Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Apr 1912, p. 1

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ath *iai Court House, iVhitby. * O * - ABLA, arte a ~ Tue0day, April 9.-Wùinter is agaiu wil eýg.Three inches. of -snow this lu Or thé aihÇueo utc.qdstii snowigat Qaztmany wii4t a.osmor th Dow a&n1GmIvýAy. I tdîW wi crve sone peopn's1 A 1wreu - Wh»y, On. ~sy Florida. -9 *k- D-& -,.r1 1 - -of th-adof.d iarshave b on Ionte, to on y .. 'ô. ntmdiaely-soathRoyal Hotel, .,.YOUNG SMITHÃŽ L.L.B wlerEt M onytQ ba.. Isuct _ of marriage Licenses DENTIA W. <ADAMS, Dstlste, Oise, Dun- dis SUai, Eudmme. Né. 4" tm TUMsO, Byzols â., WMllby. 'o AUCTIONUR Jai4. Blshop, Osbawa, Llceaed .Nuc 2inesr. Successr to L arak eôlè tris and dateff-apply toý self or ta G. Robb, WhitbY- salesAt t hé, Gazette office. ffll and Indepenident phonel. WliIITBY. Ã"N10 warni sunshine1iQul( erie -warmth, for'a ' !y al the snow. worK I ek 'wc~ ~Ij d remove W ~ith five àhrdeo ts cre within as mn iweýksP TOýronïtb, wQzud seom to 1& becmn danhgerouslplaýe. In ach an d çvery case 'thé Po- licé have failed I'tea a Pnéd the miurderer. /-91 tbis sort of thing groes on, Toronto the Good %ïIII become: éthe rendezvous of the bad, man, and. it will fie-unsafe là g o ot-î at nAiglitwithout a armed' ew'ort.. What Toronlto uieeds -now isa Sherlock HIolmes. Ontttrio of laIe ~esb b shy o ïfirtcasdetectives-, judgm*ng by the nfi evil-doers who, escapie. There are those.whyo -beliéve- in such a'.place ài Paradise. ACcod g orprs from recent tjrtv- ellrs scha.pae ound in uFlorida. The city of Iiami-andits env!iôns. appear to flthe bil zo a cey Tl]%e limate ih superb,. th% -s<enery- is beaùtiful beyod desription, the_ city eàid No'un. try are ehghly prosperous, sick -people goimug there, become weil, and -well people living there neyer diei, What more couici one- want ? Let-'à al ,go Thé public meting-obn Monday night was not Bx arclay- 5¶i the momtý tpr oise ore ,thalithat il o!a leprosoe i omeiI. Maýyor D-owýnef - thrôùgh lthe besfei~prrni~itowtd 1fr. Barclay thýn 9s4pokep be-rsofthe Librarey Board, ahd drawn, and tsithe, Bod, money, would.corne .to th.Gom itl avig- it opt ional with >th it ôrnot. ler.,-Barclay- ~e aik.ed the withdraw us efuai f th.,pa ty -grant o! -$150 lmàde -to >Lth Mr. Jackson 41em read 'an mr zette -and-ehrônià idefrin ortbzigte wodng9hé ànnoyed by--tise Lem,,,,and vi enntdfrom sôme- member . immedately aee*dtowhcr to, thse Trensurer , towftlhold pe for -progresa. Tëéii ucero! ;a loca no authority ,option tigait n «Lý_t, ýiiurions. hz,. a, net: berpu 4 ' îpr" îd 'bol zecooplzed tb iz , ofUhilquor trafflo, &" i-would Ilirortà dxmaui would w'aa i is aooýd-time é te t bthe me- C G oodfell reforzo4 1e0 lai fât tthat Osbaw, a id Et 1Wbittby uI& be ili , o.ai ua simrnclalîtty 'ýag -urig moe~ 0rpr oitzç$n ask orldon ,Flday. Mexegreffe tal s and a*tle atpaer 'M.sseda îieil to graut làarStit ktbe.l[uetitio4, asd fear.d à tat ilf taiemeetiD< co euld îb.-taln as, u ~ ~ u Inde-of -t4hoe elIg o! tae commit-> Snlty, taie 'ulook was net 'britfor of t4 eCoun- road option là i19i3.- oey ard ffl. M. E-Soxwmith !<llowed 'lu ~ifhe a. arong .pion for local o»tiofl, and egrauit i gng that taiere. neyer would tie a, bottr tsas- thn nxl auuary t 3 n the.-report take.a' vote. Ho _belieired, a 1.)is op- ras very m oli & - y4wÃ"wuld, carry lu--hib set uuary. y 1holught Rev. 1Dr.-,Âbraham càiticized taie BoardiWhen oha>rman and tire irst speabor for k-IiÈ Ssat authinkihg o! 5h.financial aspect -a taie là .huoructi ons OUÎýDi, OC44 SS lto Ima, ritUP fotoie.' 1'.lhk gr. Suruitt, bc sdby - JX. W. 'ias atrohey inl- favor of suai <mlttlng a t. alla dirrwu. by-laW; . bmielle ltere 0wam aà NOTJ-UNG -.BETTER -A.T'a LA WLER Phono 47. Prompt dlvs 1Oeio PURE t AtNT -RPl~,Ateratîcns mn& jobbin .g.-' 1 *0ppoolte Stepheuon'.o 0« 467 WtIITuY - Phone 149 MarrigeLtôense. Cofèt drug store, Wih NoWtugeeqld 1'fli:quesion or. local option -uncier discussion'at the rniStin-çwas èné lu which ev-ery ratepayer ho cons oerned. If the decision. arrived aI b' a pblic" meeting, called for a specifle purpose, iu not agrec- able to tiselectors., Ihey can only blame bhe.ni selves, for the- 'haci the. chance to have taseir sity upon the questi4oun.' So il was on Monday night. Where were those- who so loudly proclaisu their .temperance vews -aI limes.- WIire were tise pIarents frein Apri! th merges -into our SummerTan froin July 2nd andi givea oppo rtunity for, continnus preparatien fr;, the btter canss of Poution. In influence, equippuient sud sar5tcê, we bave no supenors. of boys and girls who are iu danger from uic trafflo? ýGiven. an opportunity tbeh they- cannlot blame others if the action or action by thse meeting does not suit thens. $1~OO aYearGuaaated 1 Conucil to- Maintaius Publie Library. taIwiùl afford $ e needed-accommiodation o'et»ataacbS;'gsrul tise Publicée, Owdthreore the Mayorr and in. favor of submhttlng the questioa 10 Cleéirk be instr to apply b 1f r. Caruage for5avote. Mr. A. M. Ross did't know wheth- tise additional£ ~ of $4,250, making togetiser rtiwaauoptneýe ak 1O00anci thàt in thse e*ent of Mr. Car-eiavote or. not. Thie Gevermuùeut acceding to our i-equest, Ibis Coundil agre o mgait e't -audt legisiation as would mainain a Foc uble Lirar sutis muie1 maire local option unneessary. FMe mainaina 'Feè uble Lirar inthe unii- oulti support local c<ption If ; t were pality of thse To f Whitby, an bo grant an an- brought to a --ote. nual sumen Per centum of the sum to Mr. Baker doubte iIftahe interest nuismequal7 gtn gL manifected. would warrantolgo be received for the -erection of such building to be wit a campaign. applied toward tise maintenance and managemlent, Mr. L.F. Richardson vas a bellever of the Library." in thie ierits of Local Option, but ho The meeting inimediateIy adjourned on tise Paegwntsd 10oe sons o! the, busines miez corne out; la its support, There ing of bthe above; resolubion. waw net ose o!flthe largsr employers of labor present and only one efthtae -Spuja Tlime. idrale the o eoleVas au stinnort and wiorir for thie bv-1a, ae rso." Catalogus expiains whu q&'.à _ ----- -,- Write Centýa1 Business CollegCof! MIntb l aor; ubýïî Toronto, longO SU& Qerrard gâte, nEaster Offeringà) wudnt el avretub.lIû W. ql. Shaw,. Président.. JOIlNT MEETING 0F COUNCIL %l N T) LI- Hello ! fair spri.ug las corne; tise icy gip Mr. àJ. W. Bateman bolieved that BRARY BOARD. 0f grim o14t Winter on our fields aund strearas taie by-law m1ght carry, aithouga taie lias feit the softçning influence of thse sun. meeting did not speair weli -for taie On- Wedneslday eveuing last a joint meeting of Wiutýer's s8teru face shows signa of milder meod . ulie ntoeslla outie ube. i e r WIiv Weii the Town Council *and the Library Board was Aonbs isrd heatiebgwambr oî aw Ilho coldte hlpcrr Mie noat * hld for .. R.oU swiftiy to lu6stest, and his broad breast, YIaIfubttd *,ivthmotmdmtemn edfrtépuipose of, ifposbe arriving ti t s ~-Mx. George Davey beiisved thre ehaethe bmoped arn n tsRosilBesponaive t h o c.xng windis, vas a dedded change in public me.- * uOtro. The. couffle are thoYofhh an amicable seittement of thse différences bebween beaves wits emobion pasmgbis èontrol- mntl.aity aywo i p *aaiAnout* oi, te two bodies. Tise Library Board first held a For bis steru ridé was not devoid o! good; otietie hbyaw btore iobi hop- Vepe0 u otrélen'gth-y session in the Secretary's office, wh ile And bis gr;ÏM f"a at tinses we» luunulos gi pelg aremou«u. * stdet r e-su- members of Council awaitedintise CouneilAn kiudly isumpr îwit&led inis oyeý.. r esih ganquig nt 1 Our bou res *Clabe.Atabu 93 tseLbr oadfl-But, looktig- backward o'er bis e igzthat if taie Goveruneat preposed -te blis iseart grows isard againýpd for a wbile bring inlq$egslation dtallng iritlà the LISAY BUSINESS COLLESE ished their deliberations -and joined the Council. ti hksbsfe ufc fsnsdwni reating habit, local option would bq UNDSunneoessary.is fish'in. fac oflsun ndaiere CO.1E. Eower, Prtn. A. H. spetton. Pres. *Mayor Downey called lise Council to order and And bids deflance tb tise owing poera.voary If eiakn evoat ure ..-ENTZS AWY DAT- wul bnole ialo h wul ug invited members of the Library Board to a seat But Io, boud thunders ueow o'er. hie head, 4 vote -next Jtnuary. Hie flialy moi'- - - v~~~~~~~ithin tise rail. bis Worship briefly stated thse Andi ligstuiga-flanli, aund pelting rains corne dovuw!U'w citnscne purpose of tise,- meeting, -and called upon tise So tise old monarci, turningon lis heel, ty J. W. Bateman: "Ii thtemet.Io (Yetwit didaifni laû -o litrovu back,) theGoverament!aililng tô give us V.ire forin V Chairnman of tise Library Board to sppak. Stie rmynrhadt i polar home, temperanoe -lellatlon, this meeting 1 r. rcay a oukeabeinghw-om Wieflok iwild-geeojeér hbis laggiug steps. belleves that k l l lalthelatoreet of aod 1e vii Wiro For Tonq statemnent of.-th. malter regardling tise applica- Now th. uneleeed rivuleto Isa forth lte'Town- o! Whlt4>y o o-oprate flon for a grant *te Mfr. Carnegie. Rie read reso- From deils and brakes, aud hillside S otiseli'way wltà 08h» awls Eut WhItby la aa fixues arn suplies, aisog lutions of tise Library Board- shoWing«tisat lu tise To join tise merrçy-heafrted larger strcamsi oa pincman1 moxtri and tasupories. l o piino ieBadte u f$0O0wu As through tise ales witis joyous purling sound Il Moved ilar8nenDdmeut b'y CýA. (lood- boosadtasoies pno.no h or h udng uLioftneo1k0ise0ivea as hast eler, secoendd by A. M. Romp~- W ib . - a th e li se t eriishing r v rs u they h a t "T a actibit b e deferred tiil it expeJ scal ust ur eeu- r eeetabuligolal t h .mc d M,ýher Oçean'n arnpe breast, sesa rait the. Goveranmat wll de la edsof hty ThiL would involve a guaran- And tl h taIW of ths ecpe- from bonde aemle ftmeac sllt . Eleotrilo IsâltatIi Co., td.- tee to Mr. Carnegie., of tise expenditure of $1,000 And Io, tise robin, Jocund Pioncer, l When taie voe was talcen'tiuere vers - u O6 ame te-., Oshawa. Vmfmpr ero hemitnnc fts ibaye eiece n al rnchs or- apple bougli, Only tirelve ratepayers lu tiers rem. Mfix04 si'x . .1 peroposition ofteiseayBoard e.bry.TéPchdoa plbi Council% was At goodly heiglitcomr nauin mple vicir The amentiment mas lest,)y a vt prbisitioun h i w y ougardnte Ctiseepn Pours out hie màelbow, ricis mefloius notes '9 te 4, and the',motioncarrW dbý th&-f h aneeth ePe-Pair tokens of his greater Joys in store. the sanme vote*. ýdilure o! $1,000- a year, tise Library Board ou Wbile ciseerful cisiekadees and gey-birds sweet, etPlace in (3anada dr o"sierlcr angine" et shertband IEdoCatil hu at oligaruet sv ieCouncil And sky-clad blIse-birds dancing in the sun, t e ,..t sied opuaIer fromi raising more thon $460 per year, or 4J a And obiser, birds of varied win~ and songbi ELIOTmiff on the assesement. Pour., fromt their isearts their ove niotes to theirji "5 Mr. Barclay ment at lengthis btiste legal as- - îe u- And maire'us sIý arers of their deep deliglil.KO ING p * ? i~~roi;i<--peet0f -tise ca e utiug statutes te show ta silawn!thatha 'i suci 8 W5I-mIons dor - transàýtion was.quit. legal. A document * waaus in frein't ature9s ieart witis joys se full oyeoresf@, Sread, beaýing, tie signatures'or twenty"-fôux:. r.- Sr n nel ban'ds sisould roil away the stones dollar et sest, tain ponibe usues mngura.eiug aie ron mouIte ïf bombs wisere mother earth bas orsnytharudyxef ~ ~~~~il> godauv sumns requircd overts s -ilil Ievy. hid n.Vsisa O wrB lu seking tosecure tiselarger gat ieTs grao ie and ta from tisence sould Iis RIb~@4 f>.'o toi In .eSLLng t e f ýù-i théiauthébs.Mm.l -Board, said tseCh mao et;ot4 b icee f inthéiiý grave-clothes, forme go exquieite, ___________________ 'future. Âlready since tise establishsment. of 1h. So0daîiy la fier batysnesvetaturelSkiaf.Look- __________________ 'ree tblednd-, itolt bàfore.oudsM FreLibrary tise patronage isad teb o -ver îtiIOh, MiraclJepf iature, wroueist lby Hum o,<miaaà ref ~doso-C~Io ! er.g.Wii is4rgitrprospers be- hhmai iel id,-Aakenmy soul ster haggo.so! Ho- sncfLove. ho. MRioe, Iiijy rea _ 'Io ;;hIo.onJfore thb. towvuitbeisovecitis Board tb pla fr Àuîit _Hnrise,whroeoEstrm u; iSTUIPUN muggebed.ire secre 1>0,00,ointead o r-t -- RS JHSO. j~ R . -,' y, Oi Anat"f ad dnté oeso Paf ~t çosts -no. moreto- app)y. Pure Paint thon the M.artinsSctO-ur covers -mate tao the gallon'tijan other kinds. Wu M. PRINGLE -WhitbYi 111ESTADAR BANYL O~ F CANADA A DEPOSIT 0F ONE DOLLAR is rceîved in o'w Savinge Bank Departumetmd is suffiit to open an accunt and entitie the D ""biert a pans Book The, bighest curet rat6 of Jtrit . mBiwed. aW money may b. withm t aw dm. without d"lY- Savuig Bank Department: at Evewy Ermel. WxiITBT DRANCH. C. A. ucCtLELLAN. X 0p OSHAWA of- . P,,OWENSi Dao.maaeq. MI t PICiig. Port Pe*vr~. Cawmwm -Ae ov ýLookini, fo*r Maple Syrup ini Tins, 15c, 25c,_ 50c. Prcpa'red.Pancean d Buckwheat IJottr 1e ! g 0ranqes N4ice, Large, Juicy- Navals 25c, 30c, 40c, S5&.~ Fish Fre8h Daliy. Sca Salmon, Hafibut, Hiaddie, Ciscocs, Mwm ad Oysters. Freh cîuce, Raddishs,! Rhubarb. Trylis 1or-Good Goods . J:noéýE. -WAT Phono il. Bu "I Il Lt Ling.~ 'loue Iber J~NU I.' c- i mupi ail ~prlI ~prII <t p ad t .1 1' rl_ 'l à -

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