Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 8

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Mdauald hbasavimt-' iieenbank. j.Uayeralt andMima Jean gbeuviaiting in Tor- frn her. attèaded the in, TorontounxidY ~d Moved bis hoaeold ~lliott anCr. Chu'éEl ta Toronto on Mouday-. EllaIt ofMaberley, .',yswitê Mr. and Mlrs. Sprior ta leaving foýr ik- hjvieie they wili remein > tu- ane, lira..- Sebert, wha lave VfC.Wsi fôr io paistw tt 4r ho4àmelast week., Ma~ ba~ha. gong to Muskaka, tiordon ËHall,-oai &apanee, upent ýPLy 1lna-the, vinlage. ý4e.Jocoa a nved from lir. tapart -of Jr aé~o' on rZailgoad atreet.. JIaak.Hortop, of Toronto, mpent, holday. atmhome. mr.W. iH. Juham, and lir. J. a. anand mou1aiM Wbolcspeie ~lioicny iztheh fomert a pr5njIt *and liri. iMýBlïu. Ge.. ,prien, o! Li4dsaa pifA$ oa -<~ lmI ee wth hià -grandý f r* Robert Han.h hom decid ta- .ý!danaoauction sale afiiouuehlold iýiand ,oýrgouda -on twh.2rd ud e has'alieOY mde.-ar- a il uô4l4er aw n ta, idic>t iasale. 1f.W .Holidax-hau "Ïiold, lim wprs,-hèe ta Mfr, W.IiM La*réuoe, çof iy(ta, manager oai Suteliffe o 4 oM -ip~n tint towiu. n1e Chan»g will PIks olc n-, RDtember 20t. U.wreuce lanot avngr -oe _kgI-clerkéd iliAh.atarme of A. JP. Da> tiand R.C. Warren 1yearsa go. R. is a native Of Whtby Tovnmliia,, having bben bornat aI.shbierransd lat- jWc cai fli orders Nutted Oil Cake Mel àoday slo tdd eatt aae t biga hofe. arenie that ulil eim Your Su .ÇWh waate Un n-muyn peueting whe o a i~pro. paral4an h ", a ao w 9ld-wçw ide be, depended >tapon. a"' i. ùIea'mat and, la kIIowa @vdero uCaueIa rougsi é y g 4i mrit- For i e b y i &H daIoea Lorne Puckrhr &peut Swiday d -own Frým-k Wetuey JhaoJit- rg ap oai_ tamothy >eed. Il will Le the :middje a! Septemberý before -tie -harvest will lie Over# even iith' god avather. - ThSarden pagrty pesasd off qi 3uccemfuU.v.i -the C. P .wrae being q!tteun addition to. the- eruwh. .Ori.Iinm oved -from the, Cara- fe, wyjoJ - hlm nïkraing ill ýal~? i Ti (1 s ai -fôr Prry prmptly..for -âne, Ground or als LisedMe] ~OO~ZN. ONT. ECT depeads on the heu yaur ves. sa wth slow avens "are;. it for smre kiads o! bVu- B-ut an ae htj 1ily -slow -siml>ly ,ru, in mïd it iausceos for lmy 'stoveibab besudfally ont.o net on "he thur. Sa ýyo r on0 a thanu M~D OT. siappyhoughe" ;Rasages atmput IE yau avilùt a low "ove%-&a daw 8r. ailWm produce the 1ardesl.U av ' nyoqwru,'u h &ogfr a ItIewe al. N.,,.. uel bm mymm dgi m a ueuya t». mach. a" bpmlihyt s uisgvei ým itéye thé- laiým -Mr. Inr o~f;~t,~n LUbor »ay au- his:liomias re.. on rieda orsouSunmday. -- lota cough ,01d ,aldié. hmbr lai'a ougi am.>~. mû aualwn'Y& b. .dàéed upon u d Ipleaanat sud' sala Pa 4 ai. o sl y & u a.. ÈM*-oWers t-ayi 8S -ng in The -Toronfto Globe:' i- smal waythe Ship-., for- thée Chritas trade i ta the east -and soutlt id-, iralo a'-- trade that ise b theé.scarêity of -the auIwil2oon« be; attested -by the' iufMber ,hes Ihat have beei nd- ,fçl out rocerntly, art6ufid an îns ight i wn ing, pracesset taken .,ue, --i mince meat.,ý ~or a r - berriee leves, grôvw ri theé --Dom augar ai lea daintjest.mo UMU SUSiSU 1WW e1 9 7 '-4d'i -,fun - 7- *t-- di. Ont-., write. -"I con'id er PAISIÂN -Sae - .boat p'reparation fo-r theé curs- ai ~ ~ 'h ,aduilig hor,and itqhin seanÉ t4at L havé'evr uea.i s ezenulet hairt îlaau a dremsiiand Iha Iaivya b.ae d ta h'icî ghly Usmember -the Larves -i faon- £ï iofa a umbar are teking iniîL Exhibition. xr. Férrin Bradleyt. pelng îa wek avith Lis fethu., -lt.8.Jors>-. itwvass, of Ilidgetowawmr visiting relatives here. - Mss etea, f xbrdde, éspit Ithe weosd ailli ierun*i, 1lfr. IlïI'ad-, 1.Toreome.amd Master Lloyd: and m"', Mar& iRodd w a v vnt!g -an TorSato liaI veeli 1fr Atàr irlaeke'y haureluraojJ ta Ottawa miter having apent làis bah- 1f. red Gilhooly. intends going Woat où Priday nezt. -W. are lorry ta lam.» Fred' , ail as vieihm êveLy Dnue- lira. T. liorcombe gave au a'ternoon te& toa a ew* ai li-er friends on Tues- day aiternoon. 1fr.- D. Borroan=i, ai Ottsawa, sIx-ut gunday nI 'Mr. Wn. Olce'. Paaona lraubled avili partial par- a1lyma are oiten. very mucli b.uefited byt màmaging th.eafectodPAaathor- oughly bena pplying OLamborlaia'l Jnmn.TIa linimmt aima ré . evom rbum.eti.e pains. Foir maIe b>' ell BASE LINS WEST. - -fr. ad Xlin W. Cameron, ai St.j Ctanewere vaitara et Port. IWhitby jat Sunday. ÎisIra]&. Fà,d Ha -0ay 1 Brookla, wwe..rmet viitorm aI1Mr.1 lir.- liandera, .cf-Lindjmay, and Mrm. licliulan, aifWinnipeg, aspent Sunday et Mr. 'T. C. Obornie's. Mr. 'Wesley PhLMlp spent a few dayu with.hLis tler and brother, grt. T.E. iv ert ýta oara that 1Mr. John1 'Gale aineËring,ý tram a -paralytic Rto e. econatinues in a. seioue con. qu- W. audetand that lir. Mark Holli- day bam boughtl.1fr.-Jeu. 1Moore' TeSloighlL brotheri Lave. tout- ed-1fr. --E.StiSry's a -aL -orducL î là n«oàbI'Eê' a IhdtA EýLs-b ad.-- vévn1it'u . ilÎh - glish Christ-. an t his hêart an-d th-e- 'rshcfmeSlelatwèSS -makffifig:- hiÀ.jIàa exile laDre? tbever liaîd t9-bearas the _fýstî.va1l1pocre:Frmn g h '-a4ontura!l-l ln h~wi e---green--.awns,and in h.O>ld-e8tablili7ecd estâtes reaching- a helÉhtr of' tlhirt.feet - or.inoro. Itl'l' eharseteriat e- oi théê holly that the miore, I1v la pMedý-jdiciusl3i and - xpêrtly, ci course - the -bctter it fl.,ourlahea. _Peihapàa; originally, t.his -had- muai -té - iht with its sélection as e-.-Chriatmas deéoration. Il was this -eemiyfor 'mnn and téetb Iihdotth ofibte holly as a decora- tién -thnt...found What promises to to', a Inst .ini,>ortaxat Vancouver Is. anid'indu$trY.ictoria re-3idents wére avat t -eip-~geboxes of cuttings trtheikhediiaws to friends toa the south-anidfto théfi east. The naine of ihe Vietorin - holly thus was spread and Its- rèeàtitajcn was made. Resi- dents ln the enst-and in*thé south who Wa -no- rienied- in Victoria wax1te.d orne- aflih hUIy and Nwere willing to RYao0d piidées for ii. Gradually te dmnd -be4oeme so large thnt en- t.erprisinig"--Anirican - flondss sent agents 4-bVictotia anly in the fal t arrange if possI'ble. for -a supply of the décoratiîon'afIih beginning ol the hoIïday %eason.;1 Thèse agents went from houge cfi hausé-and ruade offérs of' sa -much per pound, for ail the- holly the *tees,,iould spare. In many instance well4taýlo résidents turned the agents, AË&y> rallier curtl--.. but they madq oufbÇ-ient- deals 'to'estab- 11mb the. brade -,ii a smail way, and yea b Lea ii"re, until now prao- adls'wealthyý, seli' thé prunings ai thoir brees, and charge lhe profits againet thé gardon'e expenses. Even- thie cuttings tram thé magnifient thirby-toot b.rees.., in Lieut.-Governor Patteraonas priviIe garden are sold an- nually ln tbieway. The demand exceeda the, supply as tans ta pounàdejand tlb.price pald. an the-ý tree, harisen sleadily. -Ladt year 'moat' of ',the Victoria holly brouglib forty cents n p-ound- as -Il Stood an lhe treëe-- thls year lb brougit forty-ýtwo b o wy-fivre cents, aud te tailed aIt -ram ieventy-ftvé cents taý one dollar. One 'Victoria resident last seasan, hd hic -hôlly hédge-prnd: by experts for itblng. nýnd, as re- dited with.-one on, onfaipriga, which brôught hlm $OQ Otherwa macle -mare and the majori t 'es. . The buyers wî1O came ét,Victoria eech year froni-%-toeasuand e iL. Baull are experts andi-'are able ta - ludke within a few pÏýàids -of ,whnt eaeh tree -Will apare. '->".Tey came a-M. No-à vem ber and - "thir ,oontracts--for. thé -seasn, andýjfie citting la Légua- eal -In )se [ m abatw- ee supply a. -iholly -qB ped tram Victri bac pbien'augnreidby' liefirâtet 1h. ranches pIantàdýp-mèyears ugo aith îmported beesa. -- ammber af rsnlLes have. been li. land vil! be' -in bearma 'in -?i~i ieTeau .... . ta0.1& ea...... ... ....... ss .8 too0.0o BuckwheÏ't..... ~o0.701 Red Claer.8,00 ta 9.00. FLO.UP..A*NDFEËbD.'- Coruel .-- .... .ê .0 Bran pet toi....J.0. Siorie per tan... 00t 28.0 MEAT.- POULTRY AN» -PRODJOi.» Beef, ýpet eut..,.1.0t 15 CaIle,- ive weight,.7>..0 a7.00 Muttoïn-, pet lb... ....15 to 0.156 Lamba, e"i- . . ....40 ta.0 Hugo, dread........0 . & à o 0 Hlogg, select .... ...... ...7.50- ta .7M CLiakeni, per lb.. ..... ... o16 tpo 0l8 flucis, per, lb.........015 .6 Ges e esepet .w,.. 4-18 o 0.18g Turkeys, 'dreased,-prlb .1to0 Butter, per l.....02 aO~ Egg_-pet doz.,_novli .2 a02 Lald, per. lb ...... .......1t09 Potatoés, per bg1.50 ta 2.04)li Apepetrve! 1.0to 8.00 Onns, p ra.....0 1.00- Hay, petro.. 1A 050 wool, amwabei...k . ... 01110o041 (bllit s s b... . 0.121th0.18. Lam iLumosea..0.7101.S& Hlopetrc. ... ... .. .8. 0 t9.00 Do110m ..' .- .. ,1107 w EIT£-SJTIN CREAMRIBUNS BREAD AND CAKE MAKERS IR]EZl- FFEDs-- SPECIAL, PRICE ON CORN FE.WHEAT FedWholesale in -Ton Lots. CA 46 jbg ivdryDay e th icJestase llcethose mother used - piec e. Crarad-nic to -look ai. _-ee .them. - VE -ETABLÈS.YO JICKLING FRUI-TS ýFOR PRE$E-RVING. -WiTBY- Phon 11.Prompt Delivery.. -ç 'y 'ýMedicines Aricles àt 3rd Door South- Drufqist a.n Brockf Profession LEG INO. E._ FARM Barraster, Couny Cra county soi 4,-Office south wiig Cag A. E CHIR 47 Barriater, Sollèltor, No rý Office-firàt cloor Westo ..Money -to JAMES REJTLEOGE,-- - Monèy-o Loan o0 Office immediaiely sou -Whitb-Y! G.YOUJNG SNII , Barrister, 'Etc. Moqey- -~of Marri'age'Li ~Office-Smith's Block0 W_ ÀDAMS, Dentst, Street, 'Réiideiiee No. Býron-St,, Whitby-..Pl AÂUÇTIOFN] JJAS. BIS Osha-wa, Liocensed 4ti dates apply-to self or 1 1 LICENSED AJC-1 AND VALUA Ail Iind5 of ae-pr' b. Arrangementsca sales at the ,Gazette oIlix Ternis reasonm!ble. - - èll and Tndepeent WITBY, or OO0NT.AÀCTf i ~HO WELL. Carçenter, Builder and Plans drawn and estimati 'Repairs, Alteraticus an - oppsteSê e -Box 467 Wl1ITr4vY -4 'NEHRS I-A v q hurning i-l-Or a ~wer 'i, Has lbeen lui use for tw Y( -years j9'f -steaEd'y wor.. yet lt ceýt lue $4.I-a ee te I-ur thaàt:-i va.sfreplaced bi ready ipstart at alpiostai am nalsu iOf IOLINE For or, is 'the'engine wa*sb.ing. ,citting score of other us, the, thi ng faýr an .r.q... ed. This th-at iii buy-i $25,0 t come~ 14 Marriag e LU. A. R. A LLIN [ssuer of Msrriage Lt; Cornerdri No Witnesses reOuirolý Readers- of 'The gQ Chronicle,: are. ai-dvised Fail-Terra in,- 'Shaw Trordnto, ais -no% Ûpeii students wiIl belar - school day unltil lYec_ course inBusiness, Çivil Service, orT Tiue-new catalo'gue jus aflterest'irg in its det mailes! free on req u -st, à capy to %W--H. Shaw, Head, Office, Yonge £afierrard -MONUVME 1Dosiggs nd matorlal] -tý avili pay Youýt0o-aIl uiinspeet for yVour.,eIf. iiad do* nllow the - c-ts 10,per ceit.. whi0-I, u. w taéby praigJ.n A CaIL5olicit. office aald -Wor Dpposile <Standar d. Bank, W ire f 0'.r indWo IlWiro §1 Hause wiring, pawa., fixtur-- and -supppli' ,moto 1 s andf transformct If yaa -want -us eaU i expense. Etorie InstallationC --231 S t; 5, S., Oshawa. TORONTO BISCUIT DAÀKIN<j-ý" BE DbVIFC-UL TA 1 .

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