Ontario Community Newspapers

The Free Press, 4 Dec 1880, p. 2

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;2IýD 00O"x TflK ,ur ordar at Mr, AlIinu for Mi, WsternMotap mzK, 1&o. The balanice of !,o to.,thos whoý.pay for 1881. So dvertisement. - G&r à, FiRED PRESO At il'ra. Allin', .atmu tionery store. Ev erybody rend il. coUNcL.-Ne% Mondayise the regular councîl meeting uigbt.' Only two more =eetin gs bafore election. 6ub-i.-r. V.J. Gibson of the China Tea Store vent north with a car loua of ropples on Tlînay. Er.oculrco.-thoae who wisb ta tah louons i. élocntion can Dow do. go applyang to lthe Bey., Profesor 'Wroncl et thé Congregational chnrch parsonige, Wbitby. Seo adrertimemenl. 8 0. E.-Romamnbertlia supper in cou qi chamber on. Tbursdîy neit Speechee by, Qrand Lodgq Officae and othors lntersporsed witiî musie wilt oc- fl cmpy the timns-sitar supper. Allu re in- vctmd to attenol.â schooner Nortb Slltar with coti froni Oac wogo. Clearad Mlary-Aun Lydon harley far Oswog'o. ýNov. 27:-Arrived secoono, 'Vienne troam D.-rlington ligicb. cloared Vienne qOith barley for Oswogo ;North vc.lh b#îde for Oswego. - tr4 «Tu oLiDàa'.-Some of onrex changes suggosl Ibit thea Moudîy'o fol. loviag JCriamia day mcdi Now Yoea day lhs Jipt Ibis yeir instsad of tho 251h ---aînd U.. 4% mugit ho iii very wall ta hold fiaGril of lantcir wbieh wul ha - lecoo daya a i oliday, but le& ne keop ChWiimmaaà day on thé 251h. Sie. Âk'cs.-The manilora of the wVhitby andl Pickering B&. Androw'a So. ciety cslehratod thce înnivsrsary of (hair patron saint by holdingý an aseombly in ,the Tuwn Hall. The worm a largo cînniber present who thoroughly -ecnjoyod thm programme'providsd whicb oonsisted of vocal m ad inslmmntsl mnulc aftor Whicli th. Hall v*as iloîred and a àine wus cljoysd by the yôung - Nov. 25.-This inornlng, batwoen ons and swo Q'lock# gt vvo discovorod in -the back kitcbsccpLthe Frankîlin Eoua, oaued b'y »Mmli' Hait and ooc1upid bi W.B. ![*W4- a ihot1land the Toa --as]) vere tsIilY 4esn d, along bh ss of t4cm conte~e Tic. ontbnildinge W«oauved. Thce 4ctgina off the firo'i lufot ipOc~ ottir. dy.Tic.loua la about -510.Inacr.oon buildings, $1,6W0 on stock and farnilur., t1.5000. WJZITBY TOWNSHIP 0UU&IL. * Btooguli, Nov. 201h, 1880. .Couneil. tuet peracant te idjournonent. Ail tic. mouchera préeont, Bovo la 1h. chair.- Minutes of lIce liat meeting rdm approved&. " an The-Roave présent and roîd a lottor froin J. B. Dow Euq., solicitor objocting for Mira. J. G. Bail ageieat theo sale of tie îllowanca for rond holve Iota '84 ail 85 on the 7th, oeouion.- Mr. Smithl mote oeconded by Mir. 1)avidaon thit tbe *onaciL do nov r. vague mbt ommitto. of thce - holo on Uha by- lav for oloaing up ail amlling cortsin road allovincea in the Township of Whitby.' Carried - ani Council reauncei loto Conmmitta. of th.s viole on 1h. eaidi e>'. ]&W. tir. J. B. thovoon lu the chair. Commiittîso arasm,. rsported progres. and aakid !cave ta ait *again, report r.- ceived l md adoeisddilemvn Ioa ag éain. on mottôn of Mir. Daviddon oondoil Mc tr. Smig$* by-law via iniroduomil uî pûe at reul by.Imv No 588. On m,ýtion'off Mr.' Dmvîdaon aecondsd ly Mir. S4 ii,. M by.law viaintroduosil ta ma p a r -ï by vay off loin à a80.tr* ioO secu~ Po. , The fo)lovlcîg gmorcants vere. ocilerei 0Pala*l:- SA. Orvia work on oe U.3 9 Bail.>' 1.0.< T. A. Fisher indigent *.29. 11.0O' a.>Yrreo 67810. Y. Bal. #81.50> Joeeph m~uab 85.00, A. B. tath*veon 81125 o tAmion off wé.Mhvoui aecond- *4 liy ir.ý Divlau, resolvoil thal the ohd aie vmlk on.CisuhI etreet, ho rencor. ed ta siîmooe Street, mdpimail aI 1he ea..t oftbb rad soulli of àb Poil Offica, ma Ihat B. Campbell, J. Tyler are haro ý y eppolctted cormusoneoa 10 mîbuni 1 #i. @&me and tao cire of tho, mabonîil ipntl il eau ho laid dovn. ou motio f 1i r. Mathavaon seond- c. - t. Dc4yreole Ph .1 al TO *H E PUE 'c! 1 ý Over thirty different patterns of fine Frenchi and English China Tea Sts, the finest seleetion outside of the city, and -ail te be sold at a very slight advaneo over eost. Motte Cups, Mugs, Moustache, Cupe, &e., vory cheap. À. few large Lamps, with porcelain shades, wiil be sold at a bargain. China Tea Plates, and Cups sud Saucors, by the dozen. China Breakfast Plates, aud Cups and'Saucers, by the dozen. A. few sets ef Lorne w are.wiil*ce sold at cost. GLAS SWARI- M'y stock of Glassware for this season ist4;y' large and fine and at pricos that wil guarantee a Bale to any person- wanting toby~ . GB4iETB, .* 0caOSy3.20, '$1.50, 81.7 s$fc1¶d2.50 per dozen. INGLÂ a I 75c. $1, 31.20, 31.50 a i3.00 per dozon. 14AP PISB or Bance Dimhms, il 80c, 871c, 40c, 65a and 70o per dozcn. BAL VERS, or Cake Stainds, il 55e, 60c, 7Oce 8.8O ach. The new Pioneer pattern Glassware, ineluding Piekie Bottios, Butter Diihos, Sugar Bowls, Celery glasses, Table sets of six pieces, Bread Plates, footod sauce Dishes, higli footed Bowls or Preserve Dishes, low footed Bowls,.Water Pitoers, &o., ail very eheap. The' popular Lion pattern, also a full assortment. A.nd a large varioty of other hand. sôme patterns, ail of which will be sold-Cri", OBEAP 1 Be sure you don't buy China, Crockery or' Glassware, before you examine, my stock and get prices. Ail will be welcorne, whether they buy or not. GROCERIE S. My Grocory stock is full, weil assortod and frosh, and wiil be found the cheapest in Whitby, as I have made another gonoral reduction in prices se as te give tho people cheap Grocories for Christmas., A. H1.1DAY. Brook reete Whitby. Dec. 3, 1880. i NVo In8--inuatof.s,'-but honost 'Facls\' i And to subst;antiate what 1 say, I invite ail who, r equzqý BOO T-S'& SHO0E S HÂVING- BOUGHT AN UNUSUALLY HEÂVY STOCK OF - Crockory, China -and Glasware' For thisseasofl's trade, and being anxious to reduce it as much as possible before the lirst'of January, I have decided to give the people of Whitby ana surrounding country the benefit of a cheaý-saJî'fo TU.E HOLIDAY SEASON! Belowiil be found the extremely low prices of a few lead- ing Uines, the cheapest I think that have ever been offeredl in Whitby. CROCKE]RY. White Stone tea Sets, 44 pieces, - $2.00 and $2.25 White Stone Toilet Sets, 9 pieces, 2.OQ 2.25 4 pieces, ".1M4 1.60 White Stone Cups ana, Saucers, handl s,' 50e cand 60e per doz. with handies, Ile 90e, $1 (Jommon- White Stone Tee, Plates,' 65c and 75c, ci Breakfast « - 750 and 85eo i inner - 86 and 95c Brown Teapots, - - 17c, 20a, 25o each. il Pie Plates, - S, 7e, 8o ci Pudding Dishes - -90'3 120, 150, 180 CH:INA.81 jameuozi s Oi!'Stand Where ho will dispose of it at prices hitherto unknown in Whitby. F THE STOCK CONSISTS OF Silks, Grenadines, Mushuns, black and oolored Lustres,r Cobourgs, watered Moreen, '3hawle, W oo oda,'in . PlJouds? Scarfs d4nd Mufflers, Fuis, 1 ý Cps, &e. READY-MADB.CLOI'ÀNC' Tweeds and Over-coatinge, Prints, Ducks, Dmneerns, &o., Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, mn faot everything that is kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store. Tremendous Barùgains i.n Millinery and Manties. ALL WISHIING TOI SECURE GOODS AT HAIF-PRICE!1 Should not fail to make a "Rush at once, as an opportuig like this seldom occurs. Remember the place-JAMESON'S Old Stand, Whitby. THE SIGN : A RED FLAG. Wbitby, Nov. 17, 1880. WHEYS«UFFER WITH: A CO7UGHýE WHEýN YOU CAS BE OURD FYR nly 25 ENTS. Witby, Nov. lat, -1879. To T. G. WMISml sq.: Dear S ire, es 1 y îde bl svere cold. andI a coagli Ihal vas dhelresaing 10 vituras, I tried soveral cthourondeseabut uolhiccg did bu an>' gooi laicuil I Iril Iyour pulmenlo Syrup, vhicli rolev&d hlm mt once. mid outirel> c.rei hin i n a fev. ida s. oiuce thm.b lima diffesmmucera o7 ni>'famil>' have usaI b i i lice samo pleaing.resul. I voulil dvie vayoue auff.ring vith a congi or colil to gir. lb a fairbaiaL. Tours ruI>'. ToT . Whitby. Nov. 241h. 1879. TaT .Wlifisld, Eaq.: Dariig tbbcput fov. eau the virtuos ef vour PuIiicloul mcp hav" boom Iborousil>' lîsted luanMy aml, mund 1 considar il à af aff e lmfooivo reccil>' for a cougi, cdl or mu>'affection of bhe throi'. YTus ruI>'. Ë UGHFlB. oTG. Whltby, Feli. 27th, 187. TeT .W14taeil, *l,Whitby': To T. G. Whiùt Doir Sir, Dmar 8ir,' I ril your ]Puinconie Syrup amu Hving you dlirecod. for my'chilslrsn'a colda. bolesof yor Ci whicb vire vory b"t. The firel bottle admi vileuptia gave groat relief. , d l. seond quit. offleme>'. Ieau crd thonih. The Ptcla S yrap honlil mIlpersona efflii lie kepb in ever>' bout. cold or sors 1hr YOM%, 4 in =y cao, effu Whftby, Oesb.188uh, 1879. Te T. G. Whitfielil, rEq.: . Wh Dear Sir, To T. G. Whitl I. have muibplàamre lu stabing - a i Ibal your Puluo 8 êl4p ba ebeen lu a uis inMy âmi fr bhac, o om Pumoulo Syru able remed>'for eeu4 autil olda, andI I Ihât I have fou lbel eofiont in r.meuiling il eb "ba"itt abheri. I romain, rotsra ly, riti>, Nov. 209h, 187. àbU, Esq.: Sa sovere colil, I umeil one 3elebrilei Pulmmone Syrnp mre boîr lestmno ita a hsarbily raoommend it to eteil vilh aither a oough. oit, fseling Ihat l;viiia o% a cure. tours bruI', Wl! J. FORISTTH. ui>'y, 141h marcb, 1879. dell, Eoq.: 'ing namil your Celebratoil ip in My>'famil>' for a-num- laie pleasuro linslaing md gr.al benofit (roiil, oc lie au exeqlienl reincI>. Tou r bui>, B. J. JOHNSON. To T. . Whilfleld, Eaq.: Duar Air, 1 have froquontl>' umed YTour Polmonlo Syrop for affections of,' tb. bhromt, villi lie moat gratifytyrema anud vonli héartil>' reeoninend il le ail singera and açaîkere. N. BAKER. 0f AUl Saints Church Choir, Whltby. Novomber 289h, 1879. To T. G. Wbitfield, Baq: My Doar Sir, I have plemaicre un temitifi~ng bo the effiome>' of yonr Pulmonie Syrnp. About Februar>' of thia year I via suif' sring (rom a sevare col ildhrough tho use et ono t bo vi. ae onliral> roll.ved. Ou@ of My chilîren vas mie biios vith i bai cola liter in tho yauir, ail the use off your Syrup vas productive cf the sanie resulta. 3.8. ROBERTSON. i', . . . . . . . . . . . . To corne and examine my stock whbinh, will be found com- plote, with the eheapeet linos ever offredto -the* peopIý'- of Whib and surrounding country. o0 Mens' hand-made Xip and Stoga Boots, (warranted,) also Boots. and Shoes with the INDE STRUCTABLE, SE&AM. .A fine assortment of, Rubbers and Overshoes. COME! 00MB!! COME1!1 4.nd save money. If yona oannot#be 781uàt e 4'in1stok -woe anu maeyou a pair. N. B.-Repairing ineaily, cbeîply sud promptly ce utei. Be OCK.Sl., WHITBY. - R. H. NUNN. PROTECTION PROM HIGH PR/CES J.A X DOUCGLASSG Having bouglit the Bankrupt Stock ef E. FROST at a tremendous sacrifice, lias opened outý in 1 1

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