Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 6

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s uvuie, g the: rorians g çfer Ol ft am. &MY, 'the no.vY, buis ae w eîneerl n [I'branches, 'WeFl=èu'who had Mr#1ç4 îsth. Thén camie b.dc their days'wage, wee p- fOrtjÏmeîght brig Wýf-members oi wimen aIid' chidren -'of, wh<m theA - Y a.d thes efolowec General wa"s W' &fren4,. b, &Ar-gard A CE iicf -sliulder to ahouldér in the éer4. ý'ýJ the Sintrxf,îhii preàsion ~whioh folloýwcd th4 i<nitèrE and' the emîgration t9 of th,& Genieral te its lst:si4i- -The,, processiontý, wa4s over a, milee 'eeting place.-The coffin *ae 3length, and, thése çmpoeîn g it-mg e frýim the. grea.t doorway ce4 dSilvati"on Army -ýîianners.- quarters ot the hearse, whi , A short distançe Lromü the startinig iecorated oely ;with dry, palme point iii.Qvqeený Vietdria Street the d evér tii, " Bood-aad Fre" cffi passed the. Mansion Hous. er dapi4 'the . aisket, -T)» the B3ank of jngland ýnd the Stock rated battie fiag-g which the Exchaýnge. As Genefrjý!;-Boo;th-ha-d ral lied pls.»ted op' Cgjvary been an honorary freman1- cf 'the blaced at the head oftlhecoffin,, City of' Lo%îdoi, the ~o Mayor a thig was -cl4one thbe4 ci o!thé. aipeared"oii Ilhe balony --o! tiie ,n deputations and of Englise Manision House a~ au h icial Oorps dipped in èa,1utea. coffin. - e same time' the vast krowd Theii. peoesi, on to thre.e hur ent4y unccvered their 1ieads. -t. t raverse the, five ;ýijez f rom the. the. Qenerâil'e ampaign çcap starting point to ýh- ceînetjsrY avorite&Bible were lifted on .to gates. Ail.,aleng .tii.- une,-on- boti ttform of hte funeral car. a e o khatei*. - eoro0 acene, was'& mcst impremeive erowda 10oed on. ýTii...beeame %ii, delegates fromtheii pro- more den'se ais tii, s.proâeh tothe ~andabrad~p~Ig slowly cewmete ywas,nache. *olemu trains cf the O"Dead TiiÉ eviewa a4rysmplàeý i ip Saul,"ti played by forty one, consistinx o!' -'linin of Salva- xtarcii.d'past »e funeral tion Ary hyùùisé,GýnerA Br&m-ý md vaiùe. toitiefu'i! saut. *as weILlBootha.nd i-serMisEa be.pped by the. coffin. -A guard .-Booti1 eomimander-i-chief of the or. eomposed of tiie chief lI Saivation, Army in Axýerka; de1lv- d foreign officers cf the Salva- ered apeeches, wilee tii General's. .my, tÃ"od, at attention round younigest daugliter s'anàg'a solo. -THE NEWS- IN A PêRAGRAPII BAP14NIGS F .OVES' canada, the Fmpire end the World, lu e*rai ftore Tour - - CANADA.", - Tiunothy Murhy' ot Ottawa was fa441y ir urp YiiArdilling a ,Wèll. X iss8 Have' M. Hallett, Toronto, won a goidtnedai fer p.nmansiiip, against 10,000 eiimpetiters. AnUnknown mýan, thetighit te b.e gr&lotsmaea wae lcle by a train on thé Lake, St.- John,'taiiï-ay. -- Recorder Dupuie o! Montreal -has nesigifod ow«ýug te ill-lieal'th. XîM. Amede GUf renM.P.Psc cèeea hlm. --John Leybourne o! Guelph 'waz fkilled 8apd Jqhn. Foster, severely ln-g u -ured in anu evat!ar accident at Vhé Pniso-ti Farnidormîtýor.y -John Seqluin, engîneer e! a. Cen- tral Verment. passenger t r Si n, was1 fatal ly 'cruelhed i olision with a froiglit engine: t t.Lambert.: j Two - fire 'insuran-e' cempanies -w.re Put eut of -the WetemërnCaiaclaI Fine Uedèrwriters' Assciation for -viclating - ruies concernix>g rate- cuttifig.-E The laigei .s,t e!ncaly-equipped - uIe miiil à-- this coninen a juet bec. opcýeed'by -the British- Ca niu Lumber Company on the, GREAT BRITAI. British suffragettes1 issued a. atatmen> ~olaingthat they ini- tended organizing their forces ini UNITED3 STATES. The leader of the TJnionist party, Mr. Bonar Law, was in, an autor"-- .bile accident, àn in'ane Woma.n who .ede rcach Presidenft Taft found in - i.ENERAL. ragua toe prote&t America.n in- reste., 'lThere, are ýreports of further mas- acres of (. rietians on the Aiban- eorevering Percy (who has paid .ègging visit to the house)- 4hà tj 'tte Most poverty-stricken Pou ever[ called.- Why, bles e,$f there are two -ladies in thereJ '.lyfig on the same pianner1 TÃ" CA&ÇýDAIN TùEE D.ÂAYS; Neiýer6ject Aimel at ilMaklng Utse ioi Cape Si. -Charles., In addition Vo the solie&me -which je now beiug officially cQnsidered witii a 'niewy.to%*e sh-r-teigo the pas- sage bêtween the ZM4hen Country and Canada, wliicli ne*.ssitates the construction. o!i six f!Èst steamers, capable o! conversion;imito armed cruisers, for theii, Lerpool-Hali!ïx route, another projeùt faims at mak- ing7 use o! Cape'St.- CIanleé, on thi. south-ea.st cast o!f-Labrador,,"a'I port for oce-a à limiers;.-.At tis point ,there je a- liarb.or ample enougii*~ acemmodate the, larýest_- vesselso cither- afoat or prejectec. -It is, m oreover, -open ,al thé year round,; and la only,1682 miles from. Liver-- pool, whicii could b. ,r-eached by 22- knot limiers in about tiiree' <bayeî. The, distance by 1land -f rem. Que -bec -le somie - DM0 miles, alid à railway, woUld Çf f coursl,.le nèvessary, but by NXbvemrà -nextxnearlY a hue- d. ed.ilies-o! the. Une *viiI berea.dy. for trafic a fan as the Sagueunay. Iiiver-Thle completion o! the -plans, whichii s etnongly faveyr-ed'in- theDo- minion, Weul4-cut off ' the..Straits o! Belle Iie andi provide 'aot haii, 'passes tlirougli -a aiorter ice- zoethan any otier taken by -boats between Europe and Northi Ampr- ica, eiccepting oniy the1 extrême south..rx <one to Néw York, Russians LMe Grmn" Produnet Better Than dzarï., Brew. Genman beer is atea;dily. ixicreâs- ing i tfavor aMong thé peasaetry in seuthern Rusgies nd- the-'Villaget vcdka -houises, are mate and-mor beinügreplaceci by 'beë-ýe,£ 1 ?195 I Ïwar *YÏ ~ka for beer àhail- ad ý. by «temperancii reformers Sunalîoyed satisfaý'ctien -as-a'a fieist itelà in tie night aùa mun1ch de- à5tod direction; for the. Russia'n v&ldk*, tii. manufacture and sale of wlivl- ie a crown 11nopoly, is> a4mittedly the. vileet atnd fmet de- tnoralizing national d-rmIn of aey eoûh'Èy ià . Erope. .- It bàs for a couple* of -generations, Le.,' since tiie emancipetienec ii seorte, been the, veritablé bane, phy- < t;icaliyv. niat-enialiy ancl ýinoraiiy, cf the, Russian peasant. -f-t As, however, this spinitoua poi-son ia source o! Government revenue, ite replace-ment by beer in viewéd with undieguised ddiafaV r by tii, ex- èise au 'thoritiee. Neve jthess th-, change in the. publie tast>e lein- nuns- takealilc and -Gerninbnewiýr - stb whicii are.-establishing« theqmvosa in even increaeing numiea--th chie! provincial centres inRusi ,report a steadily growi. 9g output. .4 STCALLS FOR.MR-,ME SOffered 'Are ilf as Much Again 'ias ,Two or- Three VAnc. ÀAV a mai w%-, walf tg- tci !rom Winnipeg says: have reace-WnmpgIodt 1 aVili short 25,000 harves- "Dep!tY Miniseter 1larcoirrt o! et tiiheoquirements o! the Edmonton' wired nme oni Thusday:1 id L Bruce, Walier_-Do- 'T-ler. are net enough ùien for han- T] veet in thiS provçince as y'e$.. Advis- aIO alnsnisioner o! Immigra- ahi. get railwsy cco. ni uies runt .4y momnieg, "anid 1 ai more speciaisl. & - u s gàixious -that evory effort- "Deputy- Miniiter Maxtle of Sas-- Fi mïade&to obtain thenu. I katelewn wired me: .'Saskatche- ar hat -thl~arvesters' spe- j wan iias about one-haif Inumnber of' 34 eb Ouied, te overflow- mecmeqired. Stngyavss Y,-p1endid- clas o! wori- plemeutany- excursions.- u -al am- a! iaidtbat otir!nfiends - -"Western faîme,sarel payi1fig; t* haye !failed te .appreci- Vo $3.50 pet da.vwithii oa-rd 10r as put peede o! the. western geod, expei4neédà'harveiýters. This' F -r- ht. year 6 crop. Tii. is fifty per cent. et .aun-inirease over Pr 4f bo Ã"oé is net in- 1-he, the.wages otwo r-tie er - u~gzted; -iot more aigo, whiltt the- av~r'e- h i, Q-m - stere :Cana-da ,penses hasve net increaseEd." de -$ixty per5ent. $theyi .dCrim{naiï*tttibutê< .their ~~w~ ite plaËLý, cf refresliuizènt.- r 'hrJire tiey go. ilow thii. À dtrianý';-owl -re-eevn jp-waids of aà million and tiir quarterj iof eut-patjents are treaï The Cuùnard Cô-. is:cr&litêd *i The intexton f paeing. a'ýarÊ lig*t~.$:tiebridýe of thie M&iiz Asweet pea grcwifig in the, g. dèù of -Mr.i John NHarding at R6'un way, Park, Devizes, has nine bloo]" r Dnuring' thei-last six.4Menthe 470 5348_ people vieited th~e 'Londc "zoo," being 55,183 -more..han -the. firt half of 1911. Netoe Shakeapearewiio stan4c aloe~ onge.iowh«aslong bee aànd cl nàinues ,te -be 1"thi, beit sel er", among the poets. In Lonào n ýthýe.are more doxn4 tic servan ts« at liberty than usua owilg t disissin conzequen< -!t-lie Insurance Act. Alotalthe. ld .collars an ouffe c mÈ,the. Continient corne t Erganw-lere tlieyv are. used IT ethe. bésthand-made >aper. BÃŽllingïtgate Market, London. he in one year reccivýed neanly 200,00 -tons' e! fii, about-.on -thir c which arrived by-water. 1Punishment ougit fmot to be, ver geance, says .Sir Rufui Isaacs. Th criminat must b. punisiied, but h must aise, if possible, b..- reclairned ]Earl Nelson celebrated his 89t. birtliday on the. 8tii inst. He i "Fatiier" 'o! the Hous. cf Lordé having taken hie seat there in Feb ruary, 1845. The Grenadier Guirds, original]. "the First Regiment of Foc Guards," was raised in 1656 and i ,thus tiie oldest regiment ini the BEn kisii army. Many of the. most fameus -detec tives neyer carry, a revolver . whiie making an arre-st. They reiy o1 their persuadiAé- prisoners t( =co ,equietly:" Acoding to Dr. Fenbes -Wins, low9 if the. growth of insariity' goei on at the present rate there will b( more lunatica than sane - people ir the. wonl-d ini 300 years . SThe, United Xingdoxn à'«smore women werkers -thani any country ir tihe world in proportion, to populai tion, Amnong thein «no fewer thar 616,000 are set down, as dýressmak7 'ers. Tii. King has ýent, acentributioxi o! £50Q0 and the Quùen a contribui tien, of £100,te tthe women sand. chu-i dren% f fundbeing organfied in con- nection with the. great London <dc Birmningham City Council liai u&nctioned a town pltining sciieme for. East: Birmningian . at, a coet ci £69 'o.00.The. 4istniet cenipnised in the ecleme covers à.1n area of 1,443 acres. ,Tii. Duke of Sutherland, wiioiia Ieft for Canada, lias praetieally ex- olianged ail his Engliei landed ini- terest for Colonial ternitory. Se ,far h. hais parted witii none ini SSetland. A eum o! £200 has been subecruib- ed te a. fund to iezeet aqsWi c- ]ass *inFdow *:W., ,*:,âTér Cateciral to ,zët.Ksr ton, iWhose reniains ar-é- buried there'. The ceet. is',expected to be about £400.. Tii. increase in the- consu-niption of sugar is exemplffied by the, fact liat while, in, 1700 the. arount us.d in Great Britain -was ,10,000 tons, by 1903 it had arisen te 1,300,000 tons, or 78.7 Ibe. per head cf the> population, while to-day the. total eV"oQnsmtin veags oretin )f Commone. MONTBREAL'S DEATII BATIr em ai Other Extrenie of the ýVi- tai Reeords. A <espatch frô-m Montreai .says: ,bat the. higliest death-rate is mong "'othOr Catholies," whieh is Le form in the héalth statistics sed to dencte ail Catholici net rench-speaking, i5 thec concluÈiOn -rivedi at -by Dr. Lo'uis- Laberge, edicai Health Office-r, in compil- ig statistics for his report !or the est twelve- menthe. The pèrce'n-ý ige cf deaths as against.birtis is of .erything 7èônnected w-hkeep- ng TommAy Atkins contenteçi with his lot.-H.Reddmore to-e the soldiene ci the garnison -tcgetlieî than anybody es. H. net on1y ýtartcd a seldiers' club, but one xight eacii week h. had a concert for the men.- . '.On. particulan evening 1 at- ten ded witii peie friends', and we noticed that Major Baden-Powell w4s down on the programme. To .ont - asteriishment, wheu hie turxx arrived, a Tommy Atkins came up- on the stage, and in a little speech regretted tint Major Baden-Powell - cculdn't appear, and that thei, lat- ter haci deputed him te taie hie place, whereupon lie proceeded te deliver a song caricatuning a fop.- pieii officer - inspecting the. guamri. Tiie house we nt imte roare of laugh- ter, and it was net iuntil the. sông was, haif-way' finisiied -that tiie au-, dience awoie to the realization tict.,tii. soldier ou tiie platfonim waÉ. really--B.-P.- himself."? eARtclTIC IMPORTrs. Big Increase len Canada je Finat - Pour Menthe. A des patýh freinOttawa sayer Acéording te a, Governinent returmi the- importation o! narcotice jute, Canada has growm heavily in the, first four mentisel ett. curent fis- cal ye'ar. Tii.importation et pure cocaine was one hundreci and thir- ty-eeven ounces as a&gai-miat thinty- five - ini the. wlole e! last yean. ien the. four -menthe ünée hundred simd thirty-three pouede 'o! crude opium was brqught in. The. total impor- tation. -et tu's .laet year wae five thousand and sevenuSeen poundle; powderêid opium imports. -in four menth,'-ere one hunclred and for- ty-fur -pound-, -as compaed iti two ýhundred and fitty-five, forth whole o! lait year. ËMLE D O'Ttij:S Wite lài Toronto and àon on Han- v ester Excursion. Adeispatci f rom -Brocivilie gays: Nathan Purvis, a well-lknown reex. - dent o! Lyn, five miles west cf here, was illcd on the. B. W. & N. Rtail- way tracis between hem.- and Lyn on Thureday a!ternoon, liii body being te-aribly mangled. Purvis liad [b.en hem., and was walking home aleng the. tra-cks, on which, it i-s said, lie lay dei~n sud -feu-aseep. His wife is in* Toron-to and lis sou on the way te-the West on a han- - vpfes»s'excursion. LAUN<rnED AT GLASGOW. Addition to Canadian Paeilfie Rail- way's Oeean Fleet, A despateli frein Glasgowsys: There wae a'-lige crowd o! specta- tors Vo witness the iaunching o!ftth. EmPrei o!- Russia at Glasgow on Wednesday, onhe o! the. t*o - new Eteprees steainers encered by the Canadian Pcii Railway. Tii. launching o!fViie new- vessel, wae per!ormd by Mrs. H. Wvyndian Beauclere, the. eldest daugliter o! Sir Thomàas Siaughneasy, Vii..Presi- dent o! tii . CP-R. PASSED CENTURY MARK. John Whinneyq Pormenly ot mus- A deepatch freni St. Catharnues Saye: The deatli oocurred on Wed-- nesday at tii. Induential Hoe, in this citv of John Whinney, wlic lad reaciedc the ripe oid age o! loi yea-rs. fie had made hie home tiiere for maey years, !ormeriy residing in Muskoka. fie was stili in fainly geod health uintil a short time lie, fore death. Nad lie lived until next FIlowe'en hp wouid have rracheci tais lend birthmdav. MO0-RE FINGINES FOR T.C.R. Ninete-n iotives Have Reu -Ã"Olieépd !à -[ast Few Dgays. A despatcii frein Ottawa sa-vs: T-he Cahiinet at its sittieg on Wed- needay resolved te purchase five large- and powerful engi-nes for the' Intercoii, tô cest, *110.000. reurteep were ordere ar few day-s ago, brnging tii. additions up te nineteen. British insurance companies have .n4anly *10,000,000 invested in Can- fotlows:-unnthr'Cathlolics,66_,71;,- .LDU 3 aUzne, was p3Uig. a e n c l- s p e a k i n -g C a t h o l i c s , s . o ; a e e h n e 1 a d t i - m g s -otesants.- 19.0; à3.14. tibateto a witneS. '"No, your- wor- he' tati-sties show a total cf 17.637 Jsip e"wa.s the nepl.y, "tiieroý ýrths -during 1911 - and 9,9'(4lwas eio.-chance -about ÃŽit. Tus pni1 :athi oradifferelice ci 7,663. ionér knew the back cf eVery O$rd." ab«.plty otz oya. - - - ---tue ]Potatoe.-Cànadlan, flou',65 te 75e per buihel.- Raoau-LaUg dcean, 13 1-2 to 14e par lb., in case ~ e ork -Shor t 5i 24.50 to .25 4omsa , p b$21. Rame-Medium to- lièht> 417-tr- 1 7 1-2e; heâvy. 15 1-2 to 16c; rolu, 11#~Z4;breakfast hb..- con, leb15-b'bes,2 a.21-. Lard-oeleroes, - 15; tubs,. 13 i-4c; pati»n BALED ýRAT AND STRAW.- Baled Ksy--Nqi .W a,$11a$1,q tnack, Toronto-- 1No. 1--l$10 ta $î1; claver,ý mixed. $85 te $9. - 7 t montr ,eal, sept. 31-9-O48 .clanaian -Western, No.- 2, 48 12 ta49e; d No.' 3' 47 te 47 1-2e;- extra lie.-1, fee&,i 481-2 te -49c: Banley-Manitob&A fed, 63 te 164c; mallit, 8-WC. Plonr-Maniteba Sprnt -wbeat ,Patents Srots, '5880; do-, seconds, $5a3; 'utreug bakers', *5.10; Winter pat. euts, ohoi1ce, *5.25;, straight rlelios. 84e8 te $4.90; do.. -in baga, #2.25 te $2.30.-Boimed cats-Barreis, 55.05; batg cf 90, IbmL..- 82.40 MiUfesd-Bran, $2; shorts, $26; middllnge $28; moulue, M530 o834. Ray-No. t -P"r ton, car-lots, 816 ta $16.50. l Cheee-Pln- est westerns, 131-2 Io 135-Se; do.. eaenins, 13 te 131-4. anttek-Oholcee4 ceamery, 261- ta261-.;seconds '-2512.ta 28e ,E ce -Selece., 28 to 29e; No. 2-stock,* 19gta 20c. 'Potatees-Per bag., car lotsL10 tii UNITED) STATES MARXÉTS. M iUneaialis, Sept. 3.-Whest-evtera- beS,_ 91 34 to 91 7-Se:-,Deemuber.. 92 3-4 -Io 927-8c;. May, 973-8c; No. 1i bard, $1.003.: No. 1 Nentheru, 9274,to« 99 7-8c;,8No. 2 Northern, 82"- te ý96 74-e-No. 3 yeliow 00mev ',771.2 te 78e0 lb. 3white oats, 31 tb 112.No.. k ryé. 63 to 641-2c. - rav, $19 ta $19.50. Flo<ur,-leadleg local pat- ent, In Wood, f.c.b. Minneapolis, 84.65 te 84.95;.,etber patents, - $4.50 to $4,85; flist cleart, $360 t: 83.8; second lalest, $2.60 ta 8-2.90., D)u1ntx~ Sept. 3.-Wheat-NXo. 1- North- ena, 96 1-4 -te 98 14c; -N. 2,North re, 96 .4 ta 953-eSeptembei,, 941-4o bld;e em ber. 931-2e; May, 15 asked. Decem« LmE mm IKMARKETS. - Voutreal, Sept.. 3.-M0cz'sftes. $64616.6' 35;' 9oo& -85.90 te $6J55; fair, 85.45 -to-$5e 70; -medium, $5.20 ta 8$5.40. Butclxrà bulle,averaged; $2 ta 5$3- eauning bul UM o -$ 1.75. -Butchere'-ý eaws, 84.40 te-5à $4,6; geo6d, 8$4A0 to 54.25:faIr. $3.85 ne.. ta $4,,and paon ta medinni, 82.50 to $3.60. (Taânnere,.and boners, $1.50 to' 82.25.- Old sheeP. 312 -te 41-2. pur lb. Spnt ambe,- 61-4 tà, 51-2cer u-lb.'Skliee -iSoga 8*8.50;, gows. 87.,eand stage, >$4 per - wt., ck cau,g. Grass caine. 88 ta 8$12. asci. , -Wk calves: 83 te 87 each, aeaordi-g ,tôBmseand qua. Toronto. Sept, 3.-Oiýie ' Pr ~e steer, weighlng - 1,250 peundeg, said at $7 'and. sevemal- at * _0.-Cannera u er. *a littie eanles-, going at from 81.50 te 5$L50. Lambî are now down-ta 56.75. Sbepel),nsueined about thé. same. <alves were steady at 83-50 ta $9. Hogas were a -trille fis-mer,- $160,000-oooFOR MIONTI1EATJ. Hait Prom -Revenue, thie Rest Prom Loans and Levieu. A -spatch frein Mentreal sys: According t<> tables prepareci by Cityr Auditer Pelletier, Montreal will have $16,000,ooo at its disp-osai next year. O! this $8,100,000 will come eut of revenue, sud a-s mca! estate taxes,' water taxes, etc., and the. balance f rom loane andi special levies. BURTED UNDER COAL. C.P.R. man Met Death in Strauge A despatch frein Moos. Jaw says: FOU ND Sý William Aikens, aged 38 years, a C.P.R. empioye, met death on osra-wlI Tuesday nfiglt in a remax-kable and clWî tragic mànner. Rie fell into the l tender just as a Joad o! ceai was . A <espatch i poureci in fronu the..qlutc. - fis fel- Aftem opening low trai-men woried furiously to Thursd-ay mcmi rescue hlm, butlie was dead wheým mothe, Wc'-rkm tincovered. fie leaves a widowan fidwea fourchilrep.te the ground a Having recove- %Mrs. Lamotii PAINFULLY BURNED. Heai-tii Dêpaî- i x s p e t 4 o *t t t K erosene C an N ea ny Cauel ed a re ti e. Tue - Womnan s Death. harmi-as va-ieti A despatcii froni London, Onit., j tat ither f. sys: A can o! ccaî oi useci te light bsuln tii. wali a kitchemi fine oni Thursday after-j tiwasal noce uearly mesmit thé deat etof Miss O'Donoghùe -!f75 York St-.-' The kercsene cx-piodcd and tic wvo- 1>01TA1 w»&, .aS o'Men anÉer and fertile. n "u qa 2-r m- aa n Mow 1 ~resoree. -~-- ----' - »ftOveï $9,000,000, anad gxoï't -~ TisBeman, wlýile &ailnÉ way ' aqino 4A0* fr ein is ih m e .a m t ' a lio n . i The. animal,[aesured that ii4 had-lue kThe foclloiing. figurels rea#ng e vLtmCnlr2telY in -ieprb-- tii. extern1ltrade o! the . lJzîe gan tô sfiot, and. Ially w4h ini igo ~-thie frs in16xth -of 7i witli ~ ~ ~ h 1.fl~ejcet wlih te 11,wilpecial refcxpende te.Can- Poor, litie I minan, failea t ap- ada, are madle by the. Enitisb Trad.& preciate. 0'helionl woulc appear Cômmisoioner-at Montreal. - at -a point in the roai and lýaý> back- Thle "acce-unts. relatiirg to-,. r ag ain in to ô '-e ju n g le > ', e a ie tr i âe a n a g ti n o h a littie fareron. terepea ndmnavJigaio t.. >'e T- T Bushuean, Kigom"fd- noshw haval4 loBeer, dii ueu o ~es of 'the rhandise ynpertd see-fytiy adevice whereby Ký--ingdom during ýthe firet six - might outwi hie fo.. Thi&planwae mcýtis ef theýye4r were as t-lIows t dugothe 1i con- IEn rte, *1r,722,1§7,0W0;experts o! d ucC ýî th é-"U nited K ingdo in produce , $1,- Awae ta te et we .hade 4î9,0ffl;experts o! foreigu and of hlm, the. ushmanîdodg.3d to th-& colonial -produce 2i361,000.:l- igit pend, -ling »pretty ý,sure e ofmofparèd ivith-tiie' figures' for the. the, lion's w Dreabonte, resortedit rt h!!o 1-ti..ghest-pr..- tii,~~frs courslo-ofie191 1-theig hi vi> th cus. fl ikccveredthnt hi1 .voùlyrecorded-tiies, totals show ~Whée tii..eaLLOWING-INCREASES: n -h;had ddeilyd; ~ppeared I Importe1 *96,678,000, or -5.9 -per fro>m tiie P he wasa ý - -deai jcent. ; exp'orte .o!f the Uni-ed .King- perplexed. roar -d wi morti- <boxe produce *8,002,000, ,'or 0.7, per ficatiou. TiIhe - tbeBush- cent. ;exporte >o! foreige an-clcolo- man peeping- t T e ga . nia«i'pro ce, $14,334,00,- r .4per -The.Bus hn cng e en hits positioee, hie ôn ato4 r- RAgard being had to the a<3verm~ résolute le t patb, foilieWing with inÉuence, duning the hli year, - li -eye thii. e ng black îman. -In serioceç labor troubles, -nctably lfM unether IM nt'ethétii, pi an rus- ceai strike and ti, ,strike oi- L-ni- tléd thé reed, -aihd n showed do-i Transport Workers, th.eeffig- - hm esel! t a h r p e t n i a n i a e a satisfactory e p Tiie great rute w-aé flû~t don- sknù in trade. fused and l ten aare.!tevi- ÈThe- foxèg0îing- -totale irelate :te dentiy hegan te daweî uplonhlm nme candise only.- The total t7iat h. had ý nstaiex> 'the' Position o! gold and silver,, hulli6e-and np. o! mattèers ai dthat hbý.. .waÉs thecie,j inponted -andi- eiperf.d duning- xuxted Party.- the'! six -months were aee, l]ows_4 The Buseh iopeaxilyreecg- Impýortes uilenJ5xora6 nlineci the situation, did mot paus to184milos- permit the. il te recoeris ta- Ti.vueotimp5tsfr - Swits.- H began't o sbea! gra-Cn -an !ti. xot and ne- 11Y tew srd the. oe5 whoînow. i1-11 f> t h oti. De ini6n, - during l'puomplet et te ef dou4t and fean, the t six ,mentis o! each of the. ~ùned a~i a dlcamedleanngyeai s 1911 and 1912, were, as- fol-. th. pluck and ingenibnst littieBush- $~Imot.j 91 4192W0,- man mset.r ofthe, situatio6n. 000; in 1912; *$50,M9,00<; experts F[OG ~ ~ ~ ~ -o (IIL .NMIWNSRo United Kingdom produce, 'in 10 CHLt- NA ID R1911, $46,043,.000; ine.1912, $50,338,- 0 ne'Hundred and. <Fi ty Were Or- 0ý; re-exports, nle 19'1 7,189,- 00-ini 1912, -$81576.000.1- T-hua ,911 duared Èo le KilIed.à nnhe ftetrd hm A -despatcli frem Wi»eor says: - SBSTflAAL N RB ES A4, epidemicief -hog choiera is ne- Ameng ti rniair.e-,&*.. oôrt.d jeiii.-viiuity d! Larme onu tie following- Dougal read, and unleels the. dis- jnmports froým Canada ienthe lire* ease je checit d in .t.he next -few a :o! 1912: Whcat, *19,334,000;- daye it i5 fearcd a- large ýpercent- whea1ma.n fer 509800 age of swine 'm ii- have te b.4 killed. bacon and lames, $3,31î2OoO; e heese - Dr. F. A. Jon ,i, Geve rment Liv. $3,926,900;. canned salràon,'$2, 81 7 Stock Inepeoti r, hecdchrec'tedi the 000; Wood,-sawn on eplit. planed r, destruction o! 150 hogs during- the d<res àd $4-s,0 past two dCays Forty-six animale Exports cf United Kingdoen pro- were ewned, y Jeseph - »urou- duce! te Canada: Inon and steffi ,he!!., and. the remnalud'r bclonged and manufactures theneof (efna ýo Arthur flum ueheile iand1iane istihgkishdii imntl e Stox.' The.fa eo!ftith ree areCceunts), *2,668,000 cette» pie-co- n the, saineieeigiborhed. Tii, geoodsý, $3,7W0,000; wooiien aiud nveetigation .illIîî b continuei, as w!ôrstecd - tissues (lincudiieg cakrpetis 1)r. Jones beliîveý tiere are- moire and- carpet rugi), -*8,316,000; sp- ,aes o coita eion in',tiie4vicinitv prl 16900 j ti ci T si rhe valiie oe!-t tburneci. Whlile th' burns wr x tensive, and the injury painfuil, the victim, for whorn a physician *a pronmptiv ýcalied, wili recover. PIVE IIUNDRED OS STRIKE.j EmPiOYees et Steel Ceompany De-I inand iIncrease in Wagee. 'A despatch frein Ramil ton' says: About 500 employes o! the St..î Company cf Canada bav, qulit woni, aàd..rhade a demnand On the firnu for a-n increase le wageÉ. Tliey' -met -the heads o! thie comfpaxiy on Wednesday. >but' no settiement was reaiie. Siùeo! the -men -say that tleyý m'aie only $12 a- weib wonidlig seven.<baye -a weik, theta' rate o! wages bQing -. adut- 161Z cents per-,houür.whil ie ra- -he- s wimie rues Litoj iý- dollars. JAK l4. ,mux ail Maîle Startiing covex y. rom montreaflsys: a ottle o! mili on ing Mris. Rosa La- iiStr et *as hon- sînail smake spî-amg- id la3 thqe lmsing. cd froeihër f right - I'r, wl tçil kil it a -and iÈi t ' ppoted1 leinto a!mik-pai] -or rm n-th,, iich tChe OYeIL'D .VE[RY fiA! a 1 Dea er s ar A -despa-tch- rT-le consumer-i lie!- from - the,.] i t4ôes. T-liepotal- ail potato gmowýý eru part o! Ou oaf I..ax - Conied ..ofPiractising Uledielue IIIe'gaily. A despatch frein North Ba-y saya: J. . Berube, M.D. graduate of Laval .Uniteiptity, monïptrea., *was senteiiced . méliF ioths i-central. Prso i , Magistrete IVear -in de- fruli of flunes- an& costs aggi".ga4ng $162.61 on five charges o! praetismn'g nicdiêiine illegaily in ponmI1d , not haiig pýed the -0ntaroM deI Çnilexainjationi. W. ýJ.O "ers )sccutecj for the*Ontrj cuny.4t'on-s hadl been registered again tBerlîbe, on o-e ofc which.h- reeiied- tiry-daysin mil I I _y,' ]ix Expctg the m To"rOnte say-s: where 'as* Iast winter, T rout ianm. sat- lasi te gtt e- aid9 $2 per bag-fer pot-tee - n L rigiC iccfpeta- porteW fi-cm Ilreland i.kII ,0 erop rerts f rom deaIeyIs, bot-h retal'iiu wholfflàle,- Dg distni te: show au are bliying 'very Iighily-. expecting î' yield., The west- 'the. drop te taie piaS.amy time trio anùd tii. viciixitý eew. s ela~ ie àMari- Tii. cool weathen ýfor the. pae.% amdt 2 elIaware mu-i folwed. by . a*1slq as. re- exceiexat yicld. piayed great havoc amoig tii. -field is year ha's greatly.crOîpSitut jhas-been idealic r'po-- - - - tates1 andi uxlesrain fclowod by.ý ek ýthe prkie cf til- 1a ýver.vI hot sun o-i ,-pLç 2.. an he mid -that h. -e - wriÈiýg-tabje, i -ins iet, reip lue ithite hair -7 madýlskil -i if E OF' ONTARI TORONTO kAttih ,theli . he vinces te the March bp;uds', -car, a: thoy et -of ion -cal an( -tion Aý ,GRADUATE OF LAVAL.- -'l:« feel ferry foir-hi %id. <'RÏ âtwys bows Twlsen 1 m-set Ihm, -1.kabiy - good-loek' 'ith a diagreable ex '"W'hen on. is hungr W~ks -agreeab1le,"'- said. kutle. "I wiah I b.d- 1 upowere- to li o iei eed beef for- supçqtr.# Sèd'f P bythe -Turneuri .Bh ch U.' Donttki - be -awkward 1 is- Charlotte ;an&.sent 1u p by thi ut girl a Mo-e savo r. Unluckily ti kney, and -lber -ci at thedobor -in Cne ] a "Ljook liere,- s ".hiere'6ehbing t ibetter teniper. M -ments, an.d ah. begs it,' aud.ehe thrust t - with -a derisive grin. "Rave- the 9geedues ýdown_ again," s1 aid F of un-reasoning auger treaked lune your mýSoxèthing in bis -ti. ir ' Sx~beat'a and was. planning nan ~ te eat tii. hes.-wlien at 't -'stairés e met Mis heÀÃ"j*ec was flni '~aîn tne i45e, tUlIC7 it," h.exp . as axigi7 am coula ke, yOur mietires dow!n-Sýtairs agen." -Miss Charlotte 14 b*m&. te-r-ýon, whe -I p t b . jug o! in44hér knocek waeS :3ee,ýdown the. jng o ~t~e -cae soundi -steps ,i lÏe -eroc oýin'pen:tii. dc 'ýIl beg your-pal * - -"e nt zto be.ý 1)ùt-thlii girl wis - ey,ý temp6r. I~s rude," Mise Charl Iwish i had -broughit Se, iit was -inthe tbolght yon leekinÏ -wé wre Chaving theý -and'we- thôuglit'pei f ancy so -,ands "twa-e Vgry'g - iakeallwance f - ed man with là spHi "lu ý_that thie -ïëi" jasked eMiss7- "It kei, it _ýcc 1ad can get - 8.glanced at :sawthatt -ýiazVO; "re yen-ws ele aid. "t

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