Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Aug 1912, p. 8

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ýýoVToronto, vs o Diother, Mi. SoRerville, i , du~ oasiû 8n'u*tbh,\ Columbus, à we.k end wii Mien Jennie a witb. ýrs Frd Seldon, ini e Mn tçrè Mrisoh, oi mat peta few dae" wiLh ]Mr. ta", Wm. Fowlie.- " J&s. Clordon, 'Anderson and zSe oi' !Torg>4j, Lave -hosa i ys- van 'Broad, lhan rented -the low- p Mv.- 1401 Prgle'ahoà e i Oiipy imi~the near future. wit) Scot ,ou treaI, - -and, tIom Scott, of Bàttl. Cldak, diti, ted witli..their'parentà,r *l t -fui- *im -'V*UISI L- romk""' td iia2m au., - " DEmqIl ma sways Mc. And -mri. WmRoutley, cf P*' iay fLead "u sesIi4s. peiuduponAn.d u la~ u u w;-ýweeg gr,~ô b.frms M., Goforth ha, 'cid the spath 154ta.. o ssI>aièae,. a.1tg, lkr.Mn.d e. T1f ..'osRlu tleyo por$iou of liii[tm, uhieh we u4ser. verth we «.,stand will b. tuterd.into garde ning Another Letterfo M . Pr bgl' ouse- 1 Iotî . IHe, bas retalued, the north ),409mMr ,oid goods - on, saturday .fterupeu. acres for himsÏlf au4 wilI build s - Bw i. ýs'i aei ttended, sud quite sc-houa. theron. BISfUI i euVS n __ li y etonetJa. th, I stated ?Ir. Jas. Skinner han Tad a large - SHW. h Gan rw.a trinO. Id Profitable crop of raisphernie..Ho, Liii.,oici I avebee hsehold- isuiipd9ftin sured boxes,. n oe, boddu b pw rlAnior since Ottaiztin u10 tost of tbeu ldy of Oshawa, contnary to provoipti of would for thO eaonigJue3th Mrs. C. E Gigg, cf Tononto, -an--1>04c-C Hseltb Act, store bon«,~ ràg, 1912, liaalelaver 2 ilo uh! xuPauied by lier children, ia viitiug Isonapiron, etc., camne beote -Nie Won- cf formnera' grain. Out b oks showed r parents, Dr. aud Mil.. Starr.. Mn. sliip lait Saturday, s ýud 'w..a s ed ibsi the. compauy haudlted 21,555,439 ig j. utt now ilu Eugland. $10 snd Costa, au& -giron 30 days te buaheja o - *arers' grain dnring'that eFhe àMa.pnlu Hall ia gettiing an ex. 4e" rtkl objeoted e. ise, aud that the profits -.of the, busi. mal meuf ci paint, whick will maL. 'On, Monday night of lset , J<>,* nms for fthe yeas amuted4 te- 121,- veny no4iceablo- improvemeut ho- Suilan2, uho bhas! 1us$ ,beau reiea d-614.13. 'c une ofe lpromuiiiouvpesitiou h c- -T"aisccmpauyBus »new ouer 12,0 areholders holding Qver .27000'- (J. V.Rickaby, of Toronto, hthïes f' pi sock i l -, dCmpany-.ac *tpoiing * 'Portion cf lleJoi a- ubacribed capital, et fl)oooi cf 'ee t ' elia' Fi U iejm f l.paid up capitalisà 858,472t. If.nasrosorve fund amouiitàaet w.sa b W. Macdonald 'wenlt t40Pic- Batusklày with tLe excursion 'e 'the C.N. 0O-. Railway ili n with the. Prine e£,dwaid 04d HOmeè weeii. He returued sy eveniug. L . B.Tabor,. of Crider,, o., i troubled *ïtL slck eadache. L fv, yoaàr' lmhe h.began blaberlelsTbl.-h ostwo bottieoet»I."i u r.a red, bler. -Sick headadte ij' -a "isor eristomacli for eMe taýblois .ans apeialyiyn.a Iy f.bom, et well aud utay. dVby aldalîetA.m-41. orge Pningîs,- Who la leaviug k'tcreside inU Lthbridgokl- os 'through this imedium. te bliank fLoue whjo genereus-. laedhm Lin lubuiuess sud'- te lit appreoiatien cf îLe frind.-' and ,hhiefauiily h.ve enjcyed - s yaurs -Msey, lhave màade thein Brookllu, Tl4ey al' reretthe for ieaving ibis parto! ýOu. Ut 'are -heppeful cf eujoying, alhIn tlutaLechange pcf dîlinate nài lu ermta. Kr. Pningle les, to .epçially ýthank- 1the Q. at$teàdèd -is sale- ou Qat- 6e-sud ,màde it, such a suecesa.- reituéeatfirst of thse orgmn ofi crerycos seek ré iI uot bau to t lus URit, =-h iy mll ae bave ti iis"m id'>to VI *MOI5000 ansd bas ljust Odclarj a. divdedo tenpepr »oint, on the paid of trube up oapitaz stock. This -eth"ntii r &dr 9 - heingat thse uetsxya, Tu. _f oa pureiy PiEra'CO. owned aud'. he «aMer--eper-ated by farinera. Theenmd - inet thse MOrxo YPt. Herttoferethe Co. hm conllued ' e troui>i ia energieg'chiefly te bandliuglate gr erset.grain, nd iivsialgothetr isatters pesig -rattention. 'b - Co. han st lesso îLe Nlanitoba.,G*,ve net Elvatfi S wbich the Coyernmeu-jbas opgated, ai a-loisa durinu the,pait two > rs, sud ha. aiseé seund iff -ertic s 1 cOtrer"cf a.lange termninal. sievaten a F ort William. ýIf. i 0texp fted that this .-vnture' wlll ho ïety"prfta fronthe o C.pa taudpoint atone,,bbn 55 à1 hl oxPectÇd - LIn .-sthe perAtion oc1f icie<fthse.' levatons by itb, Co-.will' h roubles. gr.at y luxthe iptetesta et the farmen, 'of $, thIe Weat. lu aidditiôn té the.1prob- mugi th in li aud, tIser" itho 'lumbor Pro- RY iiie Vobleui, 4h. coaal Problem, tii. probleusC 5-YOlI fol Iandling -al arui preducta, etc,.,irj . ecau. weillas t hat et placingin u 'W-te-date L YO<U: elevator.whotever ueoded, al-eurn riV YOU Islutioi, andtha' oitot ;ofwhch I d" ffh j de euds u i Êurae caia.A hldwuv~éoe., ~ yfor the, New'Ia stcim.Fce4 Crinding9 and Qats Crushing Eviry Day. Youyu sauiéorely, W, R. BIWELL. DistrctD ii NoUîngtht smaperons got Iost i Algosiquin Park iateIy, an èsteemod - >rràapondenmnses the Oria ]?aket b.e 1ofldwiiig.:-.:'Very ,pergof,- hùuld «Oe a~, mi1ar - W*th 4the watc4 ~asa ubstitute for a coipafsa, -becauM, -the, tter is «rArely càrried-j whereus 4heý ýatc1h,--l, one amy say, evoerent YicQrs 'u neeci tu have the< ' un bining to use t-e w'atef la acompas. lold the wat& in a* 1evaiposiLioný, itIitsh oubn pàinting"te 'the in, and,' asacwaly spoib, beo 4wl okown by the 'shadow i»g far uiider thé hand;,thon hball ay bètween- the. hnd,,and 1,2 *clo dmh-north and wS'outh. - PFor.am tb~hou-li~ndhapai~d to nig2 rt ï,n*x~e ivne~sy:~ery a 4uliverybo>'in-Barrie-the niait man,, -the, mflkmnan,, the baker, and' in fan, 3VÉry, pe-r$3on ,_Whà -has OCCasion b lôol , S O~Ieperîon's' resitince in. anot.her s,ýtreet.-haareaSOu "tô give "tbanks thàt"at lant- thehôuses are bengnuinber.ed oorreotly sud SYSta- matca>r.litilat is -now neçeqsary l tello, ypur'grocer te aend yeur or- dur' s o. 23,j71>i1 nStreet,'or what-ý etrt&corret number a- d- S-treet yw_ b., 'and you. tan go'honi.fep1~ "aob1l-Sure, that"Ihe delivery beyà o nÇdepoited yeuÉ- p4iroeI-on, bo~o ofier s &orgtep,- alter-a searb fory u e." -This la *oash ¶ikýentIèà i; edôa _n orillia. - Feelon Falls, azettýe.,Robent, Q:ê'lllinotieed in -is'potato.patoh f e w - d a y s , a ug o a p m a> l b ee-e' k ih l a - and eatirig the ý potato bieeties'. The. besftlé iu rallierl a 1 ci-n1 mon; l-cln lcc witE delep rcd isagular arso ita- baok, and i about the saine size es a fuil g ýroVm, Cot4to teet1e, bu Wt bufit on moôre gnaee- f u i li O s I t l a p r ob ab l y o n -. t h th "'ea that waa discov ereiltwo or >L. earà-,ago, but wvhich has flot yetOn1 beonumerous. Hers. àa resuedy -that wull cure yu eod lh waste 1time and moliey* ex- peniueniu1 benY"u can get A pro- ýýpftto'_ »hat.,blas won.,awerld-wide reputation by itacures'f' this cli4se b. dePended- upon. and le< pleasont dnd la' econ*~Y'wher s uChamberlain'a Cough- Remuedv, and in-'a iedicine of î roimtf.For sale bv ail dealers. 1,f. J1s Hedof-Sain1fiild, flfliow- iyý eaedbeing at'ung- .to death re- oently,ý by a marin off See. 'Two Port Penyte,, were nenra r demi by an auto. A quick jiimp ta WHITBY MARKETS read*, witb rniahmae phair treieof gamn teli : aCI-ose-the' Continent anld stre' Uetwork of copper îito the far' Of thé g lobe. È' an the friend of humani of yesterday. il. art f o -t' w o' ýOves xnan- at displaiyé I arn Advî mS iS av -1 DJIED. 'PITZ'PA'ÈRtCR-At.Brok Rond, ici erni~g Township, on 'Sunday, Mus il, .1912,, $firy Coffoy, beloved-wifeté -Michael Fitzpafriok, aged 5 y'ers COUNiTY OF ON2AIIO. M rch 4, AprilýS# May2 JUneE( Dec. 7, Jan.. 18, 1913. OSHAWA-Cerk,>rlâu EL. %cd Dell, Whtby-J'a. 160- b. 6, Mu. bi APrIl 4, M ay 3, Juan q Julyt Sept. 4,' Oct. a.,-NOV. 8, ef.'01 Jan. 14e 1918., .BROUJH4M-"Cerk, M eau Greenwofi-JanIl 1, Match,6. mai 6, July / IlS't 5, No . 1, Jau. 15,19. 3. POR'q PERRY-Cleko J.W. Bua" hem, Port Prr1a1 8,Mr.7 May .7, July. 8,- Sept. 6,Novy. 48 4. U X B R W X E - C lirk , R J . <o r , ,Uxbrdge-Jau., 12, Math 20, May M; -Juy 20.f $60. 13, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1919 » 5. CÀ14NINGTON -Cieirk5 ,r S m t h, C a u u g e u J u. - h m at. 27, May'15,- J.uIy 25, Sept, 121 Nov, 1,Jan. 9, 191 8.' Grdn, Beaverton-au. 10, Matc 18 My 16, JuRy 24, Sept. 1No. 20; -Ja. , 1013 » - W" -1 UPYeU1GRO -fVlerk , Danle Leonard, At.herley-Jau." 91 ac 2,MaY 17,fJuMy'23, sept. 10, -.137y Order> ,JiE. RiAREWELL. atsd aS h4y è4 1, W 1 i e 7 n Als1edoen, per bus ... 88.00 to 89.00 Wb.. ed ................ 0.90 te 1.00 Whawht...... .... .80 te 0.85 Wbago.. .... ..... .80 te 0.85 Wh.s, ..ui........70 to 0.75 .hit,.a.l.........> e09 Bua..I,....0.70 to 0.75 ..O... ........ 0.50 te 0.50 .d Clýove . .... ........ ....0 te 9.00 FLOUR AND FEED. fum, te fl ft,...-. . 2.78 te 3.00 Draa, per toi....... -.00 to 25.00 Short. -per tes.a. .0 370 MEA T. POULTRY-AN!> .ROB0., »Wi, pebpt.. .10.50 te 11.50 Daitî, l, ive .............7.00 te 7.00 uthn _Pet lb.... ......15 StcoÃ".15 [~as, ach.......... . .0 te .00 Rogdnesed......tl.O to U]IL* Flop, llght And ftt.57 o 6.0 legs asiot,.....7.75 ta7.75 ldàÊm, pis... ,.0. -4 ô.1 ......r l.......2tu #g j Wgs pi -d.....v)a.. 0.23 to-0.25 art ptl...... . 0.18 $t6 0.20 Ormie immedijt Barrister, Etc. of Murr Office-smithls W. ADAMS, a -Il-;-- styhu'0 i B,.àm. agwfth 4 motus r,, mdi s. Eut bel og Agent Whitby - en ta*mi SFLOUR:- ICREAM.utyNs jTÉ.A-BUýS' BuRKAD ANI) CAKE MAKElRSý mRai FEED:.. SPECtALPRE COR QATS I j" SOME FEATURES 10F Imerial Yý-ear- Eibit y tuhe Provinces .DomizdniExhibits Band of Scots Guardo: - 'Pro., Bucinghmm Plc Paintings of the Yeaf rôm Europe, Painitiga by 1best Cnda n Amercan Artiste, Iniperlai Cadet CoffPptlttona Boy Scoute Revlew. Eveiythlng lu-Educationa ExhIts Siege cf Delhi»- Bae0'Tii' Barn Baud Britaln's asfBasta usai Dragoons' Musical Ride Indlus tries -,unOperatioù Býutter Making Compettions Amnerica's GreaiestLîveStock Show Ganiada's Biggeat Dog Show Amerlca's Prettiest Pussi es .JaPauese Day Flreworks Motor Boat Races Hippodronre aud: Crcu Four Stages and. Arena ali golng Erpin fMoqnt Vsvu Atbletic Sports TenBand 'Concerts Daly Acres cf Manufactures ImPerlal Flreworks. 4 mbrs' ýAtug. 24 1912 >Sept. 9§j ~d arvsf rsWanfed Oohgawai Lie&d Auctioi @ortot L. Fairbanks. Foi due. ýapply te self or.(E by. LICENSED AUCTJ< -AND VALUAT< AUl hinils et alea pnomp to. Arrangementsea sales at the Gazte" fle Termes reasonahie. Bell 'sd Independeut phic -WIITBY, UNi OONTRÂOTO Carpnter, Buider aud C Plansdrawn sac- -estimates Rsffrs, ÀkeÏrcsn B«x 467'WIT UairrIage Lice Lsuero4d Marriage LLnn duç,ation Look, about yen s"id seaho briusawlun boter salar 4xained Muscles.!,--We ti mu.s &ud -w-mou te useeit 1.a business. -Th.ey su ,ci out uew caaloue? It ostyou if yeUwnt10g a iterni frein ug. 2 th. haw's Sehools, Toron W. i. Shayw ý.'ýM t"0ehtetrira rnipeg *0.00 mets, HaIt a-cent a mnile tram Wîn- ran River, Edmonton, nud seail other s'A peints O-n-C. N.- teWinipeg, ng point, fs ou te - laspeo for yeur ti, te &gaweml ,-wc l'où Wiênf.s mhalu 0-- u f Ontario, Toronto to Sarlu oou . TO.RONTO MMOIR bffu un

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