Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jul 1912, p. 2

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boni èl the Royal nay enter the Pal- àt. ' re en duty at thia ht. When au,ti i ookod ,; tlw mer nSe at oacb rotim d. from, thon unit 1 nomninç t4 Pal- -f iii.niglit staff e, soidterstheaËoli ,thePal.. i I I s- I They have regulan lbâies lu,tIi. P&JaoSexeactIy'sasthey have lu -the utreet. Tiiere is a poiice-tatkoaV tach.d to theo lilaft,'whçye.t*enty men aree statione, mie mnedetailec entirély for-duty -ý6tsidc!. ad luside -Buckinghamn Palace, sud!are, cof coivrae, relieved of al stettduty. Tliy,,wear precisely thie sa-me uni- forju! as côntables. on' crdinary etreet -dtyî. The imft detailed 'fer night.uty -. enter thbe Palace at eleve'i o'cl»ock, bu pnôt begin patwéling Vie 00-. ridýea until - midinzgt. Tliey re- min i-. a "guard-roorn" ini Vhe bageement,-floor lietw een'eloven an-a twqlve,e irbere, if they wish.ï, they. are allowad Vo anioke and an. givan tesý and coffo. The, atrolliu'g of tii. &rridors la ca eott precisely - inthe ane w yaàsiif th police -were -on du2tyin, hsý streef. They- malk in pains up and domn their "beats," meeting' at h-eud of a "beat," juet sas Vley wouldý in the street. The corridors à e kept alight ail ziiight. KEEPINO TIllE. *Theo1Iduty cf the ]Rnekingham Pal- -ba'epie-who must net ie con- Iuewith tho detect1e staff, mho haveà the responsibiftyo1lokig *aftei tihepersonai îafcty -cf the .land Queen-are noally veny light, and to get "postad" Vto the Palac station is- a fate that ail con- àtbeaiin the Metropolitan divisions re Mr as an extremely - frtunate oue. The discipline mnaàtin.d, iowevon, among tbe Palace police Ioa very strict, suad - the sîigbtost breaci on the. part oif a conetgblecf -- any of, Vie' pécial rmies 'cbta-iningý abttheé alace police-station is uàually le lowed by hie lioing sent -back ý ord1nary duties. Tiene -are -two watchmen ou duty-, at the Palace al night. One ii ta- tioned in thei corridor mhere the peronal a1parmeut!r of the Sover.7_ --- elgu a-re ttuatéd.' The vatchmnan's- rom ii at ozýe end cf the corridor sund at-the other la -a, clock- -The matoliman'ise-requir;d-to pa-. trel the. corridor every hall-heur. When ho reaches the end cof the cor- ridor wbere the dlock is plaeed, lie hanslà&pih a needie, witb whIch fthe <c 1o1tted, acrose the fa-ce of iV, and iV ýreèirds the time at which he did soe.- I heis five mi-nutes late in * -arriving'at the clocic, the neediej - .-- eaànot-he pushed, and wlien the, _jl010k 'i8 P*-îrnined the -next day Vihe laëV thati the watcbman was ne- gleeful of hi. duties becornes apy- Parent.- --AN ALL-NIGHT SERVICE. - ' - he ýPalace matchmas, a-s the ether vatchaiasl calied, is on duty ln the corridor mhere Vie StaVe ne- dm --optâou-rooesa-ne si.tuated,'and ha ielt ecli partrnnt-cfmic there' are ten-from time te tima - - Vioughen-t -the nigit. BuokingliÎm Palace haï-sitim cm prîaWte rlephone-excannge-" in - - hicb an operatar -ii oun uty al - igbt. Wh en the King iis lunrosi- -dénce, calIs f rom va-ions quantens are f ain'y frequent tiroughout Vie night. Ma-ny ef theni are cf officiah or senil-official dharacter, asic!Ma-y ema fýop -Goverurnut offices, or -,.po5èiblY f nom the, BriihAmbassa- dojr in 'Paris, or from some cf the Royal reidences.intVils countny.- - lh.-opeate slaproviddwitli s book, cf ipecia-l telephona-ca-li fornus. - aclisieet o!the bock iâ headed, ~"uckinghaia Paiaçe, Tala phoueý - Nigh lt-al." a-uc!thbne ila a -blank for -ta. hen a ca- wi mteslu, pae for Vieheur * a mesien-I *é *ie penater mnitem domu Vite mes- s age an4 -the, na-me cf the ealler, a-uc lnitiaîs tIe sicaV. Ra-ci - call- i l - - rittau o n a sapa-mata ho, u i tie sheite pare sent uji <iti -his Majsty'O oroipondence Vo the - --sedretar»ct'depar.tment in Vue moruin. The arrangornent descnibed oniy applias t6p cals comisig in aftan Mid- Iczglt, wýuen a càller. is noV -put Virougi Vh any cf Vie -Housebold If- Vie King wena expecting any qp.cially . urgetit ca-l, the operater - *-wouid, aof eeirre, b. luetructeci te pau thVe callers througii to the socre- taries' dapartient; -ansic -someone Ivould be. thora, cf course,- Vo an- smer the call. Fei~ odions aïe, oun pard tbrougho t. ticnigliht in the chiel -ntran hall cf tic'Palace, a-sic!six soldiers are -cu' n guard outaide, a-s well as7the, sentnies at eack en- trazra.- MERZtLY ORNAMENTAL. ~- Ie guard at Buckinglia- Palace M>n iste -of fifeen - soldieïs alto- fther, .furnishediby onae!fVie ba-t- ý,1 ions cl;-Guards quartened lun Lon-- don sud; isreieviedfVine.iii thec the senior officen ile <. jus on lu, ompiis s pai~roî.-~on- TOKIITVWAS A TERROIL ateRis Fathei Buy Hlm- er <andiCgrets 'st6,4e -how -îells!1 unIt it awulITliat'slitt. eve-o.$l Tommny Hancel thrahiughi; fàthe. "kui:It'. terrible the *&ay Mr. Hanell hato go out am diget beher asic! cigare6ttes for tliat y7,ôýn- ster. 'Bit, il lie refus'es, - 'Iôjmy -gvehmaui awful beating wii4,, the aogsor -aitything elo ho can 8êt4 a1One. would hardy.think thi t the but reinanka 1k. these haro1xeii. lieard mzore than once - isn the ]!enû a tioet in the tom cf Bolliigtoù Clieshire, Eng4a.nd, wliere untü,1 re' FCently'-lived the youngster of eq'ven who appears tol ,e one of tlie "rat *juvenile terrors on record. >de *tails that bave just been g1ver~-z the local police ourýt regarding4eie 1ili treatrnent-of bis father, an' :)le- *bod 'ied man qf mi4dIe. age, w4uld have-bec-n unbelievabio îfif lere bac! not been plenty c c'ideno4 teo *corrcbora.te them. As a resuli Of >the prceedinge the young'.deion k has been packed off tô an indust rial schoci, where tbey viil probâbly suoceed in knoking em of the. de- vil outof himi. 1Ironioally enough, the first vit,- nesa te indorse young Hanceiîs a&im to be a moy terror. of the êirst water mas th - agent of the NaVioQnal Boiety for à ~Prevention of'Orinel- ty oChildren. The proper ,th ing would bave beeci the representative of,ý.a Society feorVthe prevention! of crtielty te fathene. for the witress declared -that the -boy had onlil te ýSay te hiff sire,#"Go asic get Ime smre beer and sonië cigarettsjor Il giv. Yeu a jolly good, tlrasl- ing'," te have hie 'ommand cari ied ontt.' Wlien i4 bec, oolitinued1 0. agent, th. boy had repeatiedly k ck.\, ed bisfather tosuch an extent. ts d1ry abseesses bW formed on is i body.» -rhen the poreecuted .parent v went 'intothe mwtieu-box. His fuli nam îaxý,John Thomas Hanceli, and' i l ,a cotton operative. ie Baia ttha ho, hec had te feteli beèr whenI hie seven--year-eld son,ýrequeate it, lie? cause thie -boy--had -led hlm maUch a lieé, and beat hlm wlth'the scnib- bing brueli, tonigs andýdoly-p gs, the latter beimig vodden, arriange- ments ùeinoluwashing- cletËes. iîan-e1l docimnecl that himeof0 p ig would not et Vhuzu geV into - - tl ho (the,.youngter) had, gonq te sleep,' andc! that theý>boy frmequatly bac! kicked him out of bed. I A girl, named Fonrest, -who lives acrose f rom the Hancells, said labo bac! ropeatedly heard tlie boyill using bis father. When anyone l~ent te the father's assistance, she asLid, the boy locked the door, teck the kUêy eut of the Iock, and se pre4i nt- pd the!n frohfetting in. 8h. 4iaid that the languag0e boy used was s0 awfnil that she wculd not lihe te repeat iV. A next-door neighbo o f tle Hancels. ElIen Wood, agr sed that the vouthful Thomas usod fi ar.' ful la nguage and said that lie-ras net fit te b6 at large. She said t iat HanIl sehior dareCnot do sy- cigarettes whcnever biesésven-yJar- old predigy dems.nded.that lie t-et cm up.* CARRVINQ TUE M AILS. erece a a ré6 cf r na 1 Tho e .th -i8 &.-n»<uced of ý 8w William "%%Prnléy Stokes, Bart., thé' promiinent'.Iriehsuhgeon, at Pub 6~Worn nameëd Colr wasbdl mauled by a bull- in a field'abo1t- eighit miles fnom XNoirRosa i legli. ' The yeer 1908-1909wa,45flîe 1firt yeàr- iu hall-a& century that showed g an increaié'.'of population 2n' Ire-ý -Belfast lias a low record for àerii-ý Aue crime oompared to otiier coun-. tri.8 bût not a ood record' fo6r dree adzranging from 10to 15- yeora of agoý,wireebefore the -Chil-' dren'e Court, flerry, charged with *A petition-lias been presenited in t.hé .House of Ck>mmons againit HomeRunie, signed by 104,0OW wo- -UnaettleI property valued st h1260las been Ieit b y the latte Hlenry de la PoerBeresford, sixth Marquis of Wàterford. *. Fouï. ladiea were aent fer triai in Dublin'iii conneotion with the suf- fragette window-breaking * scene in the Irishi capital.- R.otten eggs and otler - missiles were tlirown%a-t the police during a student rnoV at Trinity Coliege,' Dublin. Eleven gtudents were ar- rested. A luna tic named . Farrell, os- capoc! from Mullingat Asyiumn. anct was founid drilling a squad of sol- diers of the Le'inster Regiment, Maryborougli. Mfî. R. J. MeMordie, Loýrd Mayor <4 Belfast. said if the Home Unie Bill goes through'it will cau'se a run on tlie banks that wifl sweep away ail available capiti. .Summing up te the jury at Dublin in a case of two men of County Clare, M~fr. Juetice Boyd said it iras a melanclioly thing tIek tlie e s a part in Ireland wliere _i conviction could not b. c>btained. - REPS '"DICK" TO ÂLL. About.a year ago a pa.rty of Brit- leli journalista traveling througi. BrtsiColumbia were entertaae by Sir Richard MoBride, as Prenier of the Province. To tliose men with fixed traditions cf a Prime Minis- ter's dignity, it was somewhat of a sliock te find liow very familiarly Mtir Riehard AleBrite. - ---- -- ---~- auo vmeseirrgLftetnir aruier, -- addnaseing him on Vhe street quite Primitive lXethods Aie Used j ' fraquenthy viticut more formaiity Seie Comtries. - Van mould ho giron a- village aider- Ou ciiaviée. e!Mais lewelî ma-n.,Homever. Vie climax te the crganized. Tuee, little doub n u Egishme's amazamaut vas reacli- the mind cfVitea-g enotýa dduniug au automobile drive., The when lie poste a letter I iinal me ia-c! ta-il celeroc! cia-f its destination. f eur mliom lie n4c!nessed as ««Sa-m."' Butin othar lande he m»giWmal Reaching a- emooth section o! roa-d, fean forý its ealaty. In u ussia, for tic Premier leaned cvrntVe front instance, any letteorn parcel tfint eat a-uc! uggestec!an uttle nioe le. neganced mith suspicion is imzùe. pec! dia-tely opened 'a-sic ita contenta "Unr' blase you, Dick, sh'î on notad. A doer machine guit thVi la-st notch nov." respouc!ed the up a-gain, se tliit -the,.'recipient does negro, with pwrfec't aquaniîmty. noV kmev that it bas beau tampered ,. - vitli. -In La-piand'.tle mails 'are -carnit"d -LIVED ON MILK 30 YEARà. iu sledges, dramu b- veinde,-ns. lui For morý -thn thirtv yearm, Tho- the milds' of the Ca-uçans Ihe poit- ma-s F. L-aubach, of! Haz.elon, Pa.. ma-n holds a "at o! da-nger, Uc lias not aatari any !elid food, la-ring- must-be proteétec! againit brigands li ,va on milk exclusi-,eiy, of ich te a-uc! a -ga ithema-loer e f- he drinke four quarts a day. Thotugh V2OnC ha-ste ch84mutan cejs eaî's oh! ho wotild na-ss for net 12,003.V bili. - - oretiti! _6o. Except for slight Aelntic-Ruseia-,-mnicli is a-pt-te be moene, eissgod-shma ma-nsly, lia-s the buffalo post; asu1d, ;<,tý ýears a-go. a-uc mucli bqtten cf ourse, tie progressmade!. l very I than tbirty years a-go, mhen b. hé- aloir, Buffaicea a-n re pomerful gan -Vo liraon miik. He va-s.a-dvised, Via-noxen. and hey aa ais uio~ ~n is physcian ta drink milk cl Siheria- for carrying themalil. 1-tIntI ur fdyppsa au!1bn Other poslmes inluforeign land4s b. racovered lie, rasoued t a h a-no Vie simming pcstrnnn-e! India, mnuass by wbich h. - ha-c rega-inec! uic! the.ski-ing latter-carrier -cf tbheat olbef civ nmi- Anides, . ~~ tig vuc!b afciv an For, tie, latter plac, the Asaget- ine GeversimenV speciaIly. jnpo1t Normegians. - -- ji- A FH OL. -- -The pepaa-itv o!; a- homely 'Wr "WbaV are yen writing, -oic! nia-y dçpend on e Vie mmmer fath'r cia-p V" ca-n irrite a check for. 1 -' - "An article eutitied ,Àdvice Vo Every. rose ha-e its thorn-sý-nc!tl~ Gradnates.'<" tioru - usstihi ou tîhe joli -aften ,t "Ehi1i Advice te gra--i- Weli, roeha-s mithered.aiilté smi rose - -f al Viepresuupion 1, _ReOtt Iïi het 1litn- TII. stilatity, botveen -the,' wbeaet Àaiýd, the tares noted ilove - made -Vuthen<roti cf, th"ens iud ho inteÎ'tvwined l- '*thewil-, 4zid thusî it-voQuld be imost imp>ossilble Vo reo- move theon 0 ibo,-uýprooting the 30. Gathor up firat the Varos--Thia mould be impossible in, actual prac- Vice, linliarvèât fields -with whicb w. are fami1iar,, -In a-ient tirne ,hom- over,, when -:tbe -grain -vas- al cut mith a amati banc! siekle, and har- vesting mas net qo compiicated or extensive a proess as nom, a-nc especially among people witb whoxn tiue, oountacl for littIe, thimsopar- aVion of thc tares lrcm Vthe wheat Àt lianveet time was noV an impos- sibility. , voue, re rvered1-5,whiciiinter Venlgtl*.reoredtwo other par- ailes -mhich Jeas espoke ln conneo- tien -with -the i0146 under coiisidera- Vion. It iram'no until after h. ha& finushed spealting that lie leIt- Vie multitudes, andic:- -ent into- the lieuse, the hliese rferred te .heing probably'-that of- Peter, at Ca-par-. Daumu.- 37. Thé Son cof mari-A titie used, - ly Josue freq*uently ini roferning te bizuself. -38. The field is- the, morld-Prob- ahlIy Jesus lntended witb Vthe tari irorld Vo designate actually the viiolo- venord4 zng me have thought tbhý6_be interpretation of the parahle. neqWpnem a limitation of the mvord te that"part 'of the venld -iuoluded 'in Vthe klngdom mhlch 'he vas Vo eitablieh. Bnci a limitation, bovever, seema m.bolly unvarrant- ed. In in terj»eting the parahle muet rem'emberthat iV is noV luVeud- ed Via-t the dotails of any of Christ'.s panablès sbould lie forced funther than Jesus bimelfcarniec! Vie in- terpretation. Each parahie emplia- mizea one main thcught or teaching andc a-ny endeavor te interpret de- ta-ils of Vie figurative languaga leadi inte difflculty. - Tie sens cf Vie kingdorn-AIi ho- lieving disciples. 39. Thoeaenc!of -the worid-Margin, the. enzsummation of the age. 41. Ail thingi that, cause stumi- ling, andc theni tiat do iniquity- NoV persons only. but thinis a-lue that are evil andc a bindrance to tie final conaussimation cof Go>d's plane shall be removed.- 43. The rigliteous shine forth as the sun-Jesue doubtless,' bac!in mmnd the propbeey cf Daniel: "And1 they that are wise shall shine ias ,the brigitueiss cf the firmament; asic tiey tint Vursi ma-ny te nigite-ý oussiess, as the stars for ave nduc HE WAS NEAREST. A smail boy returned home from ochool the other afternoon proudiy exhibiting a bock which lie trium- phantly deciared lieliad won for natural hitory. "'Naturai history, Iaddie! You're far tce young for natural hitory. How did it bap- .pei l" aekçd hie mothen. "WelI, the teacher asked how- many legs an ostricli had, and I said threo." "But an ostrich oniy lkas two legs,"' said his mother. "I know," said the urcliin, "but ail the rest of the chape said four." Yeu can alwaps depend on smre men doing-.nothing a imes. 7 lo Oumnulative Preterred Stock AMESMIUOLDEN MeoREADY. -(Carring a Bonne of 40 <om'mon Stock). Pice end full particulan.% will ho gladiy forwanded on nequeat. <srouguij "wsi again, - w 'Deo uiwr- tdis.ta-o É-neè Ore or - oned; as .1V '*di mao, li me stbr>wn -te diîdtaUvog, du "Wl whio harilefynvout -cf bis lhan&, th mtrck~it ametalliwrngon roek: From where lie lay, jannod p, almoet inteý a stupon, F. saw 'theo- ha angry bull go up te .the -rifle and T!' traniple it into aruin cf splinte-ed te nd.dtwiste4inon.1 .an * Tii. bison thon 1ùumned hii ang'Ii , eyes about andc!advaneed, tevard' si F., wlzo thouglit'bimeoif poyoe1'- t to s#ir. 'At the lai moment 'hem-- t 'IVp homanaged tO sralite #p.tic I rZm Under, -hée eneature'u very ee nose.. Near st hand wmare È len,-a one. cf 'whom carried bis spire rile. This manW atOàhed'hi.o]pp*ortunity, w darted. aidemiise, .dropped th$ gun fa] .into the grass, and placed a stick tii de uiprlglit-beiuide it te m'ark tlie spot- a- whore it- Iay; m:eanwhuile ail the be othens danced and slioutod in or-1î der te distract the bull *'s attention.,-i Running-bisbeet, F. -muet now i needs itumbla, but lie picked -himi, mf self up, a-nd'-turned -rouûd to eme wliat mas in' store-, for l*m. . Befo.re M ha couc! slip to oàen- aide,_ the bull p ,plunged at hknocked him doiwn ded and stood over him, 'wifh the foéà f roxa its mozith. dropping in te hiâ Po face. The. hugeblinv head lient lover p ýa-a lomer, #V1 i the Ibloodmiot eyeq u were turned tewnw.ard. F.ac! no timo te think; b. bac! te wli do wbatever>t-he momeênt suggested. a' H.Ï asped the brna, vas raieed up i by them, andc! baianced for an ago- auJ longseodi the air; thon, partly ce thrwnparly pringing te eanth,, in ho tore ahead witbout stepping toeI look-behind him.th As he ran Vomard the rifle placMeie: ready. for hizu, the pounding of cO hoofe bellind su-ddenly ceasec!, ai- ,tough the bellow.iug a-nd snorting ha were redoubled. Ho turnoci te look, o andi at the same instant the menm cries' turned from despair Vo joy. The bulbac! trappecl hlmseif. In bis blind fury, heediass of' li. own steps, »ha had flton npearly cheit- 00M dleep into a weclge-shapéd crevioe in w the rock, with ail hie . feet in a whi bancli; and the mo're he-,struggled",r the tighter lie stuck. IV was the Wh work o! n moment for F. te seize o the'rifle andc fire the shot that put til thie bison out of its misony. moi PATENT MEDICINES POPULAR Oven $22,O00,O00 Solti lunGreat Bni. tain ln a arm. The encrmons growi lu the popu- inrity cf patent madicinos- mas ne- vealed in the oviclonce cf Dr. Alfrec! Ccx, medical seretary- of the Bri- tisb Modical Association, befone tiie select comrmittee cf thie Houa. cf Conimons, when he stated that it was estimated that no elossVian a s sm of *22,500,000 mas spant evary year in Grat Bnitain ou -patent niedicisies. This amount, lie dcla-- oc!, vas sufficient te uuaintaîn 40,- 000 bedsinuthe bospital. But cf tViiamount, an suthonity, expimac, co nsiderably ovar a mil- lion poundi' worth cf patent medi- cinos cerne frem Amenica'a-sd Gar- ma-ny. There a-na lu the United States ne fawar than 40,000 liceuseci vendons cf patent medicines. So-great le the va-niety Via-t oe «firm alone manuifacturea 115 cluffar- eut remedias; wicli, ju<iging by.te advertisenîents, should, promise a cure for ninueit every- iII te vhich flash is heir. IV i5 nstounding the amount cf faith VIa-t is plaeed lu wali-desarved patent medicîna's. Many of tic propnietany medicittes are good, certainly, but thare are othes-vhicb are placed before the public witli grosshy exaggarated. staVements as Vo thaï, curative pro- pcrties-whici, indeedi. ai Dr. Al- fred Cox sa-id, a-no a frauc!ou Vhe public. It viii ho interesting Vo see what regiît the insunancea act viii have upon the sale cf patent on proprie- tany madicines. It viii almeet for a cartninty -have Vie affect cf dimin-. îsiing their sale, as iuîtea! oI plr chasing oue or other of th. ma-ny tiiousand remédioesnom on Via ma-r- ket the insuned porion viii sa-va tie expen8e by, eonsuiting hie onr ber ýdoctor. Anothen sequal mill ho Viat the7 revenue-,mIi isuif er ceniier-biy, h -the bassofl stamp 44as Teouteome cf VIe -proceadingt, o! the commi «te., over mluici Sir Hlesry N'orma- leprasiding, le bi- in watched with-the. liveliaut con- cern, not only he.1h. medica,fac- uity,* but by ail'tiiose connactéd'iu a-ny vay witli madiciienesd the -re- ýçormendaêtions cf tlÏ.ë cor'nttee, biile awa-itad witlii.heonkeençt in. 'Munder by poieouing l EI' nc vae aV ono Vime puni.siabl.,by bol- ingVodeati.h, Wiiat tii.bol rs iiopiugf- te telrni- la', anS for Our. nula men t' tiying tus 74 me ticrifase lus for-, u in-u i fr Ircilsthavle gr ta lie la] enM#iogii p ouses, - moat érceutagm èf. tarket le se 'tiiat tiié E itb a lever ni go ment 4 )d there. Koreover cic Il ubir tuar ,mber theC 0 s than 535.i iLondon aS voulti hava use bonds 1 ge more"-moi rpenditures1 u%1tructiou. tthe firet et ne of Ou, epersuades l 1 i satateinel ,ET ACQU N' If Yen an. i irteous lu i elcoied lu e, ben yen are irer tolet g id reliable r lich oui, roc ier an oblii r yen the sai mate friant ', _or pastOr drea-rn o. besi This la youn profitable a-nS drema. The lHoi Til Building,T HEARE My bousei Godalming, other aftaern4 feit, a longi times nopeV hea a-mater- biud the houi tiare. -Theei uliglit le, ai tiié chief gui Orion te ma- veny ikindM ma-s, I -amn a that the di gune va-sc!' sevon- ustaVu flic sounc! elovesi minu ta-uce.-Lond Floggiug -im abolishoc M~ a-go. 1 SaveM ni~--aud in ,Lqdon that- b-king S of inlteron. m ëwn canadian band muÏe.- "xl lai-ny, - ibber compan. ialonu Way teiisip dis éMeý eu intl uiodn. per., -.L bJmo2. socurate te saur b Invostor "0asbeconie verY aegrd t thae xtravaigant ist a 1alsues vere ,rdas lnvetmetiL sfl aO ~erlers vèesloadeti UP - uffa thea aru tli t.fli unleonti.b ic.é *cusaffectetiboni. " mtarkt «e Ca-uadl mbndsipale fuguat teléimnicipahisesfto lmaket. Tei i efeet e mankd ed. Aeair agolBran- 'ih iuld b reend minyo 4t basi.o No tii.4.-8pe .a the o e e 7. ecenft. aapeo tii. markt c h.- due -ond ounicmxet bes JE, iiouees d ncaltvers r is, f uand; a reersaide mindon, ad aenvtde. i municip cle'entura Tu at ma-ny bhoul, e prciaed a-r viii hof w ver hond in prie. oSk Ivtefour ilyd alo na-k a ery godcit a-n -ad ofntursuxii cily bf een n afra- et sun ov k Sdmnifou Lndon. c ticlia-Il u -ndp )f-moiti o a-a-theateron terge; ii... lace L nda-t. àneason - vby thtr 'London up'ortant. Anotierrnon ligie îii Suestodr -i. eatiosiod yleld thjan tii. Canadian f Oui, lçy yield bonda are r ra-Sîndo do practîcali clu; lu London. Lasi De-, inadian Nonthern sltine 0.00 Of bondes uoua bloebc a- ompa-tatlvoly 1ev raie. ta-ken yeana te have piae.d n Canada. Tiie -ralroada [ei te keep Up te thé greai't bey are ma-king on nov Tii. pessimist referred to1 ateuce iiad botter ta-ik te 1ralinoad presideuta beforo imel aa te tiie accura-cY INTED WITHf TOUR IGRKBORS. anleel lni appearance aud Our manner, yen viii b. er home lu your iocallty, iioing aamplcm of our su- ds, iioumehold neceslties. medlea. The. satisfaction Psgiveplacs-the usera lton te Yen. vhich vin, ue respect, esteem. and lu- IlD giTen jtha nicat. physi- u1 n d spa -. tî m a n e n r e. a hoat of fnlendm. ,Pportunity for a pleasmt. ]permanent business. Ad. Supply Co. e.. 0,Mer- oCrouto, Ont GUNS 97 MILES. 's on a bigb bill near sic! as I sa-t neac!ing the an I béa-rd, or ratier ibra-ting boom, evenal d.I thougit 1V must kan manoeuvring - be- Sse, but; found siothing nI, guessoc! irat it c! fortiv'iti moto Vo mary officer o! H.M.S. Be aune.-.-Througb the urtesy of thi ' agenitlo- ~le te state for certain cliargeofo!tue Orion's tinetly audible ninity- mles f nom the slip, ring somamberea about ~es te travel Vie' dis- un Spectator. the Armpy mas tetaily ire Vian. tiirty. years ley and homes WEh 4rve ia&ued a- Bock- let de eibi 8 lb. P RIODICÂAL &YMENT PLAN" for ~ he puchao stook4 a-n nds. ThïaI you -tiroun savinj - hem c!, ~ooklet shows 'honr- It alob shows 'ehem, sia.viîigs a-re ted-si! hem they aila-&ble for use a-b mmàe Ifrequired. Writeý te Investmeut Depa-4ment. TUE mM .1 LMETR OPOLIAN RTEt AGENCY, Lunto M i TED E cae.-zabre 'nmerouâ the gameo i .caine farcical tram .tieir -oneolâiedï& ý Lui Vthé attedance dropped Rmre moi.: - . iien so seatoe Io'm.raitrouble wltii Osnada'q national gaine ln thé big lea-gue. "'Il can be built up -eaal, _butSI wiii probablyý taie -morne --year of,ý bard sud caretul vork.- Mq as I ETEaBUTe"RI T)AjlE - Tii. (City Council lia-e conMmitke iteai te an expendîture of *300,00-for a muni- Çipal. abattoir; lu otiier varda, a muni- cipal viielosale'-butcher siiop, and tiium expremsesa-a determination flot te 1er ithe meat business of Tercuto Sall iie tb. liands"of s meat.trust. Snellas dominates the' fsmoue. <Chicago tecj yards, and througii -tiiem mois oS the emies of th# Unitedi LaVes It will b. -luteremting te me boy the probiem vwonia eut lu Toronte. Toronto bas beeau lu the cattie market business rfor ma-ny yea-rs; lu tact Son a long time it hiad ýa, t"ùopoly -lu tbat departmeut j But St did. noS take fulil advâatage of its opportunity, wlth ebie resuit tint'now the. city cattle yards a-re altegetiien topma-il. are lnconveniently sltuated, anad' a blit proportion ot the business lae golag to the. privately-operated union stock ' yards,ý, ' which occupy commediona promises at West IToronto.- - . It la sald the.'Union Stock Ya-rdaserin a. potential nucleus for a Cana-dia-n meat trust. One of -the - mosS active lirmer op- eratlng -there ie the Canailan brnub- o6! thé. BSwft Co.etof hicago. Recenýtiy the- tvo largeaI Cana-dia-n irme, tii, Ha-rise Abattoir Co. an, Gnu'm, wvih formerIr bengiit e.ttIe boti ast the. elt-y- yards andi the Union Stock yards. aunonced that -Iu futurs they would buy oniy a-t the latter. Andi It la said le feurtb lange firm, Park. Blackwell. wil shortly tollow sait. The jvasuit la that the city, te sa-Te Ita cattie market, la e ncd It6tohe abattoir-- business. A municipal abattoir- yul en.' - able the afmalindepeudout viiolesmai butchera, -cf viom -thons are perha-pa a score, te kili their animais anSdisltri- bttpteretail trade economillY: andi tuu uiess, ou tii. ot ý hbaptwl, Mr keep the city cattie yards gem;i.- Wlhout ii.e tti a-battoir. ý:_vl ii. ,hie firme buyingir ý,ai-tii.Union _5t.. Yards tii. business Wuthee slty yarda-vouid soon dvludle te uo slianpootos tii. Sudepeudent viiolesale -butciong- veuli be compelled to go toe ii.-gfellowe for their supplies, a-nd the. violo -business weuid ha affectaiiy c.ntraised in ver- iiapa four firme.- -anta teu Thi ea at the tr wtse preveut. - Torouto's uew barber ùCommision hba' net gel mucii teotonor'Its ieferte isi. But, of course., Il lhas net basa on the Job long enougii te have bad a chanuce. As evenycue kuova, Torontoes eue et ths fiuestiia-rbon. If leot lie vary mmmi, - on the great laies. And yet the. amouni et .iiipplng 'St accoommodates la practI, ca-liy neglgîibaloe an.. Vie ton, nagm cf the.Sa-uItcanait etoeii.mont* o! June va-s i0.7O0AiW tons, - aî compareti te 7.400,000 tons lunJ Me. 1911., Wbile To. routo barber'. tnaMc for iii. montii vam ouly 271,000 tens. as aga-lumt 251.000tl Jun.. 1911 Relatively. lhe lai. aiilpplng trous To. ronte bas bieen dwiudllug icar by year for the lait genera-tlon. Il la -only cii. zens veil on lu yeare viio remember viiez the. vaterfront useS to be detteS viti grain elei-atona and lhe docksvr.a-i. Penbapi the. day cf grain traMe iii boa-t from Toronto le pais, 'but thora are plant ou foot te sMake Tenante a-gain a greai port for oti purposes. -'TiiaVtii.tb chiel purpeeof the. uev Harbor Cemmniziou. The clty evus a large acrea-ge on liii valertront. aud te tue ecoreago il ll boped te atIra-cl large luduitral factonies. Docke anSdvia-rves viiese coit viii total ma-ny hundred theusande ot Spllaroarat belng proJected. At promeut viien a boat f rom tb. Atlantic verks it7s vay up thrhgbthe St. Lawrence canais. 15 caunot fluti a pla-e tc1dook. But lia-t e1w ebh quickly changad. Tii. mîmpathi -of the Domlinion Goverunient iias béen efflIsteti and extensive dredglug 'oecra-tienisarc. nov under va-y. But, of -course, 11,0 greai boon viiil b. henov iWelland canal a-nd the doepeniug of lie St. Lavrence route Tiien Tenante hopee te be a neal ceagn port a-ud imeou o the iiirgba-y from tii. oeea-n te iii boa-d oftble Laies, .If ibe fa-ctery Sevelopment proguesses, as hoped - for, Tenante barbon viii change from @ ffleee o pretty sconary toe i.ceutn6 cf s hive cf lndnstry. THE PASSIN O0F H.P. MORGT. ' The pausing et Mn. "R. P. iig bPr sideut of the G. N. W. Telegrapb Coin pany, removeas oS ofCauadalm lundiînis The. oldesi eurviving telegrupluerlu - Arn crics. bie reminlseences veu-t ba-ci e primitive days iu Canada. Ha "dieeoa. ed" Hou. George A. Cor, bei iiim, nut tie employ of-he G. N. W, Ce as ofincm boy. and taught hlm ube .lanunage of thé. vire. Senaton Coi vae a promfneùitiuour. uer ut-the gravesîde. Un. Dvigiit vas eue o! ticernoet lileabl# meu. The boni of!hie mid va-weIl il lustraleS by lhe chieS hobby etflis,1aýeà YramIns.Xi amthe -RPnyal Cana-dieuBM& nia-ne Soe'lety whlrhb baS for itff chiet purpose the rÉwa-rdlug ,of deedR of'hnav. ,ery. To heur oS a --SeeS eofiieroisi, vnatter boy uniqpectaculur tl i cr.nm- rtances and reward, the hero vas -i surce of peiesenre vhich caver lest Eii n"uOwr. He tloh a ten Intereoet ln publice ffrrr ir ta hi, lasit days, but never auren-nbed to the modern hheonies <of public 4%vYem.-- gi'ip with vbicb be was. aivayes n"'-111t ,-ut of sy'u'pathy. Be-vue n freanri rncr. e ol W; , of the -ne-sranyra riq - èýthe s"ctme"Dw,"' but i. vmi alwivmnd. - i't)c #eneao f bie V-iýcwýanS- Poc newspaper cieclled te o .1 ,lei- - ,;-.- men wben they wvene opiced-ta ifi, - -"., eY' prii.l a va- possibly pri. tate ou'uierahixu's sanest advoante. VISH19G IN SEA OF GALIER. BibleetudenVe may b. inteetd, Vo knom Via-t;there la aVil geýocifish- ing in tVie se&.cfGul. - r. r noat W' Gurny -Maeterm'ai,,'via lias^ pnacetised *mediciene in >Galilee, mùad4-a- Special study cf the - flles fouinc!thare; andc!in a receuit- book saye Viat ua fouridfrày-three* van.- icties. twî'ca as malxy _az ca-n -e, founc! in the Britigh Ile The fii- erruen are taxzd a fifthfdl lh value cf' the Lb h a-ught. hèé ïýu4ue gc-. ilig pattly Vo the -Sultam ndsi!pnrtly tea Pa Vai. Daiueura, <1 ( Fai N- - tMpL -qu fro-uhacnd ii ris goenuiffi nigitgowùu'0f -brougrt froi Themdtl- the edgeo0f the with tIi. ieE Awa Fe ad -o* -ny -è may ie siiy A z Wel V87inch S pàssed Vi-ougi -c h laah, f muri îe tp-jen gow1is i.zuc -veny, vm mdi EVVU, Pépi On. oeoee thà ita - ci a -ppuI ' The gmaîtmoliý atly ate!a."va f -ed hit4 nudn -- iti a meet a-tr -ally intereetingi,_ -k<:yvnS oi Viii - avish ambri cor% aae aô * -wtliout ilss-n -tnicatevsma ngovel feàture ôà lins are~4ted haelts, as g i coler dae Joeepl ,enliveiR au aU v N~EW STI The newÉes -ii fia-met hoee0,-AI -publisiied- o! thé - Via boa. Starti sure, but &Mo-a navbepapar. ei -bare fi"~, but dj o roc! hose. Whi under tm ce on< is altogether unsa entite coaturne il several yeans Vie ly dressed wc'ipe pairs cf atoeking - v<hry saer. - *ý 1)JW P0 -June's- Recrd- them verdina inecs, lilus .1ndq - ettien»nt Of-ne record inftux - o! yoa-r. A ORUI poon ir i sa-ny lie:gives le cf a-cec I hk'i PurèrnierBo LouLx, July 5 guesti i,'eie pr- - Vve, e-spally venrd, lir. aend t -- otier iUauadi theWir wl-va atU' Idie tSI £ae<fs ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO 1- lfkik WPcifýai-naï-c' f"c*lFý,A f-11,011P wiilaim 1

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