Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Oct 1912, p. 6

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WU,, winge andtoture of rien- 'naiý'are not due teo old,- damp irèathe' as o-any persons.mup- poibonous acid in--the blood. Thie nsa rmedical truth which every suf- lever should realize. There-i's only, on. way te cure rheumatism-it Iý must be treated througli the blood. Ail the. liniments and rubbing and no-called electric treatment-in the world iili- -net cure nhcumati8m, aqüd the. sufferer who tries them is >-poti only waoting money,ý but is ai- - Iwing thé trouble te, beceme more deep-rooted in the system and liard.ý fi' *0 cure when the prper remedy la tried. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille alway -cure ' rheumatiem -because vhysge right te the root cf the tro)ubl, iu the blod._ These Pilla 'make the new, ricli blood cf licalth, and ithis way drive-out the pois- lenous aid whicli causes huva tieai. . Thousande of instances of cures miglit be given, -among which Je the foeiewvng oie. Mrs. G.., R. Dulmage, Oher4- Valley, ,Ont. Baya: "I-was attacked, with'rhcu,. matisw. ,whicli gradually grew -wors* until - I waa confined Ate my b.d. For about, two weeke I lied te be ahifteci and turned ini bcd as I wYe4 utterly unable te hel p myscîf. I wai under the docor's care and se far r ecovered that I was able te ge padmove about, but thei t rouble, stilI remained in my sys- tem._ If 1 put my hande îin cold, -water,**or if I went eut in the even- Ïi or in daimp -wcather the trou- Ic would" return, and for fo6ur -years I thus sufféed from rheuma-.ý' tism, until -I began te think it couid not-be driven f rom mysystem. Fi- ally I ýgave up ail other medicineA ansd, began te use' Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and âfter using thein for & couple cf menthe I iras complete- Iy cired* and have. not had a twinge cf rhcumatism sinàce. I can recom-' 1 xncnd thc Pille to anyone euffering t £ruem thue trouble." These Pille are sold by all Inedi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box-ýor isix boxes for $2.50 frdm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Gô., -Brockville, Ont. '-Two young anglers wers. -exhibit- hn vtigreat satisfaction the re- auite cf a day's sport vhen'a yopuug woman asked denurely, . Lpeh* go i slieoîs, do -Vey net?" "I be- ilcve tîey do," .sàaid one; "but why -aie yen aék 1" "Oh, nething, ofily I was just thinking tiat yýu muet .have broken, up au infant ciassi"' Thc Real Liven -Pill-A terpid liver means a diserdered system, 3- mental depression, lassitude -and>i the- end, if caro be net aken, a' chr'onic state cf debility. The very - best inediciue te amouse Vhe liver Vo 'healthy .action is Parnmeice's Vege- table Pille. TIey are cempounded' of punely vegetabIt substances' of careful .elaction and'-ne other pille have tîcir- fine qualities. They do net gripe -or pain and Vhcy are agrecable -t..>-the most sensitive stomach. - Two heurs' slecp is enougli fer' 'any one-alter it is ime te geV 'Up. Mi8narda Liniment for sas@ uverywner, Aufnt Doothy-Hov many 'coin mndments axe tiere, Johnny? Joiinny (giibly)-Ten. Aunt.Dore- Viy-And nov suppose yen vere te, break oye e! them? Johnivy (ton-' tatively)-Then tîere'd le uiue. Reocgnized as the la.ding speci- -fic for thc destruction'_of vorme, Xotiier - Graves' Worm Extermina- Von lias proved a boon Vo suffcning dhildrn evieeryvbere. IV .eeldom fails. Pinot Man-IWlien I see haVe 1k- - eueI pity the poer birds who - hv V gieup ._their.-fcathcre," 8ecovid Mav-"I pity Vhe poor men much more ho vene 'pluck.d' for then aIse;-" 'Skin .Tortured Littie-Oies Mothers 1 Are your ittle-o,'nes" -Sufcxinmg from i, tching, .buvningî cczengsï or other torturing frllfipvring akin troubles? Are 0o,1 y urel, worn eut wt Oiongtuepless nights and cease- kics xicty in caring, for -thcm ? Thczn youi should know tht, la ë tý caseS, a *arm'z. bath vith uÜïticura Soap an gentie application ofCui curaOintmientbringimmedlatere lieft the littie sufl'erers sleep, tired, fretted inothemrset, ad penc *à1Us on distracted householde, AHthàur.l, lntom StUD sand ,nmnt a Teach # Chid *Tlt, ]le uO4bey> or Do Ulghtg, i--thé,aa. - Ms.ny a child, ala I iseb lazned for ben isobedient and. impertinent, .21 en the fault rea.lly- lis at the 'par'entsl' door. -- -When a boy is quit. young a fa- ther andmother are liable te amile at hie -exhibitions cf-o temper, and, Iidced, 'lfiavêknewn parents who -<1d thinigthey well-knew . weould enrage their* young bopeful. Wby 1 Oh, just ini order te ce hLM i-a passion!1 A -audable objcct, indeed, -88 you viii allow. Clildrcn are quick te pick up slangy terme out cf doors, and vcry elften they use these terme in -the home. Whereupon father -says îto mother: _. "My,. ien't little Billy amart-hear hlm? Hc'll be a bojy yet, I can tel you 1"' J 30O IN ~TTHE MAKING. And the mother laugli e artily at the 'littie dhap'e vulgarities. WIat -rseuît. The boy ses that hie par., ente seefm pl'eascd, and, very na- ,Ur ll, tri., te gatiier up otîer cheebites Mfslang iwherewith te - But -.peibape: môtiers do thec b ete arm, especially vliere . .î nvolve. -The.average mothr mkesne mistake, 'a a ule, ýin the training -6f a dangIter; but maiiy a gitosa on, dees aIe make in tlje training o! a boy.>- -A lu6ey littie demon le paying li theio l poen.The -.d'e emching vhich causies hia -mother ,te chide>hlm,. Wherqup-on dem nturn* onmobier, aud shcwems abiltse upon. lier. Visi- lier ie shocked,. but thé mothe r says'; "Ien't Tommiy very emart 1 And e hcadstrong! Reaily, hie, father and Tdon't know vîat te d6wih'him !" And, of' courge, 'Tommy Ie very. pleeeed -téo ear ibis praises eung in bliaf vay, and ,resolves éte give- as exudli satisfaction az posiêble lvi the eaùe, style., Tii.point beingý'Iîbàt tlie .boy gets thei* idea 1h. le .deiiung sornething elever, someïthinï o! im- Portance, viien- île mother - so speaks. THE. DANGER OF -.,PELA-Y.. IV -fa singular liow...pion,,oparente ire te err ovýer the, age ati which a chld'is capable ef underetanding rigît f rom wrongýý It se c coi-ý noneet tiig in tlie vend te hear a fooiieli mothe- declare -that« "Bertie es to young te undcrstand; I, shall begin hietraining lvi- a year or twe -týat viII b. quit.ecwon enQgli." Wil 1it? Prebabiy thé boy by that time vili be beyond control; and :.heni tIc case-isiairneet lopelees. Yen canuot'- begin too, early te mein a chiid; the youu-gcr a boy je, lie mnoree0aily il e ceontroiled; let uni get Înte -fixed habite, and hli i hope1less.- Pnishmcýnt Le requircd vIen an înmuly ehild Lias te le taken li ù tef curse, alldepende on the child. - A sen-sitive *boy may le harmcd by corporal punielment- vie fact, -1- have knovn. childrcn te aÀke a' loathing te parente: simpiy becau-se these' parents had ':flogged them. 0f course, a girl -muet neyer be, punishcd li tha.t vay. - As te flogging-if . a chld really tequiros it, begin. at once. De net keep -on sen-g, "Nov,,Tommy, the ncxt iietViLs liappevis yen viii get a vhipping!" c -I i t -'t I b I s * 'j MAWKISH SENTIMENT. That merely teaches a ciiild that lhe can do &Ill aorte cf things, and at thc woret lio vii only be'tlireat- ened for any iret offeeli auy direction. Se, parentsf, do net Vîreaten a ehilà vhen yen have vio thonght cf camrying tic threaV inte execution; and, liaving made upyour mmid te, give a .sound whiipping, then do it vithout liesitatiovin -We have -hcd Vi kid-glcve meti- c6d o! ltî4aiving ebidren' ratier lon; it le a -pe rnicicus poliey-Vhe by n ey r e x ted ho as -no V im - provd bya - udicieus use o!- tic rod.. ~ W.ivsparcd iVtee olong, vithithe- resuit that o6bedievice is. ai- ineet-unknovn, respect le quit. -un-- tt-D- and,-lun fat, iu -M"ay N oee advocates brutality; but vie on. 'eauan- recommend vavkisî s entmctaity-tiier-e le a middle cou'rse,. vici avy panent may fol- lov.-London Ansees. ---WIND AND WAVES. They Are'Said to Be the- Cause et Earthquakes. To, Vihe average man any move- mcvii o! the. old"grnn aa stikiig- exception' Vo '-ýthc normal order -of nature. Te thé seismc>lo- iton-' tht'- 6ntrary, alseluto tranquility et 'bhc eanth Le VIe ex- fçeption, -and tic quakesg-large or emai-4c Ve ule. TIc lit±le iquakes are quit.,'as intoresting trexn the ecientifie point of viev a -the big -one. There le an interna- tional commission fer tie etudy cf tiiese "irsim, as Vhey are- ealled. One type. of miecoeeîem lias a peied cf tâirti' seconde. This lias been tr-aced Vo friction e!- the wivid upon the earth's surface. *i other,-verdoithe wlnd ences'Vavesf - vibrations - over an extended land surface, juet as iV do.. ever tic oceai.- Another type lias a pcniod cf ftom five te ton seconds. This is feund te have vio relation te the' win& or te - eother meteorologiéal conditions. It Le nov mee-St planai- blTy, at.tribYted te the impact o! -vaves - - VIýte seadhorc. Greaf stoime on. thieAtlautic thus .set up trai'ns o! .littie.' artI vwaves, uvhichl - are. regiat4ercJat. Hambnirg, -rm- burg,. Vienna-the4rî'mplitude de- creaivig.WIVJ the distance ivland. - in the' house.."Ih [d by mèdicihe dealc t 2b cent6 a1 box frop ns' Med iincGe., ]Bi ck' e- -, THE 091piQI70OPEÂBLS. S1cientiste 'Hêt è-[)iiovered That It For masgy ce ntusiee, even until fomparatively- recent times, it vasR thec coinmon bliefthat pearis vere drops cfc" that gai'ned entrance into6the shell ef an oyster, and were tiiere tran-sformcd into lustrous gems. Arab a.nd Thdian divers stili- believe that at certain seasons oye- tors coeete the surface and suck ini thc rain-drepe that laVer becorne pearis. Science, however, las rude- ly shattercd hs poctie f ancy, .and discovered tic real enigin to. be -a worm. Dr. HugI M. Smith give. some nteresting information on tliie subjcct in VIe National Geogra- 'hie Magazine. W. nov know that almost any for- eign -body-a grain o! sand, a -bit e! rnud or sheil, a piece cf seaveeci or a smnalanimal-may by its i4rrita- tion'cause the moliusk Vo cover itV vith nacre and-make it the nucleus of a peari; but VIe largest pairt cf -thc annual pearl-crop cf Vhe. vorldý Les due te parasites that nermaJ1iy Pase a part of -their life-cycle'vith- in the eheli cf the pearl-oyster. -Minute spherical larvae -of marine vorme knovn as Cestodes become embedded ithe soft tissues, as maniy as forty liaving been founid in euie -OCylon oyster. As the resuit of irritation, the cyster forme a pro- tecting sac about the intruder, and then,1 if the larva die, its body - i gradualiy converted inte carbonate o! lime, and VIe pearly mass pro-.- ceeds tVQ, grov viththtle sheil., If the larva lves, it may pase into the body of thc strong-jawed tnig- ger-ifehes -which prey on the Pearl- cystere, tliere - undergoing further develepmcnt. Ultimately it reacli- casthe 'body cf the great raye, vwhlcli li turn eat -the trigger-flshee. Inu the raye the 4verms attain ful de- velopinent, and produce larvae tliat are cast inte the sea and find lodg- mfent in pearl-oysters. TIns Vhe Cycle je begun once more. Wc may.literally aoccpt the-say-. ing of a celebrated Frendli inveslti- gàtor, that - "the meet beautiful Pearl Le lin reality only tIe billiant1 sarcephagus o! a vormi." "GOOD STUFF."1 A Conlrmed Drinher Takes te -. Postain. A housewifc vas reoently surpris- ed viien cook seruýcd Postunu in- etead o! tea and ceffee. he.C 71 "For tlie ]ast five oný six ycars 1 have beyn troubied vitI nerve-iu' jiess, indigestion and heani trouble 1- couidn' t geV »gny be nefit froôm Vhe docto's medicine, se finally'h. or- dened me te stop drinkivig'ooffeep, vwhich I did. (Ta is juet as injuri- éus because it centaine caffine- the drug li ceffec.) ,."I drank lot water vhile taking the decter's inedicine, vitî seme improvernent, tIen vent back Vo coffée itI the same old trouble as befone.- "A nev servant girl Vold me about Postum-said lier folks nsed it and liked it in place -ô>f 'ceffee.. We geV a package, but I teld lier I did net believe my hnsband vould like it, as lie vas a great coffee drinker. "To my surprise lie caiied for a third cnt, said it vas "good etufi" and vantod te knov vhat Wi4a. We have nsed Postum ever eince and both - f ccl ltter than vo have Liyear's. "My hunsbe;ud used te have lad spelis vitî 11is stomacli and vonld b. elck threei or J our days, during whieli\Vime le could net cat -or drink -ÉnytWîig. But sivice h. gave up coffce and took Vo Poetum, lic has had ne more trouble, and ve no-v fully believe it vas ail caused by' "I have net lied any returvi of my-fermer troubles since dninking Postuin, and feel better and can do more verk tiian in the iast ten ycarts. We tell cvcryoe about i- some say VIcy Vied it andi did net like it. I tell thein it makes al Vh, différence as te 1ev it's made. It sîould b. mado according te direc- tiens-tIen. it is delicieus-," Name given by Canadian Peetuin Co., Windsor, Ont. Read Vhé bock, ,,The Road Vo Weilville," Li pkke. "ITliere's a reasen." veur read; fho aboya lutter? % new ont appears from lime 10 lime. ,rney are genulne, true. and full et humas InturemL. SURGEON ANT. *ben lRe Iadlertake Changes i 1 lisPalace. 2 Dnring'tiihe t'yee.r,,-therê b. been' dcli-giitful comed- naoted in, Buck$nlgham -Palace Wh Mece long vay tevairds provingtht~ kcing is ne longermstr enl hie cwn house.- For some turne the Ring has been at war with hie Majesty'e office o! vorlos. The Ring, ha.- been -dissat- isfied with the drainage' at .the pl am and alec> viti the ciumetance that several o e! icdocrsin th building bl been permanently nailed up.. When lie moved inte the palace the immediately gave ord-ers that the drainage b. imipreved and the. deors epened., e hi seur- -Prise viien -1W :;ecei à anO1ffiia look ingý-li h had not swu !tinO that dePaîý2I_ r-- oCanges.: King George ét oo néei9e Bigg, lu 7vrté0 secretar, te worý and ae. 4-'j t of -hiie in- vetgasdsoý --that h.olias ne~~~- cn -1~ pen &a door or ,y a-0 vný Bueldngham palace thi &à nevsboy in týhe streé -*fîùt- Whorupýon -le 'altered his- procterç, humnbly- pctitioned h-Le Majeety's office of works te make the desired ohanges andawaited result.s. In the curse1 of several weeklraeh received a re- ply to thec effect that hie communi- cation lad been receiveci. Ire vrote, a' letter cf thaniks and received ln return. thc information in printed forin thact hie recquest vau rcoiving attention. A couple cf- menthe lat- - .er Îhec received a letter askIng hlmi te il in an enclesed fermn. -,The" fôrin contained a long list. of ques- tions and thoansere vgre.tese1 forth juet vIat-cian .ges ère vant- cld, the locationÏ of the doore and existing drain-pipes, the reaceon% why, and se on and 96 on. The King pati-ently filled in the form. As a reward,'almoet a year after fie firet made the requests, lie réceived thie welcorne neye 'liliat-the office of' works agreed te make tIe required alterations at its earliest conven- i4nee. The -of ficiais selcctcd the few weelve juit;past .foi- tIcjob, and the King cones bak Vohie -palace hiap- py in the assurance that lie cau nov pass f rom roocm te oOM WI-th-, eut ciimbin'g through'tIc transoiue.' FAMINe CAMP IN GERMANY6. 80"1at People Doing Strict Diet ln --Order te Get Thin. Ilhere exige not far f rom Dres-- dcvi, Germany, a "famine camp," whcre a colony -o! 80 Germans le 'establisîcd. TIe purpose o!fViie campisete figlit thc ever-lncrcaeing adpse tesue, and -oye-c'an flnd there men anid *omevi of aJildîmen- sione. A -evene regime is iu force, 'and as the servante empioyed there arc, incorruptible, it is possible te reduce fiesh at thc rate cf four or five pounds, in a fev days. -Hene Ls thc day's menu: At sev- evi O'clock Lu tIc morvivg île i. iret breakfast, a plate of cherries or grapes vith a cnp of coffee anid a piece 'o! -brcad the size of your vatcii. or tve biscuite. At ten clock tIee sl a second breakfast, consiating àf a glass cf lemonade, anether plate of cherries or gpapes. At oye o'clck a luncîcon ýo! tvo smail slices of meat, lettuce "cd libitum," and a-fruit marna-ad. Again at four o'ciock oyeecaVe, but only a smali plate o! cherries or grapes vith a glass of lemoviade. .Tii. dinner le at -six o'clock, anid iV consiste cof a plate o! vegctable'i (petatees forbidden), a plate cf chprrieis, tvo hittie slices e! bread, lettuce "ad libitum," a 'glass o! milk- and sornetirnes a iiaif dozen nute.- But oye imust le willinàg te get thin at ail coste, for a va.rning les postcd eayivig VIat thero le a caf e jn'eV opposite the camp, and thos vlio steal over there und4lr the sha- 4ev-o! darknese for a glass o! boom orý a "kartofffloalat" viii neyer, fuever geV Vlin. Aftem a mani las been mamied six menths le neyer takes a,-f niend home te dine vithout firet lcttivig hie vife kuov. Minards Liniment Relleves Nouralgla. A USEFUL INHERITANCE. ieft me i wealthy Friend vIn certain Llanda o! the southervi îeve y< Pacifie Vîc&re is an avit vhich aots asi eR a4 surgeon te tIe vounded native. - This ant lias very long and poer- L ful n'andiblcs, and, vhen a native ~ gets a lad eut, lie, ields ite tvo edges tegetlier with oye band, vhie vithi Vthse the6r lesets VIte ant'e- head te 'blewou'nd. The avindibles of VIe insct-at once pierce, deari- trougI- the cut's tvo lips, making - tve- Étitche's that blnd the lips te- gebr-Tii. na.s ead.7le stien -,Ppe off and the mandihles -e- mai until thc eut le heale, ven- they lare-drawvi eut ce.ily and pain- lessly. Sometimes, vlien avud la sevore, dozen or mono ant sur- %eons are nequired it e cvi1ý p. ror si-x of!ý thé pasVtvculýty ycars, '- VIe number o! deathe li France lias excceded the l,4irths. El. 4. îch-' The Vhing my uncle Lu hie viiileà Vhe reasovi I'm ,d Jenee-"WliaV did lie pi a LL5UUarw&lL UV Luuj-ew 57ve ease'.befome tnorning.-- ' Mr. ' Thomase Pearson, 0f prince Albert"' Sask., wrltfe: *ý"111,muet thavik yen for the benefit I hâve re- ceived fromn Zam-Buk. Last ernu-ý mer I suffercd greatly frcm piles.- I utarted to- use Zam-Buk and found - it gave me relief, se I continued it, and after using Vhree cm foýur boxes it effected a complet. cure."-- MAgîstrate Sanfeïd, cf 1Wieatovi, - Rivig'a Qd., N.S., eays:. I-suffered lonig'frmm- tching piles,-j but Zam Buk hba-nov cured m. Xe Ms: River, HaÀtî-.0; -N -11>- teo do me the t1igtet od Iva tîrcd &f6- trying-'~iecu remedies, '1 vhcn I heârd-- 'ci Zam-Buk, and thîougti'- a &IaÈt resource I veuldII give- this balm a trial.' Aftem a vemj J ie shorttinie Zam-Buk- effect.d'a cern- Pl plete cure." Zam-Buk le ise sàa sure ýcure fer L ekin injuries and.*disease s, ecezema, ... u1cprs, varioose veines, cuts, humus,' bruise., chape, cold aères, etc. sec, box aIl druggistâ and stores, o'r post Il-4 frete f rom Zarn-Buk Co., Torenite, for prie. Refuse imitations. , Try e Zam-Buk Soap,, 25c. tablet. r The Boy-"«Wlat la a dcvi 1" Fat;- er-"A dcen, MY son, is & placel* viiere wild -bea.sts maketei liomes." Tii. Boy-"No, I ea1 dcvi in a man's lieuse." S iercted the mother, "Your fa- tlier's edefiüitien - applies- te tWat 'Very many persous die'annually frmcholira .and kindicd. sumnier c plaints, *,ho-migh-ave. been saved if proper , remedies had betèn used. If attacked'do net delay in getting a bottie -of, Dr. J. D. LeI- logg's Dyscntery- Cordial, -the nmedi- cine. that neyer faile te effeet a- cure. Thosewho have uscd it'say it acte promptly, and thoroughly siubd-uee 'the pain and disease. 2Prfty Miss"I want giome ad- vice." 01<1Lacy-"Certainlv my- dear. 5What je it 1" Pretty ]Ëiss- "Shail I xnarry. a man whose-tastes ire the opposite cof mine and quar rel with lm,! or sha1l I marry -a man whose taited are the ýsamo as mine and get tircd cf himY'- Bear Island, Âug. 26, 1L0U Mnard's Liniment <Co., Limite,& bDear 8rs-Your traveller is lier e to-day and we are cetting a large quantity eof Your ILINARD'S LINIMENT. W aninti the best Liniment on the mnarket raking ne exceeption. We have been in business 13 years anti have bandieti ail kintis, but have droppsd them all butf yours; that selle isueif; -the others -have te be pushed te Set riti of. W. A. HAGEBMAK. OCLEVEIR JOHNNY. One day Johnny went te his Sun- day Schooi for the firet turne. The eeacher asked hM did ho kn-ow the alphabet. '<Ycs," came the re- ply. C"Weil, then,"' continued the teacher, "11what letter cornes after 4?" "Ail the reet of them." Do it New.-Disocders- cf flic di- gestieaEPParatus shouId be.. deait with at once before complications ,arise that may be difficuit te cepe with. The. suret remcdy te this end and one that je within readli of ail, je Parmclee's Vegetable pis, the best laxative and sedativeonl thIc market. Do not delay, but tryT them-; now. One trial wil convince anyone, that they are the best stemach- regulator that can be got. There are ever thrce. hundred and thirty. deer parka in Engi znd. NO, AHR Joues, vho jes 6mevhat iu me- -quiet at local concerts, Landie hlm- self as a vocaliet. Hiesecit iw -mever, received a -terrible 11eaI ký Wý nighie age. HRie vif.e d, goÉ4 qot leaving hLm :Vo look 'after tic 'hope o f tii faiiy, a Imriglt ,yeuth cf four. -Sovitic lad compiaivied o! * acle, :and Joues,, as g - dutif ul farniiy eman, put him te bced. Tii. with pain de"pite Joncs'_ efforts Vo soothe lim- to sleep. "Myladdie,"; said Jones -at length, '<do.try and- sleep; 'tvill caise' the 'Pain. ý.ShailI I sing you o elecp 1" "No', father, »- Wôùkt Becai yen t CHAI dian i<w .- eaAU Oum or ...S.... v«f*%yP cases Y-e ch App>le is eepsa$Jyi recaution Vaken Vo ansure -sale sndf 'er ,O,00 ca8es -shipped lst year. » ating viiere yeu' mequme the Ccase THE REST. -Givc full postal diý~ec- OUT owu card for, enclesure ilu cace. MONTREAL H. W. OAW8ON, NMinsy -ciborni stresti Toronto. - LOhealp and-~ on easy terme.! Q VNT-I ACRES '1w ITIJ ()OOD kCbS E ng and a.pple orchard; bn EXPO RT-C Sta.eks1 a- Ail Ilenuepal Your Overcoats ssci fadeti Suitsï would'look botter tijei. l no agent of ours MicYonr town write direct *0 *MoAtreal, Box --,S ëolti Medallut. Urithsh Arnerlon Don Proto>t -Pe.~e-Bat Sample.ad- Dookiets Onù plcto JAMES- ,ANCM JIR, & GO..,Lmie 1874k 3matbust Streg TORONTOj Arnp!~cr, J) ITheOSoul of a Piano lathel Action, Insist on the &OOTTO HIGEL" Piano Action GREW 1DISGUSTEMD. Afto-r frshing for about three heure and not gettiûg even a bite MacFoozle grew Jiegusted and de- termined to giVe up. Just before lic drewthe lines ini a smal urehin came along with aný old' stick, a piece 'Of.,string and -a bent pin. "'Hallo, my boy!1" eaid MacFoozie, ccgoing fishing?" "No," replicd the urchin, looking disdainf.ully.at the unsucceseful one, "I'm go:ng to catch some fiel?1" Only the uninfo-rmed endure thc agony cf corne:ý The knô-wing one« apply Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. You cannot retrace crookedý Stepe; the path of reforin is straiglit.- Minard'e Liniment Cures Dandruif. Lady (at the bottom of the etepes) -I want te aeýe yen Just a minute, but this skirt i.s so tight I can't dlimb the stairs. -You corne out, wen't y-ou? , Lady (ingidé) - 1 would il I could, but this new hat jei too wide te go through the door- wayl1 A Iuerndy ýfor Earache.-To have: the earache ie to endure torture. The. car je a clelicate organ and few --care -te ýdeal with it, considerig it work for a doctoýr. Dr. Tho-mas' 'Eclcctric Oil offers a simple; rein- edy. A few drops upon- a piece où, lint or medicated -cotton and plaeed in the ear wilI work wonders in re- lieving pain. Wigg"Héfo ld man. I neyer. eaw yen lcoking so ewll. ag- 1YsIdo -feel In -pretty o. id shape. Yoiu seé, I'výe been tobuày, ths ummýer to go awayfr H.W. DA WSON, ?oronto. A2 CRES 5 MILES- FROM LOND)O!Ç 9 1market; soil, dayý loam; good- buildings. Wil exchange for- city, towu or village property, or for larger fàrmn; The Western H eal Estate, Londion, Ont.' REA L ESTATEX-WARTED. ParicuarsÎ;e- eal Estate 4DICletOn Co., Desk 5. Linèoln.<N-eb., U. 1. 'A2-,' AGENts WANTED.- DAY AND JWARDS MA&DE Pt cifr faist seiling xmasb goods;-e.ý perience unnecessary. Eiber sez. SBabl1oê, frée. Send' ostage.- teety centa '~ciol Co., Spalna, Tonto,- Canada.lý MALE HELP WANTED.- 'EAuRN THE RAILWAY« ST4TIIN Liwork andi ern more money 1hin in 'ny tertrade. We qualify 'for aU Çanadiarailways. Positions secureti.- Wriefo free bock 18. Dominion Bohool lRailroa.djng, Toronto. - ISCELLANFOUL _ [ NETtTMORB8. LUMP$. etc. -i. tr antiextena id PANAN Leavini iNew, FRE-E TO rioneest air mucl of1 Iptiy- yieid certain a( laxatives. -t--he evs. 2.Straig 'curred uâm -a is ferg -that even Hati an iessed bya pes withr - eeaffect been unaiýie betwcen tVIe -anid havle cel *-sical ailmani understan-. self, aseýv reverence a yiyneanîngi race,Î'thke -te Jcws, beca Gentiles gen 'voran was trve O!-the -' Syria - âe d«1 -Libo-Ph<oenîi - rthagiiJ ca. i MattIe ME>i his -ne PhCrîcianS- 3- -Jesus int- millty rfci 'ise l . C o -Jeve, are di VIeGénti doge .The hed tem steed thîdvG description ure iip9vi. ý inàes, VtIe m * -the hloue.do OS. YeaL * drén 's.crun u e r a n , gence. *and h urged o013 hbelped.heil b C fJesue. -It for the ohildi iha7ve, a place arelvi -theit vas pressing- ehe believed S29. For -tIhi - - ~ ùùot deny _her cd witI suaI and trust. -' - Verse 5- Er -This inidi Matlhbew -occ' - . - s mnu part of 'thaý w as an impoi veet liore Io -A centu-rio M ail army -fit.!to -~one -hundredth p vas probably -cd-4Antipas. -' not a. 4tprosi Jcwisî ,rehgi built a syna giared a qe ýeCefompae-Jobi -Jesus, w1o- hi e-ver ,VIe, na- venrd, lias -b- -cemmnand is e, i.M-any SI ea.st and-tIc N iite VIe;,,king Ab'aham.< a bnew7-rtce, ai spirTituIal foun -by afat 12. sonscof im s cf t-h. Ji -COult,.r danki ARCHIVES '0F ONTARIO TORONTO e-- - - - Canada, unt 1-11 IF r%

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