Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Apr 1912, p. 3

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was'{ Hfl(G vrys.suIc ar -.Ivealing and making- lear. certain~ w inunbeîe!f e ag&o japromu-jfct ndiciets in the. Uves o&-a sent ctze !Boston W1$0> u tenof, tS. acine f~h fortu te &lq -to eoe hw to !e..l ; 'fer.h ver tw ~h1dru 'f td t ha~efor a Ion eor uiiorter .It W" the desime of th e téth4 at re en'in d<ubt,'ý asud- desiro te t'ha younger ehild, a aughterko h rt ishould lnhrit'her engagement rig 'Ho then sketched 'tariou110 vents à. à*litaire dim'ond of value.' u n 'te live. of differenit jeuson., The, riug w«. placed in,-he' keep- IODeo N ~~.o! fa -ruly exeutung na- in;o!auaut'lui'ez 'hif»e à tire mûm'aies wore givexi, 'but, cbud en.wee j b 'raieduntilo!froui thbe expression on piany coun- tena-uces ànd 1low 'exiainitiousý ,aproper ageý.te enter' a boaidin; f rom al parte o!fth i.halle ecoiuld echeeL The -auât seoreted the ý'ring~ ~~.ta i tag t~ mn "what she feIt asured iwa a es oe o koig yo cure hiding place, .known onîy tu i o e. ent kdnoiugran o herself; Inth , ret tus dxci t g :ri1 'lu di4e ime t-be daugliter, new a t. ettx uti atya mn "youug m S wete go a î-~ But -h lim a c» efor kno-Wn7 fomoliacadenuy, andi kueir- -em.at lasi; and they. literaily- eat ing there w Issuch i a. rng beleugiig 'upand IisVee»d lu -Wýnder as liiee 9 t 1orde were pronouned: te bhér asIçed permission tewer i t.'- "We havé xif ge'î luthe hall -a 'The fatbeiE r.! used er request, Say- Z in.Te lu; shtr wa-s tee young a girl te wear jpr~ o en mrcn.Te sucli a ring, inferming'-her that aem2igabi!so nLldn sfter lier graduation îd ui ud',coui e lho'e- entni"l.irou ey fu1' . - j ii.aon0ient. ùOu. o! the Party iaj The ru!inea,uhle reîmainedc se- ; sd hohi e-o j boU a penîn u ii band. ~ne asked, the King bis'inion 'as'to li e ik e u s s -- of h im mI ! n th - c p - Per cointhef- i realm;.-1 The " King thon repli.d liat bhl îatseîen hie '!oatuireson gold axüd si v, but had- »qorr aetually handled "a penny.. 9 ne?-wa"tbhen 'produced Iforbis li- #pection and ho emiarkèd th.ât li thought the. likenesswu -la~nn. tA. à matter o! fact,a ~geod lik0- npeso of uieifher Lu; Ed' ard nom e!f Kiug- George is fouud oa apenny. 11- was. otherwiae, with he bronze 1eoiage ofý Queen Victoria. the r cuiptor wbo executed 't1 e, statue o! OneenaViatorïa- wbich the peeple ci tice have emectec in um.mory e! ber tound a' late Victorian pnyvr iseful' as amodel -whon ~e waag r.- roueing hrfeaturesand thoe. ~h ave seeà'the statue, inclu'ing ine ber g o! 'ei, fam ily, prono n c o cuu'e voser.caese oiIiyrçpiobua. I discassing Ibis* oas., IDr. WiIP 0s as s t waa eleaïry a case of by tia', as rasuffi enm y ovd wduud on hi, Ieg ,,painoed hum, tixougl inificted 18 meOnthe beforo. Th biting and .snappmngwer. en- -ooutged by the Piieow 50 acoeinni-- dat$ngly placod' before, him. The féal, of water vas anether psycliolo- gici Jperformance. Ho feared va-I ter ebcauee h. believed victime of hyd>ýqhebla feared 'water, and lie- cauho bbelieved heovas' suffe.iug from the. dise ase. Hisi cure was ex- plaiued net by the nature of the po- tuo~lien'imby the,-medical minu but ýby bis bellete! b.ci m: l tii. prc iinrcould cure the.dis- eaq. 'A nmuch more 'remarkable ca1 se- came under Dr. Williams- own ,cbsàrva tlon,, for it shows boy a vuc- t - nybe ferced to-develop isyp tom-, -of a disease be doés net pos- sesi fbylihe fooliah alarn. pf, a third perspn.-Th-patient vs abpyý_of. -2vhhad- been bitten by'ad tÉeated 'for lbthé,weuuid ,and'dis- çhrud uro4. , Ri s" other had-1 oni nugu t-auty are cuaingecijeivery week. ýCAN NO! LOOR AT, OWM FACE.' Engllah 1eoners Ilot AIlowed 'b -iz-a. on'Features. The Italia brigand and murder-, .er 'wlolias- been forty-six years làn jail ha. ornme baèk tone* uowved, liko Rip Van. Wiukle -onee o! - tue Seven Sleopers 'of 1 Epiiesu; Oh. wonders wual- is the' ',tiig liaI .would mont strike a man who liad been- in confinement !ornoarlyhli _a., centtxry 4 vas the .mpter., car and ý'th. biicce that. borrified the Italian _-bandit. -Au -English pris-, oner after tên, years in prison- was astouisbed by: the " !shape of the vomen." But- the. erd.nary.,convicêt ,on release i. inost sta'rtled at tLie' -look o! bis ovn face in the. glass, for Pour English jails'deprive, tlie pniso-uïr o! anything 'thal elee hi. face anid tho minuwho has:'neýt seen binself - fçr ton .years o!-'rig-- in >lu1621, aud James I. sud VI. 'hEUU U ILIILlII ûeaueed theinby sein; 'barone- ie te âdventurous capitalists *bol iJv'ested ýsuffionétlin th-lb.dubious:DÂNGERS 0FOPELECTEIC GEN- enterpiise.j-Richelieu', "vie ealled :- ERITING STATIÃ"NS. Lie egie Acaiasent eigiteon ships-toô erteot French rights, bu-t_ David, Kirke, - Frencli on ' -th o-l aesns o pmtvs t1he'. si4e,_captured lies. vessels - ,àÎd ftood- im lu loe'rv Touohiiig Lire Wires Means eélu. are. sucIh ood' ýreading, te'sur- -Instant Death.' rendor'at, 'uebec., Ciares LI.pré- ~bg-V I sentiy sold »0 e new con questa back I bgdisaster inovuggros oés -k l. Fruçisud ie Sxibscit of,? life,'rarely or neyer talrea place pame homo ýor lived peaeablY with u <anelctie genrating sttion yot the French setlLers !romn Nomm an.«. the annual deati-r<oil amen;g opera- Âfter c'hanjing hands, More ~tirsenaeanleprdcio ! once,ý' NI 1Sota'asrsordt.electricity -on,-&,largo socale us Yvery_ -Bntai. i 173; nd ateIl~ hesvy-b,7eavier, en an, average, per- rËefuge-o!- lie Highlanders uhào left~>'ta ll nayohrids homfe when the nev landlordism - Th workr-il a big electnic gon- took.lie place e! tb.e ld.orgarruz- emrating-station are . aîv'ays men- ation of chie! and clan, destroyed ae y dnes hat rate h aflen Cuileden. -i u war ith instant deýstructîen. 'i PICKLE, THE ISPY. -ite 'whirring dynamos, tho big, high+i- By 1758-i760 Highlandi:chiefs who essurqecablez Ïhat couney-t h' ca1 ihad-taken, Engliali service raised rent te tbe switches, in the e itches rogmens feinthir lan tefigutthem uelv'es lurk the most terrible, lb.imnt F reuci in Am clns Piekia 1h. dangers. for operatuves who,'may' Chif carat:es l a FREEMÂSON1IY AND JUSTICE. Chif carctýs i aremark able miirder trial in Old London. The man at the window is Frederîck -Henry, Beddoun. an insurance super intendent, convicted of murdering. ai woman policy-holder by admin- la.tering 'arsenic te héêr.- Before 'Mt. Justice' Bucknill.' pronounced sentence Seddon gave the 'judge the Masanic sign-. The woman in the picture- is bis -'wif e, who was acquit ted -cf complicity in the murder.. Mr.,-Justice Bucknill--the judge in the case-is shown in h is judicial -robes. Befere aentencing1 Seddon' to cleath,'fio said: "We belong te ede britherthood- and 'that mnakes rny duty ail the--more painful te m&."' cuero in its hiding-pla.ce. In &Il the stIll is, -greùtly tresliled and exer- PO $O "~~"" dughte.rwasa away f rom home éome cised in Miind ever ùhe mysteriaus SY R K F IUUKROPHUWA four years. Im.meciateiy after the Ioss ef & ssone-frein,,a ping left te gtýÏtain h aïy with other her by ber dying mothr when siheTEFERFDîÂSBED friens. -rr,%ged triýe0ý,-od. - as alifflé hJ.TEFA FDSAÉBED The Young lady, not -hè,vinig for- "The ring was place4 in a. suppos- PED ÂlS go91tten ber ring-, suggeste4 that a$ edly-~ safe place, and that_ place PED AIS > -thcyy cie new gong te Europe she kniown to one perse!' oni the=an ehould be allowe.d'te wear it. The of the Little girl. TheyeaIL psse father was quite willing and-said he and the child. had arrived Mi a. suit- Develops Signe Tliat Might be Mis- >twould, take it te hi%ewt1r have able age te coe nItO l)OSessesion of aelfr h ies it cleafred and, if. desirable, have ib- t.be gem. It eàs, taken f rom its- se- -placed iu a more modern aetting. cret liiding place, te a jeweller ferIsef Tlie aunt br<ugit -the ring, a.nd resetti'ng. It chanced te be- the. Whetfier a dog'. bite will produce Vthe faither tc4k it te the jeweiler, 6ame Jeweller Irein Whom, l had rabies in a human being is a ques- explainkg te hum as he' passed it beeu purchased manjyears befere. tio0that.the mèaicâkauthorities are ever vwhat -lie wished doue.-,the "On exainination he prenounced ntar~onadiedheg- jew4Lfer exani'ned it, and the.n\s&id, the stene not te be a ciaxnond, bût oral kcnwledge of the profession -on "Of course, Mr. B., we wiil do as a wort.hleEs. imitation. The father the whole subjeet- of rabies is not as you wibh, but really the ring is net and friends,ýof this yreung lady ould thorougli as it might be. In vie'w 'wrt'expéndt'ug any mone'y o. ei.n ouion t tbis mystery. Of the faet that there are "niad dog: "Not wcrth expending any moneY "It is 'My pleasure 'sud my duty seares" in atleat eue part-'of the onp" exclaimed Mr. B. "Why, Mr. te give thi. Young 104~Y thé correct Province ofi Ontario at the present *Ktwenty odd ycars -age -1 pur- eXplanation. ait this lime. . About turnie it weuld be, well for the gen- chas&lthat-is&me ring cf yeu, pay- twelvo- years age theic was a4e, rlp~tto~mado~h tbi ig'yusuçh and such -a rui for it, of severeillneso i'n-ber fAther's famâ s el eiearinmn oeiIpr -and oow yeu tell me it is net worth. uv. -.A nurse Well-knôwn -to the an 'ànd ùncIsputo 'utadta t estin-g, I don't uîderstand it; famniiy, n eivd ehi vryjsteéi te 'prudrai. how "Xi, 3eu explain the circum- res-pect thoroeghîy truist*orthy,' was LaigAil he quetion1of i- stn~~'secured. 'Il.__ý 1é' of t e iesein ôuman b- Mr. K. examnied hi* books for the "This nus eniditefa-"ngs therq anb 'nçàub tha-t' year aud time uam'ed, and 'thon ily fr oany weéks., Wne, day 'she thëre are- 'an assof'f aise said- "You are. quite ight. Mr. B.- arps-the )i~i Te hidiag rbes. In 'other words, it is net .You'did pürochawse this ring-from m iae h.'.o i bt at fr7t with, rare fÃ"r a person bitten by a doe[ at th imre ybu istate,' nnd ' tht no -intention of kee,ýpig it, but oniy eJmaine that he is auffering f rom time it. ws.sa pure 01d: Mine %-net rv àiiit eau . onihe. hydre(phobia,, and te deveiop èy'np- t-butt75teen lved, it,' am:d'eit flhe could net give, téen that any but an expert rnîght utt-a t'paeup the beautifu "bey. In a week's easily - nistake for evidence ci the, or $1. ' ,,time se had 'grewn Mâ believe and disease itself. The New'YrkMeq '"Aai~ -I fai teundrsand -consiuler- it as really ber ewn. She: cal Journ'al bas celieoted some typi- iaid, Mr. B.- "Why, it is simple removed the dia.m6ud and then had _c-al cafsofytrcarbest- e,ough," -,as theireply, "'eleeee aseio.poedi h tng et ofwihsteicm besoD.T. piroenied. th ,ring, 'removed the gen- and rtetmne thew ithseinehr'wt hecdmnofD.T sixte atoneand hadthefele ns ettla e ring te its hiding- -A' Williams, of Washingteu,. foreign place eorresponAiig m in its place., It is neot a,-new trick, «, nri.s ed.Th Tne Ne1oog ,siU3Iber of the Paris but as een ouemanytures. bas passed îhrough xnany banda sSeccty On-lemnig he ateth dagh anew seting, ad is bèyond reov- FEAR AND ALCOHOL. t er was. gr4atlyl ' isturbed irieitally ery. T 'sithe'usolutico othe 0Oecs aet lgta ti o ut ~tb.les'e!her othr'.engge mystery o!the youing lady's ring."?tl i1, ln 1ai,-exyasao setring. SI>.. bo.odedovrt Oxthreuno the family 'hothesbec"biga'chiewo Ë,epl.,'à'shculnefrelriate wa.e invetgte afa sha bi'-sc'rathed by',f'doÈ a fewv ii.14 cttle aair' 8. WS £nUri ossible. The nurse was dend, utday: eo,.feladbe ifa jt:houd fremad gàdbutstli t wa scetuiedwheu ebe -had -A of rabies, and 'te st*ùmulate hiscour- 1V 'géve1'vr it'a a. tate oMrpaste 4toh e -set in aneQld hoop eOf 3à- age bdmb~iàconsd rable quan- V' unée, te'ttur9pe. UP f0 tii turne gl it -e cs -pi ve 'the"ijs >of alcdhol.' One exmorning lie t 'hore lina been no, my.tery m iii ase - eta'srnlD ~ste i cas. 3~t ~ ommn tef su au-. Bat hew did ti5youn- Oriental thioat. wi' b rsm~dt~b "a ŽtitutsQfl.' -kgpo w tba -hiings? The affair -ha&1 symptei' om the-disee, sd'e ]SI r.B. u& i p.ty is.ndeclin nover beeu menC¶éned outside thé, prove thiecemt 'ftes o'bî iag.z- Il iverPc<>ý L 2 &u~ dteY, taking train immediate fauify, and the yarriived In oýis he ttoupted te swallow some forLonon,~'iyLin l that'coity in in Lond4on 'nt over-five-beumebeferewiter. This* hoiwas unàjble'to dé~ &mnle .6&jmnn fc i ~er niL tleirho- 'tbis wa-t;ed on' the plattoruxi et!and-theeIfôr-ended ircnv-lin -'Sùýe erieughliin VWoeWeeks -the.lad had'! à convulsion. Aphysicien *as calleM, and admiulsterdd a hylbo- dorie icnjeoction. 1b ut -l'hé iother ilsiïped tbat Ibhis trealment'bail merýly,"dniven tie diseame, into hie systérn." Laten on the lad rau aboàt on a-Il fours, frehhed Muthe mouýh, showed barrer at tho siglit of water, aud deve.loped every other symàptom that bis mothýer's feelinli talk .ýhad lad hlm ho expect. Eveu- lual'y ho beca mo complelely lun- sanei a.nd' was conflned lu an asy- luin. HoRevas ne more the victim o! r.4bies than la the moat nebust &0ae ,o! thin article. He vs l m ply nieýn -mdb ear communi- cated te hlm. by bis mother. Medi- cal ien called on toe autenize a dog l4ite, migit vel lake lie epper- tuni» rte dispel froin 1he mlnds o! tbeiri patient ànuci s farnily lie de- lusioi,à that victims cof nabies are cer- tain ýe show four on terrer at the siglit' e! vater. This eld supersti- ten, s ie cause o! much more su!- ferin .than ti.bites - theinselves, snd robably responsible for more cases!-o! mabies than aillbh degs lu 4the coluntry. Il. M.'S SERGEÂNT FOOTNAN. Someýhing About kn Important Royal Official. Thet Songeant, Footian aM Buck- ingia4u Palace lsau inipert-ant per- sonagb. HoRe- the chie! o! the in- dooir tootinen sud-acta as an inde- pendet officiai, taking endors oniy frein the M.aster- o! lhe Houseboid, say-s- London- Answers. Hisjrdinaryduties. coneist-iu do- lai.li#n; the' feelmn for duty at the 'P&aacý 'eutrances'&ud for-daiiy at- teudýa-ce lu tbé antemooma or- the 'esiai apantinents eft the' King aud fqueen, snd ilu the motning- roomsj of -lte eounernies and ladies- in-wàiliug. 'The Songeant Feotmfaný -leibyhe v4sy. acdressed by ai-1 -mcmbêts e! the Household as "Son- goant't--is usualiy lu attendince at lae eieis' outrance tethe Pal- èe, hre he iliares awaiting-or with it Palace steward. At Une o'lock hlsf-the staff çf fuelmèen-ine off duity for dinner, ard go-on dulv again 'at tvo, vhen lie. otÈer hâîf, come off duty uintil three. ! Vhen t4 ootinen cor nu duby tl4cy inut l-report thenseives te the Scïgeuut. -The Fjergeint Foolma9 bas tu lea-k alter the footien acccmpanyiug a ,Royal ivisitor$' sud ti tentreooinl tho- "aîva'ts' -aparîments, arrange iwheéthe, fiboyarele "mess" viti tËlwPàlace~evif ~ ~boe !tba'vis8iting .seryantm--andà .settle- precisely, theheurs aI 'whii tbey *111 -b. inu-attendànee onthein Royal - naatear 'and -mees-Su:p- posingi' for eape i otnno a visitilu; Royalty d'çsir-e'to. b. fee froin ttendaùdic S tween thneé and eifte'en People Were-Riliedto Uldeý Facet it iglôg'e. Fifteen pensons ireze- fo'und muir- de.red in a farinhouse , iear Flores- chIa, in Bessarabia, Austria, re- cently, inicludin; a fariner, -bis vife 'and family. aud a number o! -labor- ors living 1u the- bouse. - They liad appjarent1y ail been killed, witb a balciet during their sleep, sud aa ne eue vas alive- te give auy information, a so-called polite h-cund was sent for from Odessa. -Tii. animal. whiei- is a cross belween a do-g 'sud a vwol!, picked jip the scent at once frein the farm door, sud led the, police straighito a cottage lu a neighbor- iug village, viiere it- prang on'a pestant named, Woowiensky. wbo was lying 'Inlied. The man w-as arrested, sund nuise- quently -contesrod te haviug mur- dered the fairàfer eut cf revenge for having been Oismissed. Ho ssid ho- thon killed ail the ellers in . thie house for fear that ,sone et thein miglit have seon bim enter. RAINFALL A-ND CONSUMPTION, A etudy of the influence o! nain- beariug vinds uxien tb. prevalence of tubercuiosis lias bee~n macde by Dr. William Gordon, physicuan te 1he Royal Devon sud Exetkr Hespi. tl, En)gland. Af 1er cla.ssifying sev- eral Devonshire parishes ac condin; te iheir exposure. te rainy -winds, Decter Gordon eearcbed eut in pre- cîsely whicb parishes the deaths frein censumption during a ionien e! years had mainly occurred . He fouund that tii. death-rate in the panrishes exposed te rain-bearing vinds vas genteraliy Ivice, as .iigb, as, that -of the paishes sheitered frein hem. Further investigatins vere, condûcted in nany otheir le- __calities, amoing 'thein -the city oi Eketer. . lie resuît was 'ti 8aine.- Doefete Gordort declare,; thàt thé' 'important 'peint te ceusider In ha choice 'of a> residence, for, con8UIDP7 tiven i «--: hemalter o!. shelter f-reom tic raiiu-b.au7ing winds o! the locali-ý 'ty. 'e4osure te whicli is a more 'setious;matter Ihan altitude, c?àar aeter oi soil, or even,! the amount cf ràinfall- OZONIZED WATEII. Thie wate-r-siipply of St. -Peters- burg is new treated witb ozne v a process said to emove nearly al tb. barnîtul bacteni;a: -The -plant bas a capacity.,o!' 11-,000,00 ýgallons a day.. Frein lhe Neyvai te* water is pumped'into a sonies et èîgiht set- hiling « tanks, lu in e iha - ial amoàiunt o!f aluM-m u uphato les added. By. ay 'cfPa3 i4 1ters th îîcena1n groundSfint. ew r then passes- jute em:eulsifipcrî, or- pumps, thal - ork on the inj4ector p neuiple, in ý'wich:'lb. ozone is amd- oct. Freinthéemulifiers the. nux-. lune gees inl<> a séries' o!-'ftve slenli- ùgte do, te saine thing ab lb. same tm è* T eir ffeis-were,'ulot, -gccepted,- i but - th. Black Watceh (eider thab the 'Forty 'Five, and net ýa clan regiment), ihimIon Le- vab's Frazers, von glery under Wolfe, vie, at Culloden, had-deaît suci a. havy hiov' ah the Stevanrts aud Camerons, sud "il vas thé Fraier Hi'ghisnders Who scaled the Heigbts- sud sbowed tho way te vie- tory." .Pienty ef Jacobite, exiles must have been engaged agaiusb Wolfe'n Highlanders. For exanipie, the e Chevalier Jehustene, - Who tought for Prince Charles - at Cul- lodèn, at Quebece acted as aide-de- camp tte o'gllant Montcalm-e Iu s book-,o! lis ho nakes Wolfe and Montcalmn meet inu Paradise, and criticize v1ith great ceurtesy the lacties of! 'a campai;!' which te botli cf thei proved fatal.' Youug Loch- garry, toi the chagrin ef bis fâther, served uinder Wolfe; litoe days1 men Who'!liad charged side by side at -Culloden might crois swords wi'tl etach-etber frein India te Can- ada, isoine havin; ltaken French, sonie Rusianu, somiq Spaninh, sme Engfish iervice. LOVAT'S OFFICERS A-ND MEN. 1m meu arryI-ng a curit ns o r e 1000volts ;', itpassed dewg tbe ladder, sud thrmonghtiemnanÏ,'l ody FIFTEEN THOUSAND VOLTS! Another ,operative vas e' gaged in ociliu-g a d ynamo frein which. a treý mendouislybeavycurent vas pas lîug. The',eiicsn camne:imb contact witi lhe epper plate or- maguet un< lie, dynamo, througb vbich lb. aur- rouI passeçl ta 1h. cables. At thb, -saine inst a.tý the in put hlm dusen- gaged liand on the steel - handraul liaI rau round tb. dynamo, tlius -forming.s complote circuit. belveen 2 tie highly-cliatged coppor plate imn thie dynamo sund the eantl, i, vîli h rasult tint a curreut o! smie 15,000 volts' pased- tbneugh is body, and lu' a f raction et a second lie, vas MI about il; electnie power nIa. lions are d 4nger signais sud noticesÀ for the guidiuce qf lie w6rkenm, sud every preesûhien 's, lake'n le0redîîco lie terrible, danger of iandiug "lIive" eleetrical maciinery te a minimum, - but frein lime - te lime - deah overtakes'even the mosl cane filjJprqimuppYV.F Many o! Loval's officers sud men, For exaplpe, Ivo. men ver, kcilled atter tic pesos ef 1763, nettled- i inlueeoetthe ia-'gent sud'mont care-- Canada, -whee they and them sous19fuliy-msuaged -ciectric ppver s- ven'e loyal te George'- III. iu the tiens in London 'luder vexy remark-: Amenican Rebeliion 'ý as Prince able circuinstauces. Charles,_'.Ihougli - invit-ed se le do, An,%o pemative vwas eugaged ln- ne- did uot se t up, lis standard on th. palnin;g a heavy eable, vliich wvâs, other side eoftthe Atlantic sud take et course,;-"dead"-that 1l: ne îu_ part in a triangsrIar duel. 'Jacebite, rent van paising over il; týie cable Geongiai, Republîcan. 1-'SmrJames vasn, lutac, discounecbed frein hie, Macintosh". I 'believe, ssw, lie let-_ svitclh,- but il paeted eve- an mron tcr frreu4 ha Jacobites lu America, 'standard.- vhich ai1se support.d twe, wibli t4e' invitàtion te, Charles, heavy "live" cables. among the S$tewart Papers, long be- THAT VIVID FLASH.. fore- theýy 'were piaced'lu 1h. Roy'alo!to.cbe b' e Libnary iat Windsor .Castie. -I'-âd one. f<te cbé egan t 1e - ce ufidn h dcmn les k," 'wth the result that tue there,. but lb rnsvy el b. iev-eetan ýàrütrndwnteio ad te- cýthé"'dead cable, vhlclh ered. ,.Ilu 1773 colouists freinthe .- bcaealv,.1 hi li es Highiaudscarried with hein their' 'thattueopera-tive .at vOnlc on il ne.- ,roscibjed, national costume, and ceived a, shock thiat- kîlled-him in- laudýed in lithépilabeg. Ini 1803 stWntll- '- Lord Sélkirk,.-arra'nged -aconsiderÉ- H a okn-on lhe floor of ahi. eintmgniio maiuîy f nom 5kve the- poýver-hoPse,sad oe-n' -of! is. (*hio."-,:eopie îîned te preter .Nonhi mate:s, eeiug luTh drop, rau ho .his- Canolun ), Argyle., Inveruesssbire, assaue Directly, lhe. latter' aýnd, Ui1*t,* Macdou7ells. hisiiolms, teuched the. dead mn.lieva-s-in'- ranIs, Camerons sud Macuntyres,, staubly killkd iilf by the force' who hàà settied- iu theé,o of cftthe currnt. Ne-,w York before the" Ar'peicans Oe'casion'a.liy'- operativçs, , ini-big rised Ilueir staud.ird, di -nt'Bide- electnîcal -works a?. 'blindé'i by lbh" vhW;h theéýi' in tbeir, isu but suddeu flshlng o! hlghly-cliarg.ed lm 'y-ed -no fth, somne fo-Cada, semé cabl"S. If a ieavily "ioadd" cable' te Nos~ Sella -ugh- they liad inmb contact 'vithanohher fought" ýakainse, "Tii. Elecl<im o>!fpiece o! vire or 'anytin-z'else that Haovu weua hme whe-,lu sets as a conductô9r, a -flash' takés Ra,.t,nI +i*i, wij.n a hme,- e- i place 'as thecureii ump fo i

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