Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 6

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tr r ila. ink ' ille, -To iyed om o ita l.rkQnplà My' 1prse in tVwé week-'Iwas ~ mitl a able 10 tand on MY foot with but b r'l iidrd littI,! aii, and sooôû atte. I was ÙTIGCR AbW to walk abiout agaýn. I A CIOIG AR tiu taking the- Pilîs I for about Sometimes a 8spiceof I tw ~tubt oteme nefore befriend the dogged plu, I di:ontinuej their use zny leg hdbo&t'&;navigators, as afte becon e . normal. again, and -the posted as "znising" she m agon cf the trouble had d"sappear- Up oné day Vo' the idy of! he -ed, nd - I have not . sinoe ha& wrifers The. Altmark, a twin e of it. 'Words failt o exprslteamer from t"41~b, MY g latitude for what the, Pille did boimn<L from eYokbv fori e and I moat uîrongîy' reom- a ni-ooean. He uf mend them to, ail sufferers frora Wrong, ".d while thiey wei scit' ."tinkered- an unknown aaiù. Tii vei~ daymls~on c Dr.Wilsel came along anid hoè lhaine Pink Pilla i18 to cure cases hole-ïn lerside. She begal like lhe. abve,. and they will' not cumulate more alt water ti disap oint if give a, fair trial. pumpsu could'keep undler;--he 1 ~ahifted, and th. big steaM4 y nedicine dealers or by an -awkward lit evr Vo O, t 00 ý00t&&ý80X et i4 boS 8h. was, settlingbythe -stol for. *.50 froni Th& Dr. -Williams' the.end seemned UM wben .a& Medi ne Co7;, Brockvdle, Ont., tic m&ilboat hov o and im - * liaul The beenn geiler sucl au * di9mal In. Thehs .dicted mes, A - cls; th, 'of the 0lsewh ship'nl dia atE liond hi wa be, - i ana ha bohsi4 china, t o t a l 1 Great Greàt1 r - -to ats off Most of erpaens and crew beore thie tu-o ships loat )PIIECIS PULPHJED. ech otherin lua, vlenttr >The. d1abIcdjveseel W rie Dire HTappentags Were- Pre.ler captain and chie! officer, a dicted for This Year. Glaegow engiacer travelling 14aloon, Viii>.. AgIishi paasengêa),s n& Brat bal! cf thé year 1912 has stoker or two-a , rore aié1dful, Lrked by an unusuai numbr whem overybody gave up for leSt; aVers on land a.nd sea. Te but they put up-&'a. llantfglh, and, i mn cf b.d hock hasa been eveutuadUy the. Glasgow man coied* ro ~sout asote wli et Vhs englues- ta -w6rk, whil. 14fol. prophecies ma"eby tes-iwpaegers help.d the Ei. ra. mers here and abroad tokieep 'tIi. ship &flat. -knA fort >eoember, 1911, - Mme.- De nigiit Inter the. AItarksliz V he Paris astreleger, pre- Vo Vii. Forth, and pérohed ýral! lthât 1912 wouid b. an"o- on a iandbapkIl Luckily éh wae 'atrooloust eAr, marked by geV off 'and brodught intô dock4, and nt-wrecking wars, conspira,- Vhe plucky littie handful of mein whof Msassinati-onm, rnote, epidem.. had saved ie-r had-a g-: oi 6~. 4 Iruin o! -Paris, the deo-wnfall She w'aa frçilghVed wfVh 'whieat.i, Germ*n eiperor, fui 'ilades And -grain in oeeo! the. ver.ecar- Ian aiqd-""e and midery goos. One would hardly ti ic mc'o! a, peril-.,and nelit t l pi atse said se. had if Iis à ket dry. But Je4tihe rgo tý Titanic diuaster and in be soaked, by, shlpping a -se that À~ .T. Stead, ene oet he .Juds its way t te h hodor"b~rwy tpassengers, tiat h.e would -o! a leak. and the. entirie 1d-e! ri anàthe - prbe grain 1begins th swéll. * * b: VO, be i prog~ress h * TIURE 18 NO STO0PPI T. a ~ween Turkey and the. Ital- ' A od' o! rice ha.see knoirn to icéntred largely at Tripoli, heave up a solid iron Iewer 4 eckg t< but ha. raged on and upon a.dwec tael rit. 4gt létn o! th-ligoditerranean. fàaeening,&,e if it were a biscui4 in. tc .!rebellions havre been in Thus didtii. tramp steameèr Pilnitz,b ý exico- affid Morooco. Tii. aleo a German boat, coee b her 5 els aàre eetlmated V6 aggre- end. -Si. was sinip-ly forced ¶ýPart re tan , O uman be- and eunk by a feu- tons o! 'rice. V O- $100OOooO property, Many anoth7er vessel hi me thteilM *storme, ea thquakeI and saine fate. -I V e have Ùei numeroue. CoÏtton and wool have holp « Vo tc ýtrikes have marked the 6MI Day Jones'. looker. Gunpo$'er -tr bal! o! Vhe year. The. num. i- le tam Safer. te carry thfa n, pàtrolUni. ram~~~ Wrc ia~rcod i. s..Chesapeake, n- i-oat, bli i*iled, froni New York la di, ber wiVh a crew c f na men an and eight,-EngIià eerl On. e morning witieut any .sort, o! ' n- w- - ing the. bulk,'cf lher. cargo, expled, 'PC ~-bleu- the hatches off, and'tw~se.-< * [er ion roof. Later lber starb ard"e I.hateh bleu- off, and the. tins o!'. eee 1oil etored below - began to lump veboard. 8h. a hipp1n of!water, andÎtiiis ning lu _wlthelo S blazing c] produce dnse!cUde - f stéai wu-i ch--enveope her fore neý sheet. Most ot the. Olestiais rsheds boa6ts and'made a panie-stricken tlie èorýo gtau-y,'t their precipi- tauoy ceet themn their i.ivejSý. OUI Al.most every minute mniner-exÉlo- sions damaged -t-he ship. , Tweo ffi- litL cirs were temporarily bIiided. vill And go zaIl da'y long iie unequaI % tT ea Ie t contest raged. * Night u-as failing app, Irem ent hen -a trexnendous. explosion flung gai agreat plume o!'-blazing ail.,bigh t4ching ..iap bv ~~abv the s...pt 1 like yJ py ar-ound for uug nair j SOME GIGANTIÇ' FIREWORK, rietting ablaze tackle, Ibridge, pilot- houa., and tVie 4i.' miin l- . ot.At Vie risk dcfbis lt h skpper piunged 'intoVie ,ain -e! flaming ail andl geV Vhs ebot Ve Vths vater, viiere aie vas man aec!, ilile be daehed below and es- cued -a-dog and cen e vas tii. le.st to e 've lt. ddomed sbip and Vhe' -ine t!vn 21 husian lr Ne . partjç r notceô 'ohis mheoiem, nd. himmif vould -b 1»t Ist o &counV it,-vot#hy pcf r"s hvich - hundreduie 11k.him When, iu 4ugust laiot V'the inerý Fifeshire. -rounded<uh'<~j Li l4iwea,..Lti mxodi -.amanahip- itrike S was averted pli: ed the Cretie'."Rs *hats Speni Most et m'otoi bs Water. na the 'Pearli1dir- Mr a& bi ,t ac ve for, aldm be o gather o-yeters at tii. bot. tom. Tii.cysters are dropped into the tubs sus;pended ftrn the-aist8.' When 'thes. 'eMels are flled, Vthe divers are raieed:Vo Vthe surface a.nd jwnP--lnto the. boate. They' div. Ve a. dePth e! from i fyeo V hirty fati- oms without any speciai a pp&rMue, aud reValu tWer bretatroieeV bure. - iue. Their -ages vary from thirtteu Vo !Orty yeans, and bW ;6ween t'wen>]ty-five and. thirty-ûve. hey 'are at their prime. A. Pemfectly Dikgsed Breaktas Mfakos enee Fre ftir th. DIay. Everything -g90« wrong if Vii breakfa.t lies, iu your stoniaeh liki 3'mud pie. What you cat do* ýarm if YOU Can't digestlt-lt Vurui no poison..- - A bright lady Veacher foupd thil » b. true, eveu et an ordinary ligi- )reakfast o! eggs and toast. 8114 ays: 4Tu-e . yenrs ago I c*ntraeted a sry' annoYing tern cf-indigestion. &y stomach vas in'. suchi condition mat a simple breakfast o! fruit, 0aýt' aud egg gave nie great dis- "Iuas slow te believe that trou- le oould comne froni such a.simple, ýet, -but ftnally bad, te gir. iV up, id !ound a great cb4nge upon a îIp of hot Postum. and Gra, e-Nuts tii ~~ cra . frny màrning meal. >r more Vian, a yeam I1 have held, )this course apd have-net suffered lcept wheu- injudicieul ryiu ,Y' diet. n17 0,7yv 11 "I have been,-a teacher for se-ver;_ years and flud tknt My easily di- aVec! breà.kiaet menu-s a saving o! Brvouis force for Vie, entire, day. y- gain of Pen pound * 81i weight ai- >causes me te u-ant te, testify te se value!ofGrape-Nuts. 'Grape-Nuts helds firet rauk at ir table."- Nanxe gîven by CanadinPestun DWindsor, Ont. . 'Ti-ere>. a reason." Rend the. tle book, "Tiie Rond Vo Weil- le" iu pkgs. 'va read the aboya latter, àA ses on@ cears frem turn te tErne. . Thçy are uine. tru..ei- d-ull et lhumpan nterait. Disappointràent lu e!Ven merel H1,pe.tiined Inside eut.. No ni&n can, b. pôpular with m-ar- rxed people u-bocaiFs a baby -"1Vi." Tic foll-w vho wou'Vt éke ne for- an angver <lesv«e, Voget mammied., , At the. age o! 18 a hmoken heain la more e aslly mended than abo ken rib. So in ualw*aye sure Vo los, l W., lau-suit, and it iisnt Vsù ay ve-c wrrZ ngabotothe 1m?. market moneéy. Te :lghit, itk nature9' weao 1one dependa upon vIihetiser you -are ýa mn -aud use yeou r fiati, or a IFomaný -and ueou r oge a ic.I 'e hme at ày, Mayr f D* ýr Whn I Was ea Young mei rn b a bi y cle ~ d w r k e d tw e lv e . h o u rs a d a y ," sa id , * the sire. sire = uhr<xnm 8 "I ýadmire yp ur y otfui aer- ý ighing two pundsa gy." epýlied the son, Ibt 1I-ad-, înirestili more tihe mature ,n7eomj d- and iw ety u- w lciled you to stop, it." in i the Lan<q ahire . - rPisoing. Nxt, iVsIoOhifg prù-, pertiea ,relieve and 'oase the pain. C-hen! its rioh, hérbal balms tpen le-ý trate the. tissue,, anid ,set up. 4he lwonderful proceas ,of -heàjinÉ., are, a4 quickly cuired by Zap Bk AllidrugitEs and ètores. U-se Zaan- Bu~op as.;U~.per tablet. aOliver. Wede ised of- setting fiz loý ecié O ýLýSAJ.LIý %i, ii. chié!seeo[j 2~e wg 93 on hie reVirement. John Eaàn, waa in jured in an-ex- pleioninatelegraph untien lbox Four mon were eagda ry don- 1,'th Stea>Iingan reivn thiry-eikrhV doge, yalued i8V-£100., ,A London General Onuibus ýC.ps mlotor omCinibus cîrashed- into -an of- fice çn*n&ow in L ad n al e t r .Forty-.sevenperons, thirty-five -o! 1whom were children, ,oocupied a A"b boy ag~Od se5h.-has been cém- Imittedto th.Magiesfiedd Industrjal SOchool for thrbaiÏg;hua father. ' Djr. -PurÈteeli of -Dflnh&m ha. died ýthroug.h làsinig contrel o! ii. yqie and running intoa& railway, bridge. William 1 Wilson vas fine. £5 for- tryinýgVois a girl in a train b&- tween High Wyoombe and Padding- ton. Tramn cars under the , "pay-aa-you- enter" syitem, the first o! thekind in Englaixi, will run at Eatesbead. Frederick Walker, a Paddington racing tipter, wae sentenced o tuo mnths' ia'rd labor for stealing £10. Mr" W. D- JohnVon, -the. young aviaVor, ha. died in Munsàterý In- flrmary fromù injuries received in a motoréy-cle accident. Whilst entering Vhe Merséy the schooner Alice and F.liza struck -a buo'y an~d sank immediatel,. Guests at a wedding at Siioebury- nees wore butto6nholes *of radiah, in %hopor o! the bride'. father, ktiown looa.liyas the "fRadish King?' An action at the Wandzw-Orthý CountY Court was Verminated by the announcement that defendant bad droPped dead when summons rel la A Pill That Ligitenu Lif.-T-o Vie D-ni wbe àla avivdÂm etindigestion the transaýction e! business bevomes air added misery. H. caniot con- centraote hie mind upén hi. Vaska and les. and vexation attend i. To suci -a man Parmeiee's Vege- table- Pill- offer relief. A. course e! treatinent, according te direc- tions, viii convizce - hlm 'of their grent excellence. They are èoofi- denVly romm ud d because they u-ill do ai1l1thati laimed for thein. Tii. tellou- sho taîks about the deptis oe! hi. love seIden elabemates on the length etf 1V. Minardle Lnninté'Cures Diphtherma. WORKING MOTHER. Li ttle Harold-Mother, veu't you give mne 5 cents. for a poor man who's eut luý front crying 1.. Mothen-Poor man! W'iat is h. crying about 1 Little, Harold-He seenis Vo -. cryin g, - s.eething -about "Fresi .. YOrMO Ueea U O hevitaiity'lof chl nand. endanger their lei.sE A 'Simple and, éffective cure in Mo- tfheIr GravS',m emntr reatst of rave Wù=Iý rîîinttri'Q' . Anid lots of men are standing, The Sieg aroýund' waiting -:for, someoeeV> n~j e co<ome along and drive them Vo drik ainîE ýTh"re 0n tasketchf W'y RE CEOSE IT. mtn.Tx "D-o I understand that your son turnes 1of th wats o be a- doctor 1" castes- ixngl the Engliah j "What fortI" ha profne- "He wanted tofollow a1 to e b.> c et snthaït wOîU}urmishmnwil t deilflento Qod excuse for taying out late tention Vo ni n ig4te ,I th i n.k ." h e n tn W the Canadian A:Safe Pil1 for Suffring Womn. famous for. -The. secluded life o! ýwomen, .whioh permits of litti., healthful The father1 exercise, is&a fruitful caue. e! de- leit his onlys rangeents of the stomach and shop. <Are livr ndjeaccountable' f-or'tii. fin 1" ked' pains and lassitude that se nany of pie case -whô thein experience.: ParnielW e's - ;$No sir"o r getablePilla3 wili correct irregu- man with a i -larities of the. digèestive organe and heir o! the h delicate voman van û"se then iwih satety, because their action, wile HARDLY. Father-You have hec! every chance te h., a gentleman ;- all o! yeuir ancestors -ere gentlemen. Sen-Not on botii sides etiVthe Whon Your Eyes N d Cate" Try urin Eye~eme . NoSm=rt4n o l imte u eti. mtry "' fr "I,. es W& ey yee and Granuitodt"Eyelld. ia uce eor ymasy ae. NW dl -eSt ethPnb- Minrne fly n epily o be, lSo en4 50 "'Young man, hou- do you expevt Vo marry my daughter if you are i-n debt 1"- asked hem fatiier. "ýWhyý, sir, lu my opinion it's the only pro- per Vhiiug o do. Tii. longer I'M en- gaged to her the. verse off I shahl be," eplied Tom. Veny many pensons die annunlly from'-cholera and kiudred sumnier -vomplaints, who mugit iiaýe been snved if preper reniedies bac! been used. IY attaceked doe net delay in gettiug a bettle cf Dr. J. D. Kel- log's Dysentery Cordial, the, medi- vine tint neyer fails ta effect a cure. Those vho have used it say, 1V acts promptly, and th<eroughly Wiien you are offef ed anything f nec look for Vhs stni.- Occsionly a man marris a girl in orcler Vo get, her 'off hie minci. She.7-c"and heu- la youm bacielan triend ?'-* He-"Wien, I anu-im last hewas mendlng vr lvY7.C Sher"I 1 e d d edntlknow'ii.'d hea~se »nsjrsh buttonson hJus -uderwear " -,- BD. 4 My msm a ve lY bruiaed andc vine fence. o flot beal, althon; medicinea. D)r. 3] N A RMW D , a I N then stronter as better, -until afl have hoaled, and grrowjn*o eil, au! lniost .always the'i "ITu-on>V de believe Vo b Young lwyr oic! practitioné up your' judg-n pienty o! men Oil for Tooti pain se aceute, tooth&ch6. -Wlî vebconle a via:, mas' Electi rections and Y. aVe relief. It witi so-thli'Îg departa at cenv teetiacie is ar. Auybody eWs's opinions are tofar- r6 wkj hipm yest "Hé was -degram 1im iing abont >t beàr -di e~1he starts in life withia~ nothxng se ïý-d'a heroi A fine, . 160 - tee. If -he -,BtaTLcl heart ,out in London hew be dogs in no-timèe" ~ough theymay be keen, 'men, yet-they are after al 'Whén tiiey learn at wliat à.n týne- theirj telegram arri lut natuihi that-they sholc z4 heir iMPulseL Will be ybu. Isol adviee yonu ofDeh -4LI the N.E i is Year. rle the O aWi ricli ad varied cos-l natives cf differen.t wth sthe uirme sofJ r icaI spectacea tht had -gns u-ny! and son in charge O! Vhe you the head ef the the muan witii a isam. lied "just cornelun. c1nnrked Vhs ' - yung mile. 'I'm only, the Wouùds yvaluable ou*. vas bad- "t by beinr, caugh. in'a h 1 tried man7 dfferent n'1l advîed me ta! use MSENT diluted4 ,at flrst, the sare eg t oa three weeksI the sores best of ail. eVhs humis i l NO WHITE as is case in horse 1 ounda. coO, y QOM FORT- legaaiedto'e sp-Ui" off jeu, Catie. S- 8200PzaU QALEOX Wrtefor-agauloaxow..- ITHE MACLAIREN IMPERÏAL Cw t ô. J LTD., WOODSTOCE(. OUTARIe. Sole Mi Th a"]W-D ATWOCRUISES (16.M00Tons) Fre i NVrk Gel. 1t gsei O Prom.Sa,, r-ls4oo-yeb a,1913 -N - elua D INLAI4D Egk<lWO OMNLL 7008inl£ HAMBURGLAÏMIAN, 4~.48BROAu5~y -N.. orOsnSteaMoshi; Ageny, ISYonge st..Tremnt.canada. ~endý a mani wham I kuilty, " remnrked a C'My boy,"p said an r,',you nustu't: set. ont agninat that o! I have defonded wiiom I believed'ite the jury devided lacie.-There la ne and distres 1sing ýas en you have.' se un- ir apply ->. Tho- Oil acoondins. te di-' Un wil-l find iinniedi- touebeqs thi lerie effevt and t be Pa in >. That it vil éae etiier fine quàlality et, When. are you going-, to ask your -grocer foi, r. - I dobnW. BIokIuA~Cr~nIn~g, fully noisy. Probably if t $2 te vote, 11k tre, evenybod3 Tien. is'ne iu HRolievay's- eau be usod v jury. Som ith th and1w hie wl 's.flius-ýainger, <'Yei; .but Guras Garget Ii C6w. verybedy hnd tVo pay going Vo Vie thea- tomoous ngrýdienV JCern Cure,and! -t itieut dangjer fn. Vtis thé m&tter u-xith, baby wants Vie t-n ants îhe e neon - LQUESTION., b4 manlu inte nexti- .9reatshock - ,1 the h usbandof Vhe hé .ah befor I.hé- LThe. des 1a publ cArueior the fact i laden with enmakes hbù mies o! the If the. b use j~ras have-sornd openini In -their Lno oIs. '1can noV go te theni, *thio inachoed voico. -J (I can understand, -said Sul htit you feel very hi tint yen 1resent the u-ay ;they have behaved. Bu jhiik ynsbiild try, ta - -that. AfLe al they knew Uour father~s affairs; iot intentionally kili humi._ -w ' wdisasteÏ. toliQwved soele haeh other vis' but an acec 'A. SIouîd ýneyer acci thing frein them; it is ou, question' said -rtif iaid the 'Coxsul.- 'You a young, nnd-you kn w -u the. u-ork-LI If you allowvîý toibel gov ernùed :b. ypre- tun net hope -taget o' tr'it over mlu yeur, mid CouDo not fee1 that yeOu_ es eple, at any rate ca I 1 nunoV explai. it -all air-," saidFrtif*"Btt togetiiei iimpossible." - jThie blood hadLmduntedL forehcad, k ils, lips bad do - . trîgiýt -lin.; penbhape IV oçause -they- qivyered, thnt I pressed them s. -woman itlateqesi ilected* thle consul. - That' * p~tes natter. Mthe _mc * conul that hé.should l1eavelL aêod d If yen feePý àpply VoVie;n, I sliou]d - çau Yrou strongIyý-trv Ainerica oe.e floèks te Loend6n 'for ?wc as a matter'of tact Landoni just no'w are'net- lnved wtt everytiiing le -kV .a standsi *hcre:-y'u vili you vil] h. -:trade is bad, 'that empioyî scarce, and that l;vxu is "If I'coud. hear-, o! anyý-c "n ineHçiva.I1would. go at saýd -frithi! "But 'at Berl have heard o! inte thtit i. i easy Vhingevn over iber' Î wth -evork. I will -nemt pay-- p)ense -a_ cftie voyagé mereiî. an èie %tte;: and-h b! miles lu rtiier hemhomie 'r'What-,ca-a yeu[do0"1asi consiul. "I. yeur -JEngliÈh Ica-n Write and spea- 1V And e , o èi se, -Oèrman t-ia, i9t-3O, de ly thxng ta i or- perh ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO 1 TORONTO. Hamilton Wire CL il 1

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