Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 3

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-m1~~ -a i -~ ~ ~-m Fashion fin MU ~U-UI ~B1U1U *YMPtW T T(WnT1l juzw atrng the mnth of Jizi. New naghtgowns ýare absolutely t& o hi ml h >leisand'might b. mowdeis tak OIImpDariù,Wih tiibreo4aof the, -er - f rom> a eonvont schoo1 for Young amiU ~tI4 wi~ ue gi le, so aunlike are ,their -Uns. -A 1 51*P tw ny ni httowïa oi tlisi sort, r.o.nti3 ih f4é it-i - rugb otmPaileo t Oftns the.'non -fatal accident' tiiore n nsook in, abuolutely straight eut, iltmr ~od~tsi l sTl I. ecin eti l>w May and one iiundred ai'd thirty.. T modstlyrounded out. nock and moethnlJu,191 thedge .of tise.8leeve are fmfliidý There ver.' but two aocidents re- 2N-h 'Use tiniest iiand-ombroid8red ode. iiy îl* ¶Ith, eatl of more 1lps and' tii. ironit of -the. g'Ow nithan dne wonkman, on. -ôd Whicb 's aebd dvasixinces ndt.he.curred on June 1,-by whkch eight -edÉg ra âsllopdso that the. garment construction la.borers - were 'killed m - bea«sily slipped don-and oa-- during I>atlngo.cprtiom on rail-' A *elve.inch strïp of whito ribbon way conaîtruction work near Stonea' Pa through eye1ets et tvh 06pConea;,-Ont., eanid thie: othe a - of ha siai, faatens the gownneat-head-on collisin o! railw&v tan lyt the top. Anytbin*g more 4é- near 2iio.Olït4,"ii wh'iehfour Mu< ç apd jeune, fille could ,scarcely railway eniploIse wveré-e le. b. a ied;yet 80 fine is theéia 1e ai and me daiuity the, handstixi- IK)NQER STIKE 1I JSSIÂ. -ery, ab&.eohroiderv thà#t luis niglit-. zgo in" M ms TiSisid..dwe Hundrel DyiugPlou VO i ,.Y mod"EI.-r fthorities Peso, SoandaL. EV POPUL4I~ wwii. A despatcii f rom Pskov;' Rusas . .ai>s s Two hundred politicai prison- wm'i. opîara JJyi1 ers here who* have .b.en engaged i tiie spr gUiçoof th . s hit. - unger etrube éfor two'we.iýa ere ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a mmi idse aea ns-tepoint o! death- on T#ieday. 1%e emtb.àbést«hae a Ugoverhe .1of to! inrîprson aiIý at*.te stock o! embroldet-a--lipeae t. -tà ii, r>ofuth e& bu.t mualin and. br-oderi-An- Interior at St. Petersburg -or in- las W, ad fo lem6ist Partstructions. ,The-, authoritiaI-are vi amoi~at~atieif not 08p806 afraid -of a scanda if s<no ' M hua- .aly .s*iogsimpliicf ger atrikers, die'togetiier. Ti e men * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a medlseraiyetavgn -, oontitionjo oftheirc~apti- csf Ibs df'ci&tDonare so are intoleràbiè,. lav4'Wm ldered, by hand of cou aite beperfect vorka of art, âe#.. a' square mi eng D with us l s are of delicate and in- ~ L EFTUT trio .w«kmsnàhip. i Tiie moat Âtaî.PeirWUSa.N bwar noetloo tii-sewvit. mue- lins a W&kxiitd or crochebttd vaiud 'e~t arsRpotr belte îm, " ami giaring and many A deOpatch fromn, Melbouirne [sys: 4»o b as Jos.ph'a famous ooal. No Answering -a question in'thýeHoué.t titS >EW m riSaTOoKnrast ofotrk lu Austr ona, Peier 9she <*1lmà» qmnsAlred tales ere owt e-rnet tevprýta tatigefctabihnao 'étpekù t MnI! È. Tr*l[ing teyae, woh in h ustcaatiizPe tii. er- newTh ».r scimpotaon ke- s he rcutes" 4 l ei ,hr hyAre* ntalne ded n fot ad'oapnsaýwl '.io~~us b&IÉ-e tcig vr~ PlI'heCE insinDE - StR% eer, tH r>ha ro bt evr a ill effor ofol- tAgrli'ro h àai t2o» e. hiitartli. eff*eo enFlfy ien WIe hraeeruthe opla-h sue, aidge*Muastratie asithn tii. s6 h m'icn efTuti bleti u tmey e noiamny.Fr eeachfom-Otaa a Ievora i-oa ove re whit ul- Teel eie.lm ncni laya drged wumnave worn dt e s 0.for ; Couroy.Nrt~ parse a1kig wethiy o e 1.acting. Comptroiler thatth 74 NUW POSTOFFICES. Jarne's >Uleord-Most of!*Thome la A I dly Fillllng ,W e et.kp t h f e n O l - a a é 8 eveniy-sla nov postoffices vere OPOene4 ln Cinada during lhe month o!c Jus,. .Thp great iajoriîy o! them ver, lu the, veetern pr-ev-- -' mecs, tuse $dcating tie ra-pid i etIe«ïnt ' -nev dietrich sby*l 1h. record imimi O! immigration tis' A CRUEL HINT.- Helà- "She ha-s masca t<>',cry, -.Maune-"Why" Heéle -",Bvery vedding anuiver- sa-ny 1 4 gies hem anohher. volume cia 0o4k b.ok sere. forS nov is -tty DeIOWesta-bliari- ment, and recnuihing viii have lq b. doue in tie Oid Cou-ntmy. 'Inu con- nection viti *thepementage o! O)Id Countrymen ou -thé fore., il- nov neaches evèr «eigily-fiveo per cent., sud lie nemainder -i. oomposed of Cana-dia-s. GERNA. TR BIHORÉASE. The Exj#ortsi for. Vear Show an n.- -mêma-e ,of.$79e,#O00 il Adespa;chi from. Bènilu as Offiiairepote ! ~eman's or- elgai brade for tl ie-sx monthe pd big Juuq 'W ),sh10v- ha-t lhe imp<rts amountod bte lie value <of 5. 093, 6~) 000 marks ($1,973,400.000). ,Thhs lsi an Mocrease ever tevreedng:fsxix montheo!I06000mak(10, 0O Tii.- 'experts reaeio4 a tota-l valpe - 4,21n,30,OOO marks (*105,05,00) !-ai inonease O! 318,600,000 maàrks (*79,670.000). - A tBILLI'AATE BALL nie'îeBorden and lus Coheagues and Thei rWve Gilven Place of lionor Leu »a JýIÏ 290.-Tii. 1at Court ever knpwn in ereânt time. Cane. funétie .1 the sea.eon -took plaoe diane wer gi'cen t1â. plac.of honôr on * yaeh, wen ii.Kin ~inithe state -en* and tii. prôDe.- V* ýi êate Wl a Bu.ion, and ýw »xe .st-ed on t d ais - Qeen vaa eatebal 8 Buk-tê the'right of tie 'throne..-Tné "i\tuà mPas. Ovrtwo -thouaand Canadian Ministers and their wrres guesti were reeent, and the "a- bad tii,--hnor of! taIdni supper st wa& aueually rep,r.ssia4a- the RoyaI tabla, wh.re a profuni tlve,. - e4,.iiy 0!tii., dip1okàatic o!f loral'dem"orati6cin md gold plate wOrId. . r. amqd Irs. Borden i mamde Wfi<setit£or 4he wondopa thé. Othýr ' as@dian, Miisieat.md dieplay awIs their -wiyes a#andtd..Ti rme -Peir~~di~ rdyar w0p or the IraItile bis new 1noônhaIida.notiy intervlaw wit j T~"-Tfeo.uU3-4o.-- iub,$1 4<qs pÏi, *~~~~~gm C~.*<US.Oi,<aradion Wemtern,' * Itn 47é: Canadif au Wentern. No. . -12*etaNo. i fýe& 4612r. aI. 'n e4. 63 to,e 10: sini OUS 10. Iuàk. #1,t'NO. l 175 to'60. Floir. Man,. '?1Xlrlwbat patenta, iDta. SeJG ~0:b'Ir 2 eP. td 40 n te o -'T' o y 2 Tr tlti "'4.~ 2to2e o.2qoi.'te16c. po. 'os.per bair. car Iptis. *1.60ý - - kVu1y . -SplguetN.1 'Northern. carloads -store, 81.08;: Winte searos. "Vorn-No. 3 -yole-w. 771-2c- No- 1' "eliow > 75 3-4; No. 3 oorut. 751-4 to 7614p; No. A' ornu, 743.4 te 751.4con A*ack, thog Ued. - Oais'-Ne. 2- white., 661-4é; No àUhie.51.4o;--No. -4 uhfie. 531-4c. LIE TOK MARIne. sold 8a 1.25 tê:?.0.geod ut 065 tà aud faim at $6 té *6,50 ibp a 10 ba. ho!ce butebers'eolws soldS sebigb as*6., but the bulk of thée'iradlu s a se»ai *5 to t57.~s heOOSflflSOS sud.,-Infeýrior, at 3.0te 48 pe. ouit. 'oemàsm liéa. edblsolS-'at $2 to*25 perléwt and tbel-b.tt;er stock 'ai irore *4 te *5.0ver, ewt. Sales of' ébeqp- were msade at $3. b *3.75 Per eut.' Lkmbs me"t wlth, aiWr sale U- 4 me e*st. Rlected lots of bon: çold g 8&50 1toe - .75 rer eut.. weloehed Calar. uîes rauged from 03 tole * P".asu télu'adaafy -Torouto. il '- oeontînued ei Ofe of10e a '4av. the Iatest fiçues bmiri soete 182-, ted and watered. S'f' làmbn uCre deurer aveln. - ehole 0olg sel. a- ropd skie, trous*$0 to 7, bomeaand miedium- cattle- raueed' trànx $*6to *6.5o, wfh uliat few chofe oses Iwere .Ofeln selfs. at $675 to $T.5 GOLD VEU UNDER DOCKS. Woikmau SaId te ha*e Radd Dis- eoverîy in ape Town-. A deRpateh from " Cape Town -sgaay: t la reported-tiat goid-bear- ils, q;artz ha-s béeudiscovered In excavations nder the. docks lier. inareef 30 fiýet high. The ma-n wio discovered the -tm eiz u aibed- Tear- nan. He vais empioyed aa a vork- ma-non the 'dock eighteen years a-go.- SinCe itien -ho bas been euh- pioved lu the. mines lu tie norti aud éugpeted tii. preseu-oe of goid in the « io0 lere. He watciied the, excava-tfonés,4n Wednesda-y a-nd col- IeCted Sorne specimens. which h. subritted te' experts. Tiese men, twho did not know their enigin, said th"y vere geïd specimens f rom the Transva-al. Sad Plight of An OId Lady Owing to Paralysie. A despatch f rom OttaWa says: Mra. Brunet, -aged'aeventyltwo, of 117 King Edward Avenue, 4Bpa-. lytic, je dead as-thie nesuit 0f téïri- hie butus received viien, ini endos- vo'ring te pick up a key f roenihe fIQor, mie upset a candi., iguitiug ion clothes. Tii. oid lady as a r-e- suit o! paralysie vas. unaW-e tae ttler a sound or move te ca-il i for assis- tance, end, wia - only, iwsovered some heurs la-ter by oc upauts o! tie bousze, siieutly sufferi>i'terrible IUST1IESTROY 8iT1NE. Whole'Herd at Windsor Founid I.. feeted With Heg Choera.' - -1A de-spa-Icli frein Windsor gays: Upon ordera from Dr. F.-A: Joue; Gevernment veteninahnia, -an, eu- -tire her-d o!femine, ovwnnd by M. A. Roundiaig, a. butcher, -o Teoumsneh RLond, bas-.beeau erdered deslroyed.- Hlog ýceraluaîÎun î~form va., dilsooýeed meùetly amýng'nituhean- Abv .whà4- the ldywd Han- land Memocrial viii 1o6k like viien_ oerete.d.en tb. TorontoIsan.It ,will be Over 0 t t igi nioa 420,000. La-i Increami PRICES STILL ADVANý ber ýDenartmnent'f3 Report 61-in' aýverage pruce - level. provailing dur-> ing 'the ten yea-rs 1890-189,- the peried selected -by tii. Deprtmeut- as lb. ta"ndard of -companison throûýgiont, ils. -'inostig&tic>n îm wheièsa-le inrices 0ome two hun- dz;èd ausd'flftye xtui$dtlesof repre- santatve ~hi~.e'Thè' stimate o! ii.dop-rIentforthée on-th o! Julin,' the!Mfore, shows prices .to have, been nearniy 27.per cent. higher lu that mnouth tien va-s the. average- fort1h. decade 180199 The chie! increaseduring June vere -in ani- ma ud ndmea-lé, fodders, fruits a-nd regetables:, hideS and - icathere, there ha-viug .beeu élighb docreasffl lu dairy îproducté, prepared fiai, uarceai a-ad coke. SIR DONALD'S PREDICTIOH. Believes the -West WII) Rave 250,. 0000MBushels This Year, A d.spatch from Winnipeg says: Sir Donald Ma-n,- liWinnipeg on Wedneeday, denied that the N1ew York-Monlreal-Torouîe .syndicale wouid huy the Winnipeg streat rail- va- "As fa-ra-s I know there are ne negotiallous nov fer the pur- chas. of lhe street raiiway stock.] At tie presont lime' il le ,worth more lu market tien prospective jpurciasen. a-ne ffering. 'In regard> te the main lina, as things are go- ing uOw', gnading wili b. compieted frein Nov Westminster inla-nd fer a distance of 350 miles. The inter- vening gap viii aise b. covered vith contra-clons by the. end of the' yesr. I ha-vo nover seonthe crops ioekiug betten, and unless some un- fereseen accident occurs I belle-te the crop wiii mun as bigli as a quar- ton of a- biliox buéhels," said Sir Donald. NEW GOVIERNMENT FEVATOR Plana fer Port Arthur- Structure 1 ý-Practleally Cornpleted. A despalci !nom Ottawa - aya: Tii. Goverument plani for Vie big elevahor at Port 'Arthur are te hae ln by August 1.' Tih. full eapaeity o! 1h.eeia-tor le 3,250,000 busiiels, a-nd ils operatîng ate viilbe 30,000 and 50,000 busheis pear heur. Tii. drier viii have a.capa-city o« 48,QOM busiels dail.v. Tii. ceet le estima-ted a-t ose imillio;n deiiaM-' sud Vii, e- va-ton viii- ho reà-. teoep.mv next yean's cnop. 'Tii.enianàgiaig p! the Pont i'Clorne elevahor vil'cos't $200,000. Addtional -bine viii u'- commbdate, ,700,000busieéle more, lia-n a-t pre4enÎt. - m0 RU8SIANS EVERY MONTH. Tsa-t liasy t. Corne t. Wor'k on the- Qri, Trunk Pa-eo Ln grçwers bave ,r the'Ma-uitoba >r' .ystem, -cern- Premtier Borden and his ,vol- ieagues aftended a Royal gardon »ity a-t Wind8or Caelle. -:y .Th'.lCopare' Cup' was von b thi. niother countty - .team. Ca-na- diana wvou soveràl puizeà.~ FÉreda Piokett, a ..year-oid girl of LeoseEng;, swaen ala-mile lu 19 'mi»nutes. Il was computed--that ten million inke aBrilain .had egié temed .unx4er the, insuranoe a-et. eiglit uf ragettes wvere, arrested iu Dubliai £or atteanpted violenee o«' ,the' Prime Minlatr'a-adon, other ou6rgs~ UWM S. -Mayor Arnold, o! -Denver'- eeti- ma-tes lihe -dama-g. by 'tii-orecent rflood tisere a-t four millions. - GENERAL. Abdul Hanid, fermer- Sultano! Turkey. ia dyeiug. Anotier- case of bubonlo ýplague has b een found a-tHva. Four battaions of Turkish troogpas were forced te surreuder i'.u Al han1a The menace 'o! a nâtional bSe ýle beinin otkeaa -Sir" Poney Gisouard, Ooâ'erne oet thé' East Afnica- -Protetor*t., bas rosignied. Public opinion is grovinàg in Tur-, key a-gainsI lie CommItt., o Union, and Progress. Tise French i diigïble, Clemeait Sa-yard, wae sixteenI-hurs &loft on reconùnaissance du.ty. .Hubeèrl Latham, 'lite' veIl-known Freuçh a-via-tom, vas gored te de.ath ba wounded huffalo ln North Af- Itl-bntorpede boa-bs made an a-t- Iavk on -the Tunkiei fortsa-t the'en- trance'teôtii. Darýdançîlee. Tv!o vereeunk by the. forts& Iu a oempetititon for lie selec- tion- o! heu professons e! dzrawing for municipal échools, ieid a-Pan- I., vomen artiesewon thema-IL $1,,,000GOL-TtRNED OUT. flemsnd Net. Now Sel Great fer. A despatdci fmom Ottawva say-. 'Sine tic tteabnanèh cf. ýtise Rloyal Minte began 'lhe coinag';e e.. .goid about. $1,000;000 has. been tu n- ed eut. Tii. dema-nd le not parlicu- isnly large. At- inat, lamgeiy forI nevelty, maaiy houées paid off thein staffs aingoidchn but ilha-sn ot kept up. Tic absolùte eecuriby of1 the ba-nk ànd 'Domi'nio6n noes s weil as lie cenvenience of ha-udlung- il tend te mimimize lie. demait-d for gold., The nov $5 Dominiion note l ia-ving a largo- circulation. * IFTEEH BUILLS-1 Geed Resuits. A despa-tch fneý*m'$-Qtli Géod esuit.are hein- ai ie -eekeliffe ucbool - of! vta -nov w type -of ai iVES. Te Giving THE-LOST ÙOQ. catty, the pet ebilie, was lùst! ~ho box va empty, aiid the live- elow.wàs noï6tob. foud bout bouse. or'barris. btty realiy 'beloznged to, La-- 01'e-e,'ý tà whom -tJncie John lasd t i& heCiristmae' belexe; but éns- ai Frances were ais. much tunbed . as Lawrence wiien thse- lI.y.,o psfafled* t&o- t fmthern at lit fe had n(oVer bée.n pise&ng ore' aud they oeuld not under-ý Perhaps lie ha,. foboed ai'ter em"suggested Evan, Fm nafiaid lie il hurt,--Àndha.ý den.. avay - ome*hero" aid Suppose lie, sioulld nover orne îkV1' said Frances, dolefully. Ttil. dark tiie-children bnted ai ald'o cty u i n Re . illipobab.ly be on haud lor br4 aast" sa.1i3id,.hei. fathen,- but. tii vent t6 b.d vith lieavy heairlé. 1a-ny lie noýxt-'merniug, soon af-- Ier il wa light,, La-vrencecrept out 'Where are you goingI" .,asked, Ev nS. aImamgoiug after- Scotty, suËd - I sh 1 flid hM, tee," answvezed-iLaw-- wrenoe, did not, kno:, exa-ctly hov b. vas going te fl4d Scolty, -but luie nt te tmy 'hamd ý and bis firs plan vue t. o ýte some 'Of the pl es where ho SMScottyhdf t on 'b e e n t' e h' e n . T i i g a s v a s vë vith de'w; ,but h. tramped sturd- ily ros ie-X-tbyoi tb a-re, tao sad! t. ýpayýanyr attenition ,te the bbc ings ht - vene fflling »be vonnýintiz ha-ppy sopgs. - Hoe skibe- the Pasture I'n' wood-iott- aud sbarhed to croîs Vie big 'field., Sud enly b. rememnb.réd that in lhe ýar lover cornerthon. vere sev- !ena voodchuck-hole,*s- h,ýt be and Sodi ty bec! ortIespeenedi jute v iti gremt -intomest. Towand'thee e nov hurried. And tiere4 just, ove'r tie mev o! a- litle bihi, h. sudden--4 ly ci me upoù Scotty. - The 1col-lie vas J lynbesideeue o! l. thes. ýHo spraag up. vitb a hark 1fjy Bi t Setty; did noet.run ýi - leaps and buuds le ineeet bis young Ma-s- ter, a lie usu.aiiy did! lieni La-w- enc, eached hm, hei fund tiat ose f Scottyý's 'legs vas caughtitnl a tma pthat, vas-ia-stened te' a mal slak ." Someb db- plaeed the Ira-p tien. for a woedchuck, sund' Seol y hâd beau tle vlct M. to p 7 aejia- the.steel javs e!ftthe tnajpt li!ii-miht roea 3e. ie lm- pris cd pa*,'-Whuie hb vonrked, Sool y whified a it sud Jicked te < boy'i bandes and-fsce. At last,'vitb T -YING T9 -CL Wo rk on the A ~ieep Méajo0,- R. Man of tb Wvav Wýomî C- frem W. Leone 1ha-s ji et ne j-appeareui to be nouetrieverse ier - hie night, eut in the ld-Y ti' MARMOTiH PAPER MLL. 7 Nay Hrave te RuaR Overtime on -Present Ordiers. A despatoh front Sa-uit Ste. Marie, ýOn-t., Bayz: Fulflliug. the T. .gee meut madevihithe city "followisig a vote of the. electors Felbruary 24, the. mammoth -mili of the. Lake SU- perler Pul p & Paper Conpanyvwa, phiced linopeiratiou on Thursday aft.rno nud te 154-iaeh paper ma-chine la nov working -on what-is practically a lest run. Providing- 'theii. <tpit of"'-the' Mill is satWsa.- tory on the initial run, -'paper, 1wilI be-plac&t ounthamarket immediate- -ly,.-or rather will b. shipped. $2.* Lecn umers who alreadyl.av, orders booked. The pca iouV btarau out sonie tonz o! papea< per day. a-nd-ordriiow in baud would miako jit appear that tii. machines 'w11 h ave te: work overtime for souso mouthsatleast. KING SAVES A GEHERMAL.. Spanigh Sovýeréea'e.,Promptitude- Adespatch f rom Pâmplonaà 'Spain, Bayé: King AIfouso on We .d- nesday afterno'on Prevonted wIzat might :have b 1 afatal accident. As _ ho was leaving 1h. Cathodral a-fIer a ceremony a Genemal'e horse boit- cd, thro.wi g the --rider, "sund çrag. ging him a.o.ng'the. ground. While the. spectators hesitated'as te what, to do, tii. Ring! with gre-at pmesence ofiind spraug from his oarage, -caugbt- ti.he rse'a-nd extricated the falien GeneraL- Ifie vas roundiy cheered byý the pjopulace.' MWL GOT6- ÂHADA, Rie ing Naval 0111eà Thlmk, it le the Best Vanta erund. 'A despatch fromn London sayb 1 A naval expert who kuowva ho sou-" timente of '-the -offceirs of the. fleeb etates that-many deciarehey Will ,go to C.anadavhen retirng--on lhe .reserve, list, -for atofold meason, sure material prospirity and -the beat vantage ground from v-hi.oh te Being Rushed Tiie tmaek -m a-' poi.nt nean heu occne FOR UPE.. mes. fer Attag ýARCHIVES 0F 0NTJ va isaye:1 tioniiQf i +k.~~o .L. ,mr l 1 'Lat

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