Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Aug 1912, p. 8

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M iOni d S , w h l e k t Ç gs e t - b * m v e ~ ~ I v a u e o e t o p e o p l e 1 ~ o u a d i st a n e e.ý - bo s e xibitos vi1ho m ai e nmies ~o ia t i v i h- a d p a y eu t, y e ei. T h e y w i» b .e'ý1 t.1 in the ordeîr of en'triets-reueiv.' Ct rorontvn-Vl t Î188iefieè, ,but 'a nt re v i i t q a G i t ' T = W b u t a ig u s * Il d r v e r s ~ Deby ~ *Jil other clamss au , ipt tî *s _m any ft @n R im b er the reord Of Pito t yoîrs , inou mîi*t sdthat -ycu alwsy a ioetu are going tô b. broke. ' 'ai - - I N _ t 'M t s u d a d v e r i e i e l . ) h d t s i 'Uoa t w b o u s , m à m d , $ e p t m e f J , I i ~ ~ eme 9paiç.______ Who b - BgIIto4, *01ol fMis. lî*1gtoui'ot . Wluuzyouwn1 a rel Ivilalàge. -Decased La'd hem Liniili ra eoiighor oold tg Assjtà fur soveralinionthéi, and iLl.ais""# cough vRumsd>',Il Mnx t4kint treatînent ilu tnalo (Ion- b. depçnded upon a" sl ra1 ;U4)pit5l, w'here he was operatel I«MS to Fke or aI m- maat week for mome luward- trouble. làa ilàtive~s were muci uhocked at -BASE UNE IYE Ùe -uddenness of bits death, as they jasm. 'we »dmo Stk quite 'hopelul of a favorable out- Anseland otheeWe'kt-1 Swell kNtoWn ni Brook- te arest iwsil-, . spit boyhood dayan Mrs. E Sor Ij@os W laeJUS . lierai took Plaw Ou r' ightion, to ýatta.UM y ieonfrom the. rekidinc~elaie o. u.8 Lathr oGroveside rlatie , - jtes cbri~,f a kVs~i,53 W hliU. ~ e vIslt _ofend X.W. Bligit iii ndvertising 8 iid<jvmii.. wm for saleinathr'ou f Jeppo.CamerocS vpet'y _I live Miii BlnheMatilBougbam. d own by the ahntm itd wi±i Mr. and! Mra. -A. C. 3tP feqet-au.> -ne areqetrv r tt lant week., h est nand, Ire. ]Ilow&au 1114-Boutrfr.Goida ijtic y al iitimied to their home in Toionto d4s to ams*t "nt11 44~ TU"3.dViàt ùa aevarà] VIN 'dont" go illuëà t air beautiful as de destroyer of r nt he aui. of P o s f l n u i r o f I d o r H a l y O i a w , a m o u n t . a s k à i f o r , ý i Wéu ,oî *ýny dye. u uos atisIatoiy conlgi., àig -. ~ ~ed30.-Xïy' m ëR W ho cdeefrl ux n a ua r u ad ,A . E . C hrstiah '.a ppoëa n.d ' for the. hain t6at ~opl d i atin d for ePPlicats, and Nsers. G D. Couant, mm n d s dchidren nothig cs o13'e roso n . B.lenderson - paré, vit it . - foi the seeral owners who Were r - It dom &awy witli. teribe »Ws e é ned by counne. la 1 the . J. and C . oice of destination' ltch ov er nigu i cue h anB.F.Mokyan agmî 'cssno keg taRegina, Saskal to gn w u bu da oe u ne -ppea ed to opose ýthe . r idlay, points of the anadiai A .4d.5 a lrge b te o-Pa[S» sd warants -we ssuetr 'ithout 0 ob--, RCturing, baf.a ISage ýC ots _o nlY 50 cnts at all. ruÈ jecton by thé Ow ne r. T e Id I I8 c fr r in nipe and t iet c og ou ' rs.1Irt ern at> lied foir a 4jm il A n t ÀA . mi, u t nat rnt ini respect fýP àa-paî f the Osbhe ad ~A1v. 20.- Front Toroato- awa Brick Works, a d a girmn nn - U. T., . and i& bètWeen the. partie0 amonnt to A G 23.-Prom Torontoa TOONO ATEEN EXPMRORATESPaid 'iinto .court pendling sttle'uent - 'n e f t local cases of iailway ex- as 81800, U.s.Po B out o PopriatiOn came before, Me onor ~OlOIR Judge 1 cltY re in the C oua ty C o a t -A Q. o - î. , ort o I l aot pe k h e a r o u i e f r j u n d -.N o rth B ky ,ý l'or Possessoncf Proerty required weü17fDka hé Wo ihto aY iu tii.. constructionM i l sudagainet wnere of land ith a- FLOUR or:-- - nouta isuired. ob eb. paî i b.toWHT. TI ioun asfollws:Beni. P. lmakje, lot CEMBN Ad' ~ i * aubrou(ht the Mau a Me W~1~oo~1ntoUch wththe lu ~ ~ Jieraure sud busi- el him fel t home with ÀAdvert.ising brings theworld's mar- et bl. ey erth of everyh ome Lnd'bringii those who have needaà where,-their needse au- be ïsmu- - lied. > le 4 dverfiiiné is to-da; a doniinaut e. tmotrin- every boulein, every factory in every 1businiess office. Like elec- le ciyp 11çhsve aways bad à in -the ~Orlu bt offly Iately have -w. found 1 4ut what a týiamndous power- i 8 4iteylbl i be i i ig ppIied hers ~nd thore, inl ail mannè,o ast d 'olp thecviied l naro ao J" ý.-"I vý7jsùn wae nho - f - -7e-4 __ __ ýl ngyýýd. -,--~liaom a M s. Hario Mtoa-o nd&1ue"ytg-> rekIdhi* càï ieiigrudto ide -home viaiÊe.Iwitla tlir friad, MiS. 1ëO *t..Paune, where,-h. will f T. à ome aot 0 . ni la eadquarters f or the -ne tm1ake twilbe locaed bu' 0 yrl wa e r ainu4thatlw»aoê, ou Dé »lose 'Keleely. ami ïï Lf'àd, sWtch snd work hsa. cosumencd nat' elmptaagVasa oeujet a ps ndoni.paration ltha vn vod-ed of Toronto, apen* 8unq(j>r with the. Mr. jas. Riobardi s ghms w sutun yif uS 8;cW tu.,"aa _ Lnisu~. arntshee.ainit with tbeharveat. - b01sns lon n s latÈ ai Mr. Wm'm.r, Who s hbeu quite Mn. Alex.WloZ . bubeea vtlg l now euýIwh,adCla a*aju sôo ualy 1» foi t t- i pat we k a ud--W iteW ahing th e ba se lino choo, Co g i Remedy, sud -le a meicu 0o ~om. b.t~-sîtim ai nitng. Pickaln. j eal u# eit. Ion sas i.a i s as., Mr. Rus6elî MWhit.e# Whp L-ai beon. iU Tiimarsh bnidges Lavl resiye41 for'»ueveral veeka with Ityphoid feverý, 0eV Coto!pn. in convalesig eteerbai e t ro aigc!vt1iata "<~u hlm,' andit lu *iid that -ble -wùi toule4 th .p"a par-..*1uwiàebmandh-i of 8.0. Womnen' - ron l afWa,.aysarofe vry'muai benelftedi sin~ llmeet at tih»,~ iiuNellie- Spencer bas jut. eturnec >' agm i. a¶cted parts thor- .Mcs nTustyatr frm-yT>~lnmetse eiv.iit witli friendÏ11inC' oughl>- vien s pplyizg Chamberlanàn' Joo à" Iluat , Il b)*e, ltl; nem T4ie pain iÏ on tom»4lena.Pi 7 Ir.T. ;J. Holliday, ofiitoy, eu dsle ,.-ll. rBie-y a il ar wloogave. 4m-..T ibadn vi it Mr.a n.sd Erg. W. A. Hoi- BAL-are ies.; Ms. U. MorS y Siekr. M e , W m ll',Fn s l - 0o ! T o ro n tp , ulsB L A :I . -aldalqwith hi5 mothon hors. - Will aud Ers.Ir lvsiitlfi Ro. . B.ellad-,, rst', ,oit -are Quéen city2 s fév dsys lwee su -ad Mis.Ligwobvne l(olidayupg new -Hamptou1 ont. Mn,. WUl Bsirket copa-,h> udt haslnfrt atavr 7'Bri.Qnen and daugbter; o! Ton- Mies Maggle Koigoo, QI laremont i jasd.a hall, wLere tthe -latter ia ci -Wlliiihve ,been viiting s_ wth viinl Oshawa. d acteda aucceaful mlliuerybîdm ÎXOll i0etnoc toteir. homne JonBirkett'sta !wd>mwtlad w hht.yhe eef dsodj - - Bd. Doidge, cf BrOoklin.oBaven ii poikeigfud Mnr . m i n sd sons liad Maeter. Eaymond andi Misses Ada J'At a meeting hlio ensa 192 buhee o aaik foni20acres sud Boulai Joues, visiitedi n Ux-bridge >lait R 4 utn a lceitruuý of land, for ic lt eeiel8.0oe undas intee pac o*W -D. geswhcr aà busetl. -Thon. Wite" sud faiilgy, of Toronto rnelsn4o con o evu ou Mn.Rot.Hana laspuciaucd a Visited overSunuday with 1SIU7and" Manyl w»! regret tW Lear ti, s reiac in-Trnoand will noveie. ~Jole ofo Ironnî hIe r f'e. nena PBï1~ c Thompson, o1 Toron- atev a. oe t eevu fens-d théePnincpalmhip o!fli Gorg- azte ha b , ch a c lar e e of o ld sq aitance , Vi iting fa miiar tov» piblic aschool. tii reak U noamî'f uit nuts *suld alwisting Wm.Jaksn r.B,.asud Mn.. Jriedai Bv I Dm ean 'Brooki It là Mr. vith i bLarvent. adn i h ilg uigtecn ompso's inentin 4Yo i j ontTos ugh vas ilu Tonoto M n .'Lo- ti'utiOu o! tueursw rsdue 12 sud à e ui-acre Iot a sun d 4th e 1- day . .Ri h de i is a t of taG. S. Goforth. A creek wth a 30 It iov It imiee ottlawil beusëd ta develop rý21e. . bs e fm t tne.1r eletric ligbt aud power for- thie use of Di .Robt. Mgagei7 as s l ifilt the sub-fanmers. - Wi.,i,-o uly u nsi r Chass, Bjgt lias Iea'od thé You wnth obred by th odn seo i and tc sd 1fnbbelîlaviai m yrtI. U blues if yoea keep your-liveracijvo, Pt>laetsabo)ut ti iiu f c Mn. Wes. 'Tink, le homie front the. your boveleregular, md Your î oha.c lnd Of stars and 'tripes visitiuîg bis stomach ter tnob tuifj-a $Z. igeigjlas uWuI e4hr, Mr; B. Tink. use of -the tie-mt or nen, - ,sufenlngMos.d. agtdeia a MfTisa o C aÎre en 1 ks Huali, and always effective &nil1y remosly 1om Il àUleaatFi Kr. and Mfrg. Robt.Rannah., liéVY~1,PR, ,~,Thon: Gibson, Who soldhi I OHAA ouee 8mie time Ago; has decided t *o Totnato, viiere lie will areide t PILllE-ac'l lutuns wIfith rlàiives. - yu ýly kt~haeanopiutf.G - . - 'lTueéeaFoba5 liglasii t un -Vansla Dii ,* chan ' that eooditio" 4y a vote O! TÏs thé__people-____)OnTu"s.ay-a!teano n lait Bu SPECIJALP RICE ON CORN OATS FEEI> WHEAT Feeti Wbolcsàle in Ton Lots. OALWELLS MOUSSE# RIAL, COUNTY -0F ON 1.1 dnlWbtby-,ja. Match 4. Apil , Yuj , Set.-8, Oct OSIIAWACIîk, Mis. 8, pil4, ay %- Jua SOpt 4. Oct. Si -Nov Jas. '14,198 Il BROUGHÂÀClk GreenwOOd+Jan. 17j -.6 Jàv5.R &Mai- dloye, per bu ... 8.00 to.89.0oe h e t , r i ... 9 0 t o . 1 0 0 Whoat ua...........0» te 0.86 Ub.t, goan... ......8 1). o0.90 ...... eprhg...*ýeé....* . 0.0 o9.75 Les, 111. ...... 5 to 0.75 ail.>....., . ..0. 7 0 te 07 .......10.65to 0.70 WU ... ...50 t 0.W idCom...... .......8.400 ta 9.00 P LOUR kND.TEIE. l o u , p e t . . . . . e . . . 1 . 1 8 t e a m ' -Par pe 1....S M 11.0 ottin pnt... . ... ....7.00 10 27.001 nm, gsgbet.... fat,......ils to 61» R >1 c c E no,' ;~pRie, Edmnontà% a nd.to ai other Northè- Rslsa. frcent mille.froniallI points ônC.N.R-.'io Wiuuipeg gof9qiginàI rtx'pian. Reeae, C1jf.0and lààin lýU OntioToronto, to Herie on G. t !j nlv, ant an sumoutb of Sparrow Lake; aulstations othe, llesnot f n 131. Bay e QuInte except.xnhton, -.h.bt Li udRrew ToooSal . sudsat cf, but d UO-N.O.sttIons esan south cf Sperrow 'Lake :UIcentral -Waaions, and polits qi@t of, but sot incind. ndurysjes-OîhÇeof0. siso points, on otlaer lnes Toronto to faut la siPW ytho Canadien Rl TMy lasdsuýA»jfui.Ihà at îli Vér.y hsty andthe wages the. higiast. kers'Giulde, sbowlng 3,tMo f'ree bonestea& awailnthei. motUs, pplyio 0. L. FAIRBÂIKN. «cul Pais. Ast, Cen. Non. By., Toront&, Ont B . -L., Mac- jur eb5 haPort Peny-Jaa. ,Ma,1 May 7, July , SePI.L ov 1 Jan. - 1701913 4.UXB9IDG&...CI&î R. Mo, UxbridgeJs 12, Manda. 19-May 14. July 28,iSet. 18, NDïv-2,Ja. 5.CANN N~~Cr sq Seith$ asugo...Ju1,Mt 279 My1,July. 25#,'Sept. 1l, Nov. 2,Jsa. ,1918. . fiBEAVERTONCl.rJas. IL 8Ma16 JulY 24, Sept. -119 i~ 7. UPEGOVE -Clark, hUM Ag, Maty 17, J41Y loiep. 5 Nov.19,Jan.-1,1913. Datai ai WhItb,1-O0ct19. »114 frthe .Newra -local r o!. I à: cdG a.nd Oats Crushing r no uir un TORONTO . 1 d. Ig a ýof

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