Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 7

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îý iwnpoc1cets in 2making >this ~ ~i'ai *r~p, ut ,,to break, off I4oo ection no suddeniy, and 'c~han md -at,àuchl, a --r1ë eia4- wast hard -lnearWh"aort t.PÇO pe rýp t4qy.-4heae MoýSan& t ç"' -maid Frithiof, celer- ý2"'On of the brotheris wa.s in erwsy t s -sum mer, cam~e to ourt uw"e, d in with us' prof êmse,t1le atQt fr endliness , 'whileé al the lé e hM rnthave ,known what the m were ~ ~iatin~. Doubt1e camé tQeehýw the ýd iaye," iàid thii iter. '4<And ,t cof thf 'ether 'brotherl" »W 1a imiu- yeu1terd',' replied thof -ewas very civi; tolId tlie tele rm' ba4"lbéé èneb t mern about,-thGoe.ffair j-, aid-,not ear delay, -and spolce ,y hîghly of my father.. WordsJ bt notiun ouyenSeo-. 10 do n1 itea-th.e itreme bit- sou c 'Jh~tone, and Ipoked ýrchingiy:jpCto tii.;face cf hbisvimi-' "PCoi l1èi1owl"11 he refiééàte ' trt' Elfe with. a'grievaucee, a"there -C$ nothing soe, bad for a i 5thÃŽt; 1A 'fi -andiouie- 'to. -he et 444~tn'#.i rt ot lalondnhewiil go to dogsl ~in otime." Se," he said, 14these. Morgans, ugh they May be keen.business8 n, yet th W ire after ail himmn. en they l ýV 4 an 1ýuck e their ;igmm a4ive4,à"t naturhIlthtï4ey sh4urt Their IPU1se" Will 1 i ,te hoe I Ishè*Idadýse yon-to goto' n ak on -e >and i talk thé affair r with' tl w. Ifý they have anyj per feol g àtyqf will cfer von, ke4- vice. 1Ivonid motand," ad the ccii feel very biter, an< 4~tlie ay in ic hv..'Ut stil ild tri Vogetove: ut_ ýutè t lonly- klli hm. That±h ac-h ier '9'but anaccident." '"SL Ï Uould -'uevr ptauy thing frmuu jeni; it- in ont of tii "X*enusêrte f peak -pfainiy,' Said 1the,- eCo, àui. - "you are ,ve ri y'oung, and tuonk#",- 'ut littie '0 -the wrd .if ypu'aiiow-yourselý te he ggvrn,d by pride oi tismmeri Yeun cap,'net hope te get ou. No'm turu ',il overjita. y9ngr,, mmd, aid il - ciye do, ngt fei tiat, yen can sm hese ieoffle, at. auy rate -write tc "Ican noýexpiairi. it ail -tà.youn irî>' sai.! -xithioif., 'Pt thei'e &r4 Private ,resap4no vielmaie tha t-ral togetior-Smçl ossibie."- îTii.' bloo.!i Iial;-mounted, te hi* fcrhea~.hlk -ips iiad eoe..nlud straighj i 14;perliapeit vas he. < aue hy, quivered tiiat ocr ~ressdtheno. "A Vomarin utic question," re- flectie.!.thi inmui. "That compli- - ates UatUÃŽ à. Al thie more rea-. on that h. hecýuJd eaye 1Louddm.'-, e hen, cn,"Ilüf eu teunahie tU ~ly e then, I ghieuld'recommend ;Cou str4ngly to try Amnerica. Everî ý-oeffefeis tc -tendon'-for work, but as a'matter of fact Lôndon streets -just uow are'not pave.! with gol.!ý èverytliing is -At '- a standstili; go bewhri, ,yoùwlIl .yen viii iiear -thal trade la - bad - tiat exupiyrnentl Cîtcc,- and! tat living is dea." ' ifÏ 1coul.! hear 6df any- oeeu1u luAmerrica 1I voul.! go *at oncee," p~dFrthi~."But at Bergen vî lave heard di inate that it isne such easy thing evren over tiere te mei wvith' vcrk. ,. J viiln.ot, psy tie, ex. pen$eg of, g"vyage aueroiy te ho iu xby ýp1ehwxt,étâite' -an ndredg efmilco furliher frein home."? 1'hat c4a, yen doV" amie.!' the çonsiul. » !'IÏ yen?. English pretty goe'd?" - "Icnwrie -sud spak it easiJy, -An.!, cf -cotru, 'Gerrùan too. 'I -n-- ctrstaud be -keeping." -1, 1"ân:v'tasté.for teaciingl" amie.! the consui.' -"-n" s aid Fr.L4,hiof, decidediy. "',Then the -euytbing tlaat mseo i openi te yen is the work of a secre- - iny,wora'c1erkship,, or periapg you eeldmanagè tran,ýlanng, but tiat 1*iteasy wcrk te get:- Everything n.w i '?verérovded, se dr'eadfully ~ lioererof course I hah ber -oit in Mirnd. and yen "I-nr8clf will rleave ne atoneunturu- 'fc,d.-Stp v.- Itnighitgive'%Ioit a letter ':~~ itrou t'O te Heir Siy~értseu; I the gloqmles.t.; t4, ri id te- i baco, they wii1igu~ '~i Ïéemeemed lth 'it-f tha-tt.h4 ndiow could not, have .been lil nd fo -a- week. An obiuu viéw ofýM die' library -wa the 9nly'abject f ,in- tereat te be-mebii withôitt,. th tugh- b'ciylîng ono'm neck- pue _ uid et i -iJiâ aagllmnpÈe of4e ftr 4 cý iu Oxfe.d Streét. R. waited for one inutes -Wondering tï> himmo l MW a- sucéemafulz author éould to rate suc1 e a denand trying tbbim gin.ý f rom the ,reom whàît sort cf )ing* wasý the -inhabiter'tiereef. -At nigth tbéi. A&>r ebéned;-and a grayýhaire4_ forebead and eom.what trn qudre-jiwed face, *ntered. ,;«I iayédfé_Jddth. couaVji<lerg'l h. ald, _grlýtig PrÃŽthiid! an ma- týiouig him te a cehair. "'You waut- whthvry hardto, gmt. A4ý. ycu îwiýbr.. tbat thoumaudm cof men,4 are eeking eplym nud are. unable. . meat w it 1l"- "Stithavem e1aioi érothan jhu âwyad abiyhow I xe4ite "I arn tired te .death of y4,ng men coming to me' and watiugý help," he-remanked, frankil. 'Yen nu ini my opihion yen dou't kueiv.wiat. lwork Émeans. It's mQlley -tiati ydu W' aut, not work," - a lFrithicf, dryly, 1o ' Hevever worthleos,., ve uniùcý I haveý'te l he;"i mi.!, eldIy<'l'A.nd r a&J can't prtend tbe ite ' ted ,g in ýculture,-I,,1nus t,.wisto e i = r im irn udisc ussion." e IÃŽe oed-andniâcbifôir thé -d)r. Wîll de o noharmn if yeu leavè me ryour address." e "Tan yIouÛ, 'but' at presext i b ave noue te- give," uai.! 1ritàiof. Sle feiý.1,Very angry aud -'.very meoe f hearted as be ruade is wy 'do f lusenm S'Ftr4et. - To -have m et with. w tryman sèeme4t lpx ,bard, speel. f a?.ylu ustirue cf 1htrulé or.acter te iindershtànd -'.theeccetrie ciçi author, audie forgot tiat Rýrr I Sivertsen krèw notl1i-uk çf'his ,cir- ê cuinstances. -'flé i-às--tàocabruüt, -toc indepeudeut, perliap-u àleote refiued,:4eopph bis way -as an u:,- s kuowu- foreigner lun-as ige :metrè- à Po lis.- 'He' çym as tué'ly'- uaàblé ie -raa picti resqn,é- descripto-! -:the plighu ho waO -,-beeoUl4donl rely on a -sort ot dogged persever., &#sce, a fixe.! Tesoîve "tiat b. muït ansd would fin.! w<rk; su d lu ito cf constant failurea ti;neyer -leat him.' -Re tramp.! owu ,-te Vauxiaii, I sd began te scarch for - Igig, :lopoe. t soôme-hif-dozen sets; -an.! tfinialily llghtedton, lan Ittie boU.mé B in a ne wiookiug street a fçev huÏi- dre.! yards~ frein Vauxhall Station,. >There wsma card up iu tbe--wiudowv adivêrtiiug,.rooms te let. He Érang itic 4e11 sud'-wai'a, litt.le--surpried to find the, door opened te him by 9a-middle.aged - oman>who was un- miataksbiy s lady tiongh her-deep<ý b- ly iincd face told cf privationÙ!suad i ogre, possihly aime ef il-temper. Ho baike.! tic price cf tue roomm. - "A sittiug-room sud bedroom àt ifitte-en shillings a -Week,"> wam thý, reply. "It ifk toc ruuch, suàd bàsidem qonly nec.! eue roe,"he,,*aid.ý' "I arn afrai.! r. can, not dlvide. thei."- - . ee leokeci disappointed,:. 'Au ides seenied ýte strike thei laudlady. '- "There is a little rooru at-tie top, yoù inigit have,". she safd- "but itý -voul.! not b. very C'omfortahleb. lt would lai only five shillings a we.k,ý iucluding - attendauce."I U-AIlow me to see iti, said.- Fr1- l.ieiteu 0tire.! and ,il1 that - si. had sbownuhlm s pg-sty heé; -would piohably ihave taken it m&e-ý ly -for the sasiecf aettling Matterè. As Wt vas, -theioi. eo, theugii bar. ' and! corufcrtiems,. vas, - potlessly «ia su,'m u fhe-pveeae h.M inhrtèkt i ltday kM h i r 1 t . A u 41 U UHstaSfld ispeluIat*,nldr on hetf.H. -was iong ince ?dead, and had lefibeind- Ëm., the ifruits Ã"lsjhiffgWeîssthree heipleèW. 'Ies.Cbiar ot, ptii - oo bIW thre.; who had- more homlt that t& Test, .tried to persuade hum ý t hN,"le replied, "jI shahlai al rigitin î-day-o îtwo. 4tis ntbing. fqord doctors Pila." pamionately,-hlm poverty* touched a' fito rd in her ou:nlifie. 4Penh.aps the les bas corne in. order -that .yen may have turne to bhin,"~he s&dtiriidly. 'Frithiof - - nnomo.to - r.. togetber baffled lier. By the. Saturday morning he ;aî aluost hinself égain -as far aS;piy. tîcai âtre4às Gôuc0rnd u ieout.ly,àway !im tWe 4ý-üieles,3 broodings over the past, sand te ýsi wti a- certain *amoantet luteresu, "Whatis te b. doue uexti2" JeWieu MigssChariot.eý am, te lu. qn- e fti'h-patient, jàe fquac te ber surprise that. ho -as up u dressed.Pan "What!1" she exelaimed. *'YOU are ral e tien V" ->dQuitè -veil_, thani yenu, he re. plied. "HRave you a uewspap.r in tii. lions. tat yen wôuld b. mo good as te7 leud me?" "Certiuly," said Misa Charlotte, her face iightiug up, as mii. iastened out of tieroorn, returniug ini a min- ute -with, the specia] organ o! the religious Party te whlch.she belong- cd. I tiink this miglit iutercst, y'Qu, mie began, timidly. 'II don't waut te be interested," said Frftief. dryly. "Ail I vaut is te look tirougi the advertise- meuts.. Ai thousand thanks, but I see this. paper i9 net quite what I need."j - "Are. yon enre-that yen 'know what yen realiy need 2" ah. said, earnestiy. H ad sie not been such a genuine littlo woman, ho wonid have spoken the dry retort, "Madame, I ueed rponey," which tremhled on hls lips. "iYou sec," hi. said, smiliug a lit- tîn, "if I do not find work I can flot pa y et, c I must lose no tixue, lugetting smre situaàtion." <To be co'utinued.) EFFEUT 0F A- STORM ON FOOD. M! 1k, Soupm aund Ment Ofteu Go Badi. It bas otten been observe.! tipt smre--foodauCh ias mili,, ipeat an.! oup, go -bad vien tiiereýis a thun- dersterm. This las generaily been attrihute.! te ielect-,' c.iýauigi - ç xtr&_,plycfozeub- in.-'be air, ut--exporiments cenducWi.!recently by Prof. Trilat lu France. do net cônfirru tus tiieory. - -Prof. Triliat 'has. prove.! that infi- nitesimai traces cet tii. gases cf- putreacenIceý cause Isotic ferments te pregrem1 s vith great'iapidity. - It la inovu tiat atruespierle d.prçs. siens cause the, gases ilg lu thé eartii sud in *ail etiher e bjecte te, comè tote surface. This is vhat maies odors more perceptible atter a; storm. Froru tua it vas a natuirsi déduction that' atruospienie depres- îlou accelèrated decay by> ilberating tic jases iu mliior ether porisi- abie -eeds. Prof, Trillat ruade many experi- mentg vthuhtacsnuder vary--- in' degrees et atruespierle pressure aud prove.! tiat tic -l6e ei.bure-' meter the more rapid the._4ecay. AN UNPLEÂIAAT FEATURE. -It~ hsan an uule&an0 eature oethte pilosopiy, but, Freti. finda tue con-! c0lusion ir reaistablo that al -human- Itý? underneat IÃŽ ube sheuls, - eu- suons aud, sensual lu nature. -For. pîactical> -ail tuehe Ainpertray ofm de lthe ic.senso"'.»The. exual dreanmc, are a large propor- tion o1. af l lop vimieus. mea for au- garnish ' gue. -Dot7w, * rvg.Any lad.;-Ohop -'thé _serve, - uncUPa îg out eooked atem garnished leMges. -flDress- >cnp iik lu i ono-haîf tea-, ladge BS IE pleaderoi position. Robert jloÈb Flem"g, m nwIr eth0b. Torouto Street fazlwnna.* nevradef bo* far a p Ib wau lustrument,-' lu settliàug a threateu.d strike - ln whicb th iindgowaoegaged a a,! bitrtor Ti. te mn wer4 bat- tliug fiorceiy eue day over'tlide. sired terrns of Ïsottentu. Mr; Fleming eéontended that the. men suggested-. H. argued that ti. cern-- pany uhouild uot, b. foreed te make such "generoui"ceeoésçics. The-' -jndge'ls eye "twinkled rMjschieoons ly.'* tMr. Fleming," ié said.hoidly, ",there's a verse iu Proverba tiat 1 uts off your situation to a dot." < "What's tiat 2" queried Robert Joh*Better is à dry morsel and quiet-- nees therewith than a house full cf< sacrifcs with strife." That ended the, argument. R. JI;, sigued the. document. DIAMOND STUDDED SHIOES."ý: Would Net Have Attraeted Atten- tion In Aneent Romne. The boots cf Roman emperors wer-e enihe.! vith pearîs sud dia- monda, sud the veaithier Romans sport..! the like decorations. There were Roman woruen whc ornament- ed their loy chocs with pearis and embroiderles, gel.! aud aruber. There were uany wiiSe boot soles were et massive gel. Pliuy. speakiug oetise wutime, -ays! «"Our -ladies are net content te aderu their walking s'hees alone witi precione stones an.! jewels, but-, even the. elippers wiich they vear in their private apartruents are decorsted; precioua atones de net suffice;'they muet, te be lu tasýiioP, trea.! on pearis, -an.! crowd t heir feet witi ornaruents like kingz." Jullus Càaer vore high -boots worked lu gol.! ansd ornante.! witi pearis. Helio- abalus, vhe -neyer worm a pair eft cota more than once, ami.e .-uever vore thé same ring twîce,, ha.! percions. stones. set._, in theru, and! eveu cameoa, wich excite.! tii. liughter et the popuisce, héecause ne on.e, ouid see distinctiy tie cun- ning van cof fameus artiste. But bi î mether, -vie premide.!- over a sonate- cf voruen, fenbade vomen te wear shees adorue.! with pre- cieus atones, as mie prescribe.! the dresses that miouid 'be veru; yjet she vas a' veman et wildiy free 1f., lu cmparigou vlith viibru the, Eu- press Messailua vas a timi.! prude. Alcibiadea invente.! a boot ti.at vwas nameci atter hum sudbecsrnea* great favorite, but ve are not tel.! wietier it, vere iuxurioi-siy top- pish. What vere the Sicyouisu sices tis4i Cicero refuse.! te er 4inigtiier effeminate, altiiongi hè admitte. they were corfort4ble. Anlc-axou nce u iga- les' cf tie- hri oewàs'ef viti- Seld';ýCharierne- on state-. met gerns-; thé oaho. el'bry VI. cf-. Sîiiy and is Queen Conitane vhre ,-éf cioti e It i4,ad.bejev-, ele.!, vile--thé soles ôcf çerk"'were Pehrli t csièt i ýge.!.v lg Pih'îpStubbe 'o158 'nea'ged S- &Èàiait 'the ý,"corkduo, i- nets, stele a. lipPers, hejiee .o f m tbls'ck,,velvet- sRmé> of, cé- vith i iii 1 gol.!aud ail-, vit. gewýgaws_ stîr ud , -a A le.atA~, saisand pepper. ±Pour ov6erea cbhsýgeê vwile hot. y-C ill. sýï,?agiM Ssla.-FoPrasparagus ani aoniy'tbsl; ipisbhould .4used.- Out the stslks about 4 lunches lu' length, bell tili tender aud set away te get verycold. Arrainge'lu buuc.ý eés'ot about six stakm eaci. - Bina" strp o pient.'Put"a gêeorous .speouful cf cresm nsycun sono alest cf lettnoe sud plces unci of asparagus- on oaici 1,sf., Rhu- hsrb,-salad lu seasouable, and uot widely kuowu. Peel as ruany, mtaIkm of niiubarh as are ucedeci. Cup lu very tbin slices, combine wlti frèsi- iy. grated or, demicated coco-anàt,, dress wîti French dremsing.. Serve, on lettuce. Beau salad shouldbe ruade Ironi tic yeliioW wax beans. String tic beaus, 'bel iu mlikhtly salted water until very . tender. Wheu thoroughly chiiled, arrange ou lettucç sud pour over them a bciled dresaing. -Fruit Salàd4-PeeI tircee.orang~ sud two large gra'pefruit4 and, af- ter. remnoving tie seedsand 'tougI whbite, membrane, cnt tic pulp ini small. piece.s. , km And rernove the- secds froni, oee pountI cof white grapes. Chop eue cupfui cf walnut. meats and! one-haif cupful cf maras- chine cherries. Mix ail together with a littie - crearu mayonnaise. Nov take a, mèdinm-sized grape. fruit, , teu t ii.eforrn cf abasket, reruove tic pulp and fill withcream mayonnaise drejssiug. Place lun the center cff the salad dieh -and tic a gauze ribhon ou tic handie. Sur- round the basket witi the fruit mal. ad, using lettuce leaves for a bor- der.- Effective -malad garnishes. ruay v h madle cf cieese halls. Mash a Neuf- chatel or cream cheffl, - adding a. little sweet c're-am or clive oil, a pinci of sait, a dasi cf cayenne sud .a very litte. w*hite pepper; _Woérk ntil smocti, but net toc soft. Týake -a snall hall of tuis.mixture, flatten 4ud prest>twen walnut meut8,- or, these -balls may lhé rele.!in -,the yolks of hard-hoile! eggs which have been put tirough, tic ricer, or lu: chopped parsley, watercress, nuts or grate.! cheese. -beatý Thc miàt ,!rom - a seveu-pouud fowl viii maie ,a quart, cnt np, for ,salad. ýTvo eggs te a plut cf miii in tue cermect proportion for a baie.! eus- tard. Verdigris ou metal Can hé quici- ily remeved! 'y rnhhiug viti s sofit ýrag- dip)pe.!in .arumonia. ,atheinÉ "ihat have grown grimy eCau gvn -a batb"»iu albohoihaL , 'ter viiiéiiiy are'hae uti .dry. - Thhéatent ùyclk oet pu egg-àdded té' auy 'c rearn eujuet béfere'lu u - servée.!' *ilu prevo ats fiavor. A rcet f .veal ili h e t-iy improve.! if it us larde.!;titis. pre- vents its_ hoing-dry au.! tàstelews .vwheu coôeoicci' If s cane or wilow chaIr b>; table hats drié.!eutontsd beceune; tigilten- 'e.!. vwet it liaiwae'.1 W Wasii dishea used in pr.pairing _fo'd.for a Mea ilei.the -foodsAare, ~oolngsudtiu.iern-to get disi. Td 'dean ma cepper iettl,l Tub its. IA Inucdean'n -winter itniîm tirow dryj brnsfi it off1 dust, but 1:I Always é before fil'ù quentiy th~ cansed byýý ready beeni A tabiesp suother of tryiug-. -'ThM Keoseno cioth wil clh Bene or gag cioth wili i marks froui bathtubs.-> wMtor. if you -wa ju-te squaYe do à ithtin of wa]xe.paý *was *rappes the, kulfe. perfcotly-uzsm For washi a - Strong, lai and çold wa in - this 1lath quité cold;ý se'erai. tlxii wster-alitIe ,y dry iron If ti*,o irc: te a tape loi the. neck .am length ut-4 i dreés or buri ing the ovex pots and- pa Coccaul i with a large *oarse cloth dippe~ lu ho has the mouey." -- - ----.--,- ------.-- _________________ iûaé-hinev needie 'whici en d: or -blùnted point! rna. gccd à.S ve r ues n a T forth a- few trubjs, r To 'sump vance 9g Ydlen cIctheý n i tàke them omit of, doors, lm- now over thern and thn-mmm T The bot only rém vesFo ut. - '*ho npty eOut eny .waterï:rti907. the. kettie. - Yery fre-160 flat tasteof te in lth4 sing water thîat h aï ha lied. been nful qf cuve cii s'ad belp moisà àsdddto the 335 bat c.is othi wlhle for ià keepu ý ithe cakes-from 224 aima aids lb browning. Free . rtbb'ldon-ýw1th a 'oftHosPi an zinc prfectiy K ro- fot P Mne .. î ýI ru om 1rI 0 r 0m ôv e a il g r a se < ,- ) ,îP Porc'e'lin basins and col Inse 1 n - j spent- t te ecut ard buttr entea s and find you caDi' et ganiz tcrumbling, fold a pie$3 De",n vilch the.but ter expe' ou' au then- maltéa ý$7 icolored ribbo.ns mke, tr- reL fluie white soap os al r; .-wasi tii. riblions rease sllkring i toib irse lïcea A Il ter qi . ' aiway'4s'haviig the éther apv7 and hinear- becaM As fteed'Toron )hoIders,; are a the h ul enough. te slip àbut Mor i ang tJovein ives b er side,. therewil'beedcài osîrm'9,lthe apron- or hes ni ng the fingers inoipeni- i doox -or' haudliug h ot ci n withoi 4ttibg r4ay hé cë leapn'ed so? )GO palients bave ben cared for oese, inhtltitions. Tis impiies an a riuy-of over 4,000 have sent baek- fo their familles te' once more as bread-wlu' ners. 5patients are -uow heing -cared. ýn tic four -institutions.î 1 of these are iu the- Muakoka Hospital sud the Torouto Free ýitaI.- 205 cf this number. do pay a single-ceent towards tie- cf* maintenance. -Tii.otiers pay f rom $2.00 te 84.00 a week ver part coet. ofe maintenance. te million dollars hum -ý-been- t-forthe maintenance cf pati-- mince'the institutions 'wereor-- zed. 17,000,00 in addition. han been îded oen capital acount for fig, equipment,etc. 79,00.00 psid eut thiisyear for ost cf maintenance; ,000,00 recently expendfed ln bruction' of niew mewage sys- 4,uade' neceesary by the in-. ged _number cf patients. Laundry md to bebufit aud Pped at a cost cf over $4,000,00;.. rlaundries refusing tié work use cf fea r cf infection. school has been organizea lu'i nto Free Roepital 4he- firat ot kid iu a Sanàatorium. )re important utill. Ho* rany have heen saved through -the tiouai work don. tô prev 1ent ipread cf infection. swa oy 1cno:0 Dut my ife." -"Yen love-her "Weli, net exactly "that. Yen qrîe Bros 1 'Iffethe stIr imîber lands- Company at i course of con price they pa Ganad n lncreas dgde abiym-inceae RO, Eacb ~NTEESYAND SAFET Iy n opn Eýnd pay :6 per cent ou tie Investlient. They ~ngseuriy f ira mn age on 6,ooo square milescf pulp ard- -vhich:are insuredati L] ids agalnst -fire. The carnings of theý mreent approximate t , ce thje bond interest. The uew pulp -Millu ~trutia vi dobletiLs earmdng pover. Purchased at their present interest -ut'the rate of 6 par cent. -The best posted investors ia ~ngIand liave purcha"ed these bionds. Owing to the security and'- ~il et the products of the Company, these bonda vil!unuquestion- navalue. Ifyohàw.siaey 501s t iaUs for complet. lmformuiiem. CORPORATION Li MI1TE D * -TONG£ A MD'QENSTE WHIZTORONTOI Iumm~sg~ ONTRUAL»-QUEB5C.HALiI7AX.OITAWA LONDON <ENO.) , and veryý- 5 Pouýnd Gra-nula-ted a s -l - - RT AND i0 la013 0,191 EacL ode du. ICANI' rery h is I

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