Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 4

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a81p 4o foi"Eél ay beit -oe1w U tavtKo jdàm Jad syei attraci ils dëÏe eu@# lai #Iviný, a veamon Why the. Pte aie.bttsOâs4anV -nd the foiret go ho*TorutaGlobe i5qs hat Outaio ult oiâerwat uzltfl tii Praidm riea asttled or eqcualise the 0opns' la Leot1h-.naitario - ini oliier Wotd,. lear the land for the ~tlw. hé iUan~ fci heland cosis fri 460,to 8100 a acr, lia. W. L Bobuok, a NwLi - r, a nwapaperian Who as tâoroughly ooaverant wlltjii.he oustry, claimms for lta' 4il ci Nothira Uâtanlo a lsýttYand productivemeu lar great- ir lia t hiiàici the "p*iriesdsud lo netthé . lagmg" of the. land for thor, but fair play ln regard tg the èxpen- diture of màonéy la openin up. roada and ditChes, and the, rezovai <>1, eux- tAianoxus cndtionuu, ckiasuh vetér~an land Éràuts, w" ohlande are «=t-fiom niclpail txation and Lm Irm , àéttûîdeid". Tuis, - obuoki m lu, iiProving- a ourse1 the coountry sud. 'shoul d *b. -removed. la oadering L-itheadlautagesi~ tln two sections of Canada, oae' muai not -concluiloltat ' int1h. one came tiiere in land reudy -for cultiva- lIes sud lanltheother liant oleari.ng han to b. don. befor« the crop octsa be h.i~5l5. laNewOntari>io hef orest has to lie elled before the soil osabe tlll.d, but thieforefit iscîfis- îthe boat .Ajd niosl profituble"ôrop lhai oaa b. --grown. Rirel i arvestiready rip for tii. rbap.n, and in tiie gathheng a. tus karvest tiec settier inas atlhe affl. i. ol0a04&9 .-hs land. la ioner aysà iOntario ithe ou»- \tom vaste b~n aIl the ttber in * orm e tagul ridaofitI. To-day limier aial o îs Luvaluabîe, andI so lhe l ands of NewOntario are bearing aý riais harvei airrosiformue'oapen. Il only mrantsa I lie0 Oirlau lvera- ment uhail pursgue a sans and reason- able poiée>A of Colonization ta make thai saplendid portion of our country bloissanthe ~croue., Of course t6o montl pet . ilappeana snUeh easier tý'go90on theii pramre -sud-oeavent il into a fanm than to go ,'into lie bush and -hew out a ioan.. But'tle i.au nof strength and suer- gy, ýNew Ontario holda out liands ful Roebuck sa> s: £ We- have asked that tii. people of Old -Ontario wiio lalk« go glibly of generosity -and sot orth,j -and'wiio aI 1he aiètime are holdingj fra"Mclly or ltolalIy undevoloped bush farina for speculative purposes, be rsquired to pay at leu.t equal tax- ns with the actual s etlers ofith. Norh. We are 'asking 7nothing from À tis farmers of the oula. -But treat un liii. witie mn and we WmilJoutle a Poualon here no vaut ,thal cities wMllgnbiw up* at your doors ta sup-i pi>' our-noeede,. and inoldentally, tla j *.purchase, your'own produce.»' Tsks HaSts V"mnY, 1 todeitp~ Why uli * Nw JMighý Schooi? - (Conlinusd irons-Page- Msodernconditions tiiau l. tepressaI bulIgnaise poss4le. la nù wa>y di Uepreseut baIdings'c thlie govéracisul -revirements toi citiser Ji. scoi à ,or aelin4titulo.' la is report of. Dec. .7tii, lm, -Mni. J. E. Weuhere4l; lthe heq ilaspector oi %h giSoboola anal Collegite Iititates said.,-ThkegymutnsmugtI rwu ungraded,. Ilais bardy 4neommry lu repeal tit .tie accoxuaodellon of tua âCoLl. lstiîuté ranis vary lOw Coflegiate, lnstitutoeî f Otajo" las 'report ai Oct. 21,1910, s ays- "Tii. bSoàoomtoass'have bceu se o!te t-oi lcized b>' dfierent« inspecoFs liaI Il acensa uuperluotwu e oer to, lient agnin. Tii.>' donual coxmparent aIL favorab>' villi losi ofaitic Co iz- aIâe Inatitutes gnnal '.- aprtio- ular the. aoàommdàtogâts la.,.' i.h. beiiing ,of sci<*ee re .ameng iite poofosl lumi te province., Tii. inlerior o! i. building isas-oe eea o- avalai sud lthclanroomsare prgob-, ably as oouatortable -as the conditions .Iu ie.general renmashe gaya: , '<h igratiiying tu know t theL ein th le towpzafvnin jra tic zheasures la-:.improve lthé5000D1 madâtions, seima ta b. growang, aïd il la to b.iioped liat' hhesis-ëool wil soan have a hbtto wrh-o long and honorabld.reord." 1 la lis report of 19.w' re*accommoda- tions on- whioh hle' Goveruamoa"t girant je baged, .WlitbyCllgae sItsc rani s aufollows, and li.ha s been elogsi iVwate upplyl, suoolý proes -II, sohol buîiàdng ,- 1V, elas-rtonilu1,- halle iv, waïting rooni IV,cap-romu ne , - *teuohoeis roonis Il, desis 1, -blacboards 1, lghting I1I, heatiug_ IV, venlilation Tbs ma asIo"a in theagrant.liat Year of f82., Year before lasI. lie gov-. onmnt grant was $1072, Isat yenr it was *880, or a decnôàse ofl 112,-wih -Would psy thoiltenest on *8,840un ô per cent. per anauns. Tuùs reducîjor in ta compel -tie Board la provide a propsr H. S., and wll net ouly>' con- #inue, but will ne doub1 Ucrease lii a uew Iligi Sohociluà provided. itlal oui>' fair tla lb. Baai tosay just lin it h rer tu. preseut build- insmalte Il possible lie>' have raliet thse accommnodations. to No. 1,: a&s-mn>' b. seon b>- above repot. -: Besidei aail -, tuas, il as IMpOÈoîble- wilh thea preseal buildings ta give a room tuý thle growing ,olass ln Agri- culture under ils able*manager, Mt., J.H. Rare. The firet-year, h.eattend-ý an;ce was 7, lie nexîii , sud las >Par 23. This shows t4. groWing lm- Partance. of this work aud, a 'roona muet be provided or we will loue the offi9e- anal lb. 8500. grant .for ils mnaintenance.- Tissa w.<unaI hope - * raw. couuly pupilsa wilis outpresent condi, lions, eveir a. n ea!fwhicii meana the low.ning 'o! aur lme b> S&0 what do.., ai Ibis meanuSimnply, tisai f4r th. sai- e as ligil incee in. Our taxes - art il' alig am perpetualig conditions in both,. aur .Publie manal HigL Sehools, 'viicis are lujuring -thei7 esysand, beaiti o! -our ciiildren, sud endaagenng tiseir livés,; sud àa placing iens -"d hem teacs-« ara lu an-amai inurman A ;.adi- A smanll od one.Ou cel, anal t as ri, tos authe cheap &~ n't stability, ISecond uàand- we are t -Canada Must Aid -the Empire. W"s sCanadiau nus ua cieis l kuowlege tisat for a isundre ea r lie>'-havo lived in pesos 'vitis neigis borse whosaboundar>' cadins"fori thousand miles up a groal river, a thousaud miles over Wnand sens, o tlaou sand -miles ovir prairie ýand a tieuisanal miles - ulrougis lic mouni ait," devoutly pray, liat - lth.peso mni neye L lrokea1 sud regard waù as a hateful -tubing. t- hh>.mut v- Teoapheal "tiss"point ' ison hem - sel mspet wili mna longer allow lthe amoth. fr oouhtry ta 'alozs. bear âIl thé bua -dma of national defersosb>- seh. Tise Canadianuppe, tirough bol Oi and Tory aiilsnton iavI bSeaapla.d -tou record, as favorabli le beaning a milan. of tue.naval'. ur de s at tie empire". W. hate 'War, 'vit lise finauscial sud ohrbudû it pose., bût vbile iwsrisnoblo vi OLLEGt - Colle f.l boy. =md Red Arts Dsstasmt. lie a*th ut Hy us.Ip yak *IIIIIgPol m o. aire 3e re and- tuhe-fruit crqp -in 'd Hla 'mThi&-9 - -made,.- fot Iat a reasan- publie schols bors lb.., the Board ha4 no othor <oures-lIditissu b oabaui1-c daS th* ~ IMid. orsIslàNsda p rosper f, otne sate of pur týn hai dren, the. inleets of lalÊhS'e ion, and our.,hiorSy in-t. 1 pasi L educational centre, bua$tio of the. buaîiosadvantage ansdI sisequeni rue,,la pnpertyale, a correspondinç lucre in lathe- rebBlved by tii. town, o"-,, by rte on, Jaafr Blet * we wlhot psy Xtra tax and 1et things remai ay are-? That would be'bMiun i9deed, and 'uawo4ty - ?f aur ta vote dowa 1h. builin 1oaý Solsool willlnol exempt us from t creased taxation. -" For if a new Sehoolis n -ot- built, 'for lie saké ar children'i -ey.e, b*alî and 25e, ta grant,,-Jais o~r nIe tes r ia fsvor of lie prisooma Mr.intdW 'ar Sparka, ye n L psissbmt led- this dly-'b>' the dtputo",-Eastern RAils3r a. fr ë eroa d orossing o said railiay aI ltae tovxine belweeu »0ae lownshipa '-61 PikerIng-ad.Wull- byjust nort l bf1tLe XustnEo x;eceive ýtii.ap.pr .1 al -of' tus -Councàil, i aa new, publicohool muai be. .provumg ne_ eý,qrauwy copany b~dt a a ou ofastloa- an ~,amnendâ said Pl ia 80as tla provide 000, ndou - p snRi eolfor 1h. .tih approacla to said- rail- sudaurpreéntElg Sooolway extending;south from the. centre muet -k. repaired 1toi. exten of 84i,. lino of trac6k forj a distance nol les. 00 WO r '5,OOG, and the. Kodel scIaoài to th. extent oai$2,00, ta ueet. Gov- errj'ent requirementiÏ.; and h te aîee- f heEsî tiid.t la doue we sîil havea xt.ra nth a - I f h Ett building ta providefor, extra ,toach- -of theT edie Bros.,ý MOI.s fuel', caret dg-and,-rpaira, and Pr~rhp a Ulgi Scbool so indequste thal tifPr -esi fiienit têehers will notýl.tay with-us, -1'neevl ~ eevlb i ver" .n cou trypp4.wleavo us, undèeigne4 up t<o twelve adolook aoôn sud'th. Govenme mwllDot glya.luson the. 3OI1aday of .July,1-9j2,. forýth" a E.ulL grant, nor grade aur schools 4 uoae. eordwood,'etc.,ý on -i queiified sud l in timew 1l aawyt4" leBros. farine, utuaàted'in "the our'4grlcultural office snd staff be- T6wushlp of Whitby, 'h.Uag 'lots 29,,80, cause w« do mot provide a roona for'31 and $2, con. à, la ail about,64W the. --. ords ýmore orj1a4. FelIow citizentq, which la îthe botter Tenders will be *eioevd, for a, large SchoÃ"8t? - H'abv.otanewýigh quantkty oi aq uarelimber .ta b. ee poitionotheabov or .> « A< I11M TEYd IZEN. Par iuiohrmatlqnapl t1he Tor- - - -- atoGeteal -TrZsta orporation, or ~*~*Mn. . E.S ar41bJBarrister, Witby, kkcaering Tsp. Council., or, &r..Jm,4eci oth pr- TO-Aiovo Council met pursuatl o, -The. highest or aýny te&ndrualnoces- sdj4prnent /on Monday, thse 151h saily aeccpted. i!erma cash. iBi. -- Members ail présent ebcept Mn. Dated at- Toronto thia l2thladay, of Hoovéler, who vas absent owiug ta ill. JuIy, 1912. nss.-ii.ree jnîthe chair. TORONTO GENXRAL TRUSTS COR- The ëminutes of 1h, hast meeting were PORAWION, A1driistra:torz ai the es- rad sud apprv1d. tales of John ,andl David Tweedie. AI-number o! accôuuts were present -______________ ed *,r paymenî and referred 10 the r.- - spetave cammittees. Why We xcel A -ý.ommnunicatibn was .road from R. We havethe Most M~odern, the Most ~a~son, engincer in charge of lias practical and -the best equipped achool Tor 'nt-o-EBsteru 'Railway, rec rondaig in Eastern Ontario. The courses are on tovanl etwee Pickering and thorough and facinating. An entirely Whilby. Mr. HarrTison, accompanls Canadian Business Procedure b>' Dr. Moorereeve ai Witisy tawa- for the training af the. ambitious young sLip, iaaving ar4vyed, ivas on motion people cf our country. heard ro the, sald crossing. 1 Ourn <raduate.. Gea. Lee, on motion, was Lead r are succesttful. Ask a student or ex-stu- grant lor hLII on con.. 7; opposite lot dent. They are çur be5t advertiseuient. Home Study Courses- On motion, A. Hamilton wau hoardi .L B in reMd td thie building af the ce-LidsayB usifless»Collae mnent'abutrienîs*for Pugh's bridge. on C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton the e.8rock Road. Principal. . Pregident. -1 é MeNTYREi,eVht - Collecli lon o fyjjadng m em la tzitat dIi ly c'O"",noe aeo auea aeNi 14- 16 inch Kniv.eg, inch -Knives, inch Knives, 19C;-: - 4 Blade; 4, Blade;' + Blade-; - i I oor Soùth' of New Pos't ftban 20 -feet, and on, a gradeof one foot-in 20 feot. Te -Council now adjourned to nieet 'again *on Monday, Auguet 12, at. one p.U., for the transaction of gencral' buiness, CI1VIlC HOLIDAY Poterb«oo A.n ]Excursion will be mun under thie *uspices of Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club, on-,CIVIC HOLIDAY. iMONDAY,- JULY 29ý to Peterboro, Lakefield and Burleigh Falls by special train and boatw, of .Sony re Navigation- Co. as fol- TRAIN SERVICIS. STATION TIME - RATE Peteboro - Laketill 1211b. 6.80 &.m. $1.06 81.26 .Y. Jet 0.42 1.065 1.25 Drig¶ 0.56 1.05 1.95 omnvle7.056 .5 12 Children over 5 and under 12'yrare, hàlf fare. Tickets to Peterboro froni DarHng- ton to Coiborne inclusive, gookd for oaa day only. -e Tickets to Peterboro fromi Whitby, Oshawa -and Brighton, and tièea tet Lakefield from Bowmanville and points West-and Colborne and Brighiton good for two days, exoeèpt on trains Nos. 2 and 4. Retrnngspcia tai -leaves Lake- fd at6 p.=man Peterboro nt 8.30 P.ni., to conniect witlo man lino train enat, giving excursioniats li hours to view the largest Lift Look in tLb. world and visit the Sheffield of Cana! da. BOAT SERVICE. Steamers of St<ýney Lake Navigation Co., will leave Lakefield on arrivai of special train for Burleigh Falls oalling at Young@s Point, -Juniper Island and Mount Julian, enabling ail ta enjov a dÇlightful mail tlxrough the unrivalled scen ery of Stoney Lake. BOAT TICKETS : Adulte 50c.; ohild. ren l5c. Take along your basket and Lavýe a @pleedid day's outing. Hot water fu- nishied on boa+, BOWLING TOtIRNAMENT on greens of Peterboro Club. Bowmanville, Juily -16, 1912. Blarpocaýl if The one la for reading, writing and- other olose range p urposes, the otherl for long range. FE.LUKE, BRçOTN 169 Tongo St.. TORONTO If you vant us cal us atou elpne Via Q.T.R.,' cobourg E la tteatdance 1WsinesdyA-g.7 !KETS: To6 Toronte an reltura 9 -Niagara Fal a 19 Children under i,, haif fare, r'*ain.leaves 8.2j a.ni. Tickets en Gorge Rou e ars regular $4-50, regular 6.oo, - regular -6.50, 'w >W,4 -9 Ofic.'- -- -.WHITBY Exou 0sion ýy Boat_ and Rail 77O- great repetaticu fa giving auperior huai nems md eshorthand rslning. Oradustes get sud hlld géod sktions beonus. they are thordt.gbly pre red. Wri't for cat' siogu. Opetaal y r. lguter any.ttme Cor. Vongesud W. J. Ellict. Aicasuder Btsb. I Pricipal There: ReSon Those lmbs tht pain and soie in tise-heel, austei or aukle, that paiuful calaus, irr!tted bumion, or youn back ache. Th ii Co dition Is-brought au byhS walkiug or standim g or wvaîks. The toe we our Orthopedic Boc Cripples and De a specialty. Re H.-QU! Whitb'y's Only Brock Si~ i * - WheoIs , geuerally tise are We men by that are cheaply those that are soi- ableprice. OUR BIG are not -expensiv sam will buy -a go higiest, priced 'v a higla grade 'viic 'ver>' littie more Il, -machsines that bav -reliability or ýduri New and Only lUne r aeùg nr ilSwuuîere- sorts in Highlands of" Ontàrti,nclâdig MUSKOJCA' LAKES LAKCE 0FBAYS- ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER F~RENCH RIVER', -TEMAGAMI KAWARTHA LAJCES Full Summcr Service now in effect to ail of above remorts. Write for,-Eull par culàrs 'and illustrated. bion any Grand Truk gent HUMEUKRS, EXCURSIONS Ja1y 98 - A.ut&iud- êptemhu' 8àami 17 Via Sarnasor Ciao .Wnuipag and roturi.800 Emuband retur#. $42.00 Tickets good for 266 day. NO CÉAN-CE 0'F CARS Special train will lecave Toronto s0. 30 p.m.-on above datcs, via.Chicago and St Paul, carryingzthrough coaches and Pullman Tounist Sleeping Cars. The Grand Trunk Paifie Railway l the shortest and quîckest route beon Winnipeg-Saskatooný'Egjronton. New Fast Express* Service between Winnipeg and Regina.- Smooth- road-- bed, Electric Lighted ýSleeping Cars,- Superb Dining Car Serice.* Leave Winnipeig ,43 4-;mo 6-00 P.m. Arrive Yorkton, 7.10 p.m., 9.30,a.m. é Canora, 8.30o..M.,11,45 a.m.- 64 Regina, 9.00 p.m., -.oo az. di Saskatoon, - 18S a m. ti Edmonton, . 00 oa. M. UPPER LAKE SAILINGS Sailiipgs (roi Sarnia __fpFr Sault Ste Marie snd Port Arthur 3- 30Pm% Mon-. day., Wednesdays and'Saturdayst F ull information "and tlckets fr'm Teerp (, '0:e,, opposte. Standara B a;nk , W h b y , O t . gh heelà, much g ou hard floors a WIB Tl~IM 13b17p.in. ....2-...n 6.»~. ~ine - Suaday trains- .ave0,fortoa* aring a pair aof 5 .m8sd»5 pM'.< rom Tn ts or Shocs. 'o traus 51QP5iWhby JOU"oa stl .5Msd 0955 m., auSOp. foýrmed Work UP-TUWN STATION., 8-30 Ntl a...asm. I olug south... s ..0~p.m Repair Shop aô.M. . Jasl. HolIdua- South L~tnDoga ikam **pree aJu osfor -, brouâomet 1~ imi! and WailhamA ÂLadies'exi --60ld.Filied m wonks,$1 SOr£a À Ladies' --&~GoId Case, ewel highest gramde '-Ah -A solid 18 L. 'Watch, extra ithickG and 17 -jewel' specis meijtï, the best we -present, ought te be for $65.00. These >Prýice'stp j tùy ý'onbi,19 4A1 these Watehesa Jeweier - ptieLý W. C., T. Thse Ploweri Commitlee.-af T. U., (lias Amy -Kean, neeL at th. home of ]LMs ever>' Priday alternoon. at Everyan aao n g flowers tla - vlao intèreated in the maSdiIIg bouquetir ta th"~i4 lovi, w'vi li cordw1hy welc M ay fiowers sent will b. lia -Donations o! fresh fruit fruitvegetsblep, u-lothing mgey-be left atCMr. C.- Tod'a - - 'lm duniang J#1y or 'August -Deacouesa Home, Heydenshc Ir. -ToÙ Las ltindly consente tiaI ail donations are deli tisa.. in charge of thia worl 9:7--"Eveiy mans accordin piarpaselhi n hie heant '. o-Jet! - ssi grudgiugly, or of nece Cod tavell a ncheer! ut giver. --Tise dental office ô£ Dr. E.' eDwill b. closed froma Àaîugust_ ile Dr. iasoat in on a vaý For Nov 'Perfection Oil S ~oelprices, go la - eo. -M Mn. A. D).- Franer brought A social 'vilI be held an Mr, lawn an Satu0&ly evening, Ai A fuin lino fladie' 'W4 pumpa Isud 4boost. IP. HuwsBrou. -have purcinaff 1Llian bloci, oiýtie ens -Brook ulreel. Tus laiste -b] lacludes tise-nid post aofflu Tie purchase pris las unders Tenaitwanted fdr railwn> lion ; long job., Apply Cao] two un -j- west, ot Whitby. - Reùd tii, axlvt. aý n tlumps apecal excursion l oat< -- gara on Wednedaý, Augùs- - BOWLING. 'On -TLursday Isat-tii. Wl - ng Clhb played inu Ca the 2-12eam oai liat town,. ior -' Cup. Tue nain storni vi th~- dis -district necsautated- -lon aifpisay, aud the ila Lhad ta rehuru- home vilioj ýioa bein arivn- I - - ARCHIVES 0F ONTARICl TORONTO ThtAre Lefft Bolu ~heap wheels. . 1 1 . - - 7 - -, , 'i e ----------- 9" p- qe

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