liii wor ala 2row 40, leavel 'oursion intd,; lYiig9 tôthe, 'n oie f hoetilit ctîbm -andF lie may retire1 r4 to confnue.nas rmin sitry Iargely t1o *te Jews. 25. straightwyTecdnto- curred i1mcdiately after his,'anriv- aR ie tame hmd preoeded hlm, sol 'that evon temponary retinement 'wae impogs'ible. 'Rad an uncean apiîit-WIs pou- sesse.d by a demon. Tà phrase is frequeuntly employed ln thii Gos- pela with reterenoe' to eersons whoj were affected with, noreonos disor- -dere. _- Primitive people have over he en unable te distinguishl, clearly betweOu the natural and spieifual, .and havéa commonlyattribuf.d phy- -iea!al iments which tuey did not', -indersntand-- te -.myskerioua evil Ipirît8. ? Teoll down at hie 'feet-Pnostrated herel., aJ~jing an attitude ot revenenne aH~ obeisauce. 26. A Greek-Although techical- ly meanin' a -membel, of the. Gre --race, the terni was usedt by the. Jewe, becauoo of tii. vide diffusion eoft tii. Greek race and language, cf Getl.generally.. A Syno'phoenician-by race - The. woman *4s a Phoenician snd ani- tive et the 'Roman? provinceotf yni.dâ tinguidshed ftnmtii '.oPheenicians who inhabitedthe aginiau distriot in. uort)h'Af ni- 'Matthow (15. -22) statee that <vs"a Canaanhitiah. woman.," in nuot inoonaiatnt, asth ôenicians - ver. of Cansanite de. q alhfy for al - othons sicured. Dominion Scicel LUMPs am e iaL eured' «sthbis aent. wr"ota n Jîan M64,0ai Coe 'nI. IlsAgouoiy, Box f uiCruises, ';DIES ÃœANAL )Y tlxe l>îla4lal - - l ý, 4175, and up. lent Aroaul th* kgYPt, etc.- lurnis ordinar :lt a&M night for L. J. A. 62 St. Lawence Ileutevard GIRL5' 1tutffil ixpauÉl 001 ao o- any girl 11111 40 Ota cf aur. "sl-ng, mcenIc sud2 cp'nt4 a ait (ait we wil gend, y0q sud us tie $4 auc bracelet. Addrni LIEN C '27- Let tue oidren flns b e flhld -Jeaus intima-tes » tiat<v ile hie mnietry bas bien lzng61 onflned t tUally neceive lthe benefite e0! the "-.Igspe1, Compare Rm .1;2 I Oai il to, lie4ogs-While thé - iJeva are disinguishd as-children, the. Geutiles are, reterred te as - doge. Tue term fltliugly descnubes thé -cenlemnpt inu wiiclu the. 3ev 'held tii, Gentileo. - The Oriental -stneef dog--vas, despicable beyoud description'.Jndgiug f nom lie fig- une . -%»n viicii the conversation hiinges, ,tii, apecies r.ferred to vais the houa. doit.- 28. Y.., Lord;- even tie doge *under the table est cf tue eli! 'dnen'e crnmb-Tie ,f ahiof thou voman; combiued' viih hem inielli- geuce, sud her persistent attitude, urger! on_ by uer pressing need, iiled'er te everco-n the rebufi et -Jeans. Il inasa-- thongh sh. ssid, "I' is truc, Lord, liai tha. mes! in -for the obuîdren, but the. doge alec *have a plaCe u n the. housebold sud are .in theïr turu aise ted." - Sie w4n-.-Fsuing her cdaim for vhat !ý4ijve4 igtfnlly bilouged to ô?. isBaying-Jesus 'could 'po.:de~ny hben appeal vheu contront- -ac- implicit confidence e nd trust.' -MATTHEW 8. ý5-18. Verse ô. Eutemed ipte Capemusuin - -Tua - incident as - reportid- by * Malibev ocourred during lie final Gailean period at the begiuniug of Jesun' sminietny sud ha.neoelinon- ological oennectieu viiih.efinit part oftheii.lessen. Ca-pemuaum vas an important city on th. noti- vest shore cf Lake Gsliiee. -A centurion-An officer lunlthe Ro- innarnuy vhe ommandid t nom flfty t-e eue hundred .mon or oe hnndredtb- part cf a legicu. H. vas probabiy-n the. empiol tHn -cd Antipaè. ltiougb r.ry likely net s proselyt., he tfavcned lie -.Tiwish religion su1lciently te havi luilt a synagogue ai Cs.peruaum r <T~uke 7, 5). 6,- Servant-On, boy.. Probably a *te -slAve. 'j*crtiiy taItlonshouldeai - "j' iy 'root-The centur- fot orge-t thal he vas' a - 'îGenti e a~d knew.tuiatthe Jevs e- gà rdéd ae' i-tue iiouse as'defied an elin is ho entenedit, Co6mpare John 18. 28. 9. T aoaiseas man under anthor- ity-He, believes lis-t ae hi hirnself le tmi n unden officer co a gret militiry. power, y-et- "cures obeci- - ence frein thuin u is-'commund, se -.eîns vho bas supréeieauthority or,,er i.natural sud- spiritual -wonld, han but le apeak sud bie - command i. execntcd. i- Many shaîl corne tram t-me eastand1 liii wesi-Many net efthle stock of herail sual! by fait-h enter inte ithe kingdom et God. Abrahami, anid Isaac. aud Jacb- Patriarcis sud founders -etfthe -H.- miv-br' race, aise doeîbed as tii spiritual fâuudirs of lie kingdom1 ot bearen, pmefiured 1by afiait. 12. Sou's oethle *kiugdoui-Mem-' borscfithe Jev;'slurace. - Outor darkueis--Fhat cutaide, the ;er's'Terrible E perienoe lu Soutf - Africa. enie la eager for adventure, lioua in hi native u- 1ofer hlm abundant oppon- 'M4 J.. Stevenson Hamil- ,hê-pà Ège<of hua ment book, Lite te Afra " gv« a ienioe of the, - with. 3 '-OIi- within, three idiig reed- 1 nly y b.d CM.d b, Bw reods -kea , andi noved buck le ou , e ot mutez the. siconnt e1 a terrible exp.!i it ueoet fetl 61ow erà 'grs.0 îTransvaalGame. 1servehad- &lion. TuI Auguet, 1903, h. vas retui t*oran a month's. patrol of' 'Lthe tante River, aud b.d. srrived w two deys' mardi of blte. Sou, 1usd pushed on ahea4 ot hieana aud- pack-doukeys in &der th the 'neareet police picket bý ugtaU Ho*ever, -the dist -m greater thaqi he theugit, -darkuss found himu etili'Boee miles f rom bis destination, i >along.a' path býy the aide ot ai boirdered etre=sm ?npanied bi hie hig dog, Bull. A* ,h. rode through the dry et Poe i eek,' whiere the.patah cr iW in one otite vwindingas, he ncmething 'more e-ut' o e i and' meit away into -the. darI ahea. A tew yards farbiier on dog. rijhed firward,' baikiug, againuanu.indistinct ferra 'ni away.' 8uppoohmi his to e ba ot, apipe kiud, 'the ranger rocý withoit taking auy special i<>t: the incident; but~ a few mir afterwards h. awddenly saw Shà pe" again, thilh time apparï appréaobing. R'H ad, scà cely tine te re that-thls wa3,au odd -perform for a& reed-btïekË,. When h. ho4 oonscious tiat it wà à no autel but a lion in -the. act of crouchirz a spriug. Pulliug 'his horse'à tte iight just aé.the lion rue h. cauged, the latter ýpartiaUl miss hi.- mark; but his clswo dowu the'hers.'s quaitera, ian frigbtened anilmal, makinSg at fied leap forward, giiot its . ovrits'right sholder stight the java otfaa eudliion, 'Iw bsd been coming Up. fri beh Herse, man and rifge aJi' er différent direction.. The 1 i-de ]ff t fuil cpie, felk>we t4e firt lion hc ntr PursBged-b The, matn tochd 6' round atalil, s lion eemed to catch him in nud The fir.t tiiFgi-h.e nealized *a& it vas trotting off with hum C' tiie patii. Ho vas held firmiy b. right aboulder, aud, lyxug ou'Y back, hua face va. on a 1evel the, bnute's neck, while' iei were dragginÈ i long uuder b.elly. It vwas à -deepexate pnedicam and as soon -as% h. vwasabl4 tc lect hi. liougita a little, -ho b te ve-uder viether he venid ho id enutight on tnrt-urid first. - aav ne hope etfesa-pe. Tue h. descibe. as-seule, vhich le mrary te tie expenienoe et Li, ste-neand otiesa. 'Howverr, I a veny coel-iieaded -man sud fi gril, h. presiutly, begau. to about for so-me methed of se binîseit. - 'Tie -i. md venkequickly iii cases, sud snddeuly h. remeuut biâshaeati-kuife, au erdiuary inch blade, wPhich vas* cannied i open leather case at thie back o b@t. Reacluing uudennea'tb hi, wiltii is it hand, ho disco tubst tubek.uile hsd net-bien 8e, pufling it et, h. qenit al' enirgy cou holding il ligbt, awaitid a favocrable eppenlunil - Fortune fa-voisf the brave, the - ran ger'. chaiîoe came vhem lion, after going vite hlm a euie buudrid sud- flfty yards, iiim dovnu nder ê amal tree9 tlîe purpose itieret sifuting gnip of ceîmnnecinig opemai îîpnmu. Feeling very, came beindtiei uIt-sioniderfori b. judged' te be 'a vital spot st-uck à ;acoupl.etofback-hai blows -with al 'ii. 'rce, usinp course, is lefi liand. It turuec thlal each oet les. strokes ria the beart. For wha1t seemed bouma, bu-t ne doubt, ouiy a tew seconds, aud beast eod faeiug each ol t-he' latter W*lmnt, sud tube for wltii soniee .ayidea of the Povi thie humi - oiisheutiug erery abusive word thatrose t téngue.- .- Tic ton-sien va-s relif by the lion ,turuing "sud. val] slovly avay te a , pot soe i i yards cistant, viere, aften a gnoau-9, i-t îxpinîd.. Hie vas-au old nierchant vie built up -a-big bu-4iAess by adre: ing. '"John," eidhu ite, ' do y»u uintou your lonibstor " hh.ansvIeredi,"il lsn't pratwh'at the text is'e 1ern ,h gels gobd saS ae.' sud le vll - .,wo:*a-ý CAP ITAI.. Ho.Mn.r, ' Vst"-The et Clair, aChannel 'Fare9 But ' 05-From basebail to Rugby- Oco $41$<<>The Sanate Veémnolasi coolonto'ý,o 'lis sp1o-11'neen i.itl BY IL.fbmoh )"irJ'iLc1 leadna Icommemonation of the Centenj ary' of the death of Maier, Amschel Rothschild, the founder ot' the for-' tunes ot the great finaucial -hou». that still bearu hua naine, Herr Ig-_ naz Balla has written a bocke- titled "Tho Rothschilds," ,whicb, 4 gjves ýa 'graphic account cf Nathan Beéthuciiild'a tamous coup at' Water- Nathaili 1ý-othschiId, the London 1I representative of 'the fivel'Frank-' .tortée's" rendered the"causeo the 1, AMk iiivauable services >during l th !45Uü d daysý, sud had amase- 4profit for the, Frankt>rt of Ila'oonfronÃed him with tie-prodjfp, -ofloses no less'enor- mous, and 'thf,,êwere 'riminsthat even the Rothechilds, iuhose'ý-cr.)dit. eV en tien 'wae ioole4 upon -as firmx- 17 etablished) ýw p ot pfb. able tom weather the. etorniif'the. war- were to go agaat ther. go fan as Nathan vas oonceened, itlis a fa.ct 'that h. stood to loue' every penny lié ps s. -In & ate-"1 'ver -of apprehenelon h. hurried' acrose' :the Obannel te follow W.!-i if* "ry When, -on the.-edge1 cfth forcet, oft-Soign;e, h. ouuidýi &Il -th ii p>a'rations for A PITCHED BATTLE, a hecudno longer master hi&-ex-i coitempnt su ad, though esentially.a oranie omniM " has, durne pullca- pearanes In hs'>, x pasing h r. s' - o douita'could have iad. raine' bathobeai haoro»oo-, before, onlyho oe~ niorvative uuljcnties grow bîgis -' o llug dy. A part mcm o eliaitogethen ti lu u f ui if Toonobas over- tdiy appneoiated or underasod Sir.,Wilfrid. .And - Ai equally true liat Sin -Wilfrid ias neyer underotood- Toronto. A À gentleman wiio wan -witi Bir Wilfrid ln Quebeo on Vthe eveng o!ofSeptomben 21, 1911, necalin tiat vien aMOng ieftrst rIelurnus tocorne lu ver. tie stupendoue Toronw ta critifi., ri Ifi quizaliy rýeûiarkid, Youn -ie doms net iiem teo lie reclpncltys Witionlý t ta Tcronte's ultra Protéast- aui4m or its ultra Impmnlallam, 'or iite unlra pro aouim on visttiýea some say, il la that ir Wa*Ifrld bai 'basupoorby a4he ii maltera r4Wiiatlu o-aToronto Mes tli hle fact l intaI lnon i bs ban bs s aypathy --beivon thie.fermer Pr.- lih aud - ie ,city -of Tcneîfoo han gren- eral teotexlietr uaniy political lbadin aud iatala cantern cf population. Thougi liaI dois not mean' liat hi bas Dot Just as mauy wanm personal admirera iiore as be baisuy*bero. .Tii 'Provincial bye-eIectlona lu Pcaît Mlddeae audlaNorth 'Waterloo are aïscnf-s ame luterent. Nol liaI tho r. suit wib have any appneelable effoot ou a laiaslaturp lihat la prepcudsratingiy oue- sided& but tien. la ouriçuhly lb mcv viat auctesasMr.Boweb ishameetingvith lu building u» an rgan1asîleu, and More «ecliY viatsUent ii abolition cf lie bar, nimtfom la4. %v4uoe In.,4h. -Ênni enuy La tI té t rot finittYit f egtlh stuc man et peac., h. took up betimies i iprononucmanqt, tics. npeoiauly u- 'a position ini the field viience, 'viti lel-ented l ia htýIssaue > viii aà ait tlie n.- l(,Weeloo ha net exzactjy a favorable con-ý usuce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~à ner ev inlnh eld utc »ouavit uMr. oat. North p. "Long befêre Napoleen had -cailed' policy' à n eilM.Eos L :a e<e upon th, Old Guard t make their of all eousituà en o, 'should lb.hëon ig fo.lst desperate-attempt te break the trît cpaned by 1h. 'goverumneul. H Ãharp -Biia iuethe. financier va..-in Mdes ayofradffru ed ished, fulretre eat.h ud seen enough. À AJUDO£ DRÂW8 PIRE. yto ttecouvice luim that thià fate ut th. -Judge< J. EIL Denton i',an dravu fins for tere Fir5t Empire vam decided>' sud lb i b la olon7 luË tia BOY- R. B,' St' Rir d the .ý , Pl wi teage- vilih '0a'uew seniaticu fdr tlhi' c!tenerve:vas restoned..Tiding aob iihnelakndcapnoaht'ia terri- -haste te Bruusels, lue setoff fer Os-' tirivos on' jpublicity'. ride ten. H novhtd.& citai et'JudgeDentonfound St, Clai Ingflty of Mer end., Rà wwhà da eaà ýpgu ýoinoulalhng o--ban. illeralune,, hbougi be b int bisown o atenà 0*anapavndol sentence. At'tle namq lime ho into h. ewu e atted te.déclared liaI vihal Mn. O.8 1jCar'"d, ni rhic Herthe fo6rtune; et ýwar seexned, ton vais- ubstsuîially correct reportocf ÃŽÃ1d. to have d.lre ginat hilm, fto' aisr bd takeo, place ait the burlesque utp8tva lwu ba tullgaleienlthti complalu liaI tie mdrewould Dct -admît' boite Ohanuel,* antuà t a skin)per.would ouldence as lo tie attitude cf tlii. oleîc è& by put eut. In va=4n' h. effered. $100,' devartîment loward thin timatre eon*alat vý as $160, even $200. Net a mai- .Id -on tel rnn o doub-h, that nohier-the ueve i4~ !~f se lu ii. nd h lutre no the police depariment vas on noyr 8.0hapl. ,In he nd hetrial. Heocould dlapo"e onbycf le ohargoý s tiio young 1 aster et a smack came for- liai iiad beau laid. i-air yard sud effèned te attompt'the" -t the aame tme théoanemsiy cf lie eh:at -Pasaggeon conditiou liai bIs fane c la l4edqrme iy cinculatt I Claer devu paid $400 te ihi# vite bdote.they bvot cf i lock place on the otage lie ipeakhng andatin g cf liaI performance ythe stanrted. must aurely lu lîsoîf have beau a crime n his Tii, financier gladly çlinïch.d lb. And-it, lu fnom tlu point cf vlev liat lhe police enitinls e eudgmsnt. Tiey main- vith barg-sm. He reach.d Dorer hait. tain liat Mn. St. Oialn's report vasa legs drewued aften a terrible creesing, grosoly ersgenated pleci cf bteraluna.1 tii plck skppr mtDge nton lanaturalî n ee f lie its sud revarded tepuk kpî falr-lndedsmen eue conld, meet iaudsonuely. Frein Dover iii pest- and 1e do anycue an li notice vould neunt, ed te tovu viViiout aà minute'. de- thetypof a deva h 'l eas tum aHe.h <, ly ' 'neai ratie h ve r ty 10r aumane- > col-lie - felleviug morning atatement cf them cîraumsascei suda egan Enyo sînoare confesion cf'a désirstedlbdo bt- kil- he vas at hie avcusto.ued -place, ton more than one pnisouer cominig before Ho leaulug agaiust a pillar ou Change: ilafr setennebai eacaî,ed viti a pain HIS FACE DEATHLY PALE; tAcîuçp f uqýio In ad tobie sensitive cou- h loked like a man vie hsd sged bin promineut lu many olvic luveothgra- ivn-ton yearn lusingle night. tiens. ,Hoeha. beau the.viotim cf jpet ring-eut attacha c-onlia part cf a loal.i veek- beiug Tii tension lu thé, city vas very ly pû>blicatlcu. Tiat ilisaiahacks, are ull et high 'that morniug.. Even imon sai te b.clipired b7 eue vio nat long cait neres wieebegizuniug tofeel theagie -vai lal uInlrsiainb thieJudte blmaolfdos net atogether r.- avlug akrain, fer every kind ot ugly ruçien movathir utlngr. - vas on tiie ving. Reporte that Blu-. RUGBY TO -TE PRONT. such cher iad been disastreu-sly diteated, Iu apontasithe inene ha canged vîti .ered a-nd that Wellington himaýsîf was in lîgîlu ng. napidUhy. YeiterFday va ver. six- full retrest passed f rommnti te iahlhig lhe vinnhng cf a baiebail peu- n aumouiu.ant. To-day weamare ieulus madfor tfbi A snddîn vave of panie sveptInl Toronto- hiOe Varo1 Rugby tearn uuslf'ovin tiheuse. Net even lie eeuud- neaucu of theiactatl ia ey promise. te eered est seenities wvon preof against maintain the tquality cf 'play set lun e- lest liegenral ens et lar sudun-cent yîars by thum predicisors. Gener- lest thegenral enaeof larmandun-ally apeakiug, tien la-na greai euiiuol- l hie certaîuty. They vire caught asudseum in th iatynifoper for thingo cannaet id viii theic estadI hr a sud svept avà .y lu.the. current.- a chance for a eity tearnte eto ast 1y. The paie fae-ce man, propped up ounia monits liaIt tam vonld hi negarded sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a tghe i ila a nojei fa i gneateot buci c f hiroos the tovu and gaiisthis illr ws an obectofhasn aenin lua dog'i agi. But viii Van.-. a tii. sympathy te every eue w-be oould sîty naîîîng its preacut pane, snob a teat kbout spare hlm a thougiit.Hievas vs'tch-lIoan ImDoeraible one. In lie final place, laid ing, tii.y imagin.d, the cnumbliug cornmand a tenth cf teet eamand- fer et tii, fortpunes otfihie house. Wbat .ein-rlt de corps of Varalty. nia Argonani us h va vaciiug vs bs cufiin'Club, vwl.h ins long honorable record, ha@ ite e ýÃg Lwtchng ws hi conidè-i--omelhiug o! tie apirit, but uat muni iu iens tial aeeute actinggnuder secret lu- campanlaou. Othme lba are arganized, tfully struetieus, bnying np sonnd secuni-. what ties at pante pnries. t, ho Ou the following niorning tii,-offi- nded cia! uewg came- tbrongb of, Blu- pb Slo d g , t ofcher's uccesat Liguy sud et the, p ipaMly Slc 1 out 4-erovning victory at Waterloo., ehed Vnpiees rose as, rapidly at the opn- SASKATCHIEWAN VALLEY ing -of the, markets as they hd al FR AD vas, en ou the privions day. 'rlîi batte-AMLNO man of Waterloo, it la eîtiuuated, vase Fo h adGato h tier, wenth over anmillion sterling te Na- F'mtoLn rn-fti mer, than Rothischild, e vaee u aiin Notho a ay en et fane for the Channel cnossing ma-y eut have cosl hlm iii vaseieap at the Ail ean, open laudo- go1d o si prIce. 'sbil",and ara&bleý by traction ýeved' gplow. sale subject t. in- [king p ropetin it hirty TAKE L ÉEAIRNESTLY. 0f io ure ci- erty, kt f iv Tae it as an earnest, vital,'esuen- seilrt ttaupra tua-I natter. Take it as tiengli -yon tin. Prie sud terme re&- pergoually vine bôon te the task onb. 1usd performiug a noble task In lt-as ertis-1 thougi te orld iia-d aited for CANADIAN 'CONSOLIDATSD what yeur eoming. take -it as hheugh il ADLIIE 116V, vas a--granid ocponl de)ty'te dosd-' - un- -te achuev,, ta'carry to.ýward gneat Eaîtevn Towns-hips SïùiId ïg ao and 'good :ach es; te help uMOT AI. die- cheer aa u-fèenÉ, veary, ýID> nuay h., & PA BSmd, -due 1927., rc.iiiyiaid ai 100 an We have #peoial circular# whica. cover fzdly tu .au wel i a co>mplet. &,crizuIion Of tke bond . For Me #distribndion of fundu ts euld augge. Publie Utility and Induairiai..indudings#oe"Oof SEVDý FOR MHIS INI 24 KING ST. EAST TORONTO" PerhaPa fret together- a teainetf atari aud make a-. Saab in the pan for *a year or t", and thon paininto IUmbo., Nt ot et Varatty. Th* organisation t1lene la per- manent- and thon. are 9lwaya lit'n oaudi! dates of,, brawn and ýmuscle, and aet - the rigft am' , oreach! place tli&t la vacant. Besldes,.,evon given entliusini -a su candidates, noci lub oan get tha prao. 'tics YiaityA Indglgea in. It ila'net 'poi- aible for thm mmmberà to gît. off h'i the. afternoona, and ft Je dark by six o'olook. Blectrie. ligit practices at nithit areaa poor substitute. On thei whole it looka ai tboug' liatory In the' «UntedStates wonld' be nepeâte4 sund'tiiaf'nl3r Inte1rcaleâlate -Ruebnwouid survive eventually. tînle e !aniddoape 't ln aurpeiaiug that oity football -bat eurvlved ~ a long and-'a Weil1 as1'Ilhan. The. destb cf Bir Richard ,Oartwrl1ght leaves linos vacauciez u in te -Senato teo be filied froux Ontario sud politiciani %re- speculatings as to Who Winl gelt thepluma. Toronto -mien, would * flot aem th'stand muen chance, asnoue cf 'the. vacaucles, bayescocurred ,lu, hua iitrict, but strà nger -things bave.'appensd than liat caoe cf lthe' osaI.s à Uiild fan aamong the numerous -Party atalwarta hbe. - Bouides Bir,(Jartwight'i a êlite other vacucla a tiiecauiod> by lie:death cf Beaitor Wilsýon. anid the dinualificatlou- 'noù-atteudane cf Senîtor Sullivan cf, ngeatn. Àj"nug the naines that.hlav. beau lnentiened ai --poualb uooemswr» to Bénstor BUllvan .are'.1Mr..Dein MDrpb. etM..P. fottawa, at -preaint a ,mcm-ý ber cf tii Teüiakisming; aud 'Nortieru Où. tarieoCo--,nlun; 1fMr. George Gordon, ex-NI.?. fôr.,Nîilalug. who.,realgued -is- out fer Hon. -Frank O6oiirauo. and 'Mr. Tii4lasa Eirlrett ex-M.P. for Ottawa. F4r Western -Ontario ,a, nama trequently, mentlonedla,.thtialf 1fr. W. Sf. Dingman, nrôprleto f lie.1 tralford Rerald, an mx- Kayoof Ottn1atkfrd and a paît proaldnitý '«f 'le ndan Pria Amoésélatoùu.« Il la ponted cuitthlaI of lia pVresent Ontario, rreaontaliou lu-inte ,onate ouiy four 1 mde west of' oogoéaelSnatori CofyLondon; -Gibson, Beamnivile- No- mullen,' Mount Forent, aud Ratz. Parkhili. Tire are as xreflding -tu Toronto, Sena- tors Arcii. Campbell, Geo. A. Coz, Min G. W. RBoss. EobL 3sffns * ain L. IM. Joe. and J. K. Kerr. Wirle. to lie]But-lorf Toronto tier. are eloveË,, iuoludlng Sen&. tors Beltii, Bewmanvill; e. court, 01- laa; -Slr 'ackîenilà ê Powell, *Bellevie, eryhrBrock*llbe; 'Edwarde, Ottawa-, aru mithes'Fiale', Mclugb. Lindsay; ýMcL *en Pertbi XoXmlan, Alxaudria; Si.B .Soott, Ottawa; , T a*ler, Gan- It -may be not.d ln paseilng that cf tb. Ontario repreaen±atlcn - in tie Senate cf, twenty yearî ago.-only three survive, namely, ýSenatoni McLaren, MoMillan-and Sir R. W. Soott. aL OLD CIJSTO-S TIN LONIDONi. Reformera Fear .te Dlsturb Anelentj Privieges. - 5cm, epeculiar pnivilegea are granted to London (England) offi ciaIs by lav or customu. Tien.'are certain institutions wvioicannot hn i-tteneed vit. They have sur- rlved ,fer. centurie. Traditions cluster round thenuand the hold n-' former bas no chance- vithihem., Noviiere are customs 'sud privileges viich, have anoient sanction m~ore jeaIeuaIy gusrded than lu lhe iy ot Loud»n, sud nençclin >éhe pnrilegee'uore-teuacioasly than the- livemy men. Tues. priilee i di- zens, et wb"om thene are, aboutI 7,000. have as gris-t dea! tedo- viti thie eleelièo ei lord mayon sud Thi. Watenmeu's sud- Lighter- men'. CoMpany clndng tenacioualy te ils, 'privilege, exnbodiid loi a charter grnued at a tinue vien royal 'progresses yen ina-deli bargeï -Iiauug certifleatea te t hee io iad qualified as vater-' mn. Il vas -oontinded liai 'h.7 bad abused their mouopoly, ihat in hheir-zeal for trade nichi solidanty they did ht s cruple te iold up the commence of tii river 'sud lthe city suifer-id. - I The meut pniviieged persouage lun the City et Londctien thliiilord: my R. e takes precedence overi err subjeet cf tube crownu, net ix- cîptiug members efthle royal fa- ily, in tii. "square mile." ,- Mi-mbers et, panhiamezit.are not-. vitiiout secial privileges. Th4': preceas 4iug -tb<>< liamentaty' ,session or 1era pe' cf forty day. bifore,anud a-fier. Members oetï1 heu s etof bcd. jie have 't1ls ni ghlt And te~a'lut forward fils' LOI WHÂT THE WEST ARE DO] Progrese et the. Gr au sFew E Baled hay le $141 Sveet, cider in En 40 cets i a gallon. ;Nelsoni, B.O.,,Àà fiehal oatiug $2C Ne nain tl! at For tii. monenf'f AugÈusi > Thene'are 221 -pu ,the ..publieachls i,i 'Tir.. millieon, moith,-are being-.*' derby:,. Pasengen trains a te> Tete Jauue,-Cacb Ine.k. menthe z -produoS, have- bien Armstrong. Cn.ston, B.O., ai day et 'fruit sud tx the pickiug sesson. Apeles grovu in district tha yer -si à llyý fiue quality. SOtten lu Britirh< girls only 10 yêars d a -day picklug he>p.. Oats sevien feet hi tus aeasen ou ranc River, British Coluii The G.Tr.P. vil! ci River tour tixnes. Jaune cache and F< This ha.hen a - the. -Atiu camp.C perty, cleaned up $E -Nanaimo ield its exhibition-ti.year. the, atteudance total 1The, production of dike this year- eil 1 l00,000, ýThie i a£ million over lest yëai * e far this- year th msite sat Oak Bayl Vi4 go 1001 CANAIDA LIME SL.DG. MONTRE111 $842,058, asagainet' $88,ý549 'ERNý PEOPLIl Prince Rupert, B.O., sand a suitar- min will b., built there.L Aýresident ef Nelson pucked-a cro- cus on -the 2lstet ofSepteruher, H.e reat ,West TOIII didn'-t kne6w, hether it was the mast of thée 1912 erop -or -the firteof the. Poluted - a ton- in. Chilli- Pickiug hope by* m&chiuny has ben abandoned at Agassiz and îdeny sela f r adie The hep. outp t *i. large tis-year'aud Indiaus a2(e Principal- te have aunev ly emnploy.d, tepick it. l\eOo.William H. Vaux, a native otf rtFae uigEngland aud, 71 1 yea .ra et age, waa" bur*ed t6 deat in i bis cabin at upilsatt.niug Geènvýood. .H.e vas ýaveteran et n'Colem ' t n rmaadad aliP fought'in ýpet luoner Wile MIr..asud Mris. Waldermere app~d rein n ~ nsidents utVauvuuvr, vers ireno runig aêya tree blew dovuat teir 27 *'porà nîly, sud killed theiri baby boy, 'Icar loadir etforwked - 1 9 pped -trom Vncuvr, aschanged te e- I ' naught Bridgei houer, of the'visit ii~ila oara t-the. Duke et Con aught. 1The. bomà ow drin .Cimbi Brigea narne intiniate-, omates duongncted !çjththe hietory et. tiiK Kai,;B.Cn Duchess. of Ccrnuaght re-chnlaten- ro e xeti onýed théi. bridge., - -1 - -Work vil! soon begin lti nhne ~ouibaIdian OddWelows' block te biltluVie- ~d à numk ténia. Tt vil1 bave a banquetting. hall -capable cf eeatiug 400 persena,. 1ghvers growu sud a bail'rcom where 800can tnip ches up 1thei, Elk the-lilt fantastic. Tii. building rubia.~l -iIb heated by> oil tu.l. ,rois the. Fraser> Tudian Agent Dease, f miaasett, btwéen ! Têe B.C.", sayç the psy-rd eoft ti Mao- ~~ort 8eoge 'n Tdiane engaged st the. WaJIace )eSeason i sh8erie, adnHarbor, B. ., 8<1paerpr-wil auount te *60,001or the -sea- 600t u- Slm4çlgate veul1d go oveir that sum.- Most succestul - 'Iu three day. About the. first ting s cild lied4,50). -learus atter it begins te ituan f gold iu 114n- takeé notice is that motier'a people be wortii $5,_. are far sup-enior te fathan's.1 ,n increase et a -Cempared with the amount cf tes r. annually -consumed in 1869, the he-, building pan- 'Uuit .ed Kingdom to-day1 consumes. o'tonia, have te- ovin three turnes the ameQunt. j tnveaiment of surpplus fundi -or iii re «' of divÃdènds w. rgeonmmnd. atq of th. siuofZf 11',as combining -absoluif. safety of PHin i wih high imntesa. Pei 818%% 108u/~ ~s/4% 98 CANADA MACIIINER.Y, O' Firat"Mentgage Boudu.. @à - Due 1940. Intereit lut Fîbruary sud lot Auguat. Denaominationu: $500A 1,000. ONTARIO PULP & PAPEIt, 6% Finit Mortgage Beuds 94 Duc 1981. Intenest 1.1 'Januuqy and lit Jnly. Detý,iuantiouu: *100, $500, $1.000.. MVNICIPAIJT 0F POINT GREY, B.C., 5% Notes, 9% "Due.Sp, 1918. Inerest lIs Mareb-and-last Sept. Dnneomi lonâu: $100, $500, $1.000, $5.000, MIICIPAIM- 0F BIRNARY,' B.C, 5% Notes. -.. 991A Due Sept. 1911. Intene2t lot mm sud laiSept.' Denomhnationa:. $100, 0500, $1.000. - n kz, -Mm 4h.seurities may b. &Wuhi ofl oi Poriodical Paym.nt- Plan.- Comple. detuil1w, ha se où au mma. I - L55% A O*~~I OII5i~ ~ ~ ~ -Due194. lutereut lut Marchislt SeptembeLI Denomlutou:$0,$0' 10. spANISH -RIVR PULP, 0% First Mortgagoudu. Due 1931. Interest li Jau.uary- sud' lutyJuly. -BELDING PAUL, i5% Final MOe!9&-ge'Debentures.... Due150 Inteneut lat May ýà Id lut Novemben. DOMINION CAN4ERS, 6ô%- FinalMargage Bouds.. 1 eue 1940. lutinreit lut Apnril .4 lot October. -Denominationu: $500, 91,000. CARIAMGE:F"AiCTORiE's, 6% Finat Morfgage Boudu. Due 1940.: Interest lot.Ape n lotsIOctoben. (à ý oi 7',E S!