Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 6

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__________ ~~C. A.. YaitmeC. K. Vicutm u t ~ w .m . President la tbl slmllyl .wllb ueee yDnl o gamr iu w mW. L WUIklaa. làTfl nT ~ UU t~hWilliam Forbesdsrc uev-Tt.picplo htyDsrc ui War of I19145-T.Adam, F. VI... y âR o uary VClub élUS) 1r for Stokely-VaCp.n uylHgiSoo-Te eetris Co Brantley, G. F. Carter, B. Chart- GM . in3D. A.%-- A er . -Served Whitby '22lYears ridge, M. Fallon, W. Fte, R. G. E. Hil, D.E. J.HarL.C . ge Service before self" bas. been of Nurses, the Canadien Re d Johason. W. 9. Kapusclnsky, j. the motte of the Whtby R ol t a r y Cross Society, the Salvation Army Lyne, . MrahilE. . Mdi-Club which bas operated ln Witby and others. In more recent years, aci. J. Mlvor. M. Ok. L. Pet.y for 22 years. During that perlod, however, such donations have been 5Yms Y o Suhrad .L hms h lbaewl nw etent ho.Tecu nG. Philips, W. Reai . . ScorJ many of the services rendered by channeiled through the Commu- Wîton W G Wgsaa &A.WUl- citizens. psrticulariy ta the par- $8.000 an the bath bouse whlch i Wsn, W.. go A. enta or guardians of crippled chl -prt ofthie Wbitby Coinmunlty ____________________ dren who have been helped in aSlmn olrje etdl gWEDh M R zCu«cIÂNS very practical wiy. Crippled chil- the Towun of Wh tby.. snd votcd STOCKHOLM îCp) - swedIsli dren's work bas always been the $10.000 ta matai a concrete floor ln tehiclasitnc o skrt't; min c 'cer ofthe Club,:andtbe th commuyarena whihi8 8 O .1 5 r ainngfoemn urà, been heiped ln one way or another the year round for many purposes. industries. startlug wltb the loin- btk to better bealth know that ORGANIZED IN 1,33 ery and ready-made ciothlg ngu- .srvice before self," mneans iustlY 'The first meeting to organize a dustries. Machlnery snd equipment that. Rotary Club in Whitby. sponsored will be furnlshed by Sweden.as Thc club over a period of yeas-s by Oshawa Rotary Club. was held well as teachiU andi administra- bas given gencrolisly in such or- February 16, 1933. Charter mem- tîve ersonel.ganizations as the Victorian Order bers were A. B. Allin. Georste D. Astlay. A. A. Archlbald, Dr. B. B. -e Beaton. Re,. (Cpt.) Tom et Fyrprt~ -~ af a C. E. Bowman, A. G. Browning, -~ --- vp fli fl 1Vfa~uKC. 11ev. DrC. R. Carscallen, 1,o1iday . D.G. L adual 1 1 4J.M. Bablil, Dr. George Steven- £nocuA Lson, Donald A. Wilson, Donald MUA5~ M~~& a'~'Ruddy, Dr. St.auley R. Montgom- By B. Il. LIVINGSTONE 'to express an opinion on that Issue cr7. John B. Perry. J. J. Kicran P M fT VWASHINGTON t AP) - Leadiniz ai the bearing. Later. lie bld re W. C. Town, Boy Fowler. rn W H TBY'S SPLENDID I.AIA EGION HALL American authorities on polio re- porters bis vaccine might event- E. Collins, Rev. Dr. J. VanWycit, 1 scarch are divided sharph- on th- ually be developed along the lines G. A. Canning, L. T. Bandel. Char- Wlh the relucrn to civilian life Worid War Il there was a strong lu the focal poin-t of Legion îe question of suspending mass ln- Dr« Sabin suRgested. buit hli Sw ter directors were-: Dr George Ille of the hundcedm of Whitbv dcmand for Uic erection o! a so- tivities and pt-ovide% accommo- oculations untt opûs1îFe ni sate ît-o rûaçnn for haiting the preseni Stevenson. president; Dr. G. L. youtw men i nd untl %ho Fer%-- cial and recreation centre This dation for dances and banquets guai-ds are bult into the Salkt vac- program Macdougall. vice - president. ed in th(, univi lorccs duringi modern Canadien Legion Hall of other organizations cine in New York, the National Foun-l George T. Astley. secretary; A. H. Times-Garette Staff Photo The rewearch scientists are lesti- dation for Infantile i'aralýçis de- Allun. lreasurer; Graydon NI fying bel ore a House o! Repregent- riined to comment Tne lounda- Goodfellow. A. G. Browning and Fred James, lI46 Frank Thh-ead- atives commerce subcommitte'e in lion financed îast s'ear% major Ed Bowinan. <Id - h~"wbi c. technical discussions which îsto h Salk vA'ct lndils CHAR'1-R [N lUS W hiby Ca adi n eg ongl,4. Hr Augustus. 1R<0 't commitîe hopes will create use t i%.car in1 cotintrN.-%%ide pro-1 The Club received its charter a ,lR B Johnston and James *reriewed confidence" inttelm- g r a m amona first.and-secondt May 2. 1933. at a dinner held ai W ' 1952. 15 aod uu.mnztinPOrm rade schooi cbfldren in lie United thc Ontario Ladies' College. and ~ ~ 'There cere 22 cxacUrthr taIvaccine M a in u larture r i-eeappeared b lie no dis,-dent, r. StvNiaaalso . frum Phi mcm bers I put amngtie experts tint Dr. Mse. NaaaFI.gvr An organizalion sshich for mnny local communitv organization'i.a ~balied immedlately unlil new pue mfel ctv. nor of tbe 27tb Rotary Interna- I yearii bas diimently and effective-, irr swl1a er Aiioouaisedistrict Sarincesdeniaandlimes vrulen"rvirsoboeveeislkMs.acJocobç tMcontydististanding hâintmth Pcdoor ly o~cd fir he Iereta ! x-room. canleen operated under à A Muir. lat vice president. W. B used. 10 Drý Thomias Rivet-' com 1-AS OWN VACCINE weekly meetings have been held. that hasopeae ne h o ynm o oe1 ]y oqkd ate th Inerstqof x-prîs-ate club lcense.. set reîarv's tutherlaind, 2.1d. F, G James. ment lia! -iî would be tragic If ve Pr, Sabin. a loing time critie o with local and outside speakers servict'nîîn, thi-r familles and dle- office, and otier laci1itir- the treasurer. 'Han-y lnkpen. serre- çtopped now' Lie .Saik vaccine. is a researcher presenîiug their viewit on à wide: record o oetdaigadcsoe aifcin h pende-nt!;, and hlis so participai- huiling eeeitien, A m(- i'ý îC.<- tai-y, F J strffier. chaplain. s,,% , v i: M,8 ani ihe Uhiidrens Hiospital Re- vaiety o! subjecîs. At tlieetc- 1 measure t -e ghd re ofcndneadgo-w cd l an mae cnîrhutonst~fui and mogi important jlac c in flev David Marshall, sergeaflnt- Dr, Jonas E. Salk. who de- searci Foundatien. Cincinnati- lie inss greal bas been lhe amount (if who recogie Mitr adaea aepae1 vartus cmmunty srvics làR M Deveceli. executive. W. H. ber o! Uic panel but be decline-d due usîng a lîve virus.rîther than cammdty ele ithevon pof lcdon Bran-h i112, Usoadian Legion of OPENFID IN 1945 ;BrownNleni-in Dale. Erir Clarke, !ie kiiled-virus type pcrfected by andb. pedodlstricthe ne-n o!h e vrnenasuttaW tb onh casnoftsC bie Brilisih Fmpire Service Lea' I Tic fi-si regular meeting o! lie Bomar Boake. W H James %,I Dr. Salkbfiyanditrithv.be i gue Tt l an organization of which Legion 'vas held bli e ne'. hall A Price and pas! piesident. àS J rfssB m n diini eomndn OAy» Eý the f With inthi cei- n Aril 194 Pror o IialIiiie.Brag hall in manufacture. Dr Sabin l'he Club over s pet-lad of ycars tenniail 'ý-ar con bic iiisii.v proud iihroulzh tic kindnes'i andi se'cros- trwnmugl tie >ear heLe 1- nis ro paid. il wouid hi. belier' if in-hausbeen gr-eatiy issisted by ticMheteH O 'Tie 1i'iJjooni trs -sin eveiy -y a itvo! tie late- ArthurIH Aile. gîon liag made nin'contributions riis scpsbulatioînç iere poslponed uîiRotary -Auna, beth e ies no! tic to ke-p alise tie me-mory <if tioe-meetingzs'vere bcld on tie top out o! itsatmn range of actîii Nicosia. C>'prus tReubers) this fait, wien il dors not have the members. Tie fair sex armiof tie who paid tie supi-eme sarifice in flotîr o! the Alli-biildt Wien lies. Il bas contributcd tc t-be Can- Bri.ai.n's Middle East command iPotential danger il dots now . Club came fuebebing on Ocboier Ivo grc':,it vers in orde7r ual ut Mr Allun pnssed nMsay he <ft $5,- adian Rcd (Cross. lie ('ommunity ieadquarters e-as under ieavy Polio t% more prevalent lu thc 2S. 1933. ut s luncbcon at the Col- today nia%, -njov democracy. frn-e- (00 10 lhe iranch and dtis amotint Cicat. Orbawa Generml Hospitai. barbed-e-lme barricade today afe ummfer- lege. and wlth à membcrship of dont and.Illeiî'hi-ler way of .life beilpe-d to finance tie memorial M-iîtby) toun parks and lie Wbît !tic ibird nigil running o! bomb- Tiaqt approaci ewas dlspulcd by " HALL hall building- It wns typi ai tif tie by (ommunity Ai-ena to which $1.- ings by anti-British Cyprio t er- Dr. Rivers, o! the Rockefeler in-* lTh. growtb ofthe Club after t JIlC OB-%4c I FINE MF.Nt<)RiAAL Inlerest Mm Allun bas atways tI.k- 000 'as given ln a word. lie Le- i-tuas. stitute for Medical fleseamch. New Inceptonmay bc hlusbrabed by thc One of tie lown's fineqt build- e-n l inte Le-gion. and io us indee-d gton la interested lu lie commun. Terrorista W.e d nos 9d a y nigil York, and Dr. Joseph E. Smadei îact thaon Japumry let.13. l lngs is the Memomial Hall on BY- fitting loday tihât1 ine4een ln, iîy lu general tossed nine more bombs, aii o' of lie armys %Waller Reed Medical -au pt-esented 1with bhc Rotary ron Stre-et South, lie firsi unii o! the building in a poineni plnce, PATD St'PRf ME ACRICE tiem lu stiempta th MIT British Centre. Washington.bedfrotsnugUctreîI VT sthici 'vas opî'tîed and dedicated a memnorial.plaque in Mr Alunolcr'T' adîr vretlie. rRv-issi novci, a ueldfr o poins u uth embresW Legion in a reset- an~offca!e m woseloiy. eeInu e Drver la rahe destno Ibi anc b.d m eointsc b i t inewm brs L HTYODTM R T S N FTI ln 19.15, and chichi servcîi tic Th ic obsmerv i e iWbîlby nmwoeàarich contribution, n fte eiul.ee idtetsigti n a n tedneb h 7hDs L tîani-i inil growli snd expansion ent and appropriale manner surhinl men siho paid lic supri-me sac- T b e underground commando lasI summer-' in tic mass inocula- hiido! Rotairy International. Cu WHILE M RTLPOE-W SRO RTN ln îriorii and %vonit necessi evenis ah lie famous baille- o!fV-.rîfîce dumîîg ito tMars Thiîr leams have exploded 30 bomba this lion gis-en selected %ehool clsildre-n lu Ibis centeanial year the Clu taled tliî-crci ln o! tie norti My Ridge of the- first greai car, names are ontmn lie nolaph shine' ek in camefully orgînired raids Dr Smadet said na anc couidI loks forward la even gi-ester scu -_______________________________ wlng<).). th e ii liopn e M rs eanutrmmrac a o-o ecbiaieo ludsSrieethrougi Cyprus. Thc atîmets. Con- predict stien iron-clad impruve- cea in the future than ln the past. .'ld.195, v tc IonLelieFralvember1lIti. and lie annuai pop, Easi, and on bronze memo rtaluiated ou Brilli militai-s'per- ment. could be pbm ct -put___________________________________________________ premier of ()ntamio. This %wing con- py day appral ta pmvside funds tabtets lu bhc Legion Me-marial snuel. evidently bave been mas-: wiii new difficulîles îrising .Ili 1I*IM tains, ini adudition in otier 'forifi- for wci!are work and ebabiliîla- Hall. Thce Si-e termtnde-d by a secret Cypriot or- r-adi lime Jilstas hette-r la use lie-s, (lt en'niial lihrarv gîven to lion among ex sers-terme-n and .L ar oft,4-118-'JGBait. F ganization wiich voeu ta drive ties-liaI 'as as-ailable and nu at-iltm___ the Loulou Livb W Il Moore, for- ticir familles lici-e and els3esMicre .LBnrf, 8tO, BrillishouI et this M4dteranca.n'ldint-yf mer <larmain o! tit Dominion __A._Bth,__T_________CIlIland_____ an -o MlittomGemu TarifBor, n rpesnatv PS PEIDNBi-wnell. R.J. Coreill L Daines. One o! Wednesday nigit', bomis Sl1 ETFR o! Iis ridlng eI Ottawa for many Thoue wbo have uers'cd the R. G. J Dow, F W Aldiie, M. a urlcd ah s >ccpload of BtlBELDEi'AM P years. Tb was lu me-moi-y oai tlIbranci as pt-cident since 19M6 J. Fillon. A. Fulton. îmcu Pullon, topspatrelllag lu th. port City WOODSTOCK tCF) - lTh. Itetr- wif, ad l cntari mny o te ae JhnMrCleliand, 9 'RI John Fulton, J A. Gales, H Gît of LtMassal. Tertts rldin.g on naîiasaily knoe'n Holstcin tai-y finest books wiici Mr. Moore was I r McNèe. 1927, Hart-y James, christJJ Giiffen. J Hirkntus, F. bicvcle. lobe-il a oy-es,""- -,tich fat-m. Springbanik. o'vued by T. R. pieused b înive ns somrethlnig tint 1928 29. 48. anti 49. Joseph Wl.- J. Hartrict, R N. ohaston, NN G. uoiÏiru, juring CMof aitbeu. Dent. former Progressive Coie- was muci neetled sud greatly sp- son,'193. 93. W W .P Ashton. Kssssy. W. Llgbtfool. J. L Long. One grnaem iiW l damaged i votive MLA for Oxford. bas bouc preciaîed by lhe Bt-sncb. I1931-32; E. M. ùAmai X. 1934 R. W. H -e, F. Murphy, F'.A. 1h. bomàeet aiMba8bea=e iold, lit eas reporffl Woduscsday. The building'hoday, wbicb la Dow jM. Devereîl. 19U., 1936,1937 and McGrooty D MeBilesIlJ. 1. '34- 9«»Ua. chia .1 etateUMs »MM W 1.tumsawus the ttwuioboms being enlarged, contains a large 1938; David Pîst, 1981-40; VicIai'Cicland, ë. A. Milvuy N . r i ef.e. a dOpst M wàleb et SSibmh 9ow Co0u at esa,0. aasembly bail. witi à well equip-Jabaston. 1941-0, Andrew Muir. Neil. C. H. Perry, V. . saa. adeiscaMitidi. ZasIssemest a oder olb.he-worId Ilicituestw ýped kitchen, used ody by mini 1943-44; T=m&& Semple. 195; A. C. RiesW. IL Skr4 MI br. ce potcal »amd h matura. fat produeiag r.rem d FRGESAssurod n QIJALITY Hu As a cotyqmrotioly new hfim n 14# Tow'n of Wtîby, w, VTI'V50rofkewIIprr1500h het r*Wpetfully solte thse Cert«tenmoîW. Ioo foreaord totha IM mex? yeors with confidence ihot tbiqTown a byo UCKYt Ou ficocoe ve h f IirMwîil ipovsd at-idgrcaw. a eCOURTEOUSXWMbsrestepol f' Stnew, saoatdbutirw«s jta t vr c ye eorDETIA*YPkhrlnw<d srrondng re pondd fluns0 $gnou nrv'c tvpon>tocfufdTl.BLMOEobflepfg vision, R~and plInc*d OAN rurpse poim * oyyos e UFFA bupseM9,Ete Srd0 ici LUKî I foU OJS . h~C _SERVICE DEPART>ANT»ffjf~ »4ffl *WM QW bOUi > 4WMO 107 DUNDAs ST. W.-0. WH'vM î. ~ r IM~ -?:.v-.-..' Uns.- "a. "éb iiieon meetings ln the htj nmun-ity Arena. - way of the hardwarestore on seventyf ive yeors. A ve contrîbuted n large of the people of Wht-y Io business W. 'coin wîth -ntennal. Cons brough Pastent dwav-eCh In YRE iplc CILITIES 0F THIS STORE 1 caei G DESK - INFORMATION. Dw -à who lj - steps h thase - thalt t posses ho b. f Il aud la -- part lu ST. JM - It nWhihby, Uin AprI We wt f rom the -people Of fident thot the Town of yeors to corne end thot e -Bank of Montreol lni Vhitby, Oshwo,. Ajax, iOur Loon Mana!ger, People wlth their money wiI b. happy-to ossist ýOSSO SATUftDAYS 7rA

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