Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 8

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LS atu norti-of1 à lie' utraw nefso in.lr lest botih h time. But, -agd to pu& -un li 8mdal çw sreturaj hourd the a, wrd hün. tbm dltc b mOSiltwo h< Qould tenUi lte Wuasa loua resait.. halof -the Tfiq hot- sa= wu ki ran int& thei -and into the the vound'a luB, nt il 0on the.shou the .id.-St iho Sq., " hi ro.ir-au dealiars.. - t -Chaalborîin'o Cough-ges4fe iLjiOICUWfp lat supoior là pny other. - $1RL. Iru1 thr - i nothing uiim.l~aG oise left for England Mrw ienn s a, ad of _ý,8 yeanr sal byaildoaeruiS.on xonay.r~ go 7Irom BAWeiborough, Cuty of' MX.' . , Cok - W# in amit&i PORT PERRY.1itWêotidngUeOdD: ~ACoonwal,ý son-bt- ier iiephew, 1Mr. $itaVerion.H$-"d '-4aw t4IY hil 1r.P~.I ar,- Er. Jack 8niith àha-BOW h. blà* - Port 1erryï waa theslwig, .mth àne**,t-,seéiüt auto- in,. in the0-barnlcauit .: Qii Md Smth pO5 go.g nta badspea a fst a te urp4m gmgItý),ý 'es-qprwal reoeivedý a. Mr. Mti widd have ~a4,bsdsjtr oueand br m .aho>rt o e a hos-ý fortunatoly thé mon man- jmle itr.frÂ: ~ oo al. iengî r eut t1e biaze4, and n o e- reaulted. L. J onathAn Uueson Lasj.as sedv mii, ýy1nd n Mfr. J. Smnith's* residence'. oe niglt Dr Geoge C&tii Mr. John Bright was in VtatWA o igfr~rno4 ie1r irom taa inob t 1 lstw@k. *Cornwall, from l11", place tliey were e~i<t l hrse runung t* , Mr. and Irs. Art. Wilson, of Burli- t tr ýliaa hei 1w oe J~e on~e hi hor.. iitoton, visited with friends. Lare on. Sun we 1esdtlgrmc elno ornes5 afloat, e e buto c. the i.accident,. M.Cornwall, Who blas Lreu whbr.asobrh . its. George McTaigart, vi1 ocoiito, lieen manager oi the Canadian Bankl as *hl* as hppein istingrelatives bere, of Commerce, eaI-Clareholm ,Alea., hadt oihion ,!iltài most.set- Dr. CaIe.'hors.and JW. Copland, of Dayton, 0h10O, boan promoted-,t -the aa~si o Iorge Howsama ' t . ah nsîprcfiamed & bottie ef .ChaÙmoaW-a! the.,Niagara branch- of that bank, nndý ci aoh wa** piwed ~(iU e yf or hi.-,boy. who had a vyte as on his way thoe, aàd had ztopc buggy lrawnb th Ild.* d ete ie 1,otiffe' as al ped over to-spend a. hohdaytOi, belStging tle (o-oçge johe. ý um y'dc *j as go»e. lu CASQ.. lediiiIanl~,as1h.elaftthat nul botter , han to -psy a ive o aeyun hliny ofpartmolte iltadollar doctor'. bil YFor' slaby aU If ve, peae . noî dhht Uaor4 Y9 O heart. Dr. contes' Ijorge daFws-lof the, StomAci tei* More fortunate, ailtîgh p ion ailmente. - Tê céorrect thi* ,ou îuflered 'by il- is a terrible OUW.willl md Chaian, s 8-'u tomah and ýgt e"1iY Jeto l n-'Miss Aauia- Stedham was prenented. Livere Tab"eha exeelent. .Teyaeeasy * s~tilbnall glanced'wit-a beautiful gogd watdtand lUi- .nd plea»enate otake, and i94d-and.ý bo r.at an out I t ke pi;b taheso!B Geàooe-gentie ini efct.Fo a ar. ~~~ge's chzrch, .'oh -Tî4eudae last. Nium e.i.ibrlda Pcrhaàps therel .s'a-othing that Wîifilplease y tiur Th-ankslr- 'iving~ friends betferthan ýCood lome-Made Bread. Better Iook upOuür Uesof. had Flour ai'id gwv-e it à ItsBesi to ReÉnmemIe tht very organ of the là, drMhDwboyu depeudatè ippon eyery other, If your lver veu vrcng yoar bIloM d vu- be inijmre; if >our bIowelsare inactive your ctomaek a nd digestion viii sbow3t. -iAnd oe etrouble leaài to- mnother. haue become thé Meut remécy lu thé venld. mnunn"tledpower to Iter and bowels.1,ey 1fls béner4t evcry oma»i the brai», tone liii :uer DAtUTSI 805 but sure. 'orme f 'the is s ý cIear llzey = 4' reYouW tat rneumes a Tangc is ju.dgesi by ît. 'farcy arimmig-4by ticse ýrebo-by -thec number oëf holes, orýtie hîize of:,m oven-- rcneraIappearsnce. - - these-thinLs:are importa-nt. Buttic naestinimýortant'for yoi dd~ is - ---Wlat will îhç range u.buy d4e for you ? iat rotura la actua service-wil you gèt, rôn-.he tanks k*ol q-ééyounce of fuel you Put into it? '-- d HapýyThTonght" 'Ranges, grilling, -bîpilinW ' i t iClflCiber, there à th o. -' ôh oii i - ~j~ Fut over twenty-fiv ear'-a - Aaun s14n Dfa centuuy-of sustained ceffort -otharyou ba;* tbmleit ie-thebet. - - or in the ?eea W( h'zoid*h, - X,.Pf the iiakers has bceen. you want it,- ani a thi e' ,u-ueyoQ, fi'to produ'ce a StuvM tlzat taquine.--, - -~~sbloreturinlu A simple dw~trd iilprovi St A BE&UTIe-UL PICTURE. - Wo notice ,In>-tiisweels issue of the Family Holrald and! Weekly .Btar I hiat Ii. ubisherg -have secuýÏ_ed, as a prozetum i cture for subsctibets, an- ether bahfl subject entiîled, 'Mether s ,Trbasutes," a& coenpanio4i le the beýAutîful Ipitturo "Home Aan., whuci tiey gave last year. l'amily Reralpîcturei are always geai, and it isaid., Ihat "Mther'a Treagures' ji lhi et yi. t i..ruly wonderful wI y ra alu.ono receives - oron. dola a year _in the Faniiy, Herald aaiid--Woekly- Star. Il is a paper nu hoe in canada should, ho výithout.l *Every -,mebië'o! a fà~il1tr viii-ld: sin. parI -of il. intèresling, and alone: Weli Worth e e'spbrpto. The premnm picture, "b.TWther's Treas' urs .23 by' 29- luches, ail ready ait>y art store -ait t.vodollas. .Th Faây ÜerÏd h"od'ddo',oigger - usiness."n evots5à on; . --We.prànmier y<rvthat, if yôur 'h4 fallinýg out and>.ou ha7ye 'eot let P teeo fat, you can -repair the daml alr ea dy done by uaing Boexali Haïk Tonic;, withi persiàtency arýdi ulaýtty for a --reasonable leiigt.h hioeptIo, gergdcidul pmrpaatien 't destroya nierQe. atintulates Î'l circulation arouid thejthair ,teë promoteshà ,ih et ren hffli th. Itýtouse i' s ~tIwaterr) fumY, Ri a- t ne.si.Y làWoùie ,Wlt , pniise that, iW àa Y '- h it use., At éo 0c.an at' oïrt -r(' h*'âiýstrè. i..'H. W IGAR-OARNMEGIE. -St. John' ce liPort Perty, vas the -scené of 'a ptetty wedding on Wed- ned>afternoon, when the marr.iage was solemuized of Miss lIvU INaOmi Uarnegie, youngest daughter of Mr.. and àtrs. J ames Uarnegie, to Majoi 4ormau S. JEdgar, of IRegina, Sse Tlhe weio as performed by.. Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Mount Forest.- Miss -Wilard -plîyesithe ,'wedding match andduring the ian !toregistez Misa Katheriné IM1is, -of, Toron'to Osang "Because.e1 The- liorat 4eeoration» wote catried ot twith quanlities of autumnu leaves, .cht-ysaxnthemuuis and rd.ses. The petite bride, who . as givà on _,away by lier father, looked lovely _____ in -het --weddîneg gown of rieli white Satin, witb tuie nd o f ! tystal 'the suùcwes-. net.. Rer veil- wag of tulle, vas cxowbx- thte million est- with utranuge blossomos. Sucrr wimessed lie ashower o rsesiý'4 Jlole a- aie is bmg -iey;and wr the-g'oom's gift, a ,dia- Company ansd moic a&Iaiunt--pendant~ bevy< andra .es jand' an amefJàySt phnnred-ht»d At the. lose cOfhe &'mng service 0~îe ~ ndM»~FoecMCa in St. Ândrew'î chure ion- Sundâ "IilaSf Pont>ry as bridesmnaide W0, tlecongregaho eoge-l.sokdpaie blue ,atiu n -blàck- piauie hat.liý ~4pained te iiee'r rd lb. rrsgia- They al dari'ied sheafs of îi~ ofe o! their pastor, J11eVý . WMoWore. p.Crnge azheo ieWlb As li groteut t hainon lui.Qprê&1a eet - utIle lowpor girl,- and vaied etwen ii petai sn th jarridaniodashioed'-nosgayý.Tii. coawregt ion ever sînce Mr. Moeteo0jgîgfts lu the., ridesiadg ver Ieeok charge, about fiv. years'ago, andi' pn.-~ Gro dao as net hie slightemt friciohanhi.vet " [r<ther o! the groom, -ýactedi oxÎitd, Ithe people vote deeply nisyedi sbtaaa ua . and, Mrt. ai litsa. More have been muet. earty Carnegîe as ushers. After -1h. itdefatigable verliers and have von effemony lii. bridai p&rty-aîîs! gueste thte -deepat love and! respect o! fa"l drýtPove h e residence o! hhle' ,brid.'s vih whonr -tiiy have- i1 contact fleweeIe angahi ans te eepet rgre exreses o rcoptipui, vearisg a pretty m.govu et ail aides_ ah -the hum eeoef e.Mr. mauve- satin and a corsage bbuquet; ut X b o r e h â g ý o n " -md e U W i c b i s - - i m i t e »- r i d . M t o , - x d r . d g l t lios er b. hnsiditefiltUre ChOt for 1C àso, -en. reute, ho, egina, Sask han laI hoviii ul tes ano helebride travelling in a navy blue- charge for ee Feent. suit, sznarhly tailored, ans! petunia "iMM from ih. ý>Ontario Bridige',haî.--Shar.; Toi%iao, have bien bore for lte pasl week éreeoing - tie .".I upeotrucînr&>m* -on 'Puegs'bridgeê'on the Brook roýad, -EVEJRYWOMÂN. mnd viiihave 'lie *oG finahéeinliaa Mucliinterest lias been atoused dur- 1ev days. "'Thse concete liber il tue» iog -the past two years by the pro-- have ho ho laid no thalia il i beh a duction o! àa play, in New York beat. week or Ivo béiter.the bridge wiii b. ing the - strange title; Everyvoman. ready for Iraffloe. The itew»papers adt. mazn. -_______________ have devohed coluùnsa i discussion lu - ~tie dimnatic ifuxelhy which is label. ~Jj"~ <~T)1~ led "a" dramnati spectacle." Asidesi - .LN~J LV \JL~Lj prininencp vas given lu "Everyvo-. f'lT A 7 iT' ~-à- I ADED HAIR i Wemen and Ien whe u-e PARISIAN ean ho uto their hait viii nover ~4IIA Sae iii preserve- - tho »>atural culot o!- the hair; stop i frqzn beco lg a-,," and lifelees, anid bye nouriahing t4w . hai- rout. give ho 7the. hait a lustre -andrsiradanos that compels, admiration. ?AMIA, Sae u~psfalirig hait: bknimhe danru~, Anis. -lb. calp.. dlean ans! fmeefront'ilobjusa ans! pro-& .motos a growtb c&, heavy hait. _ Large. bouîle 5 cents at- dealers everywvhero. Sols!- by A. ýz -Allia co» Dlolley back il dissat4ufl lplan. I , ýAKAI11 -Tsothdi ~tn you< i bd WC a~cru. The, public'-May-overlook, bu' des o ôge lie -or ýau .abuse of its,-c onfidenoe.'. Thè public 'regards. with suspicion th-ose -,who -attemPt "Io serve, it L secrecy aud< silence. The ,PUblic-'is repelled by jg gledfacts-or. -beêfogging wotdsf. The Public rewards, ýmwith its-fa -or and mony tose whno ,toll itthe truth. W- wafl.àÏad.4-hopg,,where the lihtshe s-andwhere tàrwonthe Igt ili neyor - M aygoo d 'rssùg gîwyérLe.sreiary. qf the; Castadianj - Press Association, oRom 5o3, LmsfnBuilding$,-Toronto. - Estgury ntgolvei nwo oblgatisoxyour art-sp trute if - *uferestWd cg and" -musical fiulda- - h:chaX_.ever been touid. 1v consista-.of oivvo hu4ncireti antd, flty- j epIe r vi&:5raid oelamuaicÀelcoimedylansi dramâ~ i. work à- of -such a char- actéryt.hiat,,it reqiies.-artist8 of the g stqass o give.a crditable pet- 'formuace; sàucli as lMr. Savage avy assures hie patrons. i1h*jW said that idIrerywomans" , reptesentiq an expensi- -tpye!oer sixhytheiýusans!dollars here are hhry-een :speàkig char-' autera lu, tho spectsaceans! b prep- erly interpreït h.- musical msre a symphony orchestra, hu cùiid thle urganizathon. Thora are inany soeënio, spiendote,on of the ;Aiosh startling o! -which is a repr 0ain.e o, Year's E-v. on Brssadway,- New York,, ah -,MidÏiglit, villi ail le frlicand fanfare wih vhch thei. notopolhisee- 01zratoe the pasSingof the old -yeat 'and of stage-rait. The 0at1! Every. -voinan" .-_i. heados by H. Cýoper Cife, a distinguishe! E'ngl-iL r.fgt Who visitesi Anterîca Iv4ce a Mnie for tiie late>'Bit Henfryling There are more than a ýscore o! u6ther wejl-known nomes l i thecompa Bloosi, a talented aidý ûeu tifuI Y ,oung TU YTTHsCO-PArNION . -FOR 1913 The Yoýuth'e Companisin -appeaIs ho every ,initret o! fang Ily 1if front housekeeping ho 1athleties. 1h be gIns vi1h huijes of youthfulvnV4 ig or, with artcle&r whiè h dis coi thée secresof sucesefl pyig n t-he great games, - witii charming tales uf life aItthegi l' isllge. CionPaanion-edooës nt aredr hpe ý;readers -when Ih1py have onteres - the' mnore serioue pathse of-, e.- KetherÈ null meleôme thé page forluttIle cil4 men and the ïvweBkjy. dochor'É, article, F'athers -viIl fins!. ithe Àimporitantnea of ýthe dayý as 1h t anid iot as it, u - -un>ored Io o. h e entire hoù%ehold will aPýPr~èate 1the . skelcheg wlhch j tonch-- - gentiv n 01w" w .foi... a Y 'are active farmem, 0 wh<y A.f a per wos editor iý .an fit. If you ,are~ a b ~ h aétiVe fariner -1 Iüust t.- necessqity b Sun j'ou ashoul&b-e. S"ù~~hp È- jý frmr Md ljW nis -evds. fyou npi e f aaVitcàipft 's fr poj-When. renewing your au cri "iWaanty of the" Weekly Sun,. iôroncte Gztean- nodèeodr qlh for over- lwenity-twc, vcars. teZ un; Ontarji -Jarmeir1 '- ai oonsidered LMa GO'TO Single Pare'for the Round TnP -Deep Bay, Mýaganetcwan River, Bolger Lake, Salines,. Shawaag River, Deer Lakea alte well- known Northrhutgcere To pnts on the ç 6E~LTRLeNTRio ]RZILWAy Noýrth:6of M illbrÏdge, te Cee Hill, I)evil's Lake, Gunte Lake au&Papineau Lake,-1-2 miles -atof Maynooth. Special fares, good going. October I7thte Nvesnerph, validto-roturn until the end tf the untingasn- SPÉCIAL..SERVICE TOALL HUNTING CAMPS on the -CaadINrth I u~roRlWay, Oluplng ud ialng r Apply to the Sportsmnaâ's Information Bureau-of. the Canada à rhr Railway,468 King Street, EFast, Toronto; ,or to. any,ÇC. N.î.Railway agent-for bookiets. and al inïformation. n~ff OBD~~IAL titn",b tle bncI t is ulie a -mah çâmo iite a -alter rownel, a New'YoitkflewePa- N R4£ 4. He ahipe me», ie ldla upuoiilft an!aks i rc.ye4iats des ou the mor n ng. aof'tii. ep, daye! tthe tirst performance ai hi- Lis 1"aid th&-ian, "I play. wihwoùld* -have tenlizes!for ae iavaI -tà?' for hlm the. arabi6a --of - a lUe-lime. Pvotywoman mnade -an, ierh£neouS 15 Ca toeisame, ans!1 i t. Il rami- iinually in Novw Yrk sn the manie hermi-as ti. lur,,nearly bye -yeare, bas-sice S -been 5us pithle.Sanie saisi ýtrani1ated im. < ltor làguagee,-ý mvi ~hd -~~ - ; <>y,,,ýreenty -hû-.iuas! a sensationaL a tecustoIaer-you accoes hiin ceBdor;ýat- the,,- historie.-- ig aMd charge tle my Druiy tan. Thearý» - Browna -vidow b and" repiiosee éhsisre-nd ber lltrespenraon j ARCF a %o §m TORONTO to. -Arni galesaJ Terms re Bell and c is justthe i very-best cons Shaiv's'.Schex Central Bncii Central Tel .4 City Brancl Our, new curr practicat cour for- a-copy.. W. Hi. Shaw, a ùd Ge ýwardS Yo

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