Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Apr 1912, p. 7

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îiT~IRIH HME ULEBILLI o 01of Oustoms and, Excise not Oconceded! teNew Irish Parliament A 9sac fromn London isays: -cial eomittee of the Privy Cdiin- The c mriîa principlç, of the pre- ci]. sgent ome *Rulq Bihl, Premier As- The Irish Senat.e is te, conisso quith ate, o~n Thutsday, is the forty memnberê, and the Bouse of gmpei a tho io the Iniperial Representatives of 164, 'of which UI- ?arlaknntwhxe a th saie time ster îe to have 59 a'nd the Uivri * eIl akton<kmy is conferred'on Ire- ies two. land i i'ýeg4rd te Iri.sh concerne. Tihe Senate is to-be éo«psed of The bill p rovideB for the 'eÎtab- nominated niembeYs. In, the first liah-mct of'an Irish Parliamient, instance, thse Impérial Executive is cpnss inofà Senate and a House to control thse nomtinations with a of cmuns witfi p6wer to) make view to assuring the representation Ia.ws f r p eace, 4)rder and good gev- of the minority. The nominations -0rrnmi t, ix> Ireland. are to be for a fixed. term, and as, 1Theobil provides that the mat- the members retire, by rotation-.the ters, be.excliidcd f rom the control vacancies wilI be filled by thse Irish o! 'th Isrish Par1iantent are the Executive- In case of disagree-ý -Çoà the arîny and the navy, lm- ~ment thse two Bouses are to sit in, erllaffairjs, t.hè Irish lan<d pur- joint eskn chase, and the oki age,; pension and The Lord Lieutenant is to bei 2ntioXai insurance aéts, the Irish hea<l of thée Exccutive. Thceihl' oeta ullary, thse post-dfficc savings be no-religious b-ar, and hie will hl jbanks sud public loans, in addition office for a fixed terni. - tu hse excluded by the Homne The authority of thse Executive is of1893, whicht left the Vo h co-extensive with tha.t of-bhe d,>excis,c under the con- Irish Parliament. The '164 repre- _Imperial Governmerit. sentatives are to e b.elected by the sh Constabuhisry is to bc existin-g onstituencies, but.no con- cally transferrcd Vo thse stituency is te have les than 27,000 overniment after six ycars, population, àrn cr is'given by the. bill tW the Thse collection of ail taxe.s is to ~risl ariiie nt to àemand the remain in the, Imperial-sëervice, and transfeir of Vise o]d age pensions a.nd they will be paid into tise Imperial lIl1sraQe Act to it.s control on giv- Exchequer, which le to pay over to ing a 3icars not;4ce Vo- the Imperial the- Irish Executive an amount G Uv e r nMent.,' equivalient to the expendituime, on 'The Irish Parlianwnt ils debarredi Irishs services at the time of tise frrn alt-erifig the, Hoo Rule bill pa.ssing of thse Act. An additionai ,or thse ower to appeal Vothse Privy surn of $2,500,000 is to be paid to (?oueilLIrcland the first year. and thtis will *Proviksion is mado for tise protcýc- d4minîsh by $M50,000 yearly until it tion ofi religious equality in Ire- is reduce4 to $1,000,000. land. a i1d stipulatting that thc Irishs -The postal services are. Vo be 1>rlajenv canisot make laws, hsanded over to IrelanL- direý.ctlyt or indirçctby, tW establish Tis-e Irish Parliainent is Vo have fi,. tVoî erýow any religion, -or Vo pro- _power to reduce or discontinue thse hibit tlo Iree. exerciso, thereof, or Imperial taxes, excepting the in- tu gi,ýeela prefercnee or privilege to cone Vax and thse starnp and estate any- relýgion or to make -any reli- dnties. It wiil aise have power to gious CI*renony.,a condition of vali- alter the excise duties, but exeept dity of any maxrriage. in thse case of beer and spirits it is TheVor Lieutenant -of Ir-ela.nd debarred from adding to thse eus- is tolia ý'e thse power Vo veto (-r sus- t(>ns duties a-ny-tling which wil -pend a 4yý bill on the instruction oi give a greater increase than 10 per t ise mi aEec' ie.cent. An qestion regarding t1ise inter- The lrish representation at West- ptti<4 ofthJe IHumie ule bill is minfter is tor bce 42 members, -one t os tld b y ape al- to te Judi- for cvcry 100,000 o f the population. ',What ls bcing 1ones(ime i' she Ks Flora tri-ed te explain, but the be st she could do was Wo say Jhat Yo, ilig- olks bcing lonesoime was wânvting sorine one Vo play with. But Mabel shook her head. -I alwa S have Dinah," TIVOJLAHOUES. she -said, "and 1 can make believe tisat ]ittlç girls cone on visits; and hThisilsi a story about a ittiegirl I can play that I arn a sea-captain ho livedl in a smalb house near and mny ship is in a big storm. I kt1he soashsore with bier father and expcct to ho a sea-captaîin some 4nother, a.nd who had no brothers d ay, o r g ligishtiose-keeper.«" Md. sisters $of hier own, and no It was a very wonderfui summer .p. ayrnat 's. er naine was Mabcl, to both tise littie cousins. Flora and becau se shé-had nu one Vo play hati bier own pîsyhouse at the >t sih, ie used Wo 'make beieve." of the-icige, witis béoken dish'cs Xabel'sý playbsootse was noV ike and Mua< pies, andi Mabel came to the pinyhouises of other girls. >lt tea, .Jlst as hier cousin had oid her ,%vas on thse side of n ledge at the.j other littie girlà diti. Fieora often -top ofjt1hc field-bchind ber fatiser's visit-et the lighthouse, and learneti house. ýShe "made believe" that to know tise difference bet-ween a thio letigv WeaÈ a ligitiouse, and sloop andi a schooner, and tise that sbîcj was the keeper o£ the naines of sails. But each little girl igbit. A~n ol.d titi iantern fastier- was satisfieti with, ler own play- cil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mh- tabromtc, hihMblhous.-Youth's Comçpanion. il aiwss n big black doîl tisat Silk tskes a promittent place as -Mahiel's mothler' htatimadie for her. bat îrimming Vo forma bows. 0.e iehad blute beads for' cyca, a p9ie Patent leatiser beits are saappy - ptnk silk 'nose, anti a brighît reti for inen, gingliam, e.tc., focks. wcîst-ted moitis lit-r itair wttt n"3 Tise changeable taffeta SuiVi anti kiei-i.y as a rauoýled back wooî stock- gcwrîs.wili re-quire wite gloves. W.g g o ilit îke il, anti hem cress PI:itings o! tuile, lace, -or net are à a faded -tilte cabico), w-el-cîv- useti in every possible maane'r. ereci by a ItrojWn gingissi apros. Ila millinery, smah flowersandat Tue îssstst hglihsuiis-kepertigistly presseti des.igus are useti. ;eas ipps.o'ed tLu tend tise igist Trainsi complete tise new c-vetiin _Wh ltilbîîhel w'ss nolt isie. A wo'0<î<l go wn, aud tise decolîctage la eut en- s;at-1xox gave tise assistant ile Ibow. rieticislel.erfinsstiomusa. Tise unînany o! - tieseassisschiffon 1b(x was a ittlv short for Dinah's r( îeii iebw tct l'a gUitj, su:tliat lier -legs baci ii o u%a i t. (lotibled iunleýr tii) get litem complete- Tiiere is a decideti revival o!fte Iv iit.i il. :But l)inah dit no-t mind.i jacket bodie- esuulsr duringth ie Mafkelliad i lie r o! tiIlthlaI sbip- second empire. ' %l'-rx'-lketi s-ail'îrs-bhqà Vo underg<î if Tiiere is a sleady demanti for fine hiliitustkeprs were crrl q uîalities o! serges sud whipcor-ds eut n leglecetid a lightI, -sud Maisel for tiese pring stuits. fi-lt sure thatI])i'iab W5ws wi1ing ý t Tise pretly flowered foulards are -le diîutble.d op if necessary - especially appropriate for tise frecks iiin Mabel was çiglistyoara olti of yvoutis!ui maioens. averv woujderful thing happened. Tise newesl bat inodels show pro- Her eouisin Flora, a littie girl Ma.- fusse prnaxuents o! leaves, flowers, bcî's age. came te visit ber. shirîipg sud feathers. -Afterilber arrivai, one o! Flora's Bortiereti fabries are seen ln self first cquestie-ins was, "Have -you a anti contrasting colora o! ail kinds îî ý- l'i)use?"' an-o! malerials, ansd are popular. -" iea play igittiotse.' n- Decidedlyefctv sheepr ,iw-e-u'c Mabel. ste bloutse o! white linen, trimmeti "Wlsat is tisati"asaketi FIera, witîs plaid linon oA blIte or white. l4oe.king at Mabel in astonisliment. (1.-matis bItte, whicb shaties e)n ,Corne andti se," saiti Mabel, tise pumpbe, andi a violet o! a twi- anti the lin 1-lantema. 'ad for lise firat ligisttint are useti for eveaing to Vise letige. and Flora. saw Dînah -gowas. and tise in lanleru. sud fer lise firat White certiuroy is being useti in tittie heardabouit ligistisuses., separate akirte, anti proves a Most -"But a real pîsybouse bas broken admirable material. for Visat puîr- dishes anti muti pies., anti yeu ask pose.- ntberlî 1 ttie gi rl s te corne te Ve," Ia -tpe .new blouse fulînesa le j-in seaiti Flora. troduced aItishe elbows hy me ans Màbsel' ssbook- ber beach "I ý of puffoti underaleeves cf net or lace. -sheuldai't like that kiati," site saiti,j Pongee is alwa.ys durable týnd1 'and I cot-ldu't-ask any litîle girls _geeti looking., Il ban be comiieti to téa, -hecautse tiscre àren't nn with. .7'îaiin celors, plaid or gtripeti UlîtIle gir-ls for miles andt -mleg," - eîeias "O tour'" ~ llJ, wl,' bail Bandis of tinming-are laid on tise 'tb'o jittjie siters, and a goo.-d manv sleeve anywisere fi ie iele - .damries. Youî inust ho hone- te tise wrist; iu mogt cases, ise)w-l morume ail tise teIC ver, tise tpper ar i s most favor- Nwit w'as Msbel's toma te look eti, andti tis rinirning is st.ruil- eurpriseti. aoîn rwl.tgn k TH1ENEWS- If AÀFRR A HAPPENliqàGs rom AIL OVES TIR 'GLOBE IN A Canada, tbe Empire and the WorId ln ou erai Beforo Tour -- CANADA. 7he grants te0iseveterans ef '66 Ili hdistributeas applieti for. Tise -Nigisin>g mine sampiing plant at Coat was destreyed by Tise Canadian Northern Railway madie a successfui test cf its flirst gas-eieetric car on Friday. One hundred dollars a square foot was paiti for a block cf land on st. James street, Montreal. - Tise Goverament lha renewed tise Atbantic'0 mail contract with Vise AI- lan Lino for another year. Tise ieadquarters cf tise Porto Rico Raihway -Comspany have been cisangeti frein Montreal te Toronto. Tise Governinent is te spenti an- otiher-mulbion anti a quartier on new roliing stock for tise Intercolonial. New Zealanti decided to sent twenty cadets to compote at tise National Exhibition. at Toronto. Sir Robert Perka,, ex-M.P., cbaims tisat isis eompany ceubti builti tise «eomgiaa Bay Canal in five years. Tise Dukeoef Counaugist is said te ho interesteti in a sciseme for tise re-organization of tise Caniadian militia. Percy Sawtelle was tisrown over bis isorse's beati at tise Calga.ry Herse Show and receeiveti sioekiug injuries. Two big tra<ék-laying machines began work on tise Regina anti Cal. gary sectiens cofVise Grand Trunk Four freight cars wen.t tismougis a bridge at Cotiy's Station, N.B. A , car eentaiaing about 40 pa.ssongers onT tise rear o! tise train remaineti on tise traek. Tisecounty of Mitdio-sece bas matie a propcsiVion t,)tise London City Cenneil for tise erection of joint municipal bulitiings to cost bal! a illhion dollars. A C.P.R. passenger train ran in- te a rock slide near Kamloops on Tisu rsda3-. Engince r Walker anti Fireinan Huskin.son were killed, bot no on- elcsc w,-s njîreti., Tise mint at Ottawa will begin tise coinage of five antd ten dollar gelti pieces noxt moutit, but Hon. W. T. ,White bas de-citietinet Vo coin any sil'.er dollars for tise present. GREAT' BRITAI. Lloydi's t-ettius f htie past year were publisiset, sisewing a record tonnage for Britishisahipbuiltiing. -Tise Marquis cf Staffond wasrnati- ;rieti to Lady Eileen Butler in St. Peter's Cisurcis, London, on Fmi. day. UNITED STATES. American loeomotiMve engineers, by a large majoritv-. have v'oted for tise calling cf a strike. Miss Clara Barten, founder of tise Ainerican lied Cross Society, dieti in hem 9lst year, on Friday. GENERAL. A monument te tise late Qiiee-i Victoria w-as dedicateti in Italy on Friday. ' TO ILLUSTRATE FAIRMINC. Consservation Commiission Bas Se- loted Six Farnîs. A despatch frein Otawa says: TI-s< Conservation Commission has selecteti six farms ln different parts O! Canada fer tise purpose o! giv- îing leasons in up-Vo-date fam.miug. Thae -commission is lu possession of data indicatiag that Canadian farina are not as fruilful as titey iuigist ho, anti it la intend ticit engage in illusfrative farming lu demo-- strate just wisat eau be dune. Tise comnmission bas coiected ireports sbowiug tisat Canada's water-puw- ors are now boiîsg 4util îzct trs tW 200,000.000 isorse.p4o',r. willîOn- tario cunsicnrably in tise leati. For- tiser statistical iels-ils, aie leing ob- tainec. 't BRIlTAIN'S l'OVIIIIJ AIIM. I>rovitiion lm M ade for S4ier îoffla ies for the A.1 iyi. A despateis fro.isi Lojîdit' i sys: l)etaiis were istt-oi1c inglst irn regard lu Grn:t lrttîsavia- tioîn scisene. Tise plani v;i fr 36-4 traineti flyers for tise :ut-îy anti fcrty at tehe gïîning for t1se navy. otmore t-ban sixtv ý.t Iîî-.-t tv ers, hcwever, will he truit'is year. Prevision h.; inate fi,' Mia4cro- planes fonrlte arntv-. andtit uelve saeroplanes andiisdi -ae îlutes for tise nsvy. A\bout 4iae-b:tlf tise machines wil cb htin luGreat Br4tain. witb s view 'ifcnoraîg lise ndustry. VILLAG~ES SMVi-Ti'AIVAi'. Thonsriuds Have Been kilIed by Erupîtiouî iin hondujtra.t A despateis froin Mobile, Abs- baisa, sas: Thousanda o! perqoeus have been killeti sud wbole India villages swopt away by tise erup- tien of Ciiriqui Peak, near Rocs Del Toro, ia Honduras, according te tise story ef Captain Olsvik, o! tise Unitedi Fruit steamer Fort Mer- gan. which arriveti home on Wec4- nesday. EARTHQUAIKE IN GREECE. 1Daniage Siîstained at Cephalonia and Ithaca. iA despalcis froin Athens sava: îTitere bas heen a serte4s cf cartis- cjtîakea, in the Greek Islandis of t 'hlusasd Ithaca. Consider- h:naeias heen sustained. - i * - -. CHINAS BAPPEAL TQ CëANADA. Save Stiirvlng Milliùns With Oui Superabundance.9 It has been welI said tjsat _China is tise pivot cf tise great movements cf to-d ~, and tisat in Asia tise 2th century îs Chîna'à, as it is Canada's in America. Chinýa is now tise scene cf a transfermation, thie most mar- velous in iistery,: and since, in this ' rapichly Shrinking worbd, -Canada.a andChiba'are'now neigihors, it le- important tisat sucis neiglibors9 should be weil disp>osed te eaeh1 other. ' Tise present famine in China ii tise nost distressing in many years and comes at a tume when tise cun- try is filled -with the hnxieties cf4 tise revelutien and tise new goveru- ment is short of funtis to carry on- tise administration or give relief ta thse suffering districts. 1 - When we censider tise situation of C hina in tise mitist of 'this deluge cf troubles anti contrast it witis ouri own land, so favored by heaven with prosperity in every province, WC may webb ask whether the world hia.s ever witnessed sucis an appalbîngt neeti on tise o-ne side and sucis an opportunity to isehp on tise ether. If, we refleet that a single nigit's untimeiy frost would blight or own harvest, we wilL net deny our de- pendence upon tise providence cf God fer our nation's prosperity. We could not close our cars ta this cry for hselp without feaing a -simi- lar indifference if our own nation were sünk in 1ike miseries. If we had six successive failures of crops, as in soine provinces cf China, foi- loweti in tise hast ycar by flootis tisat swcpt aWay every vestige of footi, wisere would be tise cntisusiasrn. tise boasts of material weabth, tise pritie of empire and aIl tise self-glorifica- tion of human acitievement that now resound freintise prairie V-o tise mountain andtihie sea 1 Seeing, thoýn, that it is by ne special menit o! our own tisat tise cluis have dropped fatnesgs upon us, wisat sisoulti dur tiuty ho, but to save tise starving millions cf ('bina wit thtie superabundance cf Canada. Tise Cisinese are proverbially a grateful people, and titore coulbcbenu fluer expression of internati-onal goodi wili or a bctter antidote to racial animosities titan -for une nation to corne to the aid of another in sucis a time -of trial. lt woûubd come back tô Canada in reciprocai goodwill, and even in tratie, many folti. Tise Uniteti States, by refunding part cf the Boxer intieinity, matie a deep impression upon China. and is alrehidy eaping a reward, for tisat country appears in tise popular imagination as tise enby frionti of tise new Cisinese nation. Canada has now tise chance o!f'winning Vhe friendship of China te an equal ex- tent, and as a Christian nation wo can tnake ne mistake in an earnest attempt te save isuman life. Hence, tise fornmation of tise "Ca- nadian National Fond, China Fam- ine Relief," tu act as a channeb tismougis whicis information tnav ho circulateti and contributions *for- warded as eoming f romi Canada di- rect. Simîlar fonds are being raisoti by tise American lied Cross Society anti otiser bodies in tite United States, wiso have aimeativ forwaried $170.000 Votise Central Committce in Sisangisai. C'bina. It is isopeti tîsat Canada m-i11 be eqoal- ly gener-oos. Abreacl.v $14,000 lias been cabled frorn Canada, contri- butio;ns ba.ving iee reeietif-M ers will sail from Qocbec eve -v ,'oîtir weeks, anti wibl go tW Havre dir.--t, insteati of caliing at New Yotk às at first intended. Tise first .Jr frotu Qiscew( wiii take place "n M-y litis, thse Niagara, 15.740 tons. be- ing tise pioner vessel. t ablu andi stecrago passengers and getier-al cargo will he carried. TO STARI'T TUCK FARM. Lord Soîiers snd loi-il Iyi'le I Operate nt Ph-kering. A tiespateis from Ncum Y. rk say s: Lord Somers and Lord HYde. Lo.tis young men, camne ovet' lu tie Olym' pic. to start tiseir twu hitnd-ti-dac>r*- truck farm at Pickering, neat To- ronto. Lady H ' de came mithb ier isusitant, bringing hem tisree(i- timon. Tbey iil speitd 1unir sum- mers on tisefaim and tier winters ia Engianti. Lord iH 'ti. e rubiis becoming a truck fui-tue,-* is art cx- peniment, and that if it proves suc- cessful ho and Lord Sonters 17as' enlarge their holdings. VICTORY FORITLA . Newly-Arrived Troops Surprised Tssrklsh Forces Around Zuara. A despatch f rom. Rome says: In accerdance witb tise pearrangeti plan, whibe tise Italiain squadron was ceating a diversion by bons- barding tise Turkisis positions around' Zuara,, to tise west of Tri- poli, a large force of tmoops direct froni Itaby landed anti occopieti an importýnt strîltegie point on tise coast o!f Libya._ Tise oiet-ation is reportedti te*bave boen a briliiaat siiccoss, tise Italiaus not o)sitngaa single mani. REPORTSPROU THE LEADINO TRADis CENTRES -OF AMERICA& Pieos@or Gatti@, C rain, Chou* and OtIi8i Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSrUFFS. ' -Toronto, ÀDri1 16.-Flour--Winter wheat 90 per cent. patents. 83.85 at seaboard. and at $3.90 forihome consumptien. 7,Mani- toba flours-FJ.ràt patents. 85,60;. second patente,.150, azid etrong bakei& $S4.- 90, on îrack, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat-No.-I Northern. $1.14. Bay, ports; lIo. 2 Northern. $1.11, and ýNo. 3 at 81.07, Bay ports. Fced wbeat. al rail, 76c. Ontario wheat-Ne. 2 wihite, red and mtxed. 96 to 98c. outstde. Peas-1.20 te $1.25 onteide. Oats-Cam lots et No. t Ontario outeide, 49 to 50c, and of No. 3 9,t 47 to 48e, ont- aide. No. 2 Ontario, 52 te 53e on tracit. Toronto. No. 1 extra W. C. feed, 62c, and No. 1, Sic. Day ports. Barley-48 punde at !88 te 90c, outside. Cern-No. 3 Atnerican yellow 85e, To- rento freiglit, and kiln-drfted at 899e. Rye-90c. Bucicwheat-70 te 72e oulside. Bran-.Manitoba bran. $26. in bags, To- ronto freight. Shorts, $27.50 te $28.- COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples-$3.50 to 85.00 per bammel. Beans-Small lers of hand-picked $2-50 te $2.60 per bushel. Honey-Extracted, in tins, il te 12e Ver lb. Comhs, $2.50 te 4.75. Baled hay-N4o. 1 at $16 te $16.50, on *traek. and No. 2 at $14 te $14.50; mixed tlover, $11 to $12. Baled straw-$9 te $10, on traek, To- ronto. Potatoei-Car lots et Ontamios, in baga, $1.70. and Deiawares at $1.86. Out-of-stere. $1.85 to $200. Peuitry-Wholesale prices of eboice dressed poultry :-Chickens, 15 to 17e per lb.; fowi, 10 te Ïic; duclts, 13 te 15e; tur- keys, 21 te 22e. Live poultry, about 2c lower than the above. BU TTER, EOGS, CIIEESE. But:er-Dairy, choice. ini wrappers. 30 te 32; large rllIs. 30c; and inferior tube. 20 te 22c. Creamnery quoteil at 36 te 37e for relIs. 35e for solids, per lb., Eggs-NXew-laid, 22 te 23e per dozen. in case lots. ('heese-Large, 163-4 te 17c, and twins at 17 te 17 1-4c, pet lb. IIOG PRODUCTtS. Bacon, long dlean. 12 1-2 to 12 374e per lb., in case lots. Porhi, short eut, $22.50 te $23.00: do., mess, $19.50 se) $20. Haine- Mediumn te lglst, 16 te 161-2c;. heavy. 14 te 14 1-2e; reli, s, Il te Il11-2c; breakfast bacon, 16 te 17c; baoekq, 19 1-2 te 20c. Lard-Tierces. 13 1-4c; tubs, 13 1-2e; paila,- i3 3-4c. MONTREAL IMARKETS. Montreal. Aprit 16-Oais - Canadian Western.. No. 2. 54 'to 54 1-2c; do.. Ne. 3, 50c; do.. exira No. 1 feed. 51e; deo, Ne. 2 local wbite, 50c. cio., No. 3, 49e-; do , No. 4, 48c. Barley-Ma-n. feed. 65 1-2c; do,, malting. $1.05 te $1.10. Buc-kwbeat, No. 2. 72 te 73c. Fleur-Man. Sîpring wheut patents, tirets, $5.70-; do,, e.vonds, $5.20; do., strong baleers', $5.00; do' Winter pat. en1te. ihoice, $5.10 ýo $5.36; do.. siraight reliera, $4.65 te $4.75: do., bagsi.$2215 te $2.25. Rolled caisBarrt-is. $5.35; do., bags. 90 Ibs.. $2.25. lira - $25, Shorts- $27. Middltngs-$29. 'Mouiliù $30 te $34. lIay-No. 2, 0.-r ton. car lts, -$14.10 te $615. Cbeese- Finest westerns, 15 1-4 te 151-2e; de., eauterns. 141-2 te 15ù. Butter -L'hoicemt crcamnery. 34 1-2 t-o 35c; do.. sec- onds, 33 1-2 se 34e. Eggq- Frt-is, 25 te 26e. Potatoesi--Per bag, car lots, $1.75. UNITED STATES MARKETS. MînilnePOlie, -April 16.-Wbeat - May, $1.07 7-8 te $1.081-4; J.ly, $1.09 5-8 te $1.- 093-4; tieptember, $1.01 1-4; No. 1 bard. 91.- 101-2-, No. i Nertbern. $1.09 1-2 te 81.10; Ne. 2 Nonthernu.81.07 1-2 te $18, S;No. 3 wheat, 81.05 1-2 te 81.06. Cern-Ne. 3 yel- low, 78 teo 78 1-2c. Oits-No. 3 white, 53 te 64c. Rye-No. 2, 86 te 861-2e. Bnan-ff4 te $24.50. Flor-First patenta. $5 te 85.- 30; do.. seconds. *4.65 te $4.90: finit elcars, $3.0 te $375: do.. second4. *2.30 te $2.70. Buffato, April 16.-Spring wheat-Win- tem hlxher; Nen. 2 med, 81.07; Ne. 3 red, .1,05; No. 2 white, $1.06. Cern-No.- 3 yel- low. 823-4c; Ne. 4 yeitew. 801-2c-, No. 3 corn, 80 3-4 te 81 1.4e; Ne. 2 cern, 78 1-2 te 791-2c. ail on traek. tbrough bilied. Ots -No, 2 whi.e. 61$-; Ne. 3 wbite, 6051-4c; No. 4 white, 59 1-4c. Bamey-Malting, $1.25 te $1.38. LIVE ST-OC'K MARKETS. Mentreal, April 16.-Cheice steersaosld at $7 te $7.25, good as 86.25- te $6 75, snd the lower grades frein that down te 85.50 per bondred peunde. The best eowe brouoebt $5,50 and 1ýhe commenter cne frornt .3.50 te $5 per c-wt. Butta eoid frein 93.50 lie $5.50 pe'r -wt. Sebeeted bots; cf hogs, $9 Ie $9.25 and $.950 per ewt., weigb,-d off cars. Prices of valves roled st.eady. witb sale!- at frcsm $2 te $8 earh, as te size sud .suali;t. Sites cf Iambe were mnade at $7 te $7.25 per ewt.. and the- few slscep of- fered sold at $4.50 per ê-wt. Toironto, April 16.-I ndii-idual -catile seld as bigb as $7.20 and $7.30. wlsere quality was rvaiiy ,-heice. Several loada e! geold but-ber eatte sotd frein $6.60 te $7 10. .liornte goed butcher est-île fetcee fretin$5.50 te $625. sud ceetntnencattle front $4 te $5. Cbeie.e fat eowe and botte sold frein *5.50 te $6, and wfood mediuns c-ows nanscvd frein$4 50 te 85.50. ('a nîteme were quoted at $2 te $3. i4beep and Iambs were aise searce and higiser. Firsl-ctav; ew,-9 sotd at $7, and choit-e yearling lambsp ranged front $7 t-.'$9. Spring iambes eild frous $5 te *U. -Unega wpre. firmer again at $8.60 te $8.75, fed and ivatered. Caties of ail kinds were streng frein $" te 81.50. 1IVIIsON BAY' RAITAVAY. Coverninent- Calîs for Tenidersi for Second Sectioni of 100 Miles. A despateli from Ottaw- as : Tenders for tise second section of tise Htds-on Bay R;tilwa v wili b.- cua lletiý for liv tIse Govîemnment a'l- most îmmediatei v. Titis sectio)n o iii ho otte hîtncred i uiles bing, tise e<intract hiving ar:îvbeen awas'd- ed fo.r thte first 5'-(cti.îu 'f ciee sn- i <li-cîlandi eiglit tuilî's fruni Le Pas lu Thicket Portage. Nou iciit bas 'et heen matie for IlIeieîiîtrinal us bevtwecn Nelpson artldItîhuriiIl, b11t tise forrnei' poilt is lte inuie likei 'v to le sciclre-t. 4.îilsg to tise sihorter ro)tt-. Tise eîiirsre- potis sc;tîg a iei NO SIC l.iV IN (A NADlA. r. î.la;ys 11uarns hîiuesfoi's tb Ex.- ;uu1ilite utli 1,olio-sitions. A dcisa tels ft-ons Iondo i s - Bifr-sailing on NWe.-:in4-sidav ,fuor (aati. l'iîsitieut l-avs 4o! the G r,,sndc Tr-ik hailm-i.v. d'v gtite stalcîuients t hut (Canaîdau. lad îv- bisirMu<i, ustiseti t he iîovestiusg 1111111;d- 1À. lie te e;rei.i ut-;.)imu Nîeus Zealand te Compote a t tionuil Exhibition. '\.-1 A despat clif rom London F'ss The Goverument of New Zeaîa'sd bas decidedti o senti a detacisment cf 20 senior ('adets te compcte aI tise Canýdian Exhibition. Autsla- lia -ll aIse ho represeiit,.l ('PlI. tmaffie eaînings 'luitt w-erk abiot-cd au tucrease cf 130. BPUIÀTTIE ESBITTARETI Former President, ýof- Wreoked Faimers Bank Oaptured aît Chioago A despatch f rom Ciscago ýa ys: c e roé n te y W ia e, w o ce Dr. W. Beattie Nesbitt, at ~cared the mailwaSNeitt; .Thse- Toront, on a. charge cif paricip)at- latteir protjpsted that th4. ca2se wa84 *f mi.takeh. identir.BeT- ing in a conspiracy te we te- nied tisat bheï,ca me from 1Toront>. Farnieris Bank cf that c#t, was-ar- After. a brief examinationo, the. rested in a Souths Side, restau.rant Éuspeet was taken tàa detective on Tisursday night. Tlio prisoner hea.dqurea i orders tha;t heo was locateti in a South Sicle hotel ahould be kept f romnseeilig any per-' three da*ys agis by deteetives frein son except police officere. ÂA- few, Assistant Chef Seisuttlýr'a office, I xin'utes laer, hwee, awas, anti was sisadowed Jday sud nigist. j placed i an automobile p.nd rubhed' Tisursday Deteqtive Wallace ar- away f rom tise CtE~ eSome rived f rom Tor4nto, and the smre outlyin police àtation, kvhere it is night tise suspe t was arrested. said ise was locked up. DetectiVeT6§é h Caisill sud Mat- Nesbitt is saiti to have been living tiew Barda tise prisoner to in Chicago for somne time under tise Scisuttler's" oefflc ,wiereise was name cf Coleman. S1L ENT J.1 f'N BU R'NS. John Burns is olng down Vo Lan- cashire, wisere lîe will shakeocff "tise cobt cisain 4f silence tisat isas hong o'er him Ioi g." Englisis gos- sips, wiso -will in ist -on putting twe anti twe tegetis r se as te mak-e ave, asse r tsth aýtis silence arises ANFIFET fren tise fact tist tisere is ne love A FLFET lest hetween hi and Mr. Lloy d - Pain in tise feet in walking is gen- George, whc wi s net sufficiently erally due to the weakness or-tse, careful Vo ascer;ain John's views actual breaking down o! tise arcis about old ago :ensions, budgets, of th:i foot-or r *ather of the arches, fer actually tiseme are ýtwe. Tise / second is a transverse arcis at tise b ase of tise toes. WVien it gives w ay, tise foot broadens out, anti ~ ~ -!~ "~,sincetise spring ef tise toes is lest, ¼ ts tep is less elastic and -often k accompanieti with pain.. In rare instances tise Iarcis is net- Sbroken tiown, but is rate exag- ',gerated. ani tise heel is somewhat î-aised: tise condition, in fact, is j titat o! incomplcte clstbfoot.* la àlking, tise heel hairdyý toochses '-'z ~.Xtise g-otnd, and any attempt to being it down firmly aud completé- lv .ttrains tise muscles iu tise calf o! tihe ]cg anti causes pain. Anotiser cause of î;ainfub feet is'a gcouty or iseumatie condition o! ýtie fibrous Thtis brief accoutth ie causes o! pain în tise feet shows tisat it is -. impetýsible te say offisanti what will ýbning relief. Almost abways, isow- e%*er, eu-en sn cases tisat seem pure- ly riteumatie, much relief comes f rom Moalking ntoîc os tise oter side of thse foo.t; lteé p ticnt shoold not toc out, 17ût shtol -point tise feet straigist forward, 'Ojr even tee in somcwliat. Tisat relaxes tise tension Rt.lion. Jlohn Barns. on tise ligaments that suppo.rt - arcis and ashow-s tiemi te mec ant i nsoràne. s homes. 1"J.' B," tiseir .oue. l as ho sornetines naines hiinself, When tise effort Vo force tise fooat thierefeje held-hi~ peace on aIl those int4e this position is irksomne om pain- legslative effort'. Fer a stmanges fui, tise patient shouid ha've u.ie compount ias J ~n. As tise first soles anti heels of 'bis sises hbuilt workingmaa to ,Itain to Cabinet up with a layer of leather -ohbtise rank, ho refleetsý unhountiet credit inuer haîf, se as Vo threw tise-weigist Vo tise clas f rom wiicit he, spraug, o! tise body on tise cuter side e!f and tise credit ii, not lesseacti by tise foot anti elieve tise arcis frein tise fact tisat he is entire ly a sclf-lp ressure. If tisa -do-es nct bring no- made man, but it is equaliy un- 'hief. 1V may ho aecessarv Vo use an doîîbted tisat Heà,vca ishas given him arch-support. TisaI. however, s gooti cenceit of! liimscîf. Tise bate sisould bc diune only on thse ativice King Etiwarti, who dearly boveti his o! tise surgeîon, for la certain cases littie joke, ;was wont-so cynîcal tise support aggravates the coadi- peejle said-te pi nt out witb batedi tion an-cl prevents tise streugthen(ing- breatis to visitors lu \Vincbttn Castie cf tise ligaments that support tise tise cisair on wisicis Johtn lutrns once arcis. - ast, andtihie bcdreom la whicb Johin If caused hy rheuîmatism or --ve:i Burnas-once slept ; snd tisere weme by a f-ault in tise arcis. pain in tise otiser evii-tougue4 peocpbe wise bld feet may often be relieveti by bath- &hat -wien Sir Henry Campbsell- iug t-hem morning anti night in a Bannerman offe rdci iim a seat ia solution of Epsom saîts. in tise ratio tise Cabinet, Vise imperturbable of Vwo tablespoonfîtîs te, a pint of oeet o! Batterséa rephici: '"Tise water.-Yooth's C2ompasion. Most popular tiig you have donc s-et. " B ut witea i is said, tise fact PURE AIR. romains tisat be. ýs eue o! tise moat '"Th beb4ef that pîtt-c air must ah- remrarkahie mvn le! cor turne -He wv -m-foteotiei e bas about him a I tise ch&rmo! a wy on frmts otîei e stroug. self-reliabst manisooti, and spensible for a great nutîiser b! his dark, soft, gléaming eyes invite coltis," saiti a family docter. '-Wbile it ia neccss.ary for hIealti tisat one tisat confidence vbîieismen of ail shoulti have plenty o! air titese sud- sisades of politica! tbeîgist have nul den changes tuake it nec!essary thal< been slow Vo repo~se in him. we sisoul tiîse lte utmoat -esoîson MUSi LA VEL ILS. in the ventilation of sleepig andi 311*81, ing-ro0m1,8.v11.1-p.r11-1-see-- Provishoîts I-i\ 9 Stajdards Edible l've tatble OiN. A ticspstch fr'îm Ottawva says:1 Under tise prouisions o! tise Adutî-1 temation Act an ol-dcr-iu-ctn'incii itas b-crn passeti fixin4ý the standards forî 0e-dibbe vegetabie cjils." Tisesc in-1 chutde cive 4-Ou art c cttnSeet i o,i the standards eof tu tyo! whiich1 are set forth i te 4ii-dem. It is ,prîîuitic'i htisI illier o! tthucmay lie '<-'d as salad i l, huit wlit cot- tonit'id ou is o fi as salai il t'lie fuet taI at -ials cîsit'a t-ed cil inust be tiecîarej on the label. Tise- eamt î--iii'-emfeit - s ex;îci-ted lure- gard fo amixturîes -o!)fcottonseeti ,il snd e lueou u.t ast .hie st utcd -ta tise label tlîat t It contents .f tise pkaeare a ni xturr. CO AL D1)110V $2.50 A TON. lligmgfst l'OIU I hunîin' Lon- A despatei fîjiTu London sass The îirice (i! co.il dî-opped $2.50 s tontIl oti iida.II'hîus us tIse biggest fasl I,,, eu-- kn -in mi ee day. - BALWAYBUILDING. Tlc Wi!'îni pegjTelegram imakes tiýs e-timate o! ljhië aîtber e! men who wilI be c etifr for railwsy con- 6trî'ctiea in-('anItia as s'.eu as tise sprung openo : C. N. R...........15,000 G. T. P-------------------....15,000l C. P. R. . 20,000 Hudso)n Bay Lin ........ i0,000 Total .......... .. O,ooo The Teleg-am isys tîsat thlic1 hlice cempanies namedl wili expeuti $50,-I 000,0o0 lu couss- ui ction antid pio mnenti Ibis year, IandcitisaI aI pr-osent tise ieqtîisitenut bcr o! nien 41rte net appoar to he a-'ýilable. tu t.sink thaItishe only w-ay te geV purý ahirîto a betiroùm is to ad- mil it from-'tise oulside. in"spite o! tise fact that tise wiie tiiffeî'enco iflz tempcîatore rentiers them muaI easiiy susceptible 10 an-attack of coiti. Witb Vise rapiti fahi o! tise temperatîîre outs-de tise bouse the.re ia a constant danger o! draught. 1 kaow o! a great rnany cases wisere yooug persons especialby have been attacketid dting sp-ctiy fluctuations in temperatuse. Theo' coulti net tîntiratand mwiy Visey shoubti tase colti W-ile tise windows wei<e opefs as usual-jutis enouigsfor ventila- tion. To get-purc air it is net nec- esssry tisat il ho taken in directly from tise ouîtside. Ai) easy way Vo gel fress air is teuf11]tise lieuse with outside air sud warm it. Afler- wards take in what rIsh air is aecesssry aItishe w'smmest peint and veuxtilate youîr sleeping ýroons tsmougs tiseadjoinun g aparîmeats. Tisus .yoi obviate -tise gatisering o! tee mocs . moistome with tise ait wbich vonî breathe wis.iblçin tise me- laxeti condition 4o! aluîmber. If it le not conve-Itipit te veittilate tise shej-ping aparîtmeuts in aay other uvay thait fs'em the - 'îtside tise ainoisnt of-coltiair ]et in .shouitibe a M *itnoim." -~ i 2)5 PER CENT. 110 CANADA. 31.058 Eiiiigraîmnts Left Irehuînd Dur. iiig the 1'ear 1911. A despatei , f rom London rays-: AX Boarti o! Tratie statement, is- st-ed on-Fîriday, shows tisaI t, 1,58 emigrants beftIrIelanti tuming tise ycar 1911. Of Ibis nunîben 22,010 uveat te tise 'Utit-et States anti 5,-ý '178 to Caisutia. lien poeketi uishanti"-' laa» v ife goisg cuit, Elsie 7" -lsie-' Yes4 S; 1'." cpyktiHxaa9t- y-cii kaow.if I arn goinz Kitl hern ILs * w~fiUI~I~~ f%~ f~~I-rA ~If~ ils -i. b 2f -tis- ~8~ 'i 'i -s -, N 1-~ - 1 - le i 4 - i -ài., T -i :1 f HEALTII

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