Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 6

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--j ate4'bead on me. -- 91 l jet 90 udigulant tl' h inehe,1 -alig hün> ever y,,name emacler Vie mur1Haeuedforan? hor IgeSm- ano t e;sd 1 w-as' quit« a relief, ahleh.fired ah abouth1tn ý dastamce, and a til rie.e ràIe, vhesI-rcallzéd he Sad cdean ized 1me. ;ThenheJuuîpedupanld turnèd te-ruu, ,but Ie hàd nt gene' 10wu es when he - crin'ýged se if. nome ebd-olpe-hbard ou lhe be-k, tienbMa hed 'dropped aud jus -héela few up.and h f uni face, jabot byl'eoe>0cf'lie1 moubehlnd SC0 I lG LN MATABELELAND 'wI'le lin-Matabeieiand, - Baden- PoWilyhad* abuindant opportunity te en$gage iniu otiug sud-,,to e am- thQ afrt hich fils hlm forleaýdership -thý boy scout tmo-acrnt.-' ýRgh ad a natiîve iservant whe càiled him by a namé' that mesut "The beait thal. ,doesii teleop, but enau-a about ait night,"fýr in those days-ho used te speun1 heurs o! the night lu makiug bis *&a aout tise velàtd uy Vlg te country. ,Oue instance ~vb4h e elaesgoeis o show hov ta4.en Powll readtthe, voodis. - 'rwa icing,,eue day while lu Ma*4beieland ae'rossaunopen grass pIsan viii a native scoutig,'t-he seaya. -"Suddeiily va uoticed the gra,ýz bad been , eoently fgodde.n do '. Foloevingup the treck for- s Mbo tdist ance il got on te a patch o! sand y ground, sud voe aw thal il eàs the spocr o! several worn-en sud- &oy wàJ1king levards. smme buis abo t -five ailès -distant, vhere vo bel* vedth 'e cemy ho be hiding. Wbfienu.- ve a a, alest lyiug about ten yards off thie tnack. There reie, ve knev, incas ef that kinci lune village fftecn miles distant, in tise direction from wbich thase traàks led.- Probsbly, then, ibeae vornen h acore frorn that village, bring- ing~ the les! with tbem andi bad gone tà, bche hillas. On picinlg uv Vbh les-f It asa damp sud arnelled ot native beet. $o vo. gýuossed tint, accord- iùg te the. ustQm- o! thèse people, îi4 iscia been earrying pois of na- tiv~ beer on thein heads, tbe moutha, cof -the pots being ai-opped viib but ceeaoo! aves. fOue b! tiese lbaveS ba<1faîben cuil but ve found it tetî, yards off theélra-ek, wbicb -sboved at the lime it eW a vind -had bee-u'bloving. Tbi re vas ' eoind nov, but there iia4 been ai about 5 a.rn., and 1h vas -ner neariy 7. 00r- Bo wva nead f rom tbese signs that a ~aty c voen had brourgbt beer duîug the nigit fi-cmi the village 15 n4es distant, sud bad taken 1Vt tc t1i eteuimy lU the" bille, arrlvi*nj th, ne about- i o'clock- , The m Id'id probably tari h ro drinkVh ber ai ouc«ê-ai goes sour-if kep' fol, long-sud would, by thie turne îî cc uld gasetiae, -be getueingslè f r :m it, a-o we shouid'have a favor. ale chance of reconnoitenlng.,theli lqasîou.. Wi aoeordingly toilove t4 wo<men'. racks,, found Vh i gQ wvith cur into>rmàtlo>n vth îtm ibuy difui" QRQAIBDIRREQIUL&RB.. ýu0tbefone the Boer! van-broi oift Baden-Powell was sent te Sont A ries teonganizo a force o! rregi .ans~d prevent any naa.ve uprisin iunb connïtry .enrroundiug, - Mafe kig The governusent dicl noV Si h eveIhat ilu lbe event o! var lb. -od eaita-cked. - Baderx learued on: d him-be the eneiiiy. àe food sup- WeWio n lugw4uiel Take Plu@o Eprly lu anamy.- Ti nhabitautsT7 e lb-iVl-e Péu- iugula c f Plougaatel, in. Brittany!. form a ikpeople almost apart,k"wllh' quaint 0c4 customer sud +.a&&to that have been bandç4d cowà frein fthr to sou -untihitley baye abnoit become a lalw td4ýthe land, says, a vnlte-r inthe LondonStanids*d. Arbougt theze are'thé fi*dd8tet for mrania.ges,' iirths, snd, in :meaure, deathe8. -, roan hlm. 'im- memtoiai evet~y- true "Pieugnatel" marand'wo-*nian who- decided on- wpd!ecqk bas jresânted himself and hersei f, befo re tii-emaiîë aud' thé cure on 'lhe second Tueeôay iu Jan- uary., The sçeondslass veddngse wvhicb ara the most 4pumerei.ue, take, plaàqe ah9 lu th& im ong, _and ht more select flrat-elaes 'ceemni es are _ perormed lster. Thé -usu4-l rnonth, for dyiug -a~nd burying -inu Ploîigastel leÏ- 'September. Thora are,, e! course,-: soeie wrongheaded" couples who are dcétrm-ned, o nmanË-' ry ah a&ne-,time, -'u'atse there ire' obstinate oid men.aod wenen wbo Miss th e,- September faciiitiea, bùt thie gréat msjomity'o! deatha enr- taiuly dceur lanthiamenth, Juet as moal miarniage. are solemnized..lu 4111 these 'dates :depeud lazgeiy upen the creps, bheginuing wi:lththe sltrawbýemry gaiherlug ho thse whemt barvest sud pea plcklung,- vlieh zen- aia erexetraordinary - ef- fprha., ah. the, end e! vhich Vhe "Plugahel," wvo have beenu vorking et higb-teuaion for'menthe;, retire to rosi voil _esrued. But rua-ny o! -h-om profit by this "dos-c sEeaaon" te de for goed, and that la v-by September sud October "8r funcral moulis:- The crops aleç affée thIe mariage market. Lu 1896 ou Januany 10 fôrly-aix couffles msarcied up ho theý maire, and- the :inucb-VnieÈl maire grev sBoe Vied o! repeatiug tii. for- mula that ha-put a ibird offl iii the uext day. LuIn1910 tVbe' ere enly lveuly-Vvo, but 'lu 1911- the figure' leaped up 'e«ain te forty-two. Tbis year, aiase1 the Eecond week of Janý nary .pa&se1d i lu 1gastecl withebut -a marris-go,- a cir cumstance vitiholi para-iel, vhicb migbl ueventhels have been -pariially feretold by ihe foyer deathe lust antumuù. , - Tic stravberry' ercp la ah lie rool, of, ail tItis cishurbauce of regularity in tbe coings e! Plougastel. ,Lasi year it carne v-rylaie, se 'tbat the fruit vas net a «"primeur," sud, 3 wbat vas worse atil, Englaud, v hich is tie most liserai buyer, bac ban extra -arly sud good snpplyof r er own.. * So Viai the-Plougastels, 5 having ne 'god market, let their > shravberries rot lu lie.-fieldaan,d ginatoad cl vonking.tbemsei ves luto i thie .graves tiat vere rea-dy for o. thein, pasod enlkily - through' Vis- ýt vinter lu excell ent beati, but ila e ne nmed7tor, màrrying. - p Lu 'Pleugashel marrylngla noV- s --muci W union >o! boa-il, aud seuls ai r the, jolulug ,o a'str&vberry pa41 d te Vwo. flelds of' vieaît, .sud, e colirse, -if auythinïgî oo wrong; vit dthe ýruit HRymen sufera, BALL IN-A COAL MINEF. Tici deahh oft'Mr. Braudliug,i SNewcastle, Englani, ceai operahor recalsà a fa.mou-s bail -be gave sein Syears ago. Tic baâlroom vas ilu lb tgceai'mine, '1,100 feet belov ground gn lue hshape et tIr. letter L,t1h vidth b<iug làfefo, the beigbt4 an fot -sdthe Iengt IV300 foot. T -Hi4stery le.- ful of nean-greal mi wbo,:faliecito,"com*Sack."- To engthen the lite o! pub'o slips, dirccetly they begin Who *ea rip open'tbe bottom searu sud à up agaiu, puttin'g wiah vas onim ,îally: baék &ad fEn ut't Vthe' "d 915- H J or 0Yý OJA#IA-- , A"..- . - -- , - light underground, Scarbely e 1 a8'sto o 6eü nparg i I emB oàsl~., -ber f!va1uable borses have been daCOT wwp arW ci nissue. t*~4,; üÉ_2 de-troyed. diatore ta grips., IAFE~ OJJIUL ~Who !hàd his hand withéréd-ÀP- -New Weetnin tr5pbiiy?~t0let t Af IVESK - 'Do-ITDparently the -rezult . of some injury bureau has nd000 e en ;oofor. -of course,. thee ory ie % sd150 m ag ls to s-ttle inl theie should be an- ôr'd-sesé.and1,50 im igrnt our yeara. -PIRjSNI OPIpE4?df8 I~D~UN. 1 2L Théy watched hini-Th srbe ta cty nd -Ty.II. »w.~rr OjUPO~TfiNTTTO - ATÂ?ONÂT LESSON, 'and Pfi' ri es, who were on the -~Cadets from the King Edward omepssnltOP -j Vus.OO 14. loohout ý or additional grounds onl Egh seh.ool- of Vancouver wili start 'made it je evydeùtltbaltoPO --A ILwhieh they mnightý accuse hlm.- on a trip to Australia in July. - lewell'O policy 'IFq-' coine- c .l i nsk 1i.o,m ants-13.-Stand forth-Jèsus recogniied -.Vane« ve mn as- fne 80 oue-odn'bUe$ u UMO~ bI'Uf1Ior b *- t caon Ig.-The u8e loi the 8abatb3, hi$db'p1den -amoug toepresent sdo~afr .hooting dueka 'he- rëetrtv-Itati . O -0mVSN*Df8S fU n I ccpe hi nX tween an hour after suAset and an <o-tîétIIUdraol-- -URIIlI .taWy mnt hul <ak2 3to 36. olden ý pressed challenge' to diaregard theiT hour before sunrise. -ished, butwbOi ,dh ub' eIkif î- T~t, x ' . 27. narro *ý,Sabbathi restrictio nte for the ti a t fe e k i li opcwto f a o14 b e stritio ns a sake -of beiping 'ýthis- unfortunate Withinth pu e esegtp"qdol -, fîeý Tle rilscontrit'ledby Veers . '23 thr ugh 0 ,graifiéId mn.new .b~ranches of the- Provincial J, Tboe i 2,4Q.b0ôrgw a ]phrase from ars for lbe sole purJOie of giidng pro>- -Funces between, adjoining .grai-4 a-i'afu-enshna- PoultnyÂscaif U Obe ~ r,~t4Win- llnotb.- petvlvson.&n& "' bo$'mlble-.of2 8& fiel4a were -not knaiwn lu PalesÉine. - numed the, geev l i o f tformed in British Columbia. 'tatlsflé4 with 8117 -, 4inperanç .polic 1#3I11Il id w1184-at" lnterrisUêU. Tho Narow footpatbs l0dlu 4iff- 'Ont Withh isqoÃœnte, and Pl sthem xt is ýpropcsed toestblsh n A- ioan, t ab o lto of eh 1ranlr su elaieebrctnou. ' i r, tions through these flelds. .on the -defensive byW , ubittiflg a .:beirta, large luteior elavators i n Uceumeland -club lteofles, s' Woll 55the lae ston wIth b s mle r othU ,-.IsIthD]pohbiio thon .2 1h. neaden. theth*eutay, plckng Te tretwee asd.Àcorin t Mt.frm auk sza y soret ith r -Eo d, . l nse 0 ofaID -aiVUl 1iezpet&ti old hwe -sovcioun t h P anis wr-e Teet !oucue ilhv hcutfi e nei hc <5, ~ ee o uggst hatth grin ~d th onwh hckthe -":iit ivelu bue ads btinpr ardaud a 0m-oeete noqter.hm1 h "" ""htho»tA ouf i a e o! u u t i l bO d . 5 ~ i the-pte ay p u ckd 's 14 1 ht t'eThe o tn v nsstrictre S pl u e d t ig s ri g 2 itiu . abow i : on cf l. - asw r tl e s iê - 10. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,éé a iirêmesr.vinee !tecas sneed ah'th rdnin rq!CoinFrser te etragfroua wpeng. onti ouy. WO.f1, gr o tayomal opr s~e miade foýrtatinselves 3 3th«e heantthe -Paie delTeý-iy-o 'cue ibenae a e ÃŽ .Tahn iseuorses w-iau vil ouiJobé- ne of ~bbnk'sboard e j8 _ thgestgrain. Ther ain hlu.-wh ich"heostÃ"cthe imleU> rdtssansxsveer il fox. MsnoIfurelr, oaerb.oir. (BwUI hae nuni aaiuV veyfeinof îTupthe Bkinads ronaned nd answihScb cnieettrei -o h gew te at1àd ha.te'-? WOre Pe2ue -boliotion af thie sbarilfs al oveos br otdt daypin. rthe AuIthe c s more£ifdi luo a d i 1 1- e v ibe . Thce w n&nnt t a -n i taîngf 2 on'ùasa vigon- Tin ad r f ieusemiL aIU big> D ON ffl - Jb monOyaud ye .al'hougiisimos. r o!atthew howeer, th reudnîngs'ourag an falli whch th insu aw, 8sk., l panr banhr cul4eave'madeinfoprspetive. elve a or luhiei ! h lsckolet-wbichosehfoasrmudou. emuywih hintendTei ctoin, o! cmmandô! Jes it hau, rf efl.CO o!grooxniug hoiiscs.s prime Ifmhoortancon.b-This rs Ea k h nurnatve whichmakes thecf- cf meh a hosil. compay' o!ncetica . %louto 1iiso d je.ae.cob.iosed uew .1 0 m a k e I b s i p l e i n e ltg a h l o n o i fe r 4 s e o h ou d a e ' e us i at l u 4 e - w e r e r w re d u T a f e a b efe s m d a h S . sala pniw u d b y M ' W .m e an Mt h Pt e sb - 3apaçty gdiidu't lab. â d, 25 iàrbe iktrouehc ou at 4i* výw apri'ltùih. n elês < ,f i nAn d isciplte bythe Imtet . - ad -an Northe n eIt e siai n al tue oen witaoyons- *adtice Koesbon, lu lie caegwufrle o our oer S ma brïivde,Bhe span ctwhihewr 4ie i. pain. cft Ioa camsniet whichi bak toks-l. ams f mot irctrsits ofte moaefu'lite do onter AnThebi rodas-mThedpo- Theal piaced-onnevobwave bionterin tat~e mon go WadIO0LE e anaspesone l Z 4 ateïPhawris e d no ing-teeor !n-est faoig Thé, hei il eàlcultiat ci Mflndet mpYtb O00dy .lonincars iai at Thn.isop fsîre hveer wiih n u ei-apontd uadinsetth omrange nzîct Btli we the te letman' so fui frtheas bIleeunwnh ie"uyt? 0muth*e Iuô-let boswea laJad th taiton ! hec- erdin ad h Pansesthr d t* a vig e. Iboc"atYn'isu antu tees 1 Inolri labônktha ,e&neshimsllcfaîKootenainybeyen ýth.TE A~IRDeuOubsimea *tecof' tuvtr b ake arf4e mone ilbuil. fha jjy pn tpptu'nty hoiu n t h .cTm cyn hock ou nse- th - A riutre ar. vr dyb rcrd elso lisc whoie lle1 b bou t lie liiBnkf Is i..Toot tèe"Y stb oidn flxed aI doubl 11 Mnuke-otheb. prval-eoccasion ton eiticsulakeost f ion ot he ileu opn oppositionAcnu !GetrEmotni medn'das,ïolghwTrol poe Io o leaiml ' g ne b l iü, r;if ftondscpes 0i 11f. hs ê esm d a asa gproxg Hdprpoes M r.gP.Xaru a "Bi taro aûuhaesaI130 Te oleo s~s h pnodc at i dpposi- iucnardeg ppulantywcmpth th-can-' menthe - ' - people u ornto lu a fe shorto,- ben ed11, bank feied h. leeo -toovrh;CadnNrhest neailnty bis wich thehad at .- $130-a b orn1t.he case o aourdl. c Wletr t e inakony spet on chool lu Bitish Coi a whenil iskuown-ihal ix' M1'a, esl' -it4"- osr =if- i tors er -- ~ ~ a i Ïfr"y ïg' um-te net oiuly a nepreep 4at er publ wie - ul et it>soalau tsé- ' îôt nawinlto-d on theuwgte eirianfluence 1Woithbil. w,,eryeautemWarie O ,-bul-bIb éhauces cf *btl~~~~~~~~~~t.i bsigonIengbspla oneh pa o te ihtd-o entIB.b savdrbrthe 0fn -Cou» b0emrteeI prtisans' uobi neirbors grinflld nd e ail bse sthosan arwon$e. fas oa - hi' e fur et Bonnsid. Te u-. minait ssîetx atr m ouldbeamlionafre.s wU owt unes le icon. f le ltta T ~l~hdme thehcf grain M llA0FAy oUS CRERlaes tia "gilI edged" stocke. iot îhaî-tîene ý piucing -bîg eunl ontueiath Juno.fido t i euatr rnear, aomot i iton'a o ur prsou anger. b u sie possl"lulat > îdth thhn qaethonst ertFllreJ tPblh b i e n are publficnal iasfortetarout poe euttiod br s vi "sit t inf*reaping. ButWr api ngon h l erdsad thbeePopeed a Buren. tere ock' tongce mcad KIîig sn tr4et, an Aberdeen Woman.e w'dstic hv ben alot nxt blch t-s oore quiw s hwpae of~iroi n ged b ar li m es p uIe re m aes 10 erw-a tM a n c a es o m e sie a reoe p rt- béca es s frr c rne s ar p re e ed î a sue POoted ntyb.héveroo.eD.parStbett of a th. orbideuabyesh *her fc àt on tub'Sanks le 1téd, ause Ieorreraruit ofida hy hytokcuse ih'o esië aizgf 'anieoomotnisen lpluglose, - atWa ntoreri Eodeî. 1. lutu ixythe'pge ! ltte d mog h sholhAdgnrtspctveu.edtutre.lgilaio -aama luiE1o fuervar banke oansooplieidouble lia tien andjoaltatien. Onens cre eof blltrbylaa: r sbsanialreere.25 Wbt avd id-omar î bck ecuty uljiswdbyMr. Auconu fGerEme. ' Usipeer Canda -Colglaýg, educaorno ii As polneed onth inou form e pare valr . -. Tecs wihJas tbiaFyi aoioobren, ubtnaacrath adt e Eood verumdy eHo..erstin'o bai aersre qa e or retoeu n i dsR rpsst osnz «B n h ttalamote hem nistaudin cte vas fmlart veyPaiStnse shows t hst teea- W t. etinter nouthpevn to tid t urv'Cucsiai h *,,ie pro.goon bu*e ontn captalshoa.Tue etcouse lever mahe-êp illusîrate ow ht uen Af nî a it anth*theovîi- lu b n hefortWl h se a àmillion mont sud célaref uldchie opbuiness 5a1rïntic tie -Sbah gaiou aymneporeu e. Amontethe mle iMir niser5o! oks. -je oma Ut'ùein. amnat sd du 0 pen:dise nosî sud foolsosne bd sey !ueeat sdmry otnntaei affect ts lbcs oul rt hiofano Z ai; . Drk . huae stop yul be takena-moat lm- cet d ho mt novo e t bho r c utr.Gv but~~ good anagmentsscaosensîîins.BritTismh frCf erunt Hous, e- encrc]lbled b r lai fdncosrB uetsIur r ae n ev h uc disgaee.Edmodsfthe unicpal apia cruom Btnov ho-nai as e 1hase al hn- 500tisëa nc.p s e ers aofcm eu fwh1oy hm.aio&s iy.rartc,1eOrIc tizen c i Proc ~aklng t coursoýsCbmarigSamn.ih22.il,20wthae id eth sm pa. ifea ie l te-Ncol dstrctofficiai esdnc.neu -mofiugsdou aunlg 90 yNtcelba nsrv.ofan.8 1Msd hrn.18 6. Th, iw oes otcrn iic t av benpovde b he Nola incident a s ad memonies cf st Il gused ntc an tontka nt l.amuno he a'n - hsnih'--ganild 6rYaeegt foidow igb ln-ibudofrbiia losf olr A lis, fsu ho t amenk tÀ bkemake',IS -'P d aes cfThew ad beai- Caaiylanevc. tackravlsIh~le medio atreolised- BM"ma ar ssoni. Tie atte ver. nc eu igi ca1eea ferhm.il r "Do Inicon uot stock fnveelmet l bnt, e w4iîhofry sbbat a vrWLIa eten ANobe por ad wellV-ncouvErNEW GOVER MENT HOE. ud esohock "eî ud s -ho fretonos."et..pa ed mou the hale cf hodibradn n nch ad 11. (odr f -TA. no G Cove r . ntHoe b elug shld bedaIbstcke.Naiot. t hatroai tbtlegule ihiu eaty dsppie il ecls Ynion tIZe IN COuRT buil lu Ceanre ark. os-irh Hoeda suarjilis. t'hougi ifbt lie ossi sud non-e1 n éuivlet t, nrat ego'soverraJstubmilesy Afifrein-ble ial he oîdot location.ind y a Tii.toth ea-.rlngaele admul c reo a po oueapermi Bthe reainorVe IentGoerueintohas beendîin.ed fr ela fhi barer onhéalsed, owevor.aue-ef- eeug aw wc a or idn Lcv.t24. stnd assofmaslsae llr ame b furildings ho Lieuheihau lo rsapm lrî cftsî ss ois l * ercre n xd 4 1 n h iA u ages ofga eu uprighh. Ieg th sForger P ira e 'of evenos 4ucaion e g at gencr amna. tone vlach. v î offstueu blese, îgsîtà i oVexiaue l heOli eaTndextht rrvs inl rik Te efudntlnacaeohibe corornear14 -ultiS dstnc ta As batointeio uts nea i ntrsa d.I. afbeormleatwter artinihclreiaCoutii ispDe aark ,ucb ha ucai, Meanwhle.: finalSr. -ss li1. lie6.uThbascasent. - aug esd by laFvi ayaiA eren, Abcing i"Igan owr te scnd a- terseet io af Chor l on' Par. ro ~ e-Isgo'll-Iatl h euain redmxhv enashol!ke.ntzdbe u t thvale h, s.d r s " (po cnlt s baison uhntetoa acùtor met ottadn Ù6 t1 apiitulliate cf ewsh wîth oanlse clhvewsuohatho llc-k iugtmnsera de ea-replg nvot - sevant leasl onlshiaedbeharlt. e ntin thse nov rehasaonle f tnidle bý Nptalsockmahis.ety o urs eg o vereigu t u.hOtherahave csupposea hatiiosoimrfandthebacs. errn rodba he Pas li d- -Govact ernor sais ole wigo ll iscamy hie' s btcomanag- edict-elmealy a n areu owledas He -awor ilone t ote al e ts fnsu al im,~~mnicî0 o i qDamart n.Theneideuce tn-. and e liaI o ilsi hoovacaeIraf spr. unvlegewbn rouleove alenincerf, su .chgewiheresuColg tet.hebose -f asosre vale tea o t ik'@olul arlue ers tli: z1 e eissig u on m s fo i, o -oo o ndi e o- Th poica oBen et st e ardmtyore. the cone otSt ton ail te presur t psi aad.on uîzelfogin neltin tenure rOer. ThsiÃ"et ad wnoisu es adin veder, a ds ymbol ssty an e offk onetae:-ng- hlm. -enti e bn lot is ,jo mo otafO nt e oxu $800s menti usst nte a fte Ban ta bent<onë cf ecourse, bfoo ib but ord1maaemu o ent a inins. ap. g6. thenpeope o! art o! hi rîsbThe chitel ban is the fopiniron mite forithe prp et ofatablhearg WHý aco WILL BasEmaNed T h ineto IpIn te soek, firtloaituem-sac utkno ttsdpnecthtecaa rvrbibs- bs ih oanehteersah a I lie limeBt eothtie fration ae ti. -1 Els of iece in- 1osue tbak. y"Accousagsbaigo h on ev ttefý e, fdsre.Emns h uiia - -. ne tug mmore fas tetheGoff oct ia al.thal ssn'l li te pont e arsub le ch27 - thessbahh wss n macet f 'o be s he hm aybeogt n ase,-ta cty. e cacumite moiglesdsigunA.polW busieess basvabowbusiness dvnle, tisa in-nh pitutlyd for ma'at hs ie Rps etetabunthn tsTer..o fcitetraiie ahe f s 1 egbs sein.thda is a t' nfeiinn, 3'dotateheir o.suha afced0ma e 1ntr.ib.uti2n h a ring tathecomeptit.o uekn ame Ùuable e in t e icoladis ric amer jde ofi vived ie nnce roui- s reuinged tram the08.loi ce the puiser e st m.w8l 1an d 1 tC judiidual16. he ba dosnt o e wiet v enda. ' - tote iclab1ic crce mus nedr ueti itelr- bu, nthI e Ors ente ofng thécaitlu ht --of fasiy icnrci led s d en-tsetndie mri. as f disieulin' tr, ecs "gof ll.sTetImoe rtan o!a good28. Showbo! a-Ahsn epsis of ae'wbmarres cat mrieValle enthrkat Veraeh wa-si Pns;îid 19 oialw husons belng e tra-t h~ euireo fnircme~sue ubt l u eyTsa rul.nunotkorubji-t liaI colci ho ea i plie ý e y_-______T__lttr. _____n "peie" mIet ith quit. ewakcye! mrean,- Caf yn d n on' ricem oé.hpoie. ¶' poeIi n uei sa aio eli h i "DnginionaO ie-ebHaNWatnnNg CompUy. hc t otieuitene nbods on especiallylu th Od ITesta- my -gonae. spteo! haproesa e ti. ucgeaciuroda le-ha cxi an tcNAL- WILL asVerDIcS.etc. Ud icechiatileione-Conhear-theletboneer nîpns. th docto eganho neadillutWoadfor-f he mew ut. nilcLse cf kitchlai i Iiailtio. T hon iugef ie Panamaan al resadinain Wte his, hokovPaaheObtooIm-l D I OU RT.eîe u iltHe n hue lon een hPark ,the 4Rse yhuld ho kt ibo fo25 lcent.g so intghe t o ba iit e e pls co inke i th nev e' egiuin j y tdyCai5TV5iVa parr. w-F.i.tenTd peortidonn cn cufseth hn. trina Fonlibok ntahe, bmanoageomentu 50 smetruba ln ae daintatee micrsîta-oehia ascannebe etreh ho .The Goses sudofThe éA lnb blind ther dge' cea, h be oee te auukiaov hvp ng,tamenitet lifre ila roi thsud.ar-d o~e uw vhre, wti ee - etS bu eidg sel.ut h a sieedn i't s lritez oe si! -ot. er route Àcaw h i e xc eption.fora ben eyerspeka ie rt. t e alwa Foruer t Prague V ersah o's "caesbarek' le-at a' e miler e s Valpearigntriso. 2:103 knowsitatvalue T lb. aeetosihnest cf ietcourthaed rkm uéli orSndicbouts--7eanwhigo. ra~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h mie; ngani o ew eCoadureterbpabet nirpete ýi the s he ilaro!th wrld Vrsacosfoy imeiaei e ig t aclseaiskbea id ro-bi l ta 1,60. -sdt -e taîî the-ali as 0 ie.menta en i h yia a, lh as no hoe basne wQrd caeiniid d bi 'i eui-is teSac)a.uij uletnm n r-Bteu recn nc rina le repoeetaýctiv ethmaeinshowlu-i ommungihy.. -- slraeten to iaged. -etacra aenlhpecl hosin'0t'he vDuko sa cud Duchesa c Vo- ýry NovYork tmer. Sh ah di, ,400 m ls- ditiona s elltas v ar eof. uqir sve s-mn ro mîig'strham egd' 1y abd u b~,M ss engsPs-Gad a:re i ru~~ ~~~~~~~ MoteaneSyuyAsrai: ab syna- - be da, dveaito ugetin tth cohe, thadet- Ceandaa at ia ogue-Abi tbree e! theoriv e1dBahemalter e brut'eeis mb bleis 'fae «iasdloni~~sdbs ue. nd port At- ~ san ports he olo hs atitue g £Yfeta lsh ti bot r--- 'nhi oy.Vrbah a otev - Isia a k-b eyNwYr , hnga,140mls!i towsasin cnecstonw th'tii. q. -h ea-d. s -o a te ye bt lu howve, gavute eaiuot,aton,mnr eve 1eLiuna'<cero .4 pluckîng eariman f-o - anmakyi.coerGrandconneL s d 11 e remi- tanadah forhift wlia nh Monreal, o Sy4ny, Ausralipposithf espilntfithe tattisth . aHov eve,5 '740 mile__ . otre aai o ghaéi. .ne _ý is iuf lde thî itst e le's ito procunce 'and mine n feeationhi as-s, t.iohvebe -9,,adeanthî,b observwdYorkthe seve r l Tb ng enjoys hmmuei v ter thrfom la hecthasten Jas êe aSB or hnhav as a u bee ThiRn g Aus.lIomehi2 os creth e van ge-l: ts c eoa nth esnpiy bu nin otwtr. -- dr,.axs f i - oy -sbclé-k ,gl hgbe bslt .40 bla at-terh elne 'prejs r tecd hen cgiadoent " iah' m"r, ed no - variat mn'pensonl fnk ieut aen at-io ylé ce- o stne wmou aere liab- ot mehc- .eeelsîe slve AW isf wo islet br ria bnvepiiv eueicfandtiv Pe çnfiech lu lis te nsfien f hd, ts t'bem. - bas ne eontiîow.wth the ad ny flc rs ' -eil sonsanoumey iss ul -ea set thé opporiton. e ee rckn ofrns tmtea h a rsofgriôw h A ow J isus hiwneelt 0LEyÊ I TOMMY.het h tk ojn imetoo w dakehn- i ,opst ôi.a ate oee. ýruv h lkde o e Thii. uobse o! thé sprl iee b into s bypu hic aiefro - hich maan i oh aeaIash fore tby viliclotheir y,- 1-1ardd-. 1 . -Babinh lawAnd - __ g omtme om t!hetr bte r ececu iwas'n-persoealtfei butiUtYin ho -a-e- -din rnedp o f aciveAon!t i ,eR ué w o i more patientsIbtis limde last year. wonder where they huve al one 1" Me -Wi!e-"We eau oui! hope for lb esti déarn - r -- --autllonîze thse cîrectonstj ~-'h-pewers cOnferee- b-'t, Tr~unk Ad, 1912-.-Tbis i 'a'uhhoriziug thflcr'sing eci O00by the c'Oni} any L wcks -etcouitnu fioià au PRiE ST ILIS TEIE -LE Pere laides e- D y'pu lu -~Word bas eiv ~piests her& that4ds -member o! their l dcty- dlone Dupuyh asbeou-an lèprosy aud is ail preseni iu tii. leper colo4 'aetMI Madagaýcar_ .. HeannoLi thau a year-,.1is la acl --TO IEËEIVE AL1ERT 3 Galla ntry -of wvi Bl - ~~PoreiupilieFr~Ue~ A desp3atli1f romL-d -& The YXýin'g as ppoed Qo -- bort laedail Se0on4-class. b ferred upon àEd lBel] O san ian Coppel, ,com' -gallanu-t i n _Lu coýn 1cctîýii -disastros fine in South I A bite of ihis and a-tasle o-th long, dulir the appeb1'te sund Ve Restore yaur stomnact ta lie by tiakrng asNa-t ru-Co.Dyspcp a! ber each meal .andcui outilh; NaeDrti-Co Dy esia' are the Sest friends' fà souc-i Indigestilon sud dys pl.5c ai your àr-îgst'S. - M d National Drug and' Chemica. Canadaî, Limnitei. John- . Bi Gel à 1100 pot granulat egauýa- Note 1the pure wite, umifarmu graiai-its dias, leus gwectuessa. Theat AndPr Hersers nupuriti'es v at'W, r ST. JAIVREMIjE SUGJ ARCIk

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