beained from -.~ A. T. LAWLER, irocer, Whtby; UIAH JONES, Hardware, Brooklln W@ & EENKINS -MANFMO. CO., London,'Ont. T . iw tur- -â- asn o~i SosAyi WdeIicatll p- d a, Mlnt rta guasor permaaeMlyr et"* _1h. hafr. We want Yeuoastagel a botts ofnez VliU 98e Rur oue u 11 f4 as î rritation, remove. dûan-rl, p1 vo the.hair tro& falline otWùd promot an icreedgrovth, 61 hair, and 'la eve Y walve - ;=tire, satlufactjog, Coine baok.a -elusand'glxoz ý mone 'baçk. ToaieSO.s 1 - oIb olyaI Our >MW-1~Srin b7en Store.A H.Alt>, rugglî., un.eo MYRTI4 Sunday in Brookilu., »- lfr, and Ire, Wm. -Luke, of Oah&wa. Xk visit.d wIth MVR, -John Bright- ai of Mr' and 1frs.«J. C~. Poster, of Bat. mek tieford,- Sàok., are remowixg aid ac. aeb Cfuaitsnee boere. Mns. T. W. -Brooks in suffoning, trom aO severe attack Of la griW~, AU! hope Ph@for a apeody recovery. the. Misse.Olive - ,VauNesi t M ts îd nunibor afher..frends fôaoa tu evenisg on Wednemday ofi awo. ~:Mrs. Thon , DowmY na ovaee after being s fflnéà ; -b iesï-béd foi two we@k&_wîhin&iammathry eheouma- hre Death of jJ. fb dn tou John J',. Howden, .Président Mad troaumrnof thii . JI . Howden cern pny, viepreet, sud director 91 th.e[Jufon -NAxtional Bank,. proal Wrho Maman and Vetny iMsu ai th. 8, tetPaul'Episoopal ohurcli, dwedaI bil W. borne, 214 W. Wobato avenue, cf spoa plexY. He sufféed a sevoe *trokt about on. o'clok yesterday aiternoom -Thursdiy, Mn. Howden was at bit place cf business as nuaI lbut. con- tracted a bad cold sud waa fonoed tý take toIse bed. ýYeterdfy aflonocu bis condition grew critilcal, and at 1 o'clock b. sufenred a etroke afi po. plez>. from wbioh ho neyer, ralIlied. À resident of ?&Uslegou m.ince May, '197 1, & -veriod of neariy 4~2 yer, TMr. igowdqa bas boom actlvoly connected .with $be pluanbing, gaisudm eeam fit- ting business during liaf' lime. In 1871 b.esltablinhed thé. aid Muakegon SGao Iigbt com-pany sud conducted. hi@ * plunbing buaineRs indepeiidently af tbis. In 1902 the C'as Light Companuy cousolidated with thé. Muakegan Trae- tion and Ligbting Coeuspauy, aud 1Mr. Hcvwden was élected treasurer ai thém coreolidated contpsny. Ifie withdrew romn ths caucern about a year lator In sudoatinued in the plumbiug husi.- mens. He bpilt thé building where the présent buaines is conductod in 1902 aud has contiuued it .tbere ince the complotion af the block. Mn. Howden bas been a director af the7 Union National Bank fora-num- ber of yéars, sund at a meeting beld Iesday was elected vice president af that basWs ta succeéd Wmn. Bninen. He wam aima inîérested in the Sargeaul Mauuiacturing Company, beiug vice preideat -of that concér. ,At the time of bis coming ta Muike gon, 1Mr. Howdeu was a usmbér ai tho Protestant- Episcopal churcli and êt once joined the St. Psu'. churcis of this city. For may years lie ha. served su vestryman iu thal churcli, snd at one timo was oneofa thé uer. déns of the cburch. Mr. Howden belonged ta the Cen. tury club. the Country club, Musice. gon Lodge No. 274, B.Ié.O.E., the. For. restera, thse Wodanen aud the Masons. -John J.- Hauden wiks bora Merchl sesing an unfailing faill in t h. on- portunitios of the_ city ho chose au hi.- bone. John .J. -Nowrlon neyer. let paso an opportuuity ta do snmuthing' for Muakegon. Ris keén foréesigit e&M level businese judgrnent eaablod hlm ta 'taIre bold of -manysyeeningly bu-1 fpassible taskms ad puelihem thbrougb 11 ta a uessful énd. Mis lindly, court- ,jeousý, mannomr a. ho movod among bis felowmon viilong be reaiembeïod. Tios '"of -aJohri J. Howden ai., a 13. 1. WHTYMs E.L/do ll -Clerk, Whith- Jan. 1#1_ ob., Marohd-,April 3,1m~,~uS6 Jidy .3, Sepit. ,Octý 21- Nov#.7à, Ueo. 4,Jmn. 7, 1914. OSHUAÂ- Miss B. L. Mmtodoauhlý Clrik-Jas. 14, Job. î, Mar. àpr. 4,mai. , Jum 7,July4, n ~*,4, Oct. 8,Nov. 8, Dec. , an 8014.ý 2.. BROUGHÂM - IL Gimoo, GEm.. wood,'lrk- ha. 15, Mar,,. -May 6Jul 7,Spt 5, Nov. i, <a, 9, 8. POËT PrY i-J'. W. -Biýuu Port Perry, lek- Jan. 17, Xay 7, , July 8, Sept.*ONov. 1-rt De.r 17, 1914. 4.. UXBIDGý-iR.-J. -Moore, Uatbridpe Clerk-i4m.. loMrI" 14, May i., JUIy' 15, Sept. 9, Nov. 21, Jimà .1 5CANINGION- Thon. 'RU ,f6o Cannington, Clerk- -Jaa.4 N"'u. 13, li>14, Jnly le, Sept. -liONov. 20. 6.J]an ZMN15, 1914don Biv. tà BE7AV rO- Js. 8,igrdo12, MeAY 15o, JlCie.U., Mor. 19. Jan. 14, 94 7. UPTEEGNOVÏ -' Daniel Lronard, Atherley,ý-C1ek- ýJon. 7, Mar. 11, II& ay16. lalO et.1,No.1, Jan. la, 1914. Dated i' Whitby, No.h, WH1TBY JUNCTION. -2-.57Pn pus. :19qp.n Sunday trains leave for Toroutaý 4.25 a.m:sud 7.56 p.m. FrornTan. auto-trains stop at Wiiby Juactio'n aI 8.15 sud 9.55 a.rn., and 9.30 pâ.. UP4 OWNSTATO~~~ eGolnig erh.8. Pasnj olng th ,.i.in . STAGE; Leaves Whiîby ior-, ebaws i& 10 arn. and 4 p.M. J<s oldan, pro- pnietor. Ikavo. for Brou"ha a 10 .m. Mr. Edwards,,-praprioloîr. WHITBYMARKETS MAsike claver, petbus..811.00 ta 312.00 Wioah, red ........... 0.90 1<> 1.00 Wieaî, uwsite ... ...... 0.80 ta 0.85 Wbeat, goose ... ... ..... 0.85 la(0.90 Wheat, uprn9ng... ........ 0.80 ta 0.85 "eot. fMIL... .... .....0.85 tb 0.91 Baly..... ............O056to 0.6 aS ........... ... ........ 075 to 0.73 Buckwhoaî.......0.50 ho 0.50 Oste .................0.88 la 0.38 Rod Clover .. ..... ... ... 8.00 le 9.00, FLOUR AND FEED. Ipleur, per Mc...... ......75 te .0 Cbopped lied cwt .....1.59 te I1. Ba brton.......... .. 25.00 t85q.0 Short. per ton... .....7.00 te 28.00 MEAT. POULTRY AND '->ROD 0E. Beef, por ecul...........11.00 ta 11.50 CaIlle, livo weight ..8.00) t. 8.00 Lambe, eacb ............. .».7.00 ta 7.00 Hagg, dressed... ........ 10.00 ta 11.25 Haga, selèct ...... ........8.25 te 8.8 Chlckens, per lb........ ... .0.16, ta 0.18 Ducku, per lb ............. 0.15 ho 0.18 Qeeedressed, pet lb.... 0.16 ta 0.18 Turkeys, dçesued, Per lb1ý 0.18 ta 0.2Q, Butter, per l...... ....0.4..80-Bota0.82 Eggs, por doz. new laid 0.30oha 0.35 Lard, per lb ............0.18 ta 020 Patat0e., par bag .... ... 1.00 ta.1M APPles, Per banal.150te8.0 OumION, porbmgq, ..... ....100 te 1.U Hay, pet ~ Io ........00te 50 >H]IDES. Wool, uuuho......0 1 t 01 Rides, pr cvi.. .80014 .00 ...tes .............88 180 -9iN CORN P ATS FEED WHBATrý' Feed Wholesgleln Ton Lote. CALELL'8 MOUSSU ESLU J, L, SPINK LiMITES', Hleard's Bu-s.L108' Cartae ai Tuaim- l.William Newport,' , b... :Mvoro with a -ver large patrng ad we fe.! WB are giving h b.PUbl good servies. À!! orders for teamiIqg, furltu., soçving, cart'age of freight, vin foi very. bout attention. PIret-lasa.l on 1oton s vey ia wio, 'Phono No. 89 >05 HERD 8I 5013 . au: r - ~L~EVANS Pump Manufacturr SlmOP snd iesideuce, DuiodeaStieet 1 lm or WHt i wTil Y 4 Wea re prparw ed mut,, wead or !rmupqmps on ebort notice, m attend toman kinda ci r»- Agent for the t)ntario Wind M-11, mimo gesolins eeensd tâe squmro.gWr. ad Magnot Cream Separator. Phono No..5O reeldene. 'Infvisible' -Lenses The oee fs for resding, writing and other close range f urposeil, the other for long range. 159 YOnge Ît.. TO RONTO STEIN069ÂpHE B06K.KIEPER$N eeoffice Assistnta, ComoerO 9fdýhoftbiud Teachers are in gmt de.- aiand (f theY gidadute fromu Taranto,, Ont. àMany ti no",-earuing train #M0i w. deal lunoui>' the u caU Educstian. Weuse pIl>' biseteacbeya aidý reaus. I nter uov. (3 Lo CodyUns LJUogn-g-A^gft NUoient0. A ND IAR-ý i8 the mouEt teliable anad iÏ~ â t emety -foi alt. (è oigh Golds,.Bronchite, etc.; J. . ILL D)ruggts t and 19pUci~ MEDICAL HALL Brock S.~ Wbltl JNO. e- f REWIELL, K.CÇ. Barrister, County Crown Attorne -County Solicitor.*- Office souili wing Court House, Wl A. E. CHRISTIAN' f4rristmr. sosicitor. Netar7 Public, Oifc,, Bïock St., Opp. Standard, Mon-cy to Loin. JAMES RIJTLEDGE, Bmru'lsteu, Money ta Loan on easy term Oict. immediately south Royal Whitby, Ont. G. VOIJNG SMITH, L.L.B. lkamster, "Etc. Money to Loar*iî. of MarriageLicns * ffce7- Smiiths Bloçk-Whitb DENTAL W. AU»X, omtIlt, O@, I SIb1, Iuidà"sé14.À; -the ' pS .. t.,. W itby. P he ..1N.. - JAS. BI8HOP- dm a pply 1.tsif or G. obb, WR. UAW" LICÈNS-D AICTIONZE; t..Arrangements caa h. ma lie a et4Gazette osie., T re raongAfr 3e11 ad ldpendat -pan.s- CONTRACTORS, J. H40WEL.L JAMI Carpenter, Builder and Contrie Plans drawn and estimnates furni' Repaire, Alteratiçni-and-jobbh' Opposite Stepliensênsï 8« 467 -WIIT>Y -Phon MarriagLfes A. H. ALLIN - insuer of Marriage Li cames Corner drugstori, W Neo Wte55Curd masure Suces by-taking e. prietical course iW of si4w'S SC.100LS. ToroltO a"~ ttendance or by Mail, sd b3 doing qulakly prepare te a c goo mlary. Bundrods of o Q opeoplo ý,do tht. .v@sry year V I q oFree sailoguïe expila *Write forii. &ddrois, 'WH, 'ýrgdnyonge&Si., Toronto. MIONUMEN'T' e111u poilsand Iatmra1 epti Ilvlpmy OIu lebai!ato"Ur Milmpai for yourielf. 3.ut . is.b> att, w Mt p1*y tha., CusO Et le p at, wklek u 1« m A Cii Soliclt.d. IIdIfig Ite "WireforV ai ui !lire For Toi Hfouse wuing, paver wini Stutres "d spplies, a mo an sdtnansforïmr. I poivat us cdl -us at a "Bacie -.- -'- ;~hiV~S~bF TORONTO Whitby, Phono 99. ; Raglan, . Brent,ageba.6 KOhwPhones47 îndais.. -,CaIls by dy or nlght-oupj ttended to.. Chaiges moderate. &*Mme£ N1.11, ohNoTum imi m m . 1 1 Il - 01q»lr. 1

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