Itt -audOtela EDICAL 1HALL SWhltby. prot 02 Prmeoh tisa theBoard. vai fôuud te b. 40 uosn 48 cne MyrDowuey at LISIGL s~r~ss-thé oflicer. tek7 0. LFA ILL C. tdgie ra rftecil4 itwnk, tihe tý"tt e niaë.- SBarriter, CountYf Crovu Attorueéy -aud 1ling dy County Solicitor. Tise question' eh wlsesr il e Office soutb wing'Court Heuse, Wisitby. 'i5tl hv ail rnilk" Ae vaEd e î i v e re. l u s e a e d b 6 t t b A.LHR1 ~ jan, vas discusseanadit vas Offic, Ba-ock'St., Opp.,drd - n irable, if tha'e eavcuîi m Mony CYWlsatiso e ad aiioul d t. e' d'a à AMWS t1JTd *ïà »ed w&,3vs IIO L~"- -Moftey toLo ez Bran i j Tlu -Wlsitby, Ont. lie'1 TELEP-ONE r eh r Idepndent, dyong need, -é Be», ay 8 i h ~ ae fors ae.- sur. Suce. -torme au ÂII 'kçhdo of aispromptly attendmd le. ~ ~ ~ ~ b .Àrueet a made for, saes aitii. OGazette office. een -'and, Indepenckei tpaons.. W TB.ONT. OONT~kTR -J. HewÇLL JIMES Catpefter,* BuildeÃŽ end Contractor. Jans 'dmà wn and estimates furnished. pAirAteratiens snd jobbing.. 467 WBITbY -PhonO 149 houaler of Marrage LLenfs Cerner drugstore. Whithy EDUCATION TUAT PAY8 is just the kind you get under the very best conditions at any orne o.f Shaw's Schocls, Tornto- The e Cèntral. Business College, The 1 Central Telegraph School, and - 4 City Branch Business Schools. Our new curriculum explains iheý ,practical courses given. Write 'for' a copy. W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge > and Gerrard Ste.,p Toronto . fi#Duigu ud laterîal kopt in Stockb -,qMl puy you to cal at our works k~svot foryouruelf. b. iised >'agents, we do empi t4e,-,-consequeltly we cmn ov y b>eurchnslng from us. *CalilSolicit.d. WMb. m nWodi ýppoaite Êtindard -Bankc, Whitby, Ont.ý SWIre fo r *Us ud f viii lire For Toi Mousom wfrlng, power wirlng, *ixtum'uansd'SU'pplies, xlto ~.moti snd îransfomr.. lY" intius câllusat Our o PL . sJaaIhonie ça letCofflfer F. Roado,04 odetw tus -ito Jurra W.J H. Rcisardson, oea Vorttey botikiraià ns were travel-W£A. Hendemsn, W.Pige .C l<~ ~aow peid 'r u ceueltie RU.ttan, T4evi Dudley, E.W.s*Evai, ' more shve hine nnertht aenien,- i4VfRice, AI. Butler, W moreserre.Wh~e tie lco'otw Dalby, S. Walkcr , W. H~Siui were damaged. to but'à a uliglit extent, TiCLOIS 25an-S utr a sýOlonbsî -sI'eper oô9t-tbe irocjlrain li >sale at waà vit& AIX. IÀn's drug ý-store. Doors op«. esgt teeepdtemr a hifLs ,7.aD. court called et 8.00. lenui byuh' aggege car. 'Thé crS - - of htu tain esepedinjury. Adv .' W"as uggettd lait nà ihtthat-the ený -N9 en Rineer ofehie troop train as ho a p v ri:a egeta Oce t ssicl iheend 'aSOThecanà dian Har-nes», sud Carnage ohth ar udtisai hie brak« qs-- uru fused t? work, while the brae " 'm ou n l f r c o er'otn d i i undeot herdr, 1'sensible -article*: who umd *odreodon th ~ssof thse firet car, ready ÃŽo0 Here i. tlie~argument advanoea by a n d Open tise switch, whicb mnany -merchants- inithse sMlR1 towus wouhave sidetracked the opecial and "<ý dstsng ds e a, w. lenabled thse regular to peso ilirougs just advertise te keer. ispsthe local -pA. On the main liue, according to in.Perj" struciions. The very fait tisai Iïs lcal,pae The iMpuediate offet ofthtie accide1 nt should -b. kepi up ise an indication was .aPPalliùg. Thse baggage car,' No.tisai the merchant ataituknoçm that 4,607 liirally Pieughed through tis te paper in an actuel beesefit te the colouiui uleeper, which was filled wiîsth w Atu Wtetaloa ae mulfitiamen. breaking,- î hrough 1;irths cortainly laoks êomething, -and a towa and demolishing. seÃis as if tise _ with a good local papâr eertainly has had beSn mhde, of pâsteboard. Tise an 49smt which the towu should be siseck was, terrifie. The men of "A", proud, ef and which ýtii local mercis- Goiupany' of tse '48th Highlanders 00. anis could'and shOuhd use tb advan- .pied thse. front seats. and scarcely tagoa.' one escaped without more or leas in- M08t Lily merchant who hmas edense jury. h vwas fortunate tIsai thee loor Of pgide in thse îo*n inwhich us* nives of tho baggags car did net penetrete aud f inswicii ho conducts h.bsns thse peesenger coachi ai a isigis levai, wossld b. williflg 10 pay to thse lbcal or tise les. of lMe yould -have been PpPr as mucis as five dollùa e nnu reéater. BelL the dead men woro jusi as a meatte of mupp6-t, ,eve ii 4 baly eut abou-t-tis e aad, and. it in carried ne ad. eà t aIl But iii. trouabl said tisai Banuatyue's 'bock was is that tâe. average zuerchant lboks- broken. thInnawspapor spac'e -as a, donation, Tise tact tisaitise baggage car was and BiMPIY uses "ony old th .ing". for Of an etd type,, lighily -cônsirucied, an ad. -and, changes b , i& copy when h. may acceunt for thse domolitiOn. -Whila happens te utiikcf fit. tise impaet was not saW esi ntha ciii- The trouble lies haro : the Mmciant or coachses of tIse train tewards lL -eglee athe adveriisiug .ma af' ýcthe rear, thse two coaches mont affectad buoinos entiraly. -1111, Safe ,4d- wore *éplintred into fagments. *ie PaYing tisa met absolute dera; confusien was greai, lights wcnî eut' for tsphase ofh-his business, Lu >i. aud generel chaos pzevailecL Orders 5itt5 th is à advortising dom net, %var shoutecl en evory hand, but ne- peY. Supposd thet thaercisanpaid body kncw isera ote irps.As 500D asu ltile attention 1 isost6rsa a'th i.Serieumnýes ef 'tise situation ha doshie ados; Le-would scout liaV -awned upon those inl eoInsand the ne Clstenier, men turned te, viti a yL There If. your ad&. .*0 net rend h ein he was ne chance to tanS t-il~ ileci or feuli 0f your 4-ýgIeét, g hi im, ;~ injurod eut -of the doors, and the eut *Part of yur lisus.If a~ aides Of thse passenger eoch lied te b. chant admit, ihat L ontepc eut away wiils. xes. etsrgenoy eall, chant admitsthat Le doeýs noti ioet'i rs±-e sent te oot for modicel as- hie ad. te Psy, heur miaci eforiSu.à d> istacesud c aps of doctors n5E3 90 a olgto give to ,thonS? nus e 'asquic4I>4 dispatched 1TIseme 0W adi; »out ths re, oId from 1 he. Western Hospýitat. -TIse aae- store, With à ieJn ne-r freo ,Wfek te I Mon platfoqut and 'freiihsh ieds were veek i#d mouîb7 te Menth. vil!lui- turneci 'no's.mroiehopaldeed n e rac . and - evoiythliîg po-sulbl.vs 'don@ tel mileanais ttse sfeilng cof thee iureci- HCKY A meeting Oahtie Witby Ho R la - WJmi nd the irinie Gla homeard.'1'Lse"are.h-t m tpo-r fut argumetj ntslua~vr h "boiùhng the. ba"iby -the-local 'Option misd - flalowe'a Paty. Ses nay hayd ebeau surprisai on passing Aise 'hcaest Mrm.. Gold Mou- day ýeveni" Oc.2lt 'acAittIng on oais e post a jack-o'lautsrn sud Iiree gsoote' standing ai tLe door..h à a s albove'en Party givenuy tise "Y"Mr. Starr kindly acted as chair- mean. Severalgaines'wuere playocl, andi »ies ride on the street car vasà 't as bup"sit usualiy 19, -Mr. 'Starr ad-i- mmrably tehkiug tise place ofh- R,. J. Fleming and conducier. An appe con- test caume rext. vhich proveci tisaithel iargst. mouth doeffa't alw" Pt.. -thse firet bite.A ri g vas formed around -the. open grate, tise ligute vere turned eut and as eaa fagot was burued a stery was bld. 'Mis. Bell ms an ad 1fr. Nicholson played. Refremmto' .were uerved, thse ciief feature.ofchta beiug thse pumpkin pie. 'A fcv demn. strations vere aftervards giveus in chair lifting. The eues iaking part1 evidenily were clôsely rclâted to tise1 spool. at thé. deor. Thse regaler busi- usesmeeting Of hie ""gr'yl b.held. ai the hemO Of Miss lAileen Ted,' Mou- STALION INSPEMTON UTIDER ON- TARIO STALIO(N ACT. 'ot'frStalliots Inspectors Lu Dis. trict No. S.. Sefle, Tbursday, ýNovemuber 21, PWki rn h day, N v m e 1 Uik Pi ay oesbi & 10 am,'"' - i Sony,,.Saturday» Nover4br23, 2-M~ Single Pae. for thé Round Trip. Ocètober 7 to November 9, to points 'M, TEMAGAMI, Etc. October -7,ýtoa Novcmber 9 to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of B-ays, Pene., tang, 'Midland, Lakefield, Severn 1ta North Bay inclusive, Argylè -to Cobo- conk incl-usive, Lindsay to Haliburton nelusive, Madâwaskà to Parry Sound- ncluslve. Ail tickets valid for return until Tbursday, December 12th, except 40o points reached by- steamer lines, Tues- day, 'Nbv-,2th, 1912. FulI particulars, tickets, 'etc., fjrcm any Grand Trunk agent, and especinlly from E. 5-TEPHENSON Town Agent tor. Express, Ticket ana TeiegraPh Office,. o-PPOsite. Stanctard Bank, Whlty, Ont, .Telephone 36. WRIT]i-SATIN 3 READ AND-CACE MAKEIg'$5 FIREZ ON: ALAWL Now is the time to 'd~ outdoor planb, W e 'have, a Bulbs of'first- class uait.' show them to6 you. Chinese Sacred, Lilies, lagebulbs, Ã'~oc each' Hyacibths, double, or -single,-'ed, white,- yeiowble ndpin, 5C e ch, odoz. Tulips, «double 'or single,: red, hte yel Iow and pinký,.20Ci doz.t $zî:a25per 100 Crocus, iOaC doz., 6oc per, 100 NarcusudobeV0n 'Sion lc o Lu Poo47, WHITBI We have -a gagin al si ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO 'Ile matute -eg 4ou vantage ,of, iloy wifl mio fr 4 ordt The_ River, aÃŽneau :t obel, !ason, thern r? I- t. A h - i .- 't