Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Apr 1912, p. 6

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N'as Ù11 n the-ireflshc 1DYOf, girl-a'month .abroad, grievlng te' lose> r~ssa1îth~r1~fisi o grl ICecil frein tise sual !amiy Visit itp iood' ba$i but a. Iew'days befoe 1tire seà-side,lbuit perceivng witli a ~ebste hr siletenti bi-ti- mother's 'wisddmn an4 unselflshness Letj me se to your bai, Roy," that it was time, as se exps-essed lie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t eillie.-I ~aias ht~ for ber young one to try it' r<,u gItolld miss this lovely bit o! rugA i. .sene le-* ;he ij4rd, and I shall do it in- hall f tr i tae le~ a Lh ti'me." iîwmu~~ <~tsfjrd, beàringC7eeil Boni ace ýlatne, wth , wichties'te iiealthy Old 'Norway; tM gain 4~inek, ~it a enil,. u isiiithere ftesis physical strengtli and bý,ihqwsly love ansd -the spirit'off reuh iniigiits into that. -puzzlin 'asing wcre about equaiiy> 'blând- hn aldlf emk red d. 'INo, ne, Cie, I'mne t goingshipa3. spit. of iies- oecuio- 9O let4yolr speil me. I ual! hO up beee e er oeiigmr -a.in, lun ten nmtnuteis; H]ave you o! tis 'e. auty o! h tUU,+V Çnv iôt M de snyT friend8 he tele sthere . tisO he._ai 1 on cleck yen eau talk t~, o 1 ad ie an fpan -4'I ioh't want te tik,".sId ':She wap ne etudenit o! hiunsmanna-1 -eyl "Tut ttl__ as on-tus-e; at present with girIil impati-t ng te Jge - y rm t heen- ence sise turned zaway fi ir e-tour-ç ghpdue e s-awy unieabit àée n -ists1 frankly avowinpg her con vié-à en't 111, - :: tien that they. Weré titore, 5h. I~o fls~fao trne aav as wiliing te let ber faney rean tinderstandÏigher feeling to thê fôstuues o! orne imaginas-y and CsW wi Bo f andI Erîca-living, pes-hape, in ei m~ough,an " Wh;er tisechatesmg to)us-jetsoin.on. or other o! thé0 eolitas-y ,avongj lthié- e 'ttroangoe-tirdrofdcotgsteb'ee ao ri gwaters qf the fjord toth and then on the mountaln 'side;'. but gJlthree omoé h e-ooe.ctae-t-b. en.nwt iggyt mountains on -the fusthes- the !average Eriglish' 11f. displayed ir,!wisose, evèr-varying formes on thse deck did 'sot in tire ieasta ad, býen 'clelîghtiýg hlir ince the awýken lier synpýthies, elie mereiy h os-ingy clasfifed the pass4îngers intos-ough - a laUr picture, group molgliise beut wa ne o!tii- er"mind. Tues-e wae the ýphoto- tx der vyhieii quicklý draws atten- graphe group, fraternizing oves-r eni. There - wai n othissg ves-y tire cameras set up 'ail ini a little ikinJ in iser" regular Meatures, encampment at the foitecastie -end._y air cp plexion, suad light-brewn Tises-e was-tise clerical &iroùp, whicirl li'r, a Casu 41 observer she wouM .had for ft'center no !ewer than 5ve li JVe -csd eri navsaegaites-ed - bisirpe. Tises -was tire rsgi~girgntl, wei.mrier~sporting gronp, distinguî:hed .by a fI eo botok pistosuyfortable taveling-caps. - Tier, was r ta hr tuenatre as -e tise usual'spriukling o! paie, weas-y, ui a]e nly at .times tisat hies quiet overwerked raiets'sud women corne yý ay eyèe woui flash into s udden for a xnuch-rieeded rest. And there -n auty, 'itis the pleasure o!f eet- was tire firting greup-a notably W kwith Sme rare and'unexpected arnali eue, however, for NOrwegian n- raeat ; ny i oes e eeltriýv1i' s rougir work and j isi- ît1,h !o~cê f lir nauraly ~ suitedi to this gns ing n tus-e madé ell-fetasa "Lomokhire-,:Blanche,' exclaiined eat in unce. yn- ! A gray-bearde 4. Englishman -ep- s- Cýecil ad passed a erisaof-eproaching a pret ttie run e ptdgirlhood..' îe ha'd a whO h ir d a otet and winsoe lole; las- ben Ilier own mistress, -expression, -and Who w-as standing 'd ha time ô'me ra le 0neul te tire camàp-strbol on which mpoali and' no special duties te Ceucilbac! n ece herse!,atuie h sh tq place o! ler s- ohool--woÃŽk. conversation *was quit. uibete Vyas tise- time sire had'beeau look- lier. "Jueît see-ý if you 'cân Imakea S for¶âs-rd tg al ber lit., thi.bliss- out thie writing; your eyes are bet- t 1time, of gs-own-up freedom, andts-thian- Mine. -It is f-pm Hesr w th.~~ t olad ' ime I ld ps-ved Tialck, tise Noriregian agen fer eus- dissa>*oint;ng iIns 1ý0. WheÈher. fis-m. I dare say your fâtirer -told- 0 . fauI ras ini lerseif os- un her ou alout hi." rcetrices se did unot know; "Yes, papa said lié ias -pue o! tises- t ik{sem -~ girls o!flier age leading meschants' ecut lies-and ni e was Ioeking eout.onf life with -wouid advise us wirat te s.e, andsi azied eVès, 1 has-dly. kn4wing what w-irisse te go." hi was ti ti4îad gone amis, yet cqft- "'Quit se. 'This Ilettes- reached in - -The 0-14 Folks 'nd advancîrgycars br!nig on lncreasing te ndency t- te contiron. .Tise correcthvs they rieed 13lA A-DU-o" LxatikeSk. Entirel diff~orefm comimon iaxatives Pleasant te talcs, mild and/pa1nfeaa. ~ A'table (or letâs) at bed-tImeý regulates' tie bovele porf1sctiy. Jcreasing It dos3 4ver needed. .Conipounded, -1ke ail tise 1 25 NA-DR1ZCOpro- ~ pas-au s3,' by expert che-muat3s, Money back If net e atisfactory. ae 25c. a box, If Vour dfuggiat lias not yet.stoclceâ iSss, W1 senid-25c. and we will mail thr.w " i -.NATIONAL RUa & CHEMICAL COMPANY ~At OF AADLLII<D IONTREAL, -.2e o! 50oOoo!Stock of Invetmen Co.Ltdat Of Calgary, Ata.' bmvîdcd.into 5,600 Sisares o! $ro.e cad, Ilar value, At *1. er sharo. rro1 ithse toniptity's Aunîîril Report, 3s eebr191 tapi OlPard tm'$3---- ------- P'rofit~ and Loss Acount ll -al Edtatée Holdingl at Profit and Loss 'Acecôuht Rieal, Rtatè Holdingts "ai ViLlue (Independeatcon- e vaIua.ton-~ alter 'allow- dosV d!'marketing) - - a -$193,97.4 lise Comipauy's utauding aland the iltegrity ai, )rs (Of vlsûs thse Pros=d,tmanaginig Direoi us-es- devote their.-tîme eèxclusivel'y to tise Coi rb. made. of thseBank o! Noya Secti, os 1 xirg the C~n a sbutines& uda é 1 o 'Yeur niece, àndif you--vldh*Jýàn with uS1iatrtwô o'clock on F*idaý lat rny villa ini Kalvedalen wc sa epteemit a. great pesre? 'l "Two o'c1oek dinner!" exclàixpe4 Fli5ience Morgan, for the-firàt'tînme 'JJining:iýthe gleneral conversation. "Whàt aàn unheard-of he-ur" - 'Oh, leveryLhing is primitive sixu Placity 'out' here, said Mr. Moï- gan. 4'u. needn't expeet- L ondozi 411 suppose Ftiithiof, Fa1c k wil] b.é a'sort o! yeing Viking; -largë& 'boned and dignified,.,with a*kind',of good-naturedfierçenesBs about him;"'? said ,Blanêhe, flin Aheltter. "No,-n,"s4id- Florence, "he'lI h. -a- Sh, ,stupid oountry bumpkii, afraid of' airirfg liis bad Eglish, and yen willstep. 'êniiautlY into. tÉée breacli with your, fluent Norwegïaî and your kindness' wifll win M~s lieart. Then presently-he will cone, Up in hie artle'ss ,and primitive way with a Vaer aa god (if you pleaàé>. a'nd iil take yourZ-hand. You wili reply Mange tak àiany' thanks>,- and- we shalI - ail' Jqyfujy dànee at - There :was gen4fàfI ifihtér and sorne -triffing bets *,ère, macle. upon thse 'vexed questiq,'.fFtho T'a1ek'i'appearance. - "4WelI," sàidM r. _Morgàn,"W is iiiver weI~o liih nWbut 1 hope you'l l be c!,ýIvilj'O theal -hen .we reaIývymeet., And as to Yeu. Cyril/." lie colini ~tf ig o -bis -'nephew; a lirnp-le'oking yôun' man, of oue-and-twny gt9 the.'inforrntion 1yen caru out o ,oung Falck, but on no account al- 0oW hurn te knôlw that your fatheY so seriously thinking of sctîîng y<>1 at the' head cf the 'proosed braneli at -Stàvanger. -When thist dons orne about, o! course err FaI4k viii bose. ur customn, and no doubt it wiIl b. a blow t. lhin;,so mmnd you don't breathe a ýword about àii nor you either, -girls:- W. -don't want to spoil our holiday' with'bu 'si- ness matters, and besides, oee should al*ays censider -other peo- Ceci! set lier teeth and the ecolor rose te her cheeks.; she moved away ýo theohesieotlçdc'ha lie zuiglit pot hear aflym.ôInre. - 'What hateful P'eople.-l they don't care. a bit for tii kindness. and hospitality -cf.'tise. Norwegians. 17hey only nsean just te use them as * ove1eice." Then a5 her bro- lhi reioned lier- she exelaiseci, 'lRoy, who are those vulgar people ver on,,the othe-r aide ?" " ýWithtwo pretty girls in hlue ul- sters? l think the naine is Morgan, rich ciýy people. The oli 'man's eot bad, but the young one' s & borin 3nob. What doyou think I heard uni Say as lie was"writing hie nane sn thse book. aýd cauglit siglit o! )urs. 'Why, Robert BonifaceÉ; that rtrst be the. music shop in iRegent treet. Nor*way wsill soon be spoiled fail tihe cads take to coming over.' Ind. thýre was i ithin two yards "Oh, IRoy! bh. couldn't. have ,nown -Orlie would neyer have said "ýOh, yes, lie knew it well enougs., ýwas meant for a snub, richly de- erved by the. presuming tradesman he daréd te corne' te Nerway for s holiday. instead o! eating shrimps ,t Margate, as ,süèc1r'éattle--sÉould- uai know ," and IRoy -laughed god-04 Llrnredl Y. Ssubs had a way of iding off hi like- water-off- a "..g Ishould havýé'hated it," said ,ecif. -_ÏWhat'd1d you do?"y'y 1 hi îi biu 'a tii tii cde 14 TMl .wvs 'rer petioffaisy f rl es e upon thei 'o-mas.'- -'-Q * r"w,- 1 ~O jo'wwe sisall enjoy il t al t said Cecî1l, as ihéey drew near to- the crqwded landing-quayý' 11 said smlin. '"Thank_ Heaven, yen don't take your 'pleasure af tei tii.ef mane that fle.If. 1 .7 were, hie ,traveling,-'compani-on, i sud'trptýie hlm i reek." "Or'-suggeùt a mzz,"said Ce- ci, aughýing; "that 'would save bot his- neck -and your feeliýngs.>'y m1ýetihave your 'key,"leh ad às' thy'pproached the wooden pier; "tbe'cutom-heusë%,peOple ëwill bé'cnsig onbôad, ad Iwill try ly Wait here- and'"hn' hhfo miss "bu.e ndCéi Hé rastened awya1ndÇa seaniiýd with curiuà yes the faces of th itcodthe here' enthe landing-quay, tili hçr attention wae arrested by a, yo6ung N;orwegiin in aý 1ight-gray -suit whio tood. laugl-' irng and- taIigte an acquaintance ,on-the wcied. wharf. -1e was, tai!. ,and broad-shouldered, with sons.- 'thing .unusualiy ereet and ener.getie' An his bearingi Ibis, féatures -,-were îô! the pure _Ùreek' tvpe1netunfre- 'quently té hb motwifth lisNerwayi;ý wh1"ienoôrt.hern ',birts w" as at- :tested !by a fýr r kin and liîght, hair 'and inustace, as ýwel as by a, pair cif honest, àUopnd bIne e~ -Whieh 1oc6ked ýout on, the. world'wh a> boy ci*î& stand_,hàppîness. a"I bèlieève that ià Frithiô! Flack," theugit, Cecil-- And tihe next me- nment ber ' idè<' w'as 'ceonfirmed, for aX tis enn4ýet x-gan gway :as raae trm h quay,1 one of thse steamer i Isagreetedlim byý naine,. sand y.ung Norwegian, replying iv good Engilish, step- ped on board àd egn éokîng about-'as if in sens-ch o! sôme one. hIvo' 1untari1yý4' Ceeil's eye * followed, huiis; she h aa-strange-feeling that h frbetter than the. people lie had corne, U meet- . Ie, -teo, seemned affected -in the' sanie way, for lie ~came ists-aight up te her. and rais- ing -hie 'hat and bowing', said with fs-ank .courtesy: "Pardon mse, but arn -I speaking te Miss Morgan?1" " _I -thi-nk the Miss -Morgans are at the,.ther .gide o!. the gangway; I saw-them,&a minute ago," se said, coloring a littie. "A thou-sand -pardons for -Myrnis-. tae"said '.Frithiof' -Falck. - "I camne. to ,meet _tbis Jglish familyt YO u rndes-st«a'n, but I have 'fiever secr ithem *" ï- Do't give' advice unless yoii are îvilling to takp eit back, A man if, 4Iways willing to pay what lie owest-if it-is a grudge. is a- Turing Season Many persons n0vér feel qulto weol i nthe Spring-. A ou >l cu.p f *vrl pro. focat It rQMsee the, appe. tite a-nd pwef ilde isa the concentrated LUIS i Reai eaeh egg le covered with A thinsiiie o!tufe. ,r St. Charles Indian- Bread. Mi*' -on. tableponful o! butter -with a esaitcer oci, hot. rie; add twe weiI- ý-bea'ten eggs, one teaspoonful e! iSait, -one -pint- o! milk, and finafly I, fve tablespoopfnls e! white cern- Smes! mixed *wîth cÃ"ne teaspo-onful e! baking powder. The batter will b. àlmoat as thjn as milk. Pours it iu- to well-greased., long, nas-row pans, and cook bal! aniseu-. When tise bread, jedoune, -tura it, out-on plat- tes-sby tpping ý the pans' upside 1dawn. Carsemuet be,.taken,' how- eethat non. o! 'thse brïead soticks- to the pans. Dùiteéh- Turnabout.- Anong thse delicieus .a'nd "econo3mical dishes- wbieh the, Duitei housewife centrives from "le t-ver,'J tier.s oe greet' favorite flaimiiirly knevn -as "Turnabout." The ,Ioundationa o! this jreceipt are tweo,r'three. coidý -bôiled ýpotate>es and a few scso 3coki mat. Masli the, potatees. very lfue; mix i4- slowly. setirringaill the tirne,'"a haI!--'cupful ýo!fsalai- oi', jpincis o! sait' and'a dash o! pepper, band a'cupînI o! Warim wàter. When thoroughWY bleuided add &: epoonful o! -tarragon or er'dinaryvinegar aud Set aside. ChIQp the -meat'fine qpd .add'ý te it, a ciopped glýiernl twe chopped pickled onions, a bit o! beet-ro-ot, and sa raw apple,- peeled, cored and ýchopped. Mix well t-bý getiser with a& pinch-e!'-sait and-a daîli*o! Cayenne pepper; break an egg on the mixture and Étir in. wel; do lua griarter-cupful -of saia liand press into & plain moid When lully shaped', tu-rn: out auI .serve CUn a ilat dish,' with thep~ tato sauce p<ured round PO-. Anotirere ucc.essf ul dieli is -made- witli cold. seup meat a afon tien. Chop a quarter o! a pound o! iL and place. in a saucepan witha bit o! drippng, sait, 'pepper, and'a- taste o! uutmeg. Pour on it a cup-' fuI ef milk and etis- oves- the. fi-eJ until it boils. Add enougir pour to thieken sightly'oue spoonful of; -flnely chopped onion and two ofi ýpowdered parsley. Butter scallop 'sheilsansd -fill with the mixture, sprinkling bhrewn bread-crunibs ove- it. Place the shelle in a hot oven, aud aliow tise mixture to. get thQr- ougiily browned. Ses-ve ser iiot. CAKES. -.iovvater pourge tSke.-Worc togetse- one atjd one-fourth aus o! grauated , ugas-or one and eue- hli cups-o! powdered engas-, witis the yeliows o! four- eggs' meIl beat- four egs usntii they are iigist and fluffy as sueir, aud add tisem te tise yeilows ahd sugar. Take one sud one-hal! cups o! flous- through wmcli tire smail teaspoorifuls o! baking powde- ias been thoroughly rnixed, and stir ii briskly with the. above., Put a pincli e! sait in 'to fous- table- speous o! boiling wate- and add te this mixtus-e. Grate iigirtly the oute- yelhow part o! tire srid o! eue- irai! lemori, sud add for flavoting. Bake in a modes-ately hot Qoven ini a cake tini which hàahioiloir cylin- ,der-. Dori.t -Hent Cake Pans,-.-Ncver- iieat cake .pan before putting un tise, batte-, but grease weli wie co-ol witirceear lard, then dust meli witli! fions- le càke mii 1net sike' if ýtise pan Jlsa@.been .nséd for iéther pus-posels. Wiiîe Layes- Cake.-C-eam to- getIser oeescant cup_ butter and tie 'cups puives-ized sugar, tises- ougsiy-sited Ad 'radualivone -ssp of sweet.Milc. Sift two ton.- spxmns o! baking pou-der with -tiree cqups flous- and siow1l' add thi:s- te above.'Tlien foid in the b.tr muites of six eggF:. Fia-os- itis vanlia. Brike' in, lape-rs, .about tiveuty minutes. I- WIhT TO SAVE. Sav-e iî'sse seap ws-appes-s te mli Sav e cf l cfe eft js-onsbreak- !'ss nnduse nst-Cxl of watý'r con yoiir ferns. Save, tes leavee,. rinse- in colt! -'-mater aud'ise on thse cas-pet :miseù swsepsng te l-,ay thé dust. SBave oic! tOtýotbbrsb~es te u Ç4 'when cleani bg silves-, ýlsoI to aplply paste, blackmsg te ,sioes-uothing' - fDnes-te dean subetween scie sud - upper. S ave any surplus wcd a tarcii. al-- .1 f asý D.o net cd~ curtains. 1~ sired4 slze' a4 -tirey wmiii cloths. ýlA sa u c e r ' heated witm4 8poofui out sud they cas w ithout rel -Be caref ul buttes- wnca rather than -ý aud it wil 8 Cold-,,watez moulaansd cehine greset 'weuid neta coloss unni To was l - vase having cleas hot w tomn papes-. lu cleas- waté Den'khaud e the dourgir auy mes-e o #r, -the trc' tinibrInd ConpaLiy atP~ coulrse o f cdn CaaaandE 'ncreasing den RO'y BANK 0 o -Nie lutit- uesquares -ofdi 'd-stit&istôgether', au iake eëcell'nt 'wai 5! baked beans can 1 c&tâup lu a pan snd' toasted crackmrs N- îe rxoouday lunc.heoGn.- Imes aire conted wil jt un l! reserve tren' b. w'aseed with:wàti .'.e- à~ st amýount hat th Ul ahsfor, tve:many a poos-' cake. aà teaseorul o! arn- Cap, wilir move ma- , when I oc her uxeans âswer u account -of rates- l Qot1e 'any a ln 4kfill mith tes an t ybits' o! Shak- wel "rin,.e x INTdEMST AND -SAFETY and ýCo na~ odspy 6 per cent ou the investment. Tbhey. ig sscuritycf ret mortgage on 6,ooo square-ànjes e1fpulp at Wvhicix are. in tured at.Lloyýds against fis-., Tise earrngs.of 'tise eseuit appirox inate itwice tire bond interest, Tisýe new pulpiii Iin ruction wM c oublèe thsearmîng poer.Puhased at their present iuterest at tl e rats of 6'p5r-cent,'Tise best posted inveâstrin rglani -have, ýurclmased these bonds. 0mrs ths security and ýad of ise pM~ucts of the. Company, tbhs bndh luqquestion. ivale s-miba e CUnyt lvi rit u far -'c einoas.' ýA L Ã"RP 'R'ATIO LIMITgpD REAL. 8 "U.IG a YGEAN»QUEEN STREEtS WRITE 19 rýe ages-x +7~WLOUBCAmAX.OTW BR - -i UR BRUCE~ BI;FOUR FIELO- ROOT SPEVIATIE DR~VE' ¶4LN ROSEPEEDI g rET-Th meut valuable Fiel.!il ft on the iâ2rkctr *ý amaath ic zslii"rtue or C .tp» aa -it ih tue long k;e.r>Lie ieandS hcarty CrOPPing qaltea o manuel, 1-1 sp. Sc., oit' Glant 1ees 1nc Reets Xni ef nuis- estes te barsest. -1.4 I:. -0e. 4i.S I b.C e.. k>oat l1s BatiCg;sg.1 W VCESTUUX SV 5EDE TIi-RN1P-he bext ahlppinu sa-lots- ri mi nas the. cet r fo ur.msine suave, sas-os-pjgs-tv, pus-pie top; 1-4.lb. Ige., 1- lb. Cie., 1 lb, 10e.. 4 Ibo. 01.40. potpaid. F C.ur lMadso-nel)y iltuatrated ii2'pagecâalcoguca o F Vgctbl1e, Faiirni "d I'Iwer Seeuls, P1antý. Ilba. Poult Stipplies, Gar4éo I'aplments, etc.. for 1912 S.dl for St. Jolm le 'Bue Co., -LtcL,HArLO ON R Jok.-.,'.rà-sabile &ct-Wý.Y Am - Pa seston àer ~ss the, le mi~ry1 syxt4pfms de, 'natiým reahizetd t re he puseOfi th trouble quickfy r u~i-U1and -Olten -la se. oensur.e good-lheat the first synitoms -iith Kiny Pis.i They neer f COME QITICK, GO QU "Do- -yomu puy your S6rvý the week"or byihe rontM. therey i flow long de yy ty StaIt h us?; We havi( S thonýIby the heurf Do not 1-give your fa made" with àlum baking Use Magie ]3aking Powde. no more tbqn -the ordinaiý, and- is» guiarknteed not tc> aluni. -Al IngredintE.are_ printed on ýach ~akg. they -are ôn& the bÉand you, using.' AU up-to-date -Groi and reecinrmend "Magic.'ý 'DVENTIS1i SOLI»IEIIW Speat Sevîe xYears in fail Thai 1 Work. Saturday The caseofh.Grn Naumann, ; ho -aan Advei fuied t, o rk on Saturd* - spent sevel years in Inii prisoninent i con4eque5i4 béen throw jute the shacle fanaVica, e,tinacy of a'_nc'1 -dier naaue Mugge-, a fo01.1 the, saine 4ict. Naumanput in three, prison a1idtthen ek4angdh aireed t o Iwoirk oùû Saturd the rest ofkjlis onlrades af servix'g inpVli ra>. Mu m aU1 even yeare in prîlOl fusai te àbeqy or-de,'rs" au 2arÉumenta -had the -lea.stq position'vwas thaît where';, 'God vInl ted thheia the lat-tei'ha'dt. b.d&sreq Mugge, Ilike N;tumann, w inedas t lussanity, bilt tors carne te the conclusiol was-ui ].poesessioù eof' ties. 'There'was eviery Pri his rerusaýnng in prison foi 0!-his if-6when achangei eumuaces led 4o, his re f U i in, -tule doctors made scopical'èxaninatioÏ of h and finaliyÏ certifi-ed'thaït bu fit for 'miÈtary ervice. "T wastha*U, pbe rnorning M set frSe.; Tire Kaiser fiad ~' is rxght'o f. pardon EARNIf'TS AND. sIeN There ican b-e littie dc '~what tiié majo4ýty of us; bring .a aittie Iore .SySteiz. uponthe ýoutgoigs I -mueh what a man earns as speBnda that really 'couint& rdthin your intome. ifoffly Cents, a&alwill bewell. your c.arnings. by cpendi there will W ene end Wta th that will foilow.. Fe bapa - syïtem of!ý ail is te 'carefi diYde ýoas's incoange, aflow out in deftnite -propËortion encli he&l 'of experditître. ~ veryC, risp, ' i-ttle-,FI !~post Tôasti la-a flavour ai à .'Toasties- aré I selected white In 'a -first cooked. 'the5n usito waf-er--like -b 'toasted <o an appE golden browui. -~Afavorite -f oc l14 liy G jý mi SPRIIIýiG .1

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