Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Sep 1912, p. 5

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wim~toe, nLýWer ilb i imorissi i ~oft We ~ivc lots for lots or more.' eKttie v fne cu"to I 'Xmav l i- isitrict Ofie o! Aicu on lae ,lity u .. av i A work hors - for a position of larger bon la poultry breeding sund leo bas reoed the. aw~opiW -4 Poultry ,Cmmissionoe lôt ce Bd- wa.rd Island. 1àr.Benso's dut er- minai. hem at, tho end of next woek. Hie work lu ibis 'county in ,organiziiig enwegg mul.e ba actod attention, and ho jàsby Iisposition plaood ~ won tis-abiteswill have wider hi soope oi 141SSfl. As Comitsionor for, the.- bland te will h. -able e volutioni.a ..th.pdtyiduty o Éis liai pr9vituce, whickh bIonneo- ]Elr. and lire. ,F. Whitmnore Mud child, of Qtt&wa, lis Daiey -and 1Mr Cyrl' Joues ud Mina, Whitmore, (of Toron- to, spent thé. holiday at à[r. *Y. J If"nr. Dr. Haro, P'.X., Amies -end -.A. Goç,dfellow, mombors of the, Can- adian Pmes -Association, were lu at- tendance VAt the National Exhibition on Pre Day, Friday lait sud witl throo ,hundred othor journaliste were guese sof the Dirotora. e, work ehar,'- *for. hlm ale ye«, appiietiaona so n i y sep- tomber 1.0. n~1e Council adjournod. Toroâto, WJ'UTBY TOrT ORONTOý ' and return 90eAug.24 to Sept 85e. Ang. 27 andI 29; Miulmium Rate, 25 çeIIts, Ail tickets valid for returti uitil Tues- day, ýSePtember xoth, 1.912. Whitby toOttawa and retur». *o.&@Se et. to 16 daSptember th ~ *le J- m. - luw mnthwy mstù of tii. f... il b. hsld OU' Widnou"y s~Ç5.jt..1.1hai oooI, ayt ut ooS= for lle c;Miumg we 051% sefl yO@ *s-8, ar>qtn 1 ' i.p ously requet.d ih&tala In nrie. Cali- anpdmes what weza LU àamesbru endoavor iQ iSa- s.- Ve, to ofot. lo. Iie..w va~ omusstId ta bing *"T ua bN&e PortFerry onc ani~ sd oayol ý , ý 1 _ te whlt'b bwlere - "~~~*a *w -"t long ago ut, 1totFry O.RsEU Ilsi Riqr l a ne-toryshaty,,i f~y Jý-Svan, Dr. K ellow, siljp; 0'" 4 younà MWpidOt 1hi . U&8' lm* tbyý, '. r. asé,ï. T. tayilr, W Liuse Psuti and Alired Irmdanwora, R. . ihadou..13core, 22 &P Mw**Vmmteo pre was jlowu0d ,, RiFnike-rt PeRry . CarMWMese, fL,~lIai d~Wg.un o.temS. Jeffrey, J, >frHouil, YW. H.ve- to g~ 0geot oup but ho. vaS00 Ca*, isp. Score, 22, e 15 'ilfavor b"ý «Md. àtlhadied a a 'a of hib y - 01aB SI . . ir:Cbu, Frank Long. u ]Oenibr îW n'« r be $&id 4' ii-uldii<ith&t ~at thes-office from early amorati tiI 12 vas a îman, one-toreyshack, ovuseld sdfo t ..I o by two; 6sohelor. ,who Jfred lain m ,know -.of suythinSý happeiing itat mare, -and'1 tfmy; were driùklng th.e ol û ufteulgletf, uight Ok tbe ire, 'o a.ihbôisitenl me~0PP~ 1.G. IL I t id ito When one otthem ig W kmowabotan.d rsis 1teLi the alareho vas basly burns- 8d '.pcao.Ptn 3 diod sioi i,ýnd ihe oldeà o». vas r wow1a réud burned 10Zd.ath lain .rat.]Ïi edAnr.svh vs elas chiel Oth Wire dq»rtuoi . troin gaoý haro a short' ltinie ago .fter ought. _ kuw a ý erving a ierm for setlting Are ta'1Mr. - Moore's. baru ah]Blackstbcký, sud via VW~Ii,~.W»s arre4ted again .hOrtly a ÏL i - eaa. for_ pthegris ooa i imii ..uas ailway't rackeoae rom.l-he gaol for the sýecnd ime mince his eofne- t ' U a~rde nint.k fovw oa..aÉo, ho ecpod, LOC&I ~but, vas eapturodaimWonel I_______________ & gan. lne made theasecond sémpe Tiiha tnnuY havt> bo60ésrvico 0 St. olu1s. Prt Whlly, Il!b.-hld ug o har fron tiiAttorney ' Germr- ouSndy eptm u.Rv .asas what vili bedon..vii u 4 ïïl}pof4h.X. , 1 children, ar emiid0t,, .1- - vorbody, int.res O a aiiu lt'l irit o' rsaIlb W4by~&msb~rlimaFloW~ho ~ 11 Fee Flevr hIov on'Fiai.1r smgai1h Msss owll.store 1hkï. isesowell'. store inthemrnu- "rock trot rst5l othe- - ' t"jag t h~W ie gfl«rsfront -lthe Bo 1set.4.w u . com. chu&dretio heir vay ,te co~ FOR LE. 0 f or an'uùAl io t Oxcur5.iis Tre vork'hooM nislufair tcondiion. port iHuron, -Dtroit'. -"Cicg;,Ba Mmigaèvep le Cook'à, oamTp -Whitly.1Ciy, Clevela&IGtnd Rapis, - Sagl Iuav Miuesp -'an d St. p?5,, 12t#h &AD . -SATIONEwt?. - 131h-:sad_ .4lii. Good tllrSem.31 ci(thé hhgt O! fashion ta tarelut>. Forrao *ej :at heeno)tepaper and elOP untial1- p>lîi t Stzpaph.nsOll's l ,10 Pce ed ou lime Ççorner. cp tkes aBai- a ses w. bàýe-pùt into -sto* a'scIoce al Uth, aP îgle gtndal ab1!Imslot boxod lin o .atlonryp iai auilot, daSti son'. 1 wbç 0 v> OUprinted WitU your toi- .OctobO1r101ine. thîspii. W box of 24' shots suïd, 24 les' vope,1 1~ ~ j a .d s a! n T- -jc. n e A t h ur , J a mn e s P a dtt A box 011aiïia tationery mk5 olE -itW.BIV lent suitibi. and-,accetable -promut. I' .Whiiby l hoibimr O O.. A.ooouwoW WWV u!gMth $-M tous or wrÎte -a~V il.vîse 'MyOU wil t he etiýgine-tc g e nérceup t( Th Lintrod owre-i,,js the rc iCofe in to Cari foodam -d n vrl i Il kô showï . etimr eaaàt -or uest. ile a servicwhich has long be x dand wll lbsipecle;iod 0 by thé iew subsoibosa hu hae longer -bonoited by :l.es! Otion. The. nmansd numbe)i rraugedna s lusual lin1h., -Ber tlme Wiiby idi, wb Lchiey 10.tgJýe, FreXd, fumrer, rWs XUne. West. 104 rSl Coffey, P., fàâwe, oues ti 123 r3 Smith,- Aler,' fuamer, lmis, -- Shore UAM. 123 r* Boontta, Thos,, fariner, Lake -Shore Rai.. 123 r4 Allun, Richard, farnmer, Labo Shore Rail. 105 r13 licKay, J. A., fariner, Kîng§- .ton Rond EMa". >23r5 icntoi, liasJeeo, Base Lino s.. 103Mr Fleming, "R.J., farm N&. 2p Kingaton Bond. 106 Hospital 4Jor Insane, Base In. West. Personai Mention.. MtissàLihln ThoI Uinktn n Toronto. 7,o l )ira. John MacCarl vas in Toronto over the, holiday. Miss Glad)u Jobemton spont tbQ hol- gday iu Port Perry.- Nra. Ueo. Southwrell vas-mn Toronto Over the holiday. ]lira. Wm. Nowport, of, Toronto, vas i n lovatitis veek. Tii.Mss elilot spent. a few days iu Troromto lit .eek-. -Mr. Geo6.tZvery made a business triP te Toronto lau vwesi. - iss - Mina (3ammdgeé, o! Toronto, vas mn tovu -ou Suuday. Ifi -arry wil;on and son spo*diimg a wvook lu Toronto. Mrs. T. W. ]Rosa speni-the holiday with- ber son -lu Newcasatle._ 1fr.. Job. Batgemn son sponi a vomk ir viirelatives il, Toroulo,. Miss Jean Johuatoin .l ýou liondWy to ettend Model colaIOiia. - is .Rose, O! Osbtava; spent tli hoMday withlllra. . Johuston. an Co.su ra. Farewel 'ave retura- ed froma s io veka tniP -b fltroit. Mn. Wil Reb ofo!Torontoe, soffi' te hglidal, viii bis mothqr her.. gives lUiifomnation cnerim couses c iplcimg M studeots- Co.da. Rait, carful4t: n ,iu potions,.-etcM rt o D comsider the advantages offered. L.Éter snytime.- WR]1 wlth a vr ag a fie! voe gvàs the1 oint NogIL. z1 Iogam a any Gand.aa utik agent or write A.. , Dufl, D.P.A9 Union Statiônp T@ronaq la1~., STEPHENSON Tow Agent tcr'Express, Ticket suc flTlerph Office# opposite ,Standaiu 'tiy Yutu you'had a pfotaph ef your great, g;reat> grand.- fatherl 0f course you canthavé, because. there wasn'It any ,'photograp4y I- in those days-7 But your g -etreat grandchildren -tan have. photogLraphs iof you. And you o-we ýsome-. thing to',posterity- Developi'g a.". Priatmng for AmateurS. Those limibsathatpain --ud scie la helJeel, instep or sube, that 4 pumnfulcalovi imitted bunion or ~your bsck acM. -sbroughtunbyigi-,heels, mach' valking or s adingoènbard flpors or alks. The trouble by w'earimig apafo our.-Oruiopedlc Boots or Siocae. Cripples andt Delorme& Work a speclslty., Re 'HeOQUNTON -W bibv'.Ouly Rouair Bhop cosete.N.f.four bau,. you*g or-. Whr ells . Us; lvi> peinge; diyor mm am ossinl FO SffLEOR i» REI.. Âod100 acreIarl%, loi, 330 zege o! 5l~ oncssin, Vhiby. (lood i brick ýhoua.;good bsuk - aro; ernet D stablss; alo 100 are" lm' iw3 as# Ipaited G* od fmAxi. b Ia.w A11 meaddidvaexcept a ~acre.. Good < utae lnd Aplyt= *"timort .ate. ýýtevensoa, BrooklilaPO-n i GOQD FAIFpdFOR- SALE Ol9 RENT f BeiMg cemposed o1 lots »3and 34n' 7th con.--o! Wbltby. Titis ise pie- classstock aud gra'i fai n amIviii Se - sold cheap or rented to suitable psrty for a terni o! years. Apply te W. Pile, Prince MÀbcrt, Ontor JE.DisueÇyp, = ýwhitby, Ontý-tf4 FOR SÂLU. Shoniboru baU, Ilupontha 080. .ALEX. JE7~F1lEY. en, Dur.' -'Sto4 is w .4-c'mplete We hýbave ,a :ùý i'u1 ofMen's, v LsndChildren s fin-*and heavygoodiâ e vey Iatest designs.. cali solicitied. r A, pý Éu t,ô showý goods. h ald. pric. 1 ,94 acres in laie 9S sud 24.in -tho 4th t]sa ooc»s 4o ! bibyTovnhip.Good bains, stables,. bouse.,sud oý-rchard. have t a Hsndy to sohooDlsd4 ,ailay si.- Of Sarn h lions.- Opeil. fjor sale ïte Sepi. 1.. if moat rei net soId ili >rent-ý. Apply, te.>1We a W. E. N. S1IÉ, tic l Oshawar--12. rheg viîîe rcmoved v t tRAMS WÂNtRD. oved-lrw! -Xg Esl vagm, Coo . m, Irmîyad v-ieut fWaiésiy. we. mp,- mus î4 FORD1PY %;ô i ROe eona t11e ord in ~W:; ~**~pàQ4 ADtIUF:-*0F1: ONTARIO 1fr, limes. porta. Pkant lad,~ a C fol! 'I B Al à ryt a -I j ffl il

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