DISTRI'CT NEWS., -The social was a aucuns., the attend. sunce watt large, and. the 4njoylrneut coin- piste. .Tite social intended te bc given by.ffn. J. Cutliber i sortly in anxiônaly loed forwarîl to, as eatch oes kuowe il vii bo most-suocessful. PICKERING COLLEGE. Fromt Our cira Correspondent.) LsraluÂit SocîicT.-Socirâty met se usual on Friday evening, Novc suber 26th. la the. absence of tbs Presidenit, the. ,Tist vice.Prssident, Mr. J. W. Babry, ocnpied the. chair. "itr the. report of the general cein- cxitte. badl beau. adopted, the foliowiug amime was proceedod witii: Beading by Beuiben Hamîju, "À in- qaitive Boy's questions"; Recitation by VEasay by B. H. B. Farqubarsoh, "Tii. SEngliah Nation"; Reading h y Editii L.ni, "Tii. Captain's Cild"; Essay by by Louis Rorke ",Hernea"; snd a debate, subjeet, "Summer is a more enjoyeble seumon titan iitcr." On the affirma- tive Jobn Robertson and E. J. Ebbe; Ion the. negative Thomas Heuderson and IWilson Montgomery. The debate vas jdecided by a commilttee, Mr. Davis, Mien flowerman and -Miss Syoeiugton. Tii. decision vas iu favour of thie affirma- tive. MYRTLE Tit. annivereary services lu connec- lion wîtbi thb M. E. Sunday achool Myr- le were field en November 28tiih à 29t9b Sermons were preaciied on Sabbaîii at 10, a. m., by tIhe Bey. 0. A. Simpson of flrooklcu and at 6.80 p. m. by Mr. Thcs. McMurray of Myrtie. At -2.80 p. m. the r-chool gave a-concert exeroise and sang tome appropriate piece of music. Tii.ý passages of sciipture rechit voe vel chosen aud edmirably rendered by tiie sebool.N Tii. etteudance et ail tiio services von large eapecially lui the. afteruoon and evemng wbeu the. ciuroii was crowded. The ten meeting ou Mouday eveniug was e grand sucesa, sud the programme ail thet could be clsîred. Tite ente,- t.ainment consisted of Readings. Becits. tions sud choie selections of vocal and instrnoeenlial music. The proceede am- otl te about $50.00. Fgrou our evu. Correspondent. SOCIAL.-A, "uneck-tis' social camue Off et Ah. Canada Mehiiodist parouagd les& Tueeday. A fair numt.er of gentlemen appeared go purchose the mony bring. l g ies ausveniug to thons of as maiiy lad e.. The bail cf the. Publie sebool lu Brook. lin duly auuouueed te the. villagero, snd pupils in garticulas, on Moudsy snoruing1 leut, t bat the several d&pertinente of that institatin ver. ail la reedinoe for recoptiou cf sciiolars. À full complement assembied under the former tesciier viz., Precoptor A. G. Hendereon, sud Precep- pressest Dais sud Allerne. Tii@ reoma are grauJiy'commodioe ou boti datas; thce nev etair-vay sud hialls or cloak lobbbues are spacieus sud 'couvenlent ; ad muet ausuredly tend bo deily eduoes- tien i tidiuean and order, tL. bell-lever le qui.te imposiug, riaing fer solbve Ah. main roof. A natty litAi. head, Master'. room, off tLe upper large rosu, suad in the $ever, forme quit. a edful provis- Ion. Mr. HazûilAon contracter, deserves great eredit fer A h. design, aown lu lthe carpentering ef, 'and verkmsnship cf the- wbnhle building. Hia brick-layer. aise diii their portion of.tbs vork tante- fuIly, sud vs trust substantially. suci Il le go aiH appearauce. Tii. soet te . number cf sixty are erected singly, lu lb.-upper departicient, sud double, or for <vo setlbelar. osa lu th. lowerý4 rooti. Thy bhar tlb. dsîguaýion of the. 'favorite' mve eeinft'rtable, handy, and eleFjaut. Wè enmplement the, truste.. sud villa«. thp le posoession cf se srvieable al*à eful addition le theirilarge hu- Nov. 29-A fia. broke out yesteraay mornlng la au oid unoccupied building ou main street, It vas totally ccnsum-à ed. Il Lad peen set on' fine by smre sualcieus pêrson. D ter a dfe, ntsearch troughai heI$1Gcd F -U UN ouse.gOf thisC ounty, that Ã"or ohoice gos aali- ty and pirice, no0 one can offer better .value than Ci. F. STEWART. IRBESS GOODS, a. large assort'Ment of the newest Goods. 'S ee Our new figured Tweed Suitinge at 15o a yard. JýACK CASaMERES, very. special value now offered; in. fact. we show the best lins of Cashmeres yet offered, from 30 cents'a yard. MANTLES.-Large Stock to select from, and at very low prices. Shawls, wool squares, clouds, mite, gloves', hosiery. MXILLINERY, the largest and best assortment of Millinery in- Ontario, CLOTRING. dered Clothing. Acknowledged'as the leading house for. G3ents'-fine Or-' M"ake, fit and style perfect." The best value offered. Note the. adalrees-Deveril'. IBlock, WhiLby, Nov. THE LASOOW WARtJIbUSE. -C- R. & j.eCMPBELL Owing te a sudden drop ini the value of J D I- Cý-oQC 2 D S 7 Have availed themselves of the opportunity in making lrepurchases for CASH, at mucli under regular5rices. Are showing splendid value in DIRESS GÇ)ODS, In ail the new styles and sihades;,-from 8cts up. LADIES' JACKETS, $1.75, $2.'50, very stylish at $4 and $5. COSTUMES al Ready-made, $4.50 te $10.. Ladies' Blaok Fur Muffà s*Boas, S frzT$2.25 a et Ja5h.Lt5-O LJL[II5. O ij o Ail Wool Tweeds, very fue at ail prices. a special lotat O0ts worth 90cts. Overcoats and 'Ulsters, mucli under val'e 150 Pairs jC0ýarpe at $3, cheap at $4,50. THEIIR STOCK 0F 2t8, Blanket6, Cottons, Fà n.nei Under-cli à IL AT -REDUCED' Just ses their Gooda and pricais R..& J. C THUE GAqZETTjO YOU GET CHEÂIýl- II IRMEMBEB TmEPÂLCE OVERTWHED ÇFST Brook & Dundas S 0ts,W 1 I C.è Pu STEWART, THE FASH-IONABLE "DRY GOODS h OLOTHINQ OB-'~, -Whitby 'C-hÃŽia Tea S A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED;s0» -ý Fresh pure and choice Teïas, Fragrant, Coffees, Pure Spices, Fruits, Oanned Goo 'ds,- and 0-eneral Fa mjly Groc eri es, Crookery nd Glassware. House-keeper;,.Farmeri, ana others. ar ein'vited t'O pay. us a visit before making purchases elsoehere.l; Sep. 23,1c880- WHITBY 'CHINA TEA STORE. lý' Fruit and Vegetables of ail kinds- always on hand for sale wholesale and retail. A H:o US.EHR'OL D W01R D. Tbè Çash Orocery Erprium,. DE'VERE?à LL'S BTJOOK, s1 Hlas become a household word as the best and cheapest place for fresh Teas and general Groceries. New seseon Tees et 25c, 35c sud 6oc per pouud, worth o,&c and Soc per pound ; English Breakfast. Coffée.25c per pound andelion Coffee 20C per peund; aIl grade. ef Sugar at Rock Rottom pricea; the Louise Bshing Peyder; Canned goods; pure apices, pure Cresm et Teter; Bruahes, Brooms, Pails, &c. WHITE. GRANýTE Handled Tees $z.eo per doxen; Wbhite granite Tes Seta 82.; white granite Chamber Setts,, $2.50 ; elegant Dinner sud TéasiBttea com- plete, $20;- ich China Tee Sette,. $5; s full assortment of Glass. were, Lamnpà sud Lamp Gooda, very chesp;, also a large Stock of Gem Fruit Jars, in pinta, -quarts and. haif galions, et prices that dely cempetition. Butter, Eggs, &c., taken in ýexchsnge., -WA NTED-5oo Tubs ohoice Dsiry Butter;* Sx.Mox nMUSE'S, Deverel'. Block, Bîgock-St., Withby. Whutby,.Aug. 171h, r88o. e WANTED 15ý_,000 Bi 10$000. 11000- 1' Lshels Baxl Y. do Fail Wheat. d o do Spririg Wheat. Blue Pea s. 33-000'do Qato, 800 Barrels G-ood Apples. 500 Good Dressed Hlogs,-any ize,. if fat. 'HIGI-!ESTI MAIKET.PR/CE PAID, YeOMAN .GIBS0N, Whiby, N59-. 19, 1880. OLD NO«.1 i.. 1-I