Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 29 Jul 1949, p. 4

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P A G E- EIO N T-.EE N - ,T11E 1-DA- - - V. 1 9 M b f l« A 2 P% deIDYauJUm 2m ig4 WH.ITRY Whitby Recreati*on Ass ociation lias Done Splendi*d Job Shortly aftcr the provincial government announced that f inancial «aid would be given to communities interested in the expansion of recreational facilities, Whitby Recreation As- sociation was formed and in the fail of 1946 the present ai- rector, GoHdon 'vc.Nahon, wvas engaged to assist the associa- tion to promote and encourage the development of recrea- tional activities. Sevcrest critics of the organization admit that -much Nvork has been done, and that W'hitby, recreationally speak- ing, has becomne a more cxciting place in whiè}r to live. Froni the start the association has maintained a strict- ]y "hands off" attitude to established projeets. content to ]end assistance whcre required. Possible resentment there- for is non-existent. and now the director and association spend mnore and more timie assisting while also promoting new v'entures. Has (iood Leaders Durinig ît.,jshor-t ie the Recre- by s!tagIbgR contesta in bait camitng Rtioni A s so c iat ion through i L ýand marksmanship. director bas bren lîmîtrum1enta in~ Garden Club inteu'csting good leaders An %vorî h- while project.s, iin some cascs n suggestion m~as ail t hat R as îiecrs-i Sary to stirt the bil rolîjn!u, in others constant aid is rcquired. If the AssociatJorî hnd onlv crr'dit arcruîng for the initial Impetus RAvCIl1tocheChldrens Theatre, the noney spent to date w'ouid be weil used. Ilt I quite true that wilhout the inspired effort.s of the Modern Players and their taientrd direct"r, Mrs. Ralph W1lson, intercat wouid lmave lagged, but the idea uîss soînd, and tht- grrnip of -oufl players has gaitied wî,de prominence for excellence of performance, aind -t ie work bas been iîlghly coin- niiended by a nationaliy' knowui cr iie whn nttended 1thrir Imu nicas' Whîtby Garden Club ls another active group, and many youngsters arc developing aLn Inierest ln the lmbolesome pursuit of gardening wvith the encouragement o! uts mem- bers. ZSeed bas been given ta sehool chUdren and prizes are otTered for resuits. The gRrdenq are belng Judged at present. and keen com- petitAan and lntsr.st Is evîdent. The animal >hou, b be hpld Augu.,t 25, is a hlgh point An the ve-ar for the Garden Club and îs con.,idered ho bce of nthe ltinelt ln the district. Mr%, Sain Burns, the lady m-Aîh the green thumb, L% the pre'lct. Hlome and Srhnol Homne anîd Si'hool Associations of WhAtby had been dîsbanded because Art (Jroup 1of1e Reres Aon Assocaion th utg The Art Group, another baby of!1th romr n cion 5sohetnav ,,.s,'... th1e Association ba.s creatrd ss'kie- interest and for the past N'o yenu's tspuead Iuterest aund 0v miii ual An - cadli pujblic' scOmi inWiiWOt bs'Oas ..tiruicti n ad slf-cit icisrn, m - , oha abealthy, a(t ue chool gropîp.0 o' 10e memnbers bluis sastltv upros' cd Bridge iwc, r~ clet vemvTue ýday C h, i.% pianned bOni 'A cornpcet Iî.strîîetou' wîll bp obtu md for ne xt fe 'nug durnîg t he wîuîber season, winte andthe roup xpaned nd enjoy tlhorough)v the compe- 1 wîitr ndth gau 1pade ition sud soctilcontarts provîded11 Fish and Wild Life 0v the Duplîcate Bridge club, ledt The Fish and Wild -ife Asc-by' president Gardon Grobb. ThisV atIon s one o! the newe.it and moI dcuO la unique in that no prizea a re t 'EUIPPED Here in another view of oue of the busy bI.cks et Whitbys Bsn Section, c@ntskulag a wide Variety et stores which citer te the needa of the. Whitby District, and te tthe many vbsior i h corne to thse towu troïm tar and near. Ttluti etade Bok tctNh.okij north from the corner of Dundai and Broc& Street&. -TuI1O-OAetStaffPhisý! was frmed nd. inder he guId 0agement and grasp of th1e rben ofc a MisKeyser and hUer yyflitbyJ B anks ii. flii ringO' peculiar te the district bas en- James, Shred,. many Whitbyites:' ~~ abled merchants and farmers alike. setpleasant and profltable eve - T 1 expand their holdings and ser- ChldennDg('mp. lri e 7Iicm ~durîng years of prosperîty and Chilre-ns Da Câm G r at S rvie T o T wn eather 1the financdaI sorms of Thisis te thrd var or te ______ _ ard ties" Th i- i-, te tirdycarfnrtheDuring th1e 75 years ln whlch Chidntl v'h D na ra çponýorrd Little Aç known of the maniner in mnany primitive methesds were ii.,,d merchant.9 and farmers bave had! aot and ?he MWhîtbv alAý!(1'which re.sident.s of Whitby and disý- in an age when hîghnayrmen were; the assistance of banks in the dia9-, atin ad iie hiby ecraiintrAct safcguarded thrAr treasures comrnonplace and thileves dîd t.rlct.rs, many changes have berni miçorn thion 10 hidren 1.% ii zetrdî'e hefore bank.- appeared an tht, 'break througb and steal '.made, and many af the innova-I mohe uhno 00be d enits ni a d'Iiv scrne, but it may be surmised.that Ca-incident. bowever. with th1e tAons no cioubt have made the old ouîng t tîs ellsuprvsedcam - -_________ county town's crowing importance. timfe. conservative banker stir in Swimmlng Pool Projeet rendily ]end Itself Wo thi% form of ak î aethl perne isgae fSrie commnit efortandthecomit-and Whitby bas had. Nince 1874. Expansion01srie The Witby ecreaion A, communtet tas efftnor t an i commieft-hUe services aif1the Dominion Bank.! Orlginally Intendcd as a place ilion cryst.allîzed the desire ofbfor the stalwarts Who bave given tcond rc e i d cater tneafoi1the fe-m aingc ofrency. bnka rnany people in the town for aso reyo hi im n nrycmaa-eevd Iscare atefr fc n a a îau es swimming pool by the organîrzatitn5 el !tertm n nrv 1871., have expanded their %ervice,% until of th Su-mmingPoolProlE'ýi Anyone wishing toamsist should g tTolee'%w amrmyhvefnnilad ai 11e Swîmîng ool r in louch witb Gordon McMahan, role- o afre nybv îinilad ahi ot b reay titfl ext ear t-alesý Snelgrove or Charles King Other banks have -.erved the rmsedie n.1hvetmy Oommîtot e endud.abnugh nete ~ar m'o wîîî giadly Indîcate the time camnmutily since that time, flot- obtain moncy for farlImprve consîderabie tiork ha-s been dî vý hen theîu- servce ae eedd. aby theWestern.Standard. oal cmnt and the raising ai herdmand lit t11- regard t shauld be noief. Tbh jrt3ok tnad Lhat111 wok 5 ba basbee ~ , l i&by no means a complete and since the close oif 1 iris<~ sadrs voluîarvbasi and as a u 1îîjîlust of th1e civttle of the Whltby great war, The Canadian Bank o ecat nyms u tc vothe burc a' lsalonda, as sutn Recreation A&sociatIon, but doca' Commerce. Wbitby banking is pu-nes- th greater abandon, aqcure An theburen a,,falen n axma vivb &M.Ida& M #ha .5-- M tha 'n . i f I-h a a ,.#f .5-- %mni L11theknowledae that theba tks wfl active oi tOe clubs in tossu ald, oflcred Fo that members may relax' gîoup o! publie t;pirAted cîlîzen.s; IV le I- &Uo U aes Ltie c o'J5V oJun tiy Cin I LI l I~une na a I tnLJUoinionI --- under th1e guidance afitis presîdent. and enijoy them!acivesna îh a e ngt per rk. ItlaI aaAd, and truly, that any Bank and Uic Canadian Banik o!f ______ Harold Augustus, lias made a strang The Teeri and Twenty Club le the KirIsmeti Memolili Park andpeonIOn ft.Ccsted An any fou-m a! Commerce. appeal ta Nimrods and hunters. Trhe, nc~w an institution An the Count y work until aundown. recreation can recelve aid in or- The prosperous growth of Whlt- club bias nlreatdy arrangeci for th1e Town, and th1e weekly dancetsbeld It la a simple thing ta obtain help gaxtntzg and further assistance as by a.nd district s closely allied' otacking oi the streams in the aresa a the high school are well rurs and for a prçjcct which can be coin- necessry iron thias asion and wlth thea, two banklng establIah- Witb traut and the wooded -sections a.ttrac1. Young people frram iIl pletcd ti one oYeMrwhuinfg effort. trons thetr amiable director. Ulew, dte nUgJsteusm ma- P..4# h tn.___ad___________________th_______________asa____________butth casit.su a dtig 1 ra1d1teoinrit.ofchas a pool raiSInbu ___ ____ In the Whitby Funm Fesrt Last wînter a lest hrri m'U group construcin iapodesfti 1-r' 71aI WHEN IN WHITBY Drive Into TOM FOUNTAIN 1s ~a. SiaiiofL We ore cIwoys reody to give you ttsat courteous efficient service in cil runn;ng repaîrs. Spectalizing in greoasing- myotor tune-up - bottery service. Corner KING end DUNDAS WHITBY Ph.,,.427 h -coMINITy Il FOR RECREATION aid and abet their efforts ta pro- vide residents with the best -and newest ln necessties and luxuries of life. This service from the bariks permits the local mani ta compete ti variety and jrice with opposi-J tion I larger centres. In serving meretiants and farm- ers the bariks have flot forgotten the working mani and his 811181 savlngs, modern methods of hand- Ing money expedtite receiving and disbursements and many have found that the. use of banking la-- cil!tics contrai expenditures and Make budgeting the family Income a matter of small moment. Iri their choice ai managers, both banks have made an excellent se- lection. Mr. J. Taylor of the Dom- InJon Bank and Mr. G. -Bateman of th1e Bank of Commerce have a complete understanding ai the functions of a bank, their OwtI re- sponsibilities for continued pros.. perity In the district, andi the neeci of the persons usirig the services of their branches. TO STUDY TUBEUCULOSIS Every Indian School in British Columbia will, during the next aca- clemic year, Include In the courte of health study a unit devoted spe- citically ta tuberculasis. This unit bas been prepared by the. docto)rs of the Indian Health Services ini BritiEi Columbia In 'CO-operatîon with the Indian -Afairs Inspector, af Indian Schools for that purpose. Rotherfleld,' Sussex, England, - <CP) -A 13th century stone coffin is useci as a cattle trough ini this village. écaus céu~ w.~, UN Pru k/i> g p., - SAE FOR CLSM( *S.doe a<mi * C..trama V. Tiab ac'adys M.e sTOctmG £~aeIu.gve 112 rock St. NOath SPIENDI DLY Where Whitby Shoppers Can Satisfy Many of Their Need8 ~v, ~v ~ ~v~v' ~v' ~v~v~v ~v ~v' ~v ~v ~v ~v 'v 'v Moto rists of Witby. WHY PAT MWORE?- DUY AT REASONABLE PRICES I Standard (Tai incIuded) High Test Pennaylvanta e J~~C1O~1.00 pe r G, 0 1 ......35c per Qt. Sp cIal 011! hisl Price Par Gai. 65c DRIVE IN AND SAVE AT.. VIGOR OILj TIRE SALES& SERVICE4 SROCK ST. N. V.wHiniY PHONE 6444 A A A A A A A A A A. A A A ~. A A A A A * '/7 FROSTED1 LOCEER RVIeCE ,- LIMITED « QUICK FREUINO W.oso f'fuses, amui" j 1 FRIDAY9 JULY .29v 1 1 "4«1» "09 u«Almo l""q PAM EIGHTEEN bAILY 'TI-MES-GAZETTE

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