Coliege inilis erinaryý aurgeof ,& ranch in Tex- e wire fonw a- Sand'ýich Plates Butter Plates Macâroon- Dish We, of ' courseï1 always a large sele Qf Cu t Glass, Silvei Silver Plated'ýV- Clocks, etc- but jusi we excel ourselves., iI 800 ver,, ~ ~ P AaataLkanpotson andI Trunk Railwfty,,Severu-to.N~orth' y -inclusive, ?aadawaaka- to Parry >und, Lindsay, 1 4o aliburton, Argyke CdD0CQnk, 4enetang, Midland aud MÙINJRI LIMIT-AII ýtickets -valid r rtuxn initil rThuraday, Deombr IÛ opeÇ -te -points 'reaclenby -Steamer- Station, To in t * *strt4 ,bookiet mi i weh and- Gme' ~isMai, IsEx old~ d Mri John-G" A wefl ostal sale,, doini ý4 T. 19 CA 100 ÂCR Thie proporl 1#rary, being on thie Sévei ing, near tnow Ilon, 9Otber OÂ 1OLlI f arm stock, and ip1eÃiâuti, thie prOpertY of Mir. PakE oe, edook. W=. Maw,,au.ticôieOr. it k. tet - The Gazette an B u h RMo W_Ch'ronicle ,from noN >nW f Picker- *i T'g T f measion Apri1tii i january ý,9J3 "rsappby to EOl~NTnewsubscribers fa e 33and J4n ÉLj, to nly oedollar'.- 8~L~ We :mTe -U. j&..t~ à ~' or,çnte MOi' Sun-' . . . 'OU£ onQ vanifla otc the ,.a 'rerOiiiO upent iU3I solutely ,puîe, itn Iiilk 4Or ". i 1él' J ,J- at #eço- eua 1a e5 SOJ PROHIBI1TION PAVOlIED. Ei. Vwiuin, ý 4ugg.-t andojoa ' B1 Wbf zr,ç@I5E, EN Inh Kndcif olnd there s lnier;' active juat no*a vigorOus prohibition Jf>oùUR WIO (M6iJ. is aywithnOMro..Tôrndo,, OTT ajtation.,Frîendla of' thietemperaflOe The 7moçk taim t(Y,-e ' tonti WdY whTFadMr.FJ cauise are taking votes i different I-ostage cftRieavancand tr1 on Tofday rI'oCM- calities to ,a8cOitaiIi howa eol vn Ng, ovser ,b> tih iiaraes i if aman red f o' i auO ueidO eitand on tho question o! t he lmipe- clas 01*t4 BaptiAt , S iitjto s à S c&y, wth Mi.ravin t tii ttUb. iqcftRie liquor traffic. One place <diretion M ý ,ctozi -AMuae% K fiy. ;,.vuIgî-lu o- which took votes i i thii. U7y ws Mon- Promise -10, *tan-Nx-Ias are' o oee.w~o~eiIa aluadeFriesland IlThr were 'Owholeson» f wxýo i41 ji o lly~~~'L.*skdale, - sPont- Sunday wiê &I. . . . .nov. 5450,tetes markeéd on the questionthe seà tis.. he ft ëboodm~lUhà . dM.L-ecr Vuesd .Jflui ;1,i op( 1, 1 -aI f 1-C 2>p'-iie j~ a4iI ~aUiid~ -is arlauyton, MissetNewton LC~ii55 icp set hditions ( M esenilrg of theweek. Sufile. .cï e-o 4*iýtiand Mr'. W.êiesotSn nub'.o censec, and .<4) total pro, of, the pr ':ien i.ûPmetan of th with- frianýds in ,Bowmsnhville. 1iibti0 The iva ~- Missrut.Donoy lef t lat <week fo- Thresut ws'as follow tmiarsesapat.T rt hosew tie isia 1~'ôr!.!.J..... .......... 6 For ,mllîing conditions... ......4U Pure and genuine drugîý -and ioi sanrel riig jw prohibiti........ 4,M178cineg are essential -to succes ii tui'M'..A.Leslie utnaid51 sodn Pô redtio 72........ -use. Quality' is -oui'. firat conùdera- Mo .Autn f BamnTie ation. J. E.-wils, di'uggit aud op.hv envatn ihfinei ýE8MOTHER'VOIGE. ticien. twn UUTTUNOTION. - ra;ocnt tao rohbiio ~ j M'.Norman Soughofo, TorontQe, Ri-s tesenior partnor of a , DDRESS. foren maag-di Mi'.e.-r. Bo' fine~Gls*i... bnci useci bis influence to presenteci te -,i. Gog hmunfrsvrldy hl i.Bo si' ::U..L. Québec.~ 'bago thie seutimnlt- of thie juior by tbp Pire Brigade on bis de- XMru<>Dnald Cameron was iiinelà éon SundAy _,ina'hae loi eri uubrof the firai. But up to &Q partuea froua Whitby. . - Ffali ek tedn h uerl42 .n n .pm. rom Tor,- day of, thiefinal. issue WhoIi *o' vote Mr. Georpe ,ThonpsOn o! bs siter-in-law, Mrs. Allie Camai'- >totrs .Stop. aiWb =o utet F - siculd' be cnt, th'eyongman biaci jeyorflo ebisc Roai 8.16" aîd 9.55 Pn .=p~. i'emairied am'~ and uncherged. Ho Whitby PFire Brigade, Raving heard >Mua.. Gray, of Newcastle, -':isited her ST IO wouldu cast a awtblo, oC0l r vitki deep feeigfolere O Oi iter, Mms. John Cooper, («1erý the ed , le ad. risen froas bis dek, put intendïad, deparur ica amoiigst us eked with1Mi'. Cooper, and à M. eG gNOxm5SOée pIgGU..7P box. "Voe- hon çlry,- Sain," admon- cs a s a mo.ltà k ! u'regard OshaWa. isied tRie senior partner seriously. Butfo you, oping You niaY d OSmu- -Air. Colwill, son of Mi'. TRios.-SAGS Samn only amiieci and shook hi&ad0<. fui .in -ail your future. ýndei'takiflgU. CoIwil, df tRis town, Who Rias been liAfs'. whjty.>f«Or dw ata. le Just tien a sînni, blue-buttoneci mes- w. shah wal' oo ack wta apoedfr ià ps y wihd RO 4 4pm o. llPm-o songer boy nppenred . in the doorway. ma te thre ,mmy pleasant. tures spent Fard Moitor Car Co. at Walkerviile, prtetor. - "Mssage for you, Mr'. Sweanl~ id- t<gethRer- Wishing vourself and famlY, Ont., has gene to' Winnipeg, where Rie ýM« foraBri. a-rn.à t Mr,- Sam. took tRio yello'w enveloPe on .anhRappy lbif i o' ' Owvilstili 'bo engaged with the Ford aýnd tore the endi Open. It was a briOl home initRie fan west. W. -regretfullY opay message and rend: say go >._________________________________ "Son, vote f&r the state-wide ameiid- Sign à -lehIali of thebil58e., ment. IMothr." wi IT-Qe- The yýoung man aropped into a iusai'- 'p.iuJS ati. ASplendid Showing o by chair> and stnuggled for composune. . JTKSec.-Tieas. flreat- -unsiecitenus trembleci On lis WRitby, Oçior 1 e, 192.- - cieeku. 1feeglanSdaround at ÃoV@ie 1 1baIa s h l in r _ ang.. os, ivi n eara mnh- in- Exclusive --Designs at - -.* 'ne. " oys , J' wili g, à ly uducoc i jr e ti s, m oh e M i s e P w e l * * h c k 1 : .e M.W. The iid tRie LrstiUn A, Cian write xcte for M.Matinice MurpywifWl iove his_______________________ ~a.apj hJibition. tailorigb» ies botMonda>t non - ________________________to tues sip now occtrpied by. ___________________________ qutte; barbersouth of oylHotoL À . sr ýWiu Ho r Ilanksgiving , tickets to aHl: TH -. - -stationsin aad -at single fare. l7* ~ Hiam aia~s Geccigoink October,20 2, 27 and 4s tom Aps aners "icets ai single fane, Ot. '1t7 to Nov'. 9tRi. Gond tilt Dee, 1J2.,Buy-tRes. andi al tick5ets -at eoc hlsl u ,ti. StepÉe8<sônr1î orne.(oppogite Standard i Shôe ol.wëeolead e aia, Banki, Wb1itbY), nt yc ur leisure. ý-mm Md. W. colii-11 èw s ce Stre. - - l IEUE5A QUA z TFTEYOU OAN"' oF Ths~ahiI l Âi Sart2'W sebbol BEAT. 0 <7i~ roa o 'uesday evening atT aa' Rng, U-.m ar dy iedc, andi 1î'nusan ovaRangeWI ptheni. ----- and . -wotild b. Ploaéd -to show R I T-- - 'youu paniget st<Wve Pivls>elbows~ , È rn. . veitRing in h-iard- - and repairop for Any etoceai (Cu0. K. 1, WNe eould notfurnigh Oulr cùStomerS 1wit moredesirablé '8h oes than are1 foinnd in oîur--new range of fâli go'ods.. A cali l'icited. -. Apleasure- to show goods. oaeS~.TO adyou ca Ii u -happy wîth apicture9 ,ier grwWn-up daughl ,end gr-andchildtei'. Supp' lesIwayn ,nevdoping and PritiMg or have- Wehave the bring icstomers thÈm-oomingri kind of footiw*ýear that to our store _and eelps Invisible. BlaPocal