Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 29 Jul 1949, p. 2

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N%570Sm A Z E T TE PRiDAY9 JULY 29 j9j -FIRST-AID ?OSTS 11 Halifax- (CP). - The-,city's St. John Ambulance brigade lias estab- lished first-aid posts at Dingle Cote, on the North West Arm. They wîll be staffed during the summer months to treat victinis of swimming and boating accidenu. WHITBY FUN FEST' 'Let's Make This Big Event A Grand Success." MERCANTILE DkPARTMENT STORE "The Store weuh the Log Front- BROCK NORTH WHI'TBYI ~êJ IRSÇK lu. 'E' s w*Ty u I lis AIR-CONDITIONED NOIV PLAYING Shows 0t1:00 ond 9:00-.i MoUlu.. ut 130 A: D STR CT NEWS Flroad streets and! attrartive stores make Whitby. the eoMty town of! Broc& Street, 1..khng n.arth te the four ceenstu&" and lnlethLb e ld Onrtario (ounty, a -splendid shopping centre for the people cf a pros-1 natmre9o!the busins sction cf the commulliy. perou% district. which lits te the forth. rast and utat. Aboie ibows j1 1gPho iu Wce TOWN & SONS FURN ITU RE E 8trlbli&hed in IWhitby Sizice 1.927 22 YEARS OF GOOI) SERVICE Ail Electrical -Appliances Authorized Beatty IDealer SALES & SERVICE 24 HOURS A l)AY 126 BHONE SOUTH 1' F1 ~L Mr&. S. W. Kewin hai t tken upl ~rez'idence at 4 Chestnut His Park- ___________way, Isllington, Ont. N~ ,îruahi~ 2 ' ~() f age. the Ontarlo County THA4NIS n V iride tinhip is starting to producte a cash This office is in recelpt of an~ tffidal publIctty brochure f rom the crop a 'WHI s ;>a\ ilg il s ()\%Ni ý%1ci jiitifN ing the fore- covernjfent of Mexico. Itx 44 pages' hec"iiiI ;ïh quarter of a centuiry ago, bought 0f SPantsh baffle the editor whosei trajct of t lanin d andi began platitingz and hoping. Thin- liitic achievementa ended wlth iHigh Sehool French. This la an~ ining il, hving ~ re out thiS Vear. cordwood has b(*nship- 'appuial te b Meian goverumnenu p( jj a 1zW a logii for lumi .bel- dune, according to county to send an Interpretr t.hougb the pc<I :tt Vggiigmail alofla With tbeir next~ booklet. __________________ UYS RaoPrm RreVe RAP I M Eng111,n of U-* i~~~~~hu ha&g s' pur.>i carano brhz icfor1a io cmmîtîee of Ontario ARa awhole itli .t be- chai" the property of Walter; hai î2 ~g inn 1ng t oprofit from. isa mua1dcipsl 3lOMs on the 3rd concessIon, Whlt- foreýçt%, h 'theproVaM Oeil oui by, onalatlngof five aarsm we ï% 120acre.s in forest a pace with more #a n= o tunI- bulidlop. 7be prie, la uaIld to be $3,- now. s,1d idr. Fûtrgu-so.:i. Vt' the les joîing ngl. Several Smtjwàpal OM Mr. lkas wh; h ol'bding asae jPa5it t%%o yearra, 100 more acres wa5 plantat4ons aore now approav*Ilsg 2& ef bouftbokideffeç4 mdw otber er-, acquired each ye&r. It tis sonttNnRiYeCB t n an d »Outare thl*mln LU ft &dy attem~oba <dit; which rtîIl ba3 great poSsibilUes. 1 out acNieve a )e m e or W0tah ColuMbit, IM-à ~Bef tre the fD"re4 wâs statd the" 1 pt, tid. ws >usbarren Iank there. cven Serl wddcisT * unfit for paMurrc props have hen sold toth ue &iOs> DSC<UmAq The 1-,xbrldtte forfst Lk ian -, Ooivrnment and cuider"b1e pulpl - lfdhi< the hest had ce.en aeak- ployer of 1labor and hasa Abenocila: aoitii s , mre iïKteffland it 14 1 ened the usual 110w 0f neya abories effect, (111the ti-%ias %%~hoIeexenedtJ.Jbunng orpup- sterday.. ont reporter considered At itA June Ne-,eîçncouttWil con- Wnnd wî ttnresie rapily. stftsesl« n ntta ldcia mto sidered the aubjeci ec important, the laies! anniual ieport of the On- "UMM"r dog-dba ansd atteinptlntI- that it adjouied for hA!! a day tarie Minieer of Unad d Fr- t r a g n wadea bt# tin inepret t hieorem 411 icolinpaliy e Stwhen he tInd tthat reggs are te- îwith governmtrnt experte. Hope that foreý,ry practices ont.adllng aI 53 a doren, the Ideai , Sete 6u s e %1111 II pntc aie1âdt il .i 1» Improveit as see eitss appralng Sosne of ohe current I4tbt*r a. re..uh cf' thec exaropi, set in t+ t + nrop Ls bins:li rnceied iii the Uxi- cOuîîî f ore*ts tis bhe~n expressetî ALL-STAIS PLAY bridge mi.~ lot ut thiwiluï bal* by golernmmnt forestry officiais. A ,clecled tetm of Whitbv Ail-, been nne rotiet.N and pr.adurtion Coutillea mnade lanîd purChaseA sstars go te o omauville today Io lof pulp ~obhate pald tec notnt> 'otaannmore than 6.000arreq. and: nest fa almUtea tM there. A trV-, dividned. bout 31,*million treee acre plant- otpatc a elaEl rd% on- municipal aud UIOIy ~teday atternoon a? the toan fore&sl cfs,,I h lcal ytr cuiting part. A rturn Came su!lieéhe!d in' W hity Cassfiel iMarch. 1941 Linder the MunlcApa: Wh~iy orCe e from 8Surdar. 0-__ P, 01o payi>ig mere!y the ne VRUCILD tir mU~NALW rZE 0>SO?1< eti f heim municipal fort At t u thIe days wheu the Blis Gr~ s a tte i L"cd * Çn a 1he end of t lipperiod of at-rent, APP)elm VA, AOwIII»,U dancuit, ~ '~~ . 30te 5 >ers~or e 8h5 U Se two huze applea on hlghw*y; et A t * e '.ia~ ~ ' I &t nt po elat-Ctohe p vtroic o fflfoste RIW t Wn4orchard& NM OP Su<W ~~peyvibim sark iudoue bte haes r*DestY onirintd am ~soc s~s~.a iio, a~or T. ~pamîgttmrlaaw Myhab ai ~~ ~~~ ~Two of the niast receai coty fec*frau *aflnt eop15 IfO?4A!ù~ tV~T)rOR1101<1 1vtoi ert offiMciteaUny opeam ln'the 1W pOpIAAIBd Wnva# uIaa 1-O SAIC i5~t .it(y, -Wardra J4mj esSa<A.rbur. ?4eld iWbithr u *WsU"o t4ll *19 rh1l tai7 t.W .Aj 14 Àée*.<f t ià-d1bIw l ithjU*t i e ntbeJi de t 1 :M. , rý U ný y » è utm y loO ltr eas <tic tu ore zntimeMhMWinU tr~wt~r'- i ~-dy M ti h bltreas tic te z 1m =srsi14 fli brrtLr fW&SVW whilb8Ty «'r y as Uic solutin tsam t ý ffl ýmil"etaroua t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Wei et N l 55!41 u ides f t t i&kMd pau- W WfI U P es tWt l 'a Mr YOM 4%D 50MWD- TWO utTg W8 î 587 ~ ~ ~ Swm t la cb de*a.mleu wý,0 Miece m t£à%V.îbvýbot%- 1** * v.emo ,;a)F a14smdi 1a1aQês î <1k or k Ua1 ara Wtft#**t ie mas w«* pllaa _____ d'f- 4 sc¶z3. t' .4a sud 7.w Or. chaud WM4WS 4 f g ig PcisO iS - I a id A itt cmu " Wbi t*mo *t 4 "5 lgup m i w.«*M* tt 0 » *AWWS-ftIA** 4M¶~I.~ l 198.l~F~< ~ 941it~ 0 mcs anu alit I.s.~.Bm-e4a~nAON has no d*Mre to have its reporters ' record à lon Matof mishapa tel local people - a word to the~ W&nt te boy. s"M! ortradc? A IciBaitti ai dthtdemi imade SON FIGHTS BANDITS &dmouton (CP) .-The war hasn~t enitei for mma. N. Clarke. Her son, Gpl. Ro0r clirkge, lzat present with thse Imperiai Army ftghtlng Ma- layan bandits. ROY wus born at iNe Creek, Saak., and Joiued thse Imporiai Ary Ylu 1944. A brother, Sydney, was kIied at Anzie, Italy, ln these econd World War. BIRIJ Regina elevator robin are WOU Dig Septio TaiJ Ehatava"tg1 RAY le DuvaRA BT. TuierShoiu )S 0F A FEATHER (CP) .-Joe Burton, an operator. sud Joey. a good friencis. Tbey have ;guing nd dm Iaatafed amd Gradiug. COLU AJAX EDITOR -- ROBERT CORBETýJ PHONE 703T one thing lu common-both have jost their right leg. They get t. - gether eveiy fine evening in joe back garden and JOe digs Up Worms, -for Joey. They have been friends for the lust three sumnmers, - If you want FUN Go to th. "#Fun-F.st"' opS-1 Se. us -about Building -Mat.rkuals enid Fuel Jamos Smwdon & -Sons 244 #ROCK ST. S. DIAL $24 WHITBY, ONT. i -J I -i a t t * - PHONE 2480, /1 t w- 1st lu', *1 .4~ rQFO URTrýtEN OM BUSINESS OÈFICE G. MACPHERSON PHONE 703 RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEEI) - MMED1AIrE àDUpI! RADI i.o r Pk L .WVCy.TL 0 WH ItTB Y Cash Crop Now Being Taken From HIGHWAV MONUMENT WORKS (Robt. As"i. Prop.> MWonument». Tombatones, Tabreta Elageatod. W.-,phono îue Whltbv IWhitby News InBrief L«eous c-moil et, u MM tmi of loalae eseas et N ~ tuloae FUONB l W. Toke This Opportunisy To Stote Thot Our STAFF HOLIDAYS MILL RE FR<)M AUG. lst to AUG. 8th RF-OPENINÇ, ON TRAT DAI' Our Store WuiI Be CIPOSED THE BUTDRESSD >W.ý TàiIorl Sitti To VYour Individual Measurements, 1 mM-àWMmý »Moi-

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