Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Aug 1912, p. 2

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I on, Gatherings aiway. tGget~ the ki~owin« .'V~S. ¶rvfnt. 4'L ]no ocar, à dià, oIw wtr on it",: ai iitêt Umond auklace, d ainond tiaro., "I'n-iDt'd ry as possîb,~ __ ~nd a~4astqusatt<> Of 6alpa Pting àUdà,e Of fian- = t; Oa bibo1e, are worth fiortune. nel on1 tA» to keep the i*simth i ni béé.wïr-uuena1l Tê VM rnefrmpeerà and oa eS .aohrhm < (aJi'rs iziatr~o ouaehli ser- rOmedy that our înotibers- used to MWi L&» ndo u eeh. Wear by. butwih srpdyda bout yaa nboyappearing. Meany -W)&insul ou f r eoLi>ng 4 pro- rmmea Ilhe i~gêial éb0 M1Io$ . .ai WftrubbinS this, pecliarly ataui aptit. md n.ewb .udeIymm daring >éjjito s hst ut if he-were a tahig adaataet hfis reiatîo<i child -again, bu haa weak clrnst,, iL', S*, &o: I ey P tothé; bidel, fent her a o44ueth cance. r htitwuàb tb O~z f jf £OT #011, Sauceeswuî vas i» th mchmor eflacicuecamnphor- o 0ena t -u ipemid ,again.,wbaem1 a v th8tha escpidi tae cilwith hich-howo>uW b ive ý11 'he b1od it M ot une la Couple -of yeara' rubbed. w mA". ~ 9 th"- it reoeived 1 'n>e :Y N4ot msnmy yoara ag<o any<>n al- ara.awomao of hllaljark'i of jèal approal t flictdwith. neuraigia u9ed' to b. on, m gi~ en1rai1y acceptable ta fWý providodby- a aympathetic u4'ther AM mne girlizod, i a olety. Nor wife with, amal bags of hot sait, f Iin,~ 1salnei. AQY2J~IXML. * to be held against.the cheek. 1,But my o~ u-1hvenb.s#, acaelf 'now8daya no dnë who has: ever 1IU Vtortà ea..iTh p I 0 1og~ l dPivJcm foi el. hoard of aspiri' would tin f * « m~ve.» onOe nerve trouble >.Ofaethaii Que.u exandia, ing.bzagso<f asit agaigs. Aspirin tab- theueauoa rien4 choquofo et ax beO btained at any chem-. rn~4besu. - esYupbablY did ýt ist's. and in nine cases <>niof -ton étén thi an mad himciép mourng, work like a charm, *4~ ~4~t -1g do not?know ans'sdool td ny per On Qe of Àhe -most deep-sesated of Mb WItt. tnlé n fikeep hait aho»ppiug, and 30, te avid sendiýi home 4eUpératitione uzed to b. -that o <xes of Dr.,William»a j? a ftthat mish : dupca~,a rehrtuu.t owapd Pin. t use as .they will .,' N fowado achqu. Since àhonround with a stocking or a.piece of morO XPensive>doto'sbill bidssderdgro bv ad -rfid flannel. Why the flaunol should ~ ~~» 4~'jJjg~» Pnkrea"son to' rePjocO, aiid Â4 ver ~ be red. or why any waprg a ~Ie ouh nyxfQdcii~dole ddn nayste iteme wafited at &Il for an internai trou- o<r bylmail at 50 oenti--a box or.,si "cholque" 1figureas veey frequentiy»ie, nobody knew. Nowadays the boxea for $2.50 from Th5,Dr. Wil- in listas of -wedding presot.lohrwt iteneia nw lii»' edci. e, Bocvll, u enycio wththa a geod iedgfe never wraps anything round O-It. - tory .18 toId: eta ppo4 me n ma athroat-a i. u nta fmk ___________whose7 daughter was matryiugf a iug the chuid sirp het henysdvn. younge iî- nt exaotiywoltygar or black-crrat elygesu ~ POLS ND.ANOIIE- -uchema. lhe ld oy', wh s orniofermail> tabl-et. 1»suck, mean aud proud of.hi?. money-unù- whieh not euloothe, but cure, Shabbv Old Mas ShOwed ¶'hst IHo- ig aility, placeld in a mont promui- Burne are alwaya ccurriugc pnt position aMon pt thé 'edig where' chilclreu are Obout. The BaLte Coa.-promsenalachequ for $50,0wo..T emali boyv who burat lus hand fit- At asux'. restaurant,- lt te- gue*4t. praised him for hioie r-teon or tweuty years ago used t<) qr>dMorskoi Mt St. Peteraburgý, osity, nôt kuewing thât the,!gio" haveavr,. unec l.a h six. 0.ra of the, Imperil ]g,6ê b.d lu> intention cf letting the 1fdlur -or elhis.:motheruodt O Gua satdrinl:ng ehapagno. choque 1go beYoud thé -eehlbti." Iy marted neary s badly as thea Ne tfat from . them ast an iaii' 'tge. Next day ho aaW hiè leoum-hurn itaeI. ,cant -11 tie man with a ehabby coit iaw, with the ob ecoe gettkzg bal Flour sud ei are quite good in1B aud an nnkenupt beard, isud a. glass l preioiia d .ftheir way u tVrInyueii a et ~ ~ -u oiurt fe~ f hum. it was "THE EFFEOCTFACRHEQE that thoeykett arutsdgv net - bfor, ho bocam. awarb the. burn achance tW heai nicely. B: that bhéwus being ridiciiIed by tie 4"0f ou-Paul osi, u i. ModM motherdis ea officer4 aforesajd. By sud by ,a. "that choque e mn. iu* rg l pu t tht bot watefr iunwch a thy ne~uresu or efn- was- oniy pIaed tihére -for ièffect." 5 ,ateasoo<iuui-etbicarbonate oet élve in -heir reinarks on his porson- "underltad, )ir," .d t - soasa.been. pu, and wraps thexu 'a rance, -etc., h. caliect for Young.ter, atily; "sud i e round the auarting palm r hagr. tise~ ý u-si <Bigsesxyen, that yeý6u -sucoeeded, for;, when This treatmeut nept ouily compeis the, at bottiesetofyeur best chamipagne." I handed your choque tetise csirburu te heai Por0 i-Jbicarbonaté Th a rhstated - 'Did yoù flotal the balnk tus iuomnug, -t o f soda beinga anMstsotie-but im he.rwWt I saidf 1" asked.tiié littie au excellent effect 1 18PIF Osealthé pain. mna n. - waiter broughit thé, wiu.e Wheu the preset ar udCo»-a and six lamess. "Tkethese glass- tees etof lcheester were married,ti « . sowa and fech a bain--oeai Some years Apc, their wedding oan-fn ý, r-> *AN AVMTED TRAGEDY. thc large as@you ea P'in.The waiter -ted as-record for the,0val n, e ue again h 'tated, but ebeyed instant- presentsg reoeied-. Huudreds-of The greoteât hisioricai leveuts foi ly at perosnptory repetitiof tpeetswr bwre p» .MAY turu ounte most C=onicupiace 111 theord A iceof ica wa ar, ndhuman actions. Thus, accordingt te e ore.It ýwaa broughét. reception, twoive detectivee. Were the-Wostminste Gazette, a wife' s A w."The waiter haui'ded him eugaged te guard ýtho .'precboue ar- Pull upon her husband'a colt tails eue. ' w open the be6tties." -The. ray et jeweis sud -othe r tiingis. rude the German Empire possible. waiter d so. The-lieMaunnow 1t i. a good thiug te -h - Ti cur2,Dua atory ia reoalled by the fild thé basiwth tho -cotents cf ealthy .tatiier,- 'fo er iageuelî recent death ef su Austrian fores, the ix oil olld u, '1ls i wsho*-t»tor named Rm. The timc was thmea 'ix botte ilod upin hua ios owt d tserihttin-la&bout three weeks atter the battle ilevsaae hmsiflte c- ,tue matter - of wçddipgýpresena aea;tepaewstelti IY fluid, wîped hie hauds, laid -a Lord,,Iveagh, forerfxampe, camunofvillage he plrabou telity hiundred ouble note on the table, down bAndgomely! every tilethe-evilaef m ieuna.ringbou Wilia sud'cas tinx a leok ot withering cn a awdlgunti ainy. hen me Prss ia a he inghWBlinami temiDt 1othe officer», atrutted eut -4heeldeat son, the EMm -Rup'ofi-taws hr i imrk et tlq m. ' 1 1'.. aosfrluseru> ! ad theysast dowu ou a terra-ce eut-, eiip, niarrieci, ther-were mores of He a nJcafe. Rern au tlm Preetbth father capped theeueieeth.cury Hoasn A. stfe sud sure medicino for a lot by giving his he ir a mausfon in exelles omahienunrysudeh liad cild tre bled with werms is mol Grosvenor Square sud sottimentas e e-b arrelied gandwihouni. tiser Gri s ' Worm Exterminator. Siouutiug te 8150,000 sYeý.amr. HR is daking a rru eh indcvehe. --other sons on -their Weddimug-d ays waaaou tefr, whe1n uic ie;b Twelve illion gallons of beer are were pe.ented with *5o,00 a y'-Y' engath was ablt ofi eut n hsd fear annually usumed lu Itaiy. eah a sum augmneted later on. os l s éut i MndsWAS HE REÀLL Y SCOTCH?1 î by tho cent taila. H. turued te ar- LU muas ures Disemper. the oddest wedding.pr -gewith hemr; sudbefore the argu- Minag' S eë"These vegelables sent waa nfot given to'eithe cn meut wae euded, the king ud ýhia ar 1sae' Wie Yn r rcigAwatu econ- chancelloe had disappeared. Se -.1 ht yol b ha woul i 'emitted to fire,_there miglut onl Wth'Iiaie ofth s l yy iv aseveeigutoc everybzl he a -Muly ý'with icaes cfutise sasm. atteuded luisdaughter's wedding. ha vo ho.> no Grm n Empire. men ge dootori ny foo * , tounot My luan] or nô !ADY ALMOSI marka le and Convincing State- t of -t Sucèess cf Cuticura op and intmnent in theTreat. lent of î Paie, lItching and -Bur Ing cf Eczemna thée und igased, caunot glvg onongis te thse C Icera Bomedies. 1 bad boit> ing fo& afuit a year for eczrmaon t. I ha trled doctor auSer doctor ail avail. a1 yoUIg girl .1 pralued ýke three Irent tinues, paylng Sitle ,attonio t1.- wben flive ycars ago i sptsowdtpon My left ankle. w=ore sent for a doctor. He. wau sem a Ho 4rew a ornaIs bon@ lis aukie abut îthesiz ofa matc bout aunc long. Th~e amilisole oe abouit le ire of an apple, and lema &Pr othe kneo.. Tise octors oul h5the o bobln thse ankie, oifot water a&l the ticie. . huseband nd mysons Wero up night q -whel me fromuoesroom te ah. à thse ho et glvilxg me Borne relief. d uit for atris t a time ln front or opiace h pln for daybreak. The ru 80 luns 1 waa almost 'erazy, 1 wouilois80 My reaseesfor bourg sé. oune a friand oetmlne droppee 0e me' Moeo aSsho gancedsat tBisa> eh clahued, MrsFlzunegan. ,tise-w dont yutrythe utî. esçdesi'- BelnffC disgusoed with the' and t ;G meS cinés,ad >ot being îepa 5, -I decided te iots a CSp OCuticura Olinsment f* ,4$er Uslg0 thsqnsthredayathas L oýep hu eoun4 Ma a-slvereidollar vmrrlln f, 1 thoughs! à hr t er n ainteCts r tef th n , t ts e5ectly - ara solS tItter D. d 'I'SSe 1i(. waa Inteucea to emd-thi dilAgere a-nd hi. workmeu,'but j zdaiy papor q"ôt 'hoId o! the storý sud pinted t, reckouing that, aE thon-o weme about five thousaud pe*r' s-ons wthiu waiking distance ef thtis chureii5 it weuid costi the tather di -the bride thati sumn eu overeigusï bu-t tise papor wns wnong lu itscal. cuistices. fer on the. day; fo! thse ceremeny it aeenied that hait Scot. laud was present. Thôua"nds et unwashed speci- mens efthte "Wea.ry Wllie" type thironged th echurci suad its Sp. proaclues te get the badiy-ne.èded sovereugu,,a sd oveutuaiiy tii. cee- mony iiad to e hoPostponed - hnutil sufficient police.were ýbrought up to disperse the now disappointed sud threateuing meb.--- t was esturuated that if the. pro- -mise had been -kept, ýtise denor w Ould have equired nearîy thirty thousand sovereigna tic distibute as% thirty thousàud "weddiug-pre- sentis." - n~E DAY'S WORIC. No euterprise, unles* -it b.- a vi- siouary eue. la au endiess Chain. Au'y reasouable'undertsking, wiýat- ever itis proportions, ha-s beglin- uiug sudan end. Therefome, -an- hcnesti day',s womk, conacientieuaiy betowed at tii. right place, beave:S. e muci les. 'te bo don.. Tien aun% otior, sud auctiiensud another- the series eeerns infiuite, but there ie au end semewhere,,sud «"eue da&Y at atýfme" wiIl reach it. lu btdld- ing-for thse future niake every day a equare-iiewn .etono,_ flrmly set upc> which othere ruay be laid lu ,afety. Tienleti the-day effer what it will o! satisfaction "rd ra.tioua, enjoyrucuti ; aepti it gratefully"be'u fore thse dayv and its bIe4aêing4 slipý awsy into -,a>irecevrabie paIti. - 'Commsloba to Imwestigate Valué Much intorest has been. oxcited in Britishu maritime sud Cengùueeriug circles b'y tihe nnouneed determi- nati-pu ot the Govermmont t4> ap- point a royal commission ite invms. tigate the problema a-sscciated with ,the, f-uture'imoans et propelUing War Shipa, with special mefereuce te tii. une etofui. ,The. cisrman etftth. commission will bho Admirai etf the Fleetiard Fishor, tomoiy firet sea lord ot thé adniiralty. It. is believed that thi. appoint- muent of the. commission ', a tacit- reccgx4ti<ou that-tue future propel- lant of war m shi wilI ho cil iustead, of ceai, sud tue prophesied death kueli of -the-stearu engin. la causing sorne uneasiuess. LuI thi. day8 ofsii propulsion thue British uavy was supreme, for thse 3ritons were excellent sailers, sud whon ateam suppianted canvas Bru- su>n rerained ln the premier place bec-ausO ,tue- Britishu engineers, net, ll 1astered the e ew power, but i bheý oemmeiu«S al -reserves -ot the 1 United Kingçkm gave -the nation- a1 groat sdvsutage. 'Wltii the advent. 4 f <>11 Elngland loges sevemai cf theg-e j A new age is at hand wluo tee I British nation will net have a ad- e muntage oVer 6h.e ther - powers. i fithi the 'exception of a, mnaIl E knu-t of ahalo cil in Scotlaud the -1 3ritish Isbas are witiheut any Sp- c lrent suplies cf the' precieus r auid.' Iu a measure -the coniing et cil 1 as been pmopaed for botter than he eoxnug - of- steanu, for aiready tvamocuà *uavil rte enommous cil unks have b'en ected -sud twc inuense oeh ship8A4fr service with ti oe fleet are- uow beiug bult. ti Grewth et the interna! cerubus- 's n engiue promises t6 ho mû rapidcai iat -the existing sources et supply B )r the Britishs uavy wilLeoon prove te adequate.11 Premir -efFranc. 8onepersona gvo eheemfubby'- ac- e - Pe~ ma~c.cerdini>gte their niesus. Otiher ýper- - WLLPEOPLE TOO. Rie e léDpead-iy.sn give grudgiugly a-cordiug t s - ical sud mental depression usuaiîy tieir meanues. Let us net be cf -WIfe Doetor Cives Postum .Coyhveter nthi isre e i.latter soit. - valeconts.state ef thé stomnakh sud liver, as f Awise docter tries te give nature when these cugans are dOmanged l -"Dd yo mkéa success cf keo&p- its besti chance -byesviing the îittii. their âaction theo wboio system lais i ckensI7" "To a certain ox- - strength cf tue already exianated affected. Tny Parne>..'. vogetabie tout. Wh.re I tsiled wffl ini tryizig patient andd-building up wa-sted Pille. They revive thse digestive tô sali tison or persuade thenu te -energy -witi simple but pewerful prouesgses, acti beueficialiy on tii. laY eggs.". nourisîment. nonnes sud reste the spirits- as ne "F'ive yesrs ago," witea a- oc othoer PIlawlll. They ar'e cheap, Lt attackedwt hir ram tr, "I com m enc d t s P s u i sim ple sud anre, asud-tii.effects are me co pl i t h o! any k ordsud * lu m-y own farnuly nstead cf coffee. " lasting. once for a hottU. o! Dr. Kellogg's (t'aa we4kîn-:fact that tes, is Dysentery Cordial sud use it se- justai jrosa ceffe because it Thse greatest deptlioe the seaye oordlng te directions. Lt actas with centaine caffeine, the. samne drug discovened la _32,R89 feet.. wonclerfub rapidity iii subduiug vha-t fouud in coffee.) "I *wa5 80 weli dreadful disease tha-t weakeus the pleased with the resuits that 1 luad Minare Liniment cures corset in Cee.- trongest mua-fland that-destroys the two grocers place it ln stock, guar- IVOg9and-deicat.' Those who "I tien oomusenced te recorumend Martha-.--Jbwy ae e it acte promuptby. sud ueverr fails- te it te dmy patients in place cf coffee, shaking the. boy like, that ?" John effecti a thorcugh cure. as a'nutritions beverage. Tie con- -' Weli, bie ias just' tak-en - lis me- 4 sequence la every store lu towu la, dicine sund I torgot te shako the CEDARS 0F LEBANON. now- &eliiug iti, a-s it -has beceme a bottle, se 'm glving it a-gond mix- Very caret ully. enclos.d su houseeild ueeessitinlumauy homesl. ing xiow !" -. urddcr te-0 r airnce ".I'rn sure I prescnibe ?ostum a. uaddaetf 0 èann 4> otna.auy eue rernedy in the te- Latone aoultheiio eg case o! indigestion sud- nerveusucs sud beautitul were thy 0u tmai- Itrea onetade t nt'idiwýth the beet resuits. - sou with the tirBes cf PametiueW theit "Whe I oce itreuce t lue stie. Rebrew-writems cél.bra-te tieni famiiy, it la quite - aune te romain. - with - pr e i shall continue to use it and~ pr&- - extraomdnary : su&8,ýad M O Imm tientho eariost turnes their'seft, crihe it inm fa-milles where I pnsc-, white wcod iras the giory of Jewýishý tice. -Ç --1- rchitecture. -They - were ted in "uconvalescence - f rom pneu- lL 00'D' eml n nieýse mona, ypoidféierandothr-cesser, aud abs. intise --curch tisat cases I givo it as a liquid, eaiy C usat>e ulaa'Jtaem absonbed diet. Yen u- ay use mya-Tii. urvlvlng troc. are cealled -by' letter as a efreuce any way youras"tet see fit." Nasne given by Caadian -.ti -abitctoso;o, u pýt 1. ' nuder their wido..spreadiug. brauch- Pturu Ce., Windsor, Ont.- t os tiseclergy et thé Gieek Ciuncii Read 7'<Tii.o dt el in.cle" lu M Sv pkgrs TlTere's a. masen »,in. csso ly eerteMass. ev-r Eveî read the above ietterf A new one" ever 4,500 yoars old, sud have -a appearu from time-ts fime. They are bélght.e!10-t'ýeeib sd a i er senuing, trueo and fuli i ohumen intoree. i, 1 . , L..19~ -an a - e r Iwhich -bave. tse is lnd, iu conditio4n- to absomb instesd ot phed the fall and wlutorrai no , ov.ud tote, up mois-" I; tre io.the tleigosnrp p bit~ rempvao f jie, aw ro t,, off snd léftth'~eV~ g a'i of a ton te the acr, aid 4rOI~ they not ouiy deposît humuusl-ithe lower strats cof soi! but ieove min- ute. channels thmough, .Whi h iti be- comes eratedasd houeSfertile. The rcta ot aubsequeut cropa foi- ow these interstices sd daw nutriment frini two snd thre. timea JOHN,» SMITH. The gocd od naine ôet John. Stult do.. neti suggest in Enïglisis. a"" greatdegree clt aitcrcrso,- :bu- trausfermed te other la-guagoa seema ýte ciMb tii. iadder, -se spoak. Tns., un-Latin, it i» Jelian uOR Smithus, the ýItalian ,mothg i off -into Giovaùini Smithli, he n iard moendr- it Juan Smithus, Usa Dutiimau -adopte- it .4e ,'-Han Schmidt, the, - rends flattai> it oui into Jan Smeet- sd the e u8îi Mi saya Joim i mitô sl . Wheujq John Smith, geto inte Uthe tes -trade in Caîton ho beomeeJovan-Shi»1P lit if h lanib ea abot M ount Becla tii. Lcela.de r te r ,toe film s. Jaune smitison- ifAïh.tïade Long the,,I!usarora-s he -býelomes Toi> Q i m it ; l P çla sd le '-le known a : 'i a S hMittiweiký; shouldlie auder a;meng the. Welsh Mountains' tley ,te k 'ofJihon lcli dd; when h g ..t- Mexm'oo is i.çalied"Outli FSmittf; if ,f 0asic tur>h lingera, among Greek ruina he turne te Ton Smiktouasdl k -Turkey he il, uttomly disued as ?*oe 800f. - INSECT STINGS AND SUMNiER SO'RES. Luseot bites sudstiings, biistered, eet aud sunbumn I These threo sings, or auy eueetoftlsem, mayý pil 69me days cf youm vacation,; 1r make yonm work aboe Zan ýuk -la the -emedy y-u1nen od _1-- Lt akes the "hum" e1 ut oet1 tise.red, afiaued patch es whéem the sun ha. Ot hom» on yen; it eases-bad *is tcbites, sund it sotles suad eaia biiatered te-et and hauda. Ln the hot weather' young babies ffem greatly tmom heat, spots sud afed place.. Home, lagaiu, Zam- ak wi-I -give àaimôst instant ease! Fom ent, humu, sud more seieus in disease, such as eczema, lod-poisonn-, etc., sud fer pile, ,ru-Buk i. sm b solutely without -an ual. Al druggista sund stores 5oc lx or Zaum-Buk Co., Toronto. Eirst institutcd in Switzeriand, ings banks wore stsrted un 1787. Inardre Lnimnt CureS Cods. Ste. 'Why armouense bitte6r against ins money shortiy ater we namd the baby atter hlm."p Warta ou thse hauda is a diafigure. ment thati troubles many ladies. RAYHONDoway's Cern C«-ure pain.emv V'SV 0 U 9 l . - - ---4 r r.&. have bee au dsove ig te e~astleI[un, & two very fine dd'A y cf paiutéd oak, - ,port, main wall-ocf th%>omigi and *oes r nifs ty f great aquaint lu iptioneadirr prodigal son. ie globe rofothe, Iod inn at buf-y Je stuli London at tise oe f Mi. len "gon et New Bur- Wn Street, aan&M dMier. Tluls a lia been ta n tromithe'Rein- SInn at Bau umry witi tise ex- 0 purposeocf aeliig fti te the, est Purchaer Lt ii an inter-I striÉ ageS tors tise]p 1 Th. centiuly net Mon lumv' -proper, umitee- f se~ ~ 9 a* _oOur atnsd iintmerqtîrfg Sappeaii anoDma-, ir -thovt'Ïhesé, two aiiould bave ýeeD sver, fie dubt r -fruit eventiualiy r buildings e Friendâ Eve ry aoe by tihat, Dr. Oul ees - net - ts frens.Or- onu thc mcsti;ýuu- e5Fweot sund far~ b'as travèed nuci for huma»-I ud destruction,i lou th ie ou0 i cliarmiung oid muns deatroyed.-Hw their womk wlI be~ lupeetng ctih Lt: Maks .New Day.--Not a- d&y Thias' Eciectm -wide n the. cirele o dors for it corne -likely places lu ti nerti, for its fami fam. Lt deserves t noiol has done ao07 -ity. ,Its -mnoderate mes -te net. Minards Liniment tn iphtý,rla. of i n- FATHER TOT] A littlo lad, was but refused te a the doctor pr.scrib finslly gave up. " dies,,my, boy will -d Prseutiy a voicýe the. bed. - "Don't cry, moth home soou sud he uosuveues sudI thse excretory organ ferm their tunction intestines become c.é kuown as coativenese ed gives ise te dai catiôuie. Parnle's,, wiîl effet s peed3ý first intimuatiou o! t sufferer should proc tue pillasu d put h course et tretmnt fect6 of tise pilla wiÏ THE. OTHEI Sise-«Pshaw 1 A wouidn't tuik etfnm with as lit ti hat MINÂ11D'e Liniment la eagan osdto- tse marke. I have fi ton herse les. 1 -NONE TOO à "Airedear; I i tnIp acrem tii. lake thi ! 0, l'in se slek I '<,ne, ne, darlini that. Learýye'th ýTi'ead oft -CATý-MW Ru o9 cWe PawI [E LIESCUE. desperately mi, ce thse nedici-ne id. His miother 3h, my boy willI e,"y ah. ý obbOd. piped u:p fromi 3r. Fathosr"Il b. 1 make nme take Ls Cure.-Wheu irefuse to pei- ipropo3rly the ogged. This suad if negiect- Igerou, corupli- Vegetable..Piils cure. At the. ils ailment the ire s paeket et 1malfunter sa Tiihedet- -ho almnontiim- SIDT. ýres s prudent- eaplyasoe- prudent girl irryii>g atma> - my family for ie best liniment- ?ud i t iiient ý *N. 8 vould be ik6 Lot mi l~5L - - - 1 - Promoé-_Pr...mrv.m-aa*g"y gamplas u4dzook1.g. ou Application JAN"S LANGMUI & GO@#Limitd IThe Hsarto@fanaao te-hé Action. Inells* onithe Piano A@tI@a diifevta.nt Bw.eepin'g powderý, is & hlfe-pre- s4rVer becaugêe it.kilis cr la; car- fre8h ancUsWeet ' No dust while -Sweeping. Âsk Your Dealer for it. LocLaren Imriai Ohagees b 40,19 distributors for -Ontario THEI SAPHO MFC. 00., LimIted IR .88. CLEVELAND- <16500 Tons) FrmNew YarkOOc le, 1915 u . o Ian8550à Pub e;loiS N &.Lavu D "SDETU TH-E, OPTIoO?<AL p? 47D.uiuI.a& W Duration 11-0 Daja Each oBec- L1 'D RUMR MCAN 41-a8 5ROADWAY, K Y. *To-.day-Right ùo blefore, you for-get, aesk"YïDur groce8r for KNCeOSCAR' thoge deliejous littie Norwayfih*th -'are pack ed --with -Such serupulous- carë-'in *the pu.rest and rnost wholesor e OiQL Cet Thom Féom, Your Cmoor t .4 r -~ -I I 1: 4 litant stands -u s o straiglit French c14ithe' effeot-- Bdt theyar Retreated_ With < -A.-despatch fioiD. Rom was oM-fiaily aunouuced that 'Lieutena'nt-Genera cçmmande-r of -the Italia -i Tripoli, hadsueddi ing a ba-seé at Zuarjl, a; 1 ----66 ruiles west of. the City -where the Turks sud.i conceutrat-ed their forcei - tubhornly resistod-thé f he iùuaera - -'-i ---- - -4 TORONTO bofla ýLDIýýýq - - i i--,>-4 - lm OIL FORýEUTI ( 9 .IUD M. 4 euinployes -Cuf -gine aud ba4age < -PoIl theg is th sean N tes -.e-Glucaît ergtjoes. Ne oe hs th e eci wihosenm. ore arî seng, aid the w- Recuy rtaperiesr thine teare inr élimmuates Ibrocades, * ls, velvets sud wOo] Iu curtaiuingý a~ choenothiug thatý by open- windows;- cumtaînzare, used'- t easily manipulated p U'nless a bedroourý. windowsg double curta be used; So6ie.housel the cretonne cor chint 2 These bang te -the !f loeseiy on rodé.*W o ut more -airtbaný> curtain t-hey darkeui sud if properiy huug' into srnall corpassat --There is, a fançy x, lance across the etop o Tis <may ibe.a ten-ii -oou-a rod;, but the~-sËi feuned valance j> e4~ ,revival. - - lu tieating any whg rorniember the isimpler -- the straighter the lia taste. Puffed 'sudý_ hangings areï had for- For theÉse lleaVy cur eries- are.showu àa vafn chiutzes, taffétaa-lii *-and cretonnes o o mestie make. - Te col .the cheapest gr ades i -oue -can find floWers,ý birds lu any 1-desire * English giazed ýchiutz effective aud washes w!7 objection is easy ki4 - EW,/ SLLPPER Bi *PermissibIe on the sî ceedingly. bad taste am la the jewelied ankiet miets -are trying- t-o int> of these was worn with, gowu wit-h a pinel of soie down euie side- tha g91d curlu Chain aou'n er'ý aukile, ànd a isecon buckled just bek,-w Itue .When it'Icornes t meut the uvell-bred won exquisite silk steekinga-. a maduess for wearing shoùild conflue themf, as izet ar e concerned, t-o7je per buckies, These have neyerb'e and are- showu n

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