Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 5

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Tif I iouier aaoe'B~ ~pe*art 'we Wa 'nen a êtw n vNrD g And, storinerhtlicoal froathe . i-_ 14 ~~thbUeýth lir<YCanii ii di }ii tÈei1 ea ubA,en - a, Wbéiy X. YR~5ÂE O~TO liENT.- _ OLD A»QYLE Ml JNA '. good 100.-actn larna, lot 3 M rar - .- of- Stil cecsaeWhitby. Good brick steauik uie;-wàh ii. tiO houmie; god bai* m ;..»ment vl'e, wenl <lewisl Lk On 4mtables; alo100 aàcres .lanlot -32, ti t S. Cthaine oa dy eStcon, viiby.Godfrm lieuse, Inew- Tihe Argyle ws old the- lb~painted. .iGood frame ba=. Rua- s e ad. b«.adme chiangid na streanaof wathtrougi fanai. Tkouuter.- She iiad bain Pngag- Ail sieeded down except 12 acres.. Good mieS5O11 betwea St. Cathosanesa 'la.Appi>' te executors cataste agea-aoti.lhe-Lake.' On the ri latiNobleo' eso, a.nd W.J. ri cxi. -day lest wee mli Stevenson." Brooklila P..-tf.. .aeak, and lthoùgi the. puiapa ______________ mitI busy ie -teck, 'an se.mua tsie 't-côuid -ne't _enter .'ýo IV~ St -Cithailnes. -lIer'.huiler. uVofedanto he - ýd- aie would float -in, but hi. 1be- ih tit 4i 'boàt <id neôt touai- iUfidlae a ~aload ef Pas., on-_ boaz'd. L~ TEHlOUGH TRAF 5(0K. ksu o rW Elaof oea. 3, Wiitby Town- o iiataiiid- a painfut, accident ia on Teeaday norning. Hew-euit K.-.. C. lif cs lo lquor 'store -.- ~ tilrough -a tmapion jute tbe uic',ilitig -on-bis le! t -el- A tihà floor. -Hi. eibow' y ýa4ysunassed , i.beu. aUM_'UU - 'A IM POli SA t., Estate of Johni T. Carter, decàaed., 50. areý. N.W , lot 2,co.1Pik Xri)hitby. - -7 p~Opnd, brick 'cottage, cisteru gocd ber and stabling; li acres or-7' chard ;'2-Wells; weil fenced "nd in geod Mtate of cultivation. H. B. WEBSTER, WIitby,. andý THOS. 1D.. SITRàvenàhoe,' Executors A". E. Christian, solicitor, Whitbs,.-tf.- E. W;B EVANS Pu mp Manufacturer Shp and_ Reeldoneo, Dundas Street Thre doroWest o -Mib ýWsè grPrepared to testai wvood, or re umpi on slhort notice,' aIse- atïtend 10 all kinds i& u a . Agdnt fer tlie Qutaie ôWind'Miil aise gasoline - en -the l B Q"a Ç*ard anet, Cream Se parator. -. -e PhonoNo. 5 neatuuee. a a ago. rý,ad. gêe WH] - 's EEREE0 - - - - - -Soiaag ire-- UPOW orGc;ingNZorth ... 8.3o sn:n -... 6~ .40P- lie. haàve for Toroslo ,os p.m. Prom Tor-- at Whitby- JûIaotL» 1STATION. rd Iidfu- W. . ,.IJ ¶ J JBRI] The u.aons iord kinin- lanl~y J-06~ -- Istacesanawonderfui agenaoua.tu.w drink te mae, îtham wida awako, MaI sOmý te make timmn iio n îrei B8orne drink becausethey mers, ae,- > H @Omoaunebecaumu thëî,'wep. ~e ur&UyL "ffmAlse baj uu Nuuau104 rW"tr anW lige. JntOUiUiUs 1 VI ' 'train betwvenmMidhurst and Oraig- Misa ,Iay ygle hW# '&onei o0n1&B isi ~ YmeU-1,"n A4àd soinsobecause the' ecod; hnëH .- 1 - J 1 -. epeme 111 d Re wasbrogh, o Trotoretura rates fropm Whiztby toDetroît, drink t cheàhr ofteyr ue,-i n noiht oot Mp ~fnei'e Barrie, visited - blago, Port-Huroni; ýBay City, Cleve-' Ând mrn bcase he'r od. onthe,12.30! Muekoka trai i r i uI8 4MVO W tOWii land .(yia Buffalo), CiéWeand (via,'De- - Bepe driniq te give themapt , cr t~ P.I des-fHl-Mun KeIle' P"ofe, tBlff4lo' halà - froit), Grand Rapids; -Saginawý, St. Paul And norne to aid digestion diai ae etuhai~ -bene visiting f!rý" n iW]Ul 1 or Minneapplis, all ral Tickets are.ý - S~co for "Doct or saya fis rghtl, M r. 'and M»a. A..-atuupe IlAI ? WBE valid'for retÃœrn tei reach original' start- 4xd o~e ithot qesio. DOWb1D IN RfIVIgL RToronto,;pn Snlyî -~~ *EVing peint- e ater ha MoÃŽday et * Brediink when they a bargain Linclayp. 8-u do vi J.Ea.-iae ooto ~3th, 92 _ MiLore bcaseof oi-; - îeay-ne eas e aiWasof Nii mi". -Ja la., of Tary St2nd uikligà orrisona, aYoung Mn about- viitiïg witb ia Pi"FornceDavqy. W * atHueek oiedrink when they their pleasure, to-day in thi river near the ii'oiivstc iilspaet vrSnà tebridge by some bàôya who were canoni- lest. ~. tilreYYULI LA7LULUUS. ang Lorion ad ie rn*BÃŽIgtekMis Prkîsoaistii ne ~you had -a photograpli -of -"S:pte'ÃŽiner ith, via Chicago. - Sni drnkfo cae ! ornan, on» -dayn, nad when fourndin ath. er - in o 'om uthe Igodai -yourgreatg, e grea Winipeg and, return, $34.0îc; Emn lvi) ohr dikmore ey ao ot idgai ton and, return, $ 2. oo. ,- ticketsgo ndnmydrink, but airer h - hawd"i&mnilC>oalY acooL. father ? 0f'-course yo)u- for .6e dnys. Special tanwi ev AKbout the reaçen vhy. dcaes-11e01moni ~bt, Of Seattle, Wash., tee oono103 pm througli Mned. oionj uvvd , ..r1y.cai'thavre, because te canéI 0-09,. ryi iiya ~ido.d .oheraad4~w~ Viaated relitifi« cadfriands in - town wan1 an- potorahy conciesand Puillman Tourist Sîcepers. Dr.________________________conideedsn 1551 wielc.. - Mis Berico .1d~ efi h~ ~ in.those days.- But your Fra s'xcroa for Oilia, w*here ah., will attend --h great, great grandchildren- . - model sïiooî. - can have photographs -of 10New Oà fio Sepeuiir 4.Autia isesBiiyand Janet McKay, . you. And yôu owe some- eùiPtmî th n d25th -. ~sato'huehfrurdàythe Wh ia"Ve hinvi.liinn the Wet, hing t>posterity! sudfo htyt i ttoso _________ cl. t ouehldfurnire liiprop- have returneil honme. trlpsoindcin,'Ã"*lssatis-onb -erty-1e1f ,Dr. -P. G.. Meidrurn . Whitbî'. Tenisa gadNritherOntari Shoo sold -wholesalei and retail at Sali at, 1.30. 'Termaecash.'iWx.. MWaw, Ie Long loftlumt week for Amateur -Supplies always on y. inclUing he foilowing points: 4. W. Colllinïs' New Sho. Store. - auctioneer. a tt&a .IÃŽiiifor a Year. -Halleybury, -Ne* Liskeard, Ennîten,, - ~ -Tiunsay, SPt. ndP-Ârinsltei> Ddno!Lodnfos- Aitun.son. Tickets 1good' going September Forty heurs of devotion *'ai heid in the , ousehold. fursiture of Mr. A. G..been- visiting with- lier pArents, Mr. 1ae tick et i Septabr 2 1re st., John's R. O. Churéh- tant wiek. - Branton, corner - erry and Dundas and Mm.. E. rnstrong. Iare atidckets unnin September 21ar W . a- sell, y cu a irst.clasS n oig ' ae at 13 .n- Tr e Mr. Ber B n mî a d Win1 11 -good te return un til October ist. anrogcs.Win. maw, auctioneer. laeeerî e teBuual -Wts - o l et a 'iow pnice. Cal 'and mee what we Saturdây, Sept. 21-Aucins l ! wierety for uthe la utrSe. s IL iive teôffer. . kice.household furniture, the prop&ety < of .HLponSp. o »Iiitby-Sale ..- Whiibi te London and euù DÛ.Xeltuz, ad fmil ar aqn t I.t 130.Ternicash. Wmn. aw, au- te W '-teevening service et d j T ero nto. - - tion"et' J oh n 's B y hurc li on S ua<a . * $ 3 . 4 0 IS e p t -. 6O , 1 4 ,d; Dr. 'L. J. Sebert, o0! St. Kiciaes 1,s2an -3 and'sqolconMonaySep: 3.-redt nctos epitl, . Toronto, *spent suniay Minimuùm Rate, 25 cents. wit&iirî pures e salethe here,- cow, implenlnts am'AAiltickets valid for return until %Ion- dfesi from - the. mille. »iJ, E. 'Iouseheld ruiture, the preparty e II eaivsaoifhtb oe.dy Sp 6h 9 ;driigg¶et ewn,.optician,- Rob, Ipanai,, Brookln. i'ale a W"Mss ulwran -ha.t rturned froin a -aSp.i6h 92 viel it Tro tofùimnds,'-and 1.30. lWin. -Maw, cectiou er. pent i brdèuiknh Toffrti Thr esn umnîarnbto -f.Edgar -Sexcuitjk, who hbas bien 1season.- T.s imatht an n n. sOttuwa ill. wlth feWer for son»weeku,, is.now * WEST DIUHRAW - AMIRr.,FoxM.,h Essext ai Mn ad rs Afrd !an the heel, instep or ankle, that Wîb eOtw n eun prgrdsagt.wadaaSyVry -Sèpi'.. 18, '.lig, day Couaty, VfeTe-Vitera least week- with 6*0 ete4 -6 -~~~ ~of BoWmanvillea Pair.Jw Ag ïlve IMr. anid Mm.. W. -0. Ruttan. Mrti. i W~ anful calons, Irnitated bunion or <,.i P.4t 6 WAITE. tok egis I pm.andth Cral-thi uce., ~e.yeur, back ache. - *70 Sept.-I9,-1-1.and 13. A gogieral servant. Âppiy te Mrs. Younglýod Sextette, *tic Pour layes ims »ifviolet Diekie 'Mt Whitby, e: i . esvid o eun ni us W. J. ~ R*eiiàrdaen.and Mdlie..De -Lora wil givi a grand as read' from n. ir'visit- ll Ui anlf dy etrb, 7l. b,-- - stand performance during -. afternoon tnîiend'in la Lacaer, I.N . Y. lvii, -s brougiat on by biglihees mca Ulinor a-nd".cet ro un- ad'ileetra neitM'ltE ediakn sand gonhagenl St or 'write A. E. Antlkr. piofuse raiîu fell on Tues- avueileetnaaia@ala lieasméoÃŽ or.d te Eifae;Roc- ligo tning nbadfoors Pn Gand.Trunk a d P ~gt, -WeC ~Ca> -evening la tie upera. house. Coteuts eter aan other- surrciaadiag-cimes. o nls uff, fi'P.Ai, Union Stat' ; Torono day n-sundpeises--pn m or ing, I n,-ntô ,.ogin<iiain-to oupetci ebr' 'n te herse iig prrl: 1.-~ ~ ~ ~ ;S E R N dam'gth oleiaofr- r. i.gt s jrîlTetrul ywarn arof Tlgah01oopsieSadr vesting. fé noe dry days. mwould ae-ëcn nthe W.C.I.lier., Wa 'n ,own on Tues. ha o ei bi d fa me s o ~ e i a l < ~ sî tr e in rease alsoô iù c - 'da c ii g o r en s n .s s w s uT ow n A gent lot - xpress, Ti I e an outsBpdIlF- paze.,- lire . àockis- àspTiëkeiyer ai uic have-élotlof- -good impgët tè -al.idaYs deg ne. o M.A. l ui Xe, y. - - - -bl*" . ph eua ehp !tcWm nzebe. Te frckuiwt, dairy arin- Cnipproule anyDeeïrmed Wok lgrp-,Offie, 1->------- ndar InctaIs ,rilgrb . held la lie Agnicul- 'tic sciencetdepertaientsBtnk, fins artt. tua Re.onFidyalenon ad aie tsa ay ork ar ybr pabe Bt rhôs excl ÃŽQR9nivrsiy tuBinà*o5. Sept 20,pI 3o'clol~.Papeu wil le lecp. rrane b uet curfi.nd N of-&dgoo.d 'OT1Cl. UOanimaR hrul, ad "1kw tio teat 4r an'1 s bhee Té,gictuealairs. îft*santi eaSo Itittej u"il wmerln a ài ir-tel-scnietnedp#eo h n ealrifac ar . . U DstRIpt c k t, ouh ise Beun cerne. I s r i. G A.E<> ,ates.noinasF. iwe .e ancdeuil sud Mn. J. -S isj' WTY.OI Set. 0au 3 0Ssq.. P" ff:e inoq rrang a e tm Stary u r lie O Smàmtu %:dv 1 àn sucsfl Ask a tudenj or ex-stu-. - _ aglw. . retagn - Calis by day on night promplly detndd t. - -"OCha rgho es mdea té.g daayBusn~s --Colloge tade C. R.. Browêr, ýA . H.Spotten -AUSULiEinE Il CTION Principal. Pr.esident - - OOTs andSHGE Durable,, Neat adFashionable Our Spring Stock is now complete, We; have, afulll une of M en's Wo. en s ndÇhldensfn anidheavy goods oi -theii very, latest designs. AI cail sdlicitéd. A Pleasure'.toQ show gos EETHE'LERNlO ngthe àtiention of -thé t Jars are a-neeeuseity. ta a. élami)ureëi'Aifn. Jdfi ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOI TORONTO 1

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