Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 1

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-- MEDICAL HALL Prof0sIloa-Qad JN.£FAREWELL, ULe Baïrister, County Crown Attorney and county Solicitor. 'OffmcesOuth wzng Court'Houe, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN sarriaîpr, e wWtor, Neisry vPublie, Etc Office, I3rock St., Opp. Standard Bý.nk. - -Money to Loan. JAMES RUTLgDGE, Ba3îruistorEtc. >oney to Loan"oQn easy t erma. Offiée immecietely south Royal Hotel, Whitoy, Ont. '0. VOIJNQ SMITH9 < LL Barrister, E-tc. Money to. Loaa. s sue r of Marriage Licenites. 0"ffice - Smithi Block -Whi1by, ont. W. ÂDMK. D>mqiIt, OMm. Dujgdu- SiOtu, fUmide... :No. 4, the Tera..,t Ryýrm.et., Whitby. - Piton No. 12L t - 'ÂUoIoN ~ t Oshaa, l snsd- Auatloner.- Suce..- M o ta L.lhirbeaku. For tem, and dates apMy ta selor G. Rob, Wi- -L1C9NSED -AUCTIONHUéR AND VALUATOR. --M I hdi ofmiespromtily at mi« ai ihe Gxwsti . î. - Term oaonabIr î Bell sud Indtemnd6et paonf..Q WHIISVYrONT.5 CONTRAOMORS JHEWELL JAMEfS Carpenter, Builder and Contractor Plans drawn and estituates fuEtrnished. Repairs, Alteraticns and jobbing. Opposite Stepheamonse Box 467 WtIIT V Phone 149 'Cnrner drs~tore. Whlhv Insmiro Success Wbytaking a prae tical coulrge in one oISAW' ,CRU0LS, foronto,by attendance or by Mail, and by no doing quickly peaeto caru a good- .alary. Hdeda of Younlg PeopIe do tLýiI every year. Why Dot You' PFee cala cogne explains. Writelor it. Addreus, W.H.iaw, Premident, Yonge it. , Toronto. 1MIINUMENTS f al u aIsJi8and u eiatoleKpt in stock 1,& il! pW you t. c&Ual!aiour worke b"4"peo for yourm.1f. -m omploy ilim, cnSequeaily v. 0 amd do allow the. agent'a oomxnhIIf, 10 Éw -éent., which you wil c.rtaly affl byr pUroha * trop us. A i oIctd Opposit e t« and We mote SU fi youâ jr cr t r' fg theïr viewi. 'This ýePreggiôn adversé fo war is.ob whih wIl5e ~rtIypproved of, and if 'a 'strilke shouldever resuit in« support of this cause, i t wiIlý be ote whick Will have universËal sympatliy. Trades Unions often forfeit public symp .athy. by their ty- aical method,, bût if the workers of lthe wyorld,- eâtizans and- laborers - ire tounite'i p zig war, war would 1s oo n ceasé" throughout the âd. May the tuine corne .quickly. hopson to -be able to, occupy the new buiid ;hich has been added te the'rear o! our-pil ece.- The work of n'o.ving eour -large cylinde s- iI le the llrst te' engage our at-tentiori ifil eccupy sôme time. - When.this, is done cet imprpvements.- are to Le made te the irn a àt, occupied as a pres's room,-' which will, theî Sverted, into, a: cempesing roorn. Fuiher iifi -nents' and -e-arrangements te the buildinI nlargement of the busines- office will, we hope us accommodation unexcelled in any town' e ;ize in. Ontari o. -repôrt of the auditors cf County accounts foi 2riod from May 2lst te December 31,,as jusi id in readiness for the meetiing-of Council thi-; discloseàs sème interestîng information. it we gleený that 'thé Betemen"minurder tria] îe Couifty.sl1ose 'te, iïf fot fully, e2,000. This .g;bill of expeùise incurreti through the-crime sold' mýan-a crime committed evidently in '.e " o! - geiin a smell sum cf .'meney. The eost of- administration cf justice in thecoun- ring tiiesé$'.çven months, reaches -the large thé ,51I~~~ expendi tes on"-roads' and stotal $8,3.10.74. Expenditures on accoun:t )OIS ampuàt te $.19,703.15 ; but te effset titis 4e;'eeéipts were $12,118.33. The total' i-e- i,"the period, covered amounted te' $219,: cf which current loan4 amounted to $160,- ,urrent bdans and înterest paid amounted te 33.44. The total assets cf the county are ies- ýd to Le *146,142.32' with surplus assets labilities-of $43,607.02. Mi-. H. C. Match, in'aet iIbssur- pistcur aîswec te his letter te the Oshawa pa. pers i-e tie.' vote cio local option. From Mr.- .Hetch's letter, in another place fi ths paper, Nit cen sec bis viewpcint, and fi-cm that viewpeint bc -aoWues correctly. But he tekes, we thiîk, thu wroôi--v wpOint. He states tiat the antis polled- 587 votes,' .-n to win the pros would have had te peul 881 to'kdn, or 109 more than they did poil. That is -qutite. correct, but the proper-method cf cemputing thè _ý vote is, net te argue that thex-e should have been 109 more votes pclled than were polled, but to,'take the total vote polled, which was 1359, aid ffinc how, many of these the local option- ists. shouffllave lied te win. That is tiie correct method'.of;,'reckoning. Let us suppose that the to- tal âvailablé vote was peiled, and stili the yea vote feul sho)rt of th "e required thrce-fifths. It is meîifest thet it would be utter ly impossible teo o- tain more votes than were available, and thereforei the division must Le made on thc basis ef the vote poiled and net on the basis of an- impossible vote., This lixits us to the figures cf 1359 as the Vote polled for and against local option. The vote for lo- cal option was just 44 votes- short ef being three- fif ths o! the total vote polled. Had 44 cf those wbo opposed the by-law supported it, thf M 2asure weuid bave carried. Therefore the local- optionists lacked but 44. votes o! carrying the by-law. To win, they would have had to change 'but 44 votes eut of th e total o! 1359. Se that, if Oshawa peo- ple againface 4 local option campaign, instead cf having te face an endeavor te gain' 109 more votes, as Mr-. Hatch would make it appear, they would oî'ly have te face the problem of changing -44 votesC fi-cm nay to yca. * * * * * g ~IilhU -DU. There weuid seem > te be somethiîg e! ter ail in beiig a County Councillor, especially 'if fortuna tef ~àead orb ~ eneugi te Le eiected warden or te Le appointcd tw i v..dB&nko,W h'by'Ont the Roeds and Bridges Committee. From a per' Susai cf the County Auditors' report, oie finds thar1 su>sunce May 21,. hast Wardon D.A. Brown picked up re -or. v4sA 341.20 o! Ceunty money, besides the littie SoLiven- ô Viiiý Wtr For YOU ii- preseîted L'y the Council. Out cf titis he treat- wIZ~owe wirng. ed the Ceuncillors te the usual June" jaunt or pic' wmdng supwrlies , lo- Ui. Next in order ,seems to have been john Fal- aid transformera. Iwdown, Chairman of thxe Roa1s, and Brid1ges Cern' 1Vint W cili us at Our Imittee., His drewings for the isame period totalt e217.00. .Mr.. TA. Wilson, enother member of the Inotelala o CoiLtd Rased Bridges Committee, received $188,50. k.. Soziaa.Ph" 88. Wien, te ths is aklded'«their receipts for tie first A 94 ,..nths o! the year,, tht "pickings" eamoufit-to ti Central Prison- men,> Mp ýe" 0l-the works' the' new Hiospital for'- the: Wane htb"-w incited 'ta' participate, in a" 'etrike"" on a.'rée: Saturday. They are,sadder bult'wiser mxe'n to-da It Caine abouüt thàljr.-- The prisoners are, accustot0 ed' o adaiy o wcldyallowance cf: tobacco "XMaconali" being. the brand 'usualiy- suppled. the day in 'question, t1Ëe,-supplyr - of .Macdonald ha ing run eut,- and'another cihipýintthavinga rived, another briand cf tbacéwasslabstituted-fi the Macdonald, with the explanàtien- that when tI shipment arri ved it would be "gi'ven eut. - The prî oner 's, however, -,were dissatisfted with' the' subst tute, and incited by some cf tiéeir -foremen, rei, ed upen a. striktejn the hopijthai this- actic would bring along.their favorif4' tobacco)." So the refused tci go te work on' Satueýday afternoon. Tw cf the r-ingleaders were accordinýgly handcuffed au taken-back to Central Prison. On Monday mori ing Warden 'Gilmour came down to, Whitby ai made nuiry inté the cause cf the touble: TE resuit- was that two forémen, were summarily di- missed,' and~ some- eightor tea prisoners 'taàken bac te the Central.'« There, they '-were given solitar confinemtent and a taste 'of the ";cat."1 The, ncws cf the' punishmnn quickl1y spreadi mengst the fifty or sixty prAsners remaining1 Whitby, and siince thin a Spirit of humility an obedience hês been very manifest. -Warden Gilinour let it bt un dersteod ,that. 'th slightest inisubordinatiàn' on the part o! any pii oner would mean qtilck return te ttie Central and ti punishinent. Who is, Medical Officer of fleahth ? An-interesingsituation bhas developed in Whith., duriîg the p4st ten days. At the meeting of Ceux cil heid on Menday night the Council appointed tw( members o! the Board o! Health-the Médical Of ficer 'o! Heaith and oie «rat-epayer. These eppoiniý ments were made. under the new Public Health Act which was passed et the last session -o! tie Ontari( Legislature, assented to and Lrought iîto foi-ce presumably, on April 16 lest. Under the old Act there' were three members o! the Board of - Heaitl appointed Ly the Ceuncil, in addition te' the Mayei who was ex-efficio a* member. In addition therc was a Medicai Health Officer, whe was net a meni ber o! the Board, Lut its advisor. It may Le' that upon the comiîg iutc force of this Act the muni. cipal council should have appointed a new Board, Lut they did net de sei. Tiey allowed the oit -Board te remain in office till thc close e! tie year. At the fi-st opportunity the new council, made the appointinents calied. fer Ly the Act. In tuis they acted in good faith, believing they were carryl;g ou-t the directions therein 'centained.l But there seerns te Le a diffeërence ef -'-opinion' as ta the -action e! the Coundil, , and the late -Medical Health efficer hoids that they acted iilegely in a'p- peinting a new efficer o! heaitit. In this contetirn he is upheld Ly the Provincial Board, wbo -has wriltten Dr. Warren te the effect that he is the Médical Officer o! 'Heaith under the Act. Dr. War- i-en se notified the Mgayor, the ether members of the Board and the Town'Clerk. Furtier, he wrote to the Clerk as Secretary.cf the Beard, cbject- ing to the appointment cf andihe- M.H.O., aid threatening the issue o! an injunc tien- res training the appointees cf the Council from acting. 'In thé meantime the Town Clerk issued a cail for a meeting'ef the new Board pursuant te stetute. The Board met. Dr. Warren aise issued -a cail fer a meeting to Le held te-day. In this connection it may Le, interesting te quote the section cf the Act referring te the appeintment of a Medical Officer of Health. "Every medical afficer e! h'alth appointed by the Ceuncil shall hold office during geed Lehavieur and his residence in the municipaiity, and ne medical officer of heaith shail Le remo-ved frein office except foi- cause and with the approval cf the Pi-evincial 'Board." Dr. Warren holds that having ieid the office cf healti c~fficer for over eight meîths cf lest year," Linder the eld appeintmeît cf the Council, a! ter the new Act came into fôrce, that lie was to ail intents aind purposes the appointee'under the new Act and should not have been displaced except foi- cause. T'he Provincial Board cohcurs ' n this epirdenn. Thc Council, on the other hand, takes the -posi- tion that.,they had not previously made any ap- eointment under the 'new Act, aid '*ere ol ar, ing out'its directions. .What. the- end may 1,e is for- tie future te dé- Ut. e<vi.1 d m1:1 g'adl4ac owedptii A T o o* o f i N oW r d e u - " * w n W u i i c n ' 1o ç îw -zi ' O B j>r < >lt e h e t u e , m aS ,- ere propcd wihýaid ýd'te lW lamit issue D1 '43 ~tit ~tJid w~4~xtiihed iacl<y -and Walter Bai ......=o . ay. -iTe - I rl n . ...... ............... Inembm support.d À F'riend ...d...... Red LC- m h prd Qoincron, 'l~nk~,  Friand.. .. ...... ..e< la tcto lir So ~ s ~ DoL '~owi, 'oute, Itavin Mrc Sha..................rtt »Ics or, Mo iaàée, Swëetman, W.ih-ý .> Iring;. ....... .............j Whitby O a, st' their votes forlLr. irai Gif- Dr. iav'ery ......................oGIN>N for. lOrd, ý1t00 4 of Pari Whitby-4*pow, Mr. iewtock ....*-.. ... ....0 it ïle, oivrà a1 ti o* lie GiKrd ',' H oover ,'X c nty re, 'M e Le, M rs. P rry ..... 2.06& can, gi e yo Ëi; -: et a 4 q Morgan 1Lo iý~pârks, Stacey-4. A Friand ....... ......... . o à srvice. - Mr.Palowdctvwi waà, lpon .the, À Friend -0l--.............. 00 6c per bat.-no no o lemne ti- count4 igofthé -votes 4by lia, u.H. Burnh - Niagara PFallu.200 r Lv- HCJoyero and a eron,- déclard to Le - electéd.iRs W.aW- heaî sort t<> ý OULTRY -rzr bY car y Mea.Gifford ad W ilbi, MD &N) C«. S C E D 1 H 'i di iey wraoLFrwlacomsioer 0 BÂRLES8 HOTEL EBuy alittie ÜMit.for your lhens-if ýn TO adintrdet'tig eola' rtinofica. M4and, Jazi, 2.-The ainnal meet. yoirwant Ce. hd is r o th. brie y apres e ing of -the I idland 'H otel Co m ny B ' A E t tm-afrl. ine .~a held- at th~e Queen's hotel- on Tues- ' l U p o n h i r n , an d p r o m is od : t o d o h i B b '5e d y r o r i g h e p r e w r v r l <e-I ô k r , $ z o p r b g tid intha petiormance cf -bisdutàeî. c upn oopiate etig'< Wovr'tnpe cn. a ho a em r'u busi-ej-ag balesoOI càn Le run ithpro- i iU~ Af. DAerwexW a ni f.~~~comPanY han a -vcry cf- r y A . W . J îa o k a Q n , ewon it o , e re i i a i t r e . I I BO T called té a s -'t au. i Wrde made.- brief adidresses. a- jhe. folowùggspecial comitt va in on Motion -of Wilsoon and C aeos idj appointed to strike the steanding cern- TH ' -EALII> raittees for the ye"-Me=@r Blanîth- 1878LmE ard, M Mlnti;re, Swetman lis h e i$ m a l l y , - ( i f f r d , S t a c y- $d.. h [- mover and. seconder. carried. a The Warden tho atti.cart :o enabi. the. cO==!ttëe --to'do their work.B the. cOmntt8e.present,1 their report, A Nw66 whlich 'vas atdopt.ed, as follows. . - 1..... ... F in a n c e a n d A a s s e e nt.aý T o m AT. c u stG I %in IU U u0 f J Z L s Wa I Wilson, Eq., Canningtonl, Ch -A»r o U R ~ U. L I~f ud he ser ie thusb k l ,Messrs. Stacey, Poster, CaMeroU n ad fdtesrisýo àC Wetheral. - n" 6asiug q=ý BrOOkin Chiima ; Messs. GiZf: TORONTO m fts, e&c. a )y~ Wilon Minyre and Blanohard. H .BY B AN UH I-Education-Harr>, S. Cam2eron, mu*~, W u Beaverto n, OChairm ii; M essrs. M o aCB.Rel li s A Nr. ro Grow, oster ad Wetheral. *l mé..ais.at C.î A . v iel , u C Mmw.DaMngrNwe f P r i n t i n g . . . j . . S w e e t M ~a n , E q . I U . s l a a n g e ) , P l k o i n -il .E t- 'Port Ferry, Chairinan; mgm. ssru at- ri tlake, lieavanar, Clarka aid Morgan. :, ounty Property 'A~'d Gaol Manage- 10 ment-lliram, Gifiord, Pesq., Cedardale, Ur4'E e, ChIairmlan; Mesrgs. Smalley, Batemanz, I J V 'j j Y SStacey and Sparks. L Ê~ S Legieatiad Memorall.-Wm. W b parkaEsq ,picktiring, Ohairmm, )r Messrs. Gerow, Heavener, Batna -e and Blanchard. - _ 'Mileage and Per Diem Âllowance- Duncan M. Morgan, Esqj., Claremoni, It Chairmnai; Messrs. MeIntyre, Rogan, It is easy te niake Marmalade when you buy [.Clark. and Westlake.yorbteaLa er' Âgriulture - Wellington ySmailetteroranges aý;-ýalr' dEsq., Uxbridge, Chairman; Mesou. Sweetinan, Dobson, Hoover and Mo.,WE L ýA SLIeEIR a. W LO8ý-- Ratein, J. W., Reeve of Whitby wih each purchase and Malade mkn becomes y' Town. a pleasant and profitable ime. 9 Blanchardj as., Beeve of Scott. Cameron, H. S., Raevc of Beaverton.- Seville Oranges :925C per- doz. 'SClarke, J. E., ileve cf Mara. Dobson, JT., Deputy Reasy.Beach. Grape Fruit - $1.0o0 iFailowdown, John, Reeve of Brook. Granulated Suoar - i b îo Poster, John,, easy. of Urbridge 1 lb$io R Town. Gerow, Geo., Reeve of Port Pry 3. Gifford, l{iram, Rýeeve of E. Whiby 'HReavener, Ren r, eeve of. Rama . - 0 ove, ~B.,DePutY Reeve of ick- . TLWE.- 31MztYre, Raipli, Reeve c f Reach. L 1 gmChLn Walter, Deputy Reeve of_ - East Whithy. W I B , O T 1Mocre,.J., J.,- Reeve Whi'tby Tp. Morgan, Duncan, Deputy Bevey.of Phi'4.ropd'ivr Uxbridga'? Tp.-j' ropdeirv Iinving atolen $75, the prôpertV' of ThIos. Ashe, with,,_whOM -ha roomad in- The above -price includes vent-pipes, and iglo et bofrdinghoume sOhe a a thai Ashe imd' irnt-MlQa ~of chemical.,S eé-he "Ciod 1-Jealth »before yuby in.Barr pliacecl 'it unde the mai- uefa p»Sceof ---trpef,ýt tiibcd- room." Coom!>e had, b"c- eMP-loyed - it LE the Nellable rou Works. hBarra wcr ani~a-ua't"tie ft oi ti C RNER M- ARD-WARE Wj.'y fn* adcu t da il)~h- zýrit9m arhdct" ft lats- ýlýZC&Iliucw.

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