Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Apr 1912, p. 2

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IlktcQic4iratre, san '.was a -Vh n "hérd that be was' ,Yîu;know.ho w tejdimmonds ,. abatracted-frem the bouse.?" i"$eie" said'Brett.. "Trhey were, cugh the. wiz>d w into the Park hý nife,.ansd p 'ers accompanied 4so 'ncer'9mOnieus1y, r. Ta - was waitii g theÏeafor thé 4«L ,,. tthe hod to'-hid" in thé axk alli ue nght, lunti the. gat4e aý ,>a- -tçllisJi business, .4ight r ugii. 1 did not 1'kno-w. at what À oèn t f fi crîm:e. Ti. da- 4 pazid nçiè eaOOOmte>' my elp. ind' thtoi hes.Io.! tii.prty ffWi that gang yd now-and byrks ré5 my n Lie nge t' tbeir e wewold es t m any hich - nth , irat g! e 1Trk i:e Lsecntedreaci tFrancle hy* fieoting thmndngget-thei- te twhchwii.docks, wiiere thesy1 'I rded a vessl bound for Smyn- 'rý Their 'pasd.ges were already >oked-in A.rmeéian 'names. Gros dnu, who, ha-clno connectioi wit ýç affair persà aliy, stayed at .a Lfie hotel In- Soho in, order te re-' 't ael cloar dtring. the next tow as. H.f happened by chance te ýAVelwith'0 n"a the qther man. efsa ce' r'sciieme, I assure-1 D rorn beginniin*g te, end. By, 'wa 1trouble 'yen fer an- ýt 7 I-e e euL t u- »-ulMu k's. ?p said- Brett, pro- ;~ -, 0he'a -ia n'e;iquisitertaste tobavco.' But- 1- ieaiy foôled nwiti the'.dumydiamonds. 1 ud have don. se if it had net fo 1r ye. - Do yen 'know, Mn. itt.- 1 bave always undennated ý g'i'hmen'a brains, - Xou '- are al>' stupid as. aà natien"-iene_ ibot, ilmost blushed-"but yon ean 'excep tioni. Yeu ought to bc 'Freucbrani B-ett iras - ilent for a few- me- Res.'H.lad !uluy discùgsed lîbois" connexion wîth'i the Bit- i tuthorities. "Hoir mich of the. ilve tlousand ,Wnds. given .n o by thé Turks rTe- Ains in yolimr$possession 1" he 'de- The .irenchmýan hesitated- befere "There is. .o 'se lving te yon.' -1I o-et~ yet ;"xpended the, finît '~ B1li~tb T"had te psy- early for a gooci, man>' things."l Again thcse:. ;as_.silence. .4iwlly lid yo'q veine hon.?" ask- d the baristet. "Deaus Iwonld b. safé !1« Oune mouths- wut a .!éw hospitabie ýetko4-ioi I kacir.up iàitic ille her- H Re odded 'towands- "And then-?",. . "Thon Msrgûeit. 'and I irere ,oiing toe-i.4&gentine, te direll ."I'that Cas" Yeu would qer- tainly b-e langed. Are -you mnir- ried te Mademoiselle. Beaùucaireý?" -The TFrenehmin dar1ted a quick -look at hus în'çùig'Pr.' he, enarled. !'Dubois' future*liac1 already been determined. The rascgal was gmore, fortunaté thanSeh. deserved tob. Owin' to thielukýy chance thet bis Mrme had ' a politicaI significanc he would escape ..punishménit *.,By- ne knq'wn form of EurQpean laW could lie be broeght 'to, trial on any- charge and at thesaiïetine gag- ged in bis defçnce. WIien, the Ottonman., Empire is next-, terii ajsundeï: by- civil_,avà otheýr thrones wil ' rock to th'~ foundation. Haý RàI.t nc<>i1'sci<up,IY, theughlie hgd e& gli iigMr c eption. o! thé. truth , Re neY Du- bois'W4 w as aved b' t1miem. ma itudeï oà ii. inîte rests inv'olved. - Biett knewT exactlYI ho* 4o deal with' him. 1-But a fanýtasticý project hfad, arisen' in lis niind, and.he deterrnined to graitt iuipon the. drastie exipedition. adopted -b>' the authoriti. HRe abrupt> broke off the conversation and told 'the. Frencliman' that lie .would cali egain. during the atterndon. 11 True'te bis "plromise, TaIbot and hevgitedti.injured ý%M n some hýours ,later., This tirne the>' were aconpanied- by ,ýa st<ýutind-ividual and, *a-closely veiIed Wad-Gros Jean and liii daugiteir. The-meeting between 'HeR ian Marguerite wvas pathetic. Lt was at the sgme time. exceeding>' Frenchi, anîd uômewhat 'trying .te the nerves of the Englishmen. A£, lasf- -thé.couple calmed their transports, and Brett prompt>' ré- cal1ed-thoin te a sense of thieir sur- -roundingo by reminding them th'af; dthere was a serious business to be ;'e66 arn commissioz;eci te - inferm you1," hie said, addTessing D.ubois, "tbat if you proceéd dirett to the. Argentine, neyer attempt to, reviuit France, and keep. your :,mouth closed as to yotir attempt -'ie pur-; loin the Bultan's jewels, yýu will be setl.*at liberty lier. and ne ef- fort. will ýe made by the Frenchi or -English- I lice te arrest y-ou. The infringeLot -of an>' of these condi- tions will lead te your extradition and a sentence of penai servitude for lite;" "ima-foi!1" cried the Frenchinan, looking intently- into. thle; barris- ter's inscruitable fiee. ,'"Why such tendeirness VI" Brett would not give hum time- for prolonged reflectien. "I havé notyet finislied," hle said drily; "I imagine that MlIle;. Beauc_4ire cannot produce -Ja mar- niage' certificat.. he will ýe 5up- plied- with, one, te permit lier to travel with- you as yo:ur >wi e. <Tliý pair were starte. Tliey sèmnýwhat relixed, the, close-em* j-bracein wlixch tliey at. The man'i8 handsoe. face fiushed with an- ger. , Tii. wem,*n»became >sa. shade' palet'i d lobked trem the barristei. to lier lover. "Gýodd," growle' gros Jean. "iQuit. riglitVY "W. an ,managé our qpvn af- fairs"I bgan Duboïs svagely; i Brett îgain toek up the paràble. "you owe this lady a dee3pd6%: c! gratitude for lier unswergung de- -yotion It you. Sie lias helA~d you NA-DIRU-CO IedccW tr -stop them ln qulictm dcoyorhad h> do notCeontleler< eaetn otalImorphine, 'opium or any othiir dagerous drig. 2Sc. a- box ai your 'DruggIss CvCUAA Ne~eAa. Bo ue AD NinocL C.o *Ot LSwbm.. rea r torMy daught.r rnterested zn4,tÊatià al". ~ubois and the, innke-epeni gazed' intentl>' into ecd otbeor's,,cye3. for. a fewtrying seconds. Then 'tthe' Frfcnchïan> drçw argpeite clos- îeIo, iim, .with bis uniijréd-- arm, anîd said- YLét 'us get niarriexl ma p'tite'. na_ ridtÈey weêre forthwýith; a pniest and an official frin M7'the »,yoi*!.orne.being in ,výafting at th oe.Whlst'tii.> wene sigzi- in 'tii register Gr-es Jean motion- 4Brett, teo' neé>side.- .', Allew mete- thank yeu; M'sieu," lo the kindness'yýou have sho wu," IÎ& murmure'd. "Touching that 'b~dnroom in the Cabaret. inow. Db..ti. police' reailly know of itl? .u were net joking g" r'Not in the least.") r 'Tie, M'aie.u,' Y acconlpa.ny thým te the' Argentine," and jelked.his thumb towards, Dubeis arýd his vife. "Paris is.no place' coon atter the. ceremony Mine., Dýboi_ sked te b. allo'wed te visit Eith. -When thi. two wemeii met Mýrguerite:,flung berselt -impulsive- 'yion hier knees and sobbed.eut a rekguest for forgivenes's. Miss Tai- Wbt ihou1d bave been very axýgry wlt4i. bre ing sioten. Bbe wasnet.' S1ç took the. keen est- intenést in the. Frencbwoian's romantic -history. TI ey taiked until Fainiiolme became patent. He hâd not seen. Edth. fol, twe 'whole hours. ixmonthsliater,'w'hen Lthe Earl 1dCountess o! Fairiiolme i-etunn- cd from a prolonge! weding tout on tiie Bine Bell tbneugh the Ner- wegian fiords, Brett was' invited te dinner- Talbot waz tiiere,0e! course, and Daubeney, and Sir Hubert. "'Constantinople muit b. a quee? place," obs.rved Jack after the. firet rush of -animated:converse hacI exhausted itselt. "Sure!>' there are ne- more dia- mknd mystenies on foot !" cried his clýarmùing sister, who Iooked deligbt- fglly, well, and brown as a berry wýVb the keen ses breezes !ti Noy1ýrth..1 % 'Net exactly; but I mande sonme inquiries throigh a friend o! raine iii. the.Legation. Hussein-ul-Mulk and us two Paris, friends are quite u»ýportant functienanies in the. pa- ilace.- You remember tiiat the other pýir -of scoundrels escaped" teo Sýnyrna 1" '"Ye, " crie'd evcrybody. "Weii, Mebemet Ali's relatives théard the'.'trutb' about thèm b>' soin. means.- Within a reaso"nable L'-ime they were choppcd into .9nall pi eces, wth ethen details that neod ntbe rpçated." "Dogs, or pigs " inctuiired Brett. "Dogs.!" "Il. wis*i. you woukln't say micà horrici thngi," protested Edith'"I,, there an>' newséof Xoxseir Dubois, iand the fat man Gros Jeani 1" - 1 "Ypu wil ,neceive esorne in thc B àrawing-noons, Lady Fainholme," -Isaid Brett; and rnot rînather wî'rd of' explanation .would lie giv-a until -1n thé dra.wig-raom lier ladyship *was delighted te find a - ap1endid cockatoo,' -magnificent in size and -white as sno,'w, save for the. b*rili- b ant red cnesit whi-ch he elevated when they>'al crowded round his ,t "bandsonie cage. "iThe happy couple in the Argen- Li tine se.-ut hîm te me te be pnesented tyou on youn neturu," cxplained eýrod the pigniëeutg uèed ini the col- onigi ! l~e v1ys. For 'the, moment thé ê'urvivin 0bohesd not know whiher ,M . rtin lia left ý,bebsnd n- m the -ecret ofthté-. eeîonxng or iiether'itis eentained iu a ecipher nm e aewhi'cliha. heen Loundi' emonuiîs ppers.. AVti .onigI'th dy was donc b> hu'ma., n n1qthe secret, is left ,beh ' n, the !#ture -work ef .Mesars-. Marin illb coàsiderably handi- cappel O! Potugi whlo is-"reported te bave been tiiç prime movèn iin thse meent rappr>chment between her son;* King Mince], a'nd Dom Migtiel, the. Portugu4ýe pretenden. woIlms làHAT TIION. Mierobe, DIScorered lVhîch Fecdiq ou0iïRails. ~A feasibie xplanation of. the. dis- case whic.altacks old mets1 coins is suggestèd ly the novent discovcr> of some Italiin e.ngineei'5 of a mi- crobe *iih'fêeds on iron. Tii. dis- covery was made tbrough the. fre- ,quency, withï. which railway acci- dents -occurre-d -in one -particular poition o! thý nailroad in a certain di*strict. An examimiation o! the rails was made and tiie.presence 'o! 'severe corrosion Wa reveaied.- -A rail was taken UP ai broken. It was then fndte be ~ ollow, and funthex ex. amination subwed the preEence o! a thWn, .gray', hreadlik<> worm -ujueut a third o! 'ua inch lu length. A -careful exaniination was ma.1e of the habits aid appearace, of this worm. UTpon if-s héad it carried two. little glandi filled4w ithi a corrosive secre-- tien, which iV ..ejeted evèr>' few,. m! nutes Con" '0th. iron., Tii. ejcc- tion had -th, [propefty of re-ndein-&- theiton uefVý,and spongy, wiien, the orat' '-e rcede-te devour ALITTO !ATIC ÇOALING. A coaling U teamer -lias been con- stnî.,ed in tingland that is Drovidei withmmeclisnlncal conveyers b>' which 200 tons o! <'oal cari be tra.n-s!erred to the bunkers of a nteanship in' a hoeir. Coalîng & large modIem ves- sel bQ*'rdtsrvy methoti3 iha atedious an clî.'aoeable proce's. accema- pan.fd.,bv çlouido! eQa-duit that pe"hetra-te eey4'rv p-irt.ef! the Ete'anigr ard éàtiu"e d eamif:rt tc pa,,engée n"dcrew. lè'mes wal-tngrt.he fuel. T. new autionat-c coslng-E-tearner fie.rfiurm.% 'tu.e' w<rk- ex-peditiowgly Itrvel'mi s~ict-clwn a tIrfieýk m. &aiÉed plntrminLnndlcfth essfêl Edoss. ciis -of buekets the1 àî'f rem the &a-d. peeket.- 40tit.etoit m','wbere it 1%du* p IiàtoôWeiedoh Vustýâ d6ciri iùo_ ii: bunkiersv ' 'mai sharp ,knife ,eut' eut rom thle ,top efË eacb a round about tii. size o! a shilling; then-,emÉ,ty out the pulpe taking cane not'-to 'break the. riids. Threw. into cold water. Mae som e,,jèlly of the. juiee pressed' frm Color 'On-hif' ight rose celer. ;>vith preared'cechi e, aving ti other pale. W'hënthe'je1ly is'a- ly cold 'drain -a-Ad jwipe th4,oranges. an'd, ÉIl with altrýPate stripe s o! Ithe-ý diférnt'coordiely, ac oler ,being âIllowed- to g;et 'quite cold b"-- fore the. 'tber 18 pouüred in.. When they- are p.rfcctly cold. euf into quarters with a siarp- Ikuife, -andi arrange tastefully on 'a, eih1 witli springofj.myntie between..' Orange Souffl.-Peel andsfice' sixoageadpitn aglas.disb nitern'ate'. làayens' o!' oranges' and sugar and let .and two hur ýMake a custaed of Iyolks of two'eggsr a ii t of milk, adsuga e ate, with 'a. grating of orange ýpeel for flairer, and.. pour -over. the oranlges, when cool enougli. feattihe wliat's' 'o! the eggs te a."stiff 'froth,- sweetien and fiavor te taigte and ipeur ovèr-. the, top. ýServe. oeld. SOME DANiiIHDI$SHES., Srishe Tarts.-Make: a oood ]nie- crust, using buttr_ for sbentening, 'also'- a lttie b aki 9ede. Di and Stene eneugl prunes to fill th9 crust ' and sween. te taste. Rol out "ha-i"ýf ,fth# euàt a re*4'py ,the, -rest o!thé'crust; oven the prunes witii'it alnd cut* into' an>' shape that ma>' b desired. Bake. Danish Sweet ' Soup.-Put over' the. fine .two. q u*,rts o! water, one cuplul oi peani banie>', two sticks o! cinnamnon, bark, and'.hait .a cup- fui of viregan. Le t aIl beil liai! '-an heur: then acld o4ieeXptul o! prunes and cook til 1tEe>' are weli don. Sweel-en to taste: Oatmeal'may' be substituted for tii. barle.'. - Sagd Soup.-T'o stickg o! cinna-'. mon bank, two quarts e! water, on. cupfu1 eO- sage, on. cup o! -prunes or raisins.. Let ail bell tegether until the sago is transparent. Th@n- stir in a'c uplul of sugan. Stuiffed Cabbage-Cut off the. reot and dig eut the center ot a large, firm -hea4d et cabbage. Fil1 tii. carity thus' ulade witii this miix- ture: Fillirug-Two peunds o! Ham- burger steak, on.e teaspoonful of. salt, haif a tespoonful of peppe-r, onie tablesponfliÀl af far"an'd a. cupful o! water.-! Mix ail thoneugh-. ]y' and stuif in 11firm1v. Cover ý-14 tep witii the.cdâbbage dug omit o!- the. heant, 'hincd1 iu a ciesin cloth sewed ithe i. hpe of the.cabbage, and boil tw9 ani a hait heurs. Put asteut plate iim the bottom o! thel ri made d onUf ualan: of yea o, ýBOe ift either -cho* her, andE te or-currants x cup cakes. srs 'and. eut [ % neot eneugh, o! eitbher. te - sst tee lon g--all mmid.in'-on. balolng. One ca-n-'ývary 'thefillings to'e la't er taste. ' Clean Your Oi'n Furs-For white fur,, sncb as erminefl cin- cýlila, e tc.,'use, fleur wl soa. nbeznor gasoline. rub .eIl- int the, fur, using;plenty &f fleur" sÈàke and beat-well. ,Wil Ieok 11ke new. For sealskin, ottei min k,- etc.,, use mabogan>' s >awdust, put ilu pan-till-hot; rub n'oidpri11 I dean; beat well. I.Wash with .Ooffee -téer usiug F stove-.polisb wash bande l cofée, I -d it' will ,nemove the black like jaGic offe. grounds- ar*-eekeel-, 'lentill- io cening bottles. - 1~clor-an0OidWaist-rlfyour. white lace waist is soiredlyen niay convert. it inte a,w-aist -o! écrue selon b>' puttinig inte water'lu 'which bas been dissol.ved a amail quantit>' o! yeiiow echre. Soap for 'Furniture.-Make-the. sanie a-s cenimon soft Bo"p, but use, boiied linmeed oilinstead -of grease. This makeý a supéri*or soap for fine turniture and wQgd work. 'wene Uwo. cfiidren 10 It wasthiedee of tà tUe younger __ hild, ehould inherit ber eùgE -a Woitaire diamond oû . The, -ring was placý ing ef au aunt, in -Wh cbldren were te b. w a prope r age tý S ciioot_ Tii. aunit'eêe in wliaf she feit as4ui cr'e i dink place> herselL the young, miss, _wast ..known!rnle aiéC, eg * ing tiiere ws-uch ai] te beér asked perisài * - Tii faLther-refuïed liým * in she'was too youn e sucli a ring, înfor n eter hon grâàuatiionb into uts -possession. The -ringmeuhl 'anyý ini this new S-Pound- Pacikage is the cleanset, -purest suga o a n achPackage contains 5 f uli poundis of sugar. Ask-\your Grocer S for iL. Clade Sugar eluo u . Che!ciiaractè4r .8HerySddoni, an nu istering arsenic toe ril Masenic sign. -Theom Mn.I Justice'Bucknij1--tl t.d, aih, b.said Cure in Us~ hi"ii-PI4l daugliter *as awà_v f mlI four yeans, I Ineitf1y 1-gradua-tien -the f amily firiends. arranged &1i The young laýdy,,n gotten lier m:g, -sug 45tA the>' wcne now.gçiflg-t sbould be, allowed bto1 ies -father was quite Wîllîni 'ewould- take iVtet,&hieU4v Lclea-nçd and, if -desïi b) The aunt b*rouglit 4'me 1-iefat her--teck it 'tel,' xlarning te bhim aà., 1h. over whath.lie k he di " OcUi-E', Mnr. B.. ire ,yen wis, ut reaàli> y ' wontli îe«nd'ing an, M4 "Nt èth expèndpg, on. ecaim- n.1 *K., twe.nt-v odd -years a'à .h&itat~-mcrin OZ ing yoii.ueh and i eiý~ 2and ,now you telT me 'l i how ,do -ou exp1aîie Mm. K. ekamine;14 year -and _tim e -namri . said: "'You are, quit .nip You di4 -punodasethi riz at tii&timc'ypu stat ,'- tïb -ietwas apeU, 0,0'h but to-day it is paste, .%on "Again Ifail' te nn4u sad Mn. jE.'"h.-i encugh," was thé efe y, pnecuired Vii.' inË,"neo%, ?- ine atoe and had th !,a. in its plVie'. If-ig-no a. 'buthasb edCne may t Ou leurU 'ng thie f s, i 'tenrias .gýeatly distu bW- et thie ic; efiiern' ber mnft -rlk. She br, deejpl>', -a-éd'suecenuld c -mnd of t-he aff &ir <-11e w. it. should b. made Eg>O& r lved-oieri iLas 6 e :e tan 1- ounn.y te Europe-'1:p .t4 .'tiiene hbdbeen -no re t Cade. -3uýt- a coipTioTi he1 e.4titutionJ' Mr. ~.'l au l »t>' -B lM I Whe a lfariner opensrý -, hi$ ta-ke bag o crnn te anta'en logtep ln the maTch of Plogem whlch leads, toi Prosper5ty. Atter lie usm tbat ba-if ozaiy for a hitcxing- block or a Porch atep--)le bau Ieaed goe rrpltable Re kmows 1t1iat It doeeant ta-ko an expetto.use concroesacesul. HRelcnow that ho bas added a- permanent Improye. ient te, hi& prciperty . amethlng tsa-t *il1lani aslong autbe fanm itSielt. 9' - - I 1.ý1 H. :j-knows that b. ba* added' eonvenlence, and,' thenefore profit, to.hus home. >H Holnows'tbýt iW didn't cost hlm more, lnm4oy on fmthon If hoe had used an lnferlor matonal -and ma-Se a- eu . r> nProvement.' * le lknowa that hewantu'to read -thée book.. %'What the arme Ca-n Do Wfith Cène rée t. lsid 'dut krho can a-pply these lbasons t'-other places on hi, tarin.- Thleadvert$semqnit. fa te tell-inlmtisat, hi*s opyo tht, Profuaeiy iflustrated book la roady - te he naiffel a-aconas liesnlahfpname anS ýaddiému It- la *'à,nediftorone w'he;then h ho -ytuddthat' î - Lr* .bg oet oment or -non. -If h ~aV.theo-boek - wiI tell hlm hem te seIt to the beàt u.dVa-taýgO - -' Ir. A - '£SOLUTELY FRE r hundred aliç»ty ýpages- of plain, deacrtp.- t1o, telliof tow other. fermera have usqd con.- mo,-witil photognaphs't. llustratue' pr Jtro n o neu sdesa o ar. graph ln the, text. -' ln Ia lettesi or unelte coupon, ad the'boek wll be seent bvelurn am. ým

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