Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 29 Jul 1949, p. 3

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vnm DAILY 71 - SE RVICE CLU :,BS. ,..-,Rotary And Kins Organizations Are Xctive lu Service Every modern cornunity today is fortunate in having groups of its public-spirited citizens organized into service clubs, whose aims andi purp-oses are linked with the welfare of th'e cornrunity. Wh)Iiny is no exception, and is fortunate in ha\'îng two strong and active serv\ice club)s ca,ýrrying on * work for the benefit of the town and its people. These are the \Vhitby Rotary ('lui> and WhitbY Kinsmen Club. These t\wo or-ganîizationis Lave since t hei r fliIt ioti. completed many worthwhile nrojects of a public niature. and have made a mwholesomne imprint ont lic ]Ife of the town-i. Their miembers are p ~la 'viIg an active part in thew promlot ion of the Civic Iholiday Fun Fest, and are keenlv intcrested in secing that àt 5 a COmJilett4success. Wliitby Rotary Club, the menor service cl-ub in Whiby is a mnember annual miinstrel show, produced by of Rotary International, an organ- the club w1ilh a cast consistxng al- 1at ion NNhiich h a d It s nall beiz n - nmos entircly of rmerbers. Money jII1ý;m (mag) 1905, mlr) alritosed by tItis event is iied ta fur- - i.ris iii(Jlivvother imen w ere lii-thler the mwrk oat te Whîtby club. s.ed to mvd W irdea Out sv(ert oPast Prt-idents t popuar Lii plui e'l s ocial Sua e 1933 te fullow ïng men have luncheon clubs ii the (itY.Sertved as pre.sîdents: Dr. (J. H-. ThH t h. , A.et ulf it~si Stevenison, Dr. G. L. Macdougall. 1111(1 scuvIt lUw1s utitd, lii fuuid ln tIe lii l)(ling recoi rd (of tid lxidual clubs anîd the fuct the Ru)ttivrv ow ha, ieXcess of 300,000 rnîmnhers in .,00 clubs e.sîabIi.,hed ln 80 coun- lTies. t)îîlv in Busa and u un tries belîîîîclthew"Irun Curtain' islte Utt4ii 11/i 1<11pr(iscri bed l'ormed in 1933 B(11,11 m 1913, 1lie li alI l;ibb ha.s a fine lretord of servue l lto 11.'cm- mu11tv ;1t1( a nt impoîîîrtatnt partIi ille vci o nal andt humantîrîaz of t i uthîe parent bta dN. B' vlllits anîd tecilt plutvers lu Wlîut Pv Ihave îole uy I l tuîtk for the îîst of tht' fie club liuttîse aid goîds oute 'vet s ugo the place xvsg it ugtI o ru11111tîtti J1iutarIy ste'p-1 ppcf( ii,1iugliî . ren'titted and D)r S. R. Montgomnery, G. 14. Gooci- fellow, G. A. Astley, ki. W. Keown, J. M Rnùblîn, .D A. Wilson. C. IL B3owtîan. J. R. Fr-osýt. E- L. Odlumn, R. C; Grobb, W. M. Prîngle. A. Archibald, V. K. Rowe, P. K. Drai- tuttii I>esidexîî for Ihizm, ear la Dr. Kinsmen Club Shuort)lv alter the lîr>t Great \Var. Thisa part of the busine«s etion o Uial oe, a returnied inan aAnd a block. on the north side of Dundai rt sidetit of Hamtilton lUiltJd that lie Dominion Stores and a nuamber of mis.sc(d greîîtlv the contact, ex- change of idea.. and îdeaiist.îc ser- - vLce xx hich hhud bvee bi.s life for neiîlv tur yarswîthUtc rm ! and Cl! Gartshore was first e- rivaly ouryea: mili he rnid iretary. forcs. amanri wIhh The t hief projeet for the club Seekng amannr luxxhlh h durlng the vxar years was the "'Milk nigltit retai iii soute mea.sure the1 for ]Britatal" fund ai-d throuiyh the bctîtîtx o bi îrrt xpeîene, e ffortst of lis membtrs and the gen- nimde as aible to Wltiiib.N re.sidents conceived the idea of a service club, erst ftersct-, 500qat thuit active recreation centre. 1 purül), local, and wîth the radical of rniik were shIppeci to ueedy Lesspeetacular but o! even1 inclusion o! an age anuit od 40 years. children in Exîgland. greater Worth is Rot ary's unceasîng Thle club was formed i wth no pre- The club al.so spon.sored a club In work on belhaîf o! the yqung people. texîtturis of greatne.ss, but iL c!Id f iii the wartime village o! Ajax. Thtis Live., ofinany hauve been muade hap- a need, and members leaving th was te largest club ever to recelve pier by asssanice given for treat- community carrîed lte îdea Intoi a charter, andi though îhortiveci, ment of crtppled children, the allier centres:w bere It was accept- dc! excellent work for the commun- handicap of pour xisIoîî lias beeni re- ed, and not many year.s aft.erwarda ity and for Britisht chilciren. inoved when gla.sses are provided, i he Kîiusmien Club becaîne a nation- Cmmt rjt education lias been muade more in- ai arganization wîth memberships iiiiÃŽylIjtS teresting for many who campete for f rom coasît t coast. Aflter the war, tht local club the scholar-ships provided by the The local club was formec Inl directec Itis attention to îhe needs club. In maniy other ways tbie club Api 942 andi recelved Itis charter Iof te com.unlty .and h'ba complet- las proven a help andIinspirtion In a h âr Convention In Osit- cd maiy projeCto 09 major Wortb.1 the tawn. awa on May 15 of the &âme year. Chie! of tim eas s thse purchase A bocial event ln the town 13 the aarry Curtis aauthe n tre ratdent 0o1,pPx rt7 to nu»' a iPluygroçfld Where Visitors From a Awa4. of Wbltby might w.ll b. caffled "bod owe 16nth"_ te Street West of the four coines, ma be se= thse splendid restaurants, resdy t. cnter toi the needs ent1 for chlldren "in the north setionl 0! the towu. In addition to nuaLcng this avajlable, the club efeeted swing%, teeter-totters andi aand-pile for use o! visitors to the parI. Presently belng bufit et the nortit o! tht park la thte ommunlty spcn. sored swlmming pool on la.nd do- nat-ed by the club. !TMe club also,,provided Instru- îments and unIforms for a boys' band, and ma.ny o! thse young MMa o! tht town receive their first 02â structlon lu music at tht wekly practuce heid ln the counclcham- bers. Tht band la avalbe for ail public functions and la polntlng tW wards participation ln one e!t se musical festivala In lm6. »ple tii. P*0Ple Ofthie tovu n »district, a»d telte thse 'MY te md frei Uhe mummer remorts whlch pat et Provincial HughWay NM. 2. _______________ i I __ Dine ai the.. WH'ITBY CAFE DU14DAS ST. WEST "h. Homeof Fin.,-food" * Plus. ForEYONE ema« ut la m ussuala a edmwzUMr - oet,-9«4'làg. Odoua food Md eSut"ousSoe*e am FouFEST t e" *W "1* ,l .M"e. lun rom W.eked arami dfflt-Jot" tffe O.Ut.telue atWb"hy cuites many touriste wbo stop lit Wlltby on lie La, Ufe nortis of th. town. This l* -Times-Oasette Staff Ph,tt Treble Clef Choir Fine Musical Group NAU90QW ESCAPI Toronto, -July .29--CP) -Desplte a broken back andl several broken.. rIba, 2'-year-old Alphonise Lacaveiti o! Toronto Thursday' rolled from beneath a freight train trom whlc4 he f el. The accident occurred wL Lacavers as wtrylng ta leap, one car t6 another -on, the alOW moving train. Awelcorne is extended to.-il41 "l'U l'Et" VIITSRS/ -0 3 ý-ý ý 02,1f umet Fsm peut ievit. We wvaut Y"u t kn.w thâ appreclat. the parengo t là our prvïletg&li est,,,W. shah ýlok IÃ"rwar4te mng 701 u tataauuat »udté have the *o twgity et le yom taste sur ftlolU»m shy 00d food.. Weere Open, Dau am Nigle- WIE1~I'DT, ONT. PRICE 212 Pine St. - LIMITED Do Thoreonm oiy 'IS.rlsgb the G01d Citizan Of Whkêy: for Mony Y..ru. SALES &SEl TIC! STRGWOERS FURNITýURE*.STORE 123D8ROCKN-OKT*IP$t441 Wb= e iUnbsow ts over a-&Mm tssm t. lovmar4 am» <taue t t m*o! l0» b« ~Ob&V-Us9 world on OohonuMe* bs Us We aimod t ore*tt te 49Ms tbot abe l» »aeRt m i M& M Ab* aw-7Ââ*m iw $UP eW pet fO 5 y$*'J m ait «reni.e mm t w 4t,~ ~I£r1tmmvuMd we gl sud U8s4 Mha !H.ITBY- I t.-% 1L Ii~. Suippir «k WLY 299 190 NATIONALLY KNOWN DRUCS AND REMEDIESs We Follow Your Doctor's V E 7e4 - 1 à- 1 the cram Durlng the past season 17 -attrac. tive Young women of Whltby creatà ed a sensation %% 11h their- perform- ant on the concert stage, and raei., dents are looking forward to the return of the "Treble Clef Choir" with the passlng of summer. The group is trained and conducted by Mrs. P - N. Spratt, well-known Wltb m ician. Originaxly a smail group of eight when formeci nearly two years ago, the choir lias grown, and last sprlng appeared attractively clressed - in . powder blue evenlng gowns with' a sequin treble clef enriching tlieir presence. In addition to their good looks, the girls gave professional calibre performances and ln the past year hac! 30 concerts in Whitby and neighboring towns. Their f irst 'appearmBce' for the new season will be with the Oshawa Bancd ln the sheli at Memorial-Parký. Thtis will be held sometime ini Sep. tember. Tme choir la bookeci ao1idly- for concerts until Christmas, an in- dilcation of their popularlty. With one exception the afngers are Whitby residents anc, .memberi or churçk choira in the town. Nearly ail are studenta of vocal and inatru- mental music, and In addition t0o their private efforts, practicge on. or two nights each week wf theu Treble Clef Choir.

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