Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Jun 1955, p. 16

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-- 4- ~ -. BROOKSTEETSOHOOL 13 Twu-SAJLS S* b Uqvlg 1 Pulic Sebo p- tworoom acthool la th. tovn.1,o- Sehoo a rd MoMfcIais tse yde- far freinLake COntrick. PaPis .pila ~ ~ '" ofPrtlitylate rck cted on a main thorouhfre of cided <bat a vinre fnce sbond there onjoy a umxer tempera- * treet school, showu above. The the town. Bftck Street.9. enclos e .yard.Th%18vas«co- tre sevoral degreos lover than :School, Incidectally, la thie oDJy ladlag la the indUttriliare, structel last year. Loestcd no( uptava pupils. - -TimeaGazete Staff photo ST. BEBMDS 3 TWSOIILT SEPBATE SH and la aue abve. b. I late h*iaerâWtMteasud = =rou e 1 broug t hw bat aidiio. fadas gDus. Industrial Deve 'Signpostl' To Fi M» « etom tfet whiby wau$staS iweonit lau<thspast f evyear. tfi ai=t= art played by long estab- ai, Iisbod plans, pins hase who have an iocated hore ia recent years, la to pnot fuliy realizod by our citisen. Po The ory for years has beep for Ci imore Isdustrial assessment ta,ý béiP lm «e thie eli nigh lntoleiraisIeoUo burdon on reosi stata, also mûre ti ~ndutries ta gOve steady and lucre. i1ve employment ta our citizen*. Itlàl as evident from the paît historY 0o! u :Pos town that Councils and Chanm- bers o! Commerce or Boards of sp L rade have made mcci effort% along 1in, lah lino and, it must hesaid, have fo .eçhioved a certain measure of suc- 1ut csas. Nover for a moment mus( ,we forget those who labored ina s bring homo the industries wo aow le 'bave, and, by tho &ame Cobra we bc .owo a dcbt of gratitude ta <hase m ,who la recent years hav e worked in liard to bring &about a grenier b I. m .4uatrial dv opmnent hi the taavn, e Many of the tariier probiemi ilr .facing the town. auch ase ack of =wtr power, Industriel sites and ci .t;sortaiof have been over- cm écone. and thero la no rosas whyT ,,Whitby farmno0w onlshould ad- m wsanco Ini an orderly manier on 'the industrWaifront.,La *To Charles Chaytor, Industriel 'commissioner and aecretary-man ,Îger of the Chamber of Commerce, #we are lndebiod for the ofclowing >it of Industries hero or aiready ,announcod:T Dunlop Canada Lited. 9. L. Trees andi Co. Limited. Ajax Luin- ber Company, Picke'ring Ferma -Llmted. Exquiuite Forus liras- 1itg" <Canada> Linid, Wiliam J. Anderson Company LimIled. 4rIwelry and Display Boues, ha. drow Antenna Crporatios Ld. (Just completed this yeu>). MeNa- mars Construction Compaay M c .:iocated la Wbitby la 104 wtth à 4srge coutnltio rofram cSn- templated>. W. Gary Writu l- atrnni aLId. (<tr a nsaa Ciya 4ai 194. Chleao Pristed St*lag o. ac o u býtast-amre itte 0 (bought aile aad vil bul l tler>, J!n allasSica Corporatioslin MU Ps Mi(bu ing e, mi a SteyVau Camp of Canada !4s. U-4(oodlproducers1 Woo& ds spoetand! Caae Wtby Limil.e S>Coasoldated Drgimg Mtbarbant aile, sol yetbt, trbJWL«We okda (CamaIs>Un. 3Cà- WDW -mMD lmf4 OWU AugLa fMOIl, W.u4-, lJ NAINSCAUSE 1 DEATESw s eiay lau &mmsamite h I s. ~ ACRASf. GeldCo@st(AP>-SsOVM MMMb eUvn nlfalos th. Ol ÉcumenOft I pmons vu*rflrWorta I doalCaseS l" Ub. la ms itire Growthliý àh and Trams Compas?. Rda- eld Brms. mosmuntalver ad lut, but nM ". at, hae Ment aowacem tceit hoe 0 splat o ereemtel bore hi th.eBiurst> lower aid Paper Compaa. lea Mt.1 ayitor*s 11,1 25 listaI laluslea.$ ange al smnail.mil hls *et<h hors erg la ative s.goftaim IOs «hs present tinte. The industriel pictmr. Unrfor à bright.Who cantel or go@§sie fh t t e future viii brn S It Il oaly ntlgit. w-o tblck. to inab ipeciai utof tthe ln.la tsb. idustry of X Bg rasgv.lh vm [or oa close Ite doms owin to naatlsfae<ory buhsinessesdItlon. la was thse tlavis ldeat industny. and eue wblcb th. tovi listadIot âmi. Tbe budiflg bave suce bleun tar ovadesMdon the slte, a modern shopping centre là spuia ing tmp This contre viii fu* mucb o! the tax revmue forssfy obLaied tram 1h. tanne?> rOWN'N FAVOKAILZ POSITMO Mr. Cbayo..<n ra cle sa<b ?cflflhiibookil, .gi vgatisesn orntent resos ta laver of <Ibo lown of Whllb, imndu#trtaMIesso, 1. - i Uit lMlesti m Matrop tan -Toronto atu aules (rom Toreie. CK<Y Hall 2, Ont thîrd of vw"iaCasa&" nanket wl<in a ibout 100 n«n l. Excellent commakatio rail, Mainlin o( oCPIL aid CS& Taonto teNmoateal. :-m tbwros Lb. Lova as bom provts-iallb*- rways 4bas Il am 2, villii athe. atu"Itm* 7. Lasse setket Lm& et - lm S«.aIel -au m- 8zr, binsU hmum s. il, Am*l vsr iUsh - -- qâe 13 huuL= 1duuh PMr lmbui i _i tStudentE Rec ordii By DONmR&UmmH Caaila Peu Stff WrI<er REGINA (CP>-The cilldren o! Sunntrbrr bvupt Lt wavafr aat se: rMe lovabas a notable cerounofde'ta .lh e leii the l" w lae Bag'sdiueaie, and in 1946 Potelo Rittv garage -burnol lova Tis0e Sdl achool saloens- at ewaneMM ast o! Regina. inluded Ibose and othor saippets ila a eeapbook-slyls bis- et fC r comnunlty. hi a : b àdom different bauds intavleuSas. ocslly-legibie il"Dda. eSIlflhlb@M lTyhltorY Ua ty ofhundreda vhlch have be viih du bis year as lise sciool popultii'a eia ioari biles celebrations. WIDE PARTICIPATION More <basa 4,M 0sciools la the province veru expe t o partici- te in he - 5i.AIChOUI oug09 tori 1 rltt n lalong. bail. several already have cont off commercIalpresses ail otheri have bue em l Md misse Prom tUn IMoMmi o! p e ente viii ea = Cho et lvaluabl te th. genewalhwat7o!ienprov- ince aldChose viiih u t n co filIn by ltheprovincial a rchvaDr. F. E. Thomaas. cal bis staff. Moat of Ch. histories open lu the S ame way-'*Our têvnig tla t la tho e o! ob.hegrealttvbeàt boit la Canada" aid "tiLla bere hat ont sla begis." Then they punge ilala scronaOgIOl baP Of facte aid figure on churches, auto deilera, pool ballaaid a cow decapitatol hy the MOrnhng <relu baek la 1913. Thahb ciool adteta la lb. . n teoutivtt cor pcrsgraph aci on golf ald skattnS WhyObsei Ju1y119O4-M A~ImsieWbhi< 3 In Small Towni agIts History thon d lveiote .localsPortlng evey 50 yearslaoenmugfr raghie sortro! thtig." 'iz nMsy SPORT' OCher golden jbileaev n t he They explain hat <ils -"terrfy- ichoola lacludeL proince-ide (CC ing sport" la hown 4r and vide broadcasts on Ss>aeivn'&bs aid8 st acarriol' on, deapIte Oh- tory. Aid.& sPeeil alfl-bout 'mia- jeofo!humane socleties andid s!pogrm dug lich more chr o f eruelty. Il begins willi lIai 10,000 scil ol drmu fang a local poocli standing ---et e a- loger o e o poxrdo nt barre],l.avaltiag the exit e Vak scrappy badger. TI.badger invarlably oulvîts listol <bus la lbe Whtby Key. thse dog." tise studenta aay, but <lie atoe. ont of tivo pesbelng outcoeons anoer certain and "we pubilabed at <bat ntL eothor have nover heard of anw hackera b = the Chroniclo: William Rob- beromlag ricis overnlgbt.' son, Mayor; F. J. Joncs, harnoss Tbeyoungter, at Machin, near maker: Western bganli a! Canada. <hoe iot border due vest of George L- Wil,%on, photographer, Saskatoon. boasted o! thir junior Gie orgea Le.,Chines.- Canadian hockey players. lncluding Clarence laumdrffm; Mathison Bras.. gro- Canspbell, naw prosident o1 the CMEI . Stephenson, ticket agent;, National Hockey Longue. Charles Todd. Baker and coafee. Kerrobert. about 60 miles soulli- tioner: R. N. Bassott, Jeweler and osI o! Machli. notes hat ane of optician. George Cormack. lumber the local belles still totes around mnerchant, Mrs. Croby, miluinery: <ho bucksbot aile anffered la a Jacobs Mcintyre. hardware: Wil. Bailowe'en escapade back la 1938 lant Calberley, bernois makor; but. exeePt for Chisanad a fev M. C. Lavier. grecer; King Bros.. suicides. "'tho tovu vas motter- <suera James Long. produce: ately iree oi lavlessness other <liai Ch. common asseulli as la aiy eoom famny." EARLT TANDAN The p4méern at XMt mn 1a Prodomnltely mennonite 1vil- lagt 120 nsues t f Regina, tbld their fledgllag interviewers <liat tho flrst.consel er. Iroubloil >y de- scenantelsof Lie coureur'lic.bois vso *'dlsagr'sed viti seCtion aand 1ibol covi instead of deer." tThe tudents take speclal pain'i 1<o poli ouI Chat Main Centrc's i h onte-brev whisky la <hase dy vasu usel strictly as acr-u nover as au Intoxicant. r Tâligister vola usthog a aU thhis oie.bu ho itudents generally vent la <rosI leagtis la presontlg <ofattul. conce storYoftic<r con=unnitlos' deviel- a opment. g Commeitel ou telier: "Once j! U cd the a 'sjuhitue. Juil why It vau hed thatYeur lanot clear. for theésavs vas mot lacer- porated anti! 185, wvhl hwould mua"be ojubiles corne la 1M0. Bowever, tho celebration vas held and St wasàa lo aaffift, judglag fans sevîpapefre-p- -ts. lu ocm. <y joinai vtb but u thée el Celebratias becac witbàa pnt mnemorial ervle on the <rounds of th. ColegIste lasitute and It vas qSsored jolstly h b. <@vit and conty. Therevaua:<net propran of sport ai <ieathletie trou ag esede a»d cocet &a rteh sMe dispil?. PromâmiuS s Wi ce os ort pro.rar. T b .e. <bt a o m qpi atauuI am <h on tbu fow nisadai foret the ebratiaiý. d» 4Ulli hgmia e bandl ed a paradi ptW 1 r-ns <ho Ogau truck&W an pIsi dai i*penipitaon tWe laitice 1,L tI AL WLLR VALuLni EESTINMHOIISE 10.5 CU* Ft. "Refrigoerators t LoTrde s S.pu- e« 9" ved Jubilee In~ as Big Succesa Vau decoated streels. AM!after> mmo bamd ooncerts vero held amd =.rt rus off at Bydensbore A cSffcrtla the evealng lan<the Town RaIl climaxed the celebra-1 tien. the sucemo f %which. The,. = ?Jeys<on reported. sur.' grain was -disdlay of antiques nt th. 7Collelatm itute. amasg <hem eookiag utensils uned la the UrIy days. The ladies W e b onmt pulyd aImportant roit la the celebration. and <boy undcrtook, ad Perforrned » vol sevli impor. tant tashe. Sons. d0à of the mumber of ei siasmybe bad frme nC.fiel gbaeKe0Ysa:on.a edevoted <lire colonmsat. Ch. liaI o! nmres. aud WOU aMd &lpd es6 i sorc.eoft'sb. business places a botig ettbe an, Wor=bm W. J. EL Eichardson, stationery William Nwport, express ; anàt n L f faih is Morley, inllner; A.1 D *rase, tallor, E. W. Evans, major;. mauo mIch;J .ýw m RzDlgt mae;E. R. Blow, ticket aet SAN FRANCISCO (Reter)- M. W. Colins, boots and shoes; Unîited Nations officiais were re- W. X. Warper. coal and wood; ported Wednesday to bave re- W. J. Luke , repalr shop; t h e ceived an .anonymnous phonoe all Queen's Motel, Ross Bros., stple threatenlng to shoot Soviet Foreig& and fac dygod; tndr Minster V. M. Molotov' Windffl Comnpany, . Paquot, bar Unlted Nations security ebisi ber; Albert W. Jackson, generai ssed on te treat to the SmE mechaut Port Whitby; J. J. gran.cisco police who sent rein- OConnor, blacksmth; WiUim m forcements with rifles onto roof- Hurlburt, blacksmith; Nicholson tops to watch approachea <o <the and Seldon, furniture ad amdor- San Franisco Opra House where taig . .Downey snd Co., h Ohanvraymeig r fue; Wetes'Dry Goods, thie New the1 h -cld. ay etng r Armstrong Bouse. eg ld The papor records that t h e The rooftop guard was main- crowcis comîng to the centenntal talned as dolegates tiled lu for the were fed by the churches and other afternoon session but when Soviet orgagnizations. ail of whlch repart. delegation officiais eaid Molotov' ed s good buines. wouid flot «'In any case" be attend- Mayor ai Whltby in Jubile year mng IL the rOOftop guard wauts old was E. R. Blow snd citizens cif to corne down. Wbltby, Brooklln, Osbawa, Port Porry and Uxbrldge and other DEFEAT JOE'S MOVEC places In the county formod thom- WASHINGTON (AP)-Tbs ea-m selves i140 a County of Ontario ate Wednesday crushed a resolu- oid boys Association. Speakers in. ion by Senator Joseph McCartby cluded Col. J. E. FarewellKC, (Rep. Wis.) aimed at forcing the Dr. T. E. Kaiser, Rev. Dr. horn- Big Four confereoce to discusth. ton. William Ross, MP, and W. H. statua of Soviet satellite states. Thé Hloyle. MLA. roll cali vote was 7 ta 4. qutaMoivÎlâ to the. TOWN. OFWHITBY on the. occasion of its 1OOh BIRT-H D AY: from THE-TWSII 0FWHITBY q M CeFE MENEýR F.oturing ,QuadIlfy e"BLU EBIRD"# DIAMONOS J.w.II.r ~sr * TUS Yqiih * Y. ?swdon *mm "Po Auh *um , s a OUR LÂEST SERVICE MW* 607 l«o ml,0 slu %h#A «d' .bwi «woo *vwo lm-* aie EDAILY TI M N M A MURUE] dramia in th( lawn Toronto tor when thes armesteti andi der and arm, Nforth, top, ai charged i wth of Kennoth J( ager o! a lo, ran aftor the robbod the lo, ne caught up vere about 1 was shat byi Rundretis of tise fatal sh( moon. -Cont- lIon Curti Planning BERLIN (A. la planning -atomlc-powgee nist newspape Doutachanti. o) - man Commui elocks would 1 listions" farn I Dr. Gain" of La*Prensi forenist ne *silqel »-by acAnspalgn à speech anme lu Now Yorl o! bombinga Aires du against,<ho newsmen <hý other move president Le doms in tha ~TOO CG * - * s s * e e 0 T,

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