Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 17

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EROCK STREETSCHOOL J OW' SALFS S ervng .&U Puble Sholpu- two-roorn ichool la tUn to"u. o- &ocolBoard offic" iai W demf l I-rou La u tarbie, puis .pils of Port Whtby la the roc cated on a main tboroughfare of clded <bat a vire fence sbould tbure enjoy a smmuer tempera- 'Street sehool, showu ubove. The th . o Ock Suree, S. eloe <lhe yard. Ibis vas co- luie sevei-al degrees lower than .School, incldentally, . onthOy leudlng tOte i dugtria rea, structadlit ycar. LOcated uam uptovu pupils. 1 -Tmes-Gazette Staff Photo ST. BMBM IW-ISTO MEONT SEPARATE SCHOOL WIMb'u oly e B si ras Sebeel vs etgsl bW t h$aMMam -M Ii laW.e etconAtutawim a u. tth@t lsfaclilalethora. Abee la andd isla ""*bove. St. u ac raad bi-cuglihi hows <t adItice, falugDU Industrial Development Ih 'lbs etM cd Wltby'a de,.lcpmei la th@ PaSt sud the part pee > llasbed plans, pu hs locathahro lu recent jIot fuit>' realized by o1 Th* or>' for yeurs hou moi-c Industiai asses e th* icviinhh ~burdcn on real estaha, ~ndustries te give stenilY I1v empioymneit ta aur a @cvident fi-cm thc pas ,Ibo town <t Counilîs bersmof Commerce or 'Trade have madiei-cal e :ihhs lune and, Itmust hi 'achieveti s certain nmew 'ces. Neyer fer a moi .we forget thase who 'hing ber. thc IndustrI .bave, and. by the sarn *cwa a debi cf gruhîtui who la i-ceont ycars h bard ta brin g about a -dustriai developmnent is :Man>' ni tbe tarlit. -<seing the town. suc-h 'tester, power, Industrij .tiansportation have1 'corne, andthere la no ,.Whitby f rom now on ,waucc hn un ordçriy Uelie ndustriai front. l'To Charles Chaylor ',ommlsloiicr and se ,ager cf the Cliamber of swe are indebteti for tl :ist cf Industries bere * ,flounecd: :Dunlop Canada LLi Trrees and Co. LMntc'd, :ber Company, Pikkri LlldExqulihcit V ->tore (Canada) Liraiti J.Anderson Compan ofmstry and Dispha>' drew Antenne Carpe '(Joit comploewti h1y mai-a Construction Co 0:(ocated lu Wlltby lu Ïargs construction Pi teped), W. Gary 1ectrnistht. f rons du 1934, Chleago Pi (booglh site sud vil1 aiMUMu Sca Coep 39MProse (baoUla 'fl uCamp et sport E la 91 Cossolda t hunbour site. mo Tnt!ld Lea*ois(C sea& (RBmwgeP0 u To Future Growthi a IndustrIlSaab sud Tram. Compan>, «ai f ev yeurs. ffl dWu.smcmm.n<aivuth long estâand ud at, but Mn haut, the receu iwho have announcement of the lai-. laut tycars. là ta lie eracted li e rv'l., hbr.., Lur cîtimn. Power sud Paper CO~<au'l r s been for Caylaor'a lit 25S' au<l. ment ta belp large as all. aml hob ida bat intalerable othmr are inaeattve ngoftuatl h alec more tha present tima. yandi tucrs- 'fe.ýldustital piclure, <bdmr .citizen*.I <lasbrlqbt. Wbo eau <eh or hlmsec t histor>' et whet the. future viiihrtUg Bourds of specWe1note ni theli Ublb fonus along lndustry oc i" n~Brou vWb" WUva e sald. have forced ta, claie ha dcci'. csIagto sure cf suc- uuiatlsactory business coedtions )mnt must. 1< was tha hava's cîdesl Induar>' labored to andi onc wich tlhc tovn bâed te les we nov lace. Ih.bo dhIl#s bave simca Ce token vi been loi-ndovn andi on ti sMe, a ide io those modemu sbopping centre la sem Lave Mworked inc up Thli rentre vii. UsaI grenier ln- mach cf Ithe tax -reeue forwwMrI> ýn th* <cvii obtaeei(from <be tanaer' ýr probtemu TOWN'SfAVMORAULX POSItION Sas lack cf iMr.Chaytor. tlan aarticle lb <b i mtes and centenlal bochiet. <lv,. <liru e e' been over' celleut ai-tusnLt a IRm cd <l reasoc vhy Town cf WhIIby toduitd al %*bs-' shouhd ad- ment1 manner on 1. Juat illea <f5from MsU'ouiJ tan lToront (8e nt lefimu Toe'cel r, ndustriel I CKy 110111 ýCrearyman 2 Une <ird cf wbM*Cs&",n Co mar) liiket n tinbiasout 100ndue11. le f OIînu in£ 1 Excelle« ot cuankat»u bor a1rriiad>'raIl, min l" i a CPR a"dICI'(lI Toi-auto tIoicetivl. Pas.<ongIs Uc tovu as do"s prVîucIeiJ nhled. S, L wa>'s 401. I asnd 2 1Ajax .Lum- 4ln & ll $gbetw*«o <ieh 'Ing Tarins rejlia a hm bu j 'oul cd, S Flu _rje wbaiby barbw « s Dy lmitedi, plus Bout. Au- & Abou 70 acres usaOUt )Mt= 1-td MSt U hpu.0 o fldutnha 'sar1i, MeNa- 1, prtuw , vkýç MM&g bu mum t. vMb &nAl -'t- 0.an o- vi<b aMPleW alts KeuasCl>' mUIn«y au a b&reis Ite tri ung I& G- M Um ee i-c . mtu, eres.U bm lieus ë tl.sl DrM il. AM* vIM A# t-:o w" dsTram lvabli . a 11h> Lnit ut &A&MSCAUSE 7 DRAYES Wedes.ia atais Be Sm ACCRA. 0ldcM oe(API-Imi j heavisi raluan on ce cou01 ver riai-ii sovc Colta <b. lei.year REGULA ~C LM Tmd. u Students In Sm ail Town Recording Its Hi*story CmtusilaPi-eus StafWrte REGINA (CP)-The children cf SumerbM hveput It dewn fe an t see Tbetmm as a "notable Mx-ocf ladies," .<be <elevlslca i-e- &eptfonmsiust so-so, a lot cf <the local ccvi have Bang'. diseuse. Mad la 19M6 Pet.e e*ltt's garage buree d wa The 20oi- sehool studentu aie ibummeber. a tyldeal Saskatcb- flegme. lncuded <bese and ocher aippets ila acaPbook-stYe bis- tmof cf eir communil>'. Written by a dosen differerni bouds la cauious. -eall-leglb1e lu the Stnnmerberry histai-y 0< «bundrediwhlcbhave or viS le dome<ta year as <the sehool population%'sapecill cotil butim ontheibmprovinces 9golde u- bilee celebraion. WIDE PARTICIPATION moue <bau4,M)0 ihooulu la be provi ce vesexpected ho partci- maei h gradi. tbougb most band, several alreadY have corne OUf commertial presses sud otber have bes tped sud nilinso Fi-arn b.muade et pgse cmp preduoe& M" mpè -m enta vil euu <bou ncstvaluabla ho tbe <m-ralhit of cf <bpff-e iace aud <liue viiibu put on micro- film by thle provincial srcvls, Dr. F. E. l'omas, aud hi staff. Most cf <lie histories open la tbe Samne ay-'.Our lown la situated lu thie h.ar< of <b. rea<et vbea beit la canada" sud *"itla bei- tbat our story beelII5Y Tii..lb" plunge lato a chronologlcal heap cf facts sud fires on charclies, anI dsealers. pool halls, sud a cow decapitabed by thle mornin train back lu 191I. T'.he gliM e boolstudmata ai Sheunavo, la fbe soubveit cor- ner cf Susafliea. inelude a paragrapli each on goafasd skatlnj Whitby Obsei .- m -àbÀ@-W b'la ul>' 104 s h.eeba nuebM i". of dmie avni Jbome.Juxtspr viit wuva lield <butyesnot « rk. cloar, for tlm < u aotmci-'A men prlintil 1855, hli would Town R meu <buJubil«e corn lM.6 bon,.<the liloevar, lbe celebratlon vas iield Wbltby sud thgvasa btg affair, Ddln rim m <y dndvtb<i u la<the cela= Wallon.gram s Cehebralice beganwUthà a@if»t à<ha i unenscria seviceon <on dshethett <' cf <b. Coliie ltc ta ud h aaly da vus sponsored Joilli>' b<le <own T fla aud ccunty. playcd 'fere vasa a t proicelebratà cf sporb ts M»I ma etie groun.; sudlppu at <bat dmrne lefait r -ouds, foi--tut tas loiw la <Ine avenlag vià l -rm' SOM mnaiemMd concet udan»Il i-a llfersM aie dispia>'-Pasulsaut ar6ià ver. ba-dwt U cm I» eseerepro<r. Tyb r e e<brases tbouuSd imik simàut n*haAu hi Il -omm rage--badger flgh<lng. <ki Tii.>'explalu that <bis "terlf- lag sport", la knowu 4W asd vide b aud sM Ist cariedt on, despite cli-toi Jections cf humane socleties and itm charges cf crueliy. Ih begins wlih t a local poocli standing before a I bau-l awulting Uic exit ci a M scrappy badger. ."ebadger luvarlabi>' outwlts Us thc dog," Uic students sa>, but theabs outeome la neyer certain sud '-wep have neyer heard of anq baclerl beeermlug ricli overnlghi. s8 The yougsters ai Machiu near In thc Aberta border due vest of G Saskatoon, boasteti cf <bel>' Junor C hockey players, iucludlng Clarence là Campbiell, nov *president cfi<theC National Hockey League. Kerroberi, about 60 miles soutli- east cf Macklan, notes that antcf 01 the loal belles stili tates around m~ the bueksbot sie .uffered la aJi Ballove'en escapade back in 193 but, except for tbis and- a fev suIcIdas. *Ib. tovn vas moder- tà aid>' free cf levlessnese other ihan the commnon assaulisas lu suY eoum feuil>.' RAI.? rVANDAIU Tii. PbWuS et Mais Cub, »W a predcùenly Mennoulte vil- lage U « mieset of Regina,, <Id their fledgllng interviewers <bat the first-corners ver. troubled ,by de- scendants of the coureur-de-bois vbo 'dlsagr.ed vifli settiers sud hshot eccvilnstead cf -dcci." t Theii. tudettake speeialpains b<t point oul Ibat Main Centras'& h ome-hi-av whisky la those deys, 1 vas used strlily as à cure-ail. 5 nover as an intoxicant. v T'hi. ligâer velna-runs tbrougb Il a&l thc histories, but the studentsi geserally vent ta gi-ent lengthslin 4 preeningthe artal.concise ,_ tor ofthercommniuties'devel- a oprient. Commentai -» teacliet-"Onme rve Jublee In rv q% - $ïg Success «rta srot. Ailaflar. id Occeta ere hcid and rua off at Beydensliora C*rt lu Ithe evenlng la <tha Hll cllrnaxed thecel'ebra- a uceesa cf whlcb, l'he KeYstcncreortci, sur- sp&Pr SsMs <bt euet thc u u tm os lb. jubila. PMo iras qa dapley cf antiques cllaglta Insltte. âemgi aoktug Utansils aed lan<thc miles cf thec ccsnmaty an Important ri* a hle bon, sud <bey undei-tonk rforsai ed l several Impor- Ofe et ha nmber et vi- maybe bad!frouthe actue y 8eys <n 0devoted tueus <al111 t sanies. liare ouovenir et tli -M et uhicli ame 001 b mon gÉ whkab oma*L Mls sort of <bing."1 Mter golden jubile. eveut n ie whools lncluded provlnce-wlde CBC roadeasts on Saskatcliewan's bis cry, snd a speclal haif-bour mua- cal proramdurlng vblcli more "an 1o000 sehool chidren sang igether over a complex radio net- ai-k. sted <hua la the Wbitby Ky' ione, orne of <vo papera belng publisbed ai <bat <lie, the other ýeing the Chronicle: William Rob- son, Mayor, F. J. Joues, harnesa maker; Western Bank -of Canada, George L. Wilson. photographer. Geo rg e Le«. Chinese- Canadian mundryman; Mathlaon Brou., gi-o eers. E. Stephenson, ticket agent; Charles Todd. Baker and confec- Laner; R. N. Basset. Jeweler and opician; George Cormack, lumber merchant. Mrs. Crosby. mlllinery; Jacb MeIntyre, hardware-, WiI- ahm Caiberle>'. harnesa maker;, M. C. Lswler. grocer; King Bros.. taners James Long. produce: CeFui MESMER YEN DANT TIMES-GAZETI?, Vrtdq, Suas W, i W. J. H. Iliclisrdsou, statianer>" Wlliam Newport, express anA freight' Mises Moi-ley, mlllei-; A. D. ï*rusertalai; E. W. Evans, Son, acinst; J F Pr', ump- muaker; ýE. R. Blow, ticket agent;, M. W. Collins, boots and ahoei; W, B. Warper, coul sud wood, W. J. Luke~, repair shop; the Queen's Botl, Ross Bros., staple and faucy dry goods; Standard Wiudmill Company.; 1. Paquet, bar- ber; Albert W. Jackson, genersi merchant, -Port Whtby; J. J. O'Connor, blaclismItli; Willa m Hurlburt, blacksmlth; Nicholson sud Seldon., furniture suddmnder- taklng: J. H. Downey sud Ce., fuel;, Walters' Dry Goodi, Uic New Armstrong Bouse. The. paper records <bat thb e crowds comlng te the. centennial were fed b>' Uic cherches and ailier organlzatlons, ail of which report- cd a good business. Mayor cf Whitby in Jubile. year vas E. PL Blov and ciiens ai Whltby, Broaklin, Oshava, Port Përr- and Uzbrldge and other places la the couniy formed them- selves iz4o a Count>' cf Ontario aid boys Association. Speakers ln- cluded Coi. J. E. Farewell, KC, Dr-. T. E. Kaiser. Rev. Dr. Thorn- ton. William ROsa. MP. and W. B. Hoyle. MLA. Threatens Lif e Rusa Deleogate SAN FRANCISCO (Heutnr)- U~nited Nations officiais vere Te- ported Wednesday to- have r.- ceived an anonyrnous phone cail threatenlng ta shoot Soviet Foreli Minister V. M. Molotov. United Nations security ebiofi. passed on the ibreatt o <lhe SMi Francisco- polilce who sent rein- forcements wlthi rifles onto roof- tops te watch approaches to tii. San Frandisco Opera Bouse viier thc loih anniversar>' meetings aM belng held. The rooitop guard vas Main tained as delegates filcd In for the aliernoon session but when Soviet delegation officiais sald Molotov' would flot 'In any case" be attend- ing it the rooftop guard vas <ci to corne down. DEFEAT JOE'S MOVEC WASHINGTON (AP)-The len- aie Wednesday cruslied a resolu. ion by Senator Joseph McCarthy (Rep. Wis.) aimed at forcing the Big Four conference to digcuss Ibe status of Soviet satellite states. Thé ~roll call vote was 7 to 4. Fnturing -QuaFi ly "BOLUEBIRD" DUAMONDS J.w.IIer OUR, ,LATEST SERVICE,.. 16, Uiii 1 M vmW f>*W Mid e-« *4 U S iaS ID u n * 0 ms n - m ~. e a y. 1,wm! - to the TOWN 0F w HITBY on the occasion of its 1OO~BIRTHDAYJ frontm TUE TOWNSNIP0F WHITIBY"1- tEDAILY Ti MAN MI A MURDEF drame in the town Toronto ter- when thesi ai-reied and der and armt North,. top, au cf Kenneth Jo ager of a loi i-an after the robbed the lm~ Re caught up vere about i was shot b>' Rundreda cf the fatal sho -Centri bron Curtd Planning , BERLIN (A] 15 planning I samlc-powereî ulal newspapee Denischand, ci man Commun dlocks wouhd b listions" f rom I Ur. Gainia 5ielced b>' campaina sp*éh some ln New York of bombinga: :Paz- vas e: Aires dur againt he h newstùn th6 matin ins btd* moyop Spresident <o- doms in that -ZTOOCO CENTENNIAL WEEK VALUE, ElESTINM 0118E 10*5 Cù'ý. Ft. '-R-f rig-erotors e-op ol * UwOW p A4.~I. ~ 144w rr ?uey - j'. Sdht I~ ~ Sofré - WM mpmmtMWm &; Mtà at d mj >a

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