",How haisdome lie"thouglit,* -Maud, inas kind of inyoluntary men T1IO'ié two,*ereever lhey met. cou!d peve b bewrasgerè again. Xghi it é &f4aanot i uaný rwsy- officidus. HResimply. sviw he girl'& iotlie týà ià iwbýiéh Ilionashèd 0on- îasual'remsrk,à se b Ithelocal scenery, Mfa" Watsoans -mten m,. ,l he. ~as an9ceât ome, 4mpaJailse,Àtkd otlioi'Places which __________ ~ ~ ~. ~ opr iole ItrrallIer -ifrai4 bliat- p fieUadn t, ýygrstuj lier 4In i n-IAwjittle lu n~iff hlavélbqmn passe4 in N rnandy. _or be. 2irlvl l,, ue JEeuew,à a s'nk bind Ihe two îsq;k;," hC~q4 nuve,iv' og uiet odq.w~-bik~suaintace~. udqélerthum, hultle o !elry Watson had tou aJiht. She lhunbeaber o-_j iui , (wu tP2,-V foUnd mUoeto bav3_ber socabv LIFE Aà A GOVBRENEs. Lltu4e ~4 ISu hy \PialLý, ý4 M eW uu a sbrief tinoe, boili hsd tld lb. truth,-villiregret. did nut lidushkeor lace. kt'o~élil prté'oee u ýpI;,4(uV W.iiif haughly proud, tu Mary Wsbaup 8s sooneai tho train faqodiÉnified, vas kiud i1 erway. bsà tar il I âà d tuchpd bis bat. .Ads asLwotIlèrare Thora e s aparriage talu o So a vpji~eI alier a. yonuqlady," fho aad. Are' yoajfraid ofhJýor grannoîhor's coubd man., bouud for (b"polm T4warsumi e.r' nev u irgvrnos. won upon .ber "Ys. vbe IIIioply. 'aI once. pôttoer gà i 8e 1si ana , t lbis quit. s treal, I1amure., yon, once &8"eoaehman appeared, wbu lun- Miss Waleun," said Mrs. 'Carr ulliée, vito4 Miis. Wlon lu folov hlm. hi. Jiousebceeper, vlio lisd been r-kt y furten e _oaqii1hfmIy TIt ..4'Aud sp lo vas v.iiliier iother, pôor 'thîüil" lhis dliii vèýOU1 o. "adearer girl nover livedl Bth: carnae qclt0,voitteiwag 0true Coi- ~void avepseed.uelr l Lo4o~arêgool sud true, but bard. Mise al.-amng-rorn, but a -fine opmeoLa,'. .-sm~atiu Ri enai tfipiýmtene. 'he ,gèîéjh i slened lu tbis. ~ tbtea bidr~éienc uf no i4luIistreio.ilover amant bu ho* un- hag~ly a& rud famiy;ilva kud" the. hoseeper welon. 09welb. dwelling of, p. or0 baugli. rBu voq~u ig p r ty ud ,rU 'fmly- 50 Xl SPPI5 fîmiby. Por isÂaemotber bu Mary Wataoxa -before she lld liad nu fortuüe;ý ..This was ber, b>,ie. beeni th li uas. art huai.> Misîreert su oaftÃa bld liqçr bow, It vas à fiue old in4ion, qno of int.d o lpiugntii.l family, elie the really aplendidý -suaient eclicol; ha-rge ldowu, thai I believe its faruitute -ws mein sud ý riqhý ha slorkaead, iet ù uIewy balold vfileIho£irs k.n îsae earied sud-vorried, pbur'thing, *tu indioated lu lier very ýquiçlcly, thal ûbieteI. Iher ere nu 'eë-Do ufficienb, servants "But lier busband?" orita; .tbe placeê as, CoreUlln T4#veriL, laxo- ninn Butl Mrsý OCreellau vas ind"d a ~wu a go4 'desla'boenl,-altând- lady, -a grand :u, thé bhouse.9i ie tà aui"teýloa- Duot la ier maner soeti k*eéper veint on, 'lu a iôw lune. 0 f Ilty n e liaie t ar liere- course,- vhst 1, I ky in - -sacred b.. But Mrs. Oorcoblan vas kindly lin sud ouud is vif. dying, sud faiatly the exîrome. ,andifttr s fou' wordd ly gueed th. cause, b. sud hie on bsinsé,seu Mis Wtso lomoîber bad s quarrel. 'You bave lier rouas , *hueh, was tly, an killod my vile,' hoq said, afler .aie Simpby, furnished. ovldenbby u'ith a 'vas $CD 1e, -'*itb your 'prond.baiugh. voau' ou omfurl. y ways; laie cr boy you belis, ifaf au 1101H'-, Ister fois Walo vas ummned-1edinner, st, whi.hrnYclDdul ho a meal , tere wus only pressaI ber- asked te guvernesa, a litlbe cari- .blf snd th» misirea ýo! the mnssion". ousla "«My son," obseïved Mnr' Coroolan ,-tViry seldus.," vas L. aineer; -vo Win 1qït 'MU ber .14 lady> -ý "just bt 14k aller Miss Ad&. H. eh@. vas ]rot '5iEl!'r.-"li5 s oldot atsu 1m -Mo"te are atib cool., Blie * home.1 l - p Veryý fond o! Irave- vante bis, to jà drrY; in liires8, ng, but esely'-ih P s.' thal t. 'Old nane m r s ,again.», * 4i t p re ue n e e , 1- v il b av e c l ve l a~ c e p t fo r 1 Ov .- b u , e ip e oiai fi y, b é v ilb to dessert; you vibi thus hnou' your nover mprr ayone 4u'hd does nul pupil. 8h. lfileu ae, for 102 '46 flke Miss Ad&., do vhatever yen May thiui bout. 'aw]t. J. , lOurooblan 1k.? vitli ber. askéd oui lieroine libbly. "AÀ eveet , gentte cid," -observod "Yo wil ihm aI dinner," vpas Mary Wateoî, ibs w b.th liii!. on lb. ropîy. alMisîres - bas gono to vas ltakonp OW&Y Aler bliig befr muet hl. -Thil ià wliy she bas lak en iu~lzouoed ~ U~'"'~'~Mise A4à a vitb ber. tiiild aiiddOUiêliOn0c beroine, 1vhen dArossing for "iMkehlirmoter," vas »ie relli- dinner, thogi n c o- Ivice about er enappiali rem& k; "n fe.ltse mnasteof lb. boss *hou vs cen- I oould veyez- Énae an»ll ~~ g bre ber-ne. life.» la ol ob 1. ol Seein(2, th" MMs. Csrolban bmd hein sy y ee blis grim, Ilersy esNý for .M,-uua. Vo*ian &tlE sudexooedingly baugtty molli. th- Pfrs .FIanneIB, lanket.S 1ng Mifliery boicounvînced tha*'t fc well, if so,sh4opedbhewouid uot gtremainaCIollsn'Towers v'ery SÛRblitnistttelr4litho iJe her, 50 tht she did lier 4uty, and tb. imo 'would soôun coz»eà vlen 'she "vpald bear from Mrs.,Itygbam, and bc able -tu ~1y~p'à 'breanoilier aùd Su very, uestly,z'but eimply dreescd, théê ew ooteweldowii soon after t4 dir.bell,. souuded lu ilie drsvîun*g.>uGysdr-Mre. Corcelbln sdber su"-uAflà ft-*O iiVglb saumons lu dinner, 0cr beroino 'vent in, in lier quiet unpreteuding, vay.. .fi4 heir-geMrs. Corceibsu vas esky- iug, - "Realby nuv" criod a famiiliattoice oposkiog metriiy, "sud '00 You; r te Mils Watsun 2:?J amnver lad lu fiud it Bo. - *Mary Wstson lboclt&( p sud-pair ber jo'lite ratlway co npauion,. gouing at lier with cordiI[,"Ileacure. -Thia la a aau a nv&rnah"In ioo dumfounded lý ,sepe Ç A toi ,,.rthur," ahe said, sIiPly, "do yWt koow Ibis young Jidy?" "Wellussy k ow, 1I not,' vias the merry reply "Wý hoppoe, however, tb travol bogeth Ue dail Il presunle, Misas9Q p, e iore. le it noten? "Yes," said out beroiu~ quietly; «"Aud I renoomber, Mr. Cô, ells.n, yout were vüay civil to,'Ppr me, a elianger. 'ist'sea wy Io ol, a uwere laughiog "asuo, but, lhpa o e hibou' me," as dîner wvas4unc aud ho actusbby ifered is me (T U boninrwi.1 00,TO R. SN 4S ,VYO AN ~2~EE'~m Confect na ie, A 2ULUI tE* F FRLUITS kid 11GW te oS Rdat. The groat scret of obtaining riche, Je first to practicoecono*ny, andase good old '-Doscon Buyder'> Baye. "It used to worry thetli1s out of me topLty opormofle doctar's bills, but nov 1Ibave 'biruck il rih. Halth aud happinesreigra su- promo ini our littho houeebolde aud al simply becases iuueo no other medieîue but BEtoio Iilere and only. coats .fifty conls a bottle." Sold by T. G. Wloxt- field. TW7HAT'SWANTiD 1 -- A'PUffl-WITI PROVE»M ,SUFFOLK BOAR!1 cnORsEIi WITH TEE ORK aI IwRT 1 %ILST&xD MaR S]&vIOE ON LOT 31 DUNDAS STREET, ÇON. ., 'WHITBY. TERRisi l ATMWD5AT FgSRVICEl. JORN HALLET, .Propriotor. Lyud a CreekNov. 12, 108 fin. Monei-.yTo -Lon! AT RATES O0! INTIIEEST TO SUIT le, TEE PROVINCE OP' OlTAMiO. FRur &U nformaston mrespa ti'qabqve.6 &pp1lyc- -JOHN 'M U[Xsoi, Xemqey "Il anut CommiaaLoner, Whltby, Oas Oct e lm0. -lain moaWbty 1. mei of5r cf Collgf Phyuiclansansd Surgeone. Onwio. OPc*-Brook tae, Wbitby. (tOurn dcc.: Sà oqtIa 61 oyal iRotol Èovember lut, 180 52-ly ~ VVie. Camedpina Fin.e Ovwa's:.Oysoe Rael Etul.oel4, ýS (6DAhNUAL IBUPPER 'BO OK AND FANCY GOODS9 sTOR5E0-aM. SUBSCRIBE NOW TUIE.WEiEKaY "GLOBE villi poriraii ofthl. e' EU .GR BROWN., frour-nov toeou& of 1881 for $1.501. TUE WEEIKLY "«MAIL" TUIE WESTERN ADVER- TI8ERwiih portrait uf-Hox. B TUIE WHITBY GAZETTE for $1.00. Parent, sud Sebolax.viii And It thair aivn- tasm to Gaall na 'upeot orna .tuo sc>miet- mWOS -AND- " ils iaVery ohèp, Md wMh V b l's3 = Kiostuadety ccxnpetion, Ne froebtî Afull stock of auihoritod *Behool WUél lan xrou biudiug .1 the lcwesîrà tes. 'Tr 110w Prebylerian Myrna l3OokF MRS. ALLUN,. WBooy ek a ey 414uptwq OdeFtgows'Us4-BckSw. leib , Ag»M0380 floe'T P'0~I«*ET A41 IC1IDUTOEI'x GÉUIE INQE4 ~~J~JfKG ~4a ï;;Z7, TEE lEST11< TEE (5313?,o1' TnoEEm 4u o Sewing Maine, BROOK ST.7, WmTBY.' The baauaahfe zu. seourei . alin IL T. CLUTE, Asavm. -S.,.W b Useh N. m 8=-= b8S olbosicorm B»h 4 Dun %U Whoy OUTR: LA]RGEr,,TOCK-ANDý YOU WIjL' ucilno ge ttr value. in the County., c a HARROWELtt NDON HQUSE.R , mifflim , 1 .1 > ýi