.bOpIOISY ~; 4h.belef that le cala- net ,b. oured. Tis issamli Mâ gLtiea la a nerve trouble, and 41 the'starved neives are poperly ùoutwlshed vitit riat, red blood the trouble will socu dl.appear. Dr. --WiEiamp' Pink Pille- make juat the sLew, . purebloodý needed to feed tbe 'aliatica nerve -sad drive eut the raokiugpIn. tlasbe roved over nd or again ltaI they can dW-this and *6 offer nov the follow- Ing additionqd piS of o! sydence. Kr.'. E. H. Pasborious, Harrow, One.., laye: Some y"ara ago I vas terribly affliated with sciatica, a»tarting just ln my hp and ltex- *osding through lb.e ela lith foot. -At thé. lime I was attacked 1 I as wsy Irm oinio sd had 10 b. brouglit homeon a- mattres in aspring waggon, and tii. agony cf tbe trip vas almoust mrthan I oould, endure. --Reachinlu- hoeI was not able to it up and romiain- ed in bec! for six weeke. The doc- tor did notbep me and Itried a number ot medicines recommended -by',neighbora. I paid $5.00 a boutle fOry eue preparation, but il vas ne bter than the rest,. and 1 began t hink there vas nô cu re for me. -Wdiie sufering thia untold miaery Dr Williamsa' Pink Pilla -were re- oô4imended, aud my wife got mea supply. In the course of!-a fewý veeks I began b feel botter -and oould gel ~d vith the aid cf a cane. I on takiug the Pillà until ali tain disappeared and 1 feit as well as. ever 1 did. 1 have' nover had an -attavk of the trouble since, aq, l athoug ~nnov 65 years C'o!age 1I usas Idid at 40,-a11 o! 1ascribe -to Dr. Williams' Pink Puls." - If you are suffering froin sciatica or any nerve or blood trouble, ho. gin *tà cure youraelf- - by the ulme 'W I);_WiuIia ýe k Pille, which viii assured y do for you what they have done for others, if you give t ern a fair trial. Sold by aIl medi-f odaiers or by mail poat f aid at ;resùtt a box-or six boxes or $2.50 froin -Tç Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Cô., B i'11. Ont. After he~ described the bene-' ficial effecta o! various. druga .pou nervo-ls ili-tempera he eaid: I re- - nimber a middle-aged woman of m &t nervous dispositio vh l -mý wlth teara lu lier eyee ho* she h ac! once,.oaid tb her huaband: "John, I -knov I amn cross at times. 1knov tatyuflnd me unklnd of- ten, Sometimes, perhaps, yen iîk I do'-not love you. But,, reniember when ouch -unhap- ~~ghte assail you that if I "Mu'V iy life over &gain I'd marry --y0u juat lte saà ie." ' "I'm net se sure of that," John replied shott- ly. * It's mighty -uuinteresting gossip that doesn't give - aomBôùody lb. - orat of it. Do ., ]lot a cold settie o»yur.. lungs. 1--Resort to BieklWs Anti- Consumptive Syruùp at the fliÃt in-, timation of irritatiorfin the throat and prevent disease from lodging inp the pulmohary organe. Negleeted, colds are the cause of untold sà uf,. -. fering throughout the country, al bf, which could have been prevent-- e d by the application of this simplïe but powerlul inedicine. The price, 25 cernts, bringa it vithin the reAqýh o! ail. People have principles 80 « cap explain why they dîdn't liveup to theni. Urifard'. unimont Cures - lphthorla. À Strangert Clergyman-"'Can you tel xe, officer, where 1 can get a glass o! watc'r la" Officer Ragan- Ye've got me, yer irie. Eaihî Years Of BaO Eczwnmaon -eHands dtd by Cuticura Soap and Oitnt Uke Sf«7y A. Bentley, 03 University St;, .wuteul-wles, in a receut lmuer: ,Soiné egr ÀÈsui1 netieed Oamali Pimples break-' OU -on'Iau tis ck of My -bauds. Tbey me T W.irt5t: and -[sdîaly beeame ostuida pit1u7V a who trexted me a long üie tIlgt orue, sud I could net put zaad tM e .1Iwas tresid ai ito Rt lal 0.1 a ut the saine. I1vws Lai tht I wa ory bhase of eczema. "WelluIkopt on uelng everytthfug 1hi1 gooli fo« n rly -sigIst yearsu null1I wu idvi"otjqy-CugIo »a' Olintt. - I dld se, 1udtfeum after &.fée 5ppliéstions lte r i=r ls5t49D"Ote dZ1,61 rlng-Iout «Ll,d y jet ltent reiÉu-but nvsr gOverla. The Baikaus, frwever. & t111 a fragment ci the ,midd1eage., d- Ce ~-the a.dvent o!-trame andlieW Plus ad-eleetrie iht; Theïr sovemugna.Mae at -lest a p0l8In lm. the- ayerage P rune Ministea', vrites Herbert'VivianÃŽla the IJ.nm' don Exprea-8. .That., of! ourse, do.. aapply té lte puppet Sultani of Turke,wltW vsgvnhie brother'. khalifate-. l rëeoUtionrl.. vite -a"re nov spiring -agAint hlm. WhateVer At dul Ramid'a faulte may have b..», lie va. at least an expert diploma tint,, aud arrcted the.ocrumblug Of, bie empire. IBut poor oId Moham- mec! V. la merely 4a. -igning machine for eorrupt .elf-m.ekers.. Heis i» fit and unveildy ýhat ho haa ole b helped up a fflghÉt cf stepa juta -li& earriage, sud, when ho la lifted Con s hors. thc cdc!. are that ho vill' hLave to - ho caushlinl aa oidier'a arma on the other aide. FERDINAND OF BULGARIA. Fardnand,- Czar of Bulgaria, bas a very different texuperazneut. ge probably oves to bis Orleanist, Saxe-Coburg snd Koha.ry ancestry ail teasatuleneus, Oudacity, aud ambition wiio have eiipse d a airain -of carefulneae, caution, sud dzrêvky luxury - .stili observable thogh the chink* ln bis armor. To the world sud bis People he la a xeincaruation of -Lo3xis XIT., a fondai father o! hie faithful Bu-ti gara, the. ber-priee ptive o! the crovn of -Donz- e. Pompous ceremnonies sud' l ià , ate were lte joy o! bis3 life. But the nakéi Ferdy (as we used tac ail hlm ini diplomatie circlea at sofla)- v as a man vith a, very diff erent sOUI. Botauy and naturai itlatory vero hiis chie! inter"etsbesides g-eneal-, ogy snd th. flu-e arts SHOWED STIIENGTH EARLY! He vas caffed te lte ltrone viten a simple suitalt.e n luau -Austrian cavaliryregimeut, wbere hb.liad. not -aven learned ta ride. Thte odda ver. euormousiy aganist hlm, but h. nover heslbated fer au instant. Hie miac!.bis vay te his"eapital, only te flnd taI Lite Poere weuid net r.-, cogIze hlm ois Pr-lues, snd Stam- buloif, bis Prime, Mlnister, expect- ad to have everytting bis o-vu vay.- As a. atranger lu a. rude iland, even t-e languige, o! rhicb h.- did net uuderstsu'd. lhé vo-nid sem oinlhave but -a pôooiauoà ne. But lice applied hie amaWl-g .rgy tle t ask, aud - sdwvanm d-from streuglt ta atrengbli: 'Çuemeinber ivo 11eincidents vitaci embphred te trained rela- tioua between -Fripe.-sud Premier. FretinMy winewU t Me h. >~Bul- garie 1? 'oould litaI wefnt eat thbe elaegales.- Oue afber'noon Sta;uof dreve up iu a 11111le open osyriage, 'tirx .ounded by been -'ndintt)i iinïce .,and hie dauliter 'O!f'Ring roum!- Phlippe, oanie ont on lte baloouy sud valci- idj mdepaxt.. - - They w'cre èévid4i%, yï-u stabe o! 'gelprtiIFbati*ti aller a stormy bis mothier vringing ber itande. 'NexI mmnîn; I Atnded a party at the palace, vien 'lite Prince dis- tnlbxÃt.d EaMtemn eggs at 2.- p.m. à lambuà ffsat ln an culer romi, glitteriug wth decoratious like a, Chnistinas îré,4nd sficoking a hi; badcigai. After some sulky smà - ïtalk h.a loutchecl away ont o!flte palace--a groiný breacit o! etiquetto. Some courtier mentioyned lit t Vie Prince, vite situgged -iis sitoldërs su4 said: "I-did not know ho bac! been aoked." -A -litie laler, -wbeil Stanibitloif vas diamissed, titis "Blsmarek cf te Balkans" entirely broke dowu. H. kueit at-,bis mùaster's feel aud sobbed- ."I axnyour cdog. 1 vill aoerye yôn ufsallly &Il- my lite. Do Nifli me vitlyuI*f, He bac! not inuei tlime fer -faithtul service, fýélicas culta opieces ln the street byc son f-the mnany menu vitoinlhe bal grievou-sly inured. PETER 0F SERVIA. Peter Ouly ëount.a as a synibol of tbe radle o! lbe regicides Thougit he' saw active service ' durlu; the Friuco-German War, lie bas devel- oped mb to an -abject covard. - He beéari sîrange noises -at niglit, iid attiributesI5tem te thte propinquity o! ,the secne of- itis prëeoessor's -ýmulilation. At zneals lie parades sobrietr by drinking nothin; sîreng-' o r Ibsu, wate..'But ho retireseariy snd devotes binseif te- decp poVta; b ins o! plutri brandy, v-hich 1aise constittutes bis breakfast. Titis lu- ebriation.dolubliesa accounts for bis frequent faits f resu is herse.' 1 hear tal bis son -George, Wilo ceased te bu' Crown Prince on ac- euinI o!- bis aberrations, itas e. tut-nec to Belgrade fulliof! mal for - ar. Thtis young hopefu-t-ried to drovu ibis Inter lunlte Save, t1usd te kilI him eut .- *ricing, bock _pal- sboIs at odl vonen frein his win- dows ou the Teralsia, sud amused 1timscîf by burviug cals up te Ibeir 1 neche iunlte earth, an-c thon stamp- 1 lu; tem le death. NICHOLAS 0F MONTENEORO. The greateat 'ui'er o!flte sialleat' alate la, of Course. Nicitolas, King sud, G s o f o!Montenegro. H o la -p->al iepluckioIst man lunlte venld as woli as te- cleveresb staleIsmain. 1-do uet knov viten I have »pnt. a bappier -bour tit-an ta- viwc ie e sctorded me lunblie rrd n of' hie'82l., palace aI Cettine..M situation lun aror. A gieat over a , ideI be'orle- -',d stab1S,-mS1,'t1 éef, !-inspecior.-Be &bu for 'ixédfi.or au recelve prom- EVA** tion t a o-,pau &a.more-difficuit * < technicai samnation and alse a - - civil servicexamiubion. ,fEvoiry iman lun tie lCniminal- lu. vcstigation -Dep.rtËftient l la tuglitNEW MIl ail about lte- -fingerprn yem- ho ia familier, with *11 -kuowvu X ,lInLarge< giara' tbols sud vith'the marks differeutIdnda leave on voodvork, In thé*, he under4anclathe difeérent kfindas I ee* of locks h., eautak0 -i#preious *uuc of footprints sud'4h as ' receiv& 0 Iea&bnin l cipheèr reâding.., eametieoraofer~o4~ ehow-a thepo@ssesion 4tIi -e qualilies -special*in' lm finger print cases3. suio "As te lte apeilsuea psycbology o! crime, vbich à Ãeý form parte!o . ele'plan of te most serions au ~s hf fling o! crimes are couuttd b r ,> men vito are net kuovu crimina. Sjku n eov vould the study help l intoese p4yscal ca-ses 1 ()f course, in.,-thbeucae. cfThere are 'Bihl,' the bank-robber, or 'Je=r, and inr lte forger, or 'Jack,' lte jevel breeze; t] Ihief, al 'fo! toi tick to theýr owu amountC clasa cf crimes and have been ceon- iu the fli victed mauy t-imos, v e know theo The wr' particular mothoda o! each -inuasd Hoe, r' are iutimately acquaiutecl vithiths a streani ,netitod o! vorking. Iu these cas«. over the the psycitology of.crime ýdosa core spray of ilu. eteai r "'Afler ail, the problem set &.de- forin ton tective force is, 'Catch your cnnm- gees Faà ual.' Nov the simple f st is that ter tbro: there isl ess undiscovered crim'ne "n.ina dr London titan in auy other large eitY vId«oS'10f lu the vorId. That la the justifics- inte-the1 tien o!flte detective metitodsem- lbe aic ployed at Scotland Yard." lte ckà m WHEN BABY 18 IMIL..-- Mien baby la ill-vhen he la lrotabiod vitit constipation, sëÙifc', v*o-ma or'ooldqveu his tlebliare boblieing ; builor vten leie lurest-- legs and croses and* does net ulep voîl, give hlm Baby's Ovu Tablets.- They are lte mther'a gresbeat aid' in kcelgghler 11111e eues well- titeaude 9! mothera give- tlir babeeno eother mediclue becauso ltey knov lte Tablets la b. -abse- jutely safe. Tbey are guAaatIed by a goverumeut aualy'st tla1--1- troin opiates sud otter hà druga foiiud lunso-cailed sqlig mixture#...,,Te Tablels are -9,6d by mediciné dscUlra or by mail at 25 cents.a -box frein The Dr. Williamé- Medlile Do., -BrockVille, Ont. TAXUNG OF i4lUJN GSGATE. Ilfowý' 'tte*0d Flihi*Market -Ras Been Transformeul. Net more titan lvoenty years ago Biliingagate (LéondonEu' g niari4et) waa noterions for ;e 1 isum, is'wariug and general &'âorder.' So f amous did lb. habits o-i lte fiait market becomne ltat ltevo-rd "Bil- iiugsgale" vas reýognized as auffi- cieul d0etriptibn e!f sny specialiy shocking expression. Titis eilil sur- vives. Thte"phrase "ebolcest BiP iingsgate" i-a stili co!nmon 4hc! b. a "master of, Biiilugs te"u istili lo ho a znaster o! sveaniwg. But app#rently il la time'ât lte word ceiaWetoleb.asterni- o! re- proacit aud iecaute nething but lte description o! an adjuirable fiait market. - The Blliugsgate o! to-day is petty v eil' as rêfiihi-a ay otitçjrmarket. il lsa axioes la h fisc-cl frein-the' reputatien cf lte' .Yilingsgate 'o! -tventy -ort':lirly, ye6ars ago. Inl ltes. day-s ltere,,was constnt uWeauiug. flgbtiu-g,, uke;nnies and horSplsiy.- A Êtr'anger vetw u te lte maketa t ia periliaud vas ofteni peiteéd+-' ith fiait, and some- timm'S consldrably hurt. Now-evermthing la enlirely differ eut. Oniy the su.rprliig iteadgeai oltite fiait poitera survives. Every otiter cbaractonl-atic itas gene. ItiI. unlikely titat a- betîer or quier body - et nien couic! ho found auy- vitere titan lte 2.000- fiit porters. That they reeent tih.e survivai o!, lte od!imprpss;ion la quite cîcar.' - t' imne." sc!>4asaietmaii, of tirty yéars' expe -e,-lu the mai- kel. "ltaI Biling6éM asd bac! -an- guage weren't a-iways put tegether. It's notbiug but libel. l'Ilgaa- tee tînt iyen can walk 'about item. for heurs'aud net hear a wvord taI yeon coeuli't hear in lte drawiug- nm of e!lteý'Archbisbop o! Caule ,r- bury. I wouldu't .jike to say aa muet for lte meat mnarket ;- but yen neyer Lear anythiug about 'choie- est Siitfieid;' it'a alvays -'choie- est ]iiiiugsgate.' "II's*-tim-ne vo heard lte lasi 'of ltaI. Bilingagato la as quiet aa snY <tier- place. It's fil for any Iliy. I dcn'l care vit esieAhe couIc! valk about lier. viiteout kuowi.ugr fer ail thte language she'd tear, -ta site wasnn't in hier ovu hous." It ceerlainiy seemed ltatlte sales-. Mn vas right. At lte busy lime 8of lb- o ning, vheu there vas plouty, -of scope for impatience, there va-a nolt-ing te support lt-e aucleul uo- putstien o!fIt4 Place. leadiug ti Strange pecialiv - coloniali very depi "ay lte thje- par frein the respectb fac, -o! tI wicb lt T4hei slimul&-té congenial lte samok 'quently smail qui ing lu -sih The ozn because preseut Pe sinell( cause il, la lieipfu stimulati: thal ie. til ovaniïtidnà éiin eusperature pressure cýà used by the there are.:difference.s in ihe o! mocisture, aud variation ow o e! lbloed te tliç akin. rIter says Ibat thte Engilhi 0fcom-mena la ventilatec!by a e! air ltatislataken frein Sriver snd passed above s f vater anid theuce. ove-r ipos v-blet ieat it to a uni- nperanure o! sixty-thrcc de- itreuheit, alioving ilta o n- agkh lte floor vitbout &ans- s.!t. Whenlte Heure "di- or a -vole the members pans lobbties. At lite saie time curreut, la turned off froin aber suà d passed te pipes te Ilie-lohhles! -ors . aitiug . th. HdIuae, os- persn"efrein rural or f rom regiena, ýflud lte air ber. pressg. ,Tiiadepresson, experts, - rosuls net frei Lrienlâr - temnperaluire, uer econditiof e lte air vit to oxyge n ete., but le lbe te uniforn, conditions -ta ieskin la exposed. etues iuour skin need toIiîe id., Absolube resi,jla ne i. Il L.for ti"sreasen ltat ceý frein acigarette la 'fi- a relief or Iliat, a vcry Ianity d ,ofozone i-ik6 brac- hopa 'or faocetories or, sch i6s. me la lielpful net se mucit it, supplies oxygen-j9r if lu quantitisauficieulte t led il lsa.a poiscu--nai .be- deatroyas-crgarne matter; i fui - because of its, delicale ,on o! a nervous systeni ired e! doiug uothiug. . ARRESTED 151 TIMES. - , -An ener .geucy palme! van, lunlte shape o! a itand-caut, vas requisl- ti9ued by Donstà bie loan, .o! lhe Royal luisit Conslabulary, le con- vey Jane Beyd 10 lite barrace taken inb cnstody fer drunkena6. el>e lady, mho had ou.e huudred snd fifty-eue ties- madle au appearance bf th be vs vrded a moa lmnpso tlent agairip ile tsite ofered 'à .vigo(tui5 pro- testA. e- lurt Palicinn'sWl!. (2 a.m.)- "4ju6hu, h a' sburgiar under the Policeman-' 'Weli, hoiler for a- cep. ~I'm ol duty 1" î Question of Econonîy. --- fle-"We muaI econonaize.- Snp- pose ,.darliû91 that yen tiy your handat im aking yeovôn cdettes 1" Sit-i,r4ô George, dear, 1 couid neveu do Ibat. Suppose I begin by trylu; te make yonrs 7" Thte moat obstinate corna and varts alute resist Holieway 's LiUmn. Cure. Try it. If yen vould be popular' yen muet, be wiiliug te b. bored occasioualiy. Minards Liniment cures Coida, SM. A Fast One. : Thats a fine watcb yeîîl've gel. litagoed goer?'V! "A good geerÈ ?W-ii yen -bel yar life it's a.good geer. Wity, il ecau do an heur l in ailte -liuae1" vwhbothep1!Ontà Inave neen unsuîo -te break. * Queen Mary-and lthe Duefitet Of Teck lok at ithinga iu a lotaly. différent' liglil.- You have heard often enougli of tb. rallierý old-f ash- ioued ldeas cf lier -Majeety; veil, tite Dueheas la lier'eaact, opposite. The dangliters cf lb. first Duke o! 'Westminster were alvays rather a go-aiaeaod lk, sud the uu-fettýed country life they led mad& thein in- dependeut sud f'ree sdeay.: - Hence, it is not- difcuit. te discover- hov olten ber Majémty auÃd--r Highness are arrayesl-ýînteach- onther ounusifscir~~Yh edlucation, drérssinfug-, , a'" tle kbiugiug-up -of hs'~df. add te lthe touW*-w'~t lhe Ning sundth -ý se eoye b eye on, ~Lry maltera. The Slbth eg uo e _ b frieuablp ef-' aE~nsd,-Quéw'n before, thetndau liter waeaallow Io. becomé intilulewatt Princeas Maty. ' The 1M qnes oe!Salis- bury-ýlias alva n* about th. court since site a4s qurlùtýe.youug, sud on severalocason, thelt King was js-ual 5Te>ý-rge," vas abiele t help hi,-ônt -e!quite innocent- ecrapes. Betwen. lese t 'a, varin friendship grev Upi vhIÃîh -has isurvived 1?c> Ibis day.- 1;ý-13alil to R-aveGreat ifod lu B erlin , 'i pret Ixiâg-SU - defalcaticuns in g ,:r- - ~ gers sud oersï" area,. g pblc attention te te terrible ut- 'tetioih' e gambl maniIf ýWâ!v i lumod, ru :Uerany.The "Lokal AuzeigeI i lvtng front-paýge space la a -series of articles painting- thte crase iu ils truýeolora, lunlte hope îhitt a moral Iii 311,ad-onit1he tale..'Dards and- ra-cing according te HerKurt -Doerry'g'exp*osures lu the popular daiy, have boo anumuconquer-1 able >paiqAore6a 1 r ntausofitigh aud owdegr.-R? Illicit betting- on 110 a ele 4says, la oue cf lte mo8t uvidioe sources o! evil. Tradesmen vhd caunot eke eut a decent living soul- imig lebsoc or groceriei are book- makers' agents in seoret, aud mathe il eay - for vage-earners of bot -sexes to rni&krmin ou 'the herses. The Govornineut lu the Fathetiaud-fluc!s itseif lu a rather equivocal position lu auy attempt tb frownu- upon thte gaxnbllug mania, for slate lotteries are .tn important institution lu Ger- mauy, aud lotfery. gambiing i-s pot only tolorae!, but aclively aud sleeplessly eueouraged. -Stop- .kfhe Cough.-Coughing is caused bj irritation lu the respira- tory passages, - and la - the effort ta disIodge obstructions that coins frein inflammuation ofthtie mucous membrane. .-wTeamn ith Dr. Thtomas'P eIotn- w-Oll ialfay the infla Miô,bio n in luconse- cjueuce- the cough vwiii ceîïe. Tvy it, suc! you viii use neoallier pro- paraliorii for à coic!. No'nei good neya but the saine rme doesnut apply to luck.- Minard's Liniment Curt Distompor. Hitebâ,nd Cafter a quarrel with bis wife-"Willet us drop il. I don't chre to have any more words about it; and, hesides, I like to talk te a slensib3e -> person wheu lin talking." Smitht-lHas yoiar sou auy fixed, babit thal- vorries You as la bis fu- ture' - Jonea-"Yes, Ne figits ab-ont ton rounds evory morning viti-t lie alarm dck." AU witer long-on, the Zeroô days ancl the windy, b1deMrig days-the .Perct Smoke- km soitetrietellels~i comotrt. It saves them mnany, a cold and sicimes for, It eueiy warms, the rooma flot, reached by the, ordinary heat The Perfection Hefater is rnade çwîth nickel trim-, ininge (pain steel. or enameéled turquoise-blue drums).! Ornamenïtal. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. ELaslly: moved from] place to place. - THÃŽE IMPERIAL OIL COMPAN' Linited Not a lisk. SýARM8 FOR. ALE. 'And what ia your occupationfu H. W. 0UMNi Ninsty Coiborne Stre6t, 4sked the docidenit insurance agent. 'Imawoodman. Duýringtl *U OI~~EC UTY HALTOI lin gGO .Buildings; Orcb.srd. huntih* season I slet as guide.". -Cheap aga easy terms. 1« "Pm sory, -but my ComipanlyQ EVENTYVSIX  CRES WITH GUOD won't writb a policy on your cass.' 17 buildings and apple orcbard; about "Why notl- Surely F=x a good_îfive miles from HiEamlton. rik"H.W. DAWSON, Toronto. "gMy dear, air, you're not a risk: ~ WLIGo you're a oertainty." -Pm, Sedfr asoe.- - Jchnston. Guelpli. Trial la Inexpensive.-To tIhose - AL IEL WN1 who suiferfroin dyspepsia, indiges- ERNTE ÂIWY.9< tnhematism or any ailment Lb work and earn more mone-aa arl'ing -frem derangement of the di- any.,ëter. trade., Wequtf fT gestive sy tem, 'trial of. Parme: Write for free book-19. DomtuionS lee's 'VeÃÃtabli Pilla leà reoxmend- 1Railrondlng.- Tronté. ed, élhould thie*, ufferer be unac-,ICLLNSU5 quainted with thein m tra wille NE.TUO.LMP be inexpensive and the rýeault Will, t1enaI and ezternal;. cure - w be -ariother customer lor this e ex fore toô late. . w 1elianlM.aV ..e~.. iUmitei. Callinwfwéà dl'ont, toui action- Ibat ýmauy cures cqn certaiuly ho trabed t toâfru use vliere' other pilla -have proved in,, effective.- -Sie- "Somelimes - yen appear - really manly sud sometimes -yen arâ ,effeminate. -Hov do yen se- ceunI fer it t"Il-' Isuppose il ia hereditary.- - aîf o! my suces- vere women 1 V h ihrhl We believe. M[INÂRDS LINIMENT le the boust:- MathisForey, 011 Cityr. Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Charles Whooten, Muigrave. N. S. Rev. R. (0. Armstrong, Muigrave. N. S. Pierre Lanciers, saur.. Pokemouche, N. B. Thomas Wauuon. Sheffield, N. B. A Clear Distinetion. r"What isaha ungovernable im- pulse,-Pa?" u "An ungovernable impulse, Bon, ie what prompts your mother to open ail my personal letters." r"But that's impolite, isn't it, "iNo, My son, it is irresistible." These Pilla Cure ]lheumatiam.-i To the many who suifer f rom rheu- 1 matism a trial of Parmelee1s Vege-- table Pilla la recommended. They have a pronounceci action upon the liver and kidneys and iiy regulat- ing- the action of these ergans &et as an alternative in preventîng the' admixture of uric acid andi blood that, causes thia painful disorder. They must be taken aceording to directions and used steadily and they viii speedily give evidence oi, their beneficial effeets. Sandy- was walking along the road in deep thought, and it was bis miniister who broifght himto learth with-"Hello, Sandy! Think-_ ing of the future, eh?" "No," re- plied our hero, moodily. 'To-mor- row's the.wife'se birthday, and amn -thinkin' o' the preïent" FREE -OF LUMBAGO *skus He T.ok GI N PILÉS Mr. IL A. Jukes of Winnieg-lte "I have beeà a sufferer front Insetbagoi for saine yefrà Past.- I.met your Mr.ý HIilsad ho advised ime 10talce GIN4 IPIILS. 1 have beeaîakilng themlat intarvals during the eariy -panoif 1he Preant*iatea,, and up-to4u4 havêluad no return -of nW ola t i bý-jtfactIi fiel better 1h,., I bave ,for yearga, d tbflnà k'thatmybieemlasvnsd for goodand alý, soc.,,& box, 6 for $a.50. Sample ffree if yen write- National Ding and Chemnical Co.of anaa, îmiedToronto. 130 j aS IVe SPLials ART'cy fre.Wlnie., pcate gn -Ã"Àý PE c YEINQ. Bond partionlrubipog utad vir.me ite ty. . GodM4Ih.dMRoss Bx ]3.MI, M;a S&6mDI.g sd Bokieta on Appioutia JAMES LANGM-UIR & CD., Llmlteéd i871k EBtkuM t St î TORON"O PTTO.No ian TANK anS sud à ~,Wa - tem Plumes, Engî nessd Belrsý PO)LSON.lfRotWURKSTGGN I tga'sa I0 -u' i te Maypole Soap, THSE C.EAN Gives- rich, aven . colona, free from atreah 4asd absoIut- i ely laut. Dees sot stainhunduSrkewme 24 colons, mil any sbade.*C yoiur deuler'u or tSu- paid with Loklet 'How to' Dye irom F. L. BENEINCI &ce. lent'ý Just Shiolbing.9 Dry Good3 Clork (after.wearily turning*,over his enître stoe'k}-- Can 1 show you anything els,: madaml Mrs. Sample-No,ý thsuk youl. can flnd the door myseif. Wl! e (with a- aaîcastic laugh)- ",You do't asifaya do it, then'$ Husband-"11 dont!" Wf-"o I soxj»etimes hear yqu talldng to *"Do-you believe that- ail men are createdequal Ir'-'II uaed to before- I a vs 1,arried.-"- "And nowV'2" "No~w I find that 1 can't begn ,to- compare wéith other wcmeuiýs hua- bands.!'- dmit a th sià es olln con progres uNnkish , autho utrilias 'Ieenr Rift ln Bs Mallsoni Inribe he .Mouteie Kl~Nicholas lu banlan towns.B thaât ho evacuale -an sd-secuire-autç -Sa far ttey have. factory repiy, 'a Ihat they are re lter- for tite Moa advauce lias7 beeu About 1.00 Bu van &rhave a'* pateit frei lte-Ti -- - - -0ah hi aOther BMlg: A deapatcb tuer ter Bilgarisu-' Turkev-. Ibis time e! the Blaeký-SiùL eslptured Tirnovo vanviug eutbwal tant bovn of. Y~ HHEA Every tvcuby-l pasisee out -Iirci joyur akin a abut Titis "Inseusil %-OSs-cl l ite ho -mnu vithout hi. eVs- a an froi rde Nov J! -you J part witb ýal t k' upplyiuZ lb. -k< in lte.sysbein-il r portnnily tla gr< masny aliments- grovti laboun - -~ develep. -TIts, draukmng ez;enigit the tisanes- !el aI once aparer Watr keà cial ta yen as S large amoulil Yi caaing or wie ve-ater repairi ~ 4 eusule -perspi? limes -ybu- onlY, tro 'or n os gbroaki a giss or, tva ual wait.,for lt. bte misture o Do net drûl lie-Bac! -o0 --blesoneie ldigt h edte shi Cemjpanion. Avoidin F' e atrain i set it chiidm'hi surd <-'der -Peu hsrw rk aI sud lopk out' ARCHIVES 0F 0Ob T01RONTO ie noft to .hl cof thef -n - - i - -- i s~ta.niIIAg Tsoîk lu al: ifs dotails Wi ieuO dinte codruszf t riu iclded lIn 1h. raid 8 - B. Ioroltn CO .rreopoud W ..e . S h wn r et d '1 .1 T h s . P i r 1 1