Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Aug 1912, p. 1

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emiRings. thée Chitit No -otier 1 ciples of, C EDALHALL INO. LF.MREWEILL. LKO. DeniÏter* Couat>! Crowa Attorney snd - ounty Solicitor. office south'*wIi-gourt 1lqus.,_Whitby. Uelidte.NstowPublic. et. c it . 4oor w'est of tic Pooffice., imomey to, Loin 'on easy t«mes. Ofic lmeiel snt oa 1ol niti&ô ;àW, plied- the" pri .te tie evcryday l!f.b'f.,ti Ivation Army. 'Genera1i teot ataman of wide visioû 'a, ti In tictruest sense. 'ib te is like again., Tic Hôn-. Sam Hughes, cD*in ufersomcà'dvérse couver speech,, în wiich Ig sllould b taugit a leusn speecies s'Imilar te that cf 4elivered by men- higif. up I tibutting muci 'ta -the war and Germany byý incitiing aà bitterness*. It is, heped, on Premier Berdenys visit- ;to Gi fui in en9enù1erig a. bette&1 countriese, The Premier. je % 1befrti In, ie t Monla oàn isu.,S own abilities and geaces of 'character. là Laurieir lig Lienss. aud Borden C anada bas been worthily repréented Block-Wbltby, Ouni. inu!tic. motier countryýjand on th' continet INTAL - *. * ubia, ~e, ~ The problem af tie iarvest is euee th4t i 100ein >48t OfficeTerrace inglarge in Western 1 Canada.'-Lt is sald thttit uy. Phono NO. lm,2. Itest ýrequires 50-O, mmxen As yet onfr.a few ieus. là tbÃŽusIeteer, written afterthe' lust lu m W~[î ~~ieting oLthe Couneil, at whicWthéýe troua ~~~~ sain, the _bqat- flOjU8 tlteGrnn -ar@duCa s 91t of ten ~ w~ accidentsé ve speed. These toria atren, ruli ln T accidents siold, jone iiouI. »pgineï serve. s a thi.e stiD>oai of -te people, I -feel. Ln' wýarninag te Iail .cbauffeùrs, 4* apparently each Sure tley are len b 'ono in lavor of* b.e driver,feela tinht wiea ciet ma bfiilso i u*ngthe o request." -It iras lbie while ign,- acti n re ut lli e Lh~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ T on le ewllb mue is impossible te o.th« arouse id~~~~ as ashoer tringent, te absoluteiy pre-J GJcsn scobred thé Mayor, fQ he vent aspedig If .tice fear of accident and death making ait an assertion. Ho .âïi MiIn ~ - ~ T lr.. J>owzey, migit Wzite -au>tMing h-b. et .deer,*Ra.u~a~~.5~-wiI ISiS iepleesec i ~a rivate-cjjlrm, but - scorciing, era .with -autos, similar to the, era cf Mayor'-he bad àeititer the pixiviIoge is scorchigon bicycles -difring tc arly days. Now~Irlergi on ntigo i ii-. e sedom ec a icyc~ scrcJ~c, Pehaps thekinci.'Tihis Lad'give» 1Mr..Âmtru a, elom se, -1çy1ý1 the impressionli ti lthe CuclL 1ýcraze, foT 'spced lWa1oà may 4sppa ntime, 1gone ciretlyagainat lteoé cLt it and a reasonabloI spe*'d be run.; A high.rate cf grýat' majority'of -the citizens,, hicis r, .'specd must be injuriius te the-ifecf! a.car, and lie did not tlinkiras the case. --.R s- in -the owner's interesti mederation should be ci,- adIeNyrad1r iny~a -egreed b 4to Aheproposai '-betore. the Wi served. .Council Wid ieard o! il. 1Mr. .Ârni.. kdrnAâd * * O' th' tIih t 'Kf t," Vn thcSna1mrii~WrdtfAg Go rient would nliapfnpn Plant.of its o1wn iflb.roquent -were ~ 8:1à slnddshor t -article ,ohn '-ndecent 'not graiild..')Er,- Jackson thougit il O Dress.Y Tice prevailing. 'mode iJahinï,e r às.jabluff, ý and -iad wrawti f.Am especially in-thecacltes, s - 0a sGinate .tiat it strog.- y.. .>ilr. ýRichardison naidlia ltouglil lhe 5wasiigb tlime.tint one 1cf- l-tb.ez iuld, niUonclsol dàusqetosii )fÃ",wtl inimitable waY., expess tic >'& 'sgtsal'riglit--t promoters of enterprî . eg as nfe .man~ â lded pcrsons ëo! Môhtseie -'st.feel. Herc4 jisudfo gidvdan - wbat Kit says: I j 1afces aellonld be given by memlers of t~ngICoûnil ùintiIt,-1eting- lie heud It might lé a'goM ïd $1,ifthose -Wbmen Who Mr.-1 Disiey explained. liat -hi. -dis- are initerested iùD clubs,,jrganizaitio ns, church- worlc csi on 'ofthLe plan lad. beexilimited Iand, votes, for 'tic- se wo'uld stop t ÃŽir artiua o ealobcltsefe -r 1- . hat lie cuuld se.nothing wrohg mitit work for a. minute and, dnitb:.ýin",lshoihg"off the- lit. Ire hed Lappene4 b ,meel 1Mr. Street-tiose W'omcn and Èirls Who #reýgoing about flArnetrong _by chance, - ad bnci givon *ini a semi-nude but Ùltra-faihiiiab&le sate. The lý Oasurance as bu th. way he wouldj 4t PRI Screeri Doors ular $2.O for $;L50, Begular $1.95 fore~ l g ar$ 450 fo' 11.15 1 Begular $1.25 for 95 .- Begular $1,,0for 75c. Window .Scrcens Rglr40a. for,80e. RegUlr3e. for 25C. ','eéu6r 25c.- for 20c. ' Eegular 20c. for 15e;ý lwýMowes'ti Goat Prices.- HTirner's Cow (ofort, 85e.er gi Hand8pyrers-50é., 75e., $1 i - Lawn SP, aYers - L,0&. Onhawa, Licinsed Âucliouoe. Succes- or t L. Fairbanks. For terme and. dates aipply b o lf or G. Robb, WMit-ý by. WHR. AW mi i, ids of sales promptly atnded to. Ârngements eau - bé made, for' sales et the Gazette 004ie. Trmi roasonable.-, Bell and Independont1 phoües. J. lHOWBLL JAME~S d-ËCarpen ,Builder sud Contracter. Plans dria ad ctimites furnimhed.j RepM-aiAteratiens sud jobbing. 8«x 467 WtITOY PILon. 14ç Uarrlagè Ltuenses. A, H. ALLIU Sauner cf Marzlsge U~enueu Corner drugstore, WbIthy K. WI*nemeeure4ulTed. Educfttion Pays Looc aou joi nd eahow traiued ~ wl boter plariesttan musles W.train Young w4mW ntheirbrai in busines. Thoy suoceod. Why Act you ? WlIyou -write for a copy *four new catalogue? ht will inter- etyo u ilyou want to get abeaci. hltarin lroniAug. 26th. Addrens Smaws Scahoo1% Tor'ontoO4t. * MÃ"NUMENTS tihaI~asd Mater lKethstoci - t 19Wipay 7iou te asAOur vou a" l.peolfor ure. RosI le aMishiby agnats. W. do Mt emp10 ts, *#àucSuam Iy W@ ou aMd -do silow -the -Mgtucnmsim aeby!ipur"agfrom us. - A Ciii SIlCItd. 11111 huilr.1, Wfre fo r iVs !mI 19e1MIii!_lirFor TOI Boueê-wlring, pemèr mlring, y« Upmmat Urun sat our 'I ,area enlarges 'the harvirst- -Ielp problem becomes' mnore acute-.- 10 la conceivable tiat tic demaud ~may se f ar cxceed tic-supply'as 'te seriously cur- lail tic expansion e! - farminge prlosprlu lary tat ! gaingrowing. "Periaps tic adoptibn.' cf mixed f armln, or stockc iaising, mnay asa u solving tic "hcèlp" problem.. -Tic fear'has ýein. expressed -tiat ,the, land .wilI. accu become imno: r isied if wiheat gtewing is continuously 'followed. Ti fear 15 not treubling farmers greatly as yet* IVe .were Informed by several farmers, whilc in tic west tuis summer, ltàt farrns tiat have been crop- ped for a quarter cf a century are producing as large a yield cf grain to-day as tiey ever did, aud ' in some cases' lite yield is' ou tic increase. Titere seems 10 be a vifijty about lie soil, ini certain districts aI. least, hicit is equal te tic heavicat st rain put upon il. Tie west is certlainly a wonderful ceuntry. ' Reeve jackion -heu îlu timatcd 10tocheeditor tiat lie.,tiinka we wcrc not quile fair te him in, our note in last'-issue, in .whitc we reterred te tic refusai cf'Ceuncil b igrant tic requesî for' a de- viation' of tic route of tic water main. Tic Reeve itad private information, net divulged at meeting* o! Ceuncil, itici t hrows _,further ligit on tic- subjecî, and reflect9 flot tee' favorably-upon lte representative o! tic Go'vernment wic iad tic negotiations in biand. It appears - aise that il -was irougi lte Rcev's dforsts lat lie concession of digging lte, trench was .offered by lie Government in tic eveut cf the Council's agreeing te lie dcvi- allen. Instcadcf'weiting, itowevcr, tili they iad lie consent o! council before diggiug tic trench, titcy dug il before-*tic Council itad a chance 10 mccl.-Il.- appears frôm ahli e feets gathered liatI titere bas, been some trictiof t ec members* cf ýCoUncil' *ànd represeutalives cf lie Goverument, wiici may'. have. caused ,au ebstinale feeling on' oth* sie' 1>. H9wcver, if lie- main is laid etc point mentiened in -tie lagreement, il will be only wiat wes anticipated and gladiy-conseuted te wicn' lic agreemen t..w'iihth lecompany was made. [lad il becu a -con diti-on cf getîing'lie institution tint tic main -was te b. laid down Aune'street il hs quiteprobable tiat even tiat wpuld have been con- senlte, îse c'agr were tic representatives ofthç tewun te secure tie.,iustitution.. We cannot but feel tint il would 'have been good policyl'1 acquiesce rin . th requet of: theé- Goverument-, especijy 'wicn1 a - uaî s ving ud- thére1hy have -been 1cffected. We were informed.; by 'bath members of Council sud W. snd*,L Commissiintiat te saviug le tic I town would -'ave been at Ieasè'82%O, but tie Reeve1 dectlres - tint $125 weuld -have been - lie- very, out- f side amount.. Tic ýGoverument-has iad a trench dug -on Ice lane' betweenlich John Smith and M.K J.Smith, farmsu, apparcnly-to connecet witi main aI. that point, witen tic corporation shall have'ex> tended, il west 'othebctewn .limits. Crops 'h1 Ontario' Couity glve promise.of: befUcr lbecun ba ogà~4 hc barley aud f alilwbea lie .nicest liutle woman' last SÙndàvy .walkingWtes 16. sos ~ e~ lie particular "lHim" cf -tic moment, and..-sicwas eratnd son o ite preo Rs rgueite attredin wa tit ws coseupen the indecent and saAd Ihat Mayor Do*m.>' migit Sic was -literally '"1nearer te nature" thiaif at- jeauily have maveci the btôw 1000 ly tired in a bating suit.* Yet sic would think il a- liflte intinst enc. But 'frontlte ver>' Jfibt Le Lad semed anixious e ma'-ie- shoçing'luanyce t wak aroadinabatingevery concession l' the Governinent., suit. What sic 'wore -ýwas ýa bandagewou*d around Jand had insiste l tat tie, îown 1ay ier from ber sieuldei blades -te four luches abovce e pipe. fierboo, tps._ (n hr baê souïeisresed ayor Downey could not quite Sem ier~~~~ bottp.a"hrbrestudfsrse a Lt lie h alte to bte saici immense iat. Rer fect'lu tight iigi-icclcd wiitc amount. He Lad acted i1l. es shoes leoked immense, mainly because sic wias a jitereel cf.te, tow as Le itad seen il. thin, little wopxan wito walkcd on bony-.sianks. Hors irldsusin'ckpae mtlithe tiperaturo rising evçry mwin- Site-was net particularly young ; .ot, achild, thait utc. inally tLe 1?le.ye said an 'apol.. is, :but a young person wcll. over lier. twen ties. And ogy mas due- tL. Council by te Ma> sic leoked ridiculous. Yet lier sirnpering, foolisi, or. and tLe letter wicit a ithe.' cause of- th. disturbance ouglit to e .iti. face expressed tfic meut catisfied, lhc, mosî delightý- dram. The Kayor, cfcor, refuseci cd vaniîy. Site really sitould' have been stippress- bo do. an.vtling o!ftaI 'natuùre,.stat- cd b tic -policeman Bt tice rwho pade suÃŽci ing lbat Le WB5nl bulit liaImay. an immense fuss over the harem skirt actress wio Ifr Di noy' olos'ed, tl i incident fer' walkd abut te ciy a ew yars go. h h lem tee ning by fntroducing the report walkd abut tc ciy a ew yars go. Tic arem - le Streets CoMmnitee, h ii skirt wearers werc iteotcd-and even atoncd, lusome ti olwngacux mrreo- places, because o! their fuuny garb, but thi mif' Imenifed for, paymet: cent clown girl was-permitted to walk as nimbly <Conînued,' o - page 4)% as hecr tigit sitees pcrmitted her- to churci 1 If thèse peor women could enly sec tiemselves as P ethers sec them as they stalk aleng in ticir fool-_ isi itats, titeir_ ugly shees, and fat or spindly legs, titeir tigit -swatted ferms aud bare uecks and red arma-Mon« Dieu 1 wiat caricatures!1 Spruce Leada Lvt Balsas Fit is MucL Uaed for Pilp. Officiai notice is given by thc above or ganization itaI substantiel prizes lu lie fcrm cf cash and- special tropiieýs, .are oftcred for seed grown i t tic province and cxiibited aItich next Annual Wiuter fair, or Provincial Sced Exhibition. Tic date ô titis Exhibition- will be made public later. - In addition 10 lie regular prizes offered toem- bers cf lie'Association, special cash prizes are of- fered te boysand -girls bcîween 12 aud 18 years of age, -for Exhiblîs o! Spring Wte'aî and %Vhite5 Oas« A sweepstakes prize iunlthe form cf a beau-ý tiful gold medal douatçd by Dr. jas. W. kebet- son, la aise oftered to lthe boy or girl iaving i4" beut. exiibitofo! als Inu-tie Ma 1ritime -Provinces. Quebec and Ontario, and wieatî in,,-,-ac cf.the Provinces o! Manitoba, SaskaîcéheÉv andamAlberlai. Eachi cf lieue' exhibits ila: .1ô conii'at. f' a -sheaf'" whici muât be et least O luches lui diameterî-a the bhnd, sund a galion o! îtiesied1,grain,. Tic pants fer titis sia! - houldksl e by bu [rom lie field bfoe tcrop is-cut.' Those preposing 10 -.cmpele for« tiese .-prizes- siculd arrange at once -te suake tic.nccesary sel- ections and, should ànîslo write to-Secr , taryx;t -1ana-' dian Seed Growers' Association',. Qttaw nsd- obtain a copy'of tic priýze' hist,' rides and speciat' arFangements -reading, lie îr.nsportalfion of -et- hits. - 1<owi h- your'-chance, boys and girlTs 1i Even if. you don#'t -ha - *ih. n, a -prizele Cperience roï wiil gain wuli inç'zëase your Chanices nextI,1'#, LnedStan es TORONTO .WHITBY:BRANCH'. C. A.-1 lIln angr I Il . W~A UN. . AI 'j Di -c fI Dirctfrm mine to consum ers' bins. -Nio screenings. or loss ýin*,handling.- lirai Clas Antrcie Goal AUG ST DIELIVERY Nat $706_0 St vo $7040 -,Pea $6.ZJ0 Secure your coal 0 W at. these prices. Prompt anid careftil attention g'zi ver> to all orders. OnISst ~ads8-f oal HanIsi Ail coal weighed t,-market s-calesl, Stock of coal on~ and at office. j.O H-l8- DO -. N W &O 'i 1. 'i r~~ f'~L5~a ............ 1 . là"- ,

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