Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 2

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Eié~eu r pells~ ,1 Ves 81.. iirougji Sidon1 uflw th. e a esus aný bkis disciples yased eut -of the , distrfkt.about Tie.going northward it th"t *boistSidon. Then, turning eaSt-. 'Wald and southwird, they' biade a dotour wîb-h lnail>' ýbrouiitthom. fatote.seregien of Décapois soùtis- * ~~ $aEt of 6o .Lake cfi al. ti *ulte probable tisat f rom Sidon tiie> tr'avled for soe~ distance, on tii. Danamoue rea'd, wiiioh lea&ds sat- vard. ove,, tii, his and across. $hq Lenctea Rivr' 2.Thoy brung unto hlm - ' Ç.cetien ,aocorded Jeaus by the éln- abatsof Docapelia on tdii. e'. E, easion was quit. different frens tiat of hie lait visit te tthe eastern shor. ofe! i. ke, -Whon, becaumecf di. if sacitemant resulting f rom the. heai- hsg eftltis demoniac, tii.> urgWe bi toA epart quioki>' trom thoir bordera (Mark 6. 17). An impediment ln hie Speech- The. Mau wam net only déa.f, but partiali>' dumb, a. condition wioh f-may have reaulted from hie deaf- cessé- ELmay iiiis and. upon hima-Simply ant we a>' of requesting JeSus to heal bita. Ther. are min>' ln- stances-ins-the, Bible of healing tkrougfaprayer--aooompanied b> Iaying en of hands. 33. Took hinm ailde-This wam for'e a two-old purpose-firet, as tise manj0oald net heur orapeak intel- liàenlly, it vas necemary for 3osus te seoure hi. 'attention thât ho might .know what va. - bing doue lot hilm; -secotdi>'. there were _un- noual reaisons fer dtmiring seoreqy. Thse abject -.f the. tour vas retire- ment and ,Speciai fellowalsp with the disiples. EPut hie ingera into hie cara--Ra- tiser, tiirumt them in, as a sign to, thse mans that Jesus intended to heal hum ý s that ho eould exeicise faith and thereby have a permenal part inu iiealing. H. âpat-A -second sign deuigxed te areuse the man's faitk. Lt vam thouglt tisat apittie ýcs9ssed me- dica! virtue, and magical incanLta- tions. oten aocompanied its _u1». Ln - this instance, hevever, it-was slmp- * , ly the medium througii wih Jetue * Lnparted healing. 34. Lcoking up to heaven, ho sighed-Better, he groaned. Thse lock iieavenward was to inform him 61 the. source o! power whioii would à#aMfecthlm iealing. E R'phphatiia -~ The actual Greek word, which Jesuas spoke t<> the man, thse opening of whose organs wouldsrmAIe him sensitive te ound aud recoser hieech. 35. B3ond of his tongue-Tiie 'dea.!- psa;or visatever obstructed his Y speech. Once the. dfficulty vas re- mgýved, lie,.oould apeak rigistl>.. 8.The more a great deal they> published lt-Tii. objeûtothe iad- monition te secrecy was te prevent ïùèh publicity as would arouse his enemieu and cempel huzu te prolong * hie retirement; Nevertiielesa their excitement knew ne boundg,. se *that *the news was scattered broad- caut. It i. an exaimple of how ex- ultiation and zoal loseen the sense of thse more important duty of * obedience. *87. Beyond measure ast6hished- -Lterelly, they were struck eut o! thoir senecm.' Vecrse 1. Again a great. multitude -This carnies witis it tii. luference, tint there wa-s a bécond occasion viien Jesua ête i.multitude Lu.I- Mamueb as the feeding e! Vise". foùre- thoitaud la recoorded by- Matthev sud Mark oul>', and tise feediig o! -tii. fve thouaand la receilded ini al thse Gospels, smre have thougiit tiset there vas oui>' one mucis occur- ronce ooncoruing wiloiMatticw and Mark give two accounts. -Hôw. ever, a correct understanding of -Jeaus's motive lu perfornsing mit- aoles, vhicii vas first cf ail te maeet human: need, easily makea wav for Etwo si1elr miracles whi3s ge eut of tii. nee.do! the ýuultîtude ini -tie desert places ou tvo distinct occasions.- A careful reading of- the, tvo narratives çeveala a uum - b er of. points cf-difference- 'etween them. (Compare Mark 6. 30-441 2. Continue witls me uow tht.. Oay*--A sufficlenti>' long trne to esex ieust their supply -cf food, - 4. -Wiienc. shah eune be a ble te Ill these-Tlps lu general 15éiu sa-me'ort cf question which tiie dis- ciples aaked on. tisefemr-ca --ice, and la proof cf their stupidit>' sund forgetfuluese. Tiie ernpbasis 1w tise firet instance is on tise anuunt necessar>' to suppi>' sufficient quan- tt »of food, wiiile liere it -la on tiie Lncrdibility of b.ing. abl.efto se- -,tite a sufficient quautity lunVthe desett regzi. S.. Bi t dowu on tise groùed-Tie higiily picturesque details c! the narrative e! thse feedilug cf tise five - tiiouBand aré laeking iiere.- (Com- pare Mark 6. 39). 8. -fiWven baskets-On tii. former- occasioâ tiere vere tvýelve. The b>asket - as e sert ,cof lamper, plaited of reed or tope, mcii h-vas used to lbver Paul "Idcvi through tiie va-l" àt DamMcus (Acta 9. -9-About four thousand-Mattiiev <1,8)addu, ',ýBeai4es wornen and chulien." -(oempare Matt. 14. 21)._ - 1. Dilnsanutha-As this place la net meistioned eîisewbore, i-s loca- tion àu. neerWnl. Probàbly it vas ,a imal-village -near Magdala, onu :tho 'west aher. .1 tise la ., Luntise1 *-qb1tern p4nt o! tiié plàà cf Oea-I "'That yung Galy' ià à Cbp 0 "Rthr a tooth f tii. ai*drako." EQYPTIÂl! FUNEBÂL BOATS. Little Modela Aýre Found ln Tombe <et 4,000 Years Âe Oc0carional>' the.tomba of 4ncient 'Egyptiana, of four thousand yeaf a &go, -aro' found te coutain, along with mummies and treasuresa and furnisiiings, a Iittle model cf a boat. More frequenti>', the. hristia Horasa.&y&, the, wau found en the faner .nrfa4ae of the coffin a paantedf plotur. of aboat., The deýad o e iancent, Egyptians were a1wiys buried te tthe weat fe the. Nile, authé very edge of the viy. Somewhere, in theq far w eet, it -wae bblîi,.d, werethehappy ini.. of the. dead. Thither the sun- god went èads evenlng, and thenoe h. sald beneath ii. earth to te- appear ina te et next merning. Thom .thse Egyptian believed ho e'ould go &ft.r deatis. At tise timi. of the. hurili, thse da, wiio were, te theet of tiie d il, were transport.d aece the river in a special funeral boat lad- ,en wlth the. mummy aaxd ail tiiat was to b. buried wl-is it, whetever thse &OUI, or the ka, mighti need in tihe At ti.he ase o! tisepyramid of Se- sotrie.1L, of. théi twelfth. dynaaty, were foumd buried ini "tii, earid five large well-pree.ived boats madle f ron th ti. éara of Leb an on. Lt la only in a. <oüntry 11k. .Egypt, wbere the a suid ýir are dry, that Wood has 8uiviyeo @te cii & -greMb age. The, boats, now in tiie PFWd Mifs- ouni, Ohiec are thirty feet long, eî'ght feé.t 'wid and four feet deep. Hfow ever, thse chief pur o f Vthe boat was to serve tpi soul, after death. The "'hap-py iles" of the. dead oould be reaehèed -only- by croéinS thse great, waters, . nd fer ti&.oa.t Waie n.eceýarÏ. Ther. was a boatman named Turniace, be- ,cause te pèled is -boa.t while look- *sng backw&rd, wh<o ferried souls cross:, but 'he wonld rerelae only the .righteouw-onty thoe ff of-wiom it couic! be-iaid, "Ne bath don. no 4 .boast oommonly engrave& on the Egypti,&n tomb te persn& the ferryman Turnfac of the righte-ous- lieua of ths eul. ooTlfined there is: '"Il gave bread to -the hungry, water te the. th.irety, elothing te tthe nak- ed and a . erry, boaet' t the boant- Sometimes thcee Who possessed ne boat were transerted a.CIro'ss-tii waters by the hawk or tiie ibis, or fri.endly seuls migiit b. per.uaded te provide a boat for tiiem, or they might accompany thé esun-goci on hie Iourney. The boatless, however,' mîght wâgit long before'reaching the, ""happy- laies," and mc a boat, &ar I>rcvided, with oarsmen and provi- pions for-t~he voyage, was buried ýwit, the mnummy or painted on the. coin. " i BELL.- TELEPIRONE FINANCES. Earnlnge Applicable te the Bond Interest Have Shows a Steady Lacrease Since 1900,- Iu- viev efthtie fa-ct tisa- an addi- tionel issue e! Bell ýTelephone bonds i-s about t. b. offered te the public, it i. interestiug- te note that tise securities. are 'a- firat charge upon the viiele liuem, wyens and-plant of tise compan>' other tisa-n real esta-te. The real estate lu uneùcumbered. The. value of tiie plant àccount (net inolvding- real estate) is $20,531,327, or moto tissutire. tintes the eut- standing bonds. As regards'tis mocurlt>' Iron tise ineome ýpoint of ,ve* tfii, folloving tab le saneaks'for - rois Applicable Bond - evenue, t. ond Intereat -Intereit 19086 $4'139,3<4 $ i, 135,838 $142,983 1907 . 4,929,657 -1,223,767 179,970 1908 4,580;606_ 1,606,724 182,450 1909 .4,949,197 ý,65y,39 --182,450 1910 5,p10,685 1y72Mý575 182,450 1911 6,476 848 1,657,814 231,879 :O0 àtise.- basis of tise average me- suite foritis. lastý six yenra tii. net earnings- approxina-te to six tiîmts th oainterest charges. -Tise bonds 'i j$T;5m'O;e0, -of-i $0, 8- 849,000O are out.- Tise cwmpan>' las a 'capitp.1- stock ôutstaudiùg -cf -$15, 000i00, v*Mec, im valued b>' thie market 1 at 160 per cent. Dividè'ndsat tise rate cf ceight per, cent. hâve - been peld continu. cmii>'for tveuty-six yearsi Prin-- cipal end interest ou thie bonda are payqble- on April and October lot a-t tise Bank -ef Montreal. - MÉ. Cinn-'You kuos', ni>' ius- baud just wen't listei2'te- god, cern- -mon suse talk." Mrs. Frank- W111LbeSUmnppod -ftxrerrmotroig:titi la onie week tiiree car1Qa.di ot 'ripe tornatoes were shsipped ýý,frim Crspton laitiftsnth.- - 1 A grizzly- bear weighxsg 9No pounds wam receil>'. ahet'about 20 în mileSouth- of Coleman. - 41i ~F. Mercer, e!:fHelena, hecome interstedinua. grpsum eln-1m t Graulite..,,Oreek. rt 4~estim tedtit during *tise 4 '~ears, the, ice at tise Bitter fflkieihasmelted» 400 !eet. '~B. flurgesa, O! Bal FîenciSc0, iplanning te. build a largesii and 40oer factor>' at Port-Auberni. Pat Burnai, the. cattie king, liai 'ubscribed OO te ishelp build âa-mon- ument te G4nerai Welfe at -Green- vicoh. A iai4ge- crop ,of pottoe. vere grown thia summer- at Port Geod Hcpe, eigiit miles nortsof -thse Arc. tic Oircle. - olden & Xplly, have let.a con- tract te bhuild a goldsoae nd, ice-making plant &t P= Ze ,Wor Tiie Royal Alegandra Hoîé,îiq7 building at Edmonton,>i.bsi atoreys higis, voitaisi2 xJE» îa On a !arm near OhuIiak A Dunvili,> and hie tmen retlypnt7 over 47, tons o! ha>' tirough a ha>'1 pres iuten houra. This aummer 800 tons of fruit have been siipped- from Sunimeýr- land. In Auguat, 33,5W0 boxes osf fruit vere shipped frons that tewn. Tii. first ,'regular -passeu ger seïr-' vice in lBritish Columbia o! tiie Car nadian Nartixerzx raway-vill b.- gin içý November between Port Mann 'and Hope. The famous Yukon steamer, Tyr- reil, lias been dismantled at D&ay- son. This boat had the. only steel huil on the Yukon, but vas toc deep for running on thse uppor river. Up the, Skeena river a townsite cf 1,800 Ietshas been laid eut at Lakeuide lake. Hot springs have been discovered at that point, and a large sanitarium wiii b. erected. G. . Farquier sold, iv. -yea-rs s,94, 1,600 acres of land on Arrow Lake, nearly opposite Edgewocd for $1.25 and acre. Some o! hils land is nov hein&, sou for 1 '-$Man acre, whicii ahov8:tise rapýd ris, cfj land value ~weé..- Duncn'-t~,fhtsfii h1 is con- T. P, si riieaBat cf New -Hazlp- to.Attà long tunnel h. aise had a con1tra0t fer Several miles o! grad'- ing. Tiie six -miles of work, in- cluding tiie tunnel, coit $1,O0,O0.- The, tunnel is thse longest on tise lin., and smre of the cuti tse isard- est. Pboss ia moving hlm eutfst-te Bu]kle-y umniit, viser.'haî bas & new oontraet. - SEAWEEDS AS FOOD. Lu scm. Localities They Are Popu- 1er Medielnes. Seaveede baviug beeu suggested as a possible ecurce, of futur. wenlth, e.specially for food pro>- ducts. Perrot aad Gatin, tvo French eceauographeris, give morne taets ooncerning prmeut uses. InL Europe.tÉhey are collected. for thiser alkalies and lodine, for whiîch Vise>' a&re cliief>' valued. Lu sont. locali- tics the>' are popular -medicines, eue kind being emiployed az a ver- mifuge iu Corsica, and otiiers, en account cf their lodine, bein~g iven ini goitre and àse rofula. Ln Brîttany, viser.smorn f tise poorer inisabi- tants have- em-ployed - seaweed a4q 5"od, about tweuty tons lu a year bas been collected of thé variet>' kuevu as Loeland amess. Lu tii. nerth o! France a littie seaweed la gathered by tlie pensants es m-an- ure. To the, Asiaties these plants have been 'nsoré important, and in Japen edible seaweed is not only, thse source cf n number offood pre- parations, but ise even extensivel' eftv te give a sufficieut amp- 4e iL nd luo are arong noV vedjneutritous as food, aud it h sSuppcséïd tisat tiseir populerit>' rua-y be 4s au aid te thse digestion of thse grÉeaV quantities cif Ssiiand rice eaten by the Japanese.. Speoially Seleoted SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY FARM LAN4DS From the Lanci rant of thse Canacilan forthêrn Rallway AUi deani Open land, good oei and arable by traction plow. Sale subjeot t<> in- spectio>n of prope7rty, witii apeclal rate cf transpexta- tien. Price and terqie rea- CANADIAN CONSSLIDATEU Efastorn Townzhips lSankll«.' WIfti- the 'Suffragets- -Preblem cof the Chu Me Raquire Tholi 1ooU ne m m to b a'v ng . t thse reat àrùf tbe l sud tei leadrblp lu a g. - -xere Soe Gai- et- atreng 1tioilh mii - -Psy r fligure of the loa -. ecI .Lesther, Who~ ~çaip :t~ - ~ ulandi sose tw0 - ~m-iI~ .,- - -a tistu u t 0eyýéàtf 'd- Shisn a a oman- et geateutu~j~gà- renèhi. Germas,ý 1iiaied -- ded te tisa se bis CI idoté1stséla anunusuai dogree.-1 B~ ~tvm. ts-uffrage question tistugis -sud'tb.bigis. wblch la more tissu- canhb ,~Wo ailwi tai0entise ésubot -eltier inr o ^aal In.laaddition omis luca a srméd le ail soial reforme. P OLMTOAL - PEMONSTRATIONS. Thse sunuai meeting o!tise Ontsti@ es-, form Àmasoelatlen lbrought te tise oitY mborne e! tisat party,:. stalwarta. lucludlng tise- Ohief isimmeif. Hon. Macksenzie King, In Ooo. P. Grahism sud saisumber cf otherL. Tise. amnusi meetings are generalir prOt.ý tV perfnnctcry affaires, but this year It was more intereutlug tisan usuel bW res- son of tise tact that addreases wve de- livered by, Sir Wllfrld Laurier. Mr. 30w. eli, Mr. Klng. viso la prealdeet o! theise-5 socistion. and cther.. Local politiciana isave, ben followiug vithis ltereet tise ac- tivities eoflMt. Xoweilland ASrWilfrid Laurier. Âpparently tise oountry la wui- Ilugte olisten tg liots. sad smof .!tse large crowdz and the e sitiuslsio tisaît have beanujea evideuce bsave bouetise sub- jeet cf mecis comment. ]But a teavisa it meaus, or visetiser Itmeans asytsing, even tise change of asingle seat ln eltisr >Deminion or Provincil- electles no one i ii at tisa stage predict. WARI> Â55OCIIT1ONS MEET.- Tise Toronto polîtîcal. pot, too, la bergun- nleg to bell. Tise pecliisrity about thse Toronto pot la, lsowever. Lisat it boils only on one "d. - Tise organisation o! tise Llisrai party la rarely iu evidence. sud visen h lan, ineffective la thse eily woi'd tisai describea it. Tisere are net rn.ny persous vise couli tliyen -vis*i It la orl via i hdoos. On tise otisee hand, the Cearatiives i"ivean seedingl, active organisatIon. Tiser. 'la s central smoi. atiots and a var asmgcltlon -forosi of tisewards. As tise boundaries o!tise' wards do not coïncide vîts the boundarlea o! tise electoral ridinga one might think tisere would ho seme confusion, but thse iltperieoonfe ttie'party i. that the vanld arrangemnen-t la qulte effective. I Tise only rosi polîtîcal erapsAu-l To- ronto occur wisee factions ie tise Con. ser-raLlye associations cet fgtgiu among themselves. And Just nov. u;tthtie au- =nil meetings efthtie organisatlens Sp. ysacing. there are rumors o! lmpending trouble. One report la tisat Mr. A. W- Wrigist la leadieg a revoit agalit non. Thos. Crawford le-tse yogI ridiug. Boths gentlemen are weil knewn tliroughont tise Province, Mfr. Wrigist as labor leader, po. itioal organiser. orater. imperial - mis. siol lecturer and good !ellov.; Mfr. Craw- tord as former Speaker cf- tise lals.ia titr. 1h li Impfosible ho say hev far.the tbrestsned civil var vili develep. It wiii net reaci tise-point visere tise iold. lng o! a seat by tisa Conservativea vil be endangerci.- . A CRAWFORD STORY. Wben elr James Whitney formed ib cabinet lMr. Cravferdifrienda isoped ho venud be macle Mimiater of- Agrriculture But hhey vere isappoluted. Some hlm. staer omone ee vsald iso vas tise sdi. toe of tise Mail and Empire, calsi map Kit. Crawford on tise tolephone to tell hies tisat he had a story te tise effeot .,bst Mr, Oravford had been ualng strong"lais. gnage about Sir James. -The' editor said ev-ould like ho have Mr.- Cravford'a ex- planatlon. Accoring ho tise %tory, Mfr. Crawford isssteeed to tise Mail and Bei. Pire ofie. viser. it was .iiscov'ered tisat s practicai Joker had been ai verk. Ap. parently lMr. Crawford's standing vit tise Preetnler vue flot affecteS, for iL vas af. tervards that ise vas appointeS Speaker. -A fev yeara ago Mr. Josepis Russell led a revoit againat tise yard association pov- era-that-be in tise east sud. Frra time tise revoit wale succesaful and resulted, le Mfr. Russell ttlng le Pariament feroe term. Tise regniars "came back'I last year under Mr. Kemp, but tise fight there la stîll smoldering. CHTJRCHEu' DOWN TOWN PRO-BLEM. According ho 3ev. 8. Wesley' Dean, o! ,tse Fred Victor Mission, tiser. are 6500M people living seants of College street. 'A large percentage cf tisese ame foreigners and inoat of tise others live lu boardini, bouses. There are few people anyvisere more le need of tise good offices of the churcises than tisese. and yet this le thse district tisai the churcises of Toronto are siscwing a- strong disposition te- desert.E One aiher anetiser tisey are abandceleg iheir buildings, selling tiseir sites and mcving into nev modern edificeb.9lintise more fashionable resideatial districts. The latest on tise list is Erakine Street Preebyterian. Even Central Presbyterlan churcis on 4rosvenor street. visicis le two blocks norts cf Coilege. isas a proposai under consideration uhich is viitake ia activities out into tise Rosedale area. Taking tiseeftciurcis mo;vinga individu. ally tisey- are easily expltined. Tise churchea were formerly situated in the midst ef their respective congregatiýons. But tise members cf tise congregations one by one sold their residencesa an moved te tise neyer districts. The new cyners of tise residences are generally1 greqiatin hFor boapri nh'sAre lo being give'n tfistý name.- Wotking eiong entirel>' diferent Unes front. Metchuikoff, tise Fre ci eutist, -thse Philadelpia doctor hag-i" cul- 1> roduced tii. reaults the. scint6st hai laed for aià & i vt- nesses te attel tthel&-wonderfuIj e- suIte. - Dr. Stark.*lias taken extracta ro-tipittay gland lu tise1baseý ot tise a kuil wiîh influences the growti ef thie body', and viien ad- înîiî"rseid to childru of stunted gzr6wth itie said tomake them grow larger. H.l bas ýextract& f rom tiie thyroid gland vico - influenes the. flesis andtissudevelepment ef tise body eud aJeo frcm arinsrepr- ductive glands.-:. Tiie combination oet tise.verioug -extracta* Dr. Starkey has found, i*2 creases the ceil reproductien, puri- fies the. bleod, gives added vitalit>' t e i.néevous system 1 aml e!whicis la condueive Vo longlevit>'. H1%firit eýxp.eImenta vere made a numiber cf. yea-ra egp uponbis mothser, v-ho>, althougi 79 years eld, ilaé sacti and apperste be a weman cf 50. Altiionghin age, net yet at thse hait-century mark, the. docter epent yearsin research, work abroad foi- lowipg, ushi&graduation in PhUedel- appear mmcii older tha he vas.lHe. b>egan te inject bÏis extract. into bis cvii bod11:Y itisMoast Te merkable re..ý sulla. ýAltiiongli her, s aVili a ereaýt sud ai 'diligent a- itudent eofscience aB lever, -bis, faco. la fuller tisqu two years ago>, wrinkles and drawn lm ocIr hav-e disa.ppeared. - - iii. exceptions; -TZus smella et -turpertin, 1but"' couve>' tiat taite. tise cu la uubeers.ble ethe sens, Qf - y-tdeiciô4,uz ote ttste. Mj peepi. hikýetiie taste -ýof gin '-b cannot endure thse esn4, ile-itV ii donbtfnl if even 'h'~ m In'. firmed, absinthe drinker,, evergro te' 1ke. théo paregorie ýodo6r- of favorite tipple. On lieother Iha -hisi snted cadies ar&ecylý an numeoua t-ethe: teste, 'and over-&picing makes man>' disbes -un-i-~ palatable. Much oe! t4.medicine' that la taken viti ýse muci ebjOction is almoet tasteleffl, thougii offensive -te the sens. o! smel. .Tiie trick-i welL known teimkers of !ancy con- - fectItin-l4s: Paris, te< servetiiem Lu or-gntàny paper isolders, becaus, tii. flses.of! sm-eh is tiien- pleased '- befcre eating, 'but the. seneof- tate. is net cloye& attervard. A good cok sbould'b, -as careful that. tlings meil gocd as sat tise>'teste good. - Irn f àct, many uoted c hefs greit sar.etftheir sucees ability - to prepa±c e' tia.t have what la term&a. tizingýaroee." -Tii.«p emelse goed eneu-giih4 plains this. - j Borne wompÉ are se hà that they neyer wear thse-'m We o mi, tùfnod balance o! L$1750:,000 The Bell. Telephone C ompany -of -Canada Limited7i FI-E PR -CE:NT. r0,BONDS Due Arlels, 1925 PRIC. 101 NDINTEIEST Weemphasize the following. salient pointý of this Issue: 1.-The bonds are a first charge upon the whole Unes, works- and plant ,of- the Compa 1ny, other than reai1 estate. The real estate is unencumbered. 2.--Value' -of plant account (not $20,531,327.39, or more than three times the amount of outstaniding bonds. S.- Earvsings last six years averaged approximateîy- 4 times total interest charges. 4Issue of bonds is limited to 75% of the outstanding capîtal stock. 5.- Company owns and operates the principal Telephone systemn in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. 6.-Capital stock ôÛtstanding $15,000,000. DixrideniA5-' f the rate of 8 Per cent. per annum, have been continuously since J-anuary 1, 1886..- '&'kj O paid- DANGER OFIEPSOX SALTS.;- TolsenfukgTbrough »Aborptiloa to the B114&. EpacM malta bias always been looked upon asu e o!- the meat Isaruleatm edfiàM inesand, eue that eau "ý b.t 'uif aoeesay luinsuge quaistitie. Lt -cornes as a hock, therfore, te hear that it nMay mre tins..aet *as a dead>' poieon. Its texic effeot ila knovu ai mag- uemium poieenlng. Dr. BooS, cftii. bas madle apeciaiinvetigatlen %te the. subjec, and.lih i lad un& r 'iJ Caro at varionsL tmee ten ;patients suilering fr0 ,ý,af sb.Det on. .Prom iei observlations. Of -.1 P&tients aud enperiments.eu airishals lie eau- cludes tha* t às lïi--tbe malts are absotbea Liute-t1 bhodtbat tiey became injur*ou Lun tse case cf a heealts>' poin tMs domm net hap- peu, but if thé. dose is répeated tee0 ft.équýenty'lI aud lu tee ,ooneentrated la form et in casesof mechanicil ob- structIonetftth. boirai, tiser dan- ger of tii. medicin. being abiorbed into the blod strem. The virulenoe et Epsons saltm visen once it hii&- found ita v'a>' liste tiie blood'may> be.gathered t ram thse faet tiiet a dog vil die if a.fraction of a grain of Epeens ai o .injected inte îts velus.- 0f tiie tone@ mesan by Dr. Becs six died.- Re recommende tbat viiere sncb poisoulag'las uspeeped, ýlarge quaatities cf «'<nrma" sait aclutieu should b« injecte& -into thse velus, or lime salte siould be given in ver>' diiuted mainution hypod-er- tbvr UIiAI TORONTO SPECIAL CIRCULAR ON REQUEST IZOW.-l VtIWDdTB coIaPI~croN LMW^J ARCF F - nobler life' fe el thisgo Laxce's vosi 1g' tO the, Ùtni arma îofs kisse-e Meanwhil bad reai and, ke>' the long had been'- ousday, -a ed, thei-r d tien'- a aut te bei -hff. Sigrid tise>' entere -prigacys, a-t yul ýý> nÀIsbut sto-od ou tie piotogu m t r, s e : nembrajsc w as -a coti te keep iV,'- abôve 'a - ranlged the: a.nd saucen "Thev y be-ba-nishs- they r-n deal ci phe siten put: wl - - ti1. "Sis "Yes;.do. o~eue t bol hild is sulp that long9 ties&fowe know, Fi -1f. h s gornI - tiese Àchri and- good, "Inever smeil,",lie ûire-: "'Lire ai -bakei cf, *-bite, crin iu every¾- Cross toc,-' É"has i s à indluding real estate).

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