Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 5

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rus it i geneWaiy undetof f.i tood'if.iiib '~ o waot- a jweding glftçthe' the'IUE1 IrJPrfspîôU~ Pi el to go h tiisuté ë W t~~~Ã" Uý the 0oiorsou'ofuT sbip Io 1 orne and se a conipletej 01~mnsa o. tà astemtof -SILVER.. à A2k1 -, W E, bthplted ad mUd *To use Sherwn-Willamsn paint o--I-c__ Ml r. inon you will always une, it. Thel MEN 8 ~. ~ ~ 51".~ IR~ -o(~~ T GAS aprcemfTm - y Geo. M. Rice. di.o AtSits hrh ibbl ~drea's Boots,, Shoes >and Pomnpi Wwtbt ',~ .~ J r !~ to $13.00, ind'don'tfailt nul * in the mu'*k hall onruia ate-A PrlS$hoe ni s .scprïnyCia bza ie b h ~ j*ef~,Arlit~ ATI Qi~r W J--eep comiplete tock" sets diCi of, Ail SaintWý chgreh will be oedts evd tramý five ta elghtoclôlc BN>cNET udy pi 4. aMm ,*Mtsk-ai o 1Wt the muie hall an'Tueýsday att r- BArND ens nocon and evening, Aprîl, l6Vh. Mgh Tam45 Regmet è i~Wi> ut 5. ~ ~ t- l~;.Wi~ r11. ci doks aliOfroM $2.00 6leegtocdk HMEF~MFOIA > Cîtiz entua ma ly after the oPaiD% a baptimlIse-CéApttJ d1,W1,y A 125.00. .Aik licar . served from tolwdbtiaPlme toa on5ýô our Sto Mis- HOM cents. -LRIA tresblng. pro# ame for tAer *jçua ,IC wiII18hMfriuatl1hso bxU-If ___ Ey RaIS .WJ: -Luke returned home c' oncert beld; on Tuesy. evening. ïil idgltt wc ot ojt h Bue som b, unga for «e è Saturday - rom Florldq, wherho hO T Ihe audtine w-aÉ large- Anfi zsPOa- UPW~~~~~~ uutan [a nde ..P.oes.ÃŽ1~ for Several weeks. 'He h#c >~~ ese sMd iflbrl plun via urch and -hâlie uot bleu baptits.Àpr ~* as o aeasd iith thepity S-:W4stsfe cil, fn il Membership ail t ~ aDt nu __ __ __ __ _ irftq *as 5 en Sb p VlÏs yd' ot ý -_ -rtfca1ii Badnpe E-u .-t 1eetio -e-c U e I1 a ~ Is-a auete -' p 1 l1 ot ý' - 481 h 7à, de xk. 4ly Tor- esa- nglish re ait iected e es-ý direct >y the wrk- A ca, to. ssand Id by boys, l'y >rougti Asphai t uau t. Weather, fire, add qh ~~~i'utoal -as ever, pxayeà l wnuthe1 S& 4ubw o th.enus stsi Mr. Durner i'5eIiIlwas in. t<wn u er From Miami Mr. L-iik-ibak ihu, oc a se*lg. uodrn ýSItQios1 hyalwntdrberoig1 i Sunday. joûrnaeyaý- iun eyral directions, - adinternission ftnmnts'tl ~ A r~ioisrlr1l~11 4t u'iivete Mr. -Allin colwilj, Of.Toronto,, .mith. everywleelefmtnaua euistho close. A ' ongt In theever style of his parents. and cllimatic . onditions littie shoIt ro h.penaumrty-Ib Messrs. John and CuII 'ryibo efect. This ortino!tePû ac nlld" aaa"t h ~I S Mr. Wil1 Westlake,, o! Tor0'1to, ý.ith Vlan, and there: I18 but a, shallow Co ABu uf wsTr elolisnaR$1 R V %NL hie parents. ering of sandA over Il.- To produ e aAlmrably exeuted.« The' numiler of eirin Wymtatn oi .>.. Mr. and Mrsî. GeorgeL ormack' ith fruits and- vogeinbles coVliderable fle instruments was -not'as large as ou igive» tg. anyone At Oce htleyouhte Miselaaativoesr ioeer ia dn Iuliluhr w W ggo a ee vlh ae u te . onsee'%:0ae m relatives here~~~- jttlization is necessary. Nature, howr meformer occasions, Ibut *tho train- = mauteadyu eihl fspr6 ult.D wihhïparents. - and the natural -growth of vegetaticlnunîuts were satlefactory. Red 1Exhibition rIlyIng go0d.fodRbe awt Miss Or-ace WarâM:ý_ etTorqýnto, la wonderful ai beautlMul. The native Epdîe plggott was thie specfia attrc with herm od!ellw a fruits such !as cocoanuts, banang#, tion of the evening,.HHo Hon douont the b.Hé Mr.roaydn aodelroofinge mngosooneiefrutmaang for the hlIidqky. apples, are cultivated on a. large 5Cal entbuslattically- encored oach t1ilne. wh uhwa banded 1 911, e g W rý VOGUE i engage-- Mr. Ployd Perlngle, of Toronto, kýith'and prove hfghly profitable. Tùe Aan entertainerMr. Piggott'lamait band-ýNo. 18)7. men rigs.bisparents hore. mairols are practicnlly like floors,. 19rscesn.HsImesnt4.!te- agi na Swn aeln-an eh Mr. Fergus Ferguson, ot Tor4nto, the cOral rock is pulverized,-gra4ld Soc n rs brceswswî- t 3 W btrMcie patclyntamksit No~~hing-is too gobis pareans.into proper shape, watered ani roll0dng efc.Praa hbs hn _______________ occasion of this kind, -but wîth is paents. ncw, used bt ver ford ohawkla a sometimes it .a is iot adylsable J.' Miss Tina Ravin, of Toronto, Iwith with 'A heavy roller. The roads a - th bis UIt wus the last, bis Imper-______ enà1r lk.Vnwilgt M, and Mrs. ýJobn Seldon opcat eonaîderal1y. For bicycling or at- wa plyinmitable. Hlm imper---fosa lepcê m _what s correct here no matter Eaèter ln. Toronto. -' mobillng the pavements are ideal. lu sonation of a wife wbo hac! quarrefl.- TAKE NOTICE thât-th~ .rderslg- ~ how xrsv or inexpensive_ Mm, Gordon Heath, o! Ham$ltn some of the toyn's sidewaàlks are dis-gte 'S"7 Ic épnve"witb ber busband was asoeV"P> d b eprpratd -j"1Q MUv ....it ma be. witb relatives in town. pnd with, as the ronds d&re sa gond tn.sao5U~VWa a xrpitdmrt îv'aasw~vw ok WDIGRN -sk. M$. P. Ryan, of Toronta, wlth1 his that a' sidewalk ts unneeessary. )Ù- Mr. Piggott *wns aeeomarnied Ou tari. ALL AND, SINGULAR thoms in qu liV, and ail designs. We father and sisters, here. Luke enjoyed swimfming in the ocean, the piano by bhis wiffe. ertai parces orr tracts of. land I .I I dR keep large asbortmeat and Mr. J. Stedman spent Easter: wit.h and bueceeded in.gatheriiig a coole Should he again return ta Wbltby Promaises situate lying and 1)ins ain I.I ISN ~ u v caa help -ut satisfy yon. hls parents at Weston , coletion of sheils alông thie sea thîs reroatile entertainer wauld b, u Q Townsbip of W 1 by atbUo- hj . . S.InAgt One rice only, and tInt the 1Mr. JackJ-. kngspent. Easter sr That M e et aboUt ht( eartily weleomed. ty o! Ontario, and oomposed of la,.,.. with herIng igtAl M.Lulcsipe'loi h ad eîe otbank 511055 KIRSTLY :-LotI-No. 29 l in *W0ty hie othe InAllitoil - and If. he eau suceeed in dük- who golbernlly Patrouized their ow4- brokea front Conceution. of thi m"c _______ -______ ____ Miss Anie Johnstôn, of Fe oà 5 hspaet iWtb' etTowm* -of ethtiby,. ic!Loti Ne. - _____0___ k ~I - PliswltVhermothr ltre.tilt taw word :not ongholdhi4inluthe salA broken front ConcssIon0e K MGO 0011'- ~~Misses. Mona and Maggic 'Stewart, Mr. Luko retursýed sufleringi severely* or tb OIDI !Wbtb BoBde'I the ToîOOTS aftdai SfiO lu. *-UUOOUIL o! Tornt, with their parente. tr6m a carbunkle on bis le! t arm. Are microbes in tSuenotielO5 ars hsof P. Mr. Arthur Gay, o! Cob~ug pu ~ Scalp? :BECONDLY -Ite ce,~ ~J J le- pican - Easser with bhgm parentshr. s= more or-,les 8 0~>,aofw. Ge. < ' - - T RSBEEP OEDTHAT part. oilot No. 27 Ila F i- Cci- -- 1f,.1sa 1 - j 1 .tl_. , '.eut ICROBES -CAUSE, BALDNESS CsIno!tiTWMMhP 111117. ÃŽMMLI Wh--Mm. Hubem Jn 3newas iwith aunual al) rin art of to!tuehe T - - -- wL a - a, u au p - -inonde In B6avil iver Easter. ordrinthei spclou loge te o!f. iurg, -Gem- Wltby:and butted sd&M ud -ir.jud M isa. Jacksoxs, of ,ly th,------- evealn& A&ls8; Oh U. Mm. anti Mme. Thô8. -- - 0! with 'the epottéd psuteboard, folo-ii rnl omtlgidseedsafrrs afote aiQeu o o W. C. T. _ ~~~~Brîttoa, ni~e by an intereoting pragram. M.that trbcassalns.Tirin;li5.Estb l. Ou pig Sock s ronto, w1t b Mm. sud -i4m. Geo,. Brit- Gog .WId rsddl au able theory bas time'aUd agala been amp- Uii et Centre StreSt Ç» Ca Ï1tufs ortit - on - manner, callieg for the f ollowlj'g ly verifled' througb regearch expert- by t1e euthera limit ot tbe rihti Mïisses Rama and Violet Augustus nuniems, whleb were cheer!ully re- etcard on undér the observa- W5 fteGadTukBlW[.y et men's dChlrnsf eadhay spent a few qy itjfled u I efved: tion ofemineut scIentists. 'This m Ci- ;o asWotb Ii£sif Mrs Soch - Conetsol h E.~ Eaus rad-crae lties n to ebnm, W~h lalimit of -Henry Street; 111e n"d Imi ()f t n Local fliappeni-monegoosyEW-, vasrad rbeldoi h r" -c n Mr.---Norman SoucI h..Hudr n beh was so he-natural hair ail, and when pe- being tequired by theVrGy ltest dsigna ____________________-o! Tomonte, witb MXr,t'and 1frs. E.R* beariy ecrd~j ~ cme"m ttei aflonris i 15destroys the hait the Proin~ce ef Ontaio- 'A calasliited _____________________Blow. sdtseum oa follicles,- and in atime -the pares entime- efth51e site for s propomedHospîtu Mm. Aexandr Ros 'suddaug ter, Evan ' vocal sobymeQbn;ylose, ami the scalp gradually takc for tIe Insane and a plan Md da- ubsest h uig ia town doue Kate, o! Petemboro, wlth Mms. hii. vocal Ioo by Miss Jean Jolineton0ou a &hbiny appearanCe. 'When Vu srîptino sle h sdpnu m oo laue t h w g o at M. W. lCoUinal sho. store. Hall. - niW .RtabU !wibwr apn hr sn hnee ieor lan& b ave.beeau depodted la 56. - ________ Mr uad - Mme. Levi Dudley viere encored.; grovti of bain belng revived. BSSr fiefrVsCutye s Two Vacuum Cleanersta ent, 00 wlth relatives ilaColborne over, Col. J. E. Farewell, a Past Grand We havesa remedy which will, we taÈîo on île lftI dar of Tebrear, « cents perý day. Gee M. Rice. l1very- Est. Master, iscle po o peh hoUestlW believe, remove dandrnff,el, 1912t pursuant tgc the provitule ci - - - "4-" te, *vlslted iiVh frieuds lu tovin over ato rfy h rvedtx a! othe circulation lun1the.scasa, aoud AND TÂKE NOTICE thsti ovory ~L D 0 1 The sunnal bansar givèn by the. la- ýEnster. IPst District 'Deputy, W. J. 1-allett the hait roots and ovorcomo 1aidaMs, penson having auy daim et compensa- die of!,Ail Saints'p churcli wili h held-, Mr. Jarges Lowens, cf Toronto, iQ made a short address. - thse hair reots gnd evercome bedislo yrso !seieponaimI.kSre.Suk Lty mai In l the mugie hall on Tnesday atter- witi Mm. and Mme. Jas. SmitVi, A_______surpise_________'W.J_____________mleuin_____muâ nonýeýevenlng, Aprîl 1051). High Wbibby. -Pot Àe atris e ai allçdtcdthW. J. or se l oatris uy ite i!t letibomuaI yleih lutaie offic th 1e fot es its f. fv ovegtc e rley M s, o! T roayoand Mi ('ai- nd Mm. John Noble read a grave se- We bsck up Vhilestateniont witû aur aic!' îtb dayet Febrtlary, î10. fo 2ecnt.verîcys.fTooto , tWm - cusation , against tie Fast District ovin personal gnarantee that tiIs nom- Da.ted £5 Toronto Suds 20511 day ofOI i TryPnng~'s Vcum crpt ean- Mm. adMm hs .FllrO'Deputy lu that lie lad beentousud edy calid Hexall "93"1 Hair Tnie Marche 1912. ou6'rgoa otte - -o. SO. dy. Dhise e d'ci- Br.litn, -vitMm s. Panti eR' Nfgullty o! delibeate attemlpts to ad. vilîl bosupplet free o! ail cot 50 te -J. O. REAUME, " -o. pc e aDlvere n -al Bihôn-' r ndr.R - vauce the iutereste ef the Order, as user if it talle ta do as w-e state. MlnIster al Publie ok.JU TR C IE ed dfor. Mr and rs. B yan oorDistrict Deputy. Tic punishment ii- Itr îl reuetly belp . resSor -4-__m+n_ me îcke sdsnt pesed wvis the infliction upon the cul- grny sud taded, b8 a ls rgnl REAL ESTATE. eu carbdXX smatdSu. Pva o fleo funture. Evory- Orona 'spent Enster wlth, Mm. an prit of a haudeome jewcl wici smoe. colore pmovlding loue of colon bas ti('51 Prva* sale me. A. E. Luke. -Hoar pinned te thc lappeloe!is conS. enused iby tâease ; yet 15 lua n ano,. icar of W'M rSIlst u ueîi l wrdcm.e tl ting 1 ýag d a e np 1 A uumbeïAr. . PI. George -Gibbard, o! Toronto, w1. vis go ovrviheîmcd wih sur- ceuse a dye. P.xall 1"93'lHaîr 1Tonlc èe ofervaa apuu su ic sedor e o m Iue u e s lu i 01m cret, £agny daeotrn U- a nîolwn ast week attendlng the piead é-uetînt hc cault noV acc>mPllSbes thoSe results by aldiug De. WAISUN EGAAINIf erp"", gpak <luir et i. N.BasseS. Me. Jloepi ugs-Gatusa dul-express ail- is feelings, but managed in making every hairt9it oité -Coîore1&Grcy Ms, rCfhels hî eses utbe o mdadfrgbeue - *TheW~mn'sInsitue wîî esShi erFlesse vire iit reaties u say havi gatetul le e wsta bis sd pigment gland stong eantive,0 Q Obri bouseonsoeund-As 3 !lslgeaseorsc iek mdT s~a thWiutu a o m n Fr ti n a - t r , oa a enP rthe ho l a es In brethreu fer tV ils m ark e! their os- an di by -etim ulating a natu al ftpv o f! brc b u e on a on 5Od s p l The Wlsy îleIbeautitultheviel Lou. _ sppla.usetcthes.S-raien, cigbt -zooms;bath ad CloeI , fu e themn -ApriMtrl zoos onFiat acf-k Miss -a yJoues, Mm. Cyril lones em a! eigety ospcite ooi 1gpgetSro otto basin, hot water heating, electrlc 1Igt- Deosmtn u egvn h ad Mise Whtmere, of Toronto, vilth foîlovicdtVils little ceemony. , .. We exact no obligations or promises cd, large sp scions roems, nicely décos- W. sy-bstpisaolf. émeysgftetiasau pDdlonstrAivome wi eomîen in Mr. sud Mme. Fred Joue. Though tiche ur, vis midalgit, te- -w- smply asIC yen to give 'Rezal ated, launddy snd tubs, largo celîs%, M.S. T oipsoi, President; MISS F. M. Maurice- Green, et Asi-buma,' f esmeute vee srved snd eagezIy -'93" Hair Tonic a therougb trial gavaltitrou fr!,e baryn andàA14 s sîl. coet11bgaeMmtb aotlus u as~~~~~ v~~as the guet of Thos. andi -Mmm. receiveci. Then tic floor vias cleaned and if net satisfied tell ns sud we wil condiif ad-grambni e bar u taesQae Mr-rba.saepntelnyooe frpe u -~~~~~ ~Heinderson on anti those seo Inclineti spent a funthor i'fund the money you paid us for il o tls n ri a, eaaecr A n sipmnt- o ma aA tarM. Stedînan, of Moutieal, torMPnly proll acn.Tva sIres, 50e. sad 1.00. Uememfbpx tg ose ag one oU. A ne iainti pnicegs a A.M t& tc oino Bnkbrs pu)ft pic sunedacahin et ns av. yu1anotain It la WbiSby oniy a$J lawu, ssile treeqs orne fruit, terus. bouse on satone foudatleu. aRpue.,' . I aste vilt eun o'ode uSoa be galfl ati omîte l a ur- meTeRxalStr.- . Puds t, ob e ..B 1.'IV%. - th sl at si-ki ic am aeem atr a! o WobO8,charge Ala, utwelve robms bath sd closet, cellai iIo~ l N ia-gcarsa Fll.ent he t50holittaY _________________________________ Presuîdàt-MIsj i lS 051 je. n a-"-- -, -- --_____' intuecl s t; W>b...Pts.- r8 Stmr -'- '~ M ss eai~Ie omflk cf T r'eu :- j %e- successfully treat cousumptintue1uosanre. A coi Esc Scretay-MSY-Themiefi. o vtti Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Woy!oîk. *an s pcciaists o! today have f ailedIto affect a cure for th!s piagÉue. WC: st ables, ie Tffi5 iel eert Cor Se. ~ .rînieRos. M.- nm. Hoai, fomicmy o! île :aladi h-t, don'twe? Tien iâyau have a mree r inering cough, geeodetra Cor.'weec.y aewing elses ile a e ttMe.anTitis.- Iedsstaff,-- o ! bl l.is preparaii fte.ni 1 nii rbocits sb i Or 3o te roetestco» rm - -- ometji fr pIs l pai uvuigj . .W Esia lste he suh-: eoiear povngaiY ve'tki we ai -etibs ret on Rom5,Dise kilin P0N 3 AtTr reeaeusns ieS . 1r -rp .R Pri,'fi fe u pto e ed.4Cnio foudt ltt-1epruit lp by wl'i O O T - --: t5y tuiy esSh 1.1byIen" < ,tiys ut-- -co, ri'r a hm c~vi5O ye ar eduragiiiîidesaryPio~is ilBdeaiVdg 1)-~T Q!l3~ Ifr att4 taCaîforsla W1lIehi ~ uns-' - -- - Whtby ' -~2#oth5e4-iiiUfcasesêr PofV tte e5W- 0 u5< y nu e ltrsl~ 4euaUf 5 as>b,95fIp~ 5~ 5 ai ~al'L - - 5 oti Wu ar-erinda r, or Troto asa istorfrm h rs, cseou; iàrëcùînud epe nnt ad twsltl -e ostyac- An iterthi deetIeut01 Il. .ýu"y,ýnt,,Wit Mr ca ofconamp1io av PrOen ithut.a dubtthenmrelos qal4 but d -. s Ci.~ l'os

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