Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jan 1913, p. 1

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UgcL11es Of W0r Zusaffairacoming ýciI keeps u4p the pacê set at th --- --o' --- '~ gctwn LflS Posed.of Messrs. Bateman, Annek lallett,'Moore Àt 4.02 the 1flireCompany h4 a -ften yerr -- tW r1 in The meeting then adjourned t aIothe e e - hydrnt rner ookat tg aers ob h oiintattetL c 9fflu#énimitteetpreparei their repbrt:._main up-tovn gitered 130 lbe . to * vi, wee fot sufficiently viligait. ip t.heir, care 'Of WenC nclesmd MrBgmafrte 5L1iih.A 4.41iu lan -he -tçwn's i4terests wÏhen acc iengc.p .RtM., at b teig5Ima ebyda4su 31 - ~ ~ ~~J lnýCQlflfi ttee, reported the -foloigcomtes: ti510,U fo sret rssng. Lappears that the. subway- nneAns tphnoWlol bm.irîel, bo mat tn a endum las by flanned for -Dundas Street *east of M r. Howdecû 's, Stree- Ha llett, Moep , Co lwiIto. A .7'4 êbjv r nsfot what it eshould be.linstead of-the abut- Fr dLgh-ore alett, W0s1..PW55r.upovn l MsU10-une#. rnents rUÙning parallel with h odaFadda- Tir oper igty-Cor, Mooe, Stepesn. t 4.09 fur lins.o ho.. vls lm .-n al y 1 os hehil ay th e mte r a w y and d g - R elie-Sp he soaAne ,da l-t.o etio .th a 5I bo.esu a a b d a i otenydedt e a ithe pzliaU onseWisopColwill, Aoo e Stepenon ed'tne obe at iglit angles with teraiiway and Apltti s«tre l..> and, ai liets lit diggonallY ac-ross the roadway. The plans are for The iàes of 0,Concil eing eefxdte b frsrependa etu th i Counil metigi wre fýed 145 lbs.-At ibis Point IlthOe ve .17 of esub way 32 fee e hr saci n.h odsame as last year, the first -and third Mondays in coulci bave been turned on te lte 9 ftnortev fet tageLt under t.he tracks, and, each tnonth. * nisledi aadesirous of DcuÈ * te oginth radmae nceaay y heshpe The meeting then adjourned until 8 o'clock in the 00 The oa nciouthe muotors -ai bis 'YadOf the subway wiUi make an awkward and some. ee g- tage vas 13hotu. pover. btywhtdnrous spot. [t is feit that thiq thor- TeSpdt" n-o -~oughifare is sa important and carnies so much- EVENING SESSION. ion -that Liv. streani coûld- have bez useci, 1and .1W lb. reseshave l e- * traflic that the beuit subway Possible to secure is The evening session was largely cui wit the maineci 95 Ibo. aitlte hydranhi.- Etc. y, nonpi Bank' noe too good for thisimportant roati. To the -intxroduction-and passing of by-hiw1s. At tbis st fTie test lasteci about"tetv n» *1912 Council is due the credit of getting a 32 fooct meetine~here are always a numbei fapinm saesan h.ilk el a w er n.d subfay. The railwayUCo.,wandedtthe Council tor to make. only about ono foot. Wh.n limu ed he ounil tstreame wer in operalign about 8m Etc. a ccept, an 18 foot subway, which they claimed was. Mr. R. L. H4ggard, a veteran member' Of lialons, vers being pumpeci pu, mini t he standard width. The Councl however, held Board of Education, whosetrmoofiehd -u. lotele out for a wider one, and succeeded i getting the pired, had req- te ht i e o e-ponle wa rin db-gir8fur tranhea Promise of 32 feet. if the 1913 Council can get The nauMe of Mr. Geo. Ifewis, was inseted n th hy ran t -y,é .fusing st o the subway -straiglitenec t.heY wilI malce a good by-law .fluing the vacancy. sre i.tehomean, i mcl uinaqter nôsmies asue stat ontixer yer>s orkAnother by-law was put tIIrougIi appointing a -ad how 8o0 gallons prmnt;l On.a a amember of the Public lirr-Bad, n r ..ti t of Jauuary 4, the pumnp ex. On- W-- ibayBad adM.JB mu.<ec tiis, andi therefore Er. Evetry SThe retieeto r ugtdfo'evc Mitchell was re-appointed. *.i ral lao ii h eul 1remnt- f Mr Huglrd-fromservce.agrtiz easewi im bth aed ul. on the Board af Education has permnitted the ap- The auditors of last year, Messrs. W.L. Elvidge Tn*he aii 10ere t al uytem c a»e. idt POintmnent of a Young business man -who lias teadJh awr eapitda the sm sal- protection in, afor<led by 1h. ne mms# respect af ail the citizens-Mr. Geo. [ewis, jr.ay 25cd. electrie pump. It i46ay b. note, loo, STo the men who -have given long 'years of servi'ce Another by-law, authorizing te bornowing of that thé stean pumping -planti. e on he Boad a Edcatoz-Mr. 1Huggard, Mr. Har- moneY to the limit - f .*20,OOO, Iwas put througli . lma alr' arase oS per, 'Co. Farewell, and others-the tow n we This is Le usuai cust m i ordei> tâ.. carry on tehs sl ddfe poeén myt. debtofolgto.I sacei oaycmu town's business til the receipt of taxes i June. i. unexeelled anyviter, and vs bave Ce- 1olgto.I sacei a4ycnm On motion t-le Town ProetCo ite wa grant renson to compliment ourvalt <e-nity ta have in iL citizens so public spinited that nnd lrght commisaiuer onlit r and~~~~~~~~ ~n thy ee cnsrind ocpemmtniwst, hit h nstructed ta renew the insurance a Lo n saiueei. n nth lhforty years in the service ai the community on > propenty, which expired at noan on January 14. ie reeentint tselc important a body as the Board. ai Education. Shail Mayor Willis refenned ta Lie presence hene last are madeto the- Pire Underwrtors' we not be but voicing the best instincts of the elec- week of te Fire Underwriters, Inspector. The Association. t'h.re. should b. à v"' Mayo ha ha a alkwit th lnpecor, subulantial réduction made in th~e I- torîs when we offer tuis word of praise and 'thanks Mao-a hdatlawt i nsetr nd surance rating ns applying1.1 la.Ii * L Le enwlo restppngdon ndou o îb-urged that Whitby, with *iLs splendid water sys. tôwn.bi P Lem, was entitled to a better rating tian at pre- iiiuscrd > iepesr idsd lic service. IL is true that they may not always upToewn vals 1h rk of thajoressur- f-have done just exactly as, their "'masters" woul- sent. The ratings on buildings ai a certain ciass paZ t aenreodeeymnt -have iadl athcm doh buterLhey dide whaordinetheiinut ha-Ve ad - tem dodbdt flotdiailatagnreerbeing higher an some buildings during the. test, andi manifesteci gréai - judgment appeared ta be the best, and ihat is jus~t han -others. He thought it was up ta the prDp.. intereel li the resuit. what was expected ai tiem. The infusion afi new enty Committee La geLt the best rating they co.uld and younger bload into the Board of Education frorn the local agents. s j Cu iiLgL M r. Anne's appraved aifte remarks ai Ris Wor- à - may, on may nat, prove ta be advantageous. When9 ;5 the young men geL properly into harness and ac- si.H eerdL h dsace rmOkil Rates, -quainted with the work, they may ieed more like andi Whitby appearing in a Toronto paper on Sat- Sletting themselvesbehadntepesce i urday, wherein avlesfn rtciwsson Th. inaugurai meeting of lte Wata Sd. e hardin thepreenc ofOakvlles fre rotctin ws sownandi Light Comnissioners waheM on *their eiders.' to be fauity, whereas Whitby's was exceptionally Tuesdny eveingî. Mr. J. Mcintyre wam good. He theught a -mucli better rating should bc appointed, chainunan, and Mrt. W. J. A9given- Whitby by the Underwriters. Luke, scretarjr. S dySchoojliHockey. The fOiiowing members were constituted a Court -m eIng on ei t secod tuesday ulni aiRvson La meet on Titursday, Januany_23, at ench mentit. 4meeting ai Lie- managers ai the variaus Leams 10 a'ciock a.m.-Lie Mayor, Messrs. Annes, Col- The CMef item cf business vas the desirifig ta enter Lie Sunday Sciool Hocke wili, Wilson and Moore.' decialon to Put iabo affect a reductian tyLeague for 1913, will be heid at te office ai LIe Mr. Coiwill demurred at scrving on Lie court l, Tteforme rate vas 12* cents pur -*Gazette and Chronicle an Tuesday evening, Jan- because lie ladanapabtiwsponeouklovvlta20arctrecln *'uary 21, at 8 o'clock, La make entries and ta draw ta him Lliat he couid retire from Lie Board while Thernepramtesa -ayu cns o.h up asciedule ai games. his own case was being heard. frst killoval, and 8c. fer al l excesa lie. faolloing rules siould be careiully observed lie caMmittee on Applications was- autlonized ec nctmonlt, iit na 20 por- Cent. n~by the schoois i n entering teama:t ask applicants for t-le pstona edi count for prompt pyato ie id 1. A player ta be eligibie must be under 17 years HealtI Officer. ta state salary desired. lWmle ntb aeidll.vii Ii 8. ai age, on Jan-.1, 1913, must be a regular attend- Mr. Annes reierred ta te matera ieDna ett.radn Imtrvi iea Le ant at some Sunday Scitool in ticr Town ai Whitby, Street C.P.R. subway, and Liaugit tiat the Coun-80* for i th xe i aI 1,000. an >r and -must have been in regular attendance at said cil Slould do something ta rectify Lie ér ofate 6*forsil v er ssoiflrecton0. d sciqol'for at least Lwo mantits previous ta Janu- late Council, if they made an error in accepting the be, very gratefuilly receveci by ail ary '1,. 1913. (To those Who iad not been attend- 'plans. -Um af ligitt. lThe commission bel litaI--h-yara jYMEDICAL HALL *r«* t.-, WhIti JNO. E.4 FAIUEWELL., XLO Barristers Céuzity Croun Auoru< County Solicitor., Ofiesuhwigg Court, House- W] A ç-L HUNSTAN eurets.sgusabr; NotaSVV Publli-i l OfiCe,,Ercick St.,, Opp. Standard1 -.Moneyto Loan. JAMES nUTLESDE, Ba's'ter, Moncy to I.coai"mesy termns 0fflce-knedielyýsOith Royal f -Whltby, -(>nt. Barrister, Etc. M Wy o Loan. L of, MauuagoLcuens. Office - Smithls Block-_'W hitby, DENTAL *W. ADAXSDoJaUst,,OSas D StIr»t esmi oiNo. ,ts1r JAS4eISH3OP, Oha.àv, Ulmed Austlons ue.Ba qoret L. lfairbmnke. For tamis d&tW applY b osoli or G. Eobb, 1W by. LIcENSIED AUCTIONEER AND 'VALUATOR. An i Musor im alprooeptly attei to. .mngssms sabu made sauesai ýihs Gamteeoffice.. T«m roseiblr NU1 mdand xpsdfts paons.. -~ WHTBY.,ONT. CONTRAOTO1RS Je HCWELL JAME .Carpeuter, Builder and Contractc Plans drawn and ostimates furnishi RepairaAlterations snd >obbing ::6.ig p. 0 for Toromto itby JUnOlt3l TION.' '4.405 P.U Y.bavï At, toi 1 Atle m..ro r. & iunc~. ceopers. ler Ceai. ýping fires 1It.. lhiwhsn w antéd.. i to ail orders. -L4he best P r iScranton-. other. - uie, Tel. 94. iturer lundas S9treet libttby- Hou».î t~Wood o« 0. Wiad MiU. ad lie square Separator. Lenseés for ýr ading, Othor cloue0 4B, the other r0 mUl ore.( Soz 467 W.a~Honts Pone 1 Coner druatore, Wbit <oWiuessesrequird. Slaw's Sckobs T rnto. Canada, include the Cep tral Business ('ollege, The CentrI TeJsgragh & Railruad School, aud Four City Branth Business School - Ail provide excellent courses I esd lng to goud salaried position.. Fre catalogue on request. Write lo IL. W. I haPresidents Head Offise, -Youge & Gerrard Sts. MONUMENT8 of 911l h3418and Iatei'liI Kspt ln SU fl 11P" "U locamu aaturwS ilim'1« . eled 'agensws »tMOl nslo-"ba, Ooonssusly W@ MA do SHOW thé agenb" ocmmIsse @M p t m.# whloh ou vili oertaiz »-by purolU1dg fros. us. À ACal soetd. 0" sMmd Woehak oOpasw iulard Bank, IdI1y, 0 WIre fer.VS, amIud e Viiilis Foi.,Yi Sous wlrng, power wrlng, dieures sud. supplies, ulSO motrs adn rufoes Iist ll s a Our i *l.PsaIo Poe U the ldecîaessneofaitLe sh lire p a emnin d qare wtitLieroa. 1 . lia vn . baru r .?&. Aunes pnedicted great growth for the -towns parIng the oysbem of valtertsrk and. [4. 1i n any season-titere sbouid be a failure ta iWi b1ad saa- Li1 e ~an ha bi rparig lt tn o uliga f orm a league, the cup shail be returned to Lie road.wauld be a miuch taveiied lgia a dcibéisg dom, by *prison laba.vhz fonr t>I1 keep n ite following season, or until ti tpeet H hogtta vna f.t oMMM p oero av .Iivinea»h league shall be iormed La cantest for iL. is tpeet et uî htee a3 r reuexrpene ait ro6 neb subway was. not wide encugl, 'but should be- as msnl(osd as an inlfeesing lad lit J. f the-cub be won by anc sehoal three limnes neariy lhe fuit widfli ai the raad as possible. - lough Ibere wsr ednfrn in successin tsahbcm herpoety. Me. Wilson thouglit'lie Council shouc at aî nde eno t6a.ateip 6. R~8 gveringO; . A ga~ie shh b co- und,1 thé company ,begins' to buid t~sba o br e Agevcaia1l sdrdas àpplying ta titis content, na far As IheY 'fore sCtafin. whIal rigiLs -tlie twnlis -bu ipliuaI>bui ie Ue a1 -ca-b t~adap1 ie -. lg~4b.pxejparod for ev fy mop c>ild ça à&-btiede7~5pou We aie glad té ýadvîèse.- a- rcductiou iý 'i prices. .We cati now de1îlvèr u,St 6 1f Egg at $8.4p, ' Pea at $.o 8 per Cent leS. when taken from yards. GRAIN We are buyers Of ail kinds ofgrai -0ats 35, ta 38c, Barley 45 ta 6oc, Rye -5o, Wheat go tao0,,,Peas- I .20 ta i Alsike 10o.50 to $uîl.oo, Red, Cl&vr 7.00 ta $8.5o, im tY 40!to$1.80, Millett ýI.o-00 ta $ 1.40, Trefoil 2.00 ta $3 00, lFlax 1.40 to$ 80i FEEDand'- GRINIDING Bran, Crushed Qats, BareMixed Feed, Flax Meal, " Dry Flax ýMeai" We-are gnd- ingý every day. No delay. Good worlc gua ranteed. J.eIle DOWNEy Co WHITIBY, ONT. A LqADYWRTS lI have 32 hens, and some days I got-24 eggs per day during February and Mardi, while feeding them Potihtry Specifice" She bought mare. If il paid her, k -wili ybu also. 25C and 50C Packages. pa4y~ WHiTBY9, ONT* Phon 47. Prompt d.liey AN> FRIE E E NI2WyALt3R ART LAD - .y*

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