Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 1

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4y 1sfýp,-LiÈô Fo 4nwke 'FLm'..Mhrat lsld, 'a, Im eb éy0 ýhii>, h hha n trÙtier, COrnmall, Ctristie, Dola- r Wr . G lassford, -of!Toronto.,'Y ahj> F. Ijie liEc~ Boili sbrohgl>$tpisze i.inprBoi, Esquesng,' Pitzroy< 'Hibbet, JNO. F. FAREwELL, K.C. Puedigl h asis ili aleMKIoMaege ors str ounty Crova ttoanld Nw Ontario and the Neti.eg iol Nortii. Gowèr, Normeny eu ~Couùay Solictor.Wity.Womaa cam do wat lmm an :zut ""S>a ,,Stehe, ur- hoe ftenation. NOAD îba hue sas good ôt he home life of!RmwB LE. CHRISTIAIW ihe veutf, aslai-1 heâat~ % ar,«. Soiices. Nttu abie. Rte. 'vmat, i, th f ldBy ii toc>,maiyht Offie& U - () homws - lm OfcBl St.,Op.Standard Bank. bo ie. oug man la kept from golage on.9,9wrjÏ o. 8iItDM M o n e y . L o a a * ) Q K p p o ! . T o r o t o , d i l i v e e dAMS RTLD Etc~S . 'I.301sinng addreagon the work of h meig t~-'*'o~i. nd - om Ã"onon'- lbuCmn' oeMisoay ob Mondayr nigb a e '~ but the -Office lmedfately sut i'ioeWeter-n Canada, e$PWcaJly. amo- i ne -ohli aa tgfWto a WbitbLy, Oâe foeigei Thr s, great hoPe for. made'Ç'ihhmay bave importat ,bou- Y to ger atio, as they ariE a1 éup We h-ruta ui.m ~. OIJO MUT, LB. anxoumtie Caadaazed aa ae nsiW« ,transaoted, , Wr. Baker se .1 ilarrister, Etc. Mon yto Ioan. JU great vorkeré, .'hrifty andaead - ihaie im a ppruela ~of MarnageLitense. q4tlokand auxiouns b I6arn. They WIl aorisrh oa bW~1ytp ne -OffiCt Sb. as B*&hî it vOido 'r ~t, Th..the wold. w.-,re.a6outt o be erv. - fies Ofic -Smths J&.'-hiby Ot.ýare ôoomig b>. bundredes of! ed $itv to addltinal railway ulnes, ai tbousnde mrer>. >'ea. W. n d. we anequippedwthooitv.aieno0 o - ohnitiaine -tlem or týhey will Paga- So j areti ad.ral oer #, <> #1 A u. M a Bd Rie -wa. trongly inlafaqr 0!O . ý 9,Biédo eNo. 4, t e fe 10 slobY Miss -ineJoir, ]Euss pendi MLïgiiada 8o1n6 ploaey tb make,, our ýy bst4,Whitbr. p aLauhllaa deconèss, vorking a' advantage kp brad - ~og lb.e lngdas ft Deso-onto,- gave -IfaYOr -Downey- said thi u~sAa an nteetla d Pion of ber metbh as!e-rodir< u. s L ta6 ..o Th e inqta,,a' on of an- Elettit lant bas niade' it possible lto ha' ork as,.fast as t can b o de r ne, bag every Minute. ~~~Iagt ~ ,,, we.h1 prafn-uM ho hewa& uch againat u pickaag A Iliewa. bf ~alfroa-'ih vl4ioh ho We ask yu,,f-or a chanc.e to shoy what we. can do for you along-y these line~ -We buail kinds -of $eeds,- Gr Hav, Eo We ou Côasg imard: anti ;SÃ"ft C WeleadiiaIhsue. lu datoi apply tb »if, or ý. Robi L ICENSED A1JCTIONE9 AND VALUATOR. AU 'hinde otU-alees promptly i to. Arrangeaent. cm -bo, nu sales. àt $oheGazette offioe Termas niaonablr - Bell pntl Independemt pnone. r WhIITBY,,ONT. CONTRÂOTORB- Ji.HE)WELL J1M Carpent r_ Buder and Contra Plans drawn and estimates farn Repis,Alteruàions and jobi' oppotetehno 467 WtiITuV Phé IlariagoLicensi Cornuer drugstore. M very best conditions at any ont Shaw's Schôols, Toronto-1 -Central Business College,1 Central Telegraph School,à -' 4 City Branch Business Schoc Our new curriculum explains1 practical. courses given. Wr -fra copy. -W.,,H. Shaw,, President, Yon anrd Gerrard Sts., Toronto. oo aODed1g8 s d laterlal kept ln twllpay yo)u -to eaU at ourv iad inupeot fur youroell. Ion't b. miect by agent., vu iot employ" them, conequetly w ~aÂd do allow the. agent!. Sm=6 le0 per oet, which y-ou vii ce0" soir by purohauxng fromi us. A Cal-Soifllol d.- 001= Mmd Worbn *Opposite Standard Bank, Whtby, [ d. le viilire For Yom Hou. wiring,"poison winng futes and i supplies, aib* motorsand transformers. Ilyon wantas cali us at our EIootrin InallatIon,0P..,Ltd, 'IA A.LALýA A BIG )MW IS -7-' -report- 4 In Th@. Mature ~f Nrnhg roran vas an enthusiasti il odessjy EMÃŽW. J w'i 1~W~ J.IH. Edniokso, ,-o theP±~> ~ da>. are lioor eaidar thedoingaof- b-day. Tfer.. hardeot lime for lb. cburoh vas ovciý , .. - Ifeople veîre beginni' Ili ofketa more * - Dgt 'fa tbfa!e -a moruek Practcal-i tiË th le - churoband - -a -h ùl and~ty BesP allY lhe' women. ,Tke Wouien's Iovcd b>.-.Balemn-iJa on--a.... 2aê < MeoarSOcletY__was organized 35' Ibis Council aving lakea ilito Ier ~ i~itw Yearu ago, and, now had eighî Presby- careful coasideration thêe.'"quëst of Ti uea *abl tèinHs in aCanada, and vere the B6ard d ucalion'tý he ea- a e LE bidiganîer one- Ibis >ear. - Of-Wh'itby for lb. sui of7817»OO for. cemtors' on- IueÏday ateron- v Thc Toronto Ensiera lhuessecured a, lie purpose of building a ubi lb.bone aI 2 coiik.é eteam shovel, wbich bas lmenin oper.- shool, Ibis Coundbelo regret. liaI lb.g nised.* lin I aron. and ovned by- E. said Board of Educaion bas ntse r~>> ET FJH ing. -NKaie rte oSr Wilia -n, and ftt furni*sh the-Council vitb an.y la- JOHN~D u5 1- Mackje's fà'ý,m just veut of, Whtby. regard b Ithe proposed building, -non Esnly Suaday aorning* lie cali Of me 149 Mr. John Stedman, o! the. Gazette- bas any aiembce, o! lh. Board arpear death came, 10 Mr. John 'p. Saiundejs, Chronicle, bas accepteda position in ed- before the. Council to offer -any of Wbitby, viîhou a sann.H ~. Dunbm. nta. - explanatio;ias b lbthecest < t a enIobe o me' larimg el .he ueinsovljaan ov b. proposed large expeadilure. - f e.Ils heant, and bis physician feared heard aI vwork froni lie, Ivo near lierefor. rebolved tbat 1h. -saict '__ l-ttiithe tîendvould coin. suddenly. Why- Audio>. on lie C.P.R. vhicli are work- qacat bê not granted. Carried maa- Shorl>. ft..r midaiglil Mr. Saunders ing night, aad day, and lb, one on the imously..' .too- a b.d speli, ani beforehiph- Toroto atera. li ýoeatOe Richardson-Banaeît-Noved Ibat , ansiciai>, who vas inmmediately aam- l~jcteaive Uilit oeato are ordor, . signed by Hill Wosiip'the Moned, arriv.d, lb. bad -cxpired. nov goilag on ai-' the - IovWeneit fanm Mayor and -thie Town Clerk, b. e W. Sun -rs as bora l' Devon- - ialudng alare eerage plant and for a uniforni for li Chie! Constable sIilré, Enlaad, la 1830, and Lhad been the a fine bungalow sufficently large t ofo!the. Town of Whltby. Carried.. a resident of Whitby for anearl>t- -58 le of acco*anodate Ivo hundred nmen, and,- Chic! MacGnp(tty drew lio atÃœtion yeans. H. was ia business here as a The wluch la situa ted on te. old Smith of lhc colincil to lhe condition O! the bool 'and shoe mtrchant, and laler as Th t&irm. -.. Toronlo-Eastern croasing o! Welliag. a repairer. Re. gave up bis sbop a- Tad Mr. and Tara.. Wmn. Toms were called IOn atreel. There in, h. sai, a drop bout a year- ago ln order to vail on >OS. - b CamPbellford last veek ovinlg to from tlie rond tb lb. lràck, and >sev- h iavalid vif. tih ete serfous illness o! Mnr. Toms' falh- Otal pensons have neari> fallea cr. H. vas niarried shgrtly atrcn rite er o r andmn,.Tme oepcto b. Moved b> Jack-son-Dlsaey-.ThaI the iuig to Canada tb Misa %5sanahBick,- av>.fr om im.Water-aad LigLt Commcissioners » ilu- haut, of Si. John,. Nevfoundlaýd-. .ie Mr,». Nornan Noîter aad -Miss 011- sîructed tb Place a liga lat lie crossMlins.Saunders as na nanà vl o Pin, o! Toronto. are v1sitiag thie for- ing of lhe Toronto-EasLern aI ,WeJ-lb.. epaut teana àni'.parèntsg, Sheniff and lira. Pax. ington streel. Cairied. Six chzldren blessed lie home o ton Eh. meeting lien adjourned. 01 a ia androeduie Mrran _u.________ondugte Mr and' lfns. Howard Edmuonoon -_________ _ a" i v. sons. The. daughter. Iivek at and eIlidren, o!-f- 0abhwa, spent Sun- hmvleîesn i.l e StOir ay a bva;H~'L Shoo ~ Ork, Chicago and Cincinnati. Thie worsnons, John, HAM.y and- Wesley %ýerc - *home for lhe, funeral. do Loa ito oaet. TOflown 911 eZ i !te M. Saundera vwas a member o! tue - - suecessful day of sports reoently lied- . ethodisi chanci, and wqs a ian .of * ~~~~~~~100 'yards. nun (Jre. lime, 1Il Se.- fine eaalrm uiesrciue mc, Another big local option campaiga W. Nagent, AL ice, H. WilIis. - Hlmras.toeBe.nd..bu smircon-de taly willl b. foȉgit opl aI the lime o! lhe- -Piiltlng Shol (Sr.)-A. a'nbb, 35 ft i.. o pt.d a bu E.sxoit, cn - ext- Municipal Electiona la January, .7 inchea; H. Blainton, L. Ileb[j. - Mnd . - neral s"rviçe at the. bouse. 1913.- Voting -kWlikeîy tbtaire place'-Cirls' Walking Rc-.Anns W . ia. swsamme iSsn vrsvn- -uncplten on ontn ar».soi Longe, S.0O.E£,,and the brelLera - ii ovr sveal. maicpaliies coi- JhasonC. Lvreace - urneni outinla abody tb do honor Io * prising ict,1 pnHpSe a uP, (Jr. Y-31feet Ibehir departeni brother. - axdd 34 t>m'W.,Ngnt A. icH. Whi.Mr. and lr. Paddon, of Windsor, For lb. mont iart the contens are Broad Jum11P (Sr.,)-Arlhur Jtib, le, uhe laterea, siater of Mr. 9,aunders, in Western Onlario, Huron leading fee ; L. I)ebil, lH, -Staiaton. - atanm i.fnnl On.wlnine contens. Among the laiger TbLrovlng Basket Bail (Girls) - C. placei 10 vota are Peterboro, Lt,*ndsay, Lavrence, M. Beat, -AgaeSa.Be ~4 Carleton Place, Clinton, Oaliava. Peni. iaagevin7'Seberî Cp Rce..'o . B0f Pro mise 0f broke, Petrolea and Saraa. - e-rua.M rrae N o. of these -_laces'have voited, be. Polalo Re (ia-IPoe , F fôebuÏt la a conîiderable namîer the. licderson, .Go1dniz*g.TbrOugk h l o- oOperalion of ti quetio lanovbofre ie leeonsf0. Hig Jimp Bn. -~-ft G uchs -Newton ýEntertaibmenVlBerenu, Worces. -the firaI liuý. The. aliklng fealure of Hrd fodgson, Cardon Whifieldp.ta li eracaClas oet1h.,Bapliaýt, the fight lalLe tevnessof.repeal, conm ria ub.BdrSclool viùl, o uua. ~tels talyer ! I78 pacs bes 40yards- rua (Jr.)-W. linea, H. Nov. 5, -boita >mocir Iflal la lb. 11h14 frpeol contensa ere .possible, vOting Willis, A i. > ui oleca bfn b '-bl.to-placelain , oMi lanoue oS 620 yards ra(Sn,à-H.Stainlon, jucige and, jury being ou. of breaeh. tel'te, altempt -b .rppeal vasnue. -Lý. DbiL, 'Gorcn Wiiitfieof.-po!romises oemaruiag.fr W HibJil (J.)4f..t, 0 'laeliesJ- n-,- Pve, of Wlitbjy ,Ã"ii.oua This. erthon. are 240Posible re- J. DSWSIci H Wflr .W. Ngn. p b.barbepoilno uds ili vllieyta l rard îun (Se.> l o, s"0. Mr. -J. H. Etàre viil b. Clerk of lb.? -P P h10puct.olb. ii"JSuUlQ.WtfedH. l1to . ub.-CoUýrt, n.W >z ave>vi! t. maesor. W. J. if. icardsoa, W., M. ;M James. L.W. as and man>. oiies arios posil4pne la mnuob itereel t Wbe 1hplno SOMii funrin tluis "eaneal ansd nol Qn -appràoeb b aythiag unseeîn- ly ôr obicetionable. This mock r tieJ vas- pub oar lu Oillia a year ago, to a, pack;en- opera house - and ao k.en vas the enjoymcnl of it- thal a repelition vas asked Ion thc !ollovlag eveaing, wiaici as juat as largely à%lteaided as tb. first performance. Col. Newton, wio'-will b. in charge, and, Who vift lake lb. part of prose. cullg alorine>, has mad many>'years' expe;ience ilu hua vork, andi alvay% mnakes tLe nrograin a sîapendous- sue.. ai , bbr.o ladies taie part and tweaty-two geablebien. Rservei seas ill'b. the ueual prie. -35 D cets un Ee.v,2 cs. Cr. RD 0FWtHÀNKB.rs o ene li . sm. W talsotaâesire fiiender bis slaegr bbatilcu te l se f rei kmndnes ami aympatiy daning Lis-ne- FLOUR.. TEA-BUNS BREAD AND CAKE MAKTS IEE« FEED~. SPECIALý- PRICE- CORN QATS FEED WIiEAT' Feed WholçWe inlaTon Loti* j "I [I AT RIILVHARDWAR*E - -,.- ~CHOIEFLOWRNBUO AT-LA-WLER' NW-"i-slte ýit to bu ,Bulbs for indoor anid outdoor planting W have-a4nice stck fslc 'Bulbs of first cIass quality'. Corne in -aý*d let. us showthem to you. Ceinese Sacred Li ies'-larg bulbs. ioc ea.chý. Hyacinths, doliblç or sinfgle, red, white,,, yellow, blue and pink, Sc each, 50c doz. Tulips, double or single, red, white, > el- low and pink, 20C doz, -$ 1.25 per. io Crocus,-rot d'oz., 6oc peri 100 Narcissiis, 'double Von Sion, 4Cdz Narcissus, Trumpet'Major, 30C doz. WHITBY, ONT.* ALvssiys uusavcry -We - have a large stock of loaded shg gauge-, s it ~es of shot. Regal (Ballistite'Smokele'ss) 65.c Eley,,(Smnokeless Powd4er). III iSatur. Yrk i Cren ketweent« l0 e-3 -1. I 4 4 ýi 1 -je

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