Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jan 1913, p. 3

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bt~rbor't~ immor- a Fr1îSti.y iv15.U 'e-aies thse barber, i ýif h.e- it, ~etanoes might b. who bave,, becoine 100lr, the itmor-- 0 and aýhcr waa' ,r aend hue-el! Wq- for ao lime. * Tie [or'& birth wiI lie -. William 'W$-ji o! "'Lives' o! thie and Baron Tonw iv, ere sons o!, John Kitto, thse hOins lime a bar-, jerd St. -Leonard, land andi Ireiand.:ý sh peirtêr, Wbô'l- Chern works lie-vs- il, began'his mir- i i England týs e~on an iveli. It tisat the hwo pro-., roed by le-w. AD> that -ear pro- n nasin-g -any- Sbav-, Lond-oershalh -Oc- letting eo! bleode' zcept only draw-. 'a century -mcre- ucci bo 1ractiée- first union or-- bers iran forme4 - >Oraed,, in 1492. arbers' Interna- IaB n ils '- m- ;e proportionà of in the Un-ied ,and isl' e-aid te ing 'in. infl'ueuoe i ýorganization.'ý eeu and grin, ll-tise wivhle Qovncast chie. of' face pow'der îey "mll Thi Iay for particulars. Mootreai, Cao. ____ ' .06 -&.* et v*~t,~O.untriesc ine, audi _~.ayp and 1Certain s"]Rabt" * bids feir tc> b'. more perma&nentt -Wlin a higis pr<îe às pad fo.,' mYs he Len4on Spiseie. PNrsian lamblold .î,Ttei. p 'p a ha$ fai1en j t4 _Çh&5érr ieuzu un4 ik4p 4ý &ion tha.t the garment je ~tiesa mn êrlcunre-sacnp o! thsefinest ekine t&> be h&d43but quence o! 'aln>tunfortunate. Ber ,ewl01 Zhti et Èe, foar ts oç4 -s WMu34YI1 iYOI'0 1>iS aetem nadie i thoGe iÈ ut tain nufficiently mb toaco' o a4capawhi'oh beeck t~ th variabl hmn lmpt APeirîttie xpert of!-thsebeste ùIis.. MaY e said-that it ia deefgned i-c A.hr ha is.< ~remedy;.so ! ,o.tii.defects -wh more tha"n nuskrat;ý drec.d 'pull-plane., and thsds mÙihine has 1y ed, fur "Ped«'n vere ýtrial jui9fed ts oit~r Sabl- ai Erie, are. - -'étrénigth and autemalic stbility io ýg h egree are the twbmo l Er>nwhkch la .1ipt .< - jin notable tentures of iheé- Etridh beenr, thé emble Y - defor dmittedli- thé ipbt*P si nce, -rôyaty" inîùe ýf J"îis -'bÀ h- Until reeent'yeral-'t ~ ét4ltdmr~ srcua -*eaiess te memerS o! tise royai 4e;y but -*iit Ofswabilirïe éâ ~occasio>n. in now worn oùal robesz. -,Etriçh -jaone -of! th~e- sares-to! e#c- Qbi~iila, whchi.bezng umd ome>- perun1entsem,' commencmng at, ahnofs mOierab bi eê,cernes frin ,theiesàmë-lime- an the 'Wrigbts. Nët- BoraÊ1 lp" S-Le,-a#eryiv,k ux4t, ye g ge, hew-edc ùa~e Ur le fe-dI ii. Sable fie -evoirve ha xn-oter-drivsoý mono-r and ermine - rank M.nong the raresî line,.and since -thon ho isxoe Tise fiee sbl 9~Uèal -de- 1,9_ Y.. origmnal TieEtrihl uiIr "é' <Rusin crown enemuplane e 'bîrdlikein, p an veý f rom Kamchat-ka, Aaia, Y&autsk,- and, the,- wings are cunio6us i-n thaet ihoria, anld NorthsOhina. Tise fur- 4se-are «curved -backwarde andt~ Of «ne o! thse -uitIlé u~n1,bayer WZes'at lie enda. 'The bailis bird- tu nieluche.,eleng'h,-including like a130, Frow -tiip te hp the na- tise aU, eadufbrI~ge .roni-$i te chie ne-alrea, -noleB. tàhaîn 48 feelt, $130 »akie.Furrere . will ÏdInt, -an ý-enormnous' Width for a -inonï>- however , ta theY priefer-a firal-' plane. -Its length is 37, test, an~d eue-a Amýericun m&re- iitaý- bthe"epr~ioiie ,are proofs ,in exoept, ho fineut. -theme ivso! the - -remarkable Anafteaa k h l .. T1~ee - re eci nd ii-vr ~ The.wings are the weakeet part of ,,n o!IboVied ansilr fox,",liethe-monoplan6 ~na rule, andi in the -Ercsiefda.very r.niarkabie moreexpneie. -Lt is-a baek'rmethod cof enatruehion -to remely tdpped -with- asil-ver- hair, ~- snÇw-is'- res mn'sp r rojtf r>n 'boUu -an ilver and- Maua«k fox, &Bnd the central 'bedy, an-the cross- tound. in Northis 'America.x. ribs are eecured te tise-se and then -are !en, te a-aiu ther oevered iijî1th fabnic. A cantilever Parti e the -w.rld, e-yen in northern brldÈe--li1te structuré e! steel tub.- AMrioé4,, Arabia, Pernia, and jin-cer- fgs~preVs ni pre1 paan Parls 01 India. Very few black thils gwée aa degmee o! strength to b exet arec au àpwld eira sefd theplanes 'whieb enablen them to e ~rnen vio naie aepciatyo! t.made o! ample dimensions. , The et'0very l04g ago a large lu&- re.r par-o h ln sbitu troue blasck foxskin u eiduyrb- a)orte the pae is fbui up ô $1, 560, and some .have been .So bera oenb ovfe wt !b i as3t 0fo.rm a eflxleëtraaling- edge. IW 3 x,000. ngfrui$4to$ In,*thus.agan we have a suggestion liedfoxskina bin~f-rm 84tO 5 '! "ird.formation bein'gfoilowed. eacb, wbule mink ekMs are selli Thewig-hlps, are lurn edU p ah tise for from-$4.50 ho $5 apiece. -Lt mut mr ~4i onwa iia be rememhored th&t il SomehimenS mauner. te bise Du une machine; take as any s ferty klfl tenauiiralste-bilily te a high degree is makie up a garmeut. For instance, obùise.-I thereby. ;Tse pilot 'as it ake ovr fart t--hi akne <> asoutrol o! tise wing-tips. The -miké .A long sable ocat, and ad Aâ central bodly la made of steet tub- Lie skinar-a very expeneive, it cam-'.ý t~ bacdin ts rn be t' ndhly seen tba-t sable ,coate are- ngd1s cova'ed lu wi-thmtIheeot & net yt g ihg te e woedn by very- ing. The Etrich mo)noplane is ma-de bcdy The rien uetet -boe ae ,. varieîis stiandard types, and its fer thse skins in the raw Qtate"aÉned o-eIs fîrnished by the- famo-ug ail -skin.s increase in prie-e alter the- Aist-oD.me giwhhha ý.Re'e,ùdimd been so sucetsulised by Cody. j] - _____ - 1îe1rget uaçhine - i-sa thre.e, M HU GE C.- N. R. uoi'i-Ei. reat-ar, and it ha-s an e-ngivie of 120i -horzepo*er. Tie Et-rie-h mon--ih VomenjShos'tly -to Eu-cet One o! plane is 1iarg»ly nsed i-n the AuE-- aïs leunsInMotreait,-tr&ur'y, le ~Pié"strength,~ p.ewpr end deliabilihy, il seenis pe- A despatois frein Mîortreal says: culiarly iveli adaptrA fer naval and t Xîwkenzie & Mann, or the Cana- milit-ary -wcrk. dianNo-tbemn 1tailway, wvill short- 13' conmmence the erection o! a. large The Eastern Ontarlo Dairvmens,; s0even-liundred-roorn hôtel luin Unt- Association 'vpted Iu !aVeo! ofestab- reeal. The new bot-el wvill'ac , lisi'ii' an, 'annuel 'national dairy à MoGîll Collage avenue, and be .,edlibition,apinngacrmte xithin tivo blooke of tise neW C. N. te 'conter- with ropresantatlves of ti Franchise Jte!orm Billea are diapos- lulely heceesary "if 'our productivew ed of, will -ho a Colonnolscheme Ifor.peivr letu. le, zniaintaineci in om ~mprveîîent'ii~ lemet ~ èi*n jwthMit 4ur rivais,>' le 4ar. and higher education. . e ded -- - ýIss importe-ut announcement Tis e eplaiation given by the sai ,atma.de on.'F'riday ons thi.e utheçX'Mi>iùee*afi' aht ieln s reie Aquhhaud-Ohà-J tin 4n'canot lie dealt witb untillisi opIlor-'lpi he 'Exeheqser tD vid jthse land valuation acheme undor- wc LVoyd aogeM b , ViscouipI Ha al4reItakeîh iiDavid Lloyd-Çeorge's-fain- tr, th e T- in M'Il ;'Z;lor . a Pý1"0ove budget is cempieted andi that mil litia.1 e eâ'j- a- hýlwis41--requ ire et least another oi oolitU - -eaui th e xiahingaxa- ouploelo!yeaa-a. Je o nrt-t a ut in t1o a fur- XA w e tIinr amn Ad6ipa1ch fru]nm&. JOhnù : a-C at Mr. Lewi.e, Tç49 _XuntAbertý narýw î- ape romi4etù ru Ub Ur ati e èected, 1>residè-nt of the O-fÃ"'î f -nspêéepa~me y l.d~ 4~ ttario ApriuIt irýèJ 'd Expernmçn segi advewwr reztt4i* ag *B k'làéU ooer, ie pasèngliOl - Rew ereruprti 4fs ààeÏe9 ý M'bJ . V th ~fcrery Aila.n Lin eteimer.C&rth&- - u oftê 1 totiimbê-u0 <>Miss Minniè ýBoor, -teaëlher at lin- d w v .rie ee n~r-IToron1to; Jan. 1. -altoàWbheat-ýLxke ardY owu usde he roýee.- y-~igI. rom LâerPo(i* No.,i' norther 9 1-c.; 2 92Maogn,~. ~. gr~1I a~drwndin aBi~hsae etLiverpo1 -bc~Ter No. 3 1-cifedwet, . c. <>oý4Wr*4Iý,h/~~>n't~r ~ olmiawee. e]c ~ 2~fr St 'onsH1iax ad 10arfl ,,ba-Ne.. 2. 90e to pic -for -cr <citiej3 for Ch~~ Hea.ithPhil4de1Iphia. <apt.. McEillýp -fflid' rgrades.;'-1 .- ont'O o or ~ w'kbigtee 1 e dîB e P-Ogrmesï 4 Itnd n n titute o ! ubliv ha. h n h' èthhr ~T * ~ 'Oùiro Oatf-Nd. 2- 1hite, 330 to 4k at >rp l w id a r d~b e 1~ Ã" th e ~ f o u n d i t . b r o . h t b e r e n h t ç au g h f r e é - e B e r l ' ) l it'Z T o ù , : to ' r a k , - T o -u s n r o g e ~ u r Criitopber_ Peake; -, lumbe; n -o aW-o Or'W Itfoid t -aywindowâewere;bSQme ro4114b,,-J,2lie b40,4 k.. a.y mnnr heflanmes -MraoktB 41 1 N.en wrkýiheQtrpIo M rs. m »: .Ta lor j dead roen préad so rapid 1y th at it w as nece a'- 1 fe d ,'391 4 r o pt hi' W ..Q <t ,. he b r qp al 'w o e ~ oa nar osee, ary- to -punip an eno>rmïousui émW mesà Juil*Trno ,y.es'aecaytsh'o huab,,nd ~ d~21 of Later in*to the vee1'eYt ro pe:-o2,:,1A0 té- $120, car lots ot-prOQ1 iý .seý - out» T -Ë ÃŽr. > .0 ly. ";-- _4 N w u e8e.il -- f «t_ý;ý to 76e. eiosi f ctdW004, Yey;.C<mmniýn ila-:13razil-1 and d. 17 ngutbo my etrervr.a~i ekneefo d leep r the- lied Oats-Per bas of 90 ponds, $2.- ýrL,4i o Reportigte the -Eaâsxiatererwa'k e deponth rerý>r a 4~,.85., who alWindeoc >~ifo,~t.b~a~1i*'t deck-, It laes .r>,Paire- onttr . JDcke,o thePanama C&na.L. Jgj;Àd iei ~ DeirymW& eA09ooiitk>n eJw. A estiýth&m. M lu< duatie, 60e-ta keep r*ýring 4hat ta t IlOOt'1OèO. 620. tB~88a~.tflLtifI9O941thei.l:. f-the )94 i 'w U infeed-m ntobarà 1 ýe> ~ioht rpaw ir.~I e oo ~ ra ef the total experts o! d&~~ ~ - - 00, in. bage, trac, ron sfforèÎ ts,'122.00 elft dfo or nryu ,ih a e d u o ~ n r e e e d b yr j m r o - 2 3 - O n ta rio e t. O 0 2 0 0 . ~ ~ ~ ., a ~a e P ri e .- b a-u e b i n s o n i h e i' d dII as, b-lG>BYL*ute -bagaé; second pDatents, $4.80 4- -of ail pzre<t6 Iitotal value ci Two- Men Senteneed for Stealint *cîo bg.te br rr.efrs lge.h e »e-a neu etee o>teu e6,ooo oc pareôd ýith 111. 2ý_o Ihiii'0<, Y palo For~~ rweat r, 9 , jointsuriu t en rti. - f~o~- nd~n~g<~ps-cent. jpîtentg.- - 'qutdat: $-0to -Wihthe fulluii ,jno'the, ~;ria Ganadian e-fttstics did rnot show a& Adesp fri: d.telq-ýUÂtac s.ôsa.htlnd ft e1o _ý1ptmso.oWdi- Wigle pound of butter. as havixig land, eayB: 1tthr it 'rF oto nd .9 olad5Ltee4 h0 Ter1yi t tfr xsaàfamine"wlbe areala 4- -A tiis. ~i~nry-;rsdge., - ~ ~ *'~.Po6~~ taàe 'thetrouble inn.ybe 4 istaken, 4p13q-laeft.. -alchely was cqe i' a Trot s.rg~"or iUi1ýugO !n Ft heard iii the Lc>n4onè 28à En-Cise oe eÙgàbtoq2 iintifsjjik awkwardatti- -, . i te ottý ýfroeh egsa résîelling -at 3()ù ta Mc; Great Britain. two mon were oharge4 with steal- strilety, new-laid aI î40c, -and - mrcn SZlVS~sRMY --td ta~ih .aku~~akcr- The--Iri-jh homne rule bill made ing tïty.nf.tnded ih1 O i exee 143-42 - cd~~ tepain etk a? oie~- further-pro-ree" in oomnittee. alcheuicoIdao!thé val; ý o!'2,250 large, ne-w, at 141-2c; aid clieese, twins, J qesi !$ndn cbra.~t ; jýJRotefltthai--pae-aiê British actiresses decided -teo pick- f romi the prosecdut<ers, -the Alchemy ButACte-1514e;bular, 15e: iÏ are _. e heukiisiVtht child be et Ho use of Gommons dîrring Iran- Gôld Cma Liie.The ien'Cmeaînery prnts, 31. te 3e'0 ..... soudawenvé i chi" bill debate. were convicted, and-sen9ececi » 30;dairy, printe, 26 ta -27e; Inferior A despatcli from -Fort William' U ô&f~n ~ypain 'or 'weakns - -The engageme-irt is announced of týerms of i r). 3 tîfAc -j s- Ada, -the youngest, daughter of9t 'inhc êp iitis ndSaS:Redy h- hefistbrakng i hybk to Mm ip n4 8C" ln barrels st-talnd'loe oney, o! ioe'in Thliip'd'er aad1jýSët'n 121-2e a Pound in 60-pound tins, 12 3 u rBy n tak S-r'dl' oré n Field..Marshal Eari Roberte, and IIOTRÂLS IELT -ET2E i -13e,5-poen& tina;,.eomb Prert emoo!héerbe 'en,-he ai a awear4Çss M Major Lewin, o! the Royal Field 7e dze;Àxta.$3te their destinations, six sk- Wbè ue t r-Âfld'Eligllter causes; Art'1l Sh tie Hav -BeenRedued ~ -999 Pi- decjee~wolen e,- ae1.edupatthee-vaorsh but if thi diseaae exists, tlhe method- l1e4tys eave 7eyear.s o! a t.-- Oea peo fàwb 3e, te'10c; 'dueka, William wiith' 12,000;0Ã"bùshels of of examinatiop the.,surgeon] ýpm-7 Çnlted States. - P_1.D.o!-ourto. -1et u~nedpy, 1e t 1c =gesse, in their poawillm tï'<T 9e, ta loc.,Dese 5 gahokIsÊ.-This work, ploya - anoss'e}r moigii a aioM~~ont"ea1citzens' health ismrV- an--2.fôýr primes and 82.85 Y-or the'-head- o.t the 'lakces, Ws due f<o -ehght for the parents te notice. - mpea ndDoage-Ei andaeodig't ltet'ipotbndpikd:-. '- - kepngth habo pe atenyi"'Te-tramt f'ot"d-eaê i pruo! f tusaare both ill. cuig11 h ~enaé ! ste-ar l ts,; ew. B0enta s2egation had closed; -Th vssl arey-nehiI;-by "lens-à'ô Irretriovable damage was don. tdet prntouar, o! lotsa.lis 8e ewBuswcs ta 1,1 re ba. et-a stre; .95o were ahNc te move te different ýl} - urgical-ia , ,teddte ,-' the leraon and orange corops in 0c<r Population, but. ii 1912 this had vt lots.teo n sitnle-ot-tlë-,in. ad hsrà rvn ai- O~~~Daie nion»-ý-Per case, $ao2.5thltteor.o-sssance pr-heéie adtu e~e~t" fonaowing t ev rot enrender fiit foria te eay frot. eo re~e b19.9.Deal3 of- ri~ns - and without any undue -rush.- j<t -defonit;FüËtherniore, _the .àhi1'- Interesting evid&nce was given as 1child vo y4992cpr- t.4 ae >'Whoieeale dealers -r-à1 t otebreakere are breaking ice .tw e -4etwho ofufrn '-ei'hs km<!- to huge profits before the United 11 ubrd499 e husnd. tradoe as rollows- _- aesllg A 1thick ini the barber- and,'il"çn-tube' rculosie needa ;the cxefii1- Statenm>e tutiqur. - Deaths f rom consumption - iii o ot 8o1red' an&d Dry Salted Meats-oR-U tne ekepth vroen i ~ea.nentthai al ubrtkix-cié'- un reta- 171- -ev, 51eta 16c. breakfast. !xur 2L2rctelyai o rLj~hu 41 monst bao long c lear bacon, tons' and veseels'here have been l4i-aded -and nourisbingfod n o etcn Ceneral. ~~~~~~cases. 151-2c; beeks (plain>,, 211-2e;bcs> foam e etcn A woman waa, executed at Sha-ng- FROM TIESTE TO CANADA. (peamea, pikl.2eL.be there will. be no necessitY o! work statly in,- the opeiî air--~. a~ hil for pereisting in the use o! Green ea ut' of le aes than being doue, after the ice breakTre nigbt-.-Youth'8 Comp"a.nix opium. Motro-Canadien LUne by tise C. P. Pork--short cut, $26 te $28 per barre];qut -- Lt la reported that the powers R. 15 Ruimored.& Lard-Tierces. 131i-2 to 133-4c; tuLbs. 133.40 - - àltation Prevents Cold. pie te the IBaîkan-allies.- - Mr. G. 'M.-- '-BoFsw-th, Vc-Prs - - -Baied U&Y and Straw.---- asbi e 1ythmeiad: ThePrsien c te unarandent -of the C.P.R., would neither Quotations, tra-k, Tlorouto.,-Baîed hay, Five-y'e;r-oId Son of Rey. iR. o. eco f artrnOuth Golliege. Chamber fougit another duel and confirmi nor deny.the rumor that N:i,. 3U-0 ta $140; No. 2.sra $9.50 ~~ Joîlliffe Sheot by Chinese ReobI)prç.4i bout five years ago lie-,beganumak- woundied bis antagonist. the Canadian Pacifie llailway' will $10Q0. îng bacteriCllegical examnin, ~f'-- shortly inaugurate an AUstro-Cana- OotelCut--Poue ~c rm Pkn3Y:ts i f the college halls and, o INTEIRESTING EVENT. dian steemshi'p service. "The - - Moutre, Ja. 14.-Cheeee--Fuest -Cieerobr ht n ildcitation- recuis. uindeoyn -founïd s company," Mr. Bo~sworth said, - rns. 10t 3-e e. ieteaen John, the. five-year-d son oI the grea.t periodie vriiointeu- Countesof Aberdeen Open& a "bas net 'ruade any definite decis- 11-e 'ç 0-4;doseocîe 2 .z 'aethat -b ro bceradev8l-' to123-c, Bttr-coies cea'Rev. R. O. Jolliffe of thse Ciaadiain colonies thta c Negr Bay 8ov~ ion regarding such a service, anud l 49e Eg-Fresh, 55e ta 6:; do., select- msinre n pry !ce nt8culuemdaeps asehegatorstans bw t MONil '.300 t e;do.. No. 2 stock, 21v to 22o. rlSO ll$wero -ret=ving by in the; iusult-hllwoeidJe. A despatcli froru Philaçlelphîa a rumor." *The rumor eurrent - - es-Fer bg a os-5 a8e boat to the town of! Tzeliutsing, '.fe then adcptfed t-hopla-n cf disin- 4 savs: The ConesOf -Aber-deen, London i-s that the proposed.-line Unite*d Stalas Markeis. -whien they wire attaLcked bY.thie fecting wý-ith% fkormaldehv<e aniv s-ife of Use Lor4I-LiQutenanî o! Ire- WilJ mrn-direcly hmT-isetz iueils euf>1 uyl4T'.- hat-Msy68--4c- obbersn,- bntwen hengtu and' reof ooniescin ýcr oanrhrtel and, who, Nwith Miss Violet As- Canada, and that, Montreaî 'wm lother 84e tô853-4-:No. 2do.,82 hngkn, n h rvic f oois rcstersofe!any kind, 61 quit'h, youngest daught.er of the probably be the .Ipnding port- in 833-4-.Cr-N.3icio.4 t.e~ Szechuc-n. Oeo0 h obe- a0acei eadih h t Britis.h Prem-ier, is visiting this summer and St. John iu winter.. 2, 641-ke to 581-2,c. uran--,,19oo t-o $19,50. bu. hsTetcum, 4 11tV. speut -Oate-No. 3 whilte, 30c to 30 1-4c. Ry-e- No. caîitured. u-te ettk oh'been co'ntinuied, and-the resluit ct.setWednesday inspecting ________ForUeaîe.fl iglt. - - has been quite Érîiking, ie-ae he Phips Inkstitute and other in- 'Du-- hluth, -Tan 95W(c'tNo lî-. i; stitutions for the treatrnent o!fltu- NEW HR ILWÂfPROECiEI>. -.o1îo-1;r.8e 2 i4o., 82k-J;iy f pdmeols nloe 87<; a. ~- bruchtisa.môn.- bercu lotis. Mi.s Asquith cdevoted :- Sng rdueEaou nehN! 4--' timie to social engag-ements. dur- ('aiiadi;on 4Centr'al - Labruulor- ~-tav tc akes ~ AII RO O$N.h vtuêt or -~'oîîrei.Jan. l4.-CIhDee eteer,, 7 to-1 Plltriil_ Baion Liat-en -by London ~- ing the afteîi-ni 'on. but at night c- Blnino CocîraneEistwaýird. $7.25. -o0d àI 186-50 to $6.75, fair.ai >5.50' * (11 -oipanied lLady Aberdeen- to the A$6,' - 8.c0MM4flit i~4S 5.and catnfrs ialifly . i 1%o tnîrcufr. h-1QusI mëihn* peu~~~~~~ in fab-vsîigso u eý-sratch frernOttawa says: I 25te $%3.25 Ipelt iàon. is. Lambs, by von rproposa1 but L muititha:ve -henneg -ofecton fime ity. A aîlwa fi-o i-î iOfariïB - 7 te *725 sud shre S to $5525 for <-wes A de-patci-Itm- Z'idoOnt., afwdyotil te~.~ bhe nero secton of te cery100 pýoundsz. Calvtes ratnged rolu$3 to ecross the great.nl('Wliteriand ef *i2-'-eh,-eis to -91î,e and qttàfitry. aTls <& says.,lm)1n. Murphy, the eiglitê n- - -Well when may cerne for rny an - Queec, t Cap St Lwis i Labselèeted lots efT horm were inade freeiy ai montits sou of John Murphy O! swer? "'She-ese-, ndy- GASOLINE LAMP EXPLODED. rad4or, with branches' to the nmeuth Toronto, Jau. i4.-Csttle-Choice butch- Blackfriar's street, We-st Londonj. there'n theý- washing';' Tu'eeday -, cf thse Ha.mi.lton River and to isle er. 86.25 to 86.8.5; good mnediumi, *$5 ta died ât Victoria Hospital 'on Wd- 'Il ust p:ut up cleaný curtains anid onquiere Woman KIlIed, Another cit of Q11e-bec, is project-ed. The $5.25; blamôn.$3 o5.2. te *r~ os. 8$35te c poraie osein. deI ue. ak sn. and Two Children Hurt. Canadien' Central &Labràdor *.7.-av -1 ~er )y)foîîr-yar-'oid sisteî', Ûhrià'tn!a, suc- Cone- nTîrdy- ~e:Mrs Wary eehev.efMrk-4ne MZ,~ ', , yr -uihundredtho eb £li~5 ,n ws- a~- - ~ 4bond&4.$~O$ mvlo ear here., die-e i -os asiamIdn -ed~~n 4Mi»I TiéUld~ig~>n ~ t's chair -on Frida. T he y u g rglaioi oi w -" h n et C n PL, ~0o o gai n L- ' - .~-- Ui ti ~ lJ'- ~rnn 'a h-rng~n1 'eeh ~-ofogchoier asruinior 'virus b'eln plts. ýTise nç ntcaletgMrs., ?ryeriW, i,~î l te-ed.- A' naebelc'w4o '4 ~Qps iede % oure o! danger theabut British exp;orts to O*na4 je~yis,,-i~ '- ~ JAAKYkCu "'~ter -d liv, - ilvhsi0iani ai>'.1'th8 m orain, mainu I aturIlS i1&le,'orardian *i.i& op eratiOti carried Ilirougi4- butMrs.;îîn'efl (1thV.'teady dro - i 'l ~d~v 9AJ15A -+d~ ~ Édb th, .. ~ ~ p.--~ç hlavîcÃ".af ~J L'~W~~. mi~

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