Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 2

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eugit tic try Dr.- Vi-, Is. and 1 ildoçidged to, i'ový d t-h at h mediciLe, ansd a!ter es-I 1vas oxice more est 0f health-and 1 iwieil aýd*y since." Dr. Williims' Pink -medicine dealer or cents a boýx or, six f rom' The Dr.. Wil-' ne Co.,, flrockvillo, *f-. ay, _Revolutionize rEleètrie ?4. Dussaud,, a French scientiat bh ae discavored gàneans for the. 1foÛtion atîv2s-,at- ho' terme cob * ghsV/' giveî "soûlnedetallu, of hîe disovery, which, it , is thOuýgh-t, mnay revolutionize eleotrie lighting. -- .Starting on the prinoipis Viat rest le as essential ta aIattr a% to a niral organism, hoe han construet- ed iin , eleot-nie iamp in whic' the ligit is .onemtratd 'on. a single pintby filaments wqr4ing succes- S *y;thenee tihe ight ise-projected -h ,ough a lenis znnnifying a thon- &a.rýdfold. Tins ho bas eucee-ded in <onentrating- a2,000. candis- -power light on on'e point -by fila.,-' rhents working suèccessivoiy; t-hncco the . lightit leprojected throngh a ben s nkgifying a thousandfoid. Thuè -ho han ucceded in coxcent rhi- ixig a 2;,oôo candie-power light. on «ne point, and ïe passing 32 volts -inta an* eg-t-voit lamp, which with -the cTvinary light. would burst- Experimients'-vibt-hiVs bmp have -otbihd, tint t-il.név light ile abFzolutýy witlsout danger, 'as no atsgiven off, and it requireae hu»drti times lés. current than the oi-dinarylaiip. It can be work- -ed b-, a tiny battery, or sufficient motive Powver can heo obtained f rom .u jet, of water f rom an ordin.ary faincet; epr even a squirrel turning. a The Iii-ht, à Jeissaid ,t. - s great -advantages in 'photography. as its photogenic power je four V imes -a i~o the magnesium flash light. I t hec been tried with great euc- cess et-t-he Biarritz lighthause, and M. Dussaud isl working on its appli- eation Vu isearchlghts for thse Mit. isatry cf War. IF YOUR BABYTIS SICK GTVE i A i * NTABLETS '1'&-it I o f b-ebyhoo d andi cdhi B't- hQnu d be tneated -0mPt'- '-u r they jnayp rve ser=o.,An~ i1tea ional dose o! Baby'eOv Tab- lots I*iii'régulate t-be stoniacis sud bowels and -keep your littleie»oons well. Or thcy. viii promptly liesto'r' 'îcaitbifà sickeemoi- copiesune:ipect- ecly, Mns. Leoron M. lThoxupson,j 011- Springa, -Ont., 'ys :-' I have u;edý'B&aby's Ovu Tablets for MY littlç girls as occasion 1roquired, andi have lourd t-hem always o! the gronteet ielp. No motion, Luàxny op$jion, shotifd ho vithout Vie Tai- Sold 8cMbyxedicine dealers or byn mili at 25 cents-a box from The DÉ. WillIis' 'MèdiCinoe.,Bnock- -Whess a -persn gets Vo VIiuking that, n obody lovées 1dm, 1V lte tVo pjI: ,i1ip,~tcurai Coldi4, lts. athe- gof shllren one.- e dù.tvonthoe and the - tL RIVe é mrAVIAY 1$ j1omasa Stephsenson, of Lechute {4 w«eubled fo many y'ears vith és, and àf riendtold me t6 kt, 1 LLS Aftet talng a few Wuvm Iy relievetd afisiàt« t tetaI lxlztihe pain cous- j01r- uslug GIN PILLS 1 ;i - owsng ta their mxpraa Sit- ness, - they beoi é. er&tchedý and o:-Thon. i. litti.. wonde«i,,there-.l fore,- tint pomsemaoms«f vla neekiaces shoxld .seek de provideà thoemalves with dup'licateW vhicli nsay h. worm '%wtboýUt fer an'd trembling. -'t 'rrah, No More Lame Backs Thie Case Proves. That ,the #est and Strongeet LIahÉenti-Ever Mande.le- Nerviflle.- When It cornes todeterminini ibe rem., menit of a medicine. no welçbt of - ii- dence lu more oonvinoinsg -than the aeiagbtfoiward etatement of morne reliable and well-kniown porion wbo- bas beau enred. - For this reseon *e print thse verbatim statement of JuasnE. Powe,91 -written from hiseberne lni Carleton. , Od arn a stroxig, poverfUl mai, su* ! est taLi -sna wefgh neariy.,two bundred. I1bave been açoustomet aU my ifeil!.te lut greatt weights, but on. day 1 overtît 15. mamd wrencbed =y ,baçk badly. Everi' tendon set muscle - as sors. Iro etoop oir-bond -vas agonyr. ILbad-té wbole- bottle cf lier. ruline rubbet on i ene day, and bi' nigbt I vao veil agaixi. I 'know .of n liniment pceea"lng exe-baif: the pelsetra-. tIox and pain.miibduing properties o! Nerviline. I urge 15e use stronli' 4. San invalua'ble liniment and hbou9ehoI4 cr for alil miner aliments, sucb as bi'a4ns, sprains. swellings. nenalgia, - -triatica, lumbago,..rhsumatimm, antd euiar- pain." No better meticixie for cung nwae3 ever eut i a bttis thax Ne> ne-mrb. it on and ruLb 15 in-that - ont,.%li athée, pains, ant moences i.- Large family ise, 50c., trial sise 25c..- Ualneraoar Thse1 C4tarrsoboce ' ura4o; N. Y, aud Kingston, On. TELEGRA&PUs A- PKÇTOGRÂAPH. Fnenoh InventorQphéovers Way te Senê Pit'es by WVfrè. Edtouard Belin, a Frenchi nvtn- t9 on, -suceeded li tebegràpb4ng a p rapis froni Bordeaux ta Par* -in four Minutes, IneteaicU « :laphîe plats thc basis -cf wiich icromnated gelatin apa Vihe sur- af i hiisuneven. A mali niet-al paint passing over the uneven surface o! t-leplate causes a variation o! t-e le etnio curred, 'vhchimakes possible Vie transmnission aven a teregraph or telephoire vins o! thé #ighsand shados of balfténe platbes vitI re- markable roguiarity and speed.' Tho moit interoÉting feafturo of M. Blin's Invention 18 th it I'j 'psible.ta carry .about a .mabb ap- paratus, weigbing ..-aout- sixteexi pounde, and immedit-ely atta4h it at exiy tebephome staeon. This makes iV possible t-o phane pictures ovér isances. Thenstole d ta ho in advanco f n-ý . t-is diriection f rein bé- - t of Vhe cleanneas «f- Vie ?pietu- trameitted. The vonîdenful, z ra 44 pronuerPy>rhâi tint is now being eu*jdyed lun-Cau : ýJ4 ada le exemplified by - iherepo rt ;Af tise "'SAIADA" lTea -fo, wbÇch 1 mstates -that, 'ýing ii. year just ccxx eudeïd, there vers, 1,223,437 punede thhs, more "SALADPV' te. sold than inlu ol 1911.- This INCREA$E would suIx- epi4 ply every houseiold in h Domin- 5W ion wit-boee-Pound o!f'es.; - - ruolhed the Preteumier. - A mian .wh-o was rosecued. frOie the Seilne st-Paris vaas reoçgniïed.by a- hystanden _as an; individuel wbo made a oomfortable icone <èut «f pretended attempts 'at dnrowning.- ..Chanitabe people ,wio -sa*w, hlm - saved alvaysgàve himmooy,,Tihe im-postor did noV dny Vi.e' change, and tle cnowd >gave lis &soind beating and "t-mev him' b-ak halino thIs Seine, 'leaving ýblis thiâ time Vo geV out witbiout asistance, ;Mrs. .Churcei-- -Are yoiÎû chikiren bhéing \hoiùght up ta heip t'~ selV>ë5-l' Mns. Ge-a-Are tC-, ? j Why, I -ant keep a partiels o! jaçna,,; in -lb-. bouse more-- ia-e - - LOU NY, &TRIXE NORM0US. Great Total B er ut Woîrsê'Exp0 à Briltain. What 'Great Bita » eanung te in an industrii 6ngs an b guese- ed disnly from eti,ý f amle stag- gernig figure$ eo- mnig the 1iqe. cf' time t-bat r« * rlf rom.labor disputeà ilu the year juat ended, 4aken i jZotion <~with thse 4rcg- nosticatoen'.1 future t-bat are being made b leaders of org&n-. Up tô thé~ begiuning of 1912_ tbçê, reoord for teo! 'oftimnlut-heours. cf nulgl ya'r in Great Britain as: a: result c5 à #ýke;s vaaabout 10,- 000,000days; i<xd t"-t ~otl vas generaiiy regaxed as an la -1n«ng C'ne. Earl m -thbe ye..r; 'is vr an assurance thhàt, VMsrecord vouid' hoe heston holovw, ithin tho next- twelve ý,month-ha cme f raimb.Tom Mn-, 1 -this p,phecy b tise vic-pesdet 'cf tii. Workers' Un- ion liasrbuabundantiy fulfilied. thin Ve lat yer-thle number cfZworkingi days i<t-lt si àrikets vas 40,139,40i,tise 1e'~v.o ovwiins toono 'dispute aeTo»ansount. in?; to $7.9e7ý5, frOO. i va6 the biggeat etrike in tWî-ndustriot bis- tary cof Engad-the nationli stri1ke of coal fers4nlaits -a m.i wage.t Theos'toppae wve.c&upieto lin every coal fiId cf t-ho oo*ýuntry, 1,- M6,947 vorkèrs underground and on the surface of VI. pits quit work and- the. strike, ext-eÏdini «ver the f nil month cof Marcli, lnvolved the. loss of 31,567,000 wokig daye. Tie, boas invagesprôbab y is put toc l.it et-£15,785,500, «r $78,927,500. As if thli"were do~t enougi, how- ever, huge industriai. disputes dvarfing ti. great strikes «f hus- tory,. are promiaed li the nea'r fu- ture by Ben Tillet, th. Pngish -le- bor' leader,-who has just oompleted an eorganized tour of the country on -behaif of the transport workers. Try 1M.08e s- Romedy icmnngeisi'ine-ActQnlckly. . r ItuebUosrOcellt-xots 'Patent Eyy sd.-iaeed le succmditI PIyuI. Ne9eMddedicted te s.Pb1liyes.d iine 'Ee' Remedy Co., àCh"0490 The surest- tiing i ths world - ile a !rlend you can'V depexiti on* vison you meed hlm. Minards Liniment Cure&s Olîtimpr.- Mauy a maxi becomes resigued ta_ fate after ho finde iiméeof al lu from fightiug iV. * PILES CUREÃ" INH65 TO 14 DATS j Tor drggiet viii nefunt meni' If'PAZO OINTMEN'P f ails to cure aur cage cf 155h> lng. fUit. nieeding or Vroixudling PFi«, $ f to 14 dm75. SOc. -,- Tonds become t-onpi and take ne food for -i month. NirdaLlniment,- Ga#C four or six rafi in COws. «6"-"You hiuk «f my ew, Fry petIlp ti for avbile." "o! course [se colon la noV quit.viat id Vithe imim ng doesn't Vo nsyexpectatiome, and la noV, as gooýd a#Iought Ltothervise the iat is a bargain, and - f ike it after. people> have 1ê!fe'.nx open." "flad:Fce s lac-, -Bricathe Frt1y'Now" isuprovel IMy Vokise, .%trengthened Xy -Throht, -CuredlMe-o' Mffanian d -Spltting.e iaslu umuha E. NMitnu civs Criati te latrhaaiel Pralue about tise wondiufu es .4 QÂITÂRE. meltern fret <nom a 'ga li tie tbroat. 1 ýongiset ant hawkst set often at xigbt coultu't leep. Juet a few breathe from a Catarrhosoce Inhaler andt my bond vas qlearet right np. My tbroat' trouble is nov weli 'ane I baven't a single vesdge o! cittarh. Catarrboreons mate a perfect ours."p A, 1thse only vai' te rescis cntarnb la bi' inhnling medicatet air, it followsisat thse bealicg 'baisants of Catarrisezone can't fail tg cure. It le a purely' vege- table actiseptic-,otheà -ant beale vhér- erer it goes. Tise germ-kling vapor là inialet - st tise mnti and instantly apreade tbrougb ail the brenthlug organe. Everi' case of bronchitis anetcatarrb le rzootet ont, axit ucis bealth andt strength le impartet that these troubles nover agate roture. Complets out4it, suffcient for 2 menthe' u9e, prices $00,nluding tise inhaler and liquid for filling; suxaller trial i«s 25o. and 60c., al'drugiise net'etorekeepers. on The Catnmnhosone Co0, 5RjN . ad Rings nCaniada. CRUNOF YOUTHFUL OWES. Chiidren's minas Fun, of Uncon- scions Poctry. Children' are bora vit- a t-agte for kuowledge. ve* nt ta know, and thé'wàh knov t-be right - Vin s.#'Tbey ask questions, and are 3"'eaily satisfted. They -ýbrs,fc,of mitat-ing vint «bey es a round,.them. They are higbly ime-, ginat-ive. Tbey clotbe their idea" in ÃŽ*éeète formes. There vas a time lien -tbey veste negarded as imma- 't-une adults; ve have learned that thse ifiain alm o! e eacher must be ta give Vhs r-ight teue to tis faes- ings-.-goodnes in t-he abstract- je of littea. vail; thbe imagination muet h. stirred. We are aecustamed ta bèlieve t-hat t-bore i. littbe reflection ontise part- o! children,'gleame o! thouglit wbichouggeeta -iidde-n Mental pow- or vorking eliùoet unoonsciously. The -littis girl wiso gaVhered sun- igît liber baüdsaend put 1V on her face" knev somethiug of Vhe effecta cf heat. And iow -ful «f bUnior &re soxue o! Vhes ayinge «f cliildren. -If vas 'Punch, vo helieve, vie. depicted- TommÃŽy fer he. lad been seveneiy Iocrreeted a. exebains ing, "I fin-k FI'iO'back»-ta heeve,- - where I came 'f'rom." And-visaita f imd -o! suiggeatom vasconveyed by tise b itte;girl 'wbo<, on heanlng a rumniug tap, saidtisat "tise vater Tise poetry !--il!.- le requently seen inu hildisoýd. W, have t-ils illmerated li .tIh e cnlptiou «of bittefliee as "kpases iyng." "A star is. ecinderftr'omj God's greai * nseaxiing . -But Xpehaps -Vhs fluest aprabt-potry-va. made hy e tiiy tat, Wbso defiýsed dw as "tise gritss crying. " "Oh, entil' heaid a itt ogli ., "-'ve juet epe>&peif- icil walkimg. "- ,The nure, wbo led, grovu ontt of faityWsod, explied1 t-bat lît vas oiiy ian ordinary wvorm. Thse-BucSEss-o! tise. .ebf-ade man t ede'o poif-rnpeoor«îintie, Sur~geons -Tell' tôry of! Awfl Car- nager la Balksgi Stniggle. The first reai insiight into the. aw- fui loss s u&taine?4 by thle Bùigar- ïana, the- conditions undor. whichl their wounded w re c&r6d fo[r 'and thi, present etate othe choieraep- desmo i. givon by AustrÏanRed'. C'iross urgeons whc« have juait 'e-., turned to> Vienn a iron t-h. battle,-; fidi and Ceonstanàtinowple.#' pani.d, the. unit- sent to, Buigaria, déclares t-bat thbe Bulgarian loses befloro the Chataia limes woe very great, no lest thani 20,000 falUng in one day., 'Acor4inÉ te s"i> o the- other iclocta6rs- the. transîport &r- rangomento fr t-he onè wr app iigyiaequate. Tee Ètinunit oaindue cases vers tr.aked, hâd on oome daya «Ver a hundred operatîons, a half-hcsur each. Theo work vaa carried: on under grea.t difficitie, rotnwith insufficienât,,food, The. eurgeone and nnr.ig, sisterg under- vent great hardeships on tii.jour- ney t-o Kirk Kiliase, and on arriving thre, apent thse firat fiye nights in t-ho open air and vit- OnJy te.a, a0 bread.onwhich'toa subsist. - Sakn the choiera outbreak' thba A 812ian iteci Cross surgeon, Drý. Wuinimer, whojhasjust returned f rom Co>netantinople, dclarea that the- diseaso is stit1i rampant there and that it, is &Il aver la entirely erroneous. When li, bf-t Conetan- tinople fli!ty ta one hundred deavtls were. reported daily..' Hundreods* died v it-bout ireceiving t-hç aliglitest care or ixiedical attention. Desert- ers were -appaýren.tly with deliberate- intent aliowed to die) 1ke, dogs 'with-. ou-t auy attention being givçn'-them.' Dr. Wimmer statea thnt Austrian' dootors fouïid t-bat injections o!-, Vienne Paltauf zolien seruns gave-' wonderfully suocessful resulte, sa.v- ing 45 percoent. of the choiera cases'! in -which it vas ueed,'viii, the ser-' ums 'used hy theEnglisb, French and Germexi? doctars saved only 40 per cent. It'takes three seconds for achi message ta cross thé Atlantic. Gable coose bout $1,W00 a mile 'to lay,-_I and the total amount ousitLneyýat tiho bottom of thôMa rqwm"ea 1a -valus cof $250,10,000. '*AN D Are ycur bands chapped, crecked, or sore P Have -you "ceit cracke" whlch open aud biet vin tise kin in drawn tight? Havs yen a, colt more, froat bite, cltlbials, cor a d*mv". pince, whici at tii'makea it agcny - or. yen -to go about your bouseosoi duties ? Xi no, Zens-Buk ill iigive rox relief, atd wlli bl esitisrost;-daimagotd akin, AnoInt the more places et night, Zam-Buk'rici lsealixig essences vili oinis fate the wounds, endthtie î*mat- I, maêwl ielquickly. - mm. Telexi, of Portland- ix. Mj wns ngoasy té -put tbh t e aariater. WhqI ldfd>so the-yU,'clamat and "iteussbie togat thefi t r.!àyI ia. snU 13 inoosedet w*heni- .ise8è. folke& él cosed, tie bi' ncrgv me ease; soothedth ie in!nmton,sud la à vsry short tiis hsled M'Y inà~.", Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphthortaý "no- you have beêp to Frau Ffgain, .Mrs. Coxneup 1'! -seems ý like we can't keep a aîi dear Parle,. Indeed, my dàarf says, we're -regular -Parasites. OnI!y one "BROMO QUININE"' Thaï in LAXATIVZ BROXO QUINIM 71«k for the signature etf E.,W. UEO«' Cures a Colt in One Day., Cures Grip ToDays.. 25c. The- upper deck of H. M. S. h JYuke, the new. BÈritiÉh ,ba-ttleàJ ocf-the Dreanoght type, whieh-', be ïeady for'commission by Jan ary, '1914,4 sto b. specialy armc ed ganatiirsbpaftack,. Tepublisber o! thse bs lise pmaritime Yrovinces Il us et"«-s 'I *ouit sai' that I do -no medicins thïat- hie etoo& thse 11k&. mNXAIS'& LINIMENT. an uufniling remet in xioz aven since I oaa 'remember, lived dosons of vould-b' oea "Hovwmany. o! tëýileep goi o! ýhereY" asked 'thitxi fanr "I .dont know," epl hired man, rubbingbis eyes- I had vatcied five r i iump o)ver; Vie fonce Isem lose Vise cousxt, for that aiwàys me.te sleep.,» - I SWash Day' 25Makes tie CI Bluingeo 10 White cents. Ty L ilted. MA iWhy Not SalvC-t hc Mddeman'sPq4 and Ship, Youe, F WE 'HAE STAI heof anf '0 o n , , y t o d rih 1e. nclossed for 1 rln andUp - 'n c a SDl FREE, TO Gi t' ' non, Ote tnak oi m, rea o- makes the voman orS sautifumr - addr«%, - ýt out]I "'il j ROLLED GOLD- BRACELET, 1IegWe tis ebeauIi Bracelet frea vo ange, te any - girl' .or Young lady -Wast e ll 30sorsete of our hsndeome set (se utiful cardalti oaci set). tCl-hent Ur, namie- and we _Iil mnt yen tie ýc hxisi s odent us thess4, auji w "esue the bracelet, Attreus H R- WARREN 000 "T ils-I Veach arem't -a -bit slow," - oérved a echool teachen recently "lIfact;Ilm, af raid t-y. read Vb - paper-s. The' other day, I ro0 àtise following ýprobieito ~-asilthti clcass: "'A rlch mis lfdiesl anýd layes $1,0e0,000. One- fth a-t go ta hie .ife., one -ixth Vo his son, one 1-seventis te b--is. -daughter, one-eigh to lis brother anid the rost ta foreign 1-m issiansa. Wiat doos each geVl' - 'A lawyer,-' raid t-be Iittet boy iin ihie .s,, promptly." ta where they brlnir -~môst? No mnarkeL like New-York. 'Seend f4e j- nricc ~list nthi'e M.F. Pfaelzer & C.. 6 E.- i2th 8t7. (Deek ,75) -Ynrk Ciz-. __ MOVING IOT UmE -MACINEÇ,.iTRE -We' wij1 giv& Vtils iplendid. largo * Moviug Ploit-uneMachine and Magie Lanteruns'zbiued' free Vo -any boy,- whovia viii Boll40 sots o! our -beàti- fui-esnboesed Easter-and at-ber post- carde et 10 cents a set (6 beaistiful cardi - iii snob est). This machine is complote vith 2 filmas, aselîdesa, aap, clsimney, -g(oed l ens ideverYtihin, a4Rreadv for -joàu .aseauerv pro - rega-rd ta a receiver- -were startod - the - U and the will-whi<,i'th Probate Court decidý * lutely in order-wa.s fý £7.900on a -Ru-b In 'i.relsnd- a few ye man died- and left nary. acumuatio-fô ments, -and valuableP wilI W as recoyered tas * immense amouint of Pr in, rubbish -heaps, the * cludifig' £7,000 in. ha: .arjouà-securiti.es . o~ f the-RoVk, befc matter carne, said th& the :tairs- Was à in a-iother- casàe be lish ciurts not-haif_ azgo -a will was admitt found ini the lining fashioned -sîlk-hat wh to 'r bnci given to a -frý à. *uCCesshil action. fer! ýment of a -will1 a yeafiý setate-d that the will-h ter ona haif--.sheet.. ad laced bef-ween ti blottipg pad. After_ the- testato)r- a ere1atî been present,- went t.ý pad 'te write a-letter. o0fý note 'Zpe was foi * for ýýhe letter. '-Axi*d blank .side' the.writ( papex Over tG discoVE -the dead man's wiIl I[nthe Linlg o In'one of Thacken ~wi11 Sfound in the lii -c-oach. Such a hcl actuaily u-sed by a tb post-mortem 'affairs if 'French courtei i 183G * is a sryof a.later wjere a entleman l posted lis 7dying Winl à t o h im s l f . - , I v- a s fl 1na bo4k pïÏblished ago, 'ùCuriosities of Rocom' 'aré --coliected stances oôf curious. wijlls interesting and throw on the inuer wonkinge 3 mind Vha4tone van onil sucli a. book dies arnid *béoks thàt are publishi the most.curious o i wills heroin' colle<,ted Frenchman Who died the last clause he7d rçe "I expresisand. forir that. my remains majy for. buriai in my iarge.li - netead of putting my .fhepense.cf a- coffin. * tached to that trufilc, jaàne round the world wi .The cla use remind7s Ha.mpShire Clergymnan, by .Slyvanus Urban: Though* hepossesse incoe, he affected the- lowest indigence. At th he Marr ied a coizeir-y* ir desi re4 in - is will t-hat buried in an old chesi hacif6 some timei kept that purpose, and that ehould have eac-h -of th-,, tanned leacher glo v's --pair of sh4es, which wei jordiiigly." One more ifistance M., from this ent.ertaining I One September aftrn an empty hearse was ses mt about 4 o'clock at tIl cf -the saloxls of th. Cafe- L1epelletier, Paris. 'Un.- .14 4ypewriting. But an- even - shorter made by an Englishmani li6, 90. -Lt was -as -,foi lr motbear" with tbho mi test&tor. -These few woir ~ uthe. baof na. 1 ýV:iUS&ndhad t-hus dà W,4iullyadmItted. te pr MSeW0O Q TORONTO In tise intereat of puiyof goodis ,cvolv. MAPLE. SYRUR Ing an outiay of $550, dît idet in 44 pnizea xisw varnngfront $l00 first prize) devra te PR IZîE l. Nrs S T Competition la iimited to usera of thse GRIMM CHAmp ION EVAPORATOR., Sisonit yen ove a grove and want ta get thse best value out of it, mcd are net ueing oeao! our FVAPOR ATORS, Write te nis. ltiating how mmci' ires yen tan m e te iii quOte you aîccessary coat aittto your xeed».. Yenu cautisen enter conte. i " i n i, win -icash unize. thug neiuinw mat -01- entfit. Prises wil h- i f thse hest aam',los of' syrup aud sugan sont lu bi' Apnil iith, rip 1< cocllctiiocD. Snxlsfeneai oeei ton v.iii be exhibited 'n tIhe magnificent show - indova oi "Tise MontronS Star." Montreài, dnnang tise mat twa veeks of -April.- Do't fail te vniie ai.. once for copi' cf Our "Prise Contact tirsular," glîlivng tise -fuileat information. THSE GRIMM MANuFAoTruRîN<i oompANV, LTID. Se Wtblllngrtont St. -Monta'aa, Que. 1% Lý i-J

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