Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1912, p. 3

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doe Th do J la me FPXDut awe an llaisof pioinea-n idlon bljdge.,traine ps bridge trains raeph, telophono, y and air-crait tro 7- it Is neot fan upint o? the lu 19P5 A.D.,- r thçp death nIf 'hablv Vie old- 1h te M Xj- - ato th. îl1h. dp te-t col - gely -omp o*yed )perty le~ popi nýv freo "e W)o ithe t] Men. ry ... 43,000 d . 750* llery 9,000 l.400 wir& - >Ps.. 19000 ",'A Blue defending arwy eonsisted *, O,.undly, 56,00O mon, made Up as t*llows: men. -4O,%Battalloiw cfinfautry.. .34,6b0 64Squadron. of eavs.lry ... 9,6W0 48 Batterie. of field- artillery 7,200 2 Batteri*s of foot irtillery ,200 4 Maociine-guu cozupaues.. 6w0 IBaitalion cf pieneera .... 1,200 SMachine-gun de 150 2 Cavalry pioncer Oavalry. information detach- T raph, Veephone, vire- ansd airoraft troopa.. 1,000 ÇRAFT IBUCOESS. wivaders veme supplied vlairaiiip aud a de- uix o eï t a uuc8m *Sm. number of flyiig mus- aÉMd. iV may be said at helb workof the miitary wa. et firt-rAte order. Au lraft engazed.Tii. soutiug -frth aie was so cfficiently doi;e -, ~haV ash my as oompeiled Vo rm brt Vau extraordinary amount il iglii* work lu order ta sereen ite 10ovements a.nd tacical operations. Never bef-ore h»- V icou enbrought - home so vividly Vo my mind Vhs! the #rniles ofth#ii future wll b. oom- - - peiled.Vo mardi sud flghtunuder e- ver oet darkne« te a degre. hither- Vo. unexpenlenoed ln the. aunals of GREAT SCOUTINO. Fer.- far' recoonnaissanee, caîalry ani aeroplane. &o-operateod for the firut time ln Germnan .manoeu vres, notevorthy sVep,-l in theeffective useo!airrat.There were innum- erâie occagions when ho-tii armies - iad rellable knowledge -o! the iovemnt sud dispogitions cf tii. - aay heurs or even saviiole aueo! whaV would have q6 eéif cavlry mooting bn. -r.lied upon. Zeppo- ~was emniwpresent, lit.rally, ÀZered Incalculfibly valuabie Vot Biüe. There seemed amoment dur ing the opera- a vienZeppelin MI. vas uotý hovening.or'returning Vo its ovu keadquarters with pricelesÉ intellil- 1ýgence. Aeropisues did not limit their wôrk Vo eooting, but proved great sud reliable imÏe-savers iu thie eiirying o! 'Communications be- Vtweeu far-separatedivisions. WQNDEIIFUL ENDURANCE. IV w-Ould liegoiug toc fàr Voe ay hasir-erafi at Vthe German mn- Toeuvreg deniontrated tii. decreas- ing usefuineeo! csvsiry. Herse, 00 é the contrsry,'more than, ever juls- Sttfied their cmiderable emàpl-y- tedecisive factor. The endurance oe! Vé German infanVry- man, a$'- dem6osstrated at these manoeuvres, le nothing short o! re- mi;rkable. Takuu ths typical in- gtance. -A lp.m. ou tholiîtii 'intantry etarteci ouns.21-mile brough Vthe uigiit. Tiiey at- and - fougiit in the Mornimrg ro-ugb the day witb varying s.At the end-of the day theY rew tfe iinigiit,--ttacked at lock on -the morniug o! the.i3th, fought until l a.m. ' For the ïs. tîne in several i e.ao! Ri son Manoeuvres" o! wih I have perisoual knowledge some foot-son. r *A5j'o-, a evdvUW»ne orAJI er-jMMMERS OF A RULING RACE. tal mon, whô er r indul omni- in numb ers the Turkish arm y wl bi*s proved the decisive factor ini b. suporior, probably by, some 30 a w o~ta ngagement-"e xpert- per.cent., unless the. Bulgarian ùOq which zdemontrated the. r"11- forces strike ;wý ithghtning speed- nos. ïo avalry ;ttaâkingm înfaatrY Tiie Turki~ r~le eiv< 1~ POsUt12n >[c*oi.cars, niotor- to b. partieularly good. Tiih uk cycls, ad mo&r-Vuck.were umed. tsh ifar a laabo irv te an uiipr.edentodly -large de: allcd, Whcneià e.Maua o greo. Rivor.sroeaing hu.ving played ýder Géltz, Who vas rcspo6nsible for u fo Oonspwcu<>Io 'a rol, lm the Min- theo~ srganizaticin of Vhe- Turkish ouvres, it romains Vo b. Éid 'that armüuzder 4Àbdul Hamid, givesM the pionere workcd- with mnarkcd tus #con for. its- 111gb fightiug precision _ju ,bridge ulig nlV.-.u~ ~w~ukld l-~ thoughî their operationîs voie somOie- self 'Vo, beê;tmeberof 'a ruling race,- imencot distingu'isb.od'for speed. imm4sur" p te Chr- &b~thlm. hTua OVER IHA"P ÂMEWOtRKrIS. eo - i1de-.uetaine hlm -~~~M -~6airyea- IIn Praiue. Sty.four Ont of Every. - undred TeDl.- On an are, o-f 200,000 square mil«s, oue-iialf o! wiileh launder cultivation, Frane supports & pp- ultowfbout 39,000,000) vhici aca .ey f rom year.Vo year. For some Vlan. agnleultunal condi- tions' have been moat, disastro.. Ba-d sason., flood&ansd eronp fil- uros have redueed Viie P.oPle ode- spaîr, esys a writor ilu Tii.'Cen. ury, dlscuseang "1Tii. Trade, of France." One hall cf ii.hepopula- tion finde ite occupation lu-agricul- ture, snd one-hall are breadwin- ucrs. Sixty-lour out of evc'ry oee iiundred men aro vago vokerz, and thity-three o-ut of overy oee hundred vomen. The. -unhappines vbie au corne Vo a people a* dipendeuV upon in- tance atachod -Vothe. savinuw wcl muet bo. laid aside aIyarf11 lis Vo 4 e ounted -a. sucoSse. To ev a- gcvierùment, bond wlth its lotte", attaehment i. 1 the ambition of! .11, for thë bond noV ,ouly yields an li.i corne but théne is alrays Vhe htàh% and s chance cf a prize, isomethif thatha noV been -worked for, a audden acesawion o! valth. .OI>ber uccunities faturally yield bete- turne, but wlhtuh is. vie ihave more imagination than vealth they are not no popular. FOUIt-BOO0M BOUSE [N A DAY. Structure et lklaforeed Concret. Mad- Edison. Dreamn True. Only' about tvo yeans ago Thorna A. Edison made a prediction or sug- gestion that the, ho-use of the. future would consist of reinforeed cou- crete pbnred lu steel monida, sud that these vould be chesply sud qui-ckiy constnucted. Iu fact, h. os- timated that, a very livabie rosi- douce *could lie erected for tiie mod- et soui-o!a tiiousaud dollars. Tii. Puggesti<on fel-1ou !ruit!-ul sel!. A Wasiington axciiiteci has lnveuVed the. adjustalln mould eqnipment aud ini Vii suburbe o! that city it lias been ouccess!ully spplied lu s number o! ibstauces. IV lias generaily taken f rois four t-o six dsys. Vo cbustrnct a lions. by hs metiiod. Ou Labor Day, liowever, lunsa owu not fan f rom the~ capital, s !our-room honse vit-h bath vas liegun at 7 o'clock lu Vthe moruiug end fiisii.d at e o'yioek lu the afternoon cf the sme day. It we-s sold for a houeaud dollars, vii!.the cernent vas lieing poured and-thaV iefV a fair margin of Prfit for the contraceter. The house ormnsmeuta, ase well as pra-tica , for liy tuis vay embeliish- meut is/as easy as the basic con- truct'o>. Aud ail hs le ne fairy taie, t hi may seem, like oue. True, the meulde vwere luiposition the day belfore, but Viie ho-use ma- terisi vas al put togetien* lu tii. time mentioued. Ç1AELIC IN SCOTLAND. Its UmeeIle Deliang Accordipg te - Last Ceissu-S. The. decline o! Gaelic la a feature of the -report e! the Twelf th Decen- niai censeso! Scotlaud as .videuced by part 10*of volume 1, cleaiing witli tiie Ceuuty of Bute,- vhicihbas just! beeri ï.siued. Of a total population o! 18," 186, 2,081, 12 per cent. o! Viitosf e.3 yeàrs o! age sud over, vere retnrned as ahi. Vo speak Gse- lic, 2,079 heth Gaelie sud English, snd 2 ase able Vo speak Ga-.lic, but .o Englisi.lu T_1901,a2"D4 w _ene ler vîzu îns-u hoc)d. AUi V .ate h vi ie h moere mohani The weakest -i -cavalry, ducui lbeaorm i-bÀ i t 'Se"a, zlouuvflngro, and Ç FreOO@ vre equa3I- we&. -GLO1ciQU : iR-DITIONS. Me .Turkish arrny 'ham gI-ous trditioni Vo animaiet. iV. lu 189i very 1 rap*idly sud oauffy - dceaVe týîe Gr.ok a y h -gi Von der GelVz ha.& oit VtiiaV the Ofibek troopu S 'uvcb ravily lu the'- moatt- dlMcu1t erui ce sud thie cieap contenpt, of3p Europesn'proe for, h.iitÉI .oap*eity ofI the modem HRelîceevas eortihly moV -Iêsfiod" Tho TuWk was, iufiuiVeiy i.-tebtter .figiiting rnsn,' and Edhern, Vhe Turkih coin- émdndar, ---dleplayed tie stuliboru- neas and rosolute will o-f a great -cmane.The vlctory o-f Turkey' wça8i therefore, a lest, of no little moment, aud"- iV in notfvwitiiout its- importance "to-day.- 1V dispelled tii. illusion that tiie Turks coulld only sot othVe defeusive, and sbowedi t.th e lie capable -cf remoalute snd1 vigerous ataek. - WREN LED AGAINST RUSSIAý Iu the var o-f 1877-8 witii Russia the Turkiih armies suffered defeat maiuiy Virough the iucapacity cf their generale, but tiiey proveâ1 Vieir magnificcut fighitng qualities lu the fied. They ver. embarrass- ed iune'very possible way. Servis sud Mont-enegro, Viien ueuiiually subjeet Vo Tunkisii nuls, we!,e:up in, anme againest the Sultan. Tii. viole strength of Russia vas available Vo eliatter Turkieii resletance. Y.V the. Ruesian, task proved Vo b.eue of 8tupendone difficuity. At Plevua, acting on -the, defensive, Asman Paaha heat off Viie repéated aVacks o-f the. beist Ru-saa troopesud the finest Ruesian gemeraIs, amng tiiem muen o! thbe genilueo! Siiobelef. Some 20,000 Tunkisii troops killed snd wouuded their o-vu numuher -o! Russias aud the. lpssians vere ouly 6aved f rois comiet ise by calliug lu Vo thein aid the #il- manias. army. An offleen o!fBnitisii de-meent in the-Tunkishii ifantry at Plevus telle us of hie meu lu oe eof the. hottest moments o! the firet bat- Ve: COOL UNDER FIRE. "With eue or tWiý--exceptions, I uoticé,d ne eklking-nene ai> al lu subseque > pt actions. Some were efhouting sud jabberng like idiots. firing ail tlie-tise; many seemed possessed o-f s perfect devilish fnry; others vert sulent sud.moreuncoma- cerned thlip viien at arget pnac- ice." The saine perfect cooluese sud disnegand of danger chanacter- ized Vii1e Tunkieli troc-ps during thie Greekwva sd tii. Tunkisliriregu- lare sud regulars operating against the. Italiaua-vlio are admirable soldies-lu TriDoli. Iu the. Crimèan van, lt must be nemembened, the Turks distiuguish- ed tiiemselve- iiy twe great feats. -o! arme. the deece -of Silistrua and Kars.. If lia-y did not lucrease-their r-vputation in the operations befoére Sebastopoli t vas because Vhey were n<t skilfully msed by tiiBBn- tish ind Frenchi commandons:. THE *13ULGARIAN OBJECTIVE. Tii. most probable objective of tiie Bulganinu army, suppcsing iV Vo at-texp s rspid offensive, would lie Salonîca or- Contantinople iVisel!., Salouica-, ho-vever, le deleu-ded on the Iand ide by strong -worke equtpped with artiliery o-f Position. Fa-ciug th. ses sud deslgned Vo pro- vent the atta-cis o! a hostile ifleet snch as vas threa.Veued lu the. var witii Greece are s series of batter- les anmed vltii somevitat antiquat- .4 guns. IV la net certain ii Viier theffA-ort. have been r innedl The,,Tu' o6ffer the' 0,cdai .11,y proc h. UUoar?ýK.O4n rora-w a aOqûe et a nov làbo r paper iu au denmulotf Impotance, not sc 7immeiateâeçtIt wiIl have t4u labor affaire, but because 111en f1cr lime future. 'The t is-1fr. Jue lpcfor-, t rya lpeatter more -rTecntly for' $or 931tar.tba reporter for.-one cf th localdalies,,sud alwayu an active labor agita o, au weil as temperance le- tarer' sud Iehoist local preacher. lie was alec a. member cf tha-Boad-of Edu- cation for, comne ears and vas a inwmber et Dot no. yen@ eCommbission on Te"bial Edueatioe tHo . viii lîkely this year be a candidate for th. Board cf Control. Tier. :haet béee many prenions attempts to establièh a laber ergan lu Toronto, but lime attempte Merely served b ieip 011l thme _uevsaper raveyard.. À paver called "Tbe Tc . W as th. lant victim. There, aie hiuer hope. for tlie latest venture. .l stans off vith fairly liberal support -in thme Watet -stock cubscrlptIcne from labor ,ôrtanis*tionli aud individuals, mc tbat It te su4ed of cufficlent capital 10 giye Ih a chance te rel en ttc foot. To prevent con- tmol ot:lime. publication falling intolime- hande «f ani- indi*ldual or erganization, or even troup, the number et char.. per. Mitted to auy oee ubsoriber in ctrmctly limnite& 1l hoaro e.10be demonstrated limailthe labor organisations vil csup otan .or- tan." The tault witb prev us publica- tien. Io lbat îbey bave been'toc mucm or a nsd Dot enouga attentioni paid te, -theglb paper ilere.ting. ht wiýuPeote4 thaL lb. e wepaper Win wmn ,ïsA imw 5v. tM if i vn . a '-P.- - - Mr. Henry FrIêk. a-m*suifioeut orgaij-,'The 'for'tn- uste crgenist , édîioh - VObig handsorno salsry, is provdddvlVhIt a s plendid moter, car sud a cornIer- table residence. - Every day at 2-p.m. thd telephone rings in the Gibesn house.sud the, oeganisl -moÏàrons ven t<> tii. -FnicWh manelon. There, lu tii. mu i hll the. sient, gruif meuey giaut sitis avaiting hie dailyumusio, Wiilc the nimble fingers of the - onganlatý seud -fortlÎ eal a!ter peal .o! classi.- cal mume, Mn. Henry, Clay Fnick, the. tips o! hiseterong fipgens jolned, listens lu silence. Allten a panticuiarlyv veird suc- cession o! crashies and thundenu fnom the coetly ongan, the. million- aine' s countouanco loses its former exp;rfssiou o! rapt lutereet. He ieaus 'forwardunueasily as.Vthe on- ganisV concîndes with a glonlous finale. "Play 'Deaie!' he comimande. Tiien Vii. organiet pends forth thé- etiraine oc- that popular lialled. EDUCATION IN DEqNÂRII. There It le Looked On as a More -Daily Duty. Frets the age o-f 7, etudy wit thtie Danish child is a serions thing, sud tiiere seemus Vo lie srooted opinion amoug ail tii. fathers. sud mothons in Denmark that readiug sud, writ- ing.do noV come by nature, couise- queutiy work le the. mbl, becàuse it lea looked ou as menely daily duty not te lie especlly comrn-esded. For instanice, the young girl leaius ioneleeping as an art. Manual Vraining le au inseparable part, lu sonie fonm on etiien, o-f the education o! boys. In Copen>hagen tiiere a-ne as many schoole as tViie are restaurants, whîcl iglesaying a gnçat des-i, for in tiiat-city lu neanly every third. house thene seems Vo b. sometiiing sold toeaet ordnk. These sohools are very veli çon- du-ted. Englieii aud Germas are nov taugiit in tiiets, sud in somne places Frenchi lessous are g ives duning the Iset year o! Vhe course, saye Vie -Youti's Companion. Pnivate f3chools are niserons, and well attsded. Tiiese, les-cl o the univeîsty, whicl isl co-educa- tional. 'the Danes are very proud o! thein .schoolhou ses,,-ho-tii public sud pnivate. Tiiere is au adage Vhat if yoti see a good house auywliere it iB certain Vo -lie a echouhouse. The high hclool system in uD.smank vas lounded ly Viie faisons - Bi-hoýp Grundtvig. It has doue -very mnuch Vo ôousofliate Danisii notions o!. nationality sud Vo éçivauce the ag- yicuiturai prosperity o!fVthe people-. The iigh choole exist ilu-Vthe countny districts, aud are attEurnd ti Vhe summen liy young men -sud iu the, vinter liy young vo-men.. They rezembl.e omeviiat O-unChaus-n- tauqua, but the. curriculium le mnoro- limited; the studeute all livO lu o-ne ho-use, sud the &musements are' veny shuple sud-oonuected vitiine,- tionai sud religions ideas. When a farmen' s son or ds.ughter2 -a bs- ufficient moneylVo spend on a tenm on Vvo &t s- hlgii sehehe or thi . àppy. I4nglcb. remembered. Tbe IayotW et tt. bulding lula atof au'oral, amphi- theatre, w'tbcut guilerlec. Ail around1 time oval ouid Maece of iumaulty, riclug- Uier upcn tier, Iurni&bed au -Aizpressive sigial. It *aé-lime grfatest, câoocf men Sud womeu over gathered under 0rne root in Toronto. 'Unleca ilIo filed. however. t1h.effeol of t terir .barulike.' SCOTLIND YARD'8 NEW IBAD John ,Necàrthy Rnas Often Blette!, cd Europeau Royalty. Superinf.endent Froest ha. licou aucceeded by COhief InspoctPor Joehn1 McCarthy 'as ezecutive bead of tiie criminal investigation department, at Seotland "Yard,. LOndon. KNe joined thé' force- a& an ordina.ry con- Stable. Aiter'five ye4rs etreet duty, during which ho ehowed gÉreat ap ti- -tude in~ thief catching, he vas trani- ferred t<o the detectiWe branh wiire hie promotion--waa.rapid-and Nine years, ag4E ý,McQ&rthy, waa 'pronuoted to w-haV'is known as the "dpecial, bràneh" at Sotland Yard aiid- became chief inspectorÉ. This braneh,'wiiosc wôrkýs of great i- portanoe, îs littie known Vothe gen- - eral publie. It las Èo do with poli- tics.! crimes and the safeguarding of royal. and political porsnages.' « Mr. -MeCàrthy accompanied tiie present Ring, when, 'as; Prinoe of Wales, h% visited Canada, and lie basý ,W~eaccompaniedihie Msjesty on a~u-me Continental journeys.'Ho- was'it.h hie Maje-sty in Madrid at thé wedding of Ring Alfonwo when the anarehiet bombh was thrown. AV one time or another Mr. McCartiiy bas had nearly every Enropean royalty undr his carc. - AUTO BRNGS SIMPLICITY.- -~ vhlimh g - - de That (3ustomu Cen- Q, Tic dee Been IJ?.et. lhe ýb7 sit1, 'Tlebewee 7IM aeéü0f-theatmoie a ettIy sud -ooutry;, etn nCMta Ite fimsI Polittoal actinl-viii 1deubîlemucue apddci.inctzt- bel lu nlcJipal afJfaira.  labor ."ulate-- tien amo-ng weaitiy 1epleluEng for neani7 ail -1h.elvise ea la vm ithin land. SpIenddlU epwee -lb. range of posésibiliies lbi' year. If nlitoepvee -mcdrateiy s-uocestuil ter. the uext vigs ainj ocekades have all gone eut D o s dcubt, ylh. 10 gel into 1Pr-o-fcI agublc- n ~d everee4rulu- imites onpolies.L The esti-.1-tisnodr *ÉMU thea ]slbop llICI l ode.Y paxy~-n -Oand -ros laor -The preeeV day automobile haa 7 -_, zWBOND STEBET CHUM E -- psa,- o>Isestablished fer cen- - -letten laet veek ema eeèreucetues FalleswinedVh.v , te lime dcwn tova pnohlem ôou. their coots o! arme emblizoned,'o-n - Tonte churches. aud lime dis- Veir caniage doore no-wha4ve- a. ehpobovuin coma cuarierc te sbirk tn oormi t-lmsýfî iV~4iotbers 10 meet« il. The soiemnaVnmoorilutepcespan tact l inmaI oft-the-50,000 versons living Viat iV' la ecarcely noticea&ble, Fev souib 'of (olege street, enly @a ml. trac- Aùaue- tion hen been roacbed by-,the ehuncimes. persona -exvept Absaesn- - Both in preaciingansd- in4ksI h i. un- use cookades; t-beyý have liocome doubtedly the -tat l-,tcme eieticl ufsinbe ciprehes lu down_ tovu I¶éonto are oui tiiei iî5,os o f sympathy vîitth lie-m«asec vmount heY Infa-et ali distinctive emble1na o! ar I suuee e ar. -rank have disappesred.. Tiie ca-r o-f The cmrbperimapa mnont. nepular ln >ë h i.*t' . 1 mayvauvihthL7e crcwd,-la Bond ee ff Ve igiétpeers o. t0 -Street Ocugnegaiioflal, viose.dealinios are -realm led indisingnishSlilo from Vthe p"eslded erer by Rer. Byron M. Stauffer. vWho camebimeo sevenal years, areo mcm -o! :city businets issu. .The. veal- Bufalo.. His motimod are muoh tselu- n.tby classes have nover .Bxpeninced" ~~ IbiS ~~ ~~uch acraze -for smlct uli pittet-yaeqbb h late Dr.'I 1 Wil bt b ontriesd omalte hic er. e; rnasünination o-f thein vehisies Mà vt o vf trstn?, ud.h alveym drava ai> present. > TIIREE METIIObS of IIANIING Your FUNDS- and what ]Bach Repteseiàts 1. INVESTMENT-Safety with Profit. 2. SPECULA7ION-Profit(?) Without Sýafety.-.ý' 3., HOARDING-Safety(?) Without Profit. IF the,. First Method is youirs you' will be interested lin our SIX -PE CENT. PROPRIETARY BOND S,"oecured by care- fully Weected Real Estate Investmçnt. held ini Trust l>y the. Prudential Trast Company Limited, Xontieoiq, Trustbee ier the Bonchholders. A Saf e Invesmeubt, pr9pOr]y safeguarded, with Income assured. Denorinations: 1100.00, -*500.00, *1,000.00. Yèu can purcbae Our Bnds on the PERIODICÂL PÂY- MENT PLAN and make 6% on your saving. write ue at once for P&rtiOu1lirs CANADIAN ÇONSOLI1DAT1FD LANDS LIMITED Eastern. Towsshipe Banik BuildIng, - - MNRA Let Apples be the Christm'>asýýGlift tQyou r f riends acro ss -the sea, Luscieus, yosy, juîcy, Canadian Apples! Can yenuns- gmne any -if t to t he, ear -ones inm the olci land that would be, more aebeptaâýble. Because of exoeptiqna1 mppiing facilitiea w cau make you..tus mzaSnificent -O«er. W. -wli-I3deliver FRER 0 MAÂRGE Vo- any addiress in the"Bits ua acase'. Gof antedSeltct ana- $ dian Âppios for th e sm&ll um cf........ 4-oe VU W. Uic >ýStandam de.; eaeh :Apple l apaatl packed, and ev.rY precanti9n taken to enaure sa'- and rapid c4olivery. Ovtr 5,_0cae hipped lait yoar.; Mam 3. B o. statin 'w.re ou roquire Vi. case Atan W <THE [lEST. Give teilpo"tl direo-, tc,§ Along wltb Yoiir own card for> enloSure inem.-- 0 AN IKAN E X PO0R T (OMP ANYj ozU UAJJaAi known, it 25 mine wiiethier western abiio lesuo- ms.y ha .w.r nohweàt terward - 14. Forgot -toi V5k*'ýP bread-The duty ef iseouring thé provisions neéded for the. jounney would* de- volve naturally upon Jiw whoe -vas the treasurèr o-f Viiê'WpostoJie jompauy. 1 it . quite likely, - how- eve-r, Vhat some one qr two of the otaier disciples, hàred thie respon- sibllity wiV - 15. Bev, *o - leayven - J'euz ie apeaking ln figurative language, ref1 rring Vo theé oufMinating èvii influtence cf the ethariosesand tVhs courtiers and , ýlq-were cf Herod. Thé repetti*-Cthe ti word '4bèa- v.eus" indicates penlj-pe diatinct kinds cf oorrupting influençues em- anatiug TespecivéIy4rem V hé Veacbh- ing cf the Pharisees-and theo ourt, pra-ctices.of the king. le. Rearyoued-o.ue witii anotiier- Debated what Vh-significance ciJ the Master's words might-b..' 17. -Do ye -noV yet 'perceive, nfi- ther understandl7-lt waï0à, source- of -dieappointmenta Vosus, after ail his teaciiing, that Vhey failed Vo recoguize Viie truth *hich lus figur-, aive lauguage vas-,intended te eonveoy. In Matthew (1e. 8) it 18 the defect- of their faitb tihat -la em- phauized. -1.Baekets -ful-The -Word bals- ket iu ver« 19 aznd 20- represents> difo érent rok orda. I, Thi verse a iin2*1 wlcker or individuaïl traveling lideket is meant ;,in verse 20 "à larger b asket'or hamp.e'F.- 1T40. distinction je on. cf several which Mark i.e.careful te màke ilu cern- par'n the: -ineident cf Vii. feeding o!f tie foui tiousand, rctaining ln-u eaoh -référence thie preise details «useW'in the o4gipnai narrative. 21. Do yenoV yet undertdi- Their sense cf preception lese cha- ýuse that even this reference te tthe faMiliar experie,'noe of the inarvel- oapowVer of Jesus to provide food: iu an-y emergeuey does nV. ouggest to Vhem, the real meaning cfie isords. --Mattiev Proceeds.to ex- jiain that fiaiy they did- discover thainluspeaking Vo, bhem cf the leavenrhle had tii. tx'rrupt teacli- iug of the Jewisii secte in mind, andU not tii. mýre matter 'of bread (MaVt. 16. 1 2).- 22. Bethsida-Pr9>bably -BeVh-ý aiaJulis, on the northeasterà ehore, ile meant, Vhougii 1V May have béen tii. Bethsaida en the- west sidé of the lake.- Thé former cily wouid be a littie nearer Vo tie villages of Osesarea Phiuippi, vs ited immediately afterward. Com- pare verse 27. A blind man-The biazing sun sud shiftiiig -Éaud ofiPýalestzze aud the neaL. Orient,, togetiier- witii a- lack, o! kuowledge of the ordinary ruies cf ean!tary -living,: account for VIîhe. vçry ýlarge rnamber ofiblind 'î-ple" fouud thiere even -to-ay. P0'i B' the-. haud-Leà4ing him tus. :- -Ont cf Vii.. yvi1age---Away frein -Spit 'on hie eyee-As in te case cf tiié dea. mute;.thi.eue otiier iu-. s tance in which Jesue applies the mojsture -o!hie monthii nhs way. 1V-Iasbeeu enggested that Jéess in - -hs 'aud' simillar instances uuited his own 1 Miraculous. power w ith means -alx'eady in use- amoug meu, tint d'irecting the thought' aîld fai-th -o! t Ée'ibenefleiary frb*m th e' lIower -Vo the higher -meaus. .&-Sest thon augtI-ýSeeît- Viiou anything'at al i -'f see, men . ..astreakig a r~fs IIii~~% Ii~ ~ ~ [IBO 1 1

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