Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 3

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i. I I liament sud l8 Il -. 1.i -=77-71 a ada *CHAPTE R X~.(otd "Do you mean the iunkýeper Ores -Jean and'the Tiirkis who accompan'- emd -him from làessina by train to- da? Yes. "You need noVt rocubleaàbout them. They- have ail been -arrîed to the hospitl." j"What!" exclainfed Brett.,gRHrw d4id thiey oneV o in ued ?y" Ihm a brôken arm and other iu-ý jurie." Theo trs huàrried off,, àüd it was noý !,long ecete ee lat niak a stisfotJr eport conceru-ý $£the fracture c! thbe ùina lesà simpleon, said tihe spojcespnan, dianid-wi1 be0ome al right in thé- ordinay -cureo! ýnature. But- hi mpcrial Fnimu,~.I "liicely..j Ftour -a wet éiotb,'Èpiaoeem d -d ed b ë!orc -uU Ml_'~& ntmnsi ief eoqeo--b ~Jtadia nol,~etup, liîgûnas e siniubet inaJe hei'vy setmns nplenty. bf zoom for the -udffing to axuiuïb od Mis eigéerne oke4 a uiet daýd 16ockd oùt ëf .the wiÂITYDi- . weii. Plunge intafast'boiliûgW-No or ato the bread. û3mle al rtound, and it waS gener: do*. So-,Dubois, 4n'»oyed his ciga?-tradco-ora es whusTi so teutotî1ot1C. aily 'agreed that .'the progaf1l0et ua.Hogav asghc AGàdtffn.T0:uflB f , andcook fo reathat-t6hus hsiothe utmot iota ee; shcld o fllowed. lu the bril retcnemetadthnsdcrumbe, two ounces -of écoPpd Sutit aig~tçt<aota-tew~aer thereua awohlaondy diussin whcc eneue, Mr.aWict. azily-a tblsoofl f ey4hppdboils fest al jihe imne. Those who old je alright for ordinary use-- terusio exlie bis eare ov-'Noak eayhigyu ie priy,:epr ni sian afcoôk jrgai will find this a ver Bread having. a close 'grain is -the mene.Th dteties~ttchd ô an >aY " .a tenspoonful cf herlýs- Xcisten al ay Pi*dilig te Cofor ~tamnOs asftry Britih Embssy Pars "Tiereas meonly npint onc iet'- wth ikadwr nobla rwater iVthe -pudding ilu it a the 'Britsh' Ebboiled 1 p, vef,y tteheà.t ýsneeded bim o!Duboi Vo arseil- ing whiCh- I arn reaîî tif uît, sefer' atuffing Meat. e.-re les. ~ ~ ea rt." w did you'riTur- Mlse Wfr.iýrtmitoeô ,,erûiý haBet ýssty iae naé o u-e onean & hl fbutter with h at- thet Hotel du -Louvréýet deme i adhe ertais~ threà ounces cf molasees, mix Vwo NVEL &A.NDWICHESW;v te dola fliad iJs eare s .-ý.ýý.hNAre racls of! these .mvlin e Paix bewen staigt teredi quetl ~"ounces cf flour with twe ounces and Teetdsi o oet nalgalvauized uhinglcs Won7t rmat. VO lehewetargî re i vouelyv hýýe àifinvlt'i l wn*t' îenk, -wn't hors. Need arivi ol tatte a-;00ih> that was!eaksy enoùgh,"' de- cwsgar id naro n~~nsdesutee eep h ounce o! ginger; edd VtheVo the hostcea ho je ever on thelÃ"ckut ebin Noe f Maeile ha dyon*a piat esad~~~~~butter and molasses, and beat'-well. for th adihwiisonew g :t.m mmcm-ain. B, U R yacht bound for Pa1er=çlo The sbl. orte lodlttn, n i-Gre4e abaking iaheet, and, drop ta tIa ee ensre.<'s~ str uimbe reuah~cr the Fro-ennin '1ouan- b CLN'Tjas-êý' be s"vdh--l local police fhe usm fted-de-strongly dlsapprov&I of it. Asthe mixture onte1"it in spoonfuc "Yes" rpiid te bariser thie ichspat. Bake for a quar-Asternailelindusoudpac idesyi relider " magine - the quest not ifcl s tails but hanc did he ;est. Vero.an houir, aud place ou a, sieve PET 4 Geing te the- P adOffice to believe that." ii efclycl.ne, b4t5VaStis!Vl, for Vo mak e a qees- AKI bokhe asge to, Messia Q o the, "lWelî, the rçatV o! the busines» DaintyRle-aeon on'f adwi çh dainty, pretty, tasty, 'd t.ionis Ganges, he-heard of Gros Jean sid' was simpiicity itself. Russei-th' lu u eeonflo a.nôt Jmulsy, ean- art not learnedin of ' 1UG 5 the Turks, and then knew that he Envoy's eoDénfidnil servant-w 4 ng-po-der on tesponfu cfsai, wa on heright. scenýt., u urps. Vwa, f course, abr Voi unl soIlc>d ee rppng 1rIf celeivy, lettuce, olives, peppers, tw e dt u h testà tcopilute o - ,and bis priclard.ak~ uetit rrls hn evefig. Se was naturally pale and was a smaii. pne-fve, hundred hal oked, bnt.tiùsheor r s.ithéài ~iM~ A I G - I, h »Avnt fSiirt.tri- ,mioinék. Ithink. Thecrdental .cu k d m'oeTh ýitha i I &1'Aau _s 1N kiiocked- sénselesi by the crewo'f hÏiad %ýarilY" resting 04, hie of sanîty by lis a brioel vîsili, a ifOb I 'Thée"ultan W' 'wenver Bigfly 'wiiU 55iIaVe.L whe2- ti' e . 011119h ieu'o-Edt hd .w evideiuced bhy o ., O party.. to -aà pçqfr lus owu und>- stand in Vthe front of the fire tje dry. u ' ~~~~~ ~ ~' hanug d "dIMdd ~ h-wI~u ~ ~ ~ ':'Yki ~ lc in -the,o!Oliil light i[ , T1w a îbo Y ounge. hi . Tho ie 'cn s ,> ruhk d do ù t ieq s wtnessi T'e de D n ' sk. mé o'O xpan tifl l udènu color asud' crisp .- UsëthéýV m; ]~~ret sud tire doctor, Wirho tchi-leavee partuireo! the Blue Be. I Canoet give,"rsudd ubsfo ieéentedfbsct u' .ccveeaio hd akn lae u ire s that tire settiemlent wa-s corn- The receptien- o! thre. prty in i<ô. eoiv Th e -oacte of this they are cheapet. ountran1ree!oftire hotol, whilst Dubois p htee iedebt 'May have do nyb eald uasnec. can ouly -be ascertained laa va]t- tmtigchhi by étrte e.itoiry M wae .being carriad Voea bedrocm y been,j 1V le pâld- lu full !" - The Turkish Ambassador was Ap8- Yildiz Kiosk, and I do not suppose made as foilows fromn remaine cf any ~~time servants. ~ T4é Englishmaen were Dow sale in cially iustructed fromn Constanti- that any eue there will evertljon. irtsctreeahn yiI "pi yuno kow2"iuuiedthe seclusion cf a private rooni, se nepie te take charge o! tire.dia- you. No doubt you saw for y'ofr- a cupful o! slicedoculonsin, fat untilI the' officiai gravely. "The young Brett re solveà Vo» arouse Talbot mouds, and Talbot irad'the keen self that -Mehemet Ali was convîne- a ligbt browu. Add te this a; cupful U lady was o! yur cem cu e whof romthe- stupo r whicir iad settled eatlsfaction o! personaily handing cci. 00Were iV net for Yeu, ire woudoptaesudeso.ilwthat stayed 1;eroEý wlit you--the- niece cf upon him. - theni over Vo the Sultan's repre- havie given',up control that night. and curry powder. ftew the rnix-L miid,, tihe elderly gentleman." "Listen Vo me, Jack." ire said. seutative, lunVire preseuce of iris But you sud yeur policemen.sud tre for a quarter o4zau heur, aud - "Eýd iti *Shot, did Yeu say. i"you uet- pull yourself together. chie! at tire-Foreigu Office. The un- your coufouuded Engieli uotionsl1of* tiren add the siiced ineat.' Place ail- erid er roher lauig gaistDon't forget youhave an important lueky gems were forthwitir taken right snd wri3ng, rendered neces- iu a deep <11mb, sud serve. trust te discharge. Our.firet duty back te tireir ewner, and ne doubt sary tire adoption ef the second Eailway Plidding.-Breakf ast cup- "Yes, 'but not serieusly, 1 hope. is te ascertftin whether or net tire repose ut tis moment lu a spéciail party e!f the plan we hac declded ýnu. fui of fleur, eue ounce and a baîf o! Sire- bas bee6n brought here. The diamonde r ntc. lqary eeie lhoie r- ucaee.th firet- miscarried. After lard, on-, egg, teaspeonful cf bak- 'dùcorsareuewwlt he lu He H laid ounVire table tire!beit tak- nientoes of tire Prophet, for the pro- ettr iuewt oHssei n-powvder, twe tablespoonfuis o!- "Whosho he t"deiandd B enc froni Dubois, sud iifted.'eut,-its ject whieh led Vo Vieir firet visit VO brought lu more coffee. Tir4 which 'white suear, a littie milk, j5fl. precicus co#tents with careful ex- London was deflnitely abaudoued. ire sud imy Turkish frieuds drànk Workthe butter into the fleur, add savagely.- actuese. Tire men crowded around. M nwiedlytega rmwa al right. Tire beverage give tVie sug-ir-ard bakiLng-peWder. Beat "Tir peeonwhowasflug it:~Eve amdettheexctin ~vntso! alermo aseured Talbot and Brett te Meheuxet Alil ad his*eccretariea up tire egg -wiVir a littie mik, snd ithé irarbor by the ether milord. It thîe heur, the siglit o! VIe fateful as te the continucd progrees oe. the was drugged." make aIl jute a iigbt dough. Pour la eate tht se l a oma, b t etnes wirich had causdd se xnuch f air sufferer, wiro iad eo ueaiy sac- "Ah 1" interruptcd Brett, ta into a grcatýed piedisir, sud bake ru rheaiiy at thsmo entI ave nc turmoil sud bioodshed could net rificed ber life ilulier charnpioneirip explainà everything. But, why was a sharp oven for three-etarters c>f *~-er hVr at.Sr a a-failite ho de.fyly iuterestiiig. o irbohrscus. aenkle "au heur. Turu on te a sieve, eut lu î ried tVo-h hbespitaI:- with 'tire Pcmiua wiaoutten ws hoo!hebothrndcus.prHessskilei others." 'rd n mn te a h At* iset a day came wireu the Biue "Tirat le another matter, iwhich two, ispreadwihausd prs T!ire tiwie eher omr.Ipra iaed uiiOs igall- Bell again steamed iute the hâârbor onily a Turk can underetand. Tiles i;ghtly' together like a sandwich. twsuit d thaîbnot moue. tic, awesoxne lu its potentiaiities. oaerm, udthe manuer lu !eiiows believe lu the kuife or a Sift. sugar over, and gserve. y Thyruuearthe size sud known 'value reuder- whicir Fairolme shouted wheu he piece o! whipcord as cnding uupl'ea- A Werkmau's Pie.-ýLiune a pie- have f ailen twice had noV BretV"cdtono!Ve etrmrblcagt sigr ! abue u- saut difficulties i*os ffectuiz.lly. disir with suices of raw potato, then phc ort i eachgthe crrtidor ,objecte lu the world, whlst'eveu lu ing on the bridge was in it el! su!- Yen see tirey werc net ordà Lary at Vhe bottoniiay slce f o!nu*us wbci cutiud iriraprtuets -its present tmifnished state tire ficieut indication --tirat allirad gene rogues hypeeddV ~oi e sn tl pepper adsiad thie foun irHr, LrdFitr- facets aiready eut by the 'workinun well duriug their absence. - spiratore actuated *by' puepiW a few nleycrird.ae-aesf -ogaaveesu r.Wu e idnet t rllatpr h rvler eesrrdadcal motives-motives wirich a cern- you chocse. Cover this pie with a s tanding silcutly, a sorro'w!ulie m- -aefodecrt t biliu pr hetavler ee uprsdau tionlese, group, outeide Edith'e ity. -.- deligirted t id dt href et mou servant like Hessein could noV lid o! mashed potatoes, o hc Pullng'himelf ogeher-by n e ina cariae wthersei-Uf eaon really lie expected - Vo appreciate. little bacon drippiug bas been'uÈed, "What. terrible thing bas ap'- effort, Talbot advancel te tie table the wharf. Were it noV that sirew Bt ls i ot tooelq ihppe adsl etse.We -ýpezed V" Brett asked theur. "Sure- sud lowly ceuuted -tire steues. pale, sud ber right arm was tight- theystab e unihist iws,takvtie p e enct any ry yeu *ly Miss Talbot canuot be seriousl ieeweef!yee ail toid, sud ly estrappeci acrese ber breastet u oeloecshfrmbsiie av e luZtirecntra te. Apat i lvueieale ! iecllCIf reetayeveveen ! h l-ter's pockets. Tircu it occnrred teeahoud seai!trepate hu r t theVire othersfthecoveleeh'lmOVire eft ect9msainenpurpe en T'hoe only one wire conld anower was a diamoud ef great value. iurcd siroulder, ne eue could ,iave te Vrtwbenef met Alil. sud fracussdwl wrVr was Mr. Winter. "Yes ',ho said, "that le the cor- guessed trt ieth udro e o Viedrug.rey ie ui edf a e poile igrPdi.Frt BIe h penV ir," h . said, " u r e uiie. a no ocertain, sucir a terrible expérience. o h r g je lôw eabl eld G n e u dn . F rt i Vit dotor wit ie erelu m- bt Ibelev Vhy ae te riginale. But Brett, deiigirtod as'he wasteVo tirow anu uple&sautly strng 'take hree -qurer f za ound o! ThYaextraeting the bul- Tire big'one cértaînly le. It wil1 ho meet hie friends again nuder sucir light outire, cornplicity o! certain ................______ et . Thonreeeo!tVe happiest days of my life pleasant conditions, expcrieucedirigir persouages lu Constauluobp1pl Before thre bewildored barrister when I séetire hast cf Vrth " rekee tniments e! triumph This was sufficienV reason for the 1 1 (II5~ 1 oculd fraxue another question tire "Thai day .w1Ill-arrive soon," re- &ut elation wtken lirterec ieaotc fsru esra U déro t' om opeied noise- makd rett quietly. ."Yen u" -d apartjuûent wiere Dubois was stili Vey aise were peacefuly des- Mim" s CET d iy n tof' - t0 PIC.CNr leely ad te tal~ngetlmen I r itr muet sail on tire conflued under. tire atcrf ul *guar - ____ 'energd.Quecf irrn pok Eg- Bine 'Bell to-nighiti er Iarsele -of two detective. flir weii.' He addressed imseel oTrtl, Mr. Daubeo eare alo coiaie u. Tr * Sir Hubert Fitzjam7esw able," ,h. added, turu$ng tÃ"7 that yon g niohMnan had by Vhis time HDH'CASFID ~ U~ W cieefuly "irt Ieyong l4'sa rllepaerthn V ra ecu f or. that ire 'vasmore tiran -quite ,wîth ir ll-"Wlr5t kiud e! a miLn wouud is not at ail dangerou.. 1V yeare hlm. . e , ewas thrireutteFk lookn W 1orne tiran iV ie.; Meet,,fpr-z-'I aLyeur service,. gentle- sckwe Vrycretgie. WIll-"H ueo rsSuay tunately, tire buIlçt firet struek a ment"h annouuced promptiy. I1an or te see it i8yor urn' manuers witir iris. Sunday cltrs lage buebutor n ercat. This "Bt what âboàtt Fairholme sud te lie trussedý up in -bcd,. Dubois," eohrined with Vire irJk wooieunima-,tire yorung lad~y tIr henet-on, turu- ire said. '"Éow are yeu féeling uow 1i ""' l, ud som mahl amounti of iug t6 Sir Uubert. Gtigaogalrgt -oe"T - j adiuàg placed hoeneati tire collar "I Vhink I underst&id,"- replicd ýTire-Freuchirran did noVawer UI by'.the maker,, offeved such. resiet- -tire baret.. ý"Mr. BretV meaus hMm directly. Afitsri lu -nC - ue at Vire bulle lodgcd itsecf trt teewretcired diamed mned hl ieg ae otro'V -againi thtirecolla r 1Jne 'vitirut sehould ipais officially out of'the V ' -rett al 1 àcé,Ife auret-UVeI' tb~ogir ue wùucl~ ,~~ Oit- ]B. ee. wlth-Viroe âtwo zhyI4ueein- - eaaue Vleno a il- ie- Tire barnistêr iodd.cI. doctore1W" x=olbait8u d ;Cnt"e"" vtmi* -breakwiro!1 1oh--t ovemmat su Wau]w eeier" -b.lstEiir o il gowell, "Wap1 le yen asntl" bVUEUU1W IBs 0%o,te.P 'in esy, yon, 1fr s à à BroËVVnfl ; rh ,,ba rîtéb'onl deb rrdr ur d bee u e n Au t a14 'Âitsé g 8 0 O imS e2 u cih e s e '. ma 9y h0, noerforce Vo ret oonteiit. Jack, àzddt e st lndwhhelSté.1X agoîî> . l nchcsigb,3 Tiremedi al n e er ao' te- k u 0d-reu aiy e in n ga~a .a Sir Hr-ertr --4 t vcnd.~-- ' tretrstreose l ~Or W a dkl mot Wndt l 1 T aflu4 lud îtu i W~hner'a le y.t anotier ptint ie'lst.FIth oni m. alo *elp id Ïbe eid rot, Tio k. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1iorqie or tetolu min'r o r - pu luDaueey lck . Italie, ludiated byp=ntomi'h, A.gentme =au ileinen," ho said. "en.will fiud "Tu 6Bluo Bell 'mil R»Mne -D wbat levàa ththerencbDWa requir- - VAVII hlm luhs raszrxmNo-41.'tel uering $meilohé aiid. bTi5& 7oý bak..dYo , and te t uo2n$ -lnfd li on.,_______-of_____________éi Th èdclmnJee bu'-e tk U8 ds e a 't'-gl an usrl rnall inhodr.Teel everbeason C. le thebonds wxll consdezmblYi bcr- iB SECUR-ITIES - OY LCORO RA-10NI à, Trzr ýmolnTEAL BIDN P., LW MMONT REAL-0 U EBEC.4iALIFAXOTTAWA] es.n Insugar ~ A'T~'and the best-is YtOI Suo' LS~<this 5Pu1d Sea1ePackd, tCANADAY of j Extra Cranulated. SUARCrNIGf. n- this caÉtop 5 pounds Jul weight of Canada'sfAnst sugar cornes ta you. fresh- -_fr ' -the Refinery'.-and aboutelyfe fmrnanytaint. ,or 'Imnpurit. Ask your 5-Pound Packageý-. CANADA SUQAR JItFlN1Na COMANY LMITDMONTREAI. m1 s ru RU ARBTTE t ID yearci iu Q w 9 erl irkally ni -tainly- uimm :ing 1 e15Z, :Out ng I 's ýi - 1

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