s teDBvlte j We mayfé B ATTACK. uin oovering s sucli -is iead- ntuL ltiare ccn of sthé iver. iTne vordci s _"re pppula ithte laity lien tba.t il does. ojeon errectly de- scribe the condition. Ite isrtr'ue hhat> the 'liver dcee -lb. vork -b.tWtr aI on. time tisna ae-ler, aud -thst ther. are peop w".t>whlom il nev- exrdoee it veý*wel. Bti*tlsaise truie tâian u osl cases coft "bilious- nefl" thie ifficnlty lu ,priuicipally ,with theie slciura or the.. bevels, -' heu-eas tii. treu$l,Ie ith lie liver, - - ' only a soit cf rebellion against thé intelera' eburdens uufairly laid upcn The. treatient of auci cases -v ýUnaturally be nu- "e»oful unIes t i ludirected hoth. -organe aoctÈaýIlyat tanît. Acubie -bili a ue aîs ku ay.occur aI anyage, and semehimes aBElict -certain "memets cf: ifamily fori generation str generatuon, frein eMIdhocd, thýo'ld age. Ohldreu et nortlieru paient# vho are born il thietropici 'aeem le be 'eeeci.ally -susceptible. 1 Eniotion, fatigue or * -evere pbysi alexeocise vwil! eten briug ounualatwk, epeoiaUy ex- erciée tliat produces iegular vi- brt11ov* oth as asviugi*g, môtor- riding axid. r ilroad travel. -Ma.o sulff ors frein (bilions et- *tecks etegsd Wte avoid' certain arties 01 .~-sa gtýeealrule,1 tli.y are Ajûricuply ,affectçd by oseets, eê saof ft, i.krl sardines,-'rk', liver, - pâstry 'sud The. aliituelf le suarked by - ver4igp, fa.' em,'aoid eructahions azidgriping - s a.hiugli lie lat- lt-r are net ilvays prement. There le lwaY, Prýftond exiauutgou sud semieupor, 11k - tliaI soeu 1lin-Oea- Fortunately, e bilioins ýattack tende tecue to iet. fra.i byhe throwingcd o!lheie rtituting. bile, aud .econdîy -the. test to the, diiges- t ive funotim' 13, iceulting ýfroi -thie .oonp'ete los ý-of thi. appete. -Treal- -,Me6nk-lhc 1~-fçol .hehints givenl by nature. :The .Patient eiould lie d -dowu lu a lailkened roew. If the. beadacbe is ce-valet lti or ainà t4l rïpà ratioii May 'b. uuedi andd nothing ehould enter lie' met ezeelit a 0Mal piece cf ice (roi m Ãe t$4 ime, te allay. hhiret, -or a lasa0oit valertota asist tie Voinitng saud blp ta. cleans -the- tonacl.-YenthIs Companion. Thlst tôotý -la raging &gain; the -- dentiste and ohemiate vili net -b. ont of lied frotseverellianter. -Wby net try tha. application -ef cominon sasIt dissolv a4 lu varin vater-as shrong au p iesule. Wll lu alvays rosito a-h ud-and it ofteu cures< « tothacé % e verytiig .elias failoit. It i alec e eniw uome cases M lle.yu tril aln d pain or sensations u1f béat; and it can also reduce thlie o. f humoe. - -g .oPl 4au, nothet everyday article, i f Wn of impueusé service inl i~dgsin whupeel sd ansd 1 makfi-a mcml valuable lini- -ment for saVains u bruines viien1 oombined Jviwtb' piril-f-wine.1 Blaà céhed icItuce à a an excellenti soporife, sud lias cured acut. cases1 cf însozuuî. Borapingo et raw petate, or even apiece cf pevsPaper, vIl greahly bi CoOU't1 JI 15 sa gigaiPi ,hee, ut-Wheu 1the varnousI mnalgamstonuwh.Ihave LSkeÙ laé an he hdaePro- cundéd nef i. nt i il s accuthat-pping cif tueË andm om an unliroken and braable lxnsrouçid;thée w.pld, î.red y te reateat,,navy ove! ieýduee tue pain ,ýo! buudrinfr ef iouson-juiécea ud ceE.. v iI oflen, headache; iýnd, hi. -applicationqet, aoraped lhorseradlh vil oftein ef-i lect the saine 're' ult.!ý 8pauish çý4ioue -etéIs late in -Sic day irresistibly seiid manyj people to sleep; the .eLoi o- burut wood iu a. ute. dyispepsa; qI thé ui ': ~tato bay$eurned te ýu uses. Wk talk, eeusderÃ- a textile plant, pouces In Austrï7 cotlou>"- flax; lu 84'd au sugêr exrrncbdfrom its *oot;'- by cem-i bouation its difeéren pairtâ'yiid pot-J ase; its tnber-eles, mode into a.- pulp, are a substtut.- for soap u bleaclilg;. il yleldu vwlnëa by ex- posure aud op'rit by disýtillation , ts sta.rch la lii. equal of -Indian ar-, rowroot; esud iteau be iûidete tut, nih tvo kindi -of* four snd a gruel.I IWHO0OPLNG-COUGH RAGING. Flfti-lour Deathsis luToronto in A despathi frein Toronto saya i Wioopiug-oqugit ha. carrie4 ýog fifty-f<our'eiildreu lu tue 'city lu thé. pasIfive montis'. Thete ver. fourr- teen deatis frei "isdisese.' lat meuth alone: aéix du. July, fourteen' 'in June, eleven lu iMey, and nine lI April. In - tii. pà sl five iontiià thiro b ave been thirty-two deahi frein scrlel lever, nsually regard- ed as &,-m'uci more daugetou dis- ease tien wbooping-co-ugl. -. Di.' HatiU.ge, City XMedica,-Health Oln- cet,, à dviue prom~pt preeeantions i ca"s ëf 'vhooping-reougi, vhi lie regarulc -asana exceedinkly dsugelr- FÂTÂý L ÂEIU AL XA EU'IVRE8. Tw, Noue,.BritîÀiainAiy -02iem Were-KleiI. de*thi froni Stevsag _ n- land, a5':TwoMore rtuany oFiCons 'ket heir. liv. wvlik flyiug, on Frida>'. Capi. Patrick Hà mil- ton .,d taken. Lieut. Stert ft~h him aa paseenger ln bis biplané. Tii. tvo.officer. iad fiovu for ccnsidê-i1i!ý Iiuiè- ven. asroi -wiud suddenly eptang up, sud 4i endeevodnlg te meake a', e.dwa aaluit-Ieeof t4 vinguetofle aéroplane -collapaed. Thi.mak.bli foil ho Ithe-ground -frein p altitude atroyed. ,4-I> 'hod*, s ecf he lwo ofi- Suffraglete, Attemptel te Seize the- Firet Lbrd .f the. AdWrlratya A* de&apathbfroin Aberdeen, .Scet- and sy- Siiliagista again ,ot Thùrsd&y, layliid Winstou Speuo' CburohïlIl, Tiret Lord et the AdmÃit- aIt>'. Whe0l io lauded train i_*O Admnirelty *aeit lier, lie vas met by a crowd-ot vomen, eue et wiolà shrèed-"Why dou'b yen. -to~ forcibly -feeding eut vemeul>' Si. vas iselzed.by the policé. lu' le meantinie,. anotiet voman male,- a rush sh Ut. Churchill sud tried tg clutci ii, ,buth vas-prevented by à . policemuan, sud, severa.! further se- tempts te meleet lie 1 Finit Lord ver. frushrated by thie vigilance O.t lie police. 100 PAROLE» -PRISONElS. Pêïfeltn!ary - Ras 188 Fewer le- mates Th ii l g9. A despatci frem inKgeo a: The. number e plounerslu tue Provincial Penibenitiary aI present is 492. Tbirteeu yeats ego, beforý the parole systein vent 'inte terce,, tier, vere 630 lumates. Just- now,- thie are ever one iuudred ou pari- ole. porti- Bran-Mat;ia bran , 22 labaga, To- riontofri1 Sos.2. Bugtter-Dairy, choie. 2 5-to 26o; bakers' inferior, lie; ohoicn dair, us,252340; eleaiiry, 27 1 néeforr1s 8421 26 1-2efor solide. 1 - - Egga-Oaae f ..»nW laid. 26-toLi Der, dosen -'reab4 240. large. ud1414 to'14 3.4ôfor twins. Boas-Hnd-iékd,1P per bu3bel; Reue7'-Extractecl, in tins, il11-2 t 1 120 per lb.'for Noi. 1. *héosle; cebe, $2.- 25 -ta 3 blal. - Po<ihry-Wholeaale prices of ebolce dresseul ponIulry-0hckenu, 16 to 1né per lb; -oa.i 01e di7ekllngoe, 14 -10 15c. civ poultzyr about 2o lower than the Potatoea-Ocauadian, now, $1.00 10 $10 Derbar. ; î ~ ; ~ t ~Daom-jen ~1ar.141-2 té 143-40 per PlrX-B;r outmess2*»1.5 1?~ 171-4e; heavy, 151-2 te 160; tê1,13 1.2 to 133.4e; breakfast bacon, 1it ' aca.20 to 20 1-2e. 'j*-Tt'Ssra, L131-4c; tubes 13 3-4o; palle, BALED RAY AN~D STIZÂW. 3,1.4 HRay-No. 1 new bai'..$12 ta *13, on track, .Toronto; No. 2. $10 to $11; Clover, mlxed, 810* 9. B*1.4 Stra'w-S2Ote 810.50, on traek. To0ronto. MONTREALMAEVS. Kontreal.Sp.1.Ota-aaluW. teru. No. 29 49 1.2 10 50e; do., Noc. 3, 48 10 4814c; extra No. 1 fed, 49 t10-49 1-U. Bar- ley-Maultobs feed, 60 -10 63o; maitieig. 16 to0 *0e. Eùekvihot-No. 2, 74 to 75e. Plour -1fanitoba aprlng. wheat patenta. firots, $5,M; do...,second», ".; troug«bakere', U510.;- inter *patente,, ehoice.. $SM, $agtrlas 485 to $4M0; do., n'& $216 to *0.30.- EoUéd»ot-Bare1s, $4.- >18W8 bag of _90 lbo,. 2M.2. ifeu Bran.x e hortsý,,$26; mldllngo, *28 moile 301 *42HyN . 2pet ton, par ~ ~ t $oaM151 2.60. ,Cheee-Finest ,westerns, "141-8 to 14 14è,« do.. -eastsrns, 21 10 t14&. Butter-.4iewt oreamiery, 27 -to 27 14e;, seconda, 26 tà 26 1-4. Eggs ~-Seleted, 28 to 29c; No. 2 stock, 19 10 20e. Poýtatoeu-Per bag, car -lots, 865 10 90m. UNI1E4ISTATES MA3IETS. - Xtnlieapolls. Sept., 0-ba--etw ber. 8714e8: »eeember. 01S; Ly. 94m- to 947-8c; No. 1 bard. 0-e, o North- arn,8 7T- to 89 7-le; 'No. -2ZNd *rtb=pu 14 78.10 86 78c- No. 3 yelléw coru, 76 1-2 10 7e. No.5-white cala. 30 te 301-2c. lTo. t rye, 612Io1.;c.Bran. *19.50 10 $2. -Pov~Prt patiU-445 to $416;se- ond "P patnta,,4.3 1m t *-4.65;, Oral elears. *530- s.*.0 eeond cleaira, *240 10 *270. BoptS~ 10.-Wheat-No. 1 lÇortb- 290 No. her2 87 3&S; Sep- oebr, 90 3-kle; Deeember, 90 1-2 10 9056-le; Ma,951-4a bld. - - Li"B S0MÃŽW AKET. Kountreal, Sept. 10-iTé beat steerg were *old at-*6.50.ând frain abat down to $4.W0 per ewt. The»tppiMoe rea11ýe4 for iowa Wou $5.50, suit frsu ttO1*3.5 Peetv. Good bulleold-at ,.«0 1 *350 per evt, Afabssold, l a i . to. *06.25 per ovt., Ewes utogbt $4 10 *4.25 per cwL The market for good 10 ebolee' éalean asstronger, a"d sales veemade at -fromn$8 10 *12, and'tbe 1lovqrýgrad et afroin $310 *$6 eaeh. ' aih6uéer'Se emw gpreyalle lu the mtrket- for m- "'nr Tle.rlul h1ghr at $875 10$9 et -vfor seleetedlots, tegbed @ car.wt Toot.Sept. 20.-.xed butobera »eM At #5-7510*625 como$ 5 10 *5SM; godhea7 oa.S56 *.6medium, *4- t0 $5; eosnmon, *2.50 10$3,50. marbetr dtouled tronge. 'Hs-x e ot.ol a $8.60'i 1 75rou hat. *7.26. Sheep and I*ýnba-Lanzbs solul aI $630-to $6.75; light sheep at *4M25 1-0, 4.75; - besay beqp au& buket i$3 t'$35. talves--Good veal- calveas olul at $8 10 $9; omn svs o$34. MUTINY flN RUSSIA. Warahlps Bombarded the. Forte ai A despatch from-., London Eng- land, says : A pivaI tlegram from -Sebaatopol reports a mutiny of the crewes of the 32Da<,k Se& squa.- Aron, according to-.Ãhe Constanti- nope correspondentof The, Chroni- cle., The. warships ,bombarded the forts whkh replîe vigoroUgly aid sank oue of the. aktacking vessels. The. heavy gun fire.continued as the despatcli lefI. t is stated that -one c ruiser escwped and reaehed Bur- gise, Bulaie. No onf'rmtion 1 De*v...inp1 n rtwme.nt 6Of. Producers -Coipain tliat No Allowance la Iadefo fers the Su..!f $200. UOverwelgiit. despatci f r-9u Kingsten says: ier&bers o e boyal Cemmia-, a.ppinwted oenquire mb lie plainte, receivod b>' lie'flprt- t Agriculture, -relative te çe&- nufa-irneslu the melioda ýwod in- wigiing buMtW -%12d se. cpied thein "eaiou linii. OcuunOl Cliembete on Thurm 11.run. Tiose vie appeaî-1 o4ecl thI4 Àppoiiânt -et ýan *J 'Governument kreterce- a a-t ,ntrea-l lunca e ieedisputes, sbêwer rt veiqlut. 1Tiiépre-:l p-ét6 'reducet, vilevs' 6*4,flor" cieL e laI . a.under, vweigit sud vas allowed ,nethiig. for cbeesie liat 'vas oveu ' ei. TII.>' irivitei an inspection' of thel*r sosies, whichli e commission saîd veuld bern a-de. Soe icfhbose vie gave évidence cuid-asiguneotes..m son for ehonlaà ge lum. i.0it, bu4t ~othoumg - thstlthe Sluppingi jlnpjj af iaviug the Gove>rýù- meut -aà ppont -hie cOnlmisôn, WaS lu 'attenda.noe, >sAdexind I* h. did net éiarge dià ,houesl>nl-thi. vcigiug At IMontMe, but-thioUgÃit' - liaI nuie 'ver>' untair.- Thé -ýommicsiOn 'wil meet ~ .Cornvall on the 13th -of Sept.Mb,,er sund- then edi<euru for severii ee. A despaten item Brantford says: 'A revard et $200 bas been offered for lie capture cf Jack Bennett, vanîed ber. ton lhe murder et Em- ilt Anhon. ýah Middlepert a few veekts ago. Tic revaird is offered b>' thi.'Atrne>-Geueral',v-Depart- ment. ' - -SHOT WIFE IN QUARREL. Peterbôro - Man Pelineà Sîeep Whea Later Arrested. A despathbfrein Peherbor Beyse:- Folloving a quarrei ' lu hem home ou Aylmer Street on Tiur-sdayý mcrniu-g, William Leal eecuared is 'rifle and miiot hum vite, the. bulet stnlkuug lie voman in the: left cieek, -Rc vas arresbed lu is r-oin - feignlng sleepi.The voman vii! te- caver uniesa complications set lu. âappugie -u -,*ives i uxury. New -Cure Announel dfor lt.. A 'e"atth frai Indiai&pc>lis, Indinaeay: Cà tedxug that lie bas diseoveréd a, sucooWifulmëthod' o g cur à rly &aIyil f Qtiue,d- eaes an.,dansd imou, includ. an, attendiug s urgeon -at heiVblun- teer Hospital, Newi York, deaeribed his 4isovery be,bef-re the. Axer- ican. Veterinary 'Médical Associa- tion. "The -method consiste of fil- tering thie.diachargé cf the. disease and injecting it hypodermically," h. said. "It l eeý. froni bacteri- ologicai infection." For example,. Dr. Duncan b~leved his method a sure cure for pulmonary tubercu- losis, and leie verred that 'le liad oured patients suffering.f rom this dieease. He eaid it was bis custom to filer the. sputùm and make vac- ciue et thie bedide. oft h, patient and, then,,inleet it ba.ck into tbe pa- tient'a blocd li.ypodermically. This motiiod ho designmated "'Autother- apy." 1,000PEOPLE HOxMESS. $2.500,lIs by'Pire, 'at Oceanl Park, (3alfornla. Adespatch fton Los Angeles, cal., a : Fully ' ue thousandý pereona are iiunting homes as the,' remit cf Ithe fire which destreoyed' 150 buildings in Ocean Park on Tuesday niglit, causing a lics esti- mahed at $2,500,000, with Insurance of ouly ten pet cent. Se fat as known, only one man los his 11f e. Tii. bùrued arèa extends.ftom Ray- mnoud Avenue, on the aorth, te- Ozone Avenue, on the 'soùhii, a dis-. tance of eeven -blooke«, and ftom 'fjb mcan West t-b midway between the speedway ajad trolley-way, on, tiie est, everythingwa wiped out. IPEEOATS FORL MiL. Brltlsh Board of TradeatLit le. vises De iRuile. A desapatch. froin, London saya: As au oubeome-6f tii. Titanie iu- quir tii. Board, of Trade bas W*- sudrevised ruiles, for incressing. the. safeéty cf lives at oea, Tii ruiles beSoin.' ffective on .-Jan. -'1; -1913.- They provide liate.gngii passeng-er-sheamahipisud, emigr*ant .ships a.nd. ftingig~a1h spicartying pabseugers sali b. requixed 4,o, furnisi lifeboat accom modation for ail -ou,.bor.-T. 'iboeq ipent, wilcii"d been, inresci,ei muet b. ni tii.boadts as aceu ae th.esiiip leaves the. barbor sud lier. remnain througlicut tie voyage. Tii.ý nutuber of persona te b. carried iu èach boat - must b. matked on it. SIfOIRTAGE 0F TEACHEIRS. Complaluita, ade That, Salaries are Net HIgh Eaough. -A despalci .f reinLondon, Ont., laya: Tkougii the city sebools are ezperiencing no siiortage cf heaci- ers, represeutations are couing in frin the. rural districts tiat threa- ten aerions drawbacks te tth. prim- a&ry education in tii part ot the- Province. Th, teaciiers- cemplain that the. salariei effered are not larg euogh, ut s h -h as$60 eased, and in ith place .,used a sec- tion . o leg bon.. The plaster cast in which the. cbuld was*eucased fol- lowiug'tiie operation bas.now been- removed aud she i. as ereet &a thougii ler spine iied been -ormai since.birth. CANADA'IS FOREIG~N 'TRADE. Im îýluiperili cpyggt bil bèfoôre hi.Britisk Pý1giînut la, te dina-uthots a nd publimbersý. -The Hamidlton Teu ranýce eder- atiou vill .draft à e pitionaaiug the City Oduneil te redue'thi. tav-ý eru license f romn60ho<>0sauad the sbep licen=s frein 15 ho l10. *-. ThoS. Craig, foemna t 1h. ri- tish-Cauadian Power Corbn.y's plant, a- ' Matabickoiiçun. ,F*.118, Mioutreal Rivet, -vas pénbape fatal ly Liiot by.a, wonkmen ilu a quarre!. GREAUT B]ITM .j& Suffragettes ve1r. ejeched fromn a Wabmeetng adrssed by, Mr. Lloyd George. The Trades Union Oongress ield iu Wal-s, rejected Ben TilleÙ!t'e te- solution intaver of 'lie Oo<ipulsoy &rbitraion et eber disputes. UNITED STATES. Bega Umpweanl b~ w eellerl Euopenedri105*akp' u Aanemican tourist fmwa' Over 75 p-eni - oet he' lie -British E ir ufo7ei ý-:tst la xutor-Tm". , -MPIK bears Grey& wîah Tii. United Shah.. adopted- new oge facilita-te enhry.. et:aut6 o tenta sway1 f rein'Canada.wy For tlie AnsI h- iune tueu 1years Bia he Republien mejoity tl-v. lu Vermocut, wheÃe,thi-oms vetni, b maiuiy t he ePro-grýefsive. ht ion, The.'Germa.n Etùuperýor airrivelM«' Kent, Bvitzqxlaud for the review of,.tie' ema-te, 'Sviss .troops.Ge -The Ausýtralien An3glican Synod nae AVBJivVU a , O.50ULaU, DM1ý5i.7vç 1 mont sud treedom. fromeinBiccon-, trot. g SEWAGE lx O¶TAWA WÂTER., Report of Engineers ,Begarding lý-' taie, ShowsBal Cealitiéos. A -dà eselci - .freom lw ae Tlie engin.., ,whoeamnd1e va vater inlk re et ir r.- ness.y Ti. -docmet rev eals conditions -et a moat . okiug na- hore. - --Faalty ecunstructîioa siovu ilu thi. cancrete vonk, -andt many join ts fhe eteel i Pevere .fouud gapiug vide!', -allôvl sevageu freia'à - inchi sevr -wà uliParai- -lele .,hieceavatpi-teroo- laIe ui~. mide temptpe'rer,ti Yddg~OL~inWas thâaI t t4 i& cal bealth officer, Dr. ShÃrrneff, Ai- thiugi varued-,by lie cil>' bacterI- oopislst varieuepetiods frouiMeyl te Jul>' lathewater was'sbovlug aigus cf contamination, hi. did net issue the. public varnlng againsî ltie use ofthi. vaher- -until Juil>'. 9, de- pending on increased- doses of b>'- drocilorlo ho purify il. Tii. tever outbreak began ou July 10. ESTIMATE 0F CROP. grai-Dealers' Figures for Three Prairie Previmees.- A despatch frein -Winnipeg -says: Tii. Nertiveut Grain-dealers' As- sociation issued o,Thursday the. tollcving estima10 cf -the 1912 crop for the thre, prairie Provinces- as tollovs .:-Wheah, 10,584,000 acres et 17 busiels pet acre, 179,82à ,000 busiiels. QOats, 5,245,000 acres et 42 busiels pet acre, 210,290,000 buaii- ej.1. Ban.>', 1,500,000 atres at '32 busiela per acre, 48,000,000 bnci e. Flax, 1,110,000 acres -et Il buuiels pet acre, 12,210,*~ bush- els. The finalestimaI.eofthtei. vial crop of 1911 gives 1177;109,000 bui- els, viiich. inclùdes. hait a million, bushela stililu in t arme'-iands. SPE!ÙIAL CON8TABÈÊ SHOT. Murdered lu Calgary C.P.U. Yar4g, Presumably by Traimps. A 'despabcii freinCalgary' Beys: Sipecial Policemian, Re-bert G. Mac- Intomh, oft tii. Canadian Pacifie Railwa>', vas murdcred- about teu o'clock ou, Wedueaday, niglit,- pré- sumabi>' b>'tramps, lu tii. C.P.R. ,yards. MacIntoà i- vas found' lyiug in tie - shadow of soin. box cars, -about Aive minutes aftethe Ii.siiot- iug, -uiuoenscous,'v ithlieirevolver -tili, tigbtly '-elesped lu 1ýhlis bét' band. NEW BIIS'n ITLEKP ]Experts a-ad Importî Boti show ~B ee 1um eefor Quarter-Year. wi Be1(thie, Roi povedul e A *despahch fitemOttava ,says: Officia-I figures -of experts aud in- perla for thi. fial quarter efthle outrent fiscal ygar, --nuely, ho Juin. 301h, ishow a.,ttalioftCenedien traite of *237,712,779, au inctesaet $55,M3,291 over the ortespondiiig peticit'et last,-yar. Impýorts -fon the qirtet, exclusive of coin sud, ii-ulllen, ;tetaiied ý$152.9'75,54. -as agiu 17,149,627, 'sud expo'rte $76,2 6,76, as aga neýt,-*54,624,400 fer hi ia ure 1911. A 1 despalch frein Portamouli,- EugaunBaya: Ti met poveirful ba-heuipyeI er0 re letoe cid dow br. uNmein r b>' the B- tish Admiitai>. OSi la hobe 700 teet lu leugth and is te di-splace 30,. aoe tous,>vile er biii-pee' lrneengluea are te develepo apeed et 29 kmots. 1 irepetr hat he. new vesel -ià ho 1barm viti ,14-ini g-unu, he fret lied.în, tii. Britlihav'y. the e&ivaiaon At1m 2 aumeting ýt ùl ovlng hoe tie re troublesaI tTilbu., about £9,O. -Tii. safet>' etfht report. - On au a- passeqgerWvas-,il -E gular esa- lest triangulert on tii.25, ind ut.- ishlug. fina, ih -n 8.r. thA'isÃŽ .derman!<sud, eX1 Mvn.iil, diedt- t Tié Duke ef Su sbire 'estahe - et ' prised &85-,5acre,1 al beiug £13,000.1 le.tgest- luthi. ce sud tie total proc 052, n oi>'eeoet21) "'I narried as Mr., Chiodciy Hyde Park,'",and have- fou-ud- uns ne.." "IPm g, he auffragisti Rppigate, 1r been iu gaol frc tire, menths aleo -Il la efficiali>' r acres et gooseber Kent are affectedi can mildew. Tii. peared lu 67 plnfi been hitherto trfxi vici district, wvi e been bitierle kel limita. 200 planta î attavked. In erd( yea.r' s crop grover eut eut.end dst > shoots. MOUE GREENj Mohammedans of~ - ItasaS, Reports froûm-u Ri dema-nd for green, te an exbraordina;- jly tw.nty times* ai 'vas imporlted lmt1 *Tea-brokers sayj iu-mption.of green iifitesimal. Th sumption la lu Mol' lie universai, dri, lu Portugal and is a market for,1i if pull line;1 1. tndeu$ abpt 1 -Tho voicez ledted -Ta istat« s uer Beair 4ai lie ear J ebig bom 1 a Uremt -4uk. - 1,1'0 duce, pieuse- don't 1" beggePd alne ie g tried M&otli.r B ea,,. "e'!w LI ArmylIs f0quiet Bar"- xobe bard W0IThe ducs hid helnli under ose~ KI, -a" e Mi. &n after tbÀt three bhucreva dBec uii iIou a hree -nea,, LithBoar's entant,I 1etI ja vlndev, and tbegeuï te alo "e- 77,821t&Ë.wl caw 11) Booth 9ilj"lipea dn'tle ~ut s -î y-lis ~ ~ l ondi" begged «Motier eaii r mutai!Bl Ifrivas :mmkiug ýapple pe bendou pie enr em Ia-b hie pie va-bkig u Oven ntx poc- ~O s t i i t orest' band; and the Little,\I. ut ..d~.js!~hk]1fear began ho s;Ur lu hlm s op. for- ,y , ock ~ wîlýe.ie rabbîl vas batlg druin a-vée!ýO Bir i - ails uigilandn iBoard'- Trt eoi "Diddy-'buui, diddy-ý r a il ee Diddy-bnm-bum 1" le r-e y 4,, hnùndred- .gra-siiopperýs- W. istnlie u li iugtheir fAddles: ~ cicet naclu -- Fiddle-dee1 îlu Euglapd, n- îdl.e-e &ùstrilatseccnd 'The fiegs ver, playlug Ierbn iape, th ~l- "PlunkehY-Pluuk i sdichelit '~d 'Pl'nkty-PIuuk f"n -e P. fr ~yOMd did" - ,erpoe1 on the .Besvets -veie&-beati=g.,jevyM. Veiling" uCoi-I he afflmnýýul.rent- Tii.Wd sal tvahe unt>' hh year, ed verit 7B, )lots bei ig o~ suiffraglt,"lid,î Ripplni ahecfi ,for Aivejyea-rsi >eakable i appi- te ieani asaidi -RipýpiùgLte ina eut yew -s endi etiier." perted ibRat 1,173j 'Y plantations lu vidtb hb,.jAmen- diseaise !las p-, ions w v1i" ae' ehedi&fseha.. wthin arrvw r te protiéct néxbI rs .are advisem la oyýaIli utected rEA DUH.1 sela la>' lia-t tlýe tee la i4creaà ~ ,y extcn Na -imuci gecea year a$b ini10 thaI the o tea lu Euigland ii P, principal conî rocce viereite k A &Û albelaseý eriaasolir Tiiere-i inaueue 'us- Coumphioný e£ il l-ýCanada ud the United -Ti i. ôr Rcutake; il vih'al l ten mes. The>' put 4ix eaves et miril and, six lump. e-ofgar lu tii. pot vi -tehansd ew ail togethei. Tic Moore drink _'t se largely 4b- cause tiieit food î181feninecèeus and life tee acta as a orecst ' Thev drink t nlug1aseiý aud vithii milk. 'I t S-au>' people are mree sujepiibé ho the offectis of g, eau -*W han ceE.. ,as a stimulant.Th usa juicreêk! due hhe'amml- ýCentraI sa wc nu ~êScause t 18a Si~la- U -lgicun ds wtheluseof lit' "K-er-eplasi--bu'-p-bs p1 -Litle Bean ck up a' ,cried frhemother, à md mii. caikehim dovn-sbairs * "Bèe, ake daddy'sh vai f- [fered Fatiet Bear; b'ut b. eIbaud vas making auci a diu-by ol mnet hear the va-etoi k. - " Se wiat daddy is gain ho do 1" exclaimed hie fatier, and i. valhzed round, singing: "Ta-de duin-duin-duin Ta-de duin-duin-dun 1.' !'T vonder Little Bear slepped cryiug sud la-ugied thrugh.is teats 1 ndMobier Bear laugied. Little Bean wme Iuppyet r the t; but h. did nol, go te si ep aain liaI day.-Youtb's Companion. - s HSBACK 1101< Cramhel ThronghBe.!oo vator Car. ci] an El.. j -A despabci frem in oul 0 Cra.sing Vreg uhert elevator car, the body. o Ryau et Breckville felled 4 her-bo ansud a vWaller wvi eli hakiug devu lui he Wl' r1 onm Tihursda-y moruiug. --Mir býdýwas elý broken, su b,é dea w.en cked up. BRe l a 9ues t t. h hel for a- vwi iad h Sices hined linh ment net more than tht.. -mm before hé vas ffiiked ni> - de service 'eleviator saefin -'1 le~talitY Occutred i ly ui' -ew ftom tii, sboe.hiue stand, r.' wias a& contraèter, fort>'y-ris aud 'inmarried-.,' lev& - inute. -The eh test Ryau >3 Oid, Ruored That K.R May Be (reatel Duhke ef York. A despatih fitem lendeu Beys The Paîl Mal Gazettc io!F day evening .shatýes. liaI Prince Arthur ot Ceonnlau-gbt wlll receive 'a signai benon lu thie. bape et e Dukedoin on bhisreluru frein Japan. Il je prebablethe titi., viich- V-I icarry a seat -lu he Bous.etfLords, viii b. tie-Duke eof Kent. OQibbê-' Oh, yes, Jones bu an au. alid ail thit, but you'i! -nover iuear bim s'Ba-a mean tiig about hie vif." 11Dibb-"-I--da'î knav. Be sey.s she maiA. min vial bh li"I The chuld -but with ai aud effort, udha yeun keepmng upà a trot atthe Yà Chtrap pal said tw sh in th; diently, until, cauglitesiit -barrow ou12wh and rip,- r-d teinptingly gerebi a miuu happen, but althe child gentW .- «Have: you aadFrîîthiof *-The oy sh $WoGuld yoi Stili -he did -*- of -rapture d; hideyes- "Sixpennyl ho -the coster W tho the Chuiid w'çay- into the the ne7ar'est se strawher-ies d glaneed et his g ~ . enjoy them, *Anid the, Ci - bidding, .butb ---fIEat, toc," And Frithi Ismiled and'; atra*berrÃŽes.- ........... "There, th-e e sa-id. ~D 9c4iY and I - "Why do -YOu "I-was tire(, ito me, andtri( But after thi hiesaid no MOr the father rear -tie -1eilow with- *heaAd ran offl1cx i eve-ry 110w and A ger wbo wcouId *hum to the ver¶ ThIe next day, cd wihich - dde<l Frlthiof's cuplci. -paist yeailaird poverty' whichi i t gradually -bxokei -and there carn e veladion which- blow. He was C Astaurant. Toco S' he hâd taken.i- *t.he society. pape; * left there, -anti 1 * - - 10fthose -detes which panrdei tic ame wtis gitver knowing an -t.in Dont £ail te see# aux was -thej wvý -The Most Irevoit ed wt .e/word: *divorce 'case -may Frithi-of grew d ing. sick .'and Igic waey along' Oxfor - notlung,. walkuug -dream. iJust in -~evictriaWa iably- good-lookiùid 1you are looking __head mani ais ie- "It's a good thiýng lèbý back again sé very-much mistakU junte the doctors h- -er"s-aid Frithio. eous to put ala end tien. he' turneçi a and- began ticwr seemed jtdbe -drh dered olit in t119.-- TORONTO WEIGHING_0F CIIEESE li