Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Aug 1912, p. 7

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wiots fr have bn ire, and' h. oo toit t- 6it ach of thea. thereý oappéd i hinai brouglit hlmi ofcours., slun fintroductiontov- WIIV O 'U-London lfirma.,but eae'h lett4 bOlzght him only freahr disa'oi~ rat :A t e-ain aapects of Loi , aspftdily 1I*eiam" aocustomed, 1 4hou; if hO thouit of them at a it wàs with ib$ifference -4,trth. disgust On dy howeyor, FPasmed with aeoming ahruptnesg à to a uonw stato of miind. Sick .wit dt~apoinmentalter the falure .0 a etèhor promising seheme aug gested toýim by oe*a of the ment whomn his -uncie lied written, h4 walked throuh the crwedsret too-hobeleas sand wretched even t4 fu tioé ii.direction lie. liad taken Iadwth a miserable peioeptioi- that hiî5 Isat good card was.,=played &nd tha t ail hope cf succeos wai To geàn an honeat living was ap k .tIy Ùnýimoble, the worId alf ordedhlm no faclities for that, bui it afford.d 'him countiée a oPpor turitide*of lbadin6 another sort oi dits. Why,aho uld-h not take çïhut hbe couId gt'.Life w.u niiborab14 !anàd -wrthem onoligh, buÛt at leai ho mUgM tPut an end te the hideoni monotozzy of the&'search alter work, at leààt 'lie' miet plungeinuto a phase of lit. wliich would hae>st - any -rate the. oharm of novelty. ÃŽt wos Ã"Dî q those, autumn d yu [when shadow and sun altorxate quiçk1y; -a gleazu of sunahine'no'w flooded the street with brigotness. 1,1 seeméd te ýhim. that -a gleam of tlight had aiso brôken 'the'dreari- ~ness o! bis lfe. If he, 'inn' h lwould do sotleliberately. IIe.look- .e the tWýo-lives fairly in the facé ~now, and, in his heart he' knéwr Iwhich atiràcted him morjt. The dis- lcovel9 st4rtIed him. "Why not? why not V" urge4,the, tem 'nter~. Avid the vague shrizrking aeemed togrow leks; nothing in ~heaven or earth seemed real to hjm; h le feit that nothing mattered a traw. As well that way as a ny ý ther. Why nof ? I>Stili' the thouglit of eigrid heMd him in ce',tertebao,' ber clea U es eunbrs o, eof uh.urfaoe et the'sullen anger and dis&ppointment which were. goad- inlg hlm on to An evil life. - Was it ifter al -mý,ite tfrue 7 Rad ho really tHed eve-,ytjiing 1 Twé or Xree tixues during hmie ; aaderings lie ha4 thought of %oy oniface, and haà wendered *whe- fher he, sh6uid )eek hi u ot &an, làr v ~ -tr *u u ipr i~& &s npt au um se=iu nv acidh e ward B -ixt n ef<ca oe~~lt T ecntcau.), atBr9gen14he room where 90 nany Of theb, '.1o4 winter eveingshad In CMASE YTOUR- HAPIPINESS. t h. ~eeli~t~niztz ~ BM.n àewas oneiorasOyfu app. Lit yva q Y, noerver7 -nstura1, h6miel epe Wbiýse yourand hor1 ut. tee milaoualy iJv~ihi i esa t C m paee remariks have a ort eadr yuhv er>Fre i-n -madle nqiriiW ut a.sluop 4thé- ef flaver of their wn ndGci a Ters empt aties;Fre-t> fnt àO eig4borhood, Was- féWte o e omethlng-o thesmgift~ idnn -à, and ba theandegive a littie théugltto 91 of e a ditectory, and havilikgi ound' At Ia3tthe front door open 4adt4, caus eihprvedt.F- D hth eedod waesbaon inakin ' footstepas. ounded in the hall, ittl ie gt '. the penhariiWeset' you-r- a >firs ayhp1~o el-to car*8nag-Lnern ont to greet Mt~. Bouiiface friends,. and o0nly. rem'ember the gE 9f &kive whieh led t ea Tree aad Boy, and Frithiof felt -de go-pointa which ma-ke yen fond of ~> ans. eame aa hé rememberod the purse- them. Forget ail pèrsonal quarrele fi * Tc bit snurPrise the'der was sud- p.rDnd'ttAdesmgn 'that foolisli pre- or iatori esÀ yow-may have heard by Pi 31 dealy fiung open as hè.appr<aclied, Indi1ce ha-d>-OOlured up*ia bis brain acocidentp,.,aad wkich, if repeated, it <an~d à ittle bioy in à, voIvt tunie -beiug wholly unlike theIê dlywoud seem a tlisntiewr 'ëmedanoitug ont <»pl>s ~pleasantUookizng mu w o .tha-àteyare. Blet"eut as far-ra-s th tc Me etivith aeminà ee ~ ho hna hirn, se i '1POS85bleG:th -disagreeables ôof hf e; hi@ R "oy, P{yî~ ~~~ thý littie a m ent te know wh ewaan they- wil cume-' but' they wiLI ro a ' elow merîïy,iy e cin t xot, a-Il abouit lin. larger wbtexsyou .-remernpmber them; ni you I" Tien And soYou -have -been lin'Lon. aiid ' theonsta1R nt: thôught ocfotaof oj li mhtkh dr~~,kInto thedon ail thie tins !" egclaimd B~.meaness,or, iworge. stili, rna-iie nj - &u~w-yiidin haàface inCecil' a"WIr ebJuts are y i'vl .nytndt>nak oSiui- ~ ~kir-t. "lose to v'y% ihall .Statio," lar withten Sue.tc~he. Wi.1 littie er c ieE!ili."Tieô or three tiiues - Sly-od4 é hlldfi'. V hearme, and i thougieht 'Of loking yônu 'n,>-but -RUER. greçuf 'y'e t ti eep- teeiaeawaya 'e xauch te do "A tempor 's a useboesithlxcg s ~ bie '~y , koe eriigv-"e aefu~w os That yoýu:caat s5.11 or. buy' u eut-dl~,Frtîjf'tku2 ,There's, net- a soàl thiaï wanig, 't ticinghi tha littai. groiip Iuciir.d"liks 4N -indèid;, 1 wish I haciIt y'et - .h a picture ofithe Hohy Family.. Some- seeme to m ëoe, ranay 'tkrve in 'this 'To ke.i ealtry Ihow lie 'no longer dreaded the.in- tplace 'before 'finâiag anythi keiii tr t iide'ofthehouse. Forth, fitttim:10do. bg~Dlr~TIW. - .PROFESSI rV,'tTIO b. a f~~ week le the i.sert 1 reat '"Owen 'vshsta mBay, goodm4ight isBrga baiigBrw al whieb ia akith to hap inessW Ce oyu e,.Fli, adCc,~ lËst)-<Bll lt1ýed j", 'àining m reOgnized him,. and came0' fàw od adin6 the. littie girl. up te --hnl A lm;-cn ugar-e a ti.py wiha Prett~Y eagerneeS 'of mani 'er and tii. bitter loôk diedetcfF1.Guttin nt~m i'the grtb Se te ree ~toomuh atoished thief1"'faCe for0 a minute as 'ho. Ui'hn'.. e .-- -tr ut hl~ s4dQn afpartinc 'for an>r thougît '6f shynes o te nvene. Bose " ethouglt ou must have gone ~o amn seglsd yen have coee te eo mbu us. The chlârçpn 'thoixght it was ' ý B1oy, 'Who ope»ed'the gate R.e - wil - be home. directiy . wuflbe 8sur glâd te séee ou. witre b "«lIsh4Ãœld haye- oalled b Le, said Fnzthuo0f; gbut my daysuhhave - mi beeP Vry fuli, and thentopA I wam a net qutesure cëf your adOfa" R. followed lier: ue e bgly'~ lhghae hall, a-nd with a-sort o!rat isfciotl4uout the dam e Nvem- ber twiliglit. '"«W. have $o often spèken of you and'your ahtý,"said Ceeul'but j '.---------by, when Boycalied at the Aruadel and sl fouixd thaot yoen had ýléft without giv- iag -any #ddreses, wo thou7ght 'you -ui muet hUivogdiinebaêk te »ergii/' ew modern plant cf E.'W. Gillett-Company Limited, Toronto, 0nt,î, cnsig ltt "Did hecallon me again there Il' of six bùildings, with three Railvatv sidings and separate office building. pou aaid Frithiof. "I rememÃœber ,now lie the pr-omised 'thâ:t h e' would boule, 'I stoopedte kies the baby mouth that BENEFIT OF MEAT DIET. the ought-to have thought* of.- -t but was te mptingly oftered te him. Cho sorehw il'wa oafsia hat -1t, will be hard-if in ail London Ducklings -Reaehed Maturlty Twvice n ol 2 w. can -flot flnd-you sernething," asQ i 'work do ycou want 21 Twe eminent memnbers of the "i v,%oulddo anything," said Frn- French Academy of Sciencçs. have thief. "Sweep a cressing if neces- jutbit the théories ef the vegetar'- aary7' - ane a bard bbow. M. Magnan bas -They.,alb laughed.- spent ma-ny yeare ia studying the '4Many peopIe eay that, vaguely," influence et différent kinda ef food said Mn. Boniface.,'<But when.eue upon the différent organe of the cornes te'practicai details tliey draw human body; consequenthy lie has bacir. The mmi! and! the broomn lock been mucli interested in the theories a-ir very well la the distance, von of vegetanians a-ad deter mned -te' see.."' Then as-a'bebi wae rung fin Put these te a very practieal,.-test. the hall, "Let us have te& first,. and! Tho resuit of tis test -hais juetý been Afterward, if yen wilh core nelt. my rePorted te the Academy -througb study we wili talk tue matter aven. Edmond Pernien. W. are eld-fiabioned peonhe ila -- ýM.-Ma-gnan aelected dueksa». hi$, lius ad eopte til li cueoW',rét.- .toi h uckEngs aw c f t~ ~ ' -a d s u p e r - I d o n t k ~ u w s e n -a s t h ey w e r e -h a t ch e d a n d! s g hof yen an ae su ti IdngainNor- iegs èd th m -n ro pe -, .abut, e y mni!i aeénis that groùp lie fed 'e'clusively on' rive 'themldidi«e" f-he d4ay ise ,timte -fleh,-.another group reoeiyed nothing, for the sq uare meal, as they say. but grube ' a-ad the lanvae-f inseèts,. la Amerii" a third group was kept'on- a gener- - la ans vegetanian diet ceaeisting of If- tue meal 'that a-waited -themin'bréad, Ladian meal, ceabbage, nuts, tii diiagnoo~ as""t "'square," anfhng, purely - vegetable - that it 'Wam, at sy. rate, verytemptiug; -birds cIud le iaduced ta a.o h fnemý th 'e fn a ta-hle-cloth to fouitth--group neceived ansa f th s8ilven gypey kettie-f rom the de- butche'& meat every daV: andý'_,,aS ic&teiy".--a-rranged chnysaathemurînsahled'te--sat other thinge besidés. ýte the, CrowuD)er4y cups and eau- -:Magnan weighed hiq, dùeka' cenu-7ah1 -bespoke giod taste and tii.. once, a-'week* and kept à a anful'ne-.-- psnal. supervision cf one wlioJ cod of their va«ia-io.na ]Re: esa"- reaiiy ccarei! for* beau'ty and 'order. j-iieed a perfect curvè-. for -eaobic For the fins8t'time'fer- weeks Fnithiof grup-oe!bi-de, sbowing e -very toit' hziagry.' Nô more wae sa-id of j.hange uf weight fi-om Jýegning 'to 'the ?unappetizing' subject, of the e'nd.-'et'thée'test."'.",- ,deanth of , onk, non ,ýdid they speakTnwe afrte ~ ece arnl 't-t'ec' Norstgian rseoliee- tisé itat-eAtng dueka bai!a6aùe tious,'li.- cause they kaew it wéuld, an, averago weight oÃŽf-53 ouci-ces; he 'bea Bore' hubjeetwitl 'hlm jiut ni;gnb-eatiîng' of. 39, oiunOos. h"'Û Meanwhile-. i. eatudy -a verj-' ei w -o! '3ofonlys,21ani! g. -mater-oLfat cn~nsaiouwa 'b- Attho -endif outenieekstii. ~ing iiold. ' ' - ea-tngucsw?-lîgen 1What i wàn't te flnd out," said adults~ weighlag- on"- the avérag Mr.. fonifaàe, 'liswhetlier y u are u< pc>unda' ha-flt. t9 k4;' nealy iba ýaftneat 'li *'sbat -;Ã"U saY duckhf161 other-àoli mfrein lve t'é about 'wunbç Thons are thensande- àinoumoths te attain thiu~siz h et yungmouuayig -etatiy ise getanans,'being tiiowesest et a»., sarne"thing;7but. *ien you takhe . ro# whlbic' P-rrner -an- M~. trouble_ te go into.,their omplaint Mi >aêü draw, ' ie tieu<üî%fiati you fid that )ereal cry 1 0 r aTO4iut10-cann hh'~ Lpysthe agis o PERMANENT Income- XN thoe sections of Canada -know about bon d InvestlÃŽinïs wheretjiere is the greateat because they Qifer the big2ist- per capita wealth,. Bonds' possible returnj consitent ijith foin t1he argest -item lain the >absolute secunity - liat of linvestments. Bonds are consired,,the.*iùost desira-ble,- .-a-îêex cnt- bcon4s lu mth od of nyim t me4ýi - ici enom i natlbno. 4 îoG00a ,d, $4 S stadpolts f'iftyicomàe 5 OI *$10aTbe S sutnd Co eSfince., of thesp bonds, 1. establish'd' byexpert leuglnemr aad expert the -purclase of the fihat AU y$.- bcnd-wihether S'GO, S590-o Dermaneut nd ndeeudnt ' ý by wlelch' boudiaare linebme. The satisfaction In- te secumdreistricty 1nvestigatéd ýpossesslon stîmunlatoîthe.doslx-e"b us béefine bnds-are '-oDered- bt own another, - -'t0Ogr- cu smero'-in fat;ince - teo*ràaïulatien, of tmho hmgme iWe cai aid you ln solvlng 'tii. problerf of! maklng your rnoney- earn- more mohey- ,ýaigyour savinga growad e"rn a constanthy lacreasing Income.- 'The man of ~bould, consider 44, -nve stmentts. smallcatl the say o0f Hoeneeda l10 prncilpal -0 on any bon We will orf cortespc CLPOPA UAIUOrIOnTrRCLB M £ALtB %1rtRj~ Qm~ 'I&M -oVMr it àaspo eig and&a h.ait for e Sp.ie uns.-O cupo -ougor,. ýn-e-i bhre egs, enecùt Dupi flur, om: tel ea-poons>-e cinnauxai Bach, of oop~l Dream tebte eredients, r.erfvin Mûr te, sprinkiè ov4 ternate 'ththe' 9e pans. Pineapple -s ýo m ù a - o Ma O f , M il 'nt-te-,h liquor ila 1 ttw& 'hfeapinlg tai tur, a cnp and'a. liree egga e(the yali ight), two Cùûs Of md, laot of ail, tIi need, ineAnnie.ý anld1 >ud-0 oed -pineapple J lis rWië 0 ,blonfad à ;Pantry ilOf le* el fboiliag, w&ter, frhum i. c p ibi 4 ý p e o k e p s r Peuür int d thie pie>' of the 'rs e tatrilhhtwiliplunge th gar. "~ ng wate ner Dish--Take 'a roma ! d p tatees well D ried ,l'e e 'j 'I n c tutu and rvrng ail -saeat, use three- fourths a e'uDp -4 fbreadcrumbs-net,died, at 'atale-to oachi -oup o-»gï6und eat.- A-dune -owo W"efl-boaten- g and enough milk té'ma-Ake rop mixture. Sae generoutly ith sait. pebjer'iand «ien. -Drop rthe 8poonful lut. a peta «reased ith drinhpinge or bacon fat &nd:! ,te as liked:» Make a brown sauce the fat remaining.ý Thie lsan iprevement over the. ]ittle'jiai! 'a-t halls so eften aerved ài4i eaner tha.n ali-meat. 2- 1eal Birds-.-Out , -half-inc " vzI fron,. -the round t --in-e~ f14our iuches. Peu'nd wl A piece allow a' ane-inch cuubq et 14- -ork. a few, dué4of -e lemi-on M.a. hitie of the gra-ted, niai!, a tlÏ 'minced enien *ýnd à aéjh o f eltry eesoning. -Mix -these wlth 5me-at tnimmiaga et the veal and! -sa-me ýanount of breaci cruaxhe. ýp 9'il together. ,Meisten with ms. S.prp'ad on the-p ieces of veal. ýeuch like a jelly rolla-ad tie or wèr àecurély. Dip into egg andý imb.s ani! saute. tub -brown. Cover ,h milk or water and simmer fer tvfive nminutes. Remnove igtninge rkewers' bef-ore seving. Thicken. wiùl fort aise keeps the graina wéÙeil b na ver.Wi Beplirs who have ed trou-Capital uts (Àhave found tha+t borax It the best» exterrainaktiors. thB ives and rcss l -ent, ývi~ked with jt.- A- Frei ~kd Oatmeal '-wt' -ra at a lamed'to e,' en'ideal det me-up nta-1 A childrenL' ca-m ae ,- and. healthy onth:s'-atl muc;-I ?,Et Possible- outîlay; , j To unches out s oatcened 'gently WLa -t s lien fr rne fn;a andr tly.,-beill a r&wIy -out aw . -bhPiece ,nound a -l 'uig the -back part ;Cuttlng the feather; a"hi du whezf fiaished.7 ktdoee your huebaad like rekfast ?" "Anyting got in ithie use." SUGA~ Remua ~u~w~oe~ -wo-n a prize _ ast-yeàr. with wlucii D coatest In thatlas Tliçnc will be tir.g in--be lb. m.. 'ce, lis i.- cf 0W cf - b, s.LI r. ai e,. - 10 1-. 4. e- if Iqq4b.,-% - -Am- .0. .-- - - - - --

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