Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 7

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RMil nn suomitte« totriU etin zo àuVliorizd -the direcors -b exerç1se. the ppwers coûnferréd by th~e Grand Trunk A.ât,19112. This la the Act * -aufhorizing the xrasing of *30,000,- looo by the co mpany for, various 'wlorkse, o construct1onýand better- Ment, PRIEST BA9, THE LEF1IOSY, Poe eIsroré'- Dupuy li, Cenaedla Adespatc1? frcrù New York saya -Word hla.s. been. receved by Jesuit prist.s heré that 'a distinguikheIa inemhor of their society-, Per Li dore Dupuy, hlis been strieken, With leproisy a.ndl la at~ preaent confined. in the leper WooyA a~tMrses., in MaddgecW. -Eé cannot lire more than a. year, Iti lasaid. TORECEIVE ALBEJtT MEDAtL. SGallautry of Edwardil Bell In _SOuth PorcuÙlieYFire Reeogaized.,, A deapatch f rom Itndon agys: The King lias approved of the AI- be rt ~Maj1,. secoid,-lats, bèing-ècnn t ferred Upon .Edward 1ell,1o! the OaIPIi'a4h ICopper eompany, for s gallantry in <>ennction wvith thé disast.rous fire mh South Poroucùpine. lie uo~ get -te returned homo unexpected-, that ho wanted te lay a gaingt hlm. Ne said thakt rlked the man ill night to -TWELVE YEARS Y-OR HAM~. týanadian'senteaced",t. long Term A dèspatch from Meico .Cy isays': Gea. 1. Ham, Presideto! the dfunet. UTnite.dStates, Bonk- company, woas on -Wednesday sen-. tenced ,te twelve years'- imprison-* ment on throee'coutts of t4e indict- meut- gainst, him, chax'ging imisop- poiatiqofo! the 'funda"o! .the in- .Sttutien. Hô:hs enro lafne d in the Federo l District Prison ine the !ilùre of' the bonirl Antiy L VIATOR WAS -KILLED., Glbralth P. kodgers' Bila ePoi Adespa.tch from, Long Beh, CaT. eys:Gaibralbh- P. Rodgers,- the. firttmi.,to >cross -he. American continent'. in -a. 4aropione, - was kîled bore aholmét, inets.tly -loteo n Thr &ao grea.t sçrcity o! uùn- ý s1il1ed la,br at -ottreal. Tvie Swit Canodian, Conüpany isT adldinügt its plant at West lÉiornto. The C,P.-is planning, te erectr à M~~tryofc buildinig in Tèoot Over 25,000 ill be ospent n T onehatbor ixujrQvec'tth'5 year -St. Catharines ratepayers have , oerriedthe b.y-law to tako over the Spring, work has' commenced in the southèru porticins of the west- ern. provinces. Breokrille ratepoyers wiiI vote on lue proposaI to tire H3dro-electrîc, power 'on the.-26thinBtaIItî, -Toas Cullis, aged seventeo n, wg4s killed-in hlm father' milI ucarl Thesaailoni l>eiixg augb.t iÃŽ. a.shoft. A speciol report issued by the Ou.î tari e Dopartment ôf Agiculturef fore»hadoÃŽvs a prolongedý scarcity M C. H..lGodfroy,- the candidate. of the, roform elëoment, waà electod- Contrellez1 in Mentreal 4 a. big The pies o! £11 grado.'o! sugar hvbeen furthor- redaeo4 toncents perhÏùdred poun.ds.lu Outario and nBUTTER,'.àOà. B, xEB. nter-Phe xeelvte of ceameri - are. tairW large, wfth prices unchapgeti. Dar ., ehoce, lu wrappers, 30 te 32;large. roue, c-and I nferlor, tubs, 20 -to -Uci rea 1 e ~ ~ t 3efor ,rolla, 'j3to,34o, fpr soli ~ : rerlb Eggs-'New-lSidI, 23 to 25e per tiozen, la ,Chwe-t arte.16 3-4. -a tic, 10anti twîna at ff to 171-4c, Der lb. Ca *ed ma5ts' are quated i as olIewa MaoctD. long clear. 12t.4, l 12 1-2o verlb.. lun ofse lots. *Pork, short ,euti2250do., mUee. *19.50 to $20. Hufts-Ke&dum te light,' 16 to 161-2c; heavY' 14 to 141-2ë. reis, 10 3-4 te 11c. breakhiçet bacon, 16 te 17ë; ilbacke, 19 to Do-. SLài---Tierceà, 12 14c; tubs, 12 1-20; Pais, KONqTEBAL MARKETS. Mcgtreal. Arit 9.-Oate -Canadian Weitern, Na.2.1621-2 te 63e; do., No. 3. Moci etra No.'I f..d. Sic; Nd. 2,- local white. 5'e;- do.. 1Na. 3, 49e:;,de., 'No., 4. 48c. EBariey-Mauitoba feeti. 63e,7malting, $1.05te $1.10. - BackwhaV-No. 12 , 5te73e., pic , Knitoba -.1prlÀg mwheat ,patents, cnrit*, 5.70,; do., soffnde, -85.20;-de.,, strong bakîe**.0 d,-Ws. abne hIe *5rl10 ta$5.365; do.. estralght -roUere, - *465 ta 14.75- , 'bae *215 4e $225. Roustid -oat4-arel,2.6 do..:,bage. 90 Ibm., *2.- 40. .ru-2 Shorts *27. Mîidutge, *29. MouIle,*30te $3. iay-Na.2, Der toit Westerns,.151-4 te 151-edé.. fineet-eRst- 35 1-te 36ÃŽ do, secondî. 34 1-Z ta 58e. ag -ýFr eh.25 tie 1c. ,Potwtq«k-Per bag. car iete g *1.70.â- -- - AN t - *The ores found in thiý property <4c- TPho Dom, uefiageri,,Nèbtyr6i eur in fairly regular ovins, and la, Vipod rid the-hiortut ery rich, rurqnig, itý is said, $128- FropetiesDeseibedProm a. ton. The onîy- question is as te aepersoaol isit: - - the citent of? the výin&. but the - main one lias alread* -beon tracéd - 1,000 feet'on. the sùif.Ice,. and to;.a A representâtive of, this paper bas eptio 0 fo.W ecni just roturnied--from a. trp'to- Por-tti cupine, where. lie rund Obntario. ie lvlii h olre t gold c amp passing !rom the pa-toMcntr ýd uth'.- peet~~~ ~~~ tae bth rdcngor pond mines, and it - ýas ncourag- Ho had the pleisureof ao! g;aing t- seth-eH:dfed qrt b~r ! te yelowmeta vauod veins at this depth,. and tÃ"1 ho able ~ to ipick outt Bumples arrying 'dis- 83à,000, thoç produt of. a. !ewýdoys - '* cernibl-e f ree goýld . Mn. Arthun Il ruùfa~ stîMnp miii on1 the Mc.g-expert of the Temis-, Intyre Miùl~H-wte-miI it o- . -1.1(âe.U1.1 self ýat wo*k a.nd was told by -Mr.knn-n ~ter )t.i àl - C.B. lyn, te Vce-readen 0iway C ommissiion, ac'c4,mpanied the ^the Comipàny, that the dàily output pry n eued~esrkn would izùmÙiixtely bho raiséd ; to specîmefla. 8,000, and that it as hoped boe, Th Vipond ia also 4ushing a Mill fore the ehdof the %ar t- o tie ocompletion, ýand4 i s expected- out $500,000 rom this prope rty 'thot- withiu a co uple f! -months the' a1;ne. . milis on the Vipond,- Hlîinger, Me- luityre aànd_Domè.,wi 1 be,,running THE IOME' BIG ILL. aud:will have an aggrMate capacîty The rnoit impreksive thing inà, of 8Mi tons of ore a d., It ilaeat!- Poýcu)pîne ito-ay is the new big I rated that by the -elldof the year: Mill, of the, Dome ruine. Thiis -is ai $1,5S,006 in 'gold baras wil ho ýpro- 1.ir..-d--.-4.-nt&Jnisr ftv iducel thereby t- . g lat.pu.ttig- tncîr owuen. To celebrate the op)euiug of the -Bore M1,11 à celebration was heid) ùnder ýthe auspices of- the Southi Porcupine Board o! -Trade. The arrangements *ere in -charge of the Président, W. 1roeor. Smith,,-who with*& fund o! ,anecdote and:wit, -- rodtebe a delightful compan- ion, and aaa host attenide to every desire of:his -guesta., FOTATOES PROM SCOTLA-ND. Ninc Carloadi Are te Arrive lan .-A desps.tch rom 'Chicago soya: Potaboos rom -Scotland : will 'be iserved. on Chbicago tables withîft -a week. Nine' carloada, are- on thie. woy h-I6r, i and :will be dclivered in Gi- cage .t- $!.4o a buahel wholeaae, 1aaais 1.42 to, $1.45 for pqta- toces grown. in Michigan, Wicoengin tand Minnesota.-0Only once or twice I -have pétatoes ever before heen ir- (i .~ l10n. ~fwo oam i î~-4h Iand entus. FOUR.FIRKS SUFFER. Pire at Vançouýv*r Does Moe ho $120,M00Damage. Abite cf thisasnd £ tate cf that.,ïalday' long, dulIii ýe appetite and weskens th e Restbfe Iycur stomnach to healthy vigor by takIng gaNi-Dru-Go Dysepsta Tablet :afiter egcii1mal--andout out the 'piecing'. Na-Dru-Co DyspepiaTablets r se the test frienc!s for suffetèrs frein indigestiom and dym)epsia. 50c.; a Box at, your' Druggst's. ýMade- by the, National Dni.g and Chemtcal Co. of Canada Limlited.- 149 A despa-tolif!rom Yançouvenr,-B.C.,> aya : Fine'on Wednesds.y a!ber- - noon did damage ta bbe extent o! about $l20,000 te four finunailu Bas- inge Str4eet, ýthc Fkm-leform Cloth<ý ing Com~pany, Swveeuey and Noed- hanu Ciolnhing Company, Wadd Bro- thers, photographers, aund thé den-. tistry office of 'Dr. _McGuire. - the law office o! Duùïndnd Scriimgour wa;s aise dalmaged. Sunday is the day o! refit; but did yol eover knew a man who feit rested oni Monday morningl- n iSL'CES <RIr ROSE FBEDINU IZ lET-The e mest vainable IFIlId 31.5en thecmiN[et; eablees (ie rdcliquallOca ort hé- Sagar Dccl wflh the long k1çCl.lo, ls5îc ,.izo<aud henvy cropplnuinfmlttes or th. menuel. 1-4 lM. 20e.. 1- i.3<,ilb. "1e, potpeld.- The beaior al l etrt.1-4 lb. 58e.. - b 12.Ili.8.0 ota O&tS 18GIAN ItCVUOAW INTEUXEDIÂTE MiAIVEL-A very cia.. scond to' our .l(t e cdilnjg Retas "d eqsally oa.y te batresi. 14JL.'0 31- b4e.. illircvEs Ew cU«TeltiYSWVEDE TIYPJIP-The best .hlinatleg.-nvlty, en weli sesthe h Ast fur eo-lta: lisdime ..hsie. uniftrea ro wilspurpie top. 1410 iSe. Ourlu. hae. i l. 40.. 4ilstri.40. pupascaalgu.o eab.rtke - l e it- a e f o y o u r s ef -.-th a t ' , a w e 'I1f ' AU.GranuJaLBd" 15 là olIL8UfrSf1IC~A Get aziopo=nd bag-or even a 20 poupt a-n opr "4St Laww7enee" withi any other hIigh-grade granlated csuar. Note the pure white color of !*St. Iawrence"-ýýts uinifobrm grain-its diamond-like sparile-its match- lese sweotness- The se are the signs of îtiality. And Pro, Her*e's analyuis as the proof ofpýurity -199 99/100 te oe z of pure cante sugar with no iiupurities whateer"l. Insiat on 1seing "STr. RN A I4&WRENCS GR.ANULÂTZ'rD" 1at youirgef MONTKAI-66, *taine th le Ueegates rromi tne "West Indiée ut Govç.rument'ul;ouac-and addreased them on trade matteéra. A mad dog hiks bitton several oterdgs at Sandwich, and strict -orders regarding muzzling wiil be ou!forced bath lu that bown and Wu Windsor. *Stephen Kyoahk, an Indian-, wa.s !ouud guilty e!o murdering John Adams at the Sarnia Assizes and aentenced te ho hanged an June 8th. The murden took place at Wal- polo Island. Hon. J. D. Hazen stated at Mont- real that-the Goverumont hod« un- der cousidenation bhe establishrment o! a Canadian Lloyds, owing ta the higl - rates ef, marine insurance on the St. Lawrence.- bob - OL50 tW 93-50. M euu, xirnloet stsady -5streng for&chqce w ea antiiambe.. Kwo. * *51», $6.40-, Yearings, 88 $~ 9; buoksa and culle. $4 ta $5. epr iame. 5 t St Hoe-Mîket eteadyte, gtronig; saenlta, 'fe ansd*watered'o $8, ta *8.10. anti 7.74 Le.b. . - ntreal Arîl 9.-The 5eOprPies paid for choIoe steers was *2 and tlbe lower' gr& ~es sold fram that dan ta 85.50, per .wt The besL cows aud -bulle brounght *5.and the commuer eues ranged -fremý thW. down ta $3.50 ver cwt. YeanlIiur Iambe at $4.50.. Tbe-supplY cf calves waB larg4e, at pnices- ranging from *2 ta *8 ssci>, as tob ae sd quallty. Hegg- were firn and lungeetidemanti at,- 09 to 9.25 per_ cwt. for seleeteti lots. weighed off cars. - *J% BRITISH HYDRO AEROPLA'NÈ. Siàeeessfui Tria'i P ef New Craft : . for the Navy. ton me] lar w« the hal bri eut the an- hbai Thi cor fut rel un ani ahs Co 4 despatth -frezu London aya: an' -GREAT IIRITAIN. A senies ýo! successful tests. With a Cc Tie British Chancelier o! the Ex- hydro-acropiane which las becu choquer siowed a record surplus cenlsbructed fer thc British Admir- for the fluancial ycar just endedi a! altý, were madie on Tucsday at Har- $32,725,000. row -under the auspices of Vickers' an Tie floodi situation at Caruthers- Sôns & Maxim,- builders o!fthç cnaft. In, ville, Mo., ls very serious, the river After skimming aress the Cayeu- t<> niing at the rate o! five luches lu dish dock at a speeti o! forty-flve 'be tie twenty-four leurs, miles an haut, the hydro-4eroplane WO A Briti-sh journaiist, returned rode birdlike into bhe air and aligit- -be f rom Tripoli, reportedtheti Italian edI again. The, foot was thrice ne-- force§. bottieti up in their tz-encries, cohrpished successfuiiy. As the and nable to advance. - wind inecaseti, funther trials were- Captain Scott, in a private iettcr patixned. before bis departure for the Ant- ____-- anctie, said le in-d ne intention of canpeting with Captain Amunti- WASRD FEET 0F POOR. sen in a race ftr the Poie. The anthracite operators issued a Al'o Repnieyed Thirbecu Mca Sen- statement Objecting te recognize -te-need fo -Dcath. the uni-on of the-IUnitped Min-e Wotrkers of America, which theyA despatel fram Madrid aya: assent is cantrolieti by the bituzu- GQmad Fiday; tic King andi Queen,,' ineus orkers. aecording te custom, wnshed-dthe Thc British. Government, wiiilew feèt of twelveNpoor -iei and wom-en refusiug te subsidize an Atlantic a 1-d served thezu with dinimer. Ex- cable lui Canada, a-tnneunceti P Ëesi dent Diaz, cf -Mexico, and through - tbé Postmaster-Generai many courtiers atten-ded. Thirteen that tic Marconi seleme cf Imperial iinýn sentenced ;a death- were ne- wireless- stations wauld place tic me:eved,. British 'LEmpire lu advance a!fal '1 -other countnies. E~NERATL BULLOCK CIIOSEN. Ieeds LaoeGenleral Nitchener - GEERAL as Governor o! Bermnuda. An unsuccessfui attçmpt was dspatci f rom Làbdon aya: mnate te assassinate the Viceroy of ~t-Gn mGeo. Màckworth Mancuni leMuken.B uilock '- las been uppointed Gaver- > Captain Scott'a party lcvrd-net of Bermuda, te aucceed thc labo, cool, and marble in thc Antarctic, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Ftedenick Walter and lachieveti valuable cientific re K4cenn whose deabli occrnrreri at - suitÉ. UHhmiitou on Marci 7.>- Gem. Bul- ______ locir -waEiboru bu 1851. Ho ha&s se-a BROUGRT GOOD PUICES. service in Itidia, Southl- Af ric&, andi w a majon-gencral cammanding in Oie Cow,,So$ld for $520 at Auctiow, E ypt iu 1905-08. * b -Beedrs'Clu. - LORD BIYDE FOR CANADA. A doâspatëhi fr6mnBellevile soya:t The a nnuel sale o! Hoîstein-Fnies- Deeo aPrptyH a ian. cattie -under thec auspices o! the hN B"BéIeville - district H'ostein ]lreedL- _ -Boughb ear Toronto. eta Club, Wus cofi'èepd.hL n A.4Ucl jg4-_ý'A Wedâeedaýy -_ancicontiînuedThurs- ~fye h dst son e! day. Col. V.. R. Kelly, o!fSrau 1, iendon, wthl- .rw1! e -and 1er *u thec auctieneer.,-Theprices rea- b*the,>LrdSomierge salect fori Hized weto goo.t.Fditl --Prescot I0à neda. on- Wedneesdây-ta work somo' Alin Krndyke br Dugit $590, p ~p -e ~ythpurchgsed, near.To- huyer being Mr. 'Traeev, ef Co- rbut* hciý inten4'ataying severe.l- Ibourg. Rer aiter, Buttenglel, veia; .Their'clildi'ee, are accou-, Jbrouglit $M6. Sevenfi 1Oows oldfor panyiuig theuriaise- fve mtenla o oye*20tieçh ithVie Second -.Life Guards. ns,ô om ord ay. V-anc omet uquzj'-ý -ut on bthe property lu ou a simi-ý r seulIe.- There lsa s.poeor'house >nth $100,000 and reaidencos for, emanagers,' club house, 'dining, Ils, etc.,. the latter. are ail o! ick, indicating plans for permon- ty. :Altogether Lt ila estimated at sornewhere bet.wecu amillion id a milion and-as. l dolions Lv been spent on -ho property. ose figures are eloquent o! ;the ofid-ence -the awners have in the- bure o! the mine. The owners pr-osent Interestg clo-se to the îited Stdltes, Steel Croaii id Staned Oi01 Company, and ;o owu the International Nickel ompany, the big Sudbuny concoru, d contrai. the N ipissing Mines >mpauy a1t Cobalt. FORTY tSTAMPS AT WORK. The miii liasjuat beàun operatian, nd the siglit of' thé, 8talpýs Pou'nd- ig away oin bhc ors, pulverizîini t .a powdèr, se that the gold caui enxeoved, was -worth going a long. ,y te mec. The miii would have, een running severai month4 ago i'lflk)I ~JL' III Wliat TheBriïtish Government ?ropososà,,o - Do With- The Big -Suplus A*lespatclh !rom ]London sa; Thc Times hlds th-, decisian o The 'Admira1tý evidelitiy anticipate. wise ,eue 1 under the -circumabauncea. the German. navy billi possing, with' The- News, chie! Governmont- uews- o cnequeut increaBe of the strik-. papen, ila suent regarding- buis as- ing power a! the iGeriain navy I et The Teiigroph soysa: "Lloyd six million peunds gur-p1us whlch George la penliapa the most surpris- the Budget -s hows is, there!ore op- ingiy elusive memberc of the Com- propriated as a Britýsh navy nieat- Mous. Weduesday ho 'reveaied egg. This is thre keruci ô! Tues- himselfin la ucw aud weicodme light. day's Budget statemeut, thougl it It may be soffefinanciai purista w1'1 was- not made very plain, passibly regret that this six millien.nest-cgg owing ta thc extrezume cure the la net ut once Ù>- be ýused, as it Chancelier --o! the E kchequer tôok should, be under normai circum- ta proeu.set the Governments .paiicy stances,. for the. reduction 'of the diploma.tlcaily and paeifically. It isa debt, but the times ;re exception- a two-keeis-to-one pi)ý'icy in respect a-i. We do net doubt pubic opinu- te -amy ship - built hy iGermany aven ion w111 agree,-thnt an exeptianral andi above thosecE specifieti in lien financiai expedient is fulW -justi.. navy la.wprogramM+ .-flet." -i - t WhyShould a, Ch*li'k Lay a Soft=-Shelled Iigg? Because. Willie. the chicken don't know how to create a hardCIslledggues itssome food withlim mt So chiciçen-raisers often provide limestone gravel.-broken oyster sheils or some- other f-orm of lime. Let the chieken wander free and it finds itý own food and beiraves sensibly. Shuf it, up a.nd feed stuif lacking lime and the eggs are' sof't-shelled. Let's step from chickens to hulmati beings. -,Why is a child &'backward" and wvhy 4Ioes'a imari-or woman have nervous pros- tratien or brain-fag? There -may be a-varieyofrasosbtoe tigj ertain. * If the food is defidient in Phosphatei of Potash the -gray _ina-tter in 'the nerve centres and brain canno't be- rebult each day teý make- . d .t he cells broke- down byihe activities jof yesterday.. Phosphate of Potashl is theý mostiprat e!etNatuFe-dernands to-unit. çilhumin an~td w te'rto m ake erav M atter. i--- 1rape=Nuts foodiîs-heavy in Phospuate of Potash in a digestible forml. iA -chicken 'can't alway$s select ifôown food.. buta thoughtful man' caù i suitable food for his hilîen, wife end hiinàeif. - -- -- -1 6,qf'Ty - i N.ade U by Cnda ta To. to the t iâet.- tI n; onth gtp tion; on cit saWatloui, ,' dTnnatîan. on alone wIll îàctiatoh de. mr tracle, aud Ja Coliege de- by i reight reainedti h. ýten eut 'Ge.v cys have se. 3 oernment. d movlgdaY pC will this li .rovlnce Of :f moving oue.e arount singhistonical - dîngugeet ,îIons, will bu T HOUS]4. Use 1e helîûg rth Rçsedale,- location. The imeh for select, fromn the Par' e Lieutenant genrally au dutai4èe froi - Mean*bile, quruled la r have beenl li iBushedti lb ed te go 11110 idnce ai Mr. coner çf, St. hnii bceà se. $800 a mu*nth. ? fot tht- bill.,- >ëione af the - at Titrante, t prement. ho Cabnet1, but spn ta - b.. the i Ontario. '2h1 uerntonal pur- al , whlch h. he ead of the nspaly, whleb -itehen ütensjlm, n the etoUnWil . Ea.t Ta- e trouble wltb. , d W*e dem PestentVeral C40 Pffl 1 1 9

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